Displaying items by tag: grade 4



  1. State two characteristics of plants as living things
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  2. The following are protective clothing needed when handling plants. Name them 
    2 auydada
  3. A mango plant produces a young mango plant. This shows that plants ..................................................................... (die, reproduce)
  4. We should wear ..................................................................... to protect our feet when handling plants.
  5. Draw and colour the protective clothing that protects our eyes when handling plants







  6. Classify the following into living and nonliving things.
    stone, dog, paper, earthworm, flag, frog, bottle, plant, cow, jembe
      Living things  Non-living things
  7. Another name for young plants is ..................................................................... (fruits, seedlings)
    7 aihydauhdiuada
  8. The picture above shows that plants ..................................................................... (grow, die)
  9. Name any three plants found in your locality (area)
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
    3. .....................................................................
  10. Plants need ..................................................................... to grow healthy (darkness, sunlight)


  1. Name two characteristics of animals
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  2. Animals without a backbone are called .....................................................................
  3. Animals with a backbone are called .....................................................................
  4. We should use ..................................................................... to carry small dangerous and poisonous animals (plates, forceps)
  5. State whether the following animals are vertebrates or invertebrates
    5 sygtuygd
  6. Name two protective clothing that you need when handling animals
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  7. Which of these animals does not have a backbone? .....................................................................(chameleon, fish, earthworm)
  8. Animals move from one place to another...................................................................... True or false
  9. A chicken reproduces by ..................................................................... (giving, birth, laying eggs)
  10. Write the characteristic of animals shown below .....................................................................
    10 auydguayda


  1. Digestion of food starts in the ..................................................................... and ends in the .....................................................................
  2. The picture below shows the digestive system. Name the parts marked
    11 augduya
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
    3. .....................................................................
    4. .....................................................................
    5. .....................................................................
    6. .....................................................................
  3. Another name for small intestine is .....................................................................
  4. The juice found in the mouth is called .....................................................................
  5. How many incisors does a human being have? .....................................................................
  6. The type of teeth used for biting and cutting food are called .....................................................................
  7. How many roots does a premolar tooth have? .....................................................................
  8. Draw and colour a molar tooth







  9. State two characteristics of canines
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  10. The two types of teeth that are used for chewing and grinding food are ..................................................................... and .....................................................................

Air Pollution

  1. What is the meaning of air pollution? .....................................................................
  2. Write two causes of air pollution
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  3. Motor vehicle pollute air because they produce a lot of ..................................................................... (water, smoke)
  4. What is the air pollutant in the picture below?
    4 iudiuahdhyad
    Write True or False
  5. Plants and animals need clean air for their growth .....................................................................
  6. Polluted air is the best for breathing .....................................................................
  7. Dusty roads cause air pollution .....................................................................
  8. We can reduce bad smell from the toilets by .....................................................................
  9. State one way in which animals are affected by air pollution .....................................................................

Walk around your home and identify one air pollutants. Tell your parent/guardian about it.

Water Pollution

  1. The harmful substances that cause water pollution are called water ..................................................................... (cleaners, pollutants)
  2. The picture below shows a .....................................................................
    2 uygauygda
  3. Drinking water should be ..................................................................... to kill germs.
  4. Name one disease that one can get by drinking polluted water .....................................................................
  5. Write two causes of water pollution
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
      Write True or False
  6. Clean water is black in colour .....................................................................
  7. Clean water has no smell ....................................................................
  8. Oil spillage does not pollute water .....................................................................
  9. Write one way of reducing water pollution .....................................................................


  1. Write the name of each of the digital devices shown below.
    1 augduyada
  2. Write the functions of the following parts of a computer
    1. Monitor.....................................................................
    2. Keyboard .....................................................................
    3. Central processing unit .....................................................................
  3. What is coding? ..........................................................................................................................................
  4. Work out the Sudoku puzzle below by filling in the blank squares with correct numbers
    4 auygduaygda
  5. State two safety precautions to observe when using digital devices
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  6. Draw and colour a football with its coded pattern
  7. The part of a computer that controls a pointer on the screen is the ..................................................................... (speaker, mouse, cable)

States of Matter

  1. Name the three states of matter
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
    3. .....................................................................
  2. Classify the materials below as liquids, gases or solids.
    Stone, air, cooking oil, pens, milk, wood, steam, smoke
  3. Write True or False
    1. Solids have a definite volume .....................................................................
    2. Gases have a definite shape .....................................................................
    3. Liquids occupy space .....................................................................
  4. Which one of the following is a solid .....................................................................? (water, air, soil)
  5. State two characteristics of gases
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................


  1. Look at the picture below
    1 uygdagdagda
    From the picture, it is true to say that the stone is .....................................................................  in water (floating, sinking)
  2. Write down any two examples of objects that float on water
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  3. Write down any two examples of objects that sink in water.
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  4. State two factors that affect floating, one sinking
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  5. A boat floats on water because of its .....................................................................(size, shape, weight)
  6. A crushed bottle top .....................................................................(sinks, floats) in water while the one which is not crushed .....................................................................(sinks, floats)
  7. Which one of the following is a sinker? ..................................................................... (a straw, a toothpick, a nail)
  8. Study the materials given below
    Feather          Rubber                    Keys
    Coin                Pin                          Leaf
    Straw             Candle wax
    Group the above materials into floaters and sinkers and fill in the table below
    Sinkers  Floaters
  9. The picture above shows a person swimming using a .....................................................................
    9 ayygdauygda
    (floater, sinker)
  10. Write True or False
    1. Floaters save lives .....................................................................
    2. A small pin floats on water .....................................................................

Force and its effects

  1. What is force? .....................................................................
    State what is happening in each of the pictures below
    1 auydtaydgta
  2. Write three effects of force on objects 
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
    3. .....................................................................
  3. Write two activities that require force
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  4. Write True or False
    1. Force can make an object move .....................................................................
    2. Force cannot change the shape of an object .....................................................................
    3. Force can change the direction of a moving object .....................................................................

Apply force by kicking a ball and observe what happens. Share your experience with your friend.


  1. Name two instruments that can produce sound
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  2. Sound travels in .....................................................................(one direction, all directions)
  3. Sound can be reflected. True or false .....................................................................
  4. When a bell is rung in the school compound, all the pupils hear the bell.
    This shows that sound travels .....................................................................
  5. Reflected sound is also called .....................................................................
  6. Name the places where sound can be reflected.
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  7. A flute produces sound by .....................................................................(blowing, hitting, plucking)


  1. Study the activity below
    1 ajdgauygdagda
    The above activity shows that light travels in a .....................................................................
  2. The materials that allow all the light to pass through are called .....................................................................materials (opaque, transparent, translucent)
  3. List two materials that allow all the light to pass
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  4. Materials that allow only small amount of light to pass through are called ..................................................................... materials
  5. Name two examples of translucent materials
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  6. .....................................................................materials do not allow any light to pass through them. (transparent, opaque, translucent)
  7. A clear glass is an example of a .....................................................................material.
  8. Give two examples of opaque material
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  9. Which of the following is a transparent material? .....................................................................(Stone, air, frosted glass)


  1. The movement of heat through solids is called.....................................................................
  2. Study the experiment below
    2 auygduya
    When the metal rod was heated for sometime, the pins started falling off.
    Which was the first pin to fall off? .....................................................................
  3. Which was the last pin to fall off .....................................................................
  4. The heat reached the pins by a method called .....................................................................
  5. What is the difference between good and poor conductors of heat? .....................................................................
  6. Name two good conductors of heat
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  7. Name two poor conductors of heat
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................


  1. The fixed part of a lever is called .....................................................................
  2. Indicate the effort, load or fulcrum in the following levers.
    2 auydghuayd
  3. Levers make work ..................................................................... (harder, easier)
  4. The part of a lever where force is applied is called the ..................................................................... (load, effort, fulcrum)
  5. Draw and colour a beam balance in the space provided







  6. What we try to lift in a lever is called  ..................................................................... (fulcrum, effort, load)
  7. Name any two materials needed when making a beam balance
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  8. Name one lever found in your home .....................................................................


  1. State two things seen in the sky at night
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  2. The moon gets its light from the .....................................................................(clouds, sun, rain)
  3. Name two things that we see in the sky during the day.
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  4. Name the clouds shown below:-
    4 sytgdsytgds
  5. Name two activities that are done during rainy weather
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  6. Write two characteristics of cumulus clouds
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  7. The sun rises in the ..................................................................... and sets in the .....................................................................
  8. State two activities done during windy weather 
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................


Living things

    1. They grow
    2. They reproduce
    1. Gloves
    2. Apron / instant
    3. Gumboot
  3. Reproduce
  4. Gumboot
  5. Drawing
  6. Living things -  Dogs, Earthworm, Cow, Frog. Plant
    Non-living things - Stone, Paper, Flag, Bottle Jembe
  7. Seedling
  8. Die
  9. Any sensible answer 
  10. Sunlight


    1. they move
    2. they grow
  2. Invertebrate
  3. Vertebrate
  4. Forceps
    1. vertebrate
    2. Invertebrate
    3. Vertebrate
    4. invertebrate
  6. Gloves, gumboots
  7. Earthworm
  8. True
  9. Laying eggs 
  10. Reproduction


  1. Mouth, colon
    1. food pipe
    2. Stomach
    3. Large intestine (colon)
    4. Rectum
    5. Mouth
    6. Small intestine
  3. Ileum
  4. Saliva
  5. 8
  6. Incisor
  7. Two
  8. Drawing
    1. Sharp and pointed
    2. Have are not 
    3. Premolars, molars

Air Pollution

  1. Making air dirty
    1. Bad smell from dirty toilets
    2. Smoke from vehicles
  3. Smoke
  4. Smoke
  5. True
  6. False 
  7. True 
  8. Cleaning them
  9. pollution can cause breathing problems

Water pollution

  1. Pollutants
  2. Water filter
  3. Boiled
  4. Cholera
    1. Human wastes
    2. Soil particles
  6. False
  7. True
  8. False
  9. Proper disposal of human waste

Digital technology

    1. Desktop computer
    2. Smart phens
    3. Radio
    4. Television 
    1. Shows work being done by the computer
    2. Typing numbers/ symbols into a computer
    3. Controls all the different parts of a computer
  3. Making something stand for another thing 
  4. 3,4 4,3 5.
    1. Do not make friends with unknown people online
    2. Avoid touching open socket when connecting digital devices
    3. Drawing 
    4. Mouse

States of matter

    1. Solids
    2. Liquids
    3. Gases
  2. Solids: Stone, wood, pens
    Liquids choking oil Milk
    Gases; Air, Steam Smoke
    1. True
    2. False
    3. True
  4. Soil
    1. They do not have a definite shape 
    2. Have no definite volume


  1. Sinking 
    1. Feather
    2. Plastic ruler
    1. Stone
    2. Glass
    1. Shape
    2. Type of material
  5. Shape
  6. Sinks, floats 
  7. A nail 
  8. Sinkers; coin, key. pin
    Floater; Feather, Straw, candle wax, leaf
  9. Floater
    1. True
    2. False


  1. A push or a pull
    1. A man pushing a wheelbarrow 
    2. Lifting a box
    3. Pushing a car
    1. It makes an object more
    2. can stop a moving object
    3. Can change direction of a movingobject
    1. Riding a bicycle
    2. Pushing a wheelbarrow
    1. True 
    2. False
    3. True


    1. Flute
    2. Guitar
  2. All directions
  3. True
  4. In all directions
  5. Echo
    1. A big hall
    2. A church building
  7. Blowing


  1. Straight line
  2. Transparent
    1. Air
    2. Clear glass
  4. Translucent 
    1. Frosted glass
    2. Skylight, tracing paper
  6. Opaque
  7. Transparent
    1. Stone 
    2. Wood
  9. Air


  1. Conduction
  2. A
  3. D
  4. Conduction
  5. A good conductor allows heat to pass but a poor conductor does not
    1. Sufuria
    2. Kettle
    1. Cloth
    2. Wood


  1. Fulcrum /pint
  2. 2 ajyygduyagydu
  3. Easier
  4. Effort
  5. Drawing
  6. Load
    1. Tins of the same size
    2. Pieces of timber/wood
  8. Wheelbarrow
    1. Stars
    2. Moon


    1. Stars
    2. Moon
  2. Sun
    1. sun
    2. clouds
    1. cumulus
    2. nimbus
    3. Stratus
    1. Planting
    2. Weeding
    1. Found very high in the sky
    2. Look like cotton wool
  7. East, West
    1. Winnowing
    2. Flying kites
Tuesday, 26 April 2022 12:59

Home Science Homework Activities - CBC Grade 4


Exercise 1

  1. Outline five needs of a child healthy development
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
    4. ...........................................................................
    5. ...........................................................................
  2. The need that protects us from bad weather and harmful things is called ........................................................................... while that keeps us warm is a ...........................................................................
  3. Name the games that are shown below
    1 ygduygagdaugd
  4. Name four play items 
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
    4. ...........................................................................
  5. Write three qualities of a suitable play item
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  6. Name two accidents that can happen when playing
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
  7. Write two benefits of taking care of playing items
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................

Common illness in the locality
Exercise 2

  1. Name four common illness that are found in your locality
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
    4. ...........................................................................
  2. Write three common causes of illness
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  3. Write two ways how you can prevent diseases
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
  4. Who should you communicate to when you are feeling unwell
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  5. Identify the below illness
    2 aiuhdiuahd

Care at the home

  1. Write three methods of making home clean
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  2. Cleaning tools that are made using locally available materials are called ...........................................................................
  3. Kim had a Jerican, a pair of scissors and a pen. Which cleaning tool is he likely to make ...........................................................................
  4. Name three materials needed to make an improvised mop
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  5. When sweeping where does one start ...........................................................................
  6. Why is it necessary to sprinkle water on earthen before sweeping ...........................................................................
  7. What do we use when dusting? ........................................................................... 

Care and cleaning of shoes
Exercise 3 

  1. Name the materialas used to make the below shoes
    3 ayugudyagda
  2. Which type of shoes are polished when cleaning ...........................................................................
  3. Write four materials we use when cleaning a canvas shoes
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
    4. ...........................................................................
  4. Why are canvas shoes aired in the shade after rinsing? ...........................................................................
  5. Which type of shoes is best to wear when it's muddy ...........................................................................

Fuels used at home

  1. Which type of fuel is used in the equipment below? 
    4 auygduygada
  2. Write three reasons to consider while choosing the type of fuel to use
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  3. ...........................................................................is the careful use of fuel
  4. The type of fuel that mostly affects our forest is ...........................................................................
  5. Write two challenges faced when using different types of fuel
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................

Consumer awareness
Exercise 4

  1. Write two importances of a shopping list?
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
  2. Write two factors to consider while making a shopping list
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
  3. You were given 200 shillings to do shopping for supper. Fill the shopping list below
    No Items  Costs 
  4. When preparing a shopping list, which items should be given priority? ...........................................................................
  5. Name three places where you can buy food items
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................

Food nutrition

  1. Write three factors to consider when buying food from a grocery
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  2. Why is it good to check the expiry date of food in the market? ...........................................................................
  3. Why is it good to buy 'goods that are well packed? ...........................................................................
  4. Body building foods are also called ........................................................................... What is their purpose in the body to ...........................................................................
  5. Write four examples of energy giving foods
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
    4. ...........................................................................
  6. What is the purpose of protective foods ...........................................................................
  7. Write three foods that are commonly found in a grocery shop
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  8. Name five types of foods found in your locality
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
    4. ...........................................................................
    5. ...........................................................................
  9. Classify the following food to their group; maize, peas, casssava, orange, sweet potatoes, kales, mango, beans, fish, pork, cabbage, green gram , milk, chapatti, pineapples, eggs
    Body building foods  Energy giving foods  Protective foods 





  10. A meal that contains all the three food groups is said to be ...........................................................................

Preservation o milk
Exercise 5

  1. Name three sources of milk in your locality
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  2. List three animals that produce milk
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  3. Write two hygienic practices when handling milk
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
  4. The picture below shows methods of preserving milk. Name them.
    5 sghyshgyufsf
  5. Why is it necessary to preserve milk ...........................................................................

Fragile kitchen utensils

  1. Name six utensils found in your home
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
    4. ...........................................................................
    5. ...........................................................................
    6. ...........................................................................
  2. Name three utensils that are fragile
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  3. Below are utensils. Write their purposes e.g. serving, storing, preparing food etc.
    6 uyaygydayuda
  4. Name three materials that can be used to clean fragile utensils .
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  5. Fragile utensils are made of;
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................

Cooking foods
Exercise 6

  1. Write three reasons why food is cooked 
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  2. Name three foods that are eaten raw
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  3. Write three food hygiene practices
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  4. Name the following methods of cooking
    7 uhaguygduyagd
  5. Name four foods that can be cooked by boiling
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  6. Name two foods that can be roasted
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................


      With the help of a guardian cook a fried egg and send a photo to the teacher 

  7. Write three safety measures that you need to observe work tools
    1. ...........................................................................
    2. ...........................................................................
    3. ...........................................................................
  8. Name the following needle work tools
    8 ahuydauyda
  9. When keeping ...........................................................................it should be rolled neatly and then tied with a thread or rubber band.
  10. Match the following tools to their uses
      Needle work tool  Uses
     Thimble  For stitching
    b  Tailors Chalk  For taking measurement
     Needle  For cutting
     Thread  Sewing
     Tape measure  Protecting the finger from injuries
     Pair of scissors  Marking on a piece of cloth


  1. ...........................................................................is a loop made when a thread needle is passed through a fabric
  2. Name the following types of stiches
    9 iuadahidhaiuhd


Healthy practices

  1. Food, clothing, shelter, playing, Guidance, health
  2. Shelter, clothing
    1. Hind and seck
    2. Rope Skipping
    3. Swinging
    4. Computer game
    5. Sliding
    6. Football
  4. toys, balls, rope, bicycle, bean bag. marble 
  5. Attractive, durable, washable, easy to operate, right size, not sharp
  6. Fall, pricked, attack by harmful insect
    1. to avoid accident
    2. for them to last longer

Common Illness

  1. Headache, stomach ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, cough, cold 
  2. Eating without washing hands, dirty utensils insect bites, cuting rotten food, poor disposal of human waste, breathing contaminated air
  3. Drinking boiled water washing hand regularly using toilet well, exercising personal hygiene, sleeping under mosquito net.
  4. Parent, guardian or teacher
    1. headache
    2. Cold
    3. Stomachache
    4. Vomiting 
    1. Mopping
    2. Sweeping
    3. Dusting
  7. Improvised tools
  8. Dust pan
  9. Old woolen or cotton cloth, pair of scissors, long smooth stick, knife, sisal string 
  10. From the furthest corner 
  11. To avoid raising dust
  12. Soft piece of cloth

Exercise 3

    1. Canvas
    2. plastic
    3. leather
    4. rubber
  2. leather shoes 
    1. Water
    2. Scrubbing brush
    3. piece of cloth
    4. soap
    5. old newspaper
  4. to avoid them lose shape and dis-colour
  5. Plastic shoe 
    1. charcoal
    2. gas
    3. firewood
    4. paraffin
    1. availability
    2. cost of fuel
    3. type of food cooking
    4. available equipment
    5. cooking method
  8. Conservation 
  9. Charcoal and firewood
    1. Some produce smoke
    2. sometime the flame produced cannot be controlled
    3. gas get finished without notice
    4. charcoal can lead to dr suffocation

Exercise 4 

    1. save time when doing shopping
    2. make us to remember what you want to buy
    3. help us to shop within budget 
    4. make us to buy only things we need
    1. amount of money you have
    2. what you need to buy
  3. Optional answer 
  4. The basic things
  5. Grocery, Market, Kiosk, Duka, Supermarket
    1. Correct weight
    2. Expiry date
    3. Price
    4. Package
  7. To avoid buying rotten food
  8. Because they look attractive
  9. protein, Help in growth and repair damaged body tissues 
  10. Maize, wheat. cassava, arrowroot potatoes, rice 
  11. Help the body to fight diseases 
  12. Cabbage, banana, kales, oranges, tomatoes, carrot 
  13. Varying answers 
    1. Body building food; - peas, beans. fish, pork, green gram, milk, eggs
    2. Energy giving food - Maize, Cassava, sweet potatoes, chapatti
    3. Protective food - Orange, kale, mango, cabbage, pineapple 
  15. Balance diet

Exercise 5

  1. Dairy animals Kiosk, Supermarket, milk vendors, Shops
  2. Cow, Camel goat
    • Wash your hand
    • use clean containers
    • Wear protective clothing to prevent dirt 
    1. boiling
    2. processing
    3. keeping in a refrigerator
    4. fermenting 
  5. to make it stay longer
    for future use
  6. Sufuria, Spoon, knife, fork, pot, flask, cup. mug, glass, bowl 
  7. Thermal fask, Glass, enamel cup, clay pot, ceramic kettle 
    1. serving
    2. storing/ serving
    3. preparing
    4. Preparing
    5. Serving
    6. Serving 
    7. preparing
    8. storing
  9. soft towel, soap, wash liquid bottle brush, spongecloth
  10. Enamel, clay, glass,

Excercise 6

    1. Make it easy to eat
    2. Improve taste
    3. Preserve it
    4. Kill germ or bacteria
    5. Make it appetizing
  2. Mango, Apple, ripe banana, cassava, sweet potato
    1. Wash hand before handling food
    2. Keeping the kitchen clean
    3. Keep utensil clean and dry 
    4. Keep food covered after cooking
    5. Keeping flies away
    1. Boiling
    2. Shallow frying
    3. Ronating
  5. Githeri, peas, sweet potato, egg
  6. Meat, cassava, Banana, potato,arrowroot
    1. sew in a well-lit house to avoid hurting yourself
    2. use magnet to pick pin or needle from the floor
    3. pins should be put in a pin cushion
    4. Use thimble to protect the fingers
    5. Cutting tools should be put in a closed pocket
    1. thimble
    2. thread
    3. tape measure
    4. Scissors
    5. Ruler
    6. seam ripper
    7. needle
    8. pins
  9. Tape measure
    1. Protecting the finger from injuries
    2. Marking on a piece of cloth
    3. Sewing
    4. For stitching
    5. For taking measuremeat
    6. For cutting 
  11. Stitch
    1. back stitch
    2. Hemming stitch
    3. Catch stitch
    4. Running stitch
Tagged under

Exercise 1
Week one Wednesday

  1. Which methods can be used to decorate modeled clay articles? ..................................................................
  2. The technique of Picture making which involver cutting and pasting different pictures together to make a pictorial composition is called drawing ..................................................................
  3. Drawing objects when looking at them is referred to as ..................................................................
  4. The smearing of colour onto a surface is called ..................................................................
  5. What material can we use to create different tones in drawing?
    1. ..................................................................
    2. ..................................................................
    3. ..................................................................
    4. ..................................................................
  6. Use a pencil to colour the following
    1 augduya
  7. The change of tone from either dark to light or from light to dark is called ..................................................................(toning, gradation, smudging)
  8. Name four examples of dry media that can be used to create a value gradation strip 
    1. ..................................................................
    2. ..................................................................
    3. ..................................................................
    4. ..................................................................
  9. Name three materials which are used to shade using smudge technique
    1. ..................................................................
    2. ..................................................................
    3. ..................................................................
  10. The areas that appear dark are those parts hidden from ..................................................................
  11. Draw and colour or shade the following from a memory 






     A jug with half full of water  A goat eating grass
  12. Which colour is used to show the following
    1. plants ..................................................................
    2. Night ..................................................................
    3. Blood ..................................................................
    4. Water ..................................................................
    5. Sun ..................................................................

Exercise 2
Week Two Wednesday

  1. Create a tonal variation strip in the boxes below by shading using a pencil
  2. Use smudging technique to show dark and light area in the still life composition shown below
    2 quygdyugada
  3. Drawing objects when looking at them is called ..................................................................
    (drawing from memory, drawing from observation, drawing from imagination)
  4. Which one of the materials below is not needed when drawing a still life composition? ..................................................................
    (pencil, paint brush, drawing book, rubber)

Exercise 3
Crayon Etching

  1. Write any 4 materials used for crayon etching
    1. ..................................................................
    2. ..................................................................
    3. ..................................................................
    4. ..................................................................
  2. The best colour of the ink/ paint to use in crayon etching should be ..................................................................(white, black, red)
  3. Why is soap used when applying the paint over the crayon rubbings?..................................................................
  4. Write two tools that you can use for scratching the paint during crayon etching
    1. ..................................................................
    2. ..................................................................
  5.  Make a good pictorial composition of your choice in the space provided below using crayon etching technique.






Exercise 4
Week four Wednesday

  1. The picture making technique that involves cutting and pasting different pictures together to make one pictorial composition is known as ..................................................................
  2. Write four materials required when creating a pictorial composition
    1. ..................................................................
    2. ..................................................................
    3. ..................................................................
    4. ..................................................................
  3. Write the use of the following items when creating a montage pictorial composition
      Item  Use in montage work                       
    3 aiyduad   
    b  4 sigfuysfs  
  4. Activity
    Collect old magazines, books, newspapers and calendars. Cut out pictures of the different foods you like and create a montage composition in a manila piece of paper.

Exercise 5
Week Five Wednesday

  1. What is painting? ..................................................................
    Name there tripes of surfaces on which painting can be done
  2. ..................................................................
  3. ..................................................................
  4. ..................................................................
  5. .................................................................. is a long and narrow piece of paper (brush, strip, cover)
  6. The lightness or darkness of a colour on an object is called Tonal ..................................................................(level, value, amount)
  7. When you add black to another colour, the colour becomes ..................................................................(light, darker, brighter)
  8. Adding white to another colour makes that colour to become ..................................................................


Exercise 1

  1. Embedding, incising, engraving
  2. Montage
  3. Drawing from observation
  4. Painting
    1. crayons
    2. Pencils
    3. charcoal
    4. Pastels
  6. Drawing
  7. Toning 
    1. pastels
    2. crayons
    3. charcoal
    4. pencil
    1. Charcoal
    2. Pencil
    3. Crayons 
  10. Light
  11. Drawing
    1. Green
    2. Black
    3. Red
    4. Blue
    5. Orange

Exercise 2

  1. colouring
  2. Drawing
  3. Drawing from observation
  4. Paint brush

Exercise 3

    1. Wax Crayons
    2. black Indian ink/paint
    3. Scratching tools - toothpick, nail
    4. Paper
  2. Black
  3. To make the paint stick on the surface 
    1. Toothpick
    2. Nail

Exercise 4

  1. Montage
    1. Pencil
    2. Paper
    3. Rubber
    4. Sharpener
  3. Glue - sticking
    Scissors - cutting

Exercise 5

  1. is the art of making a picture by using paint
  2. Paper 
  3. Wooden surface
  4. Cardboard
  5. Surip
  6. Value
  7. Danar
  8. Lighter
Tagged under
Tuesday, 26 April 2022 12:58

IRE Homework Activities - CBC Grade 4


Answer all questions

  1. Which is the first Surah of the Qur'an .............................................................................
  2. What is the other name of Surah fatiha .............................................................................
  3. What is the meaning of Falaq .............................................................................
  4. Who are the Kafirun .............................................................................
  5. Which Surah will you recite when asking for protection from Allah .............................................................................
  6. Fatiha means? .............................................................................
  7. Which is the last Surah to be revealed .............................................................................
  8. Write two lessons you learn from Surah Al -Falaq
    1. .............................................................................
    2. .............................................................................
  9. Ummul Qur'an mean .............................................................................
  10. Write two lessons learnt from surah Al- ikhlas
    1. .............................................................................
    2. .............................................................................
  11. The oneness of Allah (SAW) is known as ....................................................................
    1. Salat 
    2. Taqwa
    3. Tawhid
    4. Ihsaarn
  12. Hijjra from Mecah to Madinah took place in the month of ....................................................................
    1. Dhul-Hikka
    2. Dhul-Qaada
    3. Muharrant
    4. Ramadhan
  13. Which prayer cannot be shortened? ....................................................................
    1. Isha and Fajr
    2. Fajr and Maghrib
    3. Asr and maghrib
    4. Dhuhr and Asr
  14. The Quran was first revealed in the month of ....................................................................
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Rajab
    3. Dhul Hijja
    4. Dhul-Qaulal
  15. Which Surah is not named after time? ....................................................................
    1. Lail
    2. Fajr
    3. Asr
    4. Alaq


  1. What is Hadith ....................................................................
  2. What is Miswaak ....................................................................
  3. We say .................................................................... before eating told  ....................................................................after eating food.
  4. Wastage of food is referred as ..........................................................
  5. Which hand is one suppose to eat with ..........................................................
  6. If you forget to say Bismillah before eating. What should you say when you remember ..........................................................
  7. Write two etiquette on eating as taught by the prophet (S.A W)
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
  8. Name two items you use while brushing your mouth
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
  9. Write a reasons why we brush teeth ..........................................................
  10. Write three Hadith recommended by Islam
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
  11. According to the hadith of the prophet Muslim are like a single? ..........................................................
    1. Unit
    2. Building
    3. Person
    4. Group to animals
  12. Muslims should be ..........................................................
    1. Unkind
    2. Hostile
    3. Kind
    4. Harsh
  13. Which among the following is an Islamic way of eating?
    1. Eat with your left hand
    2. Eat what is far from you
    3. Eat while your mouth is closed
    4. Eating while walking


  1. Ar - rahman means ..........................................................
  2. Allah is most merciful . We say ..........................................................
  3. We ask Allah (S.W.T) to show us his grace and kindness by saying ..........................................................
  4. Al Malik means that Allah is ..........................................................
  5. The beautiful names of Allah (SWT)are called ..........................................................
  6. Allah (SWT) is seeing everything open and hidden is ..........................................................
  7. ..........................................................are creations of Allah from light (Nur)
  8. Who named all creation of Allah ..........................................................
  9. Which Angels failed to bow before prophet Adam after being commanded by Allah ..........................................................
  10. The duty of angel Jibril is ..........................................................
  11. There are two guardian angels name them
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
  12. Which guardian angel recorded good deeds ..........................................................
  13. Which angel is in charge of Rain ..........................................................
  14. Which angel removes the soul of living things by the power of Allah ..........................................................
  15. Which is the second pillar of Iman ..........................................................


  1. Things we do to worship Allah (SWT) are referred as ..........................................................
  2. Twahara is an Arabic word that mean ..........................................................
  3. Thing that makes our bodies and environment impure are ..........................................................
  4. Najasaat are classified according to their ..........................................................
  5. The blood, pus, urine and stool are which type of Najasaatul ..........................................................
  6. The urine of two year old child who is only breast feeding is known as to have which impurity ..........................................................
  7. Heavy najasaat is also known as ..........................................................
  8. Mention two things that bring heavy impurities 
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
  9. Which items are required to clean
    1. Mukhaffafa (light Impurty ) ..........................................................
    2. Mutawassitah (medium Impurity) ..........................................................
    3. Mughalladha(heavy impurity) ..........................................................
  10. How many times is a utensil supposed to be washed is a dog drank from it ..........................................................
  11. Najasaat (Impurities) prevent us to perform ..........................................................
  12. Why must muslim perform wudhu ..........................................................
  13. A muslim must pray how many times a day ..........................................................
  14. Write three conditions for Swalah
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
    3. ..........................................................
  15. There are .......................................................... pillars of swalah and .......................................................... postures.


  1. ..........................................................is an Arabic word that means good morals
  2. Doing what is right and avoiding wrong doing is good ..........................................................
  3. Which living thing was created by Allah as Khalifa of the earth ..........................................................
  4. Name four plants created by Allah (SWT)
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
    3. ..........................................................
    4. ..........................................................
  5. Write three ways of showing kindness to Allah creatures
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
    3. ..........................................................
  6. Mistreating Allah's creature is ..........................................................
  7. Write three importance's of Allah creature
    1.  ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
    3. ..........................................................
  8. Aura is? ..........................................................
  9. Which part of an Islamic woman can be seen after good dressing .......................................................... and ..........................................................
  10. Islamic women wear ..........................................................to cover their head.
  11. A man is forbidden from wearing clothing made of .......................................................... and ..........................................................
  12. When wearing a new clothe one should recite? ..........................................................
  13. Whoever wears clothes of opposite sex is .......................................................... by Allah.
  14. Why is begging discouraged in Islam;
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
    3. ..........................................................
  15. Give two uses of digital devices
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
    3. ..........................................................
  16. List three digital devices
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
    3. ..........................................................


  1. Surah Al-fatiha
  2. Sabaul mathani
  3. Dawn or early morning
  4. The disbelievers
  5. Sural Al-falaq
  6. The opening
  7. Surah An-Nasr
    1. Allah dislikes envy and Jealous
    2. Allah dislikes Witchcraft
    3. Allah protect his people
  9. The mother of Qur'an 
    1. Muslim MUST worship one God
    2. Nothing is comparable to Allah
  11. A
  12. B
  13. A
  14. A
  15. D


  1. Moral teuching of the prophet
  2. Stick used in brushing teeth
  3. Bismillah, Alhamdulillah 
  4. Israaf
  5. Right hand
  6. Bismillah awwalalu wa akhirahu
    1. Mention the name allah before eating
    2. Eat what is directly infront of you
    3. Parise Allah after eating
  8. toothbrush, tooth paste and clean water
  9. Its hygienic it way of purifying our mouth
    1. etiquette of eating
    2. be generous
    3. do exercise
    4. brushing teeth 
  11. C
  12. C

Pillar of Iman

  1. Most gracious
  2. Ar - rahim 
  3. Ar-rahman
  4. The owner of everything
  5. Asmaul Husna
  6. Al- Basir 
  7. Angels
  8. Prophet Adam 
  9. Iblis
  10. Revelation
  11. Raqib and Atid
  12. Angel ragid
  13. Mikail
  14. Israil Belief in angels

Devotional Acts

  1. Devotional act
  2. Purity
  3. Najasaat
  4. Weight
  5. Medium Impurity (matawansitah)
  6. Light impurity
  7. Najasaatul mughaladha
    1. pig and its products
    2. Urine of a dog 
    1. water and soap
    2. Water, sand and soap 
  10. Seven times
  11. Ibadah
  12. To make them clean 
  13. Five times a day
    1. must be a muslim
    2. must be sane
    3. must be mature 
    4. must cover private part . 
  15. fourteen, five

Akhlaq (moral values)

  1. Akhlaq
  2. Virtues
  3. Human being
  4. Mango, tea, maize, banana, orange
    1. Feeding them
    2. watering them
    3. treating
    4. housing them
  6. Halam
    1. carry load for us
    2. we get meat and me from them
    3. attract tourist
    4. Get shoes from their skin
  8. Part of the body that thing must be covered
  9. Face and palm 
  10. Hijab 
  11. Silk and gold 
  12. Dua 
  13. Cursed
    1. bring disrespect
    2. make people lazy
    3. encourage lies
    1. to send messages
    2. to communicate 
  16. Radio Television tablet, Mobile phone, computer.
Tagged under
Tuesday, 26 April 2022 12:57

Music Homework Activities - CBC Grade 4


Exercise 1

  1. Write three different types of songs
    1. ........................................................................
    2. ........................................................................
    3. ........................................................................
  2. Songs sung to show love of our country are called ........................................................................
  3. ........................................................................ are songs sung using actions to accompany the message.
  4. Name the type of song sung by people drawn below
    4a uygauduya
  5. ........................................................................ are songs sung about issues affecting society.
  6. Singing smoothly or in detached manner is called .................................................................
  7. What is choral singing? .................................................................
  8. What is solo singing?.................................................................
  9. The speed of a music is referred to as .................................................................
  10. The type of song below is called .................................................................
    I do believe Lord, yes I do believe
    I do I do Lord, yes I do believe
    I do believe Lord, you know I do believe
    But help me in my unbelief
  11. Head, shoulder knees and toes, Head, shoulder knees and toes is a .................................................................type of a song.
  12. Tim went to a burial. The most likely type of songs to be sung are .................................................................

Exercise 2
Kenyan folk songs

  1. ................................................................. is a person who leads a performance of a folk song.
  2. During which occasions are folk songs danced .................................................................
  3. Which parts of the body are involved when dancing a folk song?
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
  4. Name any three instruments used in your community when performing folk songs
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
  5. Write three values of a folk song
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
  6. Clothes worn when performing folk songs are called .................................................................

Musical instruments

  1. Melodic percussion instruments produce ................................................................. pitches
  2. Percussion instruments that produce only one pitch are known as .................................................................
  3. Name the following percussion instruments
    9a iuhaiuhdad
  4. Most percussion instruments are played by ................................................................. and .................................................................
  5. Name four materials that can be used to make a percussion instrument
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
    4. .................................................................
  6. Name the following parts of a drum
    12 aiuhdiuada
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
    4. .................................................................
  7. Name three ways of tuning a drum
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
  8. Peter wanted to make a percussion instrument. He had a metallic bottle tops, hammer, nail, wire and Y shaped stick. Which to make? .................................................................

Exercise 3
Descant recorder

  1. A descant record is played by .................................................................
  2. Name the following parts of a descant recorder
    2 ajgdyugada
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
    4. .................................................................
    5. .................................................................
    6. .................................................................
  3. Write three safety measures of a decant recorder 
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
  4. .................................................................is making body movements in response to music.
  5. Who is the leader of a dance? .................................................................
  6. Name different types of people who can perform a dance
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
    4. .................................................................
  7. Objects used on stage like whisk, sticks when performing a dance are called .................................................................
  8. Write four steps to follow when dancing
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
    4. .................................................................
  9. Which body parts are used while dancing
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
    4. .................................................................
  10. Use the picture below to answer the questions
    10 aiuuidahduad
    1. Name the prop used .................................................................
    2. Name the instruments used in the dance .................................................................
    3. Name the style used when dancing ................................................................. and .................................................................
    4. Who are participating in the dance? .................................................................
    5. Which parts of the body are used in the dancing? .................................................................
    6. Dance formation makes the dance look ................................................................. and .................................................................


Exercise 1

    1. Action song
    2. sacred song
    3. patriotic song
    4. topical song
  2. Patriotic song
  3. Action songs 
    1. sacred
    2. Patriotic
    3. folk song
  5. topical songs 
  6. articulation
  7. when many people sung together 
  8. song sung by one person 
  9. tempo 
  10. sacred song 
  11. action song 
  12. sacred songs.

Exercise 2

  1. soloist
  2. Cultural day 
  3. head, feet, neck, wrist, hands waist 
  4. Drum, flute, shakers, Kayamba, Wandidi,, Nyatiti
  5. honesty, love, kindness, hard work, pollteness, respect 
  6. costumes 
  7. Different pitches 
  8. Non-melodie instrume
    1. Kayamba
    2. Shakers
    3. Drum
    4. Tambourine 
  10. Shaking and hitting 
  11. wood, tin, skin, reed, Seed, bottle tops. 
  12. A- lace
    B - Sling
    D - Membrane
    1. Tuning the lace
    2. Warming it in the sun
    3. Putting it near fire 
  14. Shakers

Exercise 3

  1. Blowing
  2. A-Mouth piece
    C-Sound holes
    D-Head joint
    E - Middle joint
    F-Foot joint 
    1. Keep the recorder clean and dry
    2. use clean hands while playing
    3. keep your nail short 
    4. Avoid dropping the recorder
  4. dance
  5. soloist
  6. boys alone, girls alone, both boys and girls, women alone men alone and both men and women
  7. prop
  9. legs, hands, wrist, waist, shoulders
    1. sticks
    2. drum
    3. Jumping, shaking of the body
    4. Girls, men and women
    5. Hands, legs, waist and shoulders 
  11. neat and beautiful
Tagged under


Exercise 1

  1. Below is 100 and 200metrcs athletic track. Draw the starting and finishing points
    1 adtgatgdad
  2. What is an intercommunity sport .................................................................
  3. ................................................................. is respect for teammates and rules in games and sports.
  4. The sport drawn below is a .................................................................
    4 aydhuyad
  5. Write two games that are played by a team.
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
  6. Name four material that can be used to improvise a ball
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
    4. .................................................................
  7. Below are methods of throwing a ball. Name them
    7 yguydgada
  8. Name three parts of the foot used to pass a score ball.
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
  9. What is the boy doing with the ball in the drawing below?
    9 yaguydad
  10. Rounder game is played by how many team .................................................................
  11. The team that is throwing the ball in a rounder game is called .................................................................
  12. Name three main items used in a rounder game
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
  13. A point earned in a rounder game is called .................................................................
  14. How many post is one supposed to run around to earn appoint..................................................................

Exercise 2

  1. Name the below rolls
    1 aiuhdiuahda
  2. Which parts of the body are involved in the gymnastic roll
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
  3. Name the gymnastic game below
    3 aygduyada
  4. Name the type of standing or posture drawn below
    4 auygdauyd
  5. Write three benefits of swimming.
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
  6. Write two rules found in swimming pool
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
  7. Which sport is played in below field .................................................................
    7 aighdada

Revision Exercise

  1. How many players are there in one team of football? .................................................................
  2. Score ball is made of .................................................................
  3. Name two parts of the body used to play ball
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
  4. Write two track event in athletics
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
  5. Name three play items in your school
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
  6. Draw the following
     a) bat  b) bean bag  c) frisbee
  7. Below exercises develop muscular strength name them
    7 agdyuada


Exercise 1

  1. track drawing
  2. sport among community team
  3. fair play
  4. Long jump
  5. Football, volleyball, handball
  6. Sisal string, old cloths old socks, dry grass, piece of old mattress, old newspaper
    1. Over head pass
    2. under arm pass
    3. overarm pass
    1. instep
    2. outside of the instep
    3. inside the instep
  9. Hand juggling
  10. TWO 
  11. Field team 
  12. Bat, posts, ball 
  13. Rounder
  14. Pour posts

Exercise 2

    1. forward roll
    2. Backward roll
  2. hand, legs, head
    1. head stand
    2. hand stand
    3. Knee stand
    1. arch stand
    2. Squat stand
    3. Sitting tuck
    1. keep heart rate up
    2. maintain healthy weigh
    3. relax and ease stress
    4. provide pleasant leisure:
  6. -Don't run around the pool
    - No eating or drinking around the pool
    - No bottle around the pool
    - No pushing around the pool 
  7. Frisbee

Revision exercise

  1. 11 players
  2. leather
  3. hand, leg, chest
  4. 100 metre race
    200 metre race
    400 meters run
    800 meters 
  5. Soccer Dan, bean bag, rim, Frisbee, skipping rope
  6. Drawing
    1. crab walk,
    2. Hip bridge
    3. Crab toe touch


kava area map
Answer the questions

  1. The forest is to the ...................................................................... of the hospital.
  2. Kaka Market is to the ......................................................................of the church.
  3. Which direction is Pevo Market? ......................................................................
  4. Which direction does River Bulima flow from? ......................................................................
  5. Scrub vegetation is to the ...................................................................... of the map.

koko area map sasad

Answer the questions below

  1. The church is to the ...................................................................... of the coffee farm.
  2. Which crops are being grown in Koko area?
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
  3. The Health Centre is to the ...................................................................... of the police station.
  4. The mineral mined at Koko area is ......................................................................
  5. Give the directions of the area where the forests are located.
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................


  1. Draw a compass showing the cardinal points








  2. West is to the......................................................................of North.
  3. ......................................................................is opposite South East.
  4. Compass points help us to tell the ......................................................................of the place.
  5. A drawing that shows a part of the land and the things on it is called a ......................................................................
  6. If you are standing facing East, what direction will it be to your right-hand side? ......................................................................
  7. Write down the name of your county. ......................................................................
  8. Look at the map of PATE COUNTY below.
    8 aygda
    1. How many sub-counties make Pate County? ......................................................................
    2. Which sub - county is found North of Kisa county ......................................................................
  9. A county that shares a boundary with another county is its ......................................................................
  10. Kenya is made up of ...................................................................... counties.
  11. Identify the physical features described below:-
    1. A large low-lying area of almost flat land ......................................................................
    2. A large body of water that is salty ......................................................................
  12. From the balloon below circle the lakes that you know;
    12 aiuhdad
  13. Give three importance's of plains
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
    3. ......................................................................
  14. Look at the diagram
    14 aigdiada
    Give two importance's of this feature
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
  15. Fill the table
    Activities that can be done during the dry season  Activities that can be done during the wet season 
  16. Look at the picture alongside
    16 a uytduayda
    1. What is the man doing ......................................................................
    2. Which season is it? ......................................................................
  17. Draw a picture to show a rainy season








  18. Which season do we experience no rain for a long time? ......................................................................
  19. Which season is experienced between March and May? ......................................................................


  1. Fort Jesus was built by the ......................................................................
  2. Give three examples of historic built environments
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
    3. ......................................................................
  3. A person who is in charge of the objects in a museum is called a ......................................................................
  4. Give two importance's of the historic built environments in the county
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
  5. Give two ways of taking care of historic built environments
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
  6. A building where works of art, culture and other important items are kept and shown to the public is called a ......................................................................


  1. Being dependent on each other for different things is called ......................................................................
  2. Why do people need these people?
    1. Teachers ......................................................................
    2. Police ......................................................................
  3. Give three importance's of interdependence
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
    3. ......................................................................
  4. When we help each Other in the community there is peace and ...................................................................... (hate, love)
  5. Interdependence leads to ...................................................................... in the county (poverty, development)

Population distribution in the county

  1. What is population distribution? ......................................................................
  2. Areas where houses are built very close together are said to be...................................................................... populated
  3. When people live far from each other the area is said to ......................................................................populated.

Write true or false

  1. Very steep areas attract many people ......................................................................
  2. Airports and game parks do not have people living there ......................................................................
  3. A ...................................................................... shows the features in a map.
  4. The dots below show population distribution. Describe the population
    1. 12 a auyyuagda
    2. 12 b aiudiuada
  5. Describe the patterns of population
    1. 13 a ayygdaygdad
    2. 13 b agdyuagda
    3. 13 c aygdyuada


  1. What is culture? ......................................................................
  2. ......................................................................are things that are made by people and have been kept well for cultural and historical reasons.
  3. Name the following traditional foods
    3 UYGTSUYs
  4. In the past, clothes were made from ...................................................................... , ...................................................................... anda ......................................................................
  5. The type of clothes worn depended on the ......................................................................
  6. In the past, who wore special clothes
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
  7. Name the ornaments below
    7 uyaguygdada
  8. Below is a picture of a traditional hut. What is it made of?
    8 auygduyagda
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
    3. ......................................................................
  9. The Maasai house is called a ......................................................................
  10. Name these artefacts
    10 auygaygduyagd
  11. Name two traditional games
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
  12. A ...................................................................... is a celebration that was held after something special had happened.
  13. Which one is a sad ceremony? Shade the box
    harvesting   wedding   circumcision   burial 

The School

  1. "Hard work pays" This is an example of a ......................................................................
  2. State three core values in a school
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
    3. ......................................................................
  3. ......................................................................is a set of activities that have been planned to take place every day in the school.
  4. Look at the table . What is most likely to happen in a school at the times shown?
    a)  9:30 am - 9:50 am                                                                                  
    b) 11:30am - 12:40pm  
    c) 3:10pm - 4:10pm  
  5. List two areas where a school motto is written
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................

Resources in the County.

  1. Rearrange these letters to form resources in the county
    1. aewtr ......................................................................
    2. islo ......................................................................
    3. nilmsaa ......................................................................
    4. isarienm: ......................................................................
    5. tresof ......................................................................
  2. What are resources? ......................................................................
  3. Give three examples of soils in the county
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
    3. ......................................................................
  4. How can we protect resources in the county?
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
    3. ......................................................................
  5. ......................................................................is a material that is found in the ground and is of great value. 

Economic activities in the county

  1. Read the statements and give the name of the economic activity.
    1. The buying and selling of goods and services ......................................................................
    2. The harvesting offish from water ......................................................................
    3. An activity where raw materials are turned into useful products is ......................................................................
    4. The practice of travelling from one's home area to other places to see interesting things. ......................................................................
  2. Give Examples of
    1. Traditional industries ............................................................................................................................................
    2. Modern industries ............................................................................................................................................
  3. What are economic activities? ................................................................................
  4. Name two tourist attraction sites
    1. ................................................................................
    2. ................................................................................
  5. Below are ways of communication. Name them
    10 auygdyuagda

Trade in the county

  1. Name two methods of trade
    1. ................................................................................
    2. ................................................................................
  2. List two importance's of trade
    1. ................................................................................
    2. ................................................................................
  3. Give two ways of doing trade the right way.
    1. ................................................................................
    2. ................................................................................
  4. Do you pay any fees to the county government to trade in the county? ................................................................................
  5. Which one of the following is used in barter trade?
    5 iuhdiahda5 b ayugduyag 

Industries in the county

  1. ................................................................................is something that is used to make a product
  2. Through industries people are able toget the g_ _ds that they need.
  3. Complete this table
    Items made in traditional industries Items made in modern industries 
  4. Industries provide j_bs for the people.
  5. The county government earns m_ _ _y  from industries.


  1. What is a project? ...............................................................................
  2. A big project that requires people to work together to make it successful is ...............................................................................
  3. The person who gives orders when doing a project is known as a ...............................................................................leader
  4. We should use the money we get from our project wisely................................................................................(True, False)
  5. Give three rules for a project
    1. ...............................................................................
    2. ...............................................................................
    3. ...............................................................................

Name the communing leaders

  1. They teach people about good values in the society ...............................................................................
  2. They lead people in cultural events in the community ...............................................................................
  3. What are the qualities of a good leader? ...............................................................................
  4. Write in the basket the qualities of a bad leader
    4 adyugada


  1. A citizen is ...............................................................................
  2. John saw his classmate quarrelling with a friend. What should he do? ...............................................................................
  3. A good citizen in school hides textbooks of other learners................................................................................(true, false)
  4. How can children protect themselves from abuse?
    1. ...............................................................................
    2. ...............................................................................
  5. List three rights of children 
    1. ...............................................................................
    2. ...............................................................................
    3. ...............................................................................


  1. What promotes peace in school?
    1. ...............................................................................
    2. ...............................................................................
  2. Which peace projects can we carryout in school? 
    1. ...............................................................................
    2. ..............................................................................
  3. What is peace? ..............................................................................
  4. Colour the balloons that show factors that promote peace in school
    9 iaiduagdga
  5. We should............................................................................... the school rules to keep peace in school (obey, break)


  1. A situation whereby we are allowed to take part in making decision on issued that affect us is called ..............................................................................
  2. What is the importance of democracy in school?
    1. ..............................................................................
    2. ..............................................................................
    3. ..............................................................................
  3. Write down ways democracy is practised in your school.
    1. ..............................................................................
    2. ..............................................................................
  4. There is democracy when teachers choose our class leaders for us. ..............................................................................(TRUE, FALSE)
  5. When there is democracy in school, there is ..............................................................................(peace,war)

Which member of the children's government would be responsible for the following:-

  1. Getting balls for the school sports day...............................................................................
  2. Being in charge when the captain is sick...............................................................................
  3. Breakage of the sewer pipe...............................................................................
  4. Putting the teacher's book in the locker...............................................................................
  5. Ensuring learners with special needs are given space for reaching at the library...............................................................................


  1.  Each county is headed by a .............................................................................. who is assisted by a ..............................................................................
  2. The County Government is divided in  .............................................................................. and ..............................................................................
  3. List the members of the County Assembly
    1. ..............................................................................
    2. ..............................................................................
    3. ..............................................................................
    4. ..............................................................................
  4. Give two duties of a County governor
    1. ..............................................................................
    2. ..............................................................................
  5. Where does the County Government get money from?
    1. ..............................................................................
    2. ..............................................................................
    3. ..............................................................................
  6. Give the meaning of these fees
    1. Cess:..............................................................................
    2. Business permit:..............................................................................
  7. A County speaker is a member of the County Executive...............................................................................(true , false)


Kava Area

  1. East
  2. South West
  3. South East
  4. North East
  5. South West

Koko Area

  1. South West
    1. Coffee
    2. Rice
  3. North
  4. Murram
    1. North
    2. North West


  1. Compass
  2. East
  3. North West
  4. Direction
  5. Map
  6. South
  7. Any of the 41 counties
    1. Five
    2. Panda Sub-county
  9. Neighbour
  10. 47
    1. Plain 
    2. Ocean
  12. Turkana, Nakuru, Magadi, Baringo
    1. Are used for settlement 
    2. Can be used for agriculture
    3. Can be used to set up airports and airstrips
    4. They are also good for game parks 
    1. Tourist attraction site
    2. Communication equipment can be put there
    3. Activities done during the dry season
    1. Activities done during the dry season
      1. Fishing
      2. Harvesting crops 
      3. Collecting sand 
      4. Digging
    2. Activities done during the wet season .
      1. Planting crops
      2. Wedding
      3. Planting trees
    1. Digging
    2. Dry season
    17 auyduyagd
  18. Dry season 
  19. Wet season


  1. Portuguese
    1. Museum
    2. Monument
    3. Cultural centre
  3. Curator
    1. Helps us to learn the history and culture of our people
    2. Helps us to understand our culture
    3. Provides employment
    1. Providing security
    2. Cleaning the items
    3. Repairing broken areas
  6. Museum

People and population

  1. Interdependence
    1. To be taught skills and get knowledgeable
    2. To ensure there is law and order
    1. it brings about development
    2. The environment is taken care of
    3. Work is done faster
    4. It promotes love and unity
    5. People are able to get things that they need
  4. Love
  5. Development

Population distribution

  1. The way people are spread out over a given area of land.
  2. Densely
  3. Sparsely
  4. False
  5. True
  6. Key
    1. Dense Population
    2. Evenly distributed population
    1. Sparse settlement
    2. clustered settlement
    3. Linear settlement


  1. The customs, beliefs, way of life of a people 
  2. Artefacts
    1. pumpkin
    2. Sweet potatoes
    3. fish
    4. Cassava
  4. Trees barks, leaves, animal skins
  5. Climate of a place 
    1. Leaders
    2. Medicine men
    3. People when getting married 
    1. Necklace
    2. Earrings
    3. rings
    4. Anklet
    1. Grass
    2. Cow dung
    3. Mud 
    4. Ash 
    5. Palm leaves
    6. Sticks
  9. Manyatta 
    1. Shield
    2. Horn
    3. Sculpture
    4. Calabash 
    1. Ajua, bull fighting, wrestling, donkey racing spear throwing boat racing 
  12. Festival 
  13. Burial

The School

  1. School motto
    1. Respect
    2. Unit
    3. Honesty
    4. Responsibility
    5. Patriotism
    6. Love
  3. School routine
    1. First break or short break
    2. Lesson 5 & 6
    3. Games and other activities
    1. School gate
    2. School bus
    3. School badge
    4. School signpost


    1. Water
    2. Soil
    3. Animals
    4. Minerals
    5. forest
  2. Things found in nature that we use to create wealth
    1. Clay soil
    2. Loam soil
    3. Volcanic soil
    4. Sandy soil
    1. Plant new trees
    2. Protect animals from poachers
    3. Keep our water sources clean
    4. Use our minerals wisely
    5. Planting cover crops
    6. Adding manure
  5. A mineral

Economic activities 

    1. Trading
    2. Fishing 
    3. industry
    4. Tourism
    1. Weaving. basketry, carving 
    2. Making soap, making detergents, making cars, etc
  3. Things that we do in order to make money 
  4. National parks, game reserves, museum, monuments, prehistoric sites, beaches, etc 
    1. Newspaper
    2. Mobile phone
    3. Sending letters
    4. Radio

Trade in the county

    1. currency trade
    2. Barter trade
    1. People are able to get goods and services
    2. The government is able to collect taxes 
    1. Having a trading licence
    2. Doing honest trade
    3. Selling high quality goods
    4. Not asking for too much money
  4. Yes
  5. Goat

Industries in the county

  1. A raw material
  2. Roods
  3. Traditional utdustries
    1. Pots
    2. Sculptures
    3. Baskets 
    4. Shoes
    5. Ornaments
      Modern industries
      • Drennes        Bread .
      • Cars              Books
      • Hats              Sugar
  4. Jobs 
  5. Money


  1. It is planned and organized work to produce a new thing 
  2. An enterprise 
  3. Project 
  4. True
    1. Keep safe
    2. Observe the end date
    3. keep the working area clean
    4. Protect leader to guide everybody
    5. Prices set should be fair
    6. All members must work 
    7. Everyone should be respectful

Political systems
Community leaders

  1. Religious leaders
  2. Cultural leaders
  3. Kind, caring, generous, brave, honest, humble, wise, etc
  4. Dishoncst, selfish, greedy, jealous, cunning, liar


  1. A person who belongs to a particular country
  2. Ask them to forgive each other
  3. False
    1. Avoid using lonely
    2. Stay in touch with family
    3. Identify a trustworthy person to talk to
    4. Keep important telephone numbers
    1. Right to play
    2. Right to education
    3. Right to security 
    4. Right to clean environment


    1. Respecting everyone
    2. Holding peace meetings
    3. Following school rules
    4. Help each other in chores
    5. Sharing things
    6. Learners choose their leaders 
    1. Establish a peace garden
    2. Make book marks with peace messages
    3. Establish a peace education club
  3. Considerate, love, respect
  4. Obey


  1. Democracy
    1. Learners are able to make decisions on things that affect them
    2. Learners are able to .. express themselves without fear
    3. Prepare learners for further leadership roles
    1. when Choosing school leaders
    2. When choosing leaders of a club
    3. Making class rules 
  4. False
  5. Peace

The Children's Government In School.

  1. Secretary for sports end games
  2. Deputy Captain
  3. Secretary for health & sanitation
  4. secretary for education 
  5. Secretary for children welfare and special needs

The County Government

  1. Governor, Deputy Governor 
  2. County Executive, County Assembly
    1. Speaker
    2. Elected MCAS 
    3. Nominated members 
    4. Members representing special groups 
    1. Appointed members of the County Assembly
    2. Ensure peace and order in the county
    1. Market charges
    2. Land rates
    3. Business permit
    4. Parking fees
    5. Cess .
    1. A tax charge on goods transported into our within the county 
    2. A document that shows that one has been allowed to do business in the county.
  7. False
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Tuesday, 26 April 2022 12:55

CRE Homework Activities - CBC Grade 4


  1. God created us in His ......................................................and ......................................................
  2. Fill the gaps to complete this verse of the Bible
    You ......................................................every part of me: You put me together in my ...................................................... womb.
  3. Give two good thoughts
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  4. List two bad thoughts
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  5. State three ways of coping with our emotions
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
    3. ......................................................
  6. ......................................................choices make us happy while ...................................................... choices hurt us.
  7. Give two examples of wrong choice
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  8. We are all ......................................................and special before God.
  9. Philippians 4:4 teaches us to ...................................................... in the Lord always.
  10. We should ......................................................those who do wrong to us.

My Family

  1. ......................................................  , ......................................................  and ...................................................... are members of a nuclear family
  2. ......................................................  ,  ......................................................  , ...................................................... are members of the extended family.
  3. ......................................................shows members of a nuclear and extended family.
  4. Give two ways of showing respect to members of our family
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  5. Give the first commandment with a promise; ......................................................
  6. State two ways of protecting ourselves from sexual abuse
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  7. Which sin did Amnon commit? ......................................................
  8. Our bodies are the ......................................................of the Holy Spirit.
  9. Give two examples of people you can report to if touched inappropriately
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  10. What can you do if a stranger approaches you and offers a gift? ......................................................

Attributes of God

  1. On which day were the following created?
    1. Land, sea, plant ......................................................
    2. Day and night ......................................................
  2. Rearrange these letters to form the attributes of God
    1. rotcrae ......................................................
    2. ngloiv ......................................................
    3. lohy ......................................................
  3. God is our F_th_r
  4. We should r_p_nt anad h_n_ _r God at all times.
  5. God Pr_v_des for our n_ _ds.

Respect for the bible

  1. ......................................................is the inspired word of God
  2. Give three ways of handling the Bible 
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
    3. ......................................................
  3. The bible is divided into ......................................................parts.
  4. Name the first five books of the Old Testament
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
    3. ......................................................
    4. ......................................................
    5. ......................................................
  5. Name the last book of the Bible......................................................
  6. Name the first book in the New Testament ......................................................
  7. The Old Testament has ......................................................books.
  8. Write two things you should not do when handling Bible 
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................

Bible Stories

  1. Why did Zachaeus climb a sycamore tree? ......................................................
  2. Zachaeus worked as a ......................................................
  3. Give two Things that Zachaeus promised to do when Jesus visited his home
    1.  ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  4. Why was God unhappy with Balaam? ......................................................
  5. God sent His ......................................................to block Balaam's's way.
  6. Who saved Balaam from being killed? ......................................................
  7. How did Samson kill the lion? ......................................................
  8. Samson ate......................................................from the body of the lion.
  9. What did Pharaoh dream about? ......................................................
  10. Pharaoh's dreams meant that there would be...................................................... years of plenty of ...................................................... and ...................................................... years of ......................................................
  11. Give three promises of God to Abraham
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
    3. ......................................................
  12. God called Abraham when he was ......................................................years old.
  13. Abraham had a nephew called ......................................................
  14. God made a covenant with Abraham when he was ......................................................years old.
  15. The name Abraham means? ......................................................

The birth of Jesus

  1. Who announced the birth of Jesus ......................................................
  2. Mary lived in the town of ......................................................
  3. State three things that the angel told Mary
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
    3. ......................................................
  4. Mary had a relative called......................................................who was six months pregnant.
  5. Jesus is a King and His kingdom is ......................................................
  6. Give three things that make the birth of Jesus unique
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
    3. ......................................................
  7. Who baptizes people in your church? ......................................................
  8. Zechariah was a ...................................................... in Judea.
  9. What was the role of John the Baptist ? ......................................................
  10. From Zechariah's prophecy John the Baptist would be a ......................................................of the Most High God,

The miracles of Jesus Christ

  1. Who are bilnd people? ......................................................
  2. Bartimaeus was from ......................................................
  3. How did Jesus respond to the call of Bartirnaeus? ......................................................
  4. Bartimaeus knew Jesus was the promised M_ss_ _h.
  5. Bartimaeus called Jesus the son of ......................................................
  6. The ten lepers were suffering from a dreaded disease known as ......................................................
  7. The man who went back to say thank you to Jesus was a ......................................................
  8. To show gratitude to someone for something they had done for you is to......................................................them.
  9. Jesus brought back to life the son of the ...................................................... of ......................................................
  10. Jesus raised the boy back to life by truing him ......................................................
  11. There is ......................................................after death for those who believe in Jesus.
  12. We should show com...................................................... to those who are suffering

Teachings of Jesus Christ

  1. Name three people who head your community.
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
    3. ......................................................
  2. People who forgive do not take ...................................................... on those who wronged them.
  3. Stories told by Jesus to help people understand His teaching were referred to as ......................................................
  4. From the parable of the Lost Coin, the ...................................................... rejoice when one sinner repents.
  5. Read Luke 13:18-19 and answer these questions
    1. ......................................................represents Jesus.
    2. ......................................................represents the word of God.
    3. ......................................................represents the spreading of the church in the world.
  6. Give two things we do in church
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  7. Nicodemus was a ...................................................... and a ......................................................
  8. Nicodemus went to Jesus to learn about ......................................................
  9. ......................................................means to be born again.
  10. State two reasons why baptism is important to a Christian
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................


  1. Joseph worked for an Egyptian called ......................................................
  2. ......................................................tried to force Joseph to sleep with her.
  3. Name two people you trust at home
    1.  ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  4. Give two situations that can lead us to sexual sin.
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  5. What would you do if a stranger promises to give you money if you follow him? ......................................................


  1. It is good to tell the tr__th all times.
  2. What happens when you tell the truth?
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  3. How do you feel when you tell a lie?
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  4.  According to Proverbs 12:19: A......................................................has a short life while ...................................................... lasts forever.
  5. What is peace? ......................................................


  1. God promises that if we obey we will ......................................................
  2. Why is it good to obey our parents? ......................................................
  3. What do you think a teacher would do if you were asked to read in silence but you started playing instead? ......................................................
  4. Who disobeyed God in the Book of Genesis Chapter 2: ......................................................
  5. Give two results of disobedience
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................

God's Love

  1. Give three ways of showing love to others.
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
    3. ......................................................
  2. The......................................................tried to stop the children from going to Jesus.
  3. Jesus......................................................the children who went to Him.
  4. From the story of Jesus and the children we learn that Jesus ...................................................... Children
  5. Jesus told the disciples that the ......................................................of God belong to children.


  1. What is personal property? ......................................................
  2. Give two ways of taking care of personal property
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  3. When we talk of our personal property it shows that we are ......................................................
  4. School property refers to ......................................................
  5. Give three ways of taking care of school property
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
    3. ......................................................


  1. ......................................................means keeping off sin and doing things that are pleasing to God.
  2. Our bodies are the ...................................................... of the Holy spirit.
  3. List two things that would make us unholy if we do them.
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  4. We please God by doing several acts of holiness. Name them
    1.  ......................................................
    2. ......................................................

House of God

  1. What is a church? ......................................................
  2. Jesus chased away traders who were selling in the ......................................................
  3. Jesus taught that the Church is a house of ......................................................
  4. Give two ways of serving God in Church
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
    3. ......................................................
  5. We should show respect in church ...................................................... and ......................................................

The Early Church

  1. Find the names of the twelve disciplesin the name search
    name search auygda
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
    3. ......................................................
    4. ......................................................
    5. ......................................................
    6. ......................................................
    7. ......................................................
    8. ......................................................
    9. ......................................................
    10. ......................................................
    11. ......................................................
    12. ......................................................
  2. Jesus had ......................................................disciples.
  3. Peter had a brother called ......................................................
  4. What did peter ask the people to do for them to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit? ......................................................
  5. How many people joined the disciples after they were baptized? ......................................................

Standing firm in the faith

  1. Believers were first called Christians at ......................................................
  2. What did King Nebuchadnezzar want the three Hebrew boys to do? .....................................................
  3. Who was stoned to death because of his firm faith in Jesus Christ? ......................................................
  4. ...................................................... groups are groups that do things that go against what God wants us to do.
  5. Why is it bad to join a group that abuses drugs?
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................

The Lord's Prayer

  1. ......................................................is speaking to God.
  2. Jesus taught ......................................................the Lord's Prayer.
  3. When we pray every day our F_ _ th in God grows.
  4. The second line of the Lord's prayer is ......................................................
  5. Why should we pray?
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................

Fruit of the Holy Spirit

  1. What are virtues?......................................................
  2. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is recorded in the book of ......................................................
  3. Read the statements below and name the fruit of the Holy Spirit show
    1. Jane visited Kyla in her home. She invited her to watch a movie. Jane replied it was for adults. She requested Kyla to stop but she refused. Jane was unhappy and went back home. Which Fruit of the Holy Spirit does Jane have?......................................................
    2. Adongo likes sharing her fruits with her classmates whO do not have. The fruit of the Holy Spirit shown is ......................................................
  4. When we do not have......................................................we defile our bodies.
  5. Name three examples of ways of misusing our bodies.
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
    3. ......................................................

Use of social media

  1. What is social media? ......................................................
  2. What are good morals? ......................................................
  3. List three digital devices
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
    3. ......................................................
  4. Give two uses of digital devices
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  5. Which social media applications do you use on digital devices?
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
    3. ......................................................
  6. Electronic devices that can receive, store, process or send information are called ......................................................
  7. Give two dangers of using social media
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  8. Give two examples of good morals
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  9. Give two good things that happened when you use social media
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................
  10. We should use social media r_sp_ _si_ _ _y.


  1. Image, likeness
  2. Created, mother's
    1. I will respect my parents
    2. I will share with others
    3. I will love my enemies
    4. I will help propel in need 
    5. I will be kind 
    1. I will not pass exams
    2. People hate me
    3. I will kill myself 
    4. I will run away from School
    5. I cannot do anything good, ete 
    1. reading a book
    2. Playing with friends
    3. Listening to music
    4. Exercising
    5. Forgiving those who wrong us
    6. Good, bad
    1. Lying
    2. Disobeying parents
    3. Being lazy 
    4. Stealing 
    5. Abusing others
    6. Gossiping
    7. Fighting
  7. Unique
  8. Rejoice 
  9. Forgive

My family

  1. Father, mother, children
  2. Aunt, uncle, cousin, grandmother, grandfather, etc
  3. Family tree
    1. Doing what the elders tell us to do 
    2. Speaking using kind words 
    3. Helping them if they need it
    4. Not taking their things without asking
  5. Respect our father and mother so that you may live long in the land I am going to give you 
    1. Avoid unsafe places
    2. Not accepting gifts from strangers
    3. Not being alone with the opposite sex, etc
  7. Incest 
  8. Temple
  9. Parents, teachers, grandparents, older siblings
  10. You should refuse and run away

Attributes of God

    1. third day
    2. First day
    1. creator
    2. loving
    3. holy
  3. Father
  4. Repent, honour
  5. Provides, needs

Respect for the Bible

  1. The Bible
    1. Placing on a table
    2. Putting it in a bookshelf
    3. Carrying it with both hands
    4. Wiping dust
  3. Two
    1. Genesis
    2. Exodus
    3. Leviticus 
    4. Numbers
    5. Deuteronomy
  5. Revelation
  6. Mathew
  7. 39
    1. Tearing pages
    2. Folding pages
    3. Writing on it
    4. Holing it with dirty hands

Bible Stories

  1. To see Jesus
  2. Tax collector
    1. give half of his wealth to the poor
    2. Pay four times what he had taken from anyone. 
  4. He was going to curse the Israelites
  5. Angel 
  6. The donkey 
  7. With his bare hands 
  8. Honey 
  9. Seven fat cows and seven thin cows
  10. Seven, seven, farine
    1. He will give him many descendants 
    2. He will become a great nation
    3. He will bless those who hk him 
    4. He will curse those whe euros him
    5. He will make his name famous
  12. 75
  13. Lot
  14. 99
  15. Ancestor of any Nations

The birth of Jesus

  1. Angel Gabriel 
  2. Nazareth
    1. Peace be with you 
    2. You are greatly blessed
    3. Do not be afraid
    4. You will become pregnant 
    5. You will give birth to a son and name him Jesus
    6. Jesus will be great 
    7. Julius will be called so of the most high God
  4. Elizabeth 
  5. Will never end
    1. Was announced by an angel 
    2. Mary was a virgin 
    3. Mary got pregnant through the Holy Spirit 
    4. He was named before birth 
  7. Pastor, priest, bishop 
  8. Priest 
  9. Prepare the way for Jesus 
  10. Prophet

The miracles of Jesus Christ

  1. Those who cannot see Jericho
  2. He made him see again 
  3. Messiah 
  4. David 
  5. Leprosy 
  6. Samaritan 
  7. Thank 
  8. Widow, Nain 
  9. To get up 
  10. Life
  11. Passion

Teachings of Jesus Christ

    1. The deaf and dumb
    2. The blind
    3. The physically disabled
    4. Street children 
    5. Refugees
  2. Revenge 
  3. Parables 
  4. Angels 
    1. The men
    2. The Seed
    3. Growth
  6. Praise, worship, give offerings, pray, do, charity, etc
  7. Pharisee, teacher of law
  8. Being born again
  9. Salvation
    1. Shows sins have been forgiven
    2. Shows we repent our sins 
    3. Shows one has been cleansed.
    4. Gives us a chance to reunite with God.
    5. Shows our commitment to obey God


  1. Potiphar
  2. Potiphar's wife
  3. Parents, siblings aunt, uncle, grand parents
    1. being alone with people of the opposite sex 
    2. Being in an abandoned house 
    3. Walking alone in a lonely path 
  5. Refuse and run away


  1. Truth
    1. You are at peace 
    2. You don't feel guilty 
    3. People trust you
    4. You make and keep friends
    5. God is happy
    1. Guilty
    2. Afraid
    3. Sinful
    4. Untrustworthy
  4. Lie 
  5. Truth 
  6. A situation of no quarrels or war


  1. Live for long 
  2. It is what God wants 
  3. You will be punished 
  4. Adam and Eve 
    1. We are punished
    2. People feel disrespected
    3. We make parents unhappy
    4. We feel guilty 
    5. We are afraid 
    6. We will not be trusted

God's Love

    1. Helping them when in need
    2. Forgiving them
    3. Sharing what we have with them
    4. Say nice things to them 
    5. Praying for them
  2. Disciple
  3. Blessed
  4. Loves
  5. Kingdom


  1. Things that belong to
    1. Keeping them safe 
    2. Storing them well 
    3. Cleaning them 
    4. Mending them, etc 
  3. Responsible 
  4. Things that belong to the school 
    1. Using them well
    2. Handling them well
    3. Cleaning them
    4. Storing them well


  1. Holiness 
  2. Temple 
    1. Stealing
    2. Gossiping
    3. Abusing
    4. Fighting 
    5. Sexual sins
    6. being proud, etc 
    1. praying
    2. Reading the Bible 
    3. Helping the needy 
    4. Singing songs of praise and worship
    5. Sharing what we have with others

House of God

  1. It is a place where Christian worship God 
  2. Temple
  3. Prayer
    1. Ushering
    2. Teaching Sunday school 
    3. Singing in the choir
    4. Offering guidance and counselling

The Early church 

    1. Peter
    2. Andrew
    3. James
    4. John
    5. Thomas
    6. Thaddeus
    7. Simon
    8. James 
    9. Mathew
    10. Philip
    11. Judas Iscariot
    12. Bartholomew
  2. 12
  3. Andrew
  4. To repent and be Baptized
  5. 3000 people 
  6. Antioch
  7. Worship other gods 
  8. Stephen 
  9. Ungodly groups
    1. We may start abusing drugo
    2. We make God unhappy
    3. We may become addicted
    4. We may affect our health

The Lord's Prayer

  1. Prayer 
  2. The disciples 
  3. Faith 
  4. May your Holy name be honoured.
    1. For our faith to grow
    2. To stop worrying
    3. To be happy 
    4. To be at peace
    5. We feel free
  6. God qualities, attitudes or behaviour 
  7. Galatians
    1. self-control
    2. Kindness
    3. Self-control 
    1. Abusing drugs
    2. Abusing alcohol
    3. Fighting 
    4. Watching ungodly movies 
    5. Engaging in sex before marriage

Social media

  1. These are websites and application that we use to communicate with others using digital devices 
  2. Behaviour that make God and people happy 
    1. Smartphones
    2. Tablets 
    3. Laptops 
    4. Computers 
    5. Cameras 
    6. Radios 
    7. TV
    8. Projectors 
    1. To learn new things
    2. To communicate 
    3. To be entertained
    4. To make new friends
    1. WhatsApp
    2. Facebook
    3. Twitter 
    4. YouTube
    5. Instagram
  6. Digital devices
    1. You may make friends with criminals 
    2. You might join ungodly groups
    3. Some applications may warm you.
    4. Cyber bullying
  8. Respect, telling the truth, being kind, not abusing others. etc
  9. You learn new thing 
  10. Responsibly
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Tuesday, 26 April 2022 12:55

Agriculture Homework Activities - CBC Grade 4


Soils and its uses

  1. State three types of soils
    1. ....................................................................
    2. ....................................................................
    3. ....................................................................
  2. Which type of soil allows a lot of water to pass through it? ....................................................................
  3. Which type of soil has the smallest soil particles? ....................................................................

Write True or False

  1. Clay soil drains the most water ....................................................................
  2. Loam soil has the finest particles ....................................................................
  3. Sand soil is used in building houses ....................................................................
  4. Omodi wanted to make a pot. Which type of soil would you advise him to use? ....................................................................
  5. ....................................................................soil has medium sized soil particles
  6. Name one area where clay soil can be found in your locality. ....................................................................

Compost Manure

  1. State any four materials that can be used to make compost manure
    1. ....................................................................
    2. ....................................................................
    3. ....................................................................
    4. ....................................................................
  2. Compost manure makes the soil .................................................................... (weak, fertile)
  3. Which one of these materials is not required when making compost manure? ....................................................................(Banana leaves, plastic bottle, maize stalks)
  4. Why is compost manure good for farming? ....................................................................

Write true or false

  1. We apply compost manure to make the soil more fertile ....................................................................
  2. Compost manure kills sm all animals in the soil ....................................................................
  3. Plastic bottles are needed to prepare compost manure ....................................................................


  1. State the uses of water shown in each of the pictures below.
    water 1 jhbada
  2. The type of irrigation shown below is called ....................................................................
  3. The type of irrigation in the picture above water ....................................................................(wastes, conserves)


  1. The following are some of the animals that cause damage to crops. Name them.
    wild animals 1 aiuhdad
  2. An example of a wild animals that feed on chicken is ....................................................................(Rats, mongoose, moles)
  3. Draw and colour a scarecrow that can be used to scare some wild animals.








  4. ....................................................................destroy the roots of plants. (Birds, moles, leopards)
  5. Name two materials needed when making a scarecrow
    1. ....................................................................
    2. ....................................................................


  1. The putting of materials such as grass and maize stalks On a nursery bed to protect it from the heat from the sun is called .................................................................... (weeding, mulching, spraying),
  2. The process of removing excess seedlings from a nursery bed is known as ....................................................................(Mulching, watering, thinning)
  3. The process of removing unwanted plants in a nursery bed is called .................................................................... (Planting, weeding, mulching)
  4. The process of moving a fruit seedling from a nursery to the main farm is called ....................................................................(Transferring, transplanting, transpiration)
  5. Name the fruits in the pictures below;
  6. We should remove excess branches from a fruit tree. .................................................................... (True or False)
  7. What can be done to take care of a young fruit tree seedling after moving it from the nursery to the main farm? ....................................................................
  8. What is the colour of the following fruits when they are ripe?
    1. Mango ....................................................................
    2. Tomato ....................................................................
  9. Adding manure to fruit trees makes them .................................................................... (weak, healthy)
  10. Why is it important to water fruit trees?  ....................................................................


  1. Write the name of the animals and the products we get from them
    farm animals 1 adad
  2. Name any three farm animals found in your home
    1.  ....................................................................
    2.  ....................................................................
    3.  ....................................................................
  3. Name two farm animals that give us eggs
    1.  ....................................................................
    2.  ....................................................................
  4. Which of these animals helps in transporting heavy loads?  ....................................................................(Dogs, camels, goats)
  5. Sheep are not kept for  ....................................................................(Mutton, milk, wool)
  6. Draw and colour one farm animals kept for meat 









  1. Which nutrients do we get from vegetables?  ....................................................................(proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates)
  2. Name three examples of cereal crops 
    1.  ....................................................................
    2.  ....................................................................
    3.  ....................................................................
  3. The pictures below show some common vegetables. Name them
    gardening 3 auygdua
  4. Complete the table below
      Name of vegetable  Part eaten 
  5. Name three examples of legumes
    1.  ....................................................................
    2.  ....................................................................
    3.  ....................................................................
  6. What care do carrots need while in a nursery bed?  ....................................................................
  7. Which nutrients do we get from legume crops? ....................................................................(Vitamin, carbohydrates, proteins)


  1. Name the following gardening tools
    gardening tools 1 agydygadyad
  2. Why is it necessaryto clean gardening tools after use?  ....................................................................
  3. Write two safety measures to observe when using gardening tools and equipment
    1.  ....................................................................
    2.  ....................................................................
    3.  ....................................................................
  4. Which one of these gardening tools is used for digging?  ....................................................................(jambe, rake, spade)
  5. Name any two gardening tools and equipment used in gardeniasg practices for carrots
    1.  ....................................................................
    2.  ....................................................................
  6. gardening tools 5 auygdyuada
    The gardening toot shown in the above picture is  ....................................................................
  7. Write one use of a rake in a farm  ....................................................................
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Tuesday, 26 April 2022 12:54

Kiswahili Homework Activities - CBC Grade 4


Wiki 1 Jumanne

  1. Tunga maneno ukitumiasauti zifuatazo
    1. t  , d .......................   .......................
    2. p,  b  .......................   .......................
    3. j,  ch  .......................   .......................
    4. k,  g   .......................   .......................
  2. Chagua majibu kwenye mabano
    Nikienda ..................................................... nitam ..................................................... mtoto wako (bemba, beba, pemba)
  3. Katika mraba ufuatao kuna maneno kumi ya adabu na heshima. Yatafute maneno haya.
    (naomba, tabawali, kwaheri, hodi, asante, simile, mjamzito, pole, shikamoo, endesha)
    3 auygydadua
  4. Andika jibu la maamkizi au maagano yafuatayo
    1. Habari gani? .....................................................
    2. Hujambo Halima? .....................................................
    3.  .....................................................kwa kunipa kalamu yako
    4.  .....................................................kwa kuumia mguu ukicheza kandanda
    5. Shikamoo baba? .....................................................
    6. AIamsiki? .....................................................
  5. Tegua vitendawili hivi:-
    1. Mama nieleke: .....................................................
    2. Kamba yangu ndefu lakini haifungi kuni: .....................................................
    3. Bak bandika, bak bandua: .....................................................
    4. Chakula kikuu cha mtoto: .....................................................
    5. Cheupe chavunjika cheupe chatokea:. .....................................................
  6. Kamiiisha methali zifuatazo.
    1. Asiyejua kufa atazame .....................................................(maiti, kaburi)
    2. Hakuna refu lisilokuwa na .....................................................(mwanzo, mwisho)
    3. Dunia mchezo wa panya ukiuchezea ..................................................... (utakunasa, utakushika)
    4. Subira huvuta ..................................................... (uvumilivu, heri)
    5. Chungu kidogo huchemka .....................................................  (polepole, haraka)
  7. Ni nini maana ya methali hii
    Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu ; ............................................................................................................................................................
  8. Jaza nafasi kwa nahau ifaayo
    1. Baba ..................................................... kwa polisi wezi walipomwibia
      (alipiga ripoti, alipiga ngoma)
    2. Mwanafunzi ..................................................... ya kwenda msalani.
      (aliomba ruhusa, aliomba msamaha)
    3. Kila mzalendo sharti ..................................................... (atii amri, atii mambo)
    4. Kila mtu ..................................................... wajibu wake (anajua, hajui)
    5. Jaribu ..................................................... ili asome kwa Bidii.
      (kumtia, moyo, kumtia roho)
  9. Andika visawe vya maneno haya
      Neno  Kisawe 
     a   Mama   
     b  Barua  
     c  Tajiri  
     d  Daktari   
  10. Jaza pengo kwa neno linalofaa kuunda tashbihi
    1. Juma ni mwanaume .....................................................kama simba.
    2. Rafiki yangu ni.....................................................kama mlingoti.
    3. Watoto wengi huwa.....................................................kama kunguru.
    4. Maji ni.....................................................kama barafu.
    5. Miriam ni msichana.....................................................kama mbilikimo.
      [baridi, mfupi, mrefu, waoga,mkali]

sehemu ya 1: Wiki 1 Ijumaa
Sikiliza mzazi/mlezi akitoa maelezo yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali kwa sauti
Afya bora ni muhimu kwa binadamu wote. Watotowanafaa kula vyakula vyenye protini, vitamin na wanga ili wakue vizuri.

  1. Taja aina ya vyakula unavyovipenda.....................................................
  2. Mbona unavipenda vyakula hivyo?.....................................................
  3.  Hebu eleza umuhimu wa afya bora......................................................
  4. Mtu anbaye hana afya bora huonekana vipi?.....................................................

Sehemu ya pili
Mzazi amsomee mwanafunzi kifungu hiki mara mbili kisha amuuliza maswali.
Mimi ninaitwa Mwajuma. Ninapenda kucheza mchezo wa kuruka na kukaa. Ningependa zaidi kukaa tu. Mbona niruke? Rafiki yangu Atieno huniambia kuruka husaidia katika kuimarisha afya bora ya mwili. Wakati mwingine tunaimba wimbo wa "Sikiliza mama wee." Kamau ndiye hutuongoza kwa wimbo huo.

  1. Ni akina nani wametajwa katika kifungu hiki?.....................................................
  2. Kuruka hutusaidia vipi?.....................................................
  3. Watoto hawa huimba wimbo gani? .....................................................

Soma hadithi hizi kisha ujibu maswali
Taarifa ya 1     Wiki 2 Jumanne
kusoma ujygauyda
Jumamosi moja Bodi na rafiki yake Baku walikwenda kutembea msituni. Kama ilivyokuwa nia yao walikwenda hadi msituni wa karibu, Walipokuwa katikati ya msitu walimuona mwewe amemshikilia kifaranga wa kuku akitaka kumla. Bodi alichukua jiwe na kumrushia. Mwewe huyo alishtuka na kuruka angani, Alimwacha kifaranga yule pale pale chini. Nao bila kupoteza wakati walimuokota na kwenda naye.
Waliposonga mbele waliwaona ndege wengine wazuri kama vile chiriku, kanga na tausi. Watoto hao walivutiwa sana na ndege hao. Walisimama kwa wakati mrefu kuwatazama, Walitamani kuwashika iii waende nao nyumbani.
Lakini hawakuweza kufanya hivyo sababu hairuhusiwi kuchukua ndege wa porini. Hapo hawakuwa na lingine ila kuondoka. Walipofika mbele walimuona bundi. Kwa kweli bundi ana sura mbaya. Walipomuona walianza kuogopa na kukimbia. Hata hivyo kukimbia kwao hakukuwasaidia kwani walipofika mbele walimwona mbuni. Kwa ule urefu wake wao walizidi kuogopa. Hapo walizidi kukimbia hadi mjini huku wakipiga nduru. Waliporudi nyumbani walimlea yule kifaranga hadi akakua.


  1. Bodi alikuwa matembezini lini?.....................................................
  2. Rafiki yake Bodi alikuwa akiitwaje?.....................................................
  3. Ni ndege gani aliyekuwa arneshikilia kifaranga?.....................................................
  4. Bodi alimfanyaje ndege huyo?.....................................................
  5. Mbona hawakuwashika nclege hao?.....................................................
  6. Ni ndoge gani aliye na sura mbaya? .....................................................
  7. Kwa nini walikimbia nyumbani wakipiga nduru?.....................................................
  8. Andika aina ya ndege wa porini kutokana na taarifa;
    1. .....................................................
    2. .....................................................
    3. .....................................................
    4. .....................................................
    5. .....................................................

Taarifa ya 2
Wiki 3 Jumanne
Soma kifungu kisha ujibu maswali
Sungura: Habari Bwana Ndovu?
Ndovu: Nzuri sana rafiki yangu
Sungura : Mbona waonekana mchovu sana?
Ndovu: Nimechoka sana rafiki yangu.
Ninatoka mbaii sana kutafuta chakula,
Waona hali ya anga iiivyo?
Sungura: Ndiyo. Jua ni kali sana.
Ndovu: Sasa narudi kwenye makao yangu kupumzika.
Sungura: Makao yako! Wapi huko?
Ndovu: Sehemu ile ya porfni. Ndiko ninakoishi.
Sungura: Mle ndani! Waishije na miti yote lie?
Ndovu: Ndiyo. Tena ni makao mazuri sana.
Je, wewe rafiki yangu waishi wapi?
Sungura: Hapa hapa unionapo ndipo pangu.
Ndovu: Hapa! Utaishije hapa mahali wazi jinsi hii?
Sungura: Huoni nyasi na vichaka? Hivi vyatosha kunisitiri
Mimi si mkubwa kama wewe.
Ndovu: Lakini hata hivyo jua kuchoma sana.
Je, mvua inaponyesha wewe hufanya nini?
Sungura: Hilo si neno. Vichaka hivi vyanitosha kabisa.
Mvua ikizidi hutorokea huko kwenye makao yako.
Ndovu: Ala! Kumbe wewe huingia kwa wenyewe bila hodi!
Sungura: Ah! Rafiki usiwe mchoyo, Pori lote hilo utalifanyia nini?
Ndovu: Silifanyii kitu. Karibu wakati wowotw.
Sungura: Asante sana rafiki.

  1. Mbali na kumsalimia, "liabari Bwana Ndovu," Sungura pia kumsalimia vipi?
    1. ..................................................
    2. ..................................................
  2. Mazungumzo hayo yanafanyika wapi? ..................................................
  3. Ndovu alikuwa ametoka kufanya nini?..................................................
  4. Elezea vile unavyofanya mvua ikinyesha..................................................
  5. Sungura anaishi wapi?..................................................
  6. Wakati wa jua kali huitwaje?..................................................
  7. Wakati wa mvua nyingi huitwa..................................................

Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu maswali
Nyumba ni maskani ya mwanadamu. Watu huishi katika nyumba. Wasiojua kiswahili mufti huita,"Kwa nyumba." Kuna aina nyingi za nyumba. Kuna nyumba za ghorofa, vibanda, msonge, mapango, hema, mgongotembo, tembo, za mawe, za udongo, za zege na kadhalika. Sehemu za nyumba ni sakafu, kuta, mlango, madirisha, dari, paa na vizingiti.
Katika nyumba mna makabati, makochi, viti, mekoni na viliv yomo kama vile majiko, majokofu, karo, chanja, susu, sahani, nguma, vijiko, mabakuli na vinginevyo. Ujenzi wa nyumba huanzia kwenye msingi. Anayejenga nyumba za kawaida ni mjenzi. Anayejenga nyumba aushi za mawe huitwa mwashi.
Mwanadamu hutumia nyumba kuwa ni mahali pa kuishi, kulala, kupumzika, kujisitiri, kujificha, kula na kupikia. Wasomi hutumia nyumba kwa masomo. Wasakamali hufungua biashara zao katika nyumba.

  1. Nyumba ni maskani ya wanadamu. Maskani ni .................................
    1. maskini
    2. mandari
    3. makao
    4. masika
  2. Watu wanaishi ..................................................
    1. kwa nyumba
    2. nyumba
    3. katika nyumba
    4. katika nyumbani
  3. Nyumba zinazojengwa nyingine zikiwa juu kwa juu ya nyingine ni?
    1. ghurufa
    2. ghorofa
    3. dari
    4. kasri
  4. Nyumba ya kienyeji yenye paa la pia ni ..................................................
    1. banda
    2. pango
    3. msonge
    4. tembe
  5. Mchanganyiko wa mchanga, kokoto, maji na sarufi ni ..................................................
    1. zogo
    2. zuge
    3. zege
    4. zugo
  6. Sehemu ya nyumba iliyo juu au mkabala wa sakafu ni?
    1. Paa
    2. Dari
    3. Roshani
    4. Kuta
  7. Chombo cha chungu iii paka
    1. chanja
    2. dari
    3. mbeleko 
    4. susu
  8. Nyumba aushi ni nyumba ya ..................................................
    1. ghorofa
    2. mawe
    3. zege
    4. kudumu
  9. Anayejenga nyumba za mawe ni ..................................................
    1. mjenzi
    2. mwashi
    3. mjengaji
    4. mwokaji
  10. Nyumba kwa mwanadamu ni kama nini kwa mchwa?
    1. Mzinga
    2. Kisima
    3. Mlima
    4. Kichuguu

Kusoma kwa sauti
Wiki 3 Ijumaa
Soma kifungu hiki
Mama aliniacha nyumbani mimi na mtoto wetu mdogo. Nilimpenda sana mtoto wetu Nurika. Tulicheza na kucheka pamoja. Nilimwimbia wimbo mzuri. Nurika alikua mtoto mwenye furaha. Mara niliskia mlango wa nyumba ukigongwa. Nikaitikia, "karibu!" Nilidhani ni rafiki yangu Sifu amekuja kwetu kucheza na mimi.
Nifipofungua mlango, nilimwona mtu mgeni kabisa. Akarauliza, "mama yako yuko wapi?" Nilimjibu, "Ameenda sokonit"
Mgeni aliketi kata kabla sijamwambia akae. Akaniambia, "mimi ni rafiki ya mama yako. Nitamngoja mpaka aje kutoka sokoni. Nenda dukani ukaniletee soda ninywe" Alinipa pesa. Nikakimbia kwenda dukanii kumnunulia soda.
Niliporudi sikumkuta mgeni huyo. Alitoroka akaenda na mtoto wetu Nurika. Nililia sana. Mama aliporudi alinikuta nikilia. Aliponiuliza sababu ya kulia nilimwambia, "Amekuja mwanamke rafiki yako, akanituma dukani. Kurudi sijamkuta. Ameenda na mtoto wetu Nurika.......". Polisi bado wanamtafuta mama mwizi wa mtoto wetu mpaka leo.

Mwanafunzi amsomee mzazi au mlezi wake kifungu hiki, kwa muda wa dakika moja kisha wahesabu manano aliyoyasoma.
Watumie mwongozo wakutathminia ufuatao
Kuzidi matarajio  kufikia matarajio  Kukaribia matarajio  Mbali na matarajio 
 Anasoma kutamka kwa usahihi zaidi ya maneno 65  Anasoma kutamka kwa usahihi maneno 61 kwa muda wa dakika moja Anasoma kutamka kwa usahihi kati ya maneno 30-60 kwa dakika moja  Anasoma kutamka kwa usahihi chini ya maneno 30 kwa muda wa dakika moja 

Kifungu cha 1   Wiki 4 Jumanne
Kamilisha kifungu hiki kwa kujaza mapengo ukitumia mojawapo ya maneno uliyopewa.
Mwari ni msichana aliyemaliza darasa ................1.................. (ya, la) nane mwaka jana. Alipita mtihani wake ...............2...................(kwa , wa) darasa hilo. Amepata mwaliko ...............3...................(ya, wa) kujiunga na shule ...............4...................(ya, na)upili. Alifurahia sana na matokeo...............5...................(hii, haya). Sasa anajiona msichana ...............6...................(mkubwa, kubwa) yuko kidato ...............7...................(ya, cha) kwanza. Aliomba mama ...............8...................(wake, yake) ruhusa aende Mombasa. Kwanza mama alikataa. Alisema msichana wake ni ...............9...................(mdogo, kidogo). Charo alienda kwenye kituo ...............10...................(ya, cha) mabasi.

Kifungu cha 2;  Wiki 4 Ijumaa
Kamilisha kifungu hiki kwa kujaza mapengo ukitumia mojawapo ya maneno uliyopewa

Katika dunia hii mtu ...............1...................(akifaa, anafaa)kuishi na wengine vyema. Mahusiano ...............2...................(kati ya, baadhi ya) watu ...............3...................(anategemea, yanategemea) vitu vitatu ...............4...................(muhimu, maarufu). Kwanza ni ...............5...................(kumkubali, kujikubali) wewe mwenyewe.Pili ni kujali ...............6...................(msalahi, matu maini) ya wenzako ...............7................... (ili, ama) kuboresha uhusiano . Kitu cha tatu ni mahusiano mema ...............8...................(! , ,) adabu na heshima. Aisee! Uhusiano mwema ni jambo la ...............9...................(kupiga jeki, kutia moyo). Ni ...............10...................(vyema, wema) kushirikiana.

Kifungu cha 3; Wiki 5 Jumanne
Kamilisha kifungu hiki kwa kujaza mapengo ukitumia mojawapo ya maneno uliyopewa

Kabla ...............1...................(nimeanza, sijaanza) kula, mimi ...............2...................(hunawa, huoga) mikono ...............3................... (zangu, yangu). Baada ya hapo humshukuru...............4...................(ndugu, mungu) kisha huanza ...............5...................(kula, kukulia). Chakula kikiwa ...............6...................(tamu, kitamu) mimi humshukuru ...............7................... (mpishi, bawabu). Chakula kikiwa ...............8...................(mbaya, kibaya) huwa sisemi kitu maana sitaki kukosa...............9................... (adabu, adhabu). Mtu...............10...................(msafi, mwema) hushukuru kwa kila jambo.


Wiki 5 Ijumaa
1. Panga sentesi zifuatazo ili kuunda hadithi 

  1. Nilipofika nyumbani nilienda chumbani mwangu
  2. Moyo wangu ulipenda kazi ya ualimu
  3. Nilitaka kufungua hospitali kubwa nikiwa mkubwa
  4. Siku moja mwalimu alituambia tuandike insha
  5. Hospitali yangu ingewasaidia watu wengi
  6. Nilifurahi sana
  7. Nilishindwa kuchagua kati ya ualimu na udaktari
  8. Niliwaza kuhusu kazi ninayoipenda
  9. llihusu kazi tunayoipenda
  10. Lakini ndoto yangu ilikuwa kuwa daktari
  11. Niliamua kuandika kuhusu kazi zote zinazozipenda


2. Tazama picha hii kisha uandike insha kuhusu NYUMBANI KWETU
myumbani kwetu hfgygfdauyd



Wiki 6 Jumanne

  1. Jaza mapengo kwa NOMINO pekee
    1. ............................................kimevunjika (chote, kiti)
    2. ............................................amenunuliwa (mbuzi, yule)
    3. ............................................hukimbia mbio (nyumba, duma)
    4. Ukiendesha ............................................kasi utapata ajali (kabisha, gari)
    5. ............................................wazuri wana adabu (wanafunzi, wake)
  2. Pigia mstari vitenzi katika sentensi hizi
    1. Carol alitembea kwa muda mrefu
    2. Tafadhali imba wimbo huo kwa sauti
    3. Njoo kwetu kesho kutwa
  3. Jaza mapengo kwa vitenzi
    1. Mpishi............................................chakula kitamu. (amepika, wetu)
    2. Mwalimu............................................kwa ustadi. (mzuri, alifundisha)
  4. Jaza mapengo kwa vivumishi
    1. Mazingira............................................hayaleti magonjwa (safi, masafi)
    2. Sauti ............................................humtoa nyoka pangoni (nzuri, mzuri)
    3. Sauti ............................................humtoa nyoka pangoni (nzuri, mzuri)
    4. Nguo ............................................huoshwa. (chafu, dogo)
    5. Mama amepika vyakula............................................(tamu, vitamu)
  5. Onyesha vitenzi, nomino na vivumishi kwenve kibofu hiki chenye maneno.
    5 yjugduyadia

     vitenzi nomino  vivumishi 




  6. Piga mstari viwakilishi katika sentensi hizi
    1. Vizuri vimepikwa haraka
    2. Wachache waliwasili karamuni
    3. Kingi kimewatosha
    4. Wakubwa watacheza vizuri
    5. Mwingine ameanguka shimoni
  7. Tunga sentensi ukitumia vielezi vifuatavyo
    1. Polepole:....................................................................
    2. Nyumbani:....................................................................
    3. Saa tano: ....................................................................
  8. Andika jibu linalofaa
    1. Anna ...................................Rajab ni watoto wa mama mmoja. (na, halafu)
    2. Ukivaa shati, unaweza  ...................................kuvalia tai. (pia, na)
    3. Mzee yule ana sifa nzuri  ...................................si mbaya. (bali, wala)
    4. Nyanya alivalia rinda zito  ................................... kulikuwa na baridi. (kwa sababu , kwa hivyo)
    5. Sidiria ni vazi la wanawake ...................................soksi huvaliwa na watu wote.
  9. Jaza nafasi kwa kihusishi kinacchofaa
    1. Ng'ombe wawili wamelala  ................................... ya zizi. (ndani ya, juu ya)
    2. Lori limetua mzigo ...................................barabara (nje ya, kando ya)
    3. Kikombe kimewekwa  ................................... ya meza(juu ya, baada ya)
    4. Shimizi ni vazi ambalo huvaliwa  ................................... ya nguo (nje ya, ndani ya)
    5. Nitakutembelea  ...................................kumaliza kazi. (kati ya, baada ya)
  10. Tambua vihusishi, viunganishi, vihisishi kwenye wingu
    clud uytuadgiud
    Viunganishi  Vihusishi  Vihisishi 





  11. Andika nomino tano katika ngeli ya A-WA kwa umoja na wingi
      Umoja   Wingi 
  12. Andika sentensi kwa wingi
    1. Kipofu amepotea
    2. Mbu amemuuma mtu
    3. Samaki anaishi majini
  13. Jana kwa kiambishi kinachofaa
    1. Mpishi.................................na pika chakula.
    2. Madakatari .................................mewatibu wagonjwa.
  14. Paka rangi kwenye mraba nomino katika ngeli ya U-I
    Maneno: mkebe, miamba, mwiko, mguu, mpunga, mche, mkono, mto, mkwaju, mwiba, mkebe 
    words jygauyda
  15. Maneno haya yako katika ngeli gani?
    1. Visigino...........................................
    2. jitu...........................................
    3. matunda...........................................
    4. mwanafunzi...........................................
    5. majina...........................................

Wiki 6 Ijumaa

  1. Andika majina ya vitu vifuatavyo
    wewe zuygcy
  2. Taja vitu vingine vinavyopatikana nyumba na ueleze hutumiwa kufanyia nini
    1. ..................................................................................................................
    2. ..................................................................................................................
    3. ..................................................................................................................
    1. Chakula cha asubuhi huitwa ......................................
    2. Chakula chca mchana huitwa ......................................
    3. Kiporo ni nini?......................................
    4. Tuna ......................................wa mikono tukisha kula.
    5. ......................................ni mchele ulio pikwa.
  4. Mavazi haya huitwaje?
    4 ayuhguyad
  5. Andika majina ya mavazi uliyovalia
    1. ........................................................................
    2. ........................................................................
    3. ........................................................................
    4. ........................................................................
  6. 5 auygdyuad
    Watu huvalia mavazi kama haya wakati gani?
  7. Tazama mchoro huu
    1. Hii ni ........................................................................
      sehemu 1,2,3 na 4 ni
      1. ........................................................................
      2. ........................................................................
      3. ........................................................................
      4. ........................................................................
    2. Jua huchomoza upande gani?........................................................................
    3. Jua hutua upande gani?........................................................................
    4. Kusini ni kwa kaskazini kama vile ........................................................................ ni kwa magharibi
  8. Jaza Mapengo
    1. Mama mja ........................................................................alijifungua mwana wa kike
    2. Shashi hutumiwa mtu akienda msa........................................................................
    3. Ugonjwa wa kipindupindu husababisha mtu kuende........................................................................
  9. Andika majina ya matunda haya
  10. Mimea hii huzaa nini?
    1. Mharagwe:.....................................................................
    2. Mhindi:.....................................................................
    3. Mbuni:.....................................................................
    4. Mkorosho:.....................................................................
    5. Mwembe:.....................................................................
  11. Andika majina ya wanyama waonekanao kwenye picha
    wild animals iuygahda
  12. Andika sentensi mbili kuelezea umuhimu wa wanyama hawa
    1. .....................................................................
    2. .....................................................................
  13. Andika visawe vywa maneno haya
    1. gereza .....................................................................
    2. tarakilishi.....................................................................
    3. tabibu.....................................................................
    4. chakula.....................................................................
    5. hekima.....................................................................
  14. watu hawa wanafanya kazi gani ili kijipatia mapato
    14 ahyhydguad


Kusikiliza Na Kuzungumza 

    1. toa     doa
    2. papa  baba
    3. jini      chini
    4. kuku    gugu
  2. Pemba beba
  3. Mruba
    1. nzuri/ njema
    2. sijambo
    3. Asante
    4. Pole 
    5. marahaba
    6. Binuru 
    1. Kitanda 
    2. Njia 
    3. nyayo 
    4. usingizi
    5. mwiko 
    1. kaburi
    2. mwisho
    3. utakunasa 
    4. heri
    5. Haraka
  7. Anayekataa mawaidha ya wakubwa wake mabaya humpata
    1. alipiga ripoti 
    2. aliomba ruhusa 
    3. atii amri 
    4. anajua 
    5. kumtia moyo 
    1. nina 
    2. Waraka
    3. mkwasi
    4. tabibu 
    1. Mkali
    2. mrefu
    3. waoga 
    4. baridi
    5. mfupi
    1. Kuchora
      1. kuifadhi mahali safi
      2. Kuikunja vizuri 
      3. Kuitorarua

Sehemu ya 1

  1. itategemea mwanafunzi
  2. Vinajenga mwili
  3. Hujikinga kutokana na magonjwa
  4. Amedhoofika

Sehemu ya PIli

  1. Mwajuma, Atieno, Kamau 
  2. Kuimarisha afya ya mwili 
  3. Sikiliza mama wee

Taarifa ya 1 

  1. Jumamosi 
  2. Baku 
  3. Mwewe 
  4. Alimrushia jiwe
  5. Waliruka angani 
  6. Bundi 
  7. Walipomwona mbuni
    1. Kanga
    2. Tausi 
    3. Mbuni
    4. Chiriku 
    5. Bundi

Taarifa ya 2                

    1. hujambo?
    2. waambaje 
  1. porini 
  2. kutafuta chakula 
  3. hutorokea nyumbani 
  4. porini penye nyasi na vichaka 
  5. kiangazi 
  6. masika/ kifutu

Soma Kifungu 

  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. D
  9. B
  10. D

Kifungu cha 1

  1. la
  2. wa
  3. wa
  4. ya
  5. haya
  6. mkubwa
  7. cha
  8. yake
  9. mdogo
  10. cha

Kifungu cha 2

  1. anafaa
  2. kati ya
  3. Yanategemea 
  4. Muhimu
  5. Kujikubali
  6. Maslahi
  7. Ili
  8. ,
  9. kutia moyo
  10. Vyema

Kifungu cha 3

  1. sijaanza
  2. hunawa 
  3. yangu
  4. mungu 
  5. kula 
  6. kitamu 
  7. mpishi 
  8. kibaya 
  9. adabu 
  10. mwema


    1. Kiti
    2. Mbuzi
    3. Duma
    4. Gari
    5. Wanafunzi
    1. Alitembea
    2. Imba 
    3. Njoo
    4. Ruka
    1. Amepika
    2. Alifundisha
    1. Safi
    2. Nzuri
    3. Nzuri
    4. Chafu
    5. Vitamu

Ruka  Suka Kata  Imba Tembea

Mkulima kalamu Nguo Mwamba Meza

Nyeusi Mabivu Warefu Ndogo

    1. Vizuri
    2. Wachache
    3. kingi 
    4. Wakubwa
    5. mwingine
    1. Tembea pole pole
    2. Nilienda nyumbani
    3. Walifika saa land
    1. na
    2. pia
    3. bali 
    4. kwa sababu
    5. lakini
    1. Ndani ya
    2. kando ya
    3. Juu ya
    4. Ndani ya
    5. Baada ya 
    1. Viunganishi
      Pia            Na            Kwani           Lakini
    2. Vihusishi
      kando ya           Juu ya           Chini ya
    3. Vihisishi
      Aha!           Do!           Huree! Lol
    1. mtoto, watoto 
    2. Mtoto Watoto
    3. Mwanafunzi Wanafunzi
    4. Ng'ombe Ng'ombe
    5. Daktari Madaktari
    6. Bata Mabata
    1. Vipofu wamepotea
    2. Mbu wamewauma watu
    3. Samaki wanaishi majini
    1. wa
  8. Mraba 
    1. KI-VI
    2. LI- YA 
    3. LI- YA 
    4. A-WA 
    5. LI-YA


    1. Kitanda 
    2. Chumba 
    3. balbu 
    4. Meza 
    5. Kochi
    6. Televisheni/Runinga
    1. Sahani ya kulia chakula 
    2. Blanketi la ujifunikid
    3. kikombe cha kunywea maji
    1. Staftahi / kifungua kinywa 
    2. Chamcha/ kishuka 
    3. Chakula kilicholala
    4. nawa
    5. wali 
    1. kizibao 
    2. rinda
    3. kaptura/ bomb
    4. suruali 
    5. shati
    6. fulana
    1. sketi 
    2. sweta 
    3. chupi 
    4. blauzi
  6. wa baridi
      1. Kaskazini
      2. Mashariki 
      3. Kusini
      4. Magharibi
    2. Mashariki 
    3. Magharibi 
    4. Mashariki 
    1. Mzito 
    2. Lani
    3. esha
    1. machungwa
    2. реа 
    3. nanasi 
    4. tufaha 
    5. tikiti maji in ndizi
    1. maharagwe
    2. mahindi 
    3. kahawa
    4. bibo
    5. maembe 
    1. tembo/ Ndovu
    2. twiga
    3. kifaru 
    4. Mamba
    5. Simba
    6. Chui 
    1. Huleta fedha za kigeni kutokana na utalii 
    1. Jela
    2. Televisheni 
    3. Daktari
    4. Mlo
    5. Busara 
    1. Ukulima
    2. Daktari
    3. Uchukuzi
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