Displaying items by tag: grade 4


  1. Read and write the following number in words;
    4 tens 0 thousands 8 hundreds 0 tens 8 ones
    1. Four thousand eight hundred and eight 
    2. Forty thousand eight hundred and eighty 
    3. Forty thousand eight hundred and eight 
    4. Forty ten thousands eight hundred and eight
  2. Which of the following numbers decreases by 100? 
    1. 4325, 4225, 4125, 4100 
    2. 3379, 3279, 3109, 3009 
    3. 5555, 5455, 5355, 5205 
    4. 7315, 7215, 7115, 7015
  3. During a test five learners scored marks as follows:
    Allan - 385
    Mercy - 407
    Tony - 390
    Patrick - 431
    Stella - 415
    What was the difference between the first and the last pupil?
    1. 30
    2. 23
    3. 46
    4. 24
  4. Griffin bought a bag for sh 799. What was the price of the bag rounded off to the nearest ten. 
    1. 790
    2. 800
    3. 810
    4. 700
  5. A shopkeeper sells plates in groups of six. Which of the following number of spoons can be arranged in groups of 6?
    1. 63
    2. 72
    3. 56
    4. 76
  6. Write the next number in the pattern;
    47, 44, 39, 32,.......
    1. 23
    2. 30
    3. 27
    4. 29
  7. A trader bought two trays of eggs each containing 30 eggs. He sold 13 eggs. How many eggs remained?
    1. 37
    2. 17
    3. 47
    4. 57
  8. A factory processes 10000 packets of milk daily. A trader bought 7345 packets. How many packets remained?
    1. 3345.
    2. 2655
    3. 3655
    4. 2654
  9. The triangular shape below was made using pieces of metal bars.
    9 adada
    What was the total length of the metal bars in metres and centimeres?
    1. 2 m 2 cm
    2. 20 m 20 cm
    3. 2 m
    4. 2m 20 cm
  10. Kerubo bought twelve quarter kg of beans. How many kg of beans did she buy?
    1. 31
    2. 48
    3. 6
    4. 24
  11. Calculate the volume of the given cubes.
    1. 120
    2. 180
    3. 150
    4. 100
  12. Write the place value of digit 8 in the number 53.08. 
    1. Hundredths 
    2. Oneth 
    3. Tenths
    4. Hundreds
  13. Arrange the decimal numbers from the largest to the smallest.
    2.02, 2.20, 2.0, 0.22 
    1. 0.22, 2.0, 2.02, 2.20
    2. 2.20, 2.0, 0.22, 0.22 
    3. 0.22, 2.02, 2.0, 2.20 
    4. 2.20, 2.02, 2.0, 0.22
  14. Calculate the distance round the figure.
    14 adadada
    1. 60 cm 
    2. 95 cm
    3. 120 cm
    4. 240 cm
  15. Work out;
    15 asadada
    1. 1m 74 cm 
    2. 10 m 74 cm
    3. 10 m 14 cm
    4. 13 m 14 cm
  16. Grade Four pupils at Utugi Primary school used a manilla paper to make a model of a shape which would form a box. They made a box which had six equal square faces. The learners made a model of a 
    1. cuboid 
    2. square 
    3. cylinder 
    4. cube
  17. A family uses two half litre packets of milk daily. How many litres of milk will the family use in 10 days? 
    1. 5
    2. 20 
    3. 10
    4. 12
  18. A school PTA meeting took 220 minutes. How many hours and minutes did it take? 
    1. 2 h 20 min 
    2. 3h 40 min
    3. 9h 4 min 
    4. 3h 20 min
  19. Which of the following statements is false? 
    1. A square has four lines of symmetry 
    2. A rectangle has two lines of symmetry 
    3. A rectangle has two opposite sides equal
    4. A square has two lines of symmetry
  20. Alvin has eight rabbits. He sold each rabbit for sh 4t. How much money did he get altogether? 
    1. Sh 12t
    2. Sh 84t
    3. Sh 32t
    4. Sh 64t
  21. Identify the obtuse angle in the diagram below.
    21 adadad
    1. D
    2. C
    3. A
    4. B
  22. Simplify the expression;
    9g - 5g + g 
    1. 15g
    2. 78 
    3. 4g
    4. 5g
  23. Grade 4 learners at Highridge Academy used a clock to learn about clockwise and anticlockwise turs. Who among the following made quarter turn anticlockwise?
    23 adadada
  24. A family went for a holiday for 240 hours. For how many days was the holiday?
    1. 10
    2. 24
    3. 6
  25. A pencil cost sh 12.50. What is the cost of 5 such pencils altogether?
    1. Sh 50 250 cts
    2. Sh 62 50 cts 
    3. Sh 625
    4. Sh 60 50 cts
  26. Convert 20/9 into a mixed fraction;
    1. 32/9
    2. 11/9
    3. 22/9
    4. 22/3
  27. Six rubbers cost sh 54. What is the cost of each rubber? 
    1. Sh 7
    2. Sh 9
    3. Sh 5
    4. Sh 8
  28. Fill in the missing numbers in the table.
    28 adadada
    1. T-6, W-56 
    2. W = 72, T-54
    3. W = 56. T-72
    4. T = 72. W = 54
  29. Kenya Red Cross donated 75 bags of rice each 50 kg to a family in one village. How many kg of rice did the family get altogether? 
    1. 3500
    2. 3750
    3. 3755
    4. 3850
  30. A green grocer recorded fruits as follows during a day's sales,
    30 adadada
    Which fruits were recorded the same number on that day? 
    1. Oranges and bananas 
    2. Avocadoes and mangoes 
    3. Mangoes and apples 
    4. Bananas and mangoes


maths 1 ms


  1. Study the decice drawn below.
    The digital device drawn above is used for 
    1. processing data in a computer. 
    2. producing hard copies of data. 
    3. typing on the computer. 
    4. displaying the data being typed.
  2. A teacher drew the device below on the black board and asked some learners to name it.
    Aisha: cable
    Abdalla: mouse
    Saumu: printer
    Omary: CPU
    Who was correct?
    1. Omary
    2. Saumu
    3. Aisha
    4. Abdallah
  3. Which one of the following is not a liquid?
    1. Porridge.
    2. Juice.
    3. Chalk dust.
    4. Water.
  4. A certain substance had the following characteristics:
    1. It had a definite shape
    2. Its volume was definite.
    3. It had a definite mass.
      The substance was most likely to be 
      1. paraffin. 
      2. sand. 
      3. petrol.
      4. air.
  5. Which of the following objects can float on water? A
    1. bottle top. 
    2. coin. 
    3. key.
    4. small stone.
  6. All the following are effects of water pollution. Which on is not? 
    1. Transmission of diseases. 
    2. Improvement of the population of sea animals. 
    3. Causes death of plants and animals. 
    4. Sea animals cannot survive in polluted water.
  7. Which one of the following is not an example of air pollutants? 
    1. Mud. 
    2. Bad smell. 
    3. Smoke. 
    4. Dust.
  8. The following are descriptions of a certain type of tooth:
    1. It has one root
    2. It is sharp and pointed.
    3. They are four on an adult's gams.
      The tooth described above is used for 
      1. grinding. 
      2. cutting and biting. 
      3. chewing.
      4. tearing.
  9. Which two types of teeth perform the same function? 
    1. Conines and premolars. 
    2. Mors and premolars. 
    3. Incisors and molars.
    4. Canines and premolars.
  10. Name the tooth drawn below.
    1. Canine. 
    2. Molar
    3. Incisor.
    4. Premolar.
  11. Study the diagram below and answer the following questions.
  12. Chewing of food takes place in the part marked
    1. P
    2. N
    3. O
    4. M
  13. Name the part labelled
    1. Large intestines.
    2. Small intestines.
    3. Stomach.
    4. Duodenum.
  14. What is the function of part N?
    1. Absorbing digested food.
    2. Digesting fats and oils. 
    3. Digesting proteins.
    4. Storing waster matter.
  15. The part that absorbs water and mineral salts is marked 
    1. O
    2. N
    3. P
    4. M
  16. Choose a crop whose seeds can be sown directly. 
    1. Sugarcane
    2. Cassava
    3. Carrots
    4. Bananas
  17. Which of the following lists consists of vegetables only? 
    1. Onions, yams and cabbages. 
    2. Tomatoes, carrots and onions. 
    3. Wheat, rice and barley. 
    4. Peas, beans and groundnuts.
  18. Kemboi was asked to draw one example of cereals. Which one of the following shows what his correct drawing looked like?
  19. Which of the following domestic animals gives two food products?
    1. Sheep
    2. Camel.
    3. Cat.
    4. Pig.
  20. We get mutton from
    1. cows and sheep.
    2. chickens and goats.
    3. pigs and sheep.
    4. sheep and goats.
  21. Established fruit trees cannot be cared for by
    1. weeding.
    2. mulching.
    3. trimming.
    4. pruning.
  22. The following are steps during the preparation of guava fruit seeds but not in the correct order:
    1. Wash the seeds and soak them.
    2. Collect the guava fruit.
    3. Sort the good seeds and dispose the bad ones.
    4. Remove the fleshy part with a knife.
    5. Sun dry the good seeds.
      Which of the following shows the correct order of the steps 
      1. ii, iv, i, iii, v 
      2. ii, iv, iii, i, v 
      3. ii, i, ii, iv, v 
      4. ii, i, iv, iii, v
  23. Identify the animals drawn below.
    1. Mongoose 
    2. Hedgehog
    3. Monkey
    4. Mole
  24. When making a scarecrow, what is the use of old clothes? 
    1. To make the scarecrow nice to look at. 
    2. To make the scarecrow look like a real person. 
    3. For easy vis bility
    4. To frighten the destructive animals and birds.
  25. The type of soil which holds most water
    1. is called loam. 
    2. is good for farming.
    3. forms the longest ribbons.
    4. has the largest particles.
  26. Which of the following kitchen utensils is not fragile? 
    1. Cooking stick. 
    2. Glass.
    3. Clay pot.
    4. Enamel plate.
  27. Which of the following can be used to preserve milk?
  28. Muli ate rice and spinach for his lunch. Which one of the following foods should he have included in his meal to make it a balanced diet?
    1. An orange. 
    2. A boiled egg. 
    3. Sugarcane. 
    4. Chapati.
  29. When choosing foods from a general grocery, we should consider all the following factors except 
    1. who the grocer is. 
    2. the cost of the foods. 
    3. the freshness of the foods.
    4. the expiry dates of the foods.
  30. All the following are importance of a shopping list except that 
    1. it helps us save time. 
    2. vith it we buy only what is necessary. 
    3. it helps us buy items at lower prices. 
    4. it helps us plan well for our expenditure.
  31. The diagram below shows a stove.
    Which of the following fuels can be used in the source of heat above? 
    1. Sawdust. 
    2. Charcoal. 
    3. Paraffin. 
    4. Firewood.
  32. Matilda has a pair of gumboots. Matilda's gumboots are made of 
    1. rubber.
    2. nylon. 
    3. fabric.
    4. hard paper.
  33. All the following materials can be used to clean our shoes except 
    1. a sponge. 
    2. soap.
    3. a brush.
    4. a sand paper.
  34. Long grass around our homes can be cut using a 
    1. pair of scissors. 
    2. slasher. 
    3. wheelbarrow. 
    4. stick broom.
  35. Smoke or dust in the air we breath can cause
    1. ear aches. 
    2. vomiting. 
    3. skin rashes. 
    4. coughs.
  36. Which of the following is not a way to show kindness when dealing with emotions?
    1. Do not acknowledge any player even if they deserve it. 
    2. Forgive someone if they pushed you while playing. 
    3. Gently wave to other players when you meet.
    4. Offer help to the injured player.
  37. Which of the following should be taken during the game? 
    1. Water melon. 
    2. Glucose.
    3. Water. 
    4. Energy giving foods.
  38. An exercise done before the main sports activity is called 
    1. press up. 
    2. warm up. 
    3. preparation. 
    4. cool down.
  39. Which of th following throws is associated with frisbee?
    1. Under arm throw.
    2. Backhand throw.
    3. Over arm throw
    4. Over head throw
  40. Study the illustration below.
    The type of dive shown above is called
    1. crouch surface dive
    2. standing surface dive 
    3. squat dive
    4. arms up dive
  41. Which one of the following is not a pool rule?
    1. Do not spit in the pool.
    2. Do not swim when the sun is too hot.
    3. All children musi be accompanied by an adult.
    4. No food or drink should be kept near the deck.
  42. Which of the following can be used to rescue a drowning swimmer?
  43. Study the gymnastic move shown below.
    The move shown above is called
    1. forward roll 
    2. shoulder roll 
    3. backward roll
    4. a three action sequence
  44. Which one of the following is not a jump rope technique 
    1. Single bounce
    2. Double bounce 
    3. Two feet bounce
    4. One foot bounce
  45. Instep pass can be applied in
    1. volleyball.
    2. soccer.
    3. handball.
    4. rounders.
  46. Which of the following can be used for hand juggling?
    1. Ropes.
    2. Bats. 
    3. Balls.
    4. Cones.
  47. Which of the following is the last step when improvising a ball?
    1. Collect the required materials
    2. Squeeze the materials one round mass 
    3. Use strips to tie the round mass together 
    4. Clean the working area
  48. Which of the following materials is not necessary when improvising a handball?
    1. Rubber bands 
    2. Thorns 
    3. Plastic grocery bags
    4. Old pices of clothes
  49. When passing the ball using the overhead pass, 
    1. hold the ball with both hands
    2. let the ball be behind the head 
    3. hold the ball with one hand 
    4. use one hand to throw the ball
  50. Why is it important to follow rules in different games?
    1. To better our techniques. 
    2. So that other players may like us. 
    3. For safety. 
    4. To be the leaders of other players.


  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. C
  9. B
  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. B
  10. A
  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C


Jibu maswali kwa kutamka (Alama 5)

  1. Ni nini wingi wa neno daftari? 
  2. Bendera yetu ina rangi ngapi?
  3. Eleza maana ya "kutiwa nguvani" 
  4. Kamilisha methali ifuatayo, "Asiyesikia la mkuu....
  5. Taja vazi moja la kike unalolijua.

Soma kifungu hiki kwa sauti (Alama 10)
Shule yetu inaitwa Bidii Jumanne ilikuwa ni siku ya sherehe ya kutia zawadi. Walimu wetu waliwasili mapema kwa matayarisho. Mgeni wetu wa heshima alipowasili, alipewa shada la maua. Shehe na kasisi walituombea kabla ya kuanza sherehe. Wanafunzi thelathini wa gredi ya nne walituzwa. Shangazi yangu alihudhuria kwa naiba ya mama yangu. Thuluthi  mbili ya watu ambao walihudhuria walikuwa kina mama.

Andika visawe vya maneno yafuatayo

  1. Tembo 
  2. Nyanya
  3. Jogoo
  4. Barua
  5. Motokaa

Nyambua vitenzi vifuatavyo katika kauli ya kutendwa.

  1. Chora
  2. osha
  3. tuma
  4. panga
  5. lipa

Unganisha sentensi kuwa joja kwa kutumia kiunganishi sahihi

  1. Alitekwa nyara. Hakudhulumiwa
  2. Maria amevaa koti. Maria anahisi baridi
  3. Utavaa jaketi. Utavaa koti 
  4. Nilienda katika kituo cha mabasi. Nilisafiri Lamu
  5. Juma hakuvaa mlapa. Juma hakuvaa daluga

Taja majina ya heshima unayotumia kuwaita wafuatao.

  1. Mzazi wa kiume
  2. Ndugu wa kiume wa baba yako
  3. Baba wa mama yako
  4. Ndugu wa kiume.
  5. Ndugu wa kike

Andika nomino zozote tano


Andika kwa wingi 

  1. mpira
  2. kiatu
  3. ndizi
  4. ua
  5. chungwa

Soma ufahamu kisha ujibu maswali (Alama 5)
Auni anamiaka kumi. Wazazi wake waliaga dunia. Anaishi na nyanya yake. Kila siku Auni na nyanya yake hula mihogo. Siku moja, Auni aliugua utapiamlo kwa kula mihogo pekee. Auni hakupata aina zote za vyakula.
Kuna aina nyingiya vyakula. Kuna vyakula vya kujenga mwili kama vile maharagwe. Kuna vyakula vya kupatia mwili nguvu kama vile mihogo. Kuna vyakula vya kuongeza kinga ya mwili kama vile matunda.
Auni hakuwa anaenda shuleni. Hatari hii ilimfikia chifu Stela. Chifu Stela alienda kumwona nyanya yake Auni. Auni alipelekwa katika kambi ya watoto mayatima. Huko alipewa lishe bora.

  1. Auni alikuwa na umri wa miaka mingapi?
  2. Auni aliugua ugonjwa wa
  3. Taja aina ya vyakula vya kujenga mwili
  4. Auni alipelekwa wapi
  5. Habari za Auni kutoenda shuleni zilimfikia nani?

Mwandikie binamu yako barua ya kirafiki ukimwalika kwa sherehe ya kuzaliwa kwako.


  1. Ndovu
  2. Bibi
  3. Jimbi
  4. Waraka
  5. gari
  6. chorwa
  7. ashwa
  8. tumwa
  9. pangwa
  10. lipwa 
  1. Alitekwa nyara lakini hakudhurumiwa
  2. Maria amevaa koti kwasababu anahisi baridi
  3. Utavaa jaketi au koti?
  4. Nilienda katika kituo cha mabasi ili nisafiri Lamu
  5. Juma hakuvaa mlapa wala daluga
  6. Baba
  7. Mjomba
  8. Babu
  9. Kaka
  10. Dada 

(21-25) Sahihisha jibu sahihi

  1. mpira
  2. viatu
  3. ndizi
  4. maua
  5. machungwa
  6. kumi
  7. utapiamlo
  8. maharagwe
  9. kambi ya watoto mayatima
  10. Chifu Stela


Read the following conversation and then answer questions 1 to 5
Mambo: Hello Lenchiro. Where are you going? It is still break time.
Lenchiro: Hello Mambo. I am taking this book back to the library. I was just finishing the last page. It is one of the most interesting story books I have ever read.
Mambo: What was the book all about? 
Lenchiro: It was about a boy, Kodawa, who was addicted to drugs and substance abuse. The boy dropped out of school and joined the bad boys in town.
Mambo: Oh my! Why did poor Kodawa decide to do that?
Lenchiro:  It was because his new friends in town persuaded him to do so. They also threatened to chase him from their group if he refused to comply.
Mambo: I also think that idleness contributes to indulgence in drugs and substance abuse. The boys must have been idle.
Lenchiro: Exactly. But the good thing  is that Kodawa was taken back to their village, Mchangabaridi, where he reformed and resumed school.
Mambo: Wow! Thank God he did.

  1. Mambo and Lenchiro met
    1. in the evening. 
    2. in their classroom. 
    3. at break time. 
    4. in the school library.
  2. Lenchiro said that the book he finished reading 
    1. was more interesting than any other he had read before. 
    2. was as interesting as the others he had read before. 
    3. equally boring like the rest he had · read before. 
    4. more boring than the ones he had read before.
  3. Who was the main character in the book Lenchiro read last? 
    1. Lenchiro himself. 
    2. Mambo
    3. Kodawa's friend
    4. Kodawa
  4. According to this conversation why do some young people abuse drugs and substance? They
    1. are idle. 
    2. want to be recognized 
    3. don't like school. 
    4. like being high.
  5. Finally, the good thing about Kodawa was that he 
    1. finished school. 
    2. reformed. 
    3. joined some boys in town. 
    4. started abusing drugs and substance

Read the passage and then answer questions 6 to 2.
A journey by train is interesting as well as educative. Such a very important event happened in Samira's life. Last week she went on her first train journey. She travelled with her family to Voi where her uncle lived. They left home at dawn and went to the SGR terminus. After purchasing a ticket, they got into the train. Suddenly, the train blew its whistle and started the journey. It seemed to Samira that the trees, houses and stations all went hurriedly back to Nairobi. She was very excited. She really enjoyed her first journey.

  1. With whom did Samira travel to Voi?
    1. classmates. 
    2. teachers. 
    3. friends. 
    4. family.
  2. How many times had Samira travelled by train before?
    1. She had never 
    2. Thrice 
    3. Twice
    4. Once
  3. What did they do at the SGR terminus before getting into the train? They 
    1. closed all the windows.
    2. purchased a ticket
    3. saw trees moving backwards. :
    4. enjoyed their journey.
  4. Where was Samira's family living?
    1. In Voi.
    2. At the SGR terminus.
    3. In Nairobi.
    4. We are not told.

Read the passage and then answer questions 10 to 12.
Technology refers to the use of tools, machines, materials, techniques and sources of power to make work easier and more productive While Science is more concerned with how and why things happen, technology deals with making things happen.Technology has brought about efficiency and quality in the manufacturing sector. Technological advancement has reduced the risk involved in manufacturing enterprises.  A lot of improvement has been seen in health facilities. Technology therefore should be here to stay.

  1. The passage says that technology has
    1. brought tools and machines.
    2. made work easier.
    3. killed manufacturing industries.
    4. increased death rates.
  2. The writer says that Science is concerned with 
    1. how and why things happen. 
    2. making things happen. 
    3. making work easier.
    4. improving human life.
  3. According to the passage, a lot of improvement has been seen in 
    1. agriculture sector.
    2. production of goods
    3. health facilities. .
    4. some school in the country.

Read the passage and then answer questions 13 to 15.
Wild animals live in the forest. Some of them are kept in national parks and game reserves. There are very many types of wild animals. Some are big, some are small. Some small animals include the hare and the squirrel. Some big animals include the elephant and the buffalo. The animal with the longest neck is called giraffe. It gets its food from the top of most trees. Cheetah is the fastest animal. It runs faster than any other animal. Wild animals must be protected because our country gets money through them.

  1. According to this passage, one of the small wild animals is the
    1. elephant.
    2. squirrel.
    3. buffalo.
    4. rabbit.
  2. How does the giraffe's long neck help it? To 
    1. see distant enemies. 
    2. hide its head. 
    3. get its food. 
    4. run very fast.
  3. The fastest animal is the 
    1. elephant.
    2. giraffe
    3. squirrel.
    4. cheetah.

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20, For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.
Industrialisation means _16_ things for people to buy. These things are always made or manufactured in large buldings called _17_ Such industries are flour, cloth and soap industries. Here are three names you should _18_ : raw materials, products and labourers. A _19_ is used for making a thing. The thing which is made is called the product. Therefore, cloth is the product of the raw material called _20_

    1. making
    2. bringing
    3. using
    4. selling
    1. godowns
    2. factories
    3. stores
    4. museums
    1. forget
    2. write
    3. see
    4. remember
    1. material
    2. tool
    3. raw material
    4. machine
    1. cotton
    2. papers
    3. leaves
    4. polythene

For questions 21 to 23, choose the past tense of the given sentences.

  1. I am flying a kite.
    1. I was flying a kite.
    2. We are flying kites.
    3. We were flying kites.
    4. I was flying kites.
  2. The animals are grazing. The
    1. animal was grazing.
    2. animal is grazing.
    3. animals will graze
    4. animals were grazing
  3. Our teacher is running. Our
    1. teacher will run.
    2. teacher runs.
    3. teacher was running.
    4. teachers were running.

In questions 24 to 26, select the correctly punctuated sentences.

    1. nairobi is the capital city of kenya
    2. John and Ashley will go to the market
    3. richard said that he plays tennis
    4. Moreen and Kimani went to Nakuru.
    1. Who knows how to ride a bicycle.
    2. Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania are neighbouring countries
    3. the doctor did not come in good  time.
    4. They were playing in the rain
    1. there are twenty six letters in the alphabet.
    2. Donkeys and sheep are domestic animals 
    3. They replied to our letter in good time. 
    4. july is the coldest month of the year 

For questions 27 to 30, complete the sentences with the correct adverbs. 

  1. The man drives his van
    1. slowest. 
    2. slowly. 
    3. slower.
    4. slowness.
  2. The game ranger walked very
    1. caring.
    2. careless. 
    3. careful.
    4. carefully.
  3. Grade four learners were singing 
    1. happily. 
    2. happy.
    3. happier.
    4. happiest.
  4. Amunga waited for his guardian
    1. patience
    2. patient.
    3. patiently.
    4. patients.


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B
  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A


  1. What is the place value of 9 in 1928 (1mk)
  2. Write the total value of each of the digit below (4mks)
    9 - 
    5 - 
    4 - 
    8 - 
  3. Write in words 4004 (1mk)
  4. Round off the numbers below to the nearest ten. (3mks)
    1. 998 -
    2. 269 -
    3. 141 -
  5. Add by breaking apart (4mks)
    1. 14 + 9=
    2. 25 + 7 =
  6. Divide using repeated subtraction. (4mks)
    1. 36 ÷ 9=
    2. 24 + 8 =
  7. Write the numbers below from the largest to the smallest (2mks)
    485, 854, 458, 584, 845, 548 (1mk)

  8. 1(2mks)
    6 x ___ =___ +___ +___ +___ +___ = ___
  9. Write two pairs of factors of 14. (2mks)
  10. List all the divisors of 10 (1mk)
  11. Represent the following in an abacus.
    3,504 (1mk)
  12. Subtract 49 from 344 (1mk)
  13. Write the next multiple of 7 after 49 (1mk)
  14. Complete the pattern (1mk)
    1,3,9, 27,___
  15. Circle all the odd numbers (1mk)
    40, 47, 49, 54, 63,50, 29
  16. Write the number 8 in roman numbers.(1mk)
  17. Work out (2mks)
    1. ___ x 5 = 25
    2. 30 ÷ ___ =6
  18. How many legs do 9 dogs have? (1mk)
  19. Shade the fractions below (2mks)
    1. ½
    2. 1/
  20. Add 9872 and 114 1mk)


  1. How many days are there in 4 weeks? (1mk)
  2. Juma bought 623kg of sugar while Musa bought 529kg of sugar. How much sugar did they buy altogether. (2mks)
  3. What is the time? (2mks)
  4. Work out (2mks)
    1.   Sh Cts
        2   32
      +1   40
    2. Sh Cts
      15  50
      -8   35 
  5. Convert 2 hours 30 minutes into minutes (1mk)
    Price list
  6. Jane bought 2 loaves of bread and one packet of milk. How much did she pay for the items? (1mk)
  7. Moran gave out sh 100 after buying a bar of soap. How much balance did she get?(1mk)
  8. How much is the price of two packet of milk? (1mk)


  1. Count the shapes (4mks)
    1. Rectangles
    2. Squres
    3. Circles
    4. Triangles


  1. hundreds
  2. 9-9000
  3. four thousand and 4
    1. 1000
    2. 270
    3. 140
  5. 14 + 6 + 3
    20 + 3
    = 23
    1. 4
    2. 3
  7. 854, 845, 584, 548, 485, 458
  8. 6 x 5 = 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 30
    1. 7 and 2
    2. 1 and 14
  10. 2, 5, 10
  2. 295
  3. 56
  4. 81
  5. 47, 49, 63, 29
  6. viii
    1. 5
    2. 5
  8. 36 legs
  10. 9,986
  1. 28
  2. 1152kg
    1. quarter past one
    2. half past 7
    1. 3   72
    2. 7   15
  5. 150mins
  6. sh185
  7. sh60
  8. sh130
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 2
    4. 1


Use the map below to answer questions 1 - 5.

  1. The source of the river is_______
  2. How many tributries does the river have?
  3. Which food crop is grown in Kali area?
  4. The people of Kali area are_______
  5. There are schools in Kali area.
  6. What are resources?
  7. Maasai live in a special house known as_______
  8. _____is buying and selling of goods and services.
  9. Give two examples of resources.
  10. Name the main compass directions.
  11. ______is people's way of life.
  12. Write your school motto.
  13. Name two economic activities.
  14. Give examples of community leaders.
  15. How do you conserve the resources in your county?
  16. Name two materials used in pottery.


  1. _______created us in His image and likeness.
  2. _______was thrown in the den of lions.
  3. I am a child of_______
  4. I show God_______ when I bow when praying. (face, respect)
  5. The prayer that Jesus taught His disciples is called the_______(Jesus' prayer, Lord's player)
  6. The following groups show members of a family.
    • Group A  
    • Group B
    • Group C
      The group that shows member3 of an extended family is group
  7. When someone does good to you you say_______
  8. The story of Ananias and Sapphira teaches us that we should be_______ (clean, honest)
  9. _______walked on water and did not sink. (Peter, John)
  10. An activity that children do in the church to show respect for church as the house of God is (reciting verses of the Bible, playing games)
  11. Name one of the twelve disciples of Jesus
  12. The three Hebrew men were saved from fire by the_______ (angel, king)
  13. In Philippians 4:4 we learn that we should_______ in the Lord always.
  14. We should make_______ choices at all times.
  15. Which one of the following is not a good feeling? (happiness, love, anger)

Match the pillars of Islam

  1. Zakat   Prayers
  2. Saum   Kalima
  3. Hajj   Fastings
  4. Shahada    Pilgrimage
  5. Salah    Alms
  6. Muslims pray_______ times a day.
  7. Muslims face _______while praying.

Write THREE manners to be observed before eating 



  1. forest
  2. 2
  3. maize
  4. Christians
  5. Things we use to get money 
  6. manyatta 
  7. Trade
  8. land
  9. mineral
    1. North
    2. South
    3. East
    4. West
  11. Culture
    1. Farming
    2. Trading
  13. M.C.A
  14. M.P
  15. a/b any correct


  1. God 
  2. Daniel 
  3. God 
  4. respect 
  5. Lord's prayer
  6. Thank you 
  7. honest 
  8. Peter
  9. reading verses of the Bible 
  10. any correct answer 
  11. angel
  12. rejoice
  13. God
  14. anger


  1. Write 2 common illinesses.
    (diarrhoea and Tuerculosis, Sore throat and common cold)
  2. Utensils that break easlily in our kitchen are called(fragile, glass, ceramic)utensils. 
  3. Write two energy giving foods.
  4. Name three fuels we use at home
  5. A meal that contains the three groups o ioods in the rightis amounts is known as (balance diet, energy giving food, grouped meal)
  6. Write two methods of cooking food.
  7. _______bags is used to keep all the needlework tools together. (Plastic, Sewing)
  8. Write two personal items.
  9. ______is putting the dirty clothes in clean cold water without soap for a while before washing them. (Mending, Soaking, Washing)
  10. The process of washing, ironing and storing is called_______ (drying work, laundly work, garment work)


  1. Name two tools used in drawing.
  2. Shade this picture using smudging technique.
  3. Name the colour triangle.
  4. When we mix two primary colours we get colours.
  5. _____is a mixture of a colour with white. (Shade, Tone, Tint)
  6. Name two materials which can be used to make a montage.
  7. Warps and wefts are used in (threading, weaving)
  8. Draw and colour a drum.
  9. Name two materials used in pottery.
  10. Make a pattern using letter 'C' or 'X' 


  1. Songs sung to praise and worship God are called _____songs.
  2. Two people singing together form a _____
  3. Define pitch
  4. Isukuti is a drum played by community.
  5. Draw a flute.
  6. Write two costumes worn when dancing a folk song.
  7. Name the french rhythm of a semi-breve
  8. Songs sung in praise of a country or its leaders are known as song. (patriotic, love)
  9. The Kenya National Athem song has how many stanzas? (Three, Two, Four)
  10. If you are singing and at the same time clapping, you are trying to catch up with the _____of the .song. (rhythm, taste, truth)


  1. The place where athletes run and compete is called _____field.(football track, athletic track, running track)
  2. Before one starts to run, one must have to (coming up, warming upi eating up)
  3. Draw athletic track field.
  4. Where people complete using a football, the place is called _____pitch. (football, volleyball, handball)
Questions  Activity to be done Perfomance Ratings
5 Two-handed catching     
Kneeling, overhead throw    
Geeting set -(On to your marks)    
Stopping a football    
Standing long jump     
10  Get - set - go     



  1. sore throat / common cold.
  2. flagile
    1. potatoes
    2. maize
    1. gas
    2. fire wood
    3. biogas/paraffin 
  5. balance diet
  6. boiling/frying roasting
  7. Sewing
  8. socks/handkerchief
  9. Soaking 
  10. laundry work


  1. pencil
  2. Shading
  3. A-Red
    B. Yellow
    C- Blue 
  4. Secondary 
  5. Tone
    1. Fabric, Buttons, Crayons
    2. Craft foam
  7. weaving
  8. Drawing
    1. clay
    2. porcelain, stoneware
  10. Pattern


  1. athleticfootball 
  2. warming up 
  3. drawing 
  4. foot ball


  1. praise 
  2. Duet
  3. Degree of highness or lowness of a tone.
  4. Luhya 
  5. Socks, long dresses 
  6. Patriotic
  8. patriotic
  9. three
  10. rythm
Tagged under


  1. All things around us can be divided into two ______and______
  2. The last stage of every animal is______ (growth, death, breath)
  3. I have (42, 32, 22)teeth in my mouth.
  4. ______polluted water does not make it safe for drinking. (Filtering, Boiling)
  5. The three states of matters are______and______
  6. Pouring soil out from a container is (filling, emptying)
  7. Air pollution affect growth of plants. (True, False)
  8. The shape of a ______varies with that of the containers. (solid, liquid, gas)
  9. When an object remains on the surface of water, it is said to be (sinking, floating)
  10. ______travels in a straight line ______ (Energy, Sound, Light)
  11. Which properties of matter does not affect floating and sinking? (shape of the material, type of material, size of material)
  12. Sound travels in______ direction. (two, three, all) 
  13. ______materials allows light to pass through
  14. Name the 4 types of clouds.
  15. ______can not be done on a rainy day (Harvesting, Winnowing)


  1. ______is a place prepared for planting seeds to grow until they are harvested. (A gardener, Seedbed, Farm)
  2. Name the three main types of soil ______,______and______
  3. Which one of the following is not a benefit of domestic animals? (Source of food, Farming activities, Protecting their young ones)
  4. Name three examples of tools and equipment used in gardening.
  5. The following are carried out to maintain good conditions for health growth of our seedlings. Which one is not? (Mulching, Watering, Thinning, Harvesting)
  6. Fruits are sources of many important nutrients in our bodies. Which type of nutrients is provided by fruits?(Vitamins, Minerals, Fibre)
  7. Give three examples of legume crops.
  8. Name three places where seeds could be obtained.
  9. The following methods can be used for spreading tiny seeds evenly. Which one cannot? (Use of shaker, Use of sowing tool, By hands, Throwing the seeds)
  10. Write three types of materials used for making compost manure. (Dry leaves, Cattle dug, Kitchen waste, Plastic bottles)
  11. Name three ways of using water in farming activities. (Water crops, Give animals, To clean equipment, Spray pesticides)
  12. The following are examples of leafy vegetables. Which one is not? (Carrot, Kale, Cabbage)



  1. living/non-living 
  2. death
  3. 22
  4. filtering
  5. solid
  6. emptying
  7. true
  8. liquid 
  9. floating
  10. light
  11. size of material
  12. all 
  13. transparent
  14. nimbus/stratus
  15. winnowing


  1. Farm 
  2. clay
  3. protecting their young ones 
  4. jembe
  5. harvesting 
  6. vitamins 
  7. beans 
  8. throwing seeds
  9. dry leaves
    vegetables grass
    farm waste 
  10. watering
  11. carrot

Mwalimu amuulize mwanafunzi maswali yafuatavo.

  1. Wewe na wenzako mna zamu yakulisha mifugo wa nyumbani?
    (Mwanafunzi ajibu)
  2. Taja wanyama wawili wa nyumbani mtakaolisha.
    (Mwanafunzi ajibu)
  3. Taja viakula viwili ambavyo hawa mifugo watakula.
    (Mwanafunzi ajibu)
  4. Toa maelezo mafupi kuhusu jiinsi mtakavyo watunza hawa mifugo kado na kuwapa chakula.
    (Mwanafunzi ajibu)
  5. Eleza umuhimu wa kuwafuga wanyama wa nyumbani.
    (Mwanafunzi ajibu)
  6. Taja mahali ambapo wanyama hawa hulala.
    (Mwanafunzi ajibu)

Musa anafuga wanyama shambani mwake. Wanyama hawa ni ng'ombe, kondoo, mbuzi na samaki. Musa pia hufuga ndege. Kuna kuku, bata, bata mzinga na kasuku. Ng ' ombe wa Musa ni wa maziwa. Kuna ng'ombe watano ambao hutoa maziwa. Kila Ijumaa Juma huvua samaki watatu. Musa humpa mkewe samaki hawa. Mkewe anaitwa Mario hutengenezea familia yake mchuzi wa samaki. Mchuzi huo huwa mtamu sana.
Kuku wa Musa si wengi. Wanapotaga mayai yeye huchukua machache. Kisha anampa mkewe awakipie watoto.


  1. Taja wanyama wawili wanaofugwa na musa.
  2. Musa ono ng'ombe wangapi?
  3. Musa huvua samaki siku gani?
  4. Mario ni nani katika hadithi?
  5. Musa hufuga na

Mwanafunzi asome kifun hiki kwa sauti. _
Kasuku wangu anaitwa Pendo. Nilipewa Pendo kama zawadi na mwalimu wangu baada ya kuupita mtihani. Mwalimu wangu alinifunza jinsi ya kumtunza Pendo ili awe mwenye afya na furaha. Koko yangu alimjengea Pendo tundu lenye nafasi ya kutosha iii Pendo aweze kucheza akiwa humo ndani. Mara kwa mara mimi humtoa Pendo tunduni na kucheza naye.
Pendo hupenda sana kula majani mabichi, viazi vitamu, karoti na matunda. Pendo hufurahi sana kila ninapomwosha. Yeye hurukaruku kwa furaha huku akicheza na maji. Baada ya kumwosha Pendo mimi huvisafisha vyombo anavyotumia kuoga kwa maji safe kisha kuvianika juani•
Daktari wa mifugo huja kumchunguza na kumtibu Pendo kila anapougua. Nampenda sana Pendo wangu.

Soma hadithi hii kisha ujibu maswali.
Kadoti alikuwa anasafiri pamoj a na familia yake. Walikuwa wanatembea mbuga ya wanyama ya Nakuru. Walikuwa wamebeba chakula na matunda. Kadoti alikuwa ameketi katika kiti cha nyuma ya gari lao. Mara alipohisi njaa, alichukua nyama ya kuku na kuila. Mifupa alitupa nje kupitia kwenye dirisha la gari. Alikuwa anateremsha kioo kisha anatupa uchafu nje. Mamake alimwonya dhidi ya kufanya hivyo. Alimwambia kuwa uchafuzi wa mazingira haukubaliwi na sheria za nchi. Walipokuwa wanapita mji wa Nakuru, Kadoti alitoa ndizi mbili. Akatoa maganda akala, kisha akatupa hayo maganda nje. Baada ya mita chache gari lao lilisimamishwa na askari wa baraza la mji. Mamake Kadoti alistakiwa kwa kuruhusu mtoto kutupa taka katika barabara za mji. Alijitetea lakini askari hakumsikiliza. Alitozwa faini. Hapo ndipo Kadoti alijifunza kuhusu umuhimu wa kutunza mazingira.


  1. Kadoti na familia yake walitembea wapi?
  2. Mama Kadoti alimwonya dhidi ya kufanya nini?
  3. Mamake Kadoti alistakiwa kwa kosa gani?
  4. Kadoti na familia yake walibeba nini?
  5. Kisa hiki kinatufunza nini?

Andika kinyume cha neno lililopigwa mstari.

  1. Mtoto alifunga mlango.
  2. Mzee alipanda mlima.
  3. Mama alianika nguo.
  4. Mwashi alijenga nyumba

Kamilisha sentensi.

  1. Tunatumia kulima. (jembe, shoka)
  2. ______hutumiwa kukata muwa. (shoka, panga)

Tumia -ake.

  1. Kichwa
  2. Kalamu

Andika kwa maneno.

  1. 56
  2. 71

Andika wingi wa sentensi hizi.

  1. Kijiko kilioshwa na kaka.
  2. Chakula kilikuwa juu ya meza.

Tegua vitendawili.

  1. Akitolewa nje ya maji hufa.
  2. Babu asemaye
  3. Mwaka huwa na miezi

Mwaandikie rafiki yako barua ukimweleza jinsi unavyoendelea masomoni katika nafasi uliyopewa.


Sehemu ya A

  1. Ng'ombe/Kondo/ Mbuzi
  2. Tano
  3. ijumaa
  4. mke wa Musa 
  5. Wanyama na ndege


  1. Mbuga ya wanyama ya Nakuru
  2. Kutupa takataka nje ya gari. 
  3. Kuruhusu mtoto kutupa takataka barabarani
  4. Chakula na matunda 
  5. Umuhimu wa kutunza mazingira


  1. alifimgua 
  2. alichuka 
  3. alianua
  4. alibomoa
  5. jembe 
  6. Panga 
  7. chake 
  8. yake 
  9. Hamsini na sita
  10. Sabini na moja 
  11. Vijiko vilioshwa na kaka 
  12. Vyakula vilikuwa juu ya meza.
  13. samaki 
  14. kalamu 
  15. kumi na mbili


  1. Write 3241 in words.
  2. What is the place vatue of digit 6 in the number613?
  3. What is the total value of the underlined digit? 453
  4. Write in symbols:
    One thoiisand and thirty four
  5. Round off to the nearest 10    - 149
  6. Numbers which are divisible by 2 are called numbers. (odd, even)
  7. Write the first six multiples of 4.
  8. Complete the following pattern:
    23,21, 19, 17,
  9. Write 6 in Roman numeral.
  10. Add:
    +   9 

  11. A factory processed 4378 bags of coffee berries in October and 3912 bags in November. How many bags of coffee berries were processed in the two months?
  12. 645
    - 89

  13. Work out by rounding off the number to the nearest 10.
    19 - 13 =
  14. 24 x 2 =
  15. 29 ÷ 2 =


  1. Work out the perimeter of this shape.
  2. m   cm
    5     30
    -2    10

  3. How many ½ kg packets can be obtained from 4 kg of sugar?
  4. 59 litres
    +40 litres

  5. 1 hour =________minutes.  


  1. Complete the pattern
  2. A triangle has sides.
  3. Name any object with a triangular shape


  1. Arrange the following marks obtained by ten learners in a Mathematics test in ascending order.
    46, 48, 56, 50, 48, 60, 46, 56, 62, 56


  1. 5a + 2a =
  2. 3c + 4c =
  3. 10b - 7b =
  4. Naliaka sold 9p shirts, 2r pairs of shorts and 8r skirts. How many items did she sell?
  5. w + 3w =
  6. 20m - 13m = 


  1. Three thousand two hundred and fourty one.
  2. hundreds
  3. 50
  4. 1034
  5. 150
  6. even
  7. 8, 12, 16, 20, 24
  8. 15, 13
  9. vu
  10. 2023 
  11. 8290
  12. 556
  13. 6
  14. 48
  15. 14 rem 1
  16. 92
  17. 3m 20 cm
  18. 8
  19. 99 litres
  20. 60
  21. pattern
  22. 3
  23. Any triangle item.
  24. 46, 46, 48, 48, 50
    56, 56, 60, 62
  25. 7a
  26. 7c
  27. 3b
  28. 19 items
  29. 4 w
  30. 7m
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