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Friday, 25 March 2022 09:25

Service - Grade 4 CRE Revision Notes


  • Service is help or assistance we give to others.
  • When we work at home, school or in the community we serve other.

Service at home

  • Service at home involves serving our parents, brothers, sisters and all the other member of our family.
  • We can give service at home by
    1. Fetching water
    2. Washing clothe
    3. Looking after animals

Service in the community

  • a community is a group of people living together.
  • We can offer our services to the community by:
    1. Planting trees.
    2. Helping the needy.
    3. Taking part in cleaning the shopping centre

Service in the church

  • We can serve in the church by :-
    1. Collecting offering
    2. Ushering people in the church.
    3. Singing in the church choir
    4. Leading people in prayers

      1. Samuel served God in the _________ at
      2. A place where we get education is called a _________
      3. Give 3 ways in which pupils can serve at school
      4. How many wives should a church leader have?
      5. What is service?
      6. _________ and _________ were parents of Samuel.

Jesus Christ: washing the disciples feet

  1. Jesus Christ as a good leader served people.
  2. He served them by:-
    1. Praying for them
    2. Forgiving sins
    3. Healing the sick
    4. Feeding the crowds.
  3. Jesus washed his disciple’s feet to show service.
  4. This was a sign of humility.
  5. He told them to do to others what he had done for them.
  6. Jesus Christ wants us to serve one another.
  7. He set a good example for all the leaders to follow.

    1. Name 2 in which Jesus served people.
    2. Washing of the disciples feet shows ________
    3. ________ had first refused to be washed by Jesus.
    4. Name three things Jesus used to wash his disciple feet.
    5. ________ was the most beloved disciple of Jesus.

Jesus Christ Teaching His Disciples

  1. Jesus taught his disciple using short stories called parables.
  2. He serviced his disciples by teaching them.
  3. In Luke 8:18-22 Jesus taught:-
    1. Whoever has something will be given more
    2. He taught them the importance of listening attentively to the word of God.
    3. Taught them to obey the word of God.
    4. Taught them we should care for our spiritual life as we care for our physical life.
    5. Taught that we should show genuine love for Jesus.
    6. Taught that when serving God we should be ready to suffer.

      1. Jesus called Peter _______ times.
      2. Jesus called Peter son of _______
      3. According to Luke 11:38-41 who invited Jesus to his home?
      4. Christian suffering bring _______ to God.
      5. _______ was the first Christian martyr.

Jesus Healing the Centurion Servant

  1. The roman officer or the centurion met Jesus at Capernaum.
  2.  A centurion is a roman officer in charge of a hundred soldiers.
  3. He begged Jesus to heal his servant.
  4. He told Jesus to give and his servant will be well.
  5. Jesus was amazed by the centurion faith.
  6. He said that he had never seen such faith in Israel.
  7. Jesus served the sick servant by healing him.
  8. The centurion served his servant by asking Jesus on his behalf.

    1. Who begged Jesus to heal his servant .
    2. The roman officer had _______ that Jesus would heal his servant.
    3. The centurion was a leader of _______ soldiers.
    4. The roman officer met Jesus at _______
    5.  For us to be healed we should have _______ in God.
Published in CBC Grade 4 CRE Notes

Qualities Of A Good Leader

  1. Honest
  2. Without fault
  3. Orderly and sober
  4. Trustworthy
  5. Self control
  6. Able to manage family.
  7. Hospitable to strangers.
  8. Be a husband of one wife.
  9. Not greedy.
  10. Not a drunkard or violent
  11. Able to teach
  12. Mature in faith.
  13. Above reproach.

Jesus Christ As An Example Of A Good Leader {John 7:17, Matthew 3:13-17}

  1. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.
  2. He was baptized in river _________
  3. Jesus accepted to be baptized as a sign of obeying the will of God his father.
  4. When Jesus was baptized the holy spirit of God came in form of a dove.
  5. A voice was heard from heaven saying “ this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased”
  6. Jesus did everything to glorify God.

    1. Name 5 qualities of a good leader.
    2. Jesus was baptized by _________
    3. He was baptized in river?
    4. The Holy Spirit came in a form of?
    5. The voice that was heard was from?

Jesus Christ Cleansing The Temple {Mark 11:15-18}

  1. Jesus went to the temple in _________
  2. Jesus was unhappy with those were selling
  3. Jesus used his authority to drive out people who were selling and buying in the temple.
  4. He said that the temple is a house of prayer.

Forgiving sins {Luke 5:17-25}

  1. Jesus was teaching people in a house.
  2. A paralyzed man was brought through the roof.
  3. Jesus healed him by forgiving his sin.
  4. The Pharisees were not happy that Jesus could forgive sins.
  5. Jesus used His power to forgive sins and heal the sick man.

Jesus Christ Sending the Twelve Disciples {Luke 9:1-6}

  1. Jesus had twelve disciples.
  2. Jesus taught them many things.
  3. Jesus wanted them to become God leaders.
  4. He sent them to go and preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick.
  5. He gave them power and authority to:-
    1. Drive out demons.
    2. Cure diseases.
  6. He told them not to carry anything.
  7. He told them to bless the homes they will be welcomed
  8. Where they were not welcomed they were to leave no blessings.
  9. The disciples were to rely on people they preached to to take care of them.

Jesus The Perfect Leader {Micah 3:1-4, 1 Timothy 3:1-13}

  1. Jesus was a perfect leader.
  2. He was obedient to God and had no sin
  3. He loved good and hated evil.
  4. He taught people to do good.
  5. He fed those who were hungry.
  6. He healed the sick.
  7. He delivered the oppressed for example those possessed by demons.
  8. Jesus was humble and had no pride.
  9. Prophet Micah warned those who were not fair and just to others.
  10. St. Paul also gave guidelines on how a good church leader should be.

    1. Jesus chased those who were buying and selling in the temple at _________
    2. Jesus fed the crowds with fish and _________
    3. Good leaders should follow the examples of _________
    4. Good leader should be of _________ character.
    5. Jesus Christ is the _________ leader.

Accepting The Authority Of Jesus Christ.

  • Authority is the ability, power or right to give orders.

The Responsibility Of Church Leaders {Mark 8:1-9}

  • Church leaders should accept the authority of Jesus by:-
    1. Be concerned about the needs of others.
    2. Be compassionate and loving
    3. Praying for the sick.
    4. Mobilize people to donate food for the hungry.
    5. Help in raising funds to educate the orphans.
    6. Mobilize people to donate funds to pay hospital bills for the sick.
    7. Offer guidance and counseling to the church youth.

      1. Jesus Christ used _________ and _________ to feed 4000 people.
      2. How many baskets were collected after feeding the 4000 people?
      3. Write things that show Christ was a responsible leader.

Following Jesus Christ {Mark 9:14-29, 1 Timothy 4:18}

  • Following Christ is not always easy.
  • Some of the difficulties in following Christ include:-
    • People being cruel to them
    • Lack of to do their work.
    • Lack of shelter.
    • Lack of food and clothing
    • Lack of transport.
    • Fear and lack of faith.
  • The bible teaches us that
    • We should follow Christ out of love and not out of fear.
    • Fear makes it difficult for us to follow Christ.
    • Christian’s should pray for enough faith to follow Christ.

      1. A boy brought to Christ by his father had _________ and spirit.
      2. Write two reasons why disciples were unable to heal the boy.
      3. The bible teaches us that there is no _________ in _________ .
      4. Perfect _________ drives out all _________.
      5. _________ makes it difficult for the followers of Christ to do their work.
      6. We should follow Christ out of _________ and not _________

How Good Leader Leads Us.

  1. A good leader is the one who guides people, serves them well and sets a good example.
  2. A good leader should desire to do excellent work
  3. Good leaders should:-
    1. Perfect in all things
    2. Sober and self-controlled.
    3. A husband of one wife.
    4. Gentle and peaceful.
    5. Hospitable
    6.  Mature in faith
    7. Respected by people in the community
  4. A good leader is not a boss but a servant of the people.
    Memory verse 1 timothy 3:1
    “This is a true saying; if a man is eager to be a church leader, he desires an excellent work.

    1. Name 3 qualities of a good leader.
    2. Name 2 leaders in a church.
    3. In which book do we find the qualities of a good leader?
    4. Jesus had _________ followers.
    5. Name 3 things that a church leader should not do.
Published in CBC Grade 4 CRE Notes

The Effects Of Weather And Water

Genesis 7:11-24, numbers 20:2-6, psalms 104:10-14.

  • Weather is the day to day change in the atmosphere.
  • There are good effects of weather and bad effect.
  • Good effects
    1. It helps crops to grow
    2. It helps to water land and prevent dust.
    3. It provides water for cooking, washing and drinking.
    4. Sun dries our grains, wind helps winnowing
  • Bad effects of weather
    1. Flood destroys plants and crops
    2. Wind can destroy the roofs, draught dries crops.
  • During the time of Noah, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights.


  1. Name the three sons of Noah
    _________ ,_________ and _________.
  2. Noah build the _________.
  3. Noah was _________ years when he started building the ark.
  4. Write down three bd effects of weather
  5. Write down 3 good effects of weather

The Miracles Of Jesus Christ

  1. The feeding of 5000 people {John 6:1-13}

    • Jesus fed 5000 men with two fish and 5 loaves of bread.
    • After eating 12 baskets were left.
    • The food belonged to a small boy.
    • Jesus asked Philip where they will buy bread.
    • Andrew said that there was a boy with 5 loaves and 2 fish.
    • These miracles shows that Jesus cares for our spiritual and physical needs.
    • Jesus has the power over nature.

  2. The Raising Of Lazarus {John 38:44}

    • Lazarus lived in Bethany.
    • Lazarus had two sisters Mary and Martha.
    • Lazarus died and was buried 4 days.
    • Jesus raised Lazarus
    • Christians should have hope of life after death.

  3. The Miraculous Catch of Fish {Luke 5:3-11}

    • Simon peter and Andrew had gone fishing in the lake of Galilee.
    • Jesus asked them to throw their nest into water.
    • Simon Peter believed and trusted God.
    • They managed to catch 153 fish.
    • The disciples were amazed at the miraculous catch of fish.
    • Jesus showed that he had power over nature.


      1. Jesus fed _________ people with_________ loaves of bread and _________ fish.
      2. _________ baskets remained.
      3. The food belonged to a _________
      4. _________ and _________ were the sisters of Lazarus
      5. Lazarus and his sisters lived in _________
      6. Lazarus was dead for _________ days.
      7. In the miraculous catch of fish, how many fish were caught?

  4. The Calming Of The Storm {Luke 8:22-25}

    • Jesus and his disciples were crossing the lake in a boat.
    • A great storm suddenly appeared
    • The disciples were terrified and woke Jesus up.
    • Jesus Christ ordered the wind and the storm to calm down.
    • Jesus asked the disciple why they did not have faith.
    • The disciples were amazed.
    • This shows that Jesus has power over nature.

  5. Walking On Water {John 6:16-21}

    • Jesus and his disciple were on a boat going to Capernaum.
    • Jesus failed to turn up, the disciples decided go to Capernaum
    • As they were sailing they saw Jesus walking on water.
    • They thought it was a ghost.
    • Jesus told them not to be a afraid
    • Jesus got in the and they sailed on.
    • This shows that Jesus has power over nature.

The response to the power of Jesus Christ.

  1. God created everything through Jesus Christ.
  2. Jesus has power over all that God created.
  3. We should respond to the power of Jesus Christ by:-
    • Reading the bible
    • Obeying God’s commandment.
    • Trusting and believing God’s word.
    • Showing love to God and others.
    • Helping the needy.
    • Living in peace with neighbours.
    • Taking care of God’s creation


  1. _________ and _________ were the sons of Zebedee
  2. By raising Lazarus, Jesus showed that he had power over _________
  3. By calming the storm, Jesus showed that he had power over _________
  4. By feeding the 5000 people, Jeus showed he had power over _________ .
Published in CBC Grade 4 CRE Notes

Choosing Foods

What items do we buy from a general grocery?

  • A general grocery is a shop that sells food items and small household goods.
  • A grocery shop that sells fruits and vegetables is known a green grocery.

14 groceries

What do we consider when choosing foods from a general grocery?

  • The type of material the packaging is made of
  • The weight of the item that has been packaged
  • The price of the item that has been packaged.
  • The date of expiry written on the package.


  1. You have ksh 500 to buy the items below at the nearby grocery shop
    1 packet of maize flour at Kshs 120,1 litre milk at Kshs 60, 1 loaf of bread at Kshs 50 and 1 bunch of spinach at Kshs 10 each.
    1. Prepare a shopping list.
    2. How much money will you use to pay for all the items?
    3. When receiving your balance, the grocery gives you ksh 20 more. What should you dowith the extra ksh 20?
  2. What would you look for when buying a packet of maize flour from a grocery shop?
  3. Write two things that would happen if there was no grocery shop in your village or town.

Variety in the diet.

What foods are available in our locality?

  • The pictures below show the foods that are available in our locality.

15 foods in locality

How do we classify foods?

  • Foods can be classified into three groups
  • Foods that give us energy
    Potatoes, maize, rice, yams, ugali, sorghum.
  • Body building foods
    Meat, chicken, fish, beans, milk, green gram
  • Protective foods
    Mangoes, oranges, kales, spinach, cabbage, kunde, managu

What is variety in the diet?

  • Variety in the diet means eating foods from the three food groups.
  • A healthy meal has variety. It contains foods fry the three groups in the right amount. This is called a balanced meal or a balanced diet.


  1. Who am I?
    1. I am oval in shape and white in colour can break easily.
    2. You give me to babies. I am good for your teeth too.
    3. Monkeys love to eat me. I turn yellow when I am ripe.
  2. Look at the list of food items below.
    Cassava, groundnut, watermelon, beans, orange, potato, water
    Pick one food item to complete the form groups given below.
    1. Ripe bananas, cabby, apple,______
    2. Rice, ugali, chapati,_______
    3. Meat, fish, milk,__________
  3. What is a balanced meal?
  4. Amoit loves to eat chips and sausages, and to drink soda. She is very happy with her choice of food.
    1. Is there variety in Amoit's meal? What is missing?
    2. Do you think Amoit has chosen healthy food to eat? Why?
    3. What would you choose for Amoit to eat?

Preservation Of Milk.

What are the sources of milk in our locality.

  • We get milk from various sources in our locality. We get milk from vendors, shops and dairy farmers.

16 milk

Why do we preserve milk?

  • Fresh milk should be preserved because it goes bad easily
  • When it goes bad, it goes to waste.

Reasons for preserving milk.

  1. To prevent it from getting spoilt.
  2. To prevent wastage
  3. To make it last longer
  4. To make it easy to store and transport.

How do we preserve milk?

They are different methods of preserving milk.

  1. Boil the milk. Boiling kills germs that make milk to go bad.
  2. Put the milk in a refrigerator. The low temperatures prevent the milk from going bad.
  3. Ferment the milk. Fermented milk can be used for a longer time than fresh milk.
  4. You can also use a home made cooler to preserve milk.

Using different methods to preserve milk.

  • Preserving milk by boiling it.

    You will need: a clean sufuria, a jiko, fresh milk and a sieve.
    1. Sieve the fresh milk into a clean sufuria.
    2. Light the jiko and place the sufuria the fire.
    3. Heat the milk until it starts to rise.
    4. Lower the heat and let the milk boil for about one minute.
    5. Remove the sufuria in a clean place and let the milk cool.
    6. Once the milk is cool, cover it with a lid.

  • Preserving milk by fermenting it.

    You will need: fresh boiled milk, a gourd or a plastic container.
    1. Pour the fresh milk in a gourd or plastic container plastic container.
    2. Cover the mouth of the gourd or the container tightly using a lid or cock.
    3. Keep the container or the gourd in a warm place.
    4. Do not disturb the milk for around two days to allow it to ferment.
    5. Shake it before you serve it.


  1. Name the sources of milk in your locality.
  2. Why do we preserve milk.
  3. Name two uses of milk in our bodies.
  4. The pictures below show some methods of preserving milk.
    17 methods of preserving milk
    1. Name the methods.
    2. How does each method help to preserve the milk?

Fragile Kitchen Utensils.

What are the uses of the various kitchen utensils?

18 kitechn utensils

Which kitchen utensils are fragile?

  • Kitchen utensils are made from different materials. Some kitchen utensils break easily. Other kitchen utensils do not break easily. Utensils that break easily are called fragile utensils.
  • Fragile utensils are made of glass, earthenware and ceramic material.
  • Gourds are also fragile. Earthenware and ceramic utensils are made of clay.
  • The pictures below show some fragile kitchen utensils.

19 fragile utensils

Which materials do we use to clean fragile kitchen utensils?

20 cleaning materials

  • How do we clean,dry and store glasses and thermo flask?

Cleaning a glass

  • You will need: a glass,a ponge,sisal fibre or a soft cloth,two basins, warm water,a dish cloth,dish rack.


  1. Put some warm water in a basin
  2. Wet the glass and sponge.
  3. Apply some soap on the sponge.
  4. Wash the glass gently in the warm water. Scrub the inside and outside of the glass.
  5. Rinse it properly in clean water.
  6. Wipe it using a dish cloth so as to make it shine. You can also place the glass upside down on a dish rack to dry.
  7. Store the glass safely in a cupboard.

Cleaning a thermo flask

  • You will need: a thermo flask,a sponge,a soft cloth,two basins, soap,warm water, dishcloth and a dish rack.


  1. Put some clean warm water in a basin.
  2. Apply soap on a sponge,sisal pad or soft cloth and put it in the flask
  3. Pour some of the warm soapy water in the flask and shake it gently.
  4. Pour the soapy water and the sponge back in to the basin
  5. Scrub the outside of the flask and the mouth of the flask, clean the lid.
  6. Rinse the flask and the lid in clean warm water.
  7. Dry the flask on a dish rack
  8. Store the thermo flask safely in a cupboard once dry.

How do we clean,dry and store earthen and ceramic utensils?

  • How to clean a clay pot.
    You will need: a basin,warm water and a sisal pad or a dry maiza cob.
    1. Put some water in the pot .Leave it in the pot for a few minutes to sock.
    2. Scrape off the food remains using a sisal pad or a dry maize cob.
    3. Pour out the dirty water.
    4. Put some clean water in the pot.Scrub the inside and then the outside of the pot using a pad of sisal fibre.
    5. Rinse the pot using clean warm water.
    6. Dry the pot upside down on a drying rack.
    7. When it is dry ,store it upside down on a storage rack, or keep it standing in a safe corner.

  • How to clean a ceramic cup
    You will need: a ceramic cup, soap,a sponge,a soft cloth or a pad of sisal fibre,warm water,two basins and a utensil rack.
    1. Put some clean warm water in a basin
    2. Apply some soap on a sponge
    3. Dip the cup in warm water. Use the sponge to gently scrub the cupon the inside and on the outside.
    4. Rinse the cup properly in Clean warm water.
    5. Dry the cup on a rack
    6. Once it is dry,store it safely in a cupboard.
  • How to clean a gourd.
    You will need: a gourd,warm water,a basin, small stones and a sponge or sisal pad.
    1. Put some small stones in the gourd.
    2. Add some clean warm water.
    3. Shake gourd gently several times.
    4. Pour out the water and the small stones.
    5. Scrub the outside of the gourd with a sponge or sisal pad.
    6. Rinse the gourd with the warm water until it is clean
    7. Dry the gourd upside down on a rack. Ensure it is safe.
    8. When it is dry,store it on a rack ,or hang it on a wall using string.

Safety when cleaning fragile utensils.

  1. Handle fragile utensils with care.
  2. Do not stack glasses
  3. Wash one utensils at a time
  4. Wash the utensils using a soft material.
  5. Do not put glasses in very hot water.
  6. Do not use soap when cleaning clay pots and gourds.
  7. Always dry gourds and earthen utensils well before storage.
  8. Store fragile utensils safely away from the reach of children.


    1. Name three fragile kitchen utensils you use at your home.
    2. Write two things you should do when cleaning glasses to make sure they do not break
  2. You have been asked to show the Learners in your class how to wash a glass.
    1. Write down three materials you will use
    2. How will you reuse the water after washing?

Cooking Food.

Why do we cook food?

  • We cook food to become soft
  • We cook food so that it can be easier to eat
  • We cook food for easier digestion
  • We cook food for it to taste good
  • We cook food to kill germs
  • We cook food for it to last longer.

What hygiene practices should we observe when cooking food?

  1. Wear clean clothes when cooking.
  2. Cooking food properly
  3. Washing hands before touching Food.
  4. Covering head with a cap and wear on apron.
  5. Cook and serve food in Clean utensils.
  6. Cover cooked food and keep it in a clean place.

Consumer Awareness.

What is a shopping list?

  • When you want to shop, you should first prepare a list of all the items you want to buy. This list is known as shopping list.

13 shopping lists

Why is a shopping list important?

  1. It saves money by helping a person to buy only the things they need.
  2. It saves time when shopping. This is because a person knows exactly what to buy.
  3. It reduces by helping a person to choose items that are most important.
  4. It enables a person to know the amount of money he or she needs to buy the items.

What are the steps of making a shopping list?

  1. Think About all the things you want to buy
  2. Consider the money you have
  3. Think about important items and the less important items
  4. Write your list, starting with the most important items.
  5. Write how much each item costs.


  1. Barry wanted to do shopping. He wrote the following items on a piece of water.
    1. Cabbage
    2. Tomatoes
    3. Potatoes
    4. Onions
    5. Sukuma wiki
      Where should Barry go to buy the items.
  2. Write down three important reasons why one should make a shopping list.
Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:23

Healthy Living - Grade 4 Home Science Notes

Common Illness In The Locality.

What are the common illness in our locality?

  • There are common illness that affect people in our locality.
  • These illness can cause headaches, vomiting, stomachache and general pain in the body.
  • They can also make us feel hot or cold.

How do we communicate when feeling unwell?

  • We should always tell other people when we feel unwell.
  • We can tell our parents,our teachers,our friends or a responsible adult.
  • When we tell other people that we feel unwell,we get help

What are the causes of illness in our locality?

The common illness in our locality are caused by:

  • Germs- eating using dirty hands or eating fruits without washing.
  • Coughing without covering your mouth will spread diseases to others
  • Putting sharp objects in our ears or nose
  • Drinking dirty water also causes diseases like cholera.

04 common causes of illness

What healthy practices prevent illnesses?

  • Washing hands—wash your hands using clean running water.
  • Covering the mouth when coughing—cough while covering your mouth.
  • Using a handkerchief—clean your nose using a handkerchief.


  1. Name three common illness that affect people in your locality.
  2. Mrefu went to school. During break time,he developed a headache.He told his teacher. His teacher took him to hospital.
    1. write what you think mrefu told his teacher.
    2. Write what you think mrefu told the doctor at the hospital.
  4. Shantel and Rayan were given fruits by their father. Shantel washed her fruits before eating. Rayan ate his fruits without washing them.
    1. who among the two practised a healthy habit? Which healthy habit was practised?
    2. write other heay practices we should practice.

Care Of The Home.

What do we use to clean our home?

  • Things we use to clean our home are: brooms,dusters,soap,moppers, brushes,dust pans and dust bins.

05 materials used to clean

  • We sweep and mop floors,dust surfaces and dispose refuse to keep our homes clean. We use different materials to do these tasks .

What are the methods of cleaning the home?

The different methods they we use to clean the home are:

  • Sweeping
  • Dusting
  • Mopping
  • Disposing of refuse

06 how to clean home

How do we clean our home?

Activity 1.

  • You will need: brooms, water,soap,mops or floor cloths,basins or buckets,dustpans and cloth dusters.
    1. Sweep the class. Dispose of waste in a dustbin and take it to the rubbish pit.
    2. Dust the windows,chairs,tables and desks.
    3. Mop the class allow it to dry.
    4. Arrange the furniture after cleaning.
    5. Clean and store the cleaning materials and tools properly.

Safety precautions when cleaning a room

  • If the floor is earthen,sprinkle water on it before sweeping.
  • Wear an apron and a dust mask when sweeping yor dusting.
  • Avoid walking on a wet floor.
  • Wait for the floor to dry before arranging the furniture.

How do we care for and store cleaning materials and tools

  1. Hang brooms and mops or place them against a wall on the handle.
  2. Store brushes on a shelf with the bristle facing up
  3. Keep basins and buckets in a shade
  4. Hang dust pans by the handle.
  5. Fold floor cloths and store them on a shelf.


  1. Write five materials we can use to clean our houses.
  2. Name four locally available materials we can use to make cleaning materials and tools
  3. Your teacher has asked you to show other Learners in your school how to clean their homes.Write down what you will tell them about being safe when cleaning their homes.
  4. Why do we close windows and doors when sweeping and open them after we have finished sweeping.
  5. You have been asked to mop your house.Write three materials you will use. How will you use them?

Care And Cleaning Of Shoes.

What materials are our shoes made of?

  • Shoes are made from different materials. They can be made from leather, plastic or canvas.

07 shoes

What materials do we use to clean our shoes?

  • Materials used to clean shoes are:
  • Shoe brush
  • Shoe polish
  • A piece of cloth
  • Water and soap
  • A piece of stick
  • Old newspapers

08 materials for cleaning shoes

How do we clean leather shoes?

  • Materials needed:
  • Leather shoes,shoe polish,two shoe brushes,a piece of cloth,warm water, soap,a blunt stick,a basin or a bucket and old newspapers.
  • Procedure:
    1. If necessary, cover the surface with old newspapers.
    2. Remove any mud from the soles using a blunt stick.
    3. Dispose of the old newspapers and the mud appropriately.
    4. Wipe the shoes using a piece of cloth to remove any dust
    5. Remove the shoe laces,if any.If the shoe laces are dirty ,wash them in soapy water,rinse them and hang them to dry.
    6. Wipe the shoes with damp cloth dipped in soapy water. Wipe the shoes again using a clean damp cloth. Leave the shoes to dry in the shade for a few minutes.
    7. Apply shoe polish using a soft shoe brush.Allow the polish to soak in for a few minutes.
    8. Brush the shoes in a dry airy place.Stuff them with newspapers if storing them for a long time.

How do we clean plastic shoes?

  • Materials needed:
  • Plastic shoes,a piece of cloth or a soft brush,warm water,soap,old newspapers,a blunt stick and a basin or a bucket.
    1. If necessary,cover the surface with old newspapers
    2. Remove any mud from the soles using a blunt stick.
    3. Dispose of the old newspapers and the mud appropriately.
    4. Put some warm water in a basin or bucket.
    5. Add some soap and stir.
    6. Dip the shoes in the soapy water.Scrub them using a cloth or a soft brush.
    7. Rinse e shoes well in clean water.
    8. Dry the shoes in the shade.

How do we clean canvas shoes?

  • Materials needed: Canvas shoes,soap,water,a basin or a bucket,soft brush or a scrubbing cloth.
    1. Remove the shoe laces if any. Wash the shoe laces in soapy water if they are dirty.Rinse them and hang them to dry.
    2. Remove any mud from the soles using a blunt stick.
    3. Hit the shoes gently against each other to remove I dust.
    4. Remove the insoles from the shoes.
    5. Wash the shoes and insoles in warm soapy water. Scrub them with a cloth or a soft brush.
    6. Rinse the shoes and the insoles in Clean water. Shake them to remove excess water.
    7. Dry the shoes by placing them against a wall in a slanting position.
    8. After they dry ,put the laces and insoles back and store the shoes in an airy place.
    9. Put some newspapers in the shoes to prevent them from losing shape.

How can we observe safety when cleaning shoes?

  1. Use a blunt piece of stick to remove mud. Do not use a sharp one.
  2. Use warm water when cleaning. Do not use hot water.
  3. Store cleaning materials in a locked place
  4. Store shoes properly after cleaning.

How do we care for and store the materials we use to clean shoes?

The following are some ways of taking care of the materials we use to clean our shoes.

  1. Store shoe polish on a shelf away from small children.
  2. Store shoe brushes on a shelf with the bristle facing up.
  3. Clean the scrubbing brush and store it on a shelf with the bristles facing up.
  4. Wash the cleaning cloth in soapy water and dry it.Fold and store it on a shelf.
  5. Wash basins and buckets and store them in a shaded area.


  1. Write the materials used for making shoes.
  2. Your parent has asked you to clean your canvas shoes.Write down the Materials you will use
  3. How do we take care of basins and buckets after cleaning our shoes.
  4. You have been asked to teach other children how to clean their shoes.Erite two safety measures you will tell them to observe when cleaning their shoes.
  5. Why are shoe brushes stored with the bristles facing up?
Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:06

Healthy Practices - Grade 4 Home Science Notes


  • To grow healthy,we need food, clothing,play,rest and shelter.
  • Shelter is housing.

Which games are played in our locality?

  • Games played in our locality are football, Athletics,tug of warm, swinging, playing darts, playing games on computers.

01 games played

Which items do we use during playing?

  • Items we use when playing are;
    • Ropes, computers,bean bags,balls,sacks,phones,mats and marbles.

03 items used in play

What are the qualities of a good play item?

  • Should be durable
  • Stronger
  • Should be smooth not rough that can hurt people
  • Should be safe to play with

How do we make play items?

  • Making a ball using locally available materials.
  • Materials needed:
  • Pieces of cloth or old newspapers,an old clean sock and string
  • Procedure:
    1. Take the old sack
    2. Put pieces of news paper or cloth in the old sock. Push them to the Bottom of the sock.
    3. Mold the pieces into the shape of a ball.
    4. Twist the sock and turn the top side inside out. Tuck in the ball.
    5. Tie the end with a string or make a note.

02 procedure of making ball

How do we take care of our play items?

  • Play items should be kept well after use.
  • Arrange them well on the shelves or put them in cartons neatly.
  • Always keep them in a clean dry place.

Safety and security during play.

  • Remove items like stones,sticks, and broken glass from where you are playing.
  • Avoid playing near dangerous areas like water pools and holes.
  • Do not play with damaged play items
  • Do not play with dangerous objects.
  • Never push other children out of a game. Always wait for your turn.
  • Always keep your play items safely after playing.


    1. write down three things you need to grow healthy
    2. Write down why each of the things is important.
  2. Your teacher has asked you to bring the following materials to class.
    Old pieces of clothes,a string, a rope, green sticks
    1. Write three play items you can make using the materials.
    2. Which games can you play using the play items?
  3. Write two things we should think of when buying a toy.
  4. Make a poster on how we can prevent accidents during play.
    Show your pooster to other Learners in class
  5. Write three ways we should care for a ball.



The teacher asks the learner some oral questions after greeting and introducing himself or herself.

  1. What is your name?
  2. What are your parents names?
  3. Name two foods you like?
  4. Name your favourite color?
  5. What is your friends name?

Read aloud this paragraph

The school opened. It was on the first day of third term. Mary walked to Bondeni primary school whistling happily. She arrived earlier than usual. She found her friends waiting for her with gifts in their hands. She never remembered that it was her birthday. What a surprise?

Read the words aloud

Rough                 broom              buyer                litter
Tough                  duster              seller
Dustbin                   Toilet            rubbish

Read the sentences loudly

Our market is beautiful.
The prophet had a big aeroplane.
Elephants cannot use a telephone.
The quiet queen is quite lazy.
There is blood on his toungue.
You must be quick to finish all your duties.

Write the plurals of the following sentences

  1. I saw a mouse.
  2. The child is playing.
  3. My goose is lost.
  4. The farmer sold an ox.
  5. The teacher is eating.

Write the opposite of the underlined word

  1. Ruth is a polite girl. _____________________________
  2. It is good to arrive late at school. _______________________
  3. She was cut by a blunt object. ______________________________
  4. We should stay happy all the time. ____________________________
  5. Our nails should be kept long always. __________________________

Write the doing words

  1. Write __________________
  2. Drive _____________________
  3. Bite ____________________
  4. Put ______________________
  5. Excite _____________________


Write 3 paragraphs about ‘MY HOME’


  • Each task should take its own day apart from reading where the learner will read at his or her own phase with the teacher controlling the learner.
  • In task 1 the teacher should ensure the pupil makes correct sentenses in answering the oral questions and maintains good eye contact and a good body posture.
  • Task 1 is the teachers’ own paper.

Marking Scheme


  1. Student should state their name correctly
  2. Student should answer correctly
  3. Student should answer correctly
  4. Student should answer correctly
  5. Student should answer correctly


In this section, the student should be able to read aloud each segment according to the instructions



  1. We saw mice
  2. The children are playing
  3. Our geese are lost
  4. The farmers sold oxen
  5. The teachers are eating


  1. rude
  2. Early
  3. Sharp
  4. sad
  5. short

Doing words

  1. writing
  2. driving
  3. biting
  4. putting
  5. exciting



student should be able to write 3 paragraphs about their home.




  1. A teacher had 48 pencils. He shared them among 8 boys. How many pencils did each boy get? ___________
  2.  A pupil had 5 packets of apples. In each packet there were 6 apples .How many apples were in the packets altogether? _______________
  3.  Share 40 books among 4 boys. Each gets _______________
  4. A farmer bought 421 kg of maize. She gave out 119 kg to a children’s home . How many kilograms was he left with? ______________
  5.  What is the sum of 89 and 98 = __________
  6. Shade an eighth
  7. Arrange from the smallest to the largest
    196, 584, 696, 169, 485, 854, 966
  8. A sack had two hundred and forty eight cabbages. One hundred and fifty seven cabbages were removed from the sack. How many cabbages remained? ____________
  9. 200 hundred shillings notes = ___________ 50 shillings notes

    Below are prices of some items. Use it to answer the questions below.
    Pencil sh 5
    Exercise book sh 25
    Ruler sh 17
    Sharpener sh 26
  10. Ruth bought 2 rulers and and a sharpener. How much did she spend? ____________
  11. Mary bought 3 Exercise books. How much did she give to the shopkeeper?____________
  12. Tom bought a ruler and a sharpener. He gave the shopkeeper one hundred shillings note.
    What balance did the shopkeeper give to Tom? ____________
  13. What is the cost of all the items in the price list? ________________
  14.  100 
      - 56                 
  15.   209

  16.   763 
    - 349                 

  17. ¼ of 24 mangoes is _____________ mangoes.
  18. Which one has more?
    ½ of 14 or ¼ of 16
  19. Ruth had 10 apples. She gave ½ of them to her friend Mary. How many apples did Ruth give Mary ? _________________________
  20. 8 x 9 =
  21. 10 x 3 =
  22. 7 x 6 =
  23. 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = _______× ________ = ________


  1. Draw and color a square
  2. Use these shapes to make a pattern


  • The learner must show their working.
  • The learner to do the assessment at their own phase.

Marking Scheme

  1. 6
  2. 30
  3. 10
  4. 302
  5. 187
  7. 169, 196, 485, 584, 696, 854, 966 
  8. 248 -157 = 91
  9. 4  - 50 shillingnotess
  10. 50
  11. 75
  12. 57
  13. 73
  14. 44
  15. 414
  16. 53
  17. 6
  18. 1/2 of 14
  19. 5
  20. 72
  21. 30
  22. 42
  23. 5x4=20
  24. Student should draw a square
  25. Student should be able to receate a pattern using the shapes
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