Displaying items by tag: grade 4

Soma mazungumzo haya kisha ujibu maswali 1 hadi 5

Mwalimu: Hamjambo wanafunzi?
Wanafunzi: Hatujambo sana mwalimu Lydia! Shikamoo?
Mwalimu? Marahaba watoto wangu! ketini.
Wanafunzi: Asante sana mwalimu!
walimu: Leo nataka kwanza kuangalia kucha ya kila mtu. Sasa kila mtu aende mbele kisha nikague kama kucha ni safi na fupi. Nitaanza na wasichana kwanza.
Mwanafunzi. 1: Tafadhali mwalimu, mama hana pesa ya kununua wembe. Nitakata kesho unisamehe!
Mwalimu: Ngoja pale kwa mlango ungoje kiboko.
Mwanafunzi 2: Mwalimu makucha zangu ni fupi na safi sana. Ebu angalia.
Mwalimu: Ni vizuri Angela. Rudi kwenye kiti chako.
Mwanafunzi 3: Mwalimu makucha zangu ni refu lakini safi sana.
Mwalimu: Nitakusamehe leo lakini uikate kesho.
Mwanafunzi 3: Asante mwalimu.

  1. Lydia alikuwa             
    1. Mwanafunzi
    2. Mwalimu mkuu
    3. Mwalimu wa darasa
    4. Mpishi
  2. Kinyume cha neno "wasichana" ni
    1. wavulana 
    2. msichana 
    3. walimu 
    4. watoto
  3. Ni neno lipi la adabu aliotumia mwanafunzi wa tatu katika mazungumzo haya?
    1. Tafadhali 
    2. Pole
    3. Labda
    4. Asante
  4. Watoto wangapi waliokaguliwa na mwalimu?
    1. wanne
    2. watatu 
    3. wawili 
    4. mmoja
  5. Mtoto yupi alikuwa na kucha fupi na safi?
    1. Angela
    2. Lydia
    3. Mwanafunzi 3 
    4. Mwanafunzi 1

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 6 hadi 13.

Mama Jamila alimaliza kupika chamcha, yaani chakula cha mchana. Alikuwa amewapikia wanawe ugali na kuku. Aliwapakulia watoto wake. Kila mmoja akapata kipande kimoja kikubwa cha kuku na ugali wake. Aliwaita wakae chumbani wale chakula chao. Jamila alipopewa chakula chake alikataa kukaa na nje na chakula chake. wengine na kutoka alisimama kwa mshangao. Mamake alipogundua kilichofanyika, alimwuliza, "Jamila nyama iko Mara alipotoka nje akaja mwewe na kuchukua nyama yake kutoka sahanini. Jamila wapi?" Jamila akakosa la kusema. Alilia na kujuta kwa nini hakumtii mamake kwa kuketi chumbani kula chakula na wengine.

  1. Mwewe alichukua nini?              
    1. Jamila
    2. Sahani
    3. Nyama
    4. Ugali
  2. Mwewe ni aina ya
    1.  ndege
    2. simba
    3. mwizi
    4. nyoka
  3. Chamcha ni chakula cha saa kama 
    1.  asubuhi 
    2. saa saba
    3.  jioni
    4. usiku
  4. Tunasema: Mama Jamila alikula ugali               kuku.
    1. na
    2. kando na
    3.  kwa
    4. pamoja na
  5. Wingi wa neno "chakula" ni
    1. chakula
    2. viakula
    3. vyakula
    4. mavyakula
  6. Kuku hutaga
    1. nyama
    2. ugali
    3. maziwa
    4. mayai
  7. Kwa nini Jamila alisimama kwa mshangao? Kwa sababu
    1. alipewa chakula kidogo. 
    2. alipigwa na Mwewe
    3. chakula chake kilichukuliwa na Mwewe 
    4. hakushiba
  8. Ni nani aliyekuwa amepika chakula?
    1. Jamila
    2. Mwewe
    3. Hatujaambiwa
    4. Mama Jamila

Kutoka nambari 14 hadi 18, jaza mapengo ukitumia maneno uliopewa chini.

Wanyama wa nyumbani wana faida        14         kwetu. Ng'ombe na mbuzi        15        nyama na maziwa.          16        wanyama hao wanatupatia ngozi           17        hutumika        18            kutengeneza ngoma. Punda na farasi hutubebea mizigo. Kuku na bata hutupa mayai

  A      B      C      D   
 14.  mingi    nyingi    kingi    wengi  
  15. hutupatia       hutupitia      hutupatiwa      hutupata   
  16.halafu      kisha      ndio      baadaye   
 17. ambayo       ambaye      ambao      ambacho  
 18. zigo      mizigo      mizigo      mazigo   

Kutoka swali 19 hadi 30, jibu kulingana na maagizo.

  1. Tambua akisami hii kwa maneno.
    1. Robo 
    2. Thuluthi
    3. Nusu
    4. Sudusi
  2. Kamilisha methali
    1. ni baraka 
    2. hufuata upepo
    3.  ina rangi nne
    4. ni maridadi
  3. Umbo hili huitwa?
    1. mraba
    2. mstatili
    3. duara
    4. duara dufu
  4. Mpira iko                 ya meza.
    1. chini ya
    2. ndani ya
    3. juu ya
    4. kando ya
  5. Andika sentensi kwa wingi.
    Mtoto huyu ni mgonjwa.
    1. Watoto hawa ni wagonjwa.
    2. Watoto hao ni wagonjwa.
    3. Watoto hawa ni mgonjwa.
    4. Matoto hawa ni wagonjwa.
  6.  "Kikapu" iko katika ngeli gani?
    1. LI-YA
    2. U-ZI 
    3. M-WA
    4. KI-VI
  7. Sentensi hii iko katika wakati gani?
    Mgeni atakuja kwetu.
    1. uliopo
    2. ujao
    3. uliopita
    4. wowote
  8. Nyasi mbichi zina rangi ya
    1. nyeusi
    2. nyekundu
    3. samawati
    4. kijani.
  9. Nikiwa na njaa nitaenda kwa
    1. mpishi
    2.  mkulima
    3. mwalimu
    4. nahodha
  10. Kanusha sentensi ifuatayo.
    Unywe maji safi                     maji chafu.
    1. usikunywe 
    2. ukunywe 
    3. usinywe
    4. usimeze
  11. Kinyume cha neno "cheka" ni
    1.  chekea
    2. chekelea 
    3. lia
    4. furahia
  12. Sehemu ya dira imeandikwa Q ni
    1. magharibi 
    2. kusini
    3. mashariki
    4. kaskazini 

Andika insha murwa kuhusu 



  1. C
  2. A
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  22. C
  23. A
  24. D
  25. B
  26. D
  27. A
  28. C
  29. C
  30. C
Tagged under

Read the conversation below and then answer questions 1-5

Mother: Terry! Terry! Terry! Wake up! You will be late for school.
Terry: Oh! Mum, it is still night. The time is three o'clock. Check your clock.
Mother ; Get out of bed! Are you dreaming? It ispast six o'clock.
Terry:Let me check my watch well. Oh! My God it is twenty minutes past six.
Mother:Go to the bathroom first as I help to make your bed.
Terry:Thank you very much mum! I could have slept upto nine o'clock.
Mother: I will give you a letter to take to your classteacher for apology. Tell her the truth that you woke up late.
Terry:I will mum!

  1. Terry sleeps in her                  
    1. bathroom 
    2. bedroom
    3. sitting room
    4. kitchen
  2. Terry woke up 'late'. The opposite of 'late' is
    1. at night
    2. at twenty minutes past six
    3. early
    4.  quickly
  3. How many people are mentioned in the conversation?
    1. Three
    2. Four
    3. Two
    4. One
  4. Who made Terry's bed?
    1. Nobody
    2. Terry herself
    3. Her class teacher
    4. Terry's mother
  5. Which polite word did Terry say to her mother?
    1. Welcome!
    2. Good bye!
    3. Thank you!
    4. Well done!

Read the passage below and answer questions 6-13

One day Mr. Zuma took his wife and five children, Agatha, Ian, Lilian, Isaac and Martin for a picnic in the park. He packed a lot of food in the basket. Agatha made some passion juice for the children to drink. Mrs. Zuma made tea and put it in the flask for her husband and herself. He filled the basket with bananas which his grandmother had brought the day before. Lilian who was ten years old put mangoes and pears in the big basket. They enjoyed the picnic in the park.

  1. How many daughters does Mr. Zuma have?
    1. Five
    2. Two 
    3. Three
    4. One
  2. Which fruit was not packed in the basket?
    1.  Pears
    2. Bananas
    3.  Mangoes
    4. Oranges
  3. Who brought the bananas?
    1. Lilian
    2. Mrs. Zuma
    3. Ian's grandmother
    4. Mr. Zuma
  4. Who made the passion juice?
    1. Agatha
    2. Mrs. Zuma
    3. Ian 
    4. Martin
  5. How many people are there in this family?
    1. Seven
    2. Five
    3. six
    4. ten
  6. How old was Lilian?
    1. Twelve years old.
    2. Ten years old 
    3. Nine years old.
    4. Thirteen years old
  7. "Son" is to "daughter" as "husband" is to                   ?
    1. woman
    2. Aunt
    3. wife
    4. female
  8. Which statement is NOT true?
    1. Mrs Zuma took tea
    2. Mr. Zuma has three sons
    3.  Passion juice is not made from a fruit
    4. The family enjoyed the picnic in the park

For questions 14 - 18, fill the blank spaces with the words below

The cats      14         always at war with the mice. Fighting    15           place everyday and they always       16       The mice never       17        a single victory. The mice           18        to hold a meeting to talk about the situation, and see what could be done.

14. A. Was    B.Were    C,have   D. had  
 15. A.takes   B. taken    C.took    D. taked  
 16. A. won     B.  worn    C. wins  

 D. winnig 

  17. A. scores   B.scoring   C.score   D. scored  
 18. A. decided    B. decides    C. decide    D. deciding 

For questions 19 to 30, answer according to instructions

  1. James is                    than Maurice.
    1.  tallest
    2. taller
    3. tall
    4. more taller
  2. The man has lost four of his               after the accident.
    1. tooths
    2. teeths
    3. teeth
    4. tooth
  3. As               as a deer.
    1. slow 
    2. sweet
    3. first
    4. fast
  4. I have given                    sweets to each.
    1. two
    2. to
    3. too
    4. twos
  5. The cat is sitting                 the chairs.
    1. in
    2. between
    3. under 
    4. on 
  6. Jim                  his name badly yesterday.
    1.  writes
    2. write
    3.  wrote
    4. rot
  7. A rhino and               elephant are wild animals.
    1. an
    2. a
    3.  the
    4. some
  8. The young one of a goat is called
    1. Lamb
    2. Calf
    3. Kid
    4. Kitten
  9. The boys                   doing exams.
    1. is
    2. have
    3. are
    4. was
  10. Write the sentence in plural form.
    That woman has a knife.
    1. These women have knives.
    2. Those women has knives.
    3. These woman has knives.
    4. Those women have knives.
  11. What is the opposite of the word "uncle"?
    1. Aunt
    2. Ant
    3. Niece
    4. Nephew
  12. The house of a dog is called?
    1. sty
    2. hutch
    3. kennel
    4. shed


Write an interesting compotision about your 



  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
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  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
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  13. C
  14. B
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  21. D
  22. A
  23. B
  24. C
  25. A
  26. C
  27. C
  28. D
  29. A
  30. C
Tagged under


  1. Which one is four hundred and nineteen in symbols?
    1. 40019
    2. 419
    3. 490
    4. 4119
  2. What is the missing number in the pattern below?
    620, 640, 660,            700.
    1. 680
    2. 690
    3. 670
    4. 580 
  3. What is the place value of digit 5 in the number 852 ? 
    1. Ones
    2. Tens
    3. Hundreds
    4. Fifty 
  4. How many sticks are there in the bundles below?
    1. 36
    2. 16
    3. 26
    4. 25
  5. Nevine had 32 sweets. She gave 24 sweets to her friends . How many sweets did she remain with ?
    1. 9
    2. 6
    3. 12
    4. 8
  6. Which fraction is unshaded?
    1. 3/4
    2. 4/8
    3. 5/8
  7. There are 7846 people in a village. There are 637 children. How many people are adults?
    1. 7208
    2. 8483
    3. 7109
    4. 7209
  8. What is the missing number?
             x 4 =56
    1. 8
    2. 12
    3. 14
    4. 52
  9. How much  is this money ?
    1. 200
    2. 150
    3. 350
    4. 250
  10. Which one is a need ?
  11. A class had 47 learners. If 28 are boys, how many are girls?
    1. 19
    2. 9
    3. 29
    4. 21
  12. Take away 78 from 98?
    1. 10
    2. 20
    3. 186
    4. 30
  13. What is1/8 of 32 ?
    1. 3
    2. 6
    3. 8
    4. 4
  14. Add:      4  1    6
              + 6   4    4
    1. 1060
    2. 1050
    3. 1160
    4. 10510
  15. Fill the gap.
    7+         + 6 = 20
    1. 7
    2. 8
    3. 13
    4. 33
  16. How many cups can fill the jug?
    1. 6
    2. 12
    3. 14
    4. 24
  17. What is this shape?
    1. Rectangle
    2. Triangle
    3. Square
    4. Cube 
  18. Which fraction is the smallest?
    1. 1/4
    2. 1/3
    3. 1/2
    4. 1/8
  19. which one is heavier?
    1. salt
    2. sugar
    3. both
    4. none 
  20. The third day of the week is
    1. Wednesday
    2. Monday
    3. Tuesday
    4. Thursday
  21. What is the time in the clock face below?
    1.  Half past twelve
    2. Six o'clock
    3. Half to twelve
    4. Twelve o'clock
  22. How many sh. 50 notes are there in sh. 500 notes ?
    1.  550
    2. 450
    3. 10
    4. 5
  23. The angle below is called                 
    1. Acute angle
    2. Reflex angle
    3. Right angle
    4. Obtuse angle
  24. Round off 873 to the nearest 10.
    1. 870
    2. 880
    3. 800
    4. 80
  25. Which one is an odd number.
    1. 84
    2. 78
    3. 102
    4. 39
  26. What is the total value of digit 3 in 36027?
    1. 30000
    2. 3000
    3. 300
    4. ones .
  27. Which number is the greatest in values 
    1. 728
    2. 782
    3. 827
    4.  872 
  28. A farmer harvested 1349 bags of maize. He sold 426 bags. How many bags remained? 
    1. 933
    2. 873
    3. 773
    4. 973
  29. A meeting was attended by 3758 women and 2174 men. How many people in total attended the meeting?
    1. 5732
    2. 5832
    3. 5942
    4. 5932
  30. Use the chart to answer question 30
    Kamau left home and went to church first and then to school and went back home. What distance did he cover?
    1. 290km
    2. 221m
    3. 580m
    4. 442m


  1. A
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. D
  10. A
  11. A
  12. B
  13. D
  14. A
  15. A
  16. A
  17. C
  18. D
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. C
  23. D
  24. A
  25. D
  26. A
  27. D
  28. B
  29. D
  30. C
Tagged under


Write the material needed to do the following activities

  1. Drawing
  2. Erasing
  3. Painting
  4. Colouring
  5. Draw a straight line

Draw the following faces

  1. Sad 
  2. Happy

Draw three animal forms







  1. We need a Y shaped stick, bottle tops and                      to make a shaker.
    1. srtring 
    2. rope
    3. wire
    4. rubber
  2. While singing we open our
    1. mouth
    2.  eyes
    3. ears
    4. hands
  3. "O God is good" is a              song
    1. action
    2. sacred
    3. topical
    4.  singing game
  4. A drum is played by.
    1. shaking
    2. blowing
    3. bowing
    4. hitting
  5. This is Mary's face. She likes.
    1. crying
    2.  laughing
    3. singing
    4. smiling
  6. A shaker is played by.
    1. shaking
    2. hitting
    3. plucking
    4. bowing
  7. "Bless this our land and
    1. creation
    2. Nation
    3. God
    4. Strength
  8. "Ilete baraka
    1.  wetu
    2. Letu
    3. kwetu
    4.  yetu
  9. "Haki iwe ngao na 
    1. mlinzi 
    2. mwizi
    3. wezi
    4. lizi
  10. Firm may we stand to
    1. defend 
    2. nation
    3. accord
    4. united
  11. Which one of the following is a kayamba?
  12. Which one of the following is a singing game?
    1.  O God is good 
    2. Watoto wadogo 
    3. Are you sleeping
    4. Jesus love
  13. We sing to be
    1.  hated
    2. tired
    3.  angry
    4.  happy
  14. We clap our                while singing
    1. feet
    2. finger
    3. nails
    4. hands
  15.  "Mabata madogo" is an example of.                 song
    1. singing game
    2. part
    3. sacred
    4. lullaby


  1. When there is too much rainfall can lead to:-
    1. drought 
    2. famine
    3. floods
    4. erosion
  2.  A                  is a group of people living together.
    1. community 
    2. clan 
    3. society
    4. union
  3.                      is an example of a happy occasion.
    1. Buril
    2. Funeral
    3. War
    4. Birthday
  4. During drought animals and people lack enough:-
    1. space
    2.  food
    3. education
    4.  land
  5. The crops that are grown for commercial purposes like tea and coffee are called                       crops.
    1.  food
    2. cash
    3. enterprise
    4. project
  6. People usually cross a river using a:-
    1. stick
    2. tree
    3. rope
    4. bridge
  7. Most of the wild animals live in the:-
    1. forest
    2. house
    3. school
    4. market
  8. Name the following physical feature.
    1.  hill
    2. mountain 
    3.  valley
    4. river
  9. Planting trees and flowers in our school makes it look:-
    1. beautiful
    2. ugly
    3. untidy
    4. unusual
  10. Being in a                        alone is not safe.
    1. church
    2. school
    3. hospital
    4. forest
  11. The main natural source of light is the:-
    1. sun
    2. moon 
    3. electricity
    4. torch
  12. A cactus is a thorny plant that grows in                  areas.
    GD4PK ARTSSTqn12 .
    1. wet
    2. flooded
    3. dry
    4. swampy
  13. Rabbit is to hutch as pig is to:
    1. kennel
    2. shed
    3. sty
    4. pen
  14. A police or ambulance siren is sound that indicates:-
    1. danger
    2. joy 
    3. celebrations 
    4. speed
  15. We can separate mud from water by:-
    1. boiling
    2. decanting
    3. cooling
    4. storing


  1. We read the word of God from the.
    1. tusome
    2. bible
    3. story book 
    4. primary mathematics
  2. Moses saw a burning
    1. house
    2. hill
    3. bush 
    4. car 
  3. Daniel was thrown into a.den of :-
    1. lions
    2. elephants
    3. snakes 
    4. thieves 
  4. Naaman was told to dip himself                       times in river Jordan.
    1. 5
    2. 6
    3. 7
    4. 8
  5.                        is a member of the nuclear family.
    1. mother 
    2. Aunt
    3. cousin
    4. Grandmother 
  6. The first book in the New Testament is:-
    1. Mark
    2. John
    3. Revelation
    4. Matthew
  7. Noah built an                      for the Lord.
    1. house
    2. church
    3. ark 
    4. school
  8. The Holy Bible has a total of                  books.
    1. 66
    2. 29
    3. 43
    4. 37
  9. Moses obeyed God at Mt_
    1. Kenya
    2. Sinai
    3. Galilee 
    4. Horeb
  10. Aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents are members of an                family.
    1. nuclear
    2. single
    3. extended
    4. many
  11. The three Hebrew men                     to bow to false God.
    1. refused
    2. agreed
    3. loved
    4. hated
  12. Jesus was laid in a                     after He was born.
    1. house
    2. cot 
    3. manager
    4. basket
  13. Adam and Eve lived in the garden of:-
    1. Noah
    2. eden
    3. gethsemane
    4. galilee
  14. It is good to say the                      always
    1. bad things
    2. lies
    3. bad words
    4. truth
  15. Which one is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. love
    2. hatred
    3. killing 
    4. beating
  16.                       taught the disciples the Lord's prayer.
    1. Angels
    2. Jesus 
    3. God
    4. Teachers
  17. The                     spirit helps us to do good things
    1. bad 
    2. evil
    3. holy 
    4. church 
  18. When other people wrong us we should                 them 
    1. beat 
    2. abuse 
    3. forgive 
    4. hate
  19. The wife of Ananias was called:- 
    1. Sapphira
    2. Eve
    3. Mary
    4. Tabitha
  20. King                       ordered Daniel to be thrown into a den of lions.
    1. Pharaoh
    2. David
    3. Darius
    4. Amos



  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. D
  14. D
  15. A


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  11. D
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. A
  16. B
  17. C
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C


  1. We eat the                     of a sugarcane.
    1. root
    2. stem
    3.  leaves
    4.  flowers
  2. Poor oral hygiene makes one to smell.
    1. perfume
    2. nice
    3. well
    4. bad
  3. Pepper tastes
    1. sour
    2. sweet
    3. bitter
    4. nasty
  4. If we don't clean our houses and feet well, we are likely to get,
    1. Jiggers
    2.  lice
    3. termites 
    4. cockroaches 
  5. A bed is an example of furniture that is commonly found in the
    1. kitchen
    2. toilet
    3. sitting room 
    4. bedroom
  6. Drinking water should be boiled to kill,
    1. flies
    2. germs
    3. insects
    4. diseases
  7. All the personal items should not be
    1. shared
    2. washed
    3. stored
    4. soaked
  8. A fracture is a broken
    1. muscle
    2. hair
    3. teeth
    4. bone
  9. After using the toilet one should
    1. flush
    2. sweep 
    3. destroy
    4. leave it
  10. A                    is a person who treats eyes.
    1. dentist
    2. optician
    3. surgeon 
    4. nurse
  11. Smoking the below drug is                    to our health
    1. good
    2. energizing
    3. harmful
    4. useful
      GD4PK INTSCqn1
  12. The meal taken at noon is called
    1. dinner
    2. lunch 
    3. breakfast
    4. supper
  13. The rules for cleanliness are usually referred to as
    1. safety
    2. laws
    3. hygiene 
    4. commandments
  14. All medicine should be kept away from.
    1. children
    2. doctors 
    3. parents
    4. teachers
  15. This is a                     that is harmful to our bodies
    1. rope
    2. string
    3. worm
    4. tie


  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. C

Complete the passage below.

        1           name is Gaterina. I.         2            a girl. I am ten years         3           .I            4          to Kariru primary school. My          5        is called Mrs. Ototo and my           6          learning area is Homescience.         7              I grow up I        8         like to be              9       doctor. I                  eating sugarcane.

1. A. are    B. my   C.we   D. our 
 2. A.shall   B. are    C, is    D. am 
 3. A.old   B. older   C.oldest   D. young 
 4.A.going    B.goes    C. go    D. went  
 5. A.teaches   B. teachers   C. teacher   D. teach 
 6. A. favourite   B. favourites   C. likes   D. want 
  7.A. where   B.  why   C. how    D. when  
 8. A. will   B. would   C. shall   D. should  
 9. A. a   B. an   C. the   D. are 
 10. A. unlike    B. liking    C. like    D.likes  

Choose the plural of these words.

  1. Puppy
    1. puppys
    2. puppies
    3. pupies
    4. puppyles
  2. Ox
    1. oxes
    2. oxens
    3. oxies
    4. oxen
  3. Potato
    1. potatoes
    2. potatos
    3. potates
    4. potatoies
  4. Church
    1. churchs
    2. church
    3. churches
    4. churchies
  5. Louse
    1. louses
    2. lice
    3.  lices
    4. louces

Choose the comparative of these words.

  1. Big
    1. biggest
    2. bigger
    3. biger
    4. more big
  2. Smooth
    1. smoother
    2. smoothest 
    3. more smooth
    4. most smooth
  3. Cold
    1. coldest
    2. more cold
    3. colder 
    4. most cold
  4. Good
    1. gooder
    2. goodest
    3. better
    4. best
  5. Beautiful
    1. more beautiful
    2. beautifuler
    3. most beautiful
    4. least beautiful

Choose the correct word to complete these sentences.

  1. This dress belongs to Janet. It is :-
    1. her
    2. his 
    3. hers 
    4. ours
  2. The house belongs to us. It is :-
    1. us
    2. ours 
    3. we
    4.  yours
  3. That is John's bag. It is:-
    1.  him
    2. her
    3. their
    4. his
  4. That is our school. It is:-
    1. ours
    2. yours
    3. them
    4. theirs

Choose the past tense of these words.

  1. Dry
    1. dries
    2.  dried
    3. dryed
    4. drieded
  2. Put
    1. puts
    2. puted
    3. putted
    4. put
  3. Draw
    1. drew 
    2. drawn
    3. drawing
    4. draws
  4. Cook
    1. cooks
    2. cooking
    3. cooked
    4. cook
  5. Melt
    1. melting
    2. melted
    3. melt
    4. meltted
  6. Sell
    1. selling
    2. selled
    3. sold
    4. selt

Read the story and answer questions.

Hellen was leaving home for school at sunrise. As she hurried to open the gate, she heard the dogs barking loudly behind the fence. Out of curiosity, she went to find out what was happening. She saw a calf lying in a ditch. She ran back home to call her parents. They came and realized that them calf was injured. Her father lifted the calf carefully and carried it home. When they reached home, her mother fed the calf and made sure it was comfortable. When Hellen left for school, her father called the veterinarian to treat the injured calf. Hellen arrived all school late and explained to the teacher what made her to be late.

  1. When did Hellen leave for school?
    1. Sunset
    2. Sunrise
    3. Afternoon
    4. Evening 
  2. Where were the dogs barking?
    1.  At home
    2. On the road
    3. Behind the fence
    4. At the gate
  3.  Where was the calf lying?
    1. On the road
    2. On a path
    3.  In a shed
    4.  In a ditch
  4. Whom did Hellen call?
    1. Teacher
    2.  Neighbours
    3. Parents 
    4. Siblings 
  5. A person who treats animals is called a:-
    1. veterinarian
    2. doctor
    3. nurse
    4. optician

Listening and speaking

The teacher greets the learner. The teacher asks him / her to sit down. 
Teacher says: I am teacher
Teacher says: I am going to ask you some questions.
Listen carefully and answer

  1. What is your name?
  2. What is the name of your school?
  3. Who is the headteacher of your school? 
  4. in which county is your school located?
  5. Why do you go to school?

Reading Aloud

Once upon a time, there lived a hare and a hyena. They were good friends and lived near each other. They had many cows. They used to take them to the grazing field in alternating days. Their children played together in the compound.

Hyena was lazy and did not like working. When it was his turn to go to the field he would wake up late and report back early. This did not go well with the hare. Hyena came home complaining of hunger. Hare got angry at one point and warned his friend that their friendship would come to an end if they continued that way. Hyena threatened to eat hare's young ones if he failed to provide enough food. This prompted the hare to walk away from him.

Write an interesting composition about



  1. B
  2. D
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  19. C
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  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C
  31. B
  32. C
  33. D
  34. C
  35. A


  1. June is the                   month of the year.
    1. 5th
    2. 6th
    3. 8th
    4. 10th
  2. Which is the 10th month of the year?
    A. May
    B. July
    C. October
    D. August
  3. Which is the last month of the year?
    1. December
    2. January
    3. March
    4. September

Fill in the missing numbers

  1. 95, 90, 85, 80,                  
    1. 79
    2. 75
    3. 65
    4. 60
  2. 460, 470,                 490, 500
    1. 450
    2. 475
    3. 479
    4. 480
  3. Write 46 in words.
    1. Thirty six
    2. Four six
    3.  Forty six
    4. Forty
  4. Juma had 344 bottles of soda in his shop. He bought another 60 bottles. How many bottles of soda does he have altogether? 
    1. 401
    2. 304
    3. 403
    4. 404
  5. There were 216 chairs in a party. Mr Ali added 209 chairs. How many chairs were in the party?
    1. 426
    2. 425
    3. 325
    4. 326
  6. Mr Sifuna had 149 cows. He sold 35 of them. How many cows was he left with?
    1. 114
    2. 116
    3. 214
    4. 310
  7. A shopkeeper had 58 packets of sweets. He sold 13 packets. How many packets was he left with?
    1. 40
    2. 35
    3. 45
    4. 71
  8. Ann sells 4 bananas in a day. How many bananas does she sell in 5 days?
    1. 9
    2. 1
    3. 19
    4. 20
  9. Multiply: 3x6 =
    1. 15
    2. 13
    3. 18
    4. 28
  10. 8 √32
    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 40
    4. 6
  11. Share 35 mangoes equally among 7 boys.
    1. 28
    2. 32
    3. 6
    4. 5
  12. Which clockface shows half past six?
  13. Mutiso has 3kg of potatoes and 6kg of beans. How many kg does he have altogether?
    1. 9kg
    2. 10kg
    3. 15kg
    4. 10kg
  14. Hamisi had 18kg of maize. He gave out 9kg to his friend. How many kg was he left with?
    1. 9kg
    2. 27kg
    3. 10kg
    4. 11kg
  15. A shopkeeper had 53 litres of milk. He sold 37 litres. How many litres of milk was he left with?
    1. 15 litres
    2. 16 litres
    3. 17 litres
    4. 80 litres
  16. What time is it?
    1. Quarter past 4
    2. Quarter past 3
    3. Quarter past 3
    4. Quarter past six
  17. Peter has two sh 100 notes. How many sh 200 notes will He get?
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Four
  18. Ouma had sh 818. He bought a bag at sh 220. How much was he left with
    1. sh 599 
    2. sh 399
    3. sh 598
    4. sh 498
  19.  4  7  9
    -2  1  6
    1. 363
    2. 264
    3. 364
    4. 263
  20.  3  9  4
      + 2  4
    1. 518
    2. 418
    3. 419
    4. 519
  21. Which one of the following is a good?
    1. teacher
    2. tailor
    3. carpenter
    4. bread
  22. Which one of the following is a need?
    1. book
    2. pen
    3. house
    4. car
  23. What is,1/2 of 8?
    1. 4
    2. 16
    3. 6
    4. 5
  24. Which one of the following shows a 1/4
  25. Multiply 9 and 9
    1. 81
    2. 71
    3. 80
    4. 79
  26. Complete the pattern
  27. How many triangles can you see?
    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 5
    4. 2
  28. GD4ST4QN31 shade 1/4
  29. GD4ST4QN32              ×               =12
    1. 3×4
    2. 3×12
    3. 12×3
    4. 4×3
  30. Maina eats 2 bananas in a day. How many bananas does he eat in 7 days?
    1. 14
    2. 12
    3. 13
    4. 9
  31. 4√32
    1. 9
    2. 7
    3. 8
    4. 5
  32. Which shaded fraction is bigger?
  33. How many 1 litre jugs can be used to fill the 5 litre jerrycan?
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 1
    4. 3
  34. hrs             min
      3                15
    +4                20
    1. 6hrs        35min
    2. 7hrs         35min
    3. 5hrs          35min
    4. 8hrs           35min
  35. Peter had 120kg or rice. He sold 80kg. How many kg were left?
    1. 40kg
    2. 200kg
    3. 30kg
    4. 50kg
  36. 48+6=             
    1. 12
    2. 4
    3. 8
    4. 5
  37. 32 eggs were shared equally among 8 visitors. How many eggs did each visitor get?
    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 2
    4. 6


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
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  12. C
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  15. C
  16. A
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  19. D
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  25. C
  26. A
  27. B
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  30. B
  31. D
  32. D
  33. A
  34. C
  35. D
  36. B
  37. D
  38. A
  39. C
  40. B


  1. Which of the following shows smudge technique?
  2. Kimani wants to practise weaving on a dowel loom. Which of the following materials can be use?
    1. Wires
    2. Plasticine
    3. Thread
    4. Cotton wool
  3. A table mat can be made using
    1. modelling technique.
    2. folding technique.
    3. basketry technique.
    4. weaving technique.
  4. Study the diagram below
    The type of drawing shown above is called 
    1. still life drawing.
    2. imagination drawing.
    3. observation drawing.
    4. nutritive drawing.
  5. Which one of the following is a source of pictures for photomontage?
  6. The diagram below show a play item.
    The part labelled Y is made of
    1. papers.
    2. threads.
    3. wires.
    4. stones.
  7. All the following can be used when making a doll. Which one cannot?
    1. Clothes
    2. Cotton wool
    3. Rubber bands
    4. Cement
  8. A Grade 4 Art and Craft teacher asked some pupils to name the best weather to play with a propeller.
    Tim - rainy
    Kim - windy
    Sam - calm
    Val - cloudy
    Who among the pupils was correct?
    1. Kim
    2. Tim
    3. Sam
    4. Val
  9. Marangi drew a picture and wanted to paint it red. Which of the following items would he use?
  10.  Embedding and incising technique can both be used to decorate
    1. wood items.
    2. clay items.
    3. paper items.
    4. fabric.


  1. Which of the following shows a string instrument?
  2. Which of the following lines is not found in the first verse of the Kenya National Anthem?
    1. Justice be our shield and defender.
    2. O God of all creation.
    3. Plenty be found within our borders.
    4. Let one and all arise.
  3. Which of the following types of songs is sung for babies to sleep?
    1. Patriotic songs
    2. Lullabies
    3. Sacred songs
    4. Gospel songs
  4. Which of the following animals produces a "moo" sound?
    1. Sheep
    2. Cow
    3. Cat
    4. Dog
  5. When performing singing games, we must always observe
    1. gender.
    2. weather.
    3. time.
    4. safety.
  6. Which one of the following is a percussion instrument?
    1. Flute
    2. Trumpet 
    3. Drum
    4. Guitar
  7. Which of the following body parts cannot be used for dancing?
    1. Shoulders
    2. Legs
    3. Head
    4. Teeth
  8. Lavalava wanted to record his string instrument as he played it. Which of the following devices was necessary for the task?
    1. Magazine
    2. Newspaper
    3. Smartphone
    4. Television
  9. Which one of the following can be used to improvise a drum?
    1. Sand
    2. Used jerrycan
    3. Clay
    4. Cotton wool
  10. String instruments can be played by
    1. blowing
    2. hitting
    3. plucking
    4. shaking


  1. Which of the following is an example of built environments?
    1. Museum
    2. Valley
    3. Plateau
    4. Forest
  2. Which one of the following is a cardinal point of the compass?
    1. South east
    2. North
    3. North west
    4. South west
  3. The diagram below represents compass directions.
    The direction labelled P is called
    1. north west
    2. south west
    3. south east
    4. north east
  4. The diagram below shows a source of heat.
    The source of heat drawn above uses
    1. firewood.
    2. charcoal.
    3. gas.
    4. petrol.
  5. At home, water can be used for
    1. keeping fish.
    2. travelling.
    3. cooling machine.
    4. cooking. 
  6. All the following items can be used to keep a market place clean except
  7. Animals in distress are those that are
    1. dead.
    2. sick.
    3. eating.
    4. active.
  8. Which of the following types of wastes cannot burn in a rubbish pit?
    1. Paper wastes
    2. Dry leaves
    3. Glass materials
    4. Old rags
  9. Which of the following can be used to collect rain water?
  10. Mauzo has a lot of old newspapers in his store. What should he do with them?
    1. Sell them
    2. Burn them
    3. Keep them
    4. Read them
  11. The following are road signs.
    Which of the above signs shows that there is a hospital around?
    1. iv
    2. ii
    3. i
    4. iii
  12. Wastes collected in the school compound should be disposed in the
    1. dustpan.
    2. rubbish pit.
    3. bucket.
    4. dust bin.
  13. Animals can be relieved from distress by
    1. hanging name tags on their ears.
    2. exposing them to some work.
    3. isolating the male ones from female ones.
    4. treating them in a veterinary.
  14. Below is a way of protecting plants.
    The plant protection method shown above is called
    1. fencing
    2. pruning
    3. weeding
    4. thinning.
  15. Which of the following is a harmful cultural practice?
    1. Child naming celebration.
    2. Circumcision.
    3. Female genital mutilation.
    4. Singing harvest songs.


  1. Who among the following is not a member of the extended family?
    1. Uncle
    2. Cousin
    3. Aunt
    4. Brother
  2. All of us were made to look like our
    1. parents.
    2. teachers.
    3. God.
    4. friends.
  3. Which one is not the work of the Holy Spirit in a Christian's life? The Holy Spirit helps us to
    1. be unkind.
    2. do good things.
    3. live in peace.
    4. love others.
  4. All the following are fruit of the Holym Spirit except
    1. love.
    2. joy.
    3. faith.
    4. peace.
  5. On the day of Pentecost,
    1. believers spoke in different languages.
    2. a voice was heard from above.
    3. darkness covered the land.
    4. the disciples were drunk in the morning.
  6. While reciting the Lord's prayer,
    1. we should be walking around. 
    2. there must be darkness.
    3. we should have our Bibles at hand.
    4. we must adopt a posture of prayer.
  7. Lala and her brother were given homework to do. Instead of doing the work, Lela's brother started playing. As Christians how best should Lela correct her brother?
    1. Do his work for him.
    2. Tell him to finish the work then play later
    3. Funish him.
    4. Call the teacher and tell him what he is doing.
  8. Which Christian value did Ananias and Sapphira leck?
    1. Trust
    2. Obedience
    3. Responsibility 
    4. Honesty
  9. In the story of the unforgiving servant, which punishment did the king give the unforgiving servant? He
    1. threw him in a den of lions.
    2. threw him in a furnace of fire.
    3. jailed him.
    4. sent him out of the empire.
  10. We should always ____________________________ God for wonderfully and fearfully creating us.
    1. hate 
    2. thank
    3. accuse 
    4. blame
  11. The miracle of Jesus walking on water encourages Christians to have strong
    1. feet.
    2. courage.
    3. faith.
    4. obedience.
  12. How many loaves of bread had the boy with two fish?
    1. 7
    2. 10
    3. 5
  13. The good Samaritan helped a man who was beaten up by
    1. poachers.
    2. killers.
    3. robbers.
    4. jews.
  14. Whose daughter did Jesus raise from the dead
    1. Jairus'
    2. Lazarus'
    3. Jethro's
    4. Pharaoh's
  15. The home town of Jesus was
    1. Bethlehem.
    2. Golgotha.
    3. Capernaum.
    4. Nazareth.


  1. The word Qul as used in Surah Ikhlas means
    1. read.
    2. go.
    3. pray.
    4. say.
  2. Which of the following surah means the men?
    1. An-Nas
    2. Al-Fatiha
    3. Al-Ikhlas
    4. Al-Falaq 
  3. Allah has no parent or children is a lesson from surah
    1. Al-Lahab
    2. Al-Ikhlas
    3. Al-Kauthar
    4. Al-Maun
  4. Who among the following was Allah's prophet?
    1. Raqib
    2. Jibril
    3. Mikail
    4. Issa
  5. Which one of the following can be sung in Islamic ceremonies?
    1. Lullabies
    2. Taarab
    3. Qaswida
    4. Hymns
  6. Which of the following God-given bounties do we use for sight?
    1. Eyes 
    2. Heart
    3. Ears
    4. Hands
  7. Allah gave Nabii Daud a holy book called
    1. Quran 
    2. Zabur
    3. Injil
    4. Taurat
  8. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was known by all to be
    1. humble.
    2. unkind.
    3. rude.
    4. jealous.
  9. Qadar means Allah's
    1. ability
    2. power
    3. wisdom
    4. people
  10. ______________________ is an Islamic festival.
    1. Mashujaa
    2. Easter
    3. Eid
    4. Christmass
  11. Muslims fast in the holy month of
    1. Dhulhijja.
    2. Shabaan.
    3. Rabiulawwal.
    4. Ramadhan.
  12. Taking good care of family property shows
    1. fear.
    2. responsibility.
    3. carelessness.
    4. kindness.
  13. Alhamdulillah is said when a fellow Muslim
    1. sneezes.
    2. dies.
    3. falls.
    4. coughs.
  14. The last swalah of the day is called 
    1. Isha.
    2. Fajr. 
    3. Asr.
    4. Maghrib.
  15. According to prophet's hadith, we use our right feet when entering a
    1. bus.
    2. masjid.
    3. classroom.
    4. building.


  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. D
  16. C
  17. D
  18. C
  19. B
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. D
  24. C
  25. D
  26. C
  27. B
  28. C
  29. B
  30. A
  31. D
  32. B
  33. D
  34. A
  35. C


  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D


  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. D
  12. B
  13. A
  14. A
  15. B


  1. Which one of the following is a non- living thing?
  2. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of all plants? All plants
    1. grow.
    2. are green.
    3. die.
    4. reproduce.
  3. When handling thorny plants, we should wear _______________________________ in our hands.
    1. goggles
    2. socks
    3. gumboots
    4. gloves
  4. Eating too little or too much food is
    1. unhealthy.
    2. good.
    3. healthy.
    4. necessary.
  5. Our classroom floors must always be dry to avoid
    1. slides.
    2. shocks
    3. fainting.
    4. burns.
  6. When a person has fainted, he or she should be taken to a
    1. swimming pool.
    2. shade.
    3. veterinarian.
    4. chemist.
  7. The following are different foods found in our locality. Which one of them shows cassava?
  8. Below is a food storage facility found at home
    Which of the following foods can best be preserved using the facility above?
    1. Milk
    2. Maize
    3. Vegetables
    4. Cooked food
  9. All the following are energy giving foods. Which one is not?
    1. Yams
    2. Carrots
    3. Rice
    4. Porridge
  10. When eating our food, we should always
    1. eat without talking.
    2. lick our fingers.
    3. speak as we eat.
    4. appreciate by singing.
  11. Which one of the following can be a reason for bed wetting?
    1. Taking too little water before bed time.
    2. Drinking a lot of water when we wake up.
    3. Noise from the surrounding environments
    4. Dreaming.
  12. A teacher drew the parasite below on the board.
    She later asked Mambo to mention the name of the parasite. If Mambo was correct, what did he say?
    1. Flea\
    2. Tapeworm.
    3. Louse
    4. Jigger
  13. All the following are internal parasites. Which one is external?
    1. Tapeworm
    2. Liverfluke
    3. Jiggers
    4. Threadworm
  14. Which one of the following is a bedding material?
    1. Carpet
    2. Doormat
    3. Curtain
    4. Pillow
  15. What is the use of ash when cleaning a latrine?
    1. Ash makes the latrine floor dry.
    2. It prevents smell.
    3. It makes the latrine bright.
    4. Ash kills germs on the latrine roofs.


Use the diagram below to answer the following questions.


  1. Soil Q was likely to be
    1. smooth.
    2. loam.
    3. clay.
    4. sand.
  2. Loam soil was likely to be
    1. P and R
    2. Q
    3. R
    4. P
  3. The best soil for building is labelled
    1. P
    2. R
    3. Q and R
    4. Q
  4. Maundu wanted to cut long grass in his farm. Which one of the following farm tools would be the best?.
  5. All the following farm animals give us milk. Which one does not?
    1. Goat
    2. Camel
    3. Sheep
    4. Cow
  6. Farmers harvest their farm produce when the season is
    1. dark.
    2. dry
    3. wet.
    4. rainy.
  7. The animal drawn below is reared in our county.
    The animal shown above is called a
    1. pig.
    2. sheep.
    3. dog.
    4. cow.
  8. Which one of the lists below has fruits only?
    1. Maize, beans, pawpaws.
    2. Avocado, mangoes, oranges.
    3. Kales, spinach, cabbages.
    4. Yams, cassava, potatoes.
  9. Farmers need to ____________________ their crops when there is no rain.
    1. uproot
    2. plant
    3. grow
    4. irrigate
  10. Which of the following animals is reared at home?
    1. Zebra
    2. Gazelle.
    3. Rabbit
    4. Squirrel.


  1. Which one of the following is a safe play item?
  2. Maua wants to make a ball. Which of the following materials should Maua use?
    1. Stones
    2. Old rags
    3. Wires
    4. Wood
  3. Which of the following shows how we can take care of our play items?
    1. Leave them in the field after playing with them.
    2. Always play with them indoors to avoid losing them.
    3. Keep them safe after playing with them.
    4. Always leave them in school.
  4. We can promote good health by 
    1. avoiding playing together. 
    2. avoiding sharing personal items.
    3. avoiding sharing our balls with others.
    4. playing alone to avoid diseases.
  5. Which of the following items is found in the kitchen?
  6. Which one of the following foods must not necessarily be cooked before eating?
  7. Which of the following kitchen equipment shows a fork?
  8. We should _________________________ our fruits before eating them.
    1. wash
    2. boil
    3. fry
    4. cook
  9. We should not share our
    1. toys.
    2. books.
    3. socks.
    4. classes.
  10. Which one do we use to clean our teeth?
    1. Toothpick
    2. Sponge
    3. Handkerchief
    4. Toothbrush


  1. Study the diagram below.
    The diagram above shows
    1. an athletic track.
    2. a swimming pool.
    3. a football pitch.
    4. a basketball court.
  2. Athletes end their races at the
    1. start point.
    2. centre.
    3. finish line.
    4. middle of the track.
  3. Below is a player practising a game in athletics.
    The player above is likely to be practising
    1. standing start.
    2. standing long jup
    3. warm up skills.
    4. short races.
  4. All the following animals live in water except a
    1. whale.
    2. crocodile.
    3. shark.
    4. tortoise.
  5. Mwajuma was practising star fish float. Probably, Mwajuma was in their
    1. house.
    2. classroom.
    3. swimming pool.
    4. football field.
  6. Which of the following parts of the body is not used in V-balance?
    1. Shoulders
    2. Hands
    3. Head
    4. Legs
  7. Which of the following play items cari be used for climbing and sliding games?
  8. Which of the following body parts is mainly used when skipping?
    1. Hand
    2. Shoulders
    3. Fingers
    4. Legs
  9. Which of the following items can be used in a swimming pool?
  10. In HELP in relation to swimming, L stands for
    1. Listening.
    2. Level.
    3. Loose.
    4. Lessening.
  11. Sabina and Joy want to play a skipping game. Which of the play items below do they need?
    1. A bean bag
    2. A rope
    3. A strong polythene paper.
    4. Old rags.
  12. When playing different games, all the rules must be
    1. obeyed.
    2. created
    3. broken.
    4. disobeyed.
  13. Arm action and leg action have one factor in common in that they are both
    1. field events.
    2. swimming skills.
    3. dangerous skills.
    4. played in the field.
  14. All the following are dynamic balances in gymnastics except
    1.  body balance.
    2. beam balance.
    3. crab stand balance.
    4. wheelbarrow balance.
  15. Horizontal float in swimming can also be called
    1. treading in water.
    2. vertical float.
    3. gliding in water.
    4. back float.


  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. D
  15. B
  16. D
  17. C
  18. D
  19. C
  20. C
  21. B
  22. A
  23. B
  24. D
  25. C
  26. C
  27. B
  28. C
  29. B
  30. D
  31. C
  32. C
  33. A
  34. C
  35. D
  36. A
  37. C
  38. B
  39. D
  40. C
  41. A
  42. B
  43. D
  44. A
  45. D
  46. B
  47. A
  48. B
  49. A
  50. D

Soma mazungumzo yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswall -

(Mwalimu na wanafunzi wamo darasani wakijadiliana kuhusu wanyama na umuhimu wao.)
Mwalimu:   Haya wanafunzi wangu wakati ule mwingine niliwaeleza kuwa kunavyo vikundi viwili vya wanyama.
Tobi:           Naam, na kumbuka jana baba yangu aliniambia kuwa wanyama wengine huishi na wanadamu nyumbani huku wengine wakiishi misituni. Mwalimu:   Hakika. Wanaoishi na wanadamu nyumbani huitwa wanyamahowa ilhali wanaoishi misituni ndio wanyamapori. Wengi wa wanyamapori                         huhifadhiwa katika mbuga za wanyama.
Huna:         Nawapenda wanyama hawa kwa kuwa wao hutusaidia. Ng'ombe, mbuzi na ngamia hutupa nyama na maziwa, nguruwe hutupa nyama                         nao kondoo hutupa nyama na manyoya.
Tim:            Naam, tena baadhi ya wanyamahowa hufugwa kwa ajili ya huduma. Mbwa ni mlinzi mizuri wa nyumbani, punda hutusaidia kukokota                             mikokoteni yenye mizigo nao paka huwakamata na kuwala panya waharibifu.
Mwalimu:    Kwa upande mwingine, wanyamapori huwavutia watalii ambao huitembelea nchi yetu. Wanapowaona, wao hulipa pesa za kigeni                                  ambazo hutumika kuijenga nchi. Kwa hivyo, wanyama wote wana umuhimu mkubwa kwetu.

  1. Kulingana na mazungumzo uliyoyasoma, wanyama huweza kugawanywa katika
    1. waishio na wasioishi.
    2. wanyamapori na wanyamahowa.
    3. vikundi vinne.
    4. wale wa asili na wale wa kigeni.
  2. Wanyama wasioishi na wanadamu nyumbani
    1. huitwa wanyamahowa.
    2. butusaidia katika shughuli za nyumbani.
    3. huishi mbugani.
    4. hutupa vyakula murua.
  3. Watalii wanapoitembelea nchi yetu, wao
    1. hulipa pesa za kigeni.
    2. hulipwa pesa za kigeni.
    3. hurudi na wanyama wetu katika nchi
    4. huja na wanyama kutoka katika nchi zao.
  4. Ni kundi gani la wanyama hutupa vyakula vya aina moja?
    1. Paka, mbwa na punda.
    2. Kondoo, nguruwe na mbuzi.
    3. Ngamia, mbuzi na paka.
    4. Mbuzi, ngamia na ng'ombe.
  5. Kulingana na mwalimu, umuhimu mkuu wa wanyamapori ni kwamba wao
    1. huwavutia watalii wa humu nchini.
    2. huiwezesha nchi yetu kupata pesa za kigeni.
    3. huwa walinzi wazuri wa nyumbani.
    4. hutusaidia kukokota mikokoteni.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 6 hadi 8.

Hapo zamani za kale, wanyama wote waliishi msituni. Walifanya kazi zao pamoja ili wapate chakula cha kuwatosha. Chakula kilichopatikana kiligawanywa kwa usawa miongoni mwao. Kila siku, walirauka kwenda shambani. Mbwa, Fisi na Simba walienda kuwawinda ndege ambao baadaye waliwaleta na kuwagawia wenzao.

Paka alikuwa mvivu asiyependa kufanya kazi. Hakutaka kuchafuka. Alishinda siku nzima akiisafisha miguu yake kisha baadaye kwenda kula. Kuona hivi, wanyama wale wengine wakakasirika sana. Waliamua kuficha chakula chote. Hata hivyo, Paka alinyemelea na kuingia katika ghala polepole akala chakula chote. Wanyama waliamua kumkamata Paka huyo mvivu. Walimwambia Mbwa awe mlinzi wa ghala. Paka alipokuja, mbwa alibweka kwa sauti. Wanyama wote waliamka na kumfukuza Paka. Paka aliamua kwenda kwa binadamu kuishi. Aliahidi kuwashika panya. Wakawa marafiki.

  1. Wanyama hawa walipata chakula chao kwa
    1. kufanya kazi pamoja kwa bidii.
    2. kuwaibia wanyama wengine.
    3. kuwawinda wanyama wadogo. 
    4. kuishi pamoja kwa amani.
  2. Wanyama wale wengine walimkasirikia Paka kwa sababu
    1. alikila chakula chote ghalani. 
    2. hakufanya kazi kama wao.
    3. aliiba chakula kutoka ghalani. 
    4. aliwasumbua wenzake.
  3. Je, Mbwa alifanya nini Paka alipoenda katika ghala?
    1. Alibweka kwa sauti.
    2. Aliwaita wanyama wale wengine. 
    3. Aliwakamata panya.
    4. Alimfukuza paka.
  4. Paka alimwahidi nini mwanadamu?
    1. Kuwa rafiki yake mkubwa.
    2. Kuwakamata ndege.
    3. Kufanya kazi shambani.
    4. Kuwashika panya.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 10 hadi 12.  

Ilikuwa siku ya Jumamosi karibu saa tano hivi asubuhi. Pendo, kaka yake Ali na mama yao walianza safari kuelekea katika soko la kijijini mwao, soko la Malimengi. Soko hilo lilikuwa karibu na uwanja wa ndege. Ilikuwa ndiyo Juniamosi ya kwanza tangu shule zilipofungwa. Siku hiyo, walipaswa kununua bidhaa kama vile sukari, mchele, mafuta na nguo za kuwapelekea nyanya na babu yao walioishi huko Konoike.

Walipofika sokoni, waliwapata watu wengi sana. Kwa sababu ulikuwa nisimu wa sherehe za Idi, mavazi yalikuwa ya bei ghali sana. Iliwabidi wanunue mchele, sukari na mafuta pekee. Nguo wangenunua kwingine.

  1. Karibu saa tano hivi asubuhi,
    1. safari ya kuenda kijijini ilianza.
    2. safari ya kwenda sokoni ilianza.
    3. kina Pendo walifika nyumbani.
    4. shule zilifungwa.
  2. Kina Pendo walipaswa kununua
    1. nguo, sukari na mchele.
    2. mafuta, sukari na mchele.
    3. mafuta, sukari, nguo na mchele.
    4. nguo, sukari na mafuta.
  3. Safari hii iliandaliwa katika msimu wa sherehe gani?
    1. Krismasi
    2. Pasaka
    3. Jumamosi
    4. Idi

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 13 hadi 15.   

Asubuhi hiyo, niliamka nikiwa nimechelewa. Nilijua kuwa rafiki zangu, Rama na Veli walikuwa wakiningoja katika stani. Siku zote, tulishindania kiti cha mbele katika basi letu la shule. Mara nyingi nilikuwa wa kwanza katika stani. Kwa hivyo mara nyingi nilikiwahi kiti hicho. Tuliahidiana kuwa yeyote ambaye alikiwahi kiti hicho cha mbele angegawiwa vipande vya mikate na wenzake waliochelewa wakati wa mapumziko. Upesi, niliunawa uso wangu na kuvalia sare zangu nikatandika kitanda changu na kukisafisha chumba changu. Baadaye, nilielekea sebuleni kupata kiamshakinywa. Niliteremsha chai kwa sambusa upesi na kuondoka.

  1. Ni nini ambacho mwandishi alijua kuwahusu Rama na Veli? Kuwa
    1. walikuwa katika basi la shule. 
    2. walikuwa wakimngoja.
    3. wangekuwa wa kwanza kukiwahi kiti cha mbele.
    4. tayari walikuwa wamefika shuleni.
  2. Ni nini ambacho mwandishi na wenzake walikishindania?
    1. Kufika shuleni mapema. 
    2. Kula vipande vya mikate. 
    3. Kuabiri basi la shule.
    4. Kukiwahi kiti cha mbele.
  3. Kabla ya msemaji kupata kiamshakinywa, alifanya haya yote ila
    1. kukiwahi kiti cha mbele. 
    2. kukisafisha chumba chake. 
    3. kukitandika kitanda chake. 
    4. kuunawa uso wake.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Chagua Jibu lifaalo zaldi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Maji ni uhai. Bila maji, ___16___ binadamu hata mmoja ambaye anaweza ___17___. Binadamu ___18___ huyategemea maji moja kwa moja. Maji hayo hutumika katika shughuli mbalimbali kama vile kunywa, kupikia, kuoshea vyombo na shughuli nyingine za nyumbani. ___19___ inapokosekana, maji hutumika kunyunyizia ___20___. Maji yatumiwayo kunyunyizia huweza kupatikana mitoni, mabwawani na maziwani.

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   hakuna   kunaye   kuna   wapo 
 17.  kuisha  kufa  kuishi   kufariki 
 18.  sote  wote  zote  yote
 19.  Mvua  Maji  Mimea   Mawingu 
 20.  shamba   wafu  mvua  

Katika swali la 21-30, jibu swali kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Ni shughuli gani hapa haipatikani nyumbani?
    1. Kupalilia mimea.
    2. Kusafisha nyumba.
    3. Kufua nguo.
    4. Kuosha vyombo.
  2. Katika sentensi Mbwa mdogo amebeba mfupa katika meno yake, nomino ni zipi?
    1. Mdogo, mfupa, yake
    2. Mbwa, mfupa, meno
    3. Mdogo, amebeba, katika
    4. Yake, katika, mfupa
  3. Tisini na sita ni
    1. 69
    2. 66
    3. 99
    4. 96
  4. Ni gani hapa ni maelezo sahihi kuhusu matumizi ya kikomo katika sentensi?
    1. Hutumiwa mwanzoni mwa sentensi.
    2. Huweza kuwa katikati ya sentensi. 
    3. Hutumiwa mwishoni mwa sentensi.
    4. Haiwezi kutumiwa sentensi ikianza kwa herufi kubwa.
  5. Ni yupi hapa ameambatanishwa na kazi yake kwa usahihi?
    1. Dereva - hutengeneza magari yaliyoharibika.
    2. Mpishi - hukuza mimea na kuwafuga wanyama
    3. Mwalimu - huwalea watoto majumbani mwao.
    4. Seremala - hutengeneza vifaa kwa kutumia mbao.
  6. Je, ni mwezi gani huwa baina ya Julai na Septemba?
    1. Agosti
    2. Oktoba
    3. Juni
    4. Mei
  7. Nywele huota ___________________ kichwa.
    1. ndani ya
    2. katikati ya
    3. juu ya
    4. chini ya
  8. Tumia kihusishi bora zaidi kukamilisha sentensi hii.
    Mti mrefu uko _______________________ darasa letu.
    1. chini ya
    2. nje ya
    3. ndani ya
    4. juu ya
  9. Ili kuwaangamiza wadudu waharibifu shambani, wakulima 
    1. hupalilia.
    2. huvuna.
    3. hunyunyiza maji.
    4. hupiga dawa.
  10. Ni sentensi ipi iliyo katika nafsi ya tatu?
    1. Mwanaisha ataimba jioni.
    2. Mimi niliimba jioni.
    3. Nyinyi msiimbe jioni.
    4. Sisi hatutaki kuimba jioni.


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. D
  15. A
  16. A
  17. C
  18. B
  19. A
  20. D
  21. A
  22. B
  23. D
  24. C
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. B
  29. D
  30. A
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