Displaying items by tag: grade 4


  1. From the following plants which one do we eat roots?
    1. Cabbage
    2. Carrots
    3. Sugarcane
    4. Banana
  2. Grade four pupils were asked to sweep their classroom. Which among the equipments for protection were they likely not to use?
    1. Gumboots
    2. Gloves
    3. Google
    4. Apron 

The diagram drawn below shows a type of tooth

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  1. What is its function? 
    1. Biting
    2. Grinding
    3. Chewing
    4. Tearing
  2. Which acid is produced in the stomach? 
    1. Saliva
    2. Gastric juice
    3. Hydrochloric acid
    4. Methanol
  3. The following are characteristics of living things 
    1. They die 
    2. They reproduce
    3. They react to changes in the environment
    4. They remove waste
      From the above which one describes a characteristic of an animal covering itself from the hot sunlight?
      1. (i)
      2. (ii)
      3. (iii)
      4. (iv)
  4. Absorption of water and mineral salts takes place in the
    1. ileum
    2. stomach
    3. rectum
    4. colon
  5. Harmful poisonous substances that cause pollution are called?
    1. Pollen grains
    2. Pollutants
    3. Pollution
    4. Germs
  6. Which of the following describes a use of water in the farm?
    1. Cooling machines
    2. Cooking
    3. Swimming
    4. Watering animals.
  7. Rose ______________________her teeth after every meal.
    1. sheds
    2. brushes 
    3. cuts
    4. irons
  8. The part of plants that holds it firmly into the soil is known as _______________________
    1. roofs
    2. stem
    3. leaf
    4. flower
  9. ________________________ should be kept away from children.
    1. Books
    2. Medicine
    3. Clothes 
    4. School
  10. Dirt have  ______________________ which can make us sick.
    1. money 
    2. handkerchief
    3. soil
    4. germs
  11. The process of breaking food into small particles is called
    1. digestion
    2. breathing
    3. egestion
    4. absorption
  12. Which of the following is not a care for our teeth?
    1. Eating sugarcane
    2. Eating carrots
    3. Brushing our teeth
    4. Using toothpicks to remove food leftovers
  13. From the following materials which one floats?
    1. Wood
    2. Pin
    3. Stone
    4. Nail
  14. Which one properties is not found in liquids?
    1. Mass
    2. Shape
    3. Volume
    4. Size
  15. All the following are digital devices except 
    1. Camera
    2. Ipad
    3. Laptop
    4. Bulb
  16. The part of a computer that gives instruction when clicked is called
    1. monitor
    2. mouse
    3. keyboard
    4. processor 
  17. A snake moves by ______________________________
    1. running
    2. walking 
    3. slithering
    4. sliding
  18. Which of the following animal is a verterbrate
    1. Slug 
    2. Fish
    3. Millipede
    4. Snail


  1. The following are all fruits except
    1. Mango
    2. Banana
    3. Lemon
    4. Spinach
  2. The following are products from a goat. Which one is not?
    1. Mohair
    2. Milk
    3. Eggs
    4. Mutton
  3. The following animals damage crops by eating the roots except 
    1. Moles
    2. Antelopes
    3. Squirrels
    4. Termites
  4. Name the type of irrigation drawn below 
    Screenshot 2023 03 27 at 12.34.32
    1. watering can
    2. drip irrigation
    3. overhead irrigation
    4. sprinker irrigation
  5. When preparing a compost manure what material is added to act as food for bacteria?
    1. Top soil
    2. Farm yard manure
    3. Kitchen refuse
    4. Wood ash
  6. The best soil for doing modelling is
    1. loam
    2. slit
    3. sand
    4. clay
  7. A ____________________is a plant growing where it is not needed.
    1. flower
    2. fruit
    3. weed
    4. mango 
  8. A domestic animal that can be used to transport goods is likely to be
    1. dog
    2. horse
    3. donkey
    4. goat
  9. All the following are wild animals which one destroys crops?
    1. Monkey
    2. Lion
    3. Snake
    4. Scarecrow
  10. Which soil has the largest particles?
    1. Sand
    2. Clay
    3. Loam
    4. Volcanic 


  1. Before buying food, why should you check on the freshness?
    1. To ensure they are good for use
    2. To help us budget properly
    3. To help in packing
    4. To assist in transportation 
  2. Under which food category does a ripe banana belong?
    Screenshot 2023 03 27 at 12.45.52
    1. Carbohydrate
    2. Vitamins
    3. Protein
    4. Fats
  3. Which of the following animals gives us milk?
    1. Hen
    2. Hyena
    3. Elephant
    4. Cow
  4. The following are hygienical practices observed when preserving milk except 
    1. wear dirty clothes when handling milk
    2. use clean container when preserving milk
    3. clean milk containers using soap and hot water
    4. clean your hand before handling milk
  5. The following are precautions we observe when cleaning glass utensils except 
    Screenshot 2023 03 27 at 12.48.52
    1. Hold glass utensils carefully
    2. Clean the utensils one by one
    3. Stack glass utensils
    4. Store the utensils in lockable cupboards
  6. Jane has finished cooking mandazi, where should she place the hot sufuria with oil?
    1. Close to children
    2. Leave it on the fire place
    3. Open place to cool and store
    4. On top of the table
  7. What normally happens when we touch electric switches with wet hands?
    1. We can get shocked
    2. We feel warmed
    3. The hand get dried up
    4. Blackout occurs
  8. What is the butcher selling? 
    Screenshot 2023 03 27 at 12.46.02
    1. Groceries
    2. Meat
    3. Books
    4. Vegetables
  9. What is likely to happen when we shop without a shopping list?
    1. It helps us save money
    2. It shows the items we need to buy
    3. It helps us to save time during shopping
    4. We end up buying what we don't want
  10. Jeremy has a cough. How can he prevent spreading the cough to his classmate?
    1. Cover the mouth with handkerchief
    2. Cover the mouth with open hand
    3. Cough in a crowded place mouth open
    4. Cough in a closed room full of people 


  1. Which pass is being practised above? 
    Screenshot 2023 03 27 at 12.54.50
    1. bounce pass
    2. underarm pass
    3. chest pass 
    4. overhead pass
  2. Kneeling and raising the ball behind the head and throwing it is called
    1. standing long jump
    2. two-handed catching
    3. bounce pass
    4. kneeling overhead throw
  3. The following are practices taken when doing hand juggling except 
    1. start slowly using bean bags
    2. start with one ball and increase to two balls.
    3. kicking the ball using the leg 
    4. throw the items that you are juggling in the air
  4. The following are benefits of swimming apart from?
    1. It is relaxing and eases stress
    2. Providing a pleasant leisure activity
    3. mproves coordination, balance, flexibility and posture
    4. Causes heart attack to swimmers
  5. The item below can be improvised using the following materials except 
    Screenshot 2023 03 27 at 12.58.01
    1. Sisal string 
    2. Stone
    3. Dry grass
    4. Old socks
  6. The below diagram shows a headstand skill being practised. Which part of the body is placed on the ground. 
    Screenshot 2023 03 27 at 12.54.59
    1. hands
    2. legs
    3. waist
    4. knee
  7. The following are action sequence in physical education except 
    1. T-balance
    2. Handstand
    3. Knee stand
    4. Flying kick
  8. What is the name of the item below? 
    Screenshot 2023 03 27 at 12.58.09
    1. Floating device
    2. Sinking device
    3. Electrical device
    4. Sitting items
  9. The following are functions of the human heart apart from?
    1. To supply blood rich in oxygen to the body
    2. To digest vegetable in the stomach
    3. To maintain adequate blood pressure in the body
    4. To take away blood that has no oxygen from the body
  10. Components of health-related fitness include the following except 
    1. Flexibility
    2. Muscular strength
    3. Relaxing
    4. Muscular endurance 



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  10. C

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 1-5

Kabla ya kwanza kufua nguo hakikisha una besheni, sabuni maji safi na mahali pa kwanika. Hakikisha kuwa kuna jua au upepo. Usipange kufua nguo wakati mvua inanyesha. Tenga nguo zinazotoa rangi na zile ambazo hazitoi rangi. Tenga pia nguo chafu sana kutoka kwa zile ambazo si chafu sana usifue soksi na hanchifu pamoja. Soksi huwa na uchafu mwingi. 

Mimina maji ya kutosha kwenye besheni. Tia sabuni kipimo kinachotosha, kama ni sabuni ya unga. Koroga maji hadi povu liwe jingi weka nguo zako kwenye besheni ukitanguliza zile nyeupe. Sugua nguo zako taratibu ukiangazia zaidi sehemu zenye uchafu. Sugua mpaka ziwe safi.. 

  1. Ni kipi hakihitaji kati ya hivi unapoanza kufua 4. nguo?
    1. Sabuni
    2. Maji safi
    3. Beseni
    4. Jokofu
  2. Ni wakati gani mwafaka wa kufua nguo? Wakati
    1. wa mvua
    2. wa jua au upeро
    3. kuna mawingu
    4. kuna jua
  3. Ni vazi lipi halifai kufulia pamoja na mengine?
    1. Soksi
    2. Rinda
    3. Hanchifu
    4. Kaptura
  4. Kwa nini unafaa kukoroga maji baada ya kuongeza sabuni ya unga?
    1. Ili povu liwe jingi
    2. Ili kutoa nguo chafu
    3. Ili maji yawe safi 
    4. Ili kupasha maji joto 
  5. Ni sehemu ipi katika nguo inayofaa kusuguliwa zaidi unapofua nguo?
    1. Sehemu nyeupe
    2. Sehemu iliyo chafu
    3. Sehemu yenye doa
    4. Sehemu iliyo na rangi 

Soma taarifa ifuatayo kisha ujibu swali 6-10. 

Simba alitangaza nafasi ya naibu wake. Alitaka asaidiwe kuwaongoza wanyama. Ndovu, Sungura, Kobe na fisi walituma maombi yao. Simba aliona bora awape mtihani ili mshindi awe ndiye naibu wake. 

"Nina jogoo ambaye hutaga mayai kila siku mlimani. Je, kutakuwa na mayai mangapi baada ya wiki moja?" Simba aliwauliza. Jibu la ndovu lilikuwa mayai saba. Sungura naye alisema mayai matano. Kobe aliandika sufuri huku fisi akiandika mayai kumi na manne. 

  1. Ni mnyama yupi kati ya hawa ambaye hajatajwa kwenye kifungu?
    1. Fisi
    2. Kobe
    3. Sungura
    4. Ngiri 
  2. Simba alitangaza nafasi gani katika himaya yake?
    1. Msaidizi wake
    2. Mpishi wake
    3. Naibu wake
    4. Mlinzi wake
  3. Ndovu alitoa jibu lipi?
    1. Saba
    2. Matano
    3. Kumi na manne
    4. Sufuri
  4. Ni mnyama yupi aliyekuwa kiongozi wa wanyama waliotajwa kwenye kifungu?
    1. Kobe
    2. Sungura
    3. Simba
    4. Ndovu
  5. Je, unafikiria ni mnyama yupi aliyeshinda na kuwa naibu wa Simba?
    1. Ndovu
    2. Kobe
    3. Sungura
    4. Simba 

Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujaze nafasi zilizoachwa wazi 11-19

Juma alikuwa mwana ___11___ pili katika familia ya Bwana Wanjuma. Mama ___12___ aliaga dunia kutokana na ugonjwa wa saratani. Baadaye baba yake akao mke mwingine wa ___13___ Juma na watoto wao wengine. Mama wa Kambo alianza kwatesa ___14___ baba yao hakujua. 

Mateso yalipozidi, Juma ___15___ kutorokea mtaani na kurandaranda huko. Alikamatwa ___16___ polisi na kupelekwa ___17____ ili aendelee na masomo yake. Alitia bidii za __18___ masomoni hadi akafuzu ___19___na kujiunga na shule ya upili. 

   A   B   C   D 
 11.   ya   wa   za   la
 12.   yangu   wao   yao   zao 
 13.  kuwalea   kumlea   kulewa   kulea 
 14.   lakini  kwa  baina  kuwa
 15.  aliamua  aliamwa   aliamua  aliamuliwa 
 16.  za  mwa  kwa  na
 17.  nyumbani   kanisani  mtaani  mjini
 18.  sungura  siafu  mchwa  nyani
 19.  mzura  vizuri  nzuri  zuri


Kuanzia swali 20-30 jibu kulingana na maagizo 

  1. Watu huagana vipi usiku.
    1. Tuonane
    2. Alamsiki
    3. Habari
    4. Ndoto mbaya
  2. Jina kipofu liko katikia ngeli ipi?
    1. KI-VI
    2. I-ZI
    3. LI-YA
    4. A-WA
  3. Upande uliochorwa Z huitwa _______________________
    Screenshot 2023 03 27 at 14.54.31
    1. magharibi
    2. kaskazini 
    3. kusini
    4. mashariki
  4. Neno lilopigwa kistari katika sentensi ni la aina gani? Ngao iko juu ya kitanda
    1. nomino
    2. kitenzi
    3. kihusihi
    4. kielezi 
  5. Kanusha. Mama ananiita
    1. Mama aliniita
    2. Baba ananiita
    3. Mama haniiti
    4. Baba haniiti
  6. Andika kwa wingi. Chura ameruka
    1. vyura veruka
    2. vyura hawaruki
    3. Chura wameruka
    4. Vyura wameruka 
  7. 4004 kwa maneno ni
    1. Mia nne na nne
    2. Nne elfu na mia nne
    3. Elfu nne sufuri nne
    4. Elfu nne na nne 
  8. Tegua kitendawili. Njoo umwone umpendaye
    1. Kioo
    2. kivuli
    3. Picha 
    4. Mama 
  9. Sisi _________________________________ tuliozawadiwa zaidi.
    1. ndio
    2. ndisi
    3. ndiwo
    4. ndiye 
  10. Kamilisha tashbihi ifuatayo 
    Mweusi kama ____________________________
    1. makaa 
    2. giza 
    3. shetani
    4. ubao
  11. Kamilisha methali 
    Haba na haba __________________________________
    1. ndio haba
    2. hujaza ndoo
    3. hujaza kibaba
    4. ndie mwendo 


Andika insha ya kusisimua kuhusu mada ifuatayo



  1. D
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  26. D
  27. A
  28. B
  29. A
  30. C


Read the conversation below then answer the questions that follow 1-5 

JoanGood morning John 
John: Good morning Joan and how are you today? 
JoanI am fine thank you 
John:The weather today is quite cold 
JoanYes it is chilly and windy 
John:What did the teacher say we wear in such weather? 
JoanTeacher Hamala, Our science teacher said we must wear warm clothes to keep our bodies warm 
John: Does anyone in class know that the headteacher is also looking for those who did not dress warm to punish them. 
Joan'Look' I have a sweater a jacket, gloves, socks and a marvin. I am warm enough. 
John: I am warm too. 

  1. What is Joan and John discussing? 
    1. Classwork
    2. The school
    3. The weather
    4. Meals
  2. Which one of the following words means the same as cold.
    1. Windy
    2. Chilly
    3. Warm
    4. Weather.
  3. What is the name of the Science teacher mentioned in the passage?
    1. Joan
    2. John
    3. Headteacher
    4. Hamala 
  4. The headteacher in the school where Joan and John's learn looks for pupils who have not dressed warm to
    1. greet them
    2. know them
    3. punish them 
    4. gift them 
  5. Choose a list of warm clothing according to the passage
    1. Sweater, jacket, dress, marvin
    2. Shoes, Jacket, dress, a short
    3. Jacket, a tie, a pair of trouser
    4. A marvin, a jacket, gloves, socks and

Read the passage below then answer the questions that follow 6 -10

One day Lion was ill. he could not go to hunt for food. He felt that he was going to die. Lion thought of a plan. He sent word to all the animals that he was very ill. He invited them to come and visit him one by one. A number of people had gone to visit him one day. A number of animals had also gone to visit him and it was fare's turn. As the Hare walked towards the Lion's den, he noticed a strange thing. All footprints pointed towards the same direction, to the Lion's house. 

Hare was suspicious but he walked on and knocked at Lions door. "Please come in” said Lion in a very low voice. Hare knew Lion wanted to eat him. "I am cry you are sick. But excuse me, why is it that all footprints of all animals that come to see you point in one direction?" 

Lion knew that hare had discovered his trick. He pounced on him but hare was too fast for him. He escaped death narrowly. 

  1. Why could the Lion not go to hunt? 
    1. He was lazy 
    2. He was old 
    3. He was sick 
    4. He was too fast 
  2. What would happen to Lion if he did not get food soon? 
    1. He would eat other animals 
    2. He would die 
    3. He would kill himself 
    4. He would move to another country 
  3. How did Lion want the animals to visit him? 
    1. All together 
    2. Three at ago 
    3. Two by two
    4. One by one
  4. Which animal was the last to visit Lion? 
    1. Hare
    2. Elephant
    3. Giraffe
    4. Hyena 
  5. What strange thing did hare notice? 
    1. There were many footprints
    2. The footprints were small
    3. The footprints were different
    4. Alll footprints pointed in one direction 

Task 2 

For question 11-13 choose the opposite of the underlined word

  1. The poor girl got help from a stranger 
    1. clever 
    2. rich
    3. rude
    4. reach
  2. The school has been closed today.
    1. opened
    2. bottom
    3. entered
    4. sealed
  3. The old man lives alone in a dirty house.
    1. rich
    2. young
    3. smart
    4. educated

For questions 14-16 write the plural of the underlined word. 

  1. The house had been opened using a key 
    1. keyes 
    2. keys 
    3. skys
    4. que
  2. The children had alot of luggage in the bus
    1. luggages
    2. luggagies
    3. lugagges
    4. luggage 
  3. Lizz has a beautiful eye
    1. eye
    2. eeyes
    3. eyes
    4. ears

For questions 17-19 select the Bastiense of the following words. 

  1. Drink
    1. drunk
    2. drank
    3. drinks
    4. drunked
  2. Cut
    1. cuted 
    2. cutted
    3. cut
    4. cutting
  3. Play
    1. play
    2. played
    3. playing 
    4. plays 

For questions 20 choose the correct word to fill in the blank space

  1. We  __________________ every morning before we leave the house. 
    1. play
    2. prey
    3. apply
    4. pray

TASK 3-Broken passage 

Fill in the blank space numbers 21-30 use the best answers

I ___21___  up very early on the day I was to go to school. I had not slept at ___22___ I was very ____23___ I was the first to wake up that ___24___.  ____25____ was taken to a ___26___ where I met thirty two other___27___. The ___28___ came to class and she said good ___29___ to us. After the bell___30___ she left the class. 

   A   B   C   D 
 21.   awoke   woked   woke   woke 
 22.  night  nite  knight   neight 
 23.  excited   exceled   excite  exit
 24.  mourning   afternoon   night  morning 
 25.  you  I  were  it
 26.  classroom   toilet  field  kitchen
 27.  childing  children  childrens   child
 28.  teacher  policeman   pilot  doctor
 29.  evening  afternoon  morning  night
 30.   ring  rang  rung





Write an interesting composition using the title below


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
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  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A
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  14. B
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  16. C
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  21. C
  22. A
  23. A
  24. D
  25. B
  26. A
  27. B
  28. A
  29. C
  30. B


  1. Write 969 in words.
    1. Nine six nine
    2. Nine hundred and ninety six
    3. Nine hundred and sixty nine
    4.  Nine thousand and sixty nine 
  2. A shopkeeper had Sh. 4325 in his cash box. What is the place value of digit 4. 
    1. Ones
    2. Hundreds
    3. Tens
    4. Thousands 
  3. Kaparo bought a book for Sh.746, what was the the price of the book to the nearest 10?
    1. 740
    2. 750
    3. 700
    4. 756
  4. Which is the next multiple of 8 after 48
    1. 40
    2. 56
    3. 64
    4. 54
  5. What fraction is unshaded 
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 23.20.31
    1. 1/8
    2. 1/7
    3. 7/8
    4. 6/8
  6. Which of the following is an odd number? 
    1. 36
    2. 94
    3. 70
    4. 35
  7. What is the total value of digit 6 in the number 763095
    1. 6000
    2. 63095 
    3. 6000
    4. 600 000
  8. A farmer had 730 cows. Due to bad weather 120 cows died. How many cows did he remain with?
    1. 850
    2. 620
    3. 650
    4. 610
  9. Write IX in Hindu Arabic numerals? 
    1. 11
    2. 9
    3. 10
    4. 8
  10. What is the time in the clock below
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 23.28.59
    1. Twelve O'clock
    2. Half past seven
    3. Seven O'clock
    4. Eight O'clock
  11. Which is the next number in the pattern 
    41, 35, 29, 23, _____________________________
    1. 17
    2. 16
    3. 18
    4. 15
  12. What is three hundred and eighty two added to five hundred and seventy? 
    1. 852 
    2. 952 
    3. 1312 
    4. 887 
  13. What is 1/4 of 36? 
    1. 144 
    2. 9
  14. Add the following numbers. 231 425 
    1. 566
    2.  656
    3. 448
    4. 456
  15. Convert 3/10 into a decimal 
    1. 0.03 
    2. 0.3
    3. 3.0
    4. 30
  16. A matatu carries 14 passengers. How many passengers can 23 matatu carry? 
    1. 322
    2. 332
    3. 222
    4. 37
  17. Name the shape below. 
    Screenshot 2023 03 26 at 23.39.43
  18. Lorento harvested 6538 bags of beans in one season, he harvested 4279 bags the next season. How many bags altogether did he harvest? 
    1. 2159
    2. 10617
    3. 10817
    4. 10607
  19. What is the denominator in the fraction 3/
    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 34
    4. 1
  20. Arrange the following decimals from the largest to the smallest 
    3.51, 3.09, 3.25, 3.91 
    1. 3. 91, 3.51, 3.25, 3.09
    2. 3.09, 3.51, 3.25, 3.91
    3. 3.09, 3.25, 3.51, 3.91
    4. 3.25, 3.91, 3.51, 3.09
  21. How many days does February have in a leap year? 
    1. 30 
    2.  31 
    3.  28
    4.  29
  22. Work out: 7 x Screenshot 2023 03 26 at 23.39.56= 42
    1. 5
    2. 6
    3. 7
    4. 8
  23. Priana had Sh.937. She spent Sh.628. How much money did she remain with? 
    1. 311
    2. 319
    3. 309
    4. 1565
  24. What is 45 ÷ 3 = 
    1. 14
    2. 16
    3. 15
    4. 135
  25. Which of the following consists of only even numbers between 31 and 39
    1. 32, 34, 36, 38 
    2. 33, 35, 37 
    3. 32, 35, 38 
    4.  32, 36, 38
  26. Convert 7/3 into a mixed fraction 
    1. 3/7
    2. 31/2 
    3. 12/3 
    4. 21/3
  27. How many rectangles are in the figure below 
    Screenshot 2023 03 26 at 23.40.12
    1. 1
    2. 3
    3. 2
    4. 4
  28. Add: 2019+ 1735 = 
    1. 3744
    2. 284 
    3. 3754 
    4. 3753
  29. Work out
     Hrs   Mins
     8      4  8
    − 2      2  0. 
    1. 10hrs.  68mins 
    2. 6hrs     28mins 
    3. 6hrs     20,mins 
    4.  6hrs      8mins 
  30. Which is the next shape in the pattern? 
    Screenshot 2023 03 26 at 23.40.31


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. D
  14. B
  15. B
  16. A
  17. D
  18. C
  19. B
  20. A
  21. D
  22. B
  23. C
  24. C
  25. A
  26. D
  27. B
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C



  1. Which technique can be used to show dark and light effect? (Smudge technique, Mounting technique)
  2. Name two materials needed for crayon etching?
  3. We make the tone of a colour brighter by adding colour   (black, white)
  4. When we mix primary colours we get secondary colours. Which one of the following is not a secondary colour?
    1. Purple
    2. Blue
    3. Orange
    4. Green
  5. Draw the objects shown below in the spaces provided. Use smudge technique to show light and dark effect. 
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 17.04.33
  6. The art of creating pictures by applying paints on a surface with brushes is called _______________
    (painting, colouring)
  7. ____________________ is the lightness or darkness of a colour. (Texture, Tone)
    1. mounting.
    2. photography
    3. calligraphy
    4. basketry
  8. Colour or paint the shape below using your favourite colour. 
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 17.12.36
  9. Peter and Jane cut several pictures from old magazines and pasted them on a cardboard. Which type of art were they doing? (Painting, Drawing, Montage, Crayon etching).
  10. Name two tools you can use to shade an image.


  1. A folk song is sung by a group of people led __________________by a(solo, soloist)
  2. A group of people singing together is called a
    1. choir
    2. solo
    3. trio
    4. duet
  3. What is the name of the instrument shown below?
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 17.35.36
  4. Which one of the following is not a national holiday?
    1. Mashujaa day
    2. Boxing day
    3. Jamhuri day
    4. Madaraka day
  5. When playing wind instruments we blow in air through the ___________________ piece. (mouth, body)
  6. Name any two costumes worn by traditional song singers.
  7. Songs sung to praise a country are called ______________________ songs
    1. National
    2. round
    3. patriotic
    4. singing games
  8. The instrument shown below is played by
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 18.27.55 
    1. hiting
    2. shaking
    3. plucking
    4. blowing 
  9. Instruments that are played alongside the folk songs are called ________________________
    (accompaniment, props)
  10. Songs are also called __________________ music (vocal, instrumental)


  1. An instrument used to show the direction of a place is known as ________________________
  2. Vasco da gama pillar in Mombasa is an example of _______________(built environment, physical features)
  3. A long period without rain is called  _____________________(drought, desert)
  4. Name two ways of caring for historic built  environments in our country.
  5. Name the compass points correctly.
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 20.23.27
  6. How can the following things destroy plants?
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 20.24.35People collect rain water from the roof during ____________________-____season. (rainy, cold)
  7. Which one of the following is not an example of a man-made features?
    1. Road
    2. Bridge
    3. Dam
    4. Lake
  8. Name two mountains found in Kenya.
  9. What is the name of your county?
  10. The sun rises in the _____________________and sets in the __________________(East, North, South, West
  11. Farmers plant during the _______________________ season (rainy, dry)
  12. Write two examples of built enviroments.
  13. Rivers which have water throughout the year are called _________________ rivers (seasonal, permanent)
  14. Name two crops grown in your county?


  1. God is _____________________he does not sin.  (holy, unholy)
  2. Which family is made up of mother, father and children? (Nuclear, Extended)
  3. Name two qualities of God.
  4. How many days did God take to create the world and everything in the earth? (Six, Seven)
  5. Amnon the son of David wronged her sister by__________________her. (beating, raping)
  6. My body is the ________________________ of the holy spirit. (temple, spirit)
  7. Jesus grew up in the home town of ______________________(Nazareth, Bethlem)
  8. Who were the first people to be created by God?
  9. Which one of the following is a good choice?
    1. Being sad.
    2. Not completing your work.
    3. Taking care of God's creations
    4. Disrespecting others.
  10. Birds and sea creatures were created on day ______________________(5, 6)
  11. We are created in the ___________________ and __________________ of God.
    1. holiness
    2. ability
    3. image
    4. likeness
  12. Write down two bad thoughts.
  13. Which man in the bible was swallowed by a big fish?
    1. Isaiah
    2. Jonah
    3. Nineveh
    4. Jacob 
  14. The writers of the bible were guided by _____________________(Holy spirit, men of the world)
  15. List two ways you can protect yourself from sexual abuse.


  1. Ar-Rahhmaan, Ar-Rahiim and Al-Maalik are names of Allah mentioned in surah
    1. khlas
    2. Fatiha
    3. Naas
    4. Nasr
  2. Which two surahs are referred to as Al- Mu'awidhatayn? Surahs
    1. Naas and Falaq.
    2. Fatiha and Ikhlas.
    3. Masad and Nasr.
    4. Kafirun and Lahab.
  3. The wife of AbuLahad was called
    1. Ummu Kulthum.
    2. Ummul Khair
    3. Ummu Mabad
    4. Ummul Jamil
  4. You have passed your exams very well, but one of your classmates feels envious and jealous of your success. You should recite surah
    1. Al-Ikhals
    2. Al-Nasr
    3. An-Naas
    4. Al-Kafirun
  5. Who is our best teacher and an example of good behaviour?
    1. Prophet Muhammad
    2. Angel Jibril
    3. Our Mosque Imaam
    4. Our parents.
  6. When we start eating food we should say
    1. Mashallah
    2. Bismillah
    3. Allahu Akbar
    4. Alhamdulillah
  7. This tooth brush made form a stick is called
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 22.05.51
    1. Mistwara
    2. Mihraab
    3. Minbar
    4. Miswaak
  8. Which one is not a pillar of Iman? Belief in
    1. Angels
    2. holy books
    3. Swalah
    4. the Last Day.
  9. Prophet Muhammad was an orphan. He lost his father and mother. He grew up in house of his uncle called
    1. AbuTwalib
    2. AbuLahab
    3. Abbas
    4. Hamza
  10. Who of these people is Swalah should recite, "Subhaana Rabiyal a'ala"?
  11. Swaum said to Hamid, "Yarhamkallah".
    This is because Swaum heard Hamid
    1. cough
    2. sneeze
    3. pass wind
    4. hicup
  12. Choose the person who prays in this place of worship.
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 22.09.47
    1. A Muslim
    2. A Christian
    3. An idol worshipper
    4. A Hindu
  13. Which one of these is not a tool used for ccasing the environment?
    1. A folk jembe
    2. Wheelbarrow
    3. Rake
    4. Panga
  14. The first month of the Islamic Calender is
    1. Rajab
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Muharram
    4. DhulHijja
  15. On the Eid day, muslims recite ____________________ as they wait for Swalatul Eid.
    1. Basmala
    2. Tahliil
    3. Istighfaar
    4. Takbira



  1. Smudge technique.
  2. Wax crayons, stiff paper, black paint, scrapping tools, soapy water etc.
  3. White
  4. B
  5. Correct smudge technique
  6. Painting
  7. Tone
  8. Correct colouring / painting
  9. Montage
  10. Graphite, charcoal, pencil etc


  1. Soloist
  2. choir
  3. drum
  4. B
  5. mouth 
  6. Sisal skirts, maasi shukas, headgears e.t.c
  7. C
  8. D
  9. Accompaniment
  10. vocal


  1. Compass
  2. Built environment
  3. Drought
    • Educating people on their importance.
    • Erecting electric fences around them.
    •  Repairing broken parts. 
    1. North
    2. East
    3. South
    4. West
    1. Scorching them.
    2. Eating the plants.
  7. Rainy
  8. Lake
  9. (Mt. Kenya, Longonot, - (Correct answers)
  10. Correct answer.
  11. East, West
  12. Rainy
  13. Museums, monuments, forts, buildings
  14. Permanent
  15. (Correct answer) 


  1. Holy
  2. Nuclear
  3. Sole creator, holy faithful, loving
  4. Six
  5. Raping
  6. Temple
  7. Bethlehem
  8. Adam and Eve
  9. Taking care of God's creations.
  10. Day 5
  11. Image and likeness.
  12. Being unfair, discouraging others, hating others, being selfish.
  13. Jonah
  14. Holy Spirit
    • Not being alone with strangers.
    • Not accepting gifts from strangers
    • Reporting anyone touching you inappropriately. 


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. D


  1. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of living things?
    1. They grow.
    2. They breath.
    3. They do not move.
    4. They reproduce.
  2. Forceps and tongs are used when uprooting ________________________plants (non-poisonous, poisonous)
  3. Name any two animals that are
    1. Vertebrates
    2. Invertebrates
  4. Which one of the following is a good practice when handling animals?
    1. Not feeding the animals daily.
    2. Taking the animal to the veterinary doctor when sick.
    3. Giving the animals water once per week.
    4. Overworking the animals in the farm.
  5. Name two ways we can care for animals at home?
  6. Most of the vertebrates are animals (big, small)
  7. Which part of the digestive system is the arrow pointing to?
    1. Stomach
    2. Liver
    3. Small intestine
    4. Rectum
  8. Write two characteristics of the living thing shown below.
  9. Which one of the following is a way of taking care of our teeth?
    1. Eating sugarcanes and carrots.
    2. Eating sweets frequently.
    3. Brushing once a week.
    4. Never visiting a dentist.
      Write True or False for questions 10 and 11.
  10. Digestion of food ends in the small intestine. __________________________
  11. The oesophagus is a tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.
  12. Which two types of teeth are used for chewing and grinding food?
    _______________________ and ____________________________
    (incisors, canine, molar, premolar)
  13. What is the name of the tooth shown below?
    1. Incisor
    2. Molar
    3. Premolar
    4. Canine


  1. Grade four leaners in Kibra Primary School were learning about the components of the soil. Which one of the following is not found in the soil?
    1. Water
    2. Air
    3. Minerals
    4. Wood
  2. Name any three materials used in compost manure preparation.
  3. Which type of soil has medium particles? _____________________(Clay, Loam)
  4. What is the importance of drip irrigation?
  5. List down two uses of soil.
  6. Which water conservation method is shown in the diagram below? ____________________________
    (Covercrops, Mulching)
  7. Which type of soil cracks when it is dry?  (Sand, Clay, Loam)
  8. Which one of the following materials is not used to prepare compost manure?
    (Stones, Animal waste, Spoiled fruits, Rotten hay)
  9. Name two domestic animals that give us meat.
  10. The dark organic material that forms in soil when plants and animals wastes decay is called _____________ (soil, humus)
  11. Which one of the following containers is most likely to be sand soil?
  12. Ready compost manure is _____________________ in colour   (dark, light)
  13. Which soil would be best for growing bean crops?   (Loam, Clay)
  14. Name two uses of water in a farm.


  1. The following are _________________ types of food. (protective, body building)
  2. Which one of the following is not a quality of a good play item?
    1. Adventurous
    2. Unsafe
    3. Enjoyable
    4. Attractive
  3. Name two security challenges children come across during playing.
  4. A child who is sneezing is most likely suffering from
    1. chicken pox
    2. earache
    3. flu
    4. food allergies
  5. Write down two signs that show you are unwell?
  6. Name any two cleaning materials used at home.
  7. Which one of the following is not a reason why children should take rest after play.
    1. Helps children recover from stress.
    2. Restores lost energy.
    3. Increases children's appetite.
    4. Repairs damaged tissues.
  8. Which games are the children below playing?
    (Skipping, Jumping, Hide and seek, Football)
  9. Which one of the following is a basic need of a child?
    1. Story books
    2. Food
    3. Snacks
    4. Toys
  10. Which one of the following is not an example of protective food? (Orange, Apple, Bread, Cabbage)


  1. Name three games that can be played for fun and enjoyment?
  2. The (girl/boy) below is performing a _____________________ walk. (crab, wheelbarrow)
  3. Write two of the floating techniques that you know.
  4. When performing a backward roll. We move backwards.  (False, True)
  5. What is the importance of fair play during games and sports?
    1. Promotes fair competition and equality
    2. Helps us win.
    3. Promotes hatred among winners and losers.
    4. Helps players respect rules and other players.
  6. Write one safety measure to be observed while making balls.
  7. Which pass is shown in the diagram below?
    1. Crabstand balance.
    2. Beam balance
    3. Wheelbarrow balance.
    4. V balance.
  8. Name the body parts used when performing the backward roll.
  9. Name one game played on an athletics track.
  10. We should not swim without a _______________________(lifeguard, jacket, noodles)
  11. Before starting off a physical activity we have a ______________________________ (race, warm up, nap)
    Name two accidents that can happen while playing.
  12. __________________________
  13. __________________________



  1. C
  2. Poisonous
    1. Donkeys, cows, cats, dogs
    2. Mosquitoes, ticks, ants, cockroaches
  4. B
    1. Feeding them food, giving them water
    2. Giving them shelter, not overworking them.
  6. Big
  7. A stomach (as per the diagram)
  8. They breath, grow, make their own food, bear fruits, responds to environmental changes.
  9. A
  10. True
  11. True
  12. Molar, Premolar
  13. Molar


  1. wood
  2. Animal waste, spoiled fruits and vegetables, rotten hay, field refuse e.t.c
  3. Loam
    • To ensure plants have enough water
    • Helps conserve water usage
    1. Planting crop - Sand soil - we plant coconut trees, rice is planted in clay soil
    2. Provides necessary minerals to the plants
    3. Use in construction
      (Any other correct answer)
  6. Cover crops as per the diagram
  7. Clay
  8. Papers, stones
  9. Goat, cow, sheep, hen, pig e.t.c
  10. Humus
  11. C
  12. dark
  13. loam
  14. Irrigation, watering animals, mixing chemicals


  1. Body building
  2. B
    • Isolated play areas
    • Strangers
    • Unsafe play areas
  4. C - Flu
  5. Coughing, vomiting, sore throat, stomache
  6. Mops, brooms, dutbins, detergent
  7. C -  Increases children's appetite.
    1. Skipping
    2. Hide and seek
  9. B
  10. bread


  1. Swimming, skipping, ball games
  2. Crab
  3. Starfish float, back float
  4. True
  5. Helps player respect rules and other players
  6. Use materials that are safe for the players.
  7. As per the diagram (Chest pass)
  8. Hands, legs, head, knees ......
  9. Running 100 metres, 200 metres
  10. Life guard
  11. Warm up
  12. Fainting
  13. Injuries

Jaza mapengo kwa kutumia jibu sahihi.

Kadala ni mwanafunzi ___1___. Badala ___2___ kuwasikiliza walimu ___3___, yeye hupendelea kufanya utukutu. Jana mwalimu mkuu alimpa onyo ___4___ mwisho. Alimwambia aende nyumbani akamlete baba ___5___.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   mtukutu   kitukutu   litukutu   matukutu 
 2.  za  cha  la  ya
 3.  yake  wake  chake  lake
 4.  ya  za  cha  la
 5.  zake  chake  lake  yake


Andika sentensi zifuatazo kwa wingi.

  1. Mtu amenunua chungu kingine.
  2. Mkate utaliwa na mtoto.
  3. Kiatu cha mtoto kimeshonwa.

Andika kinyume cha maneno haya.

  1. Kijana
  2. Maskini
  3. Baba

Tunga sentensi ukitumia majina uliyopewa.

  1. kalamu yake __________________
  2. mbegu _________________

Jaza mapengo kwa usahihi.

  1. Yupi kati ya hawa si mnyama wa porini? _______________________________
    (Tembo, Ngedere, Punda)
  2. Chagua neno lisilo tunda.
    (Parachichi, Tikitimaji, Zabibu, Viazi)
  3. Tunatumia kinu na ___________________ kutwangia nafaka. (mchi, mafiga, mwiko)

Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu maswali.

Hadija si tabia yake kufuatana na watu wenye tabia mbaya. Lakini siku moja alikata kauli kwenda katika sherehe za sikukuu ya Madaraka. Aliaandamana na watu vichwa maji. Watu hao walimcheka kila mahali. Wengine walisukumana hata na mama wajawazito waliwatisha watoto wadogo na kuwangurumia kama simba. Watoto walilia na kukimbia ovyo. Watu wengine walitoa sigara walizozificha mifukoni wakavuta. Hadija alichukia kile kitendo cha watu hao. Alichukia nywele zao chafu zilizosokotana kama manyoya ya kondoo. Aliyachukia mavazi yao yasiyo na adabu. Baada ya sherehe wanafunzi hao walirudi shuleni. Hadija alienda moja kwa moja hadi kwa mwalimu mkuu. Uchunguzi ulifanywa na ukweli wote ulipatikana, watukutu, wajeuri na vichwa maji waliadhibiwa.

  1. Hadija alipatana wapi na watu wenye tabia mbaya?
    1. Shuleni.
    2. Akjenda nyumbani.
    3. Sherehe za sikukuu.
    4. Nyumbani wakicheza.
  2. Hadija aliandamana na watu
    1. wazuri
    2. wenye bidii
    3. vichwa maji
    4. watiifu

Andika tabia mbili mbaya watu hawa walifanya.

  1. ____________________________
  2. ____________________________
  3. Watu wengine walitoa sigara walizoficha mifukoni na
    1. kuficha
    2. kuvuta
    3. kutupa
    4. kumpa Hadija.
  4. Kwa nini Hadija alienda kwa mwalimu mkuu? 
  5. Je, wafikiria maana ya vichwa maji ni gani?

Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu maswali.


Miti ina faida nyingi kwetu sisi wanadamu. Hutupatia matunda, mbao, kivuli na hata kuvuta mvua. Nchi isiyokuwa na miti hubadilika na kuwa jangwa. Hii ndiyo sababu ya kuwa na siku maalumu ya kupanda miti kila mwaka.

Babu zetu walikuwa na njia yao ya kuzuia ukataji wa miti. Watoto wadogo walitolewa hadithi za kuwafanya waogope kuikata miti fulani. Miti kama mugumo una hadithi nyingi kama hizo. Hii ni kwa sababu ulitumiwa na makabila mengi kutolea sadaka kwa Mungu.

Hadithi moja inahusu mtu mmoja aliyeishi katika kijiji kilichoitwa Makongo. Jina lake lilikuwa Tangawizi. Watu wa kijiji cha Makongo walimchukia Tangawizi kwa sababu ya kukata miti ovyo. Walijaribu kumzungumzia lakini aliendelea kuikata miti.

"Miti ni mali ya Mungu," aliwaambia. Siku moja, Tangawizi aliondoka nyumbani kulipopambazuka, shoka mkononi na kuuendea mugumo uliotumiwa na watu wa kijiji cha Makongo kutolea sadaka kwa Mungu.

"Watatafuta mahali pengine pa kutolea sadaka," alisema na kuanza kuukata. Lakini kabla ya kuendelea sana, damu ilianza kutoka katika sehemu aliyoikata. Mara aliisikia sauti kubwa kutoka kwa mugumo huo.
Tangawizi!.... Tangawizi!...... Tangawizi!
Kwa vile wataka kuniua, mimi nitakuadhibu.
Kutoka leo, utakuwa kipofu hadi kufa.
Macho ya Tangawizi yalijifunga na akawa kipofu hadi kufa kwake.

  1. Taja faida moja ya miti kama zilivyozungumziwa katika hadithi.
  2. Nchi isiyokuwa na miti hubadilika na kuwa nini?
  3. Muguro una hadithi nyingi kwa sababu gani?
    1. Ni mti mkubwa sana.
    2. Ni mti unaoweza kuongea.
    3. Ulitumiwa kutolewa sadaka kwa Mungu.
    4. Uliwapa watu matunda.
  4. Aliyekwenda kuukata Mugumo alikuwa na nini?
    Taja vitu viwili vilivyofanyika mti ulipoanza kukatwa.
  5. _________________________________
  6. _________________________________
  7. Tangawizi aliadhibiwa aje na mugumo?
    1. Alichapwa.
    2. Alikatwa mkono.
    3. Alikuwa zuzu.
    4. Alikuwa kipofu


Andika Insha kuhusu:



  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. D
  5. D
  6. Watu wamenunua vyungu vingine.
  7. Mikate italiwa na watoto.
  8. Viatu vya watoto vimeshonwa.
  9. mzee
  10. Tajiri
  11. mama
  12. Sentensi sahihi
  13. Sentensi sahihi
  14. punda
  15. viazi
  16. mchi
  17. C
  18. C
  19. Wato hao walimcheka kila mahali.
  20. Watu wengine walitoa sigara walizozificha mifukoni wakavuta
  21. B
  22. Kupiga ripoti
  23. Watu wenye tabia mbaya.
  24. Hutupatia matunda, mbao, kivuli na hata kuvuta mvua.
  25. jangwa
  26. C
  27. Tangawizi
  28. Damu ilianza kutoka
  29. Alisikia sauti kubwa
  30. D


Complete the sentences using "has" or "have"

  1. They  _____________spread their beds.
  2. She _____________brushed her teeth.

Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the word in brackets.

  1. Jane is the ________________class. (tall)
  2. We bought the ____________________ dress from the shop. (pretty)
  3. A hyena is ___________________than the lion.  (weak)

Write the plural form of the following nouns.

  1. patch
  2. pen
  3. goose

Use "enough", or "a lot" or "a lot of" to complete the following sentences.

  1. There are __________________ of ways to show respect.
  2. We have with. ___________________ balls to play with.
  3. I have ____________________food for today.

Fill in a or an in the following.

  1. This is __________________ nice toy.
  2. Give this child ____________________apple.
  3. Who wants __________________banana?

Complete the following. Follow the example given.
She is a girl. They are girls.

  1. He is calling you.
    _________________ are calling you.
  2. Give her sweets.
    Give ___________________ sweets.

Read the passage below and answer the questions.



Once there was a boy who worked for a king. But the king was cruel to him. So the boy ran away. He met a big lion in the desert. The boy was afraid because the lion looked angry. The lion said, "I am angry because there is a thorn in my foot." So the boy sat down and pulled the thorn out. The boy and the lion became good friends.

One day the boy went back to the town. That day the cruel king went hunting in the desert and he caught the lion in a net. Then he saw the boy in the town and he caught him as well.

"I will punish you for running away. I will throw you to the lion," said the king. So the king threw the boy into the lion's den. But when the lion saw the boy, he lay down and smiled. The boy smiled too and put his arm around his friend. The king was amazed and he let the boy the lion go free.

  1. Why did the boy ran away from the king? The
    1. boy worked for the king,
    2. boy was full of fear.
    3. king was cruel to the boy.
    4. king chased him away.
  2. How did the boy help the lion?
  3. How did the king punish the boy when he caught him?
    1. Taking him back to his house. 
    2. Throwing him to the lion's den.
    3. Taking him to prison.
    4. Beating him.
  4. What did the lion do when he saw the boy?
    1. Swallowed him up.
    2. Growled at him.
    3. Closed his eyes and ignored him.
    4. Lay down and smiled.
  5. What two things did the boy do to the lion in the den.
  6. ___________________
  7. Why do you think the king let the boy and the lion go free?

Read the poem below and answer the questions.

If I wake up before it's dawn
And Mum is still asleep,
I sneck barefoot across the hall
To the kitchen where Bud sleeps.

I shush him if he makes a sound,
I tell him not to bark,
And then we creep back to my bed
And snuggle in the dark.

Then I go back to sleep again
With Bud right by my toes,
And wake to find him licking me
And touch his cold, round nose.

And when Mum's clock is ringing loud,
And she yells out, "Wake up!!?
I put the tea-bags in the pot
Pour milk into our cups.

"Hello," she yawns, her work clothes on.
And Bud jumps up and down.
And she laughs and fusses him,
Calls him a great big clown.

I like it in the mornings
Sitting drinking tea,
Watching the sky change colour,
Just Mum and Bud and me.

  1. What is the name of the dog in the poem?
  2. Where did the dog usually sleep?
    1. Bedroom
    2. Kitchen
    3. Outside
    4. Dining room
  3. Which word in verse 1 means "creep secretly"?
    1. I sneak barefoot.
    2. Still asleep.
    3. I wake up.
    4. Where bud sleeps.
  4. Why do you think Bud is told not to bark or make a sound in verse 2? _________________________
  5. Which of the following sentences is not true?
    1. The child put the teabags in the teapot.
    2. The child poured the boiling water into the teapot.
    3. The child poured milk into Mum's cup.
  6. What made mum laugh and say that Bud was "a great big clown"? Bud
    1. sleeps in the kitchen.
    2. snuggles with the child in the dark.
    3. jumps up and down.
    4. drinks tea.
  7. Why does the child like it in the morning?


Write an interesting composition about.



  1. have
  2. has
  3. tallest
  4. prettiest
  5. weaker
  6. patches
  7. pens
  8. geese
  9. alot
  10. enough/alot
  11. enough
  12. a
  13. an
  14. a
  15. They
  16. Them
  17. C
  18. He pulled the thorn out from lion foot.
  19. B
  20. D
  21. The boy smiled.
  22. Put his arm around his friend
  23. The king was amazed
  24. Bud
  25. Kitchen(B)
  26. I sneak barefoot (A)
  27. Not to wake up mum
  28. The child poured the boiling water (B)
  29. Bud jumps up and down (C)
  30. Sitting drinking tea, with mum and Bud.


  1. Write the following number in words.
    1. Five thousand and sixty four.
    2. Five thousand six hundred and ninety four.
    3. Six hundred and ninety four.
    4. Five hundred and ninety four.
  2. Work out
       8 3 6 litres
    + 1 1 2 litres
    1. 948
    2. 724
    3. 908
    4. 900
  3. Arrange the following numbers from the smallest to the largest. 69, 66, 62, 63, 70, 68, 67, 64
    1. 64, 69, 62, 63, 70, 68, 67, 66
    2. 70, 69, 68, 67, 66, 64, 63, 62
    3. 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 
    4. 70, 62, 69, 63, 68, 64, 67, 66
  4. Which one of the following is not a pair of factors of 24?
    1. 8 X 3
    2. 12 X 3
    3. 24 X 1
    4. 6 X 4
  5. John scored 82% in a mathematics test. What was his score to the nearest ten?
    1. 80
    2. 90
    3. 70
    4. 100
  6. List down all the odd numbers between 70-80.
    _______, _______, _______, _______, ________.
  7. What is the total value of digit 3 in The number below?
    1. 3000
    2. 3
    3. 30
    4. 300
  8. Write the correct roman numeral for number 4
    1. II
    2. IV
    3. V
    4. VI
  9. Subtract 10 to create a pattern in the following numbers.
    940, ______, ______, _______, _______
    1. 940, 950, 960, 970
    2. 930, 950, 960, 970
    3. 930, 920, 910, 900
    4. 940, 930, 920, 910
  10. During a school prize giving day, the 24 best performers were awarded with 5 books each. How many books were they given altogether?
    1. 29
    2. 120
    3. 60
    4. 24
  11. Two hundred and fifty added to four thousand and seventy five is equal to
    1. 4375
    2. 4325
    3. 4075
    4. 250
  12. Write the number represented by the digits formed in the abacus below.____________
  13. During the drought season, a hotel in Nyeri bought 325 litres of water on day one and 750 litres of water on day two. How many litres of water did they buy in total?
    1. 1050 litres
    2. 750 litres
    3. 975 litres
    4. 1075 litres
  14. What is the fraction of the unshaded part?
    1. 4/4
    2. 1/2
    3. 3/4
    4. 4
  15. Work out the following using abacus.
      5 3 7
    +   4 2  
  16. During her birthday, Joyce bought 6 cartons of biscuits. Each carton had 8 biscuits. how many biscuits did she have in total?
    1. 24
    2. 48
    3. 12
    4. 14
  17. Jacob harvested 22 kilograms of beans and 76 kilograms of maize. How many kilograms of food did he harvest altogether? 
    1. 88 kilograms 
    2. 98 kilograms
    3. 54 kilograms
    4. 80 kilograms
  18. Fill in the missing numbers in the pattern below.
    712, 717, ______, ______, ______
    1. 720, 725, 727
    2. 722, 727, 732
    3. 712, 707, 705
    4. 722, 725, 730
  19. Arrange the following vertically and add 142 + 467 =
    1. 597
    2. 599
    3. 699
    4. 609
  20. James brought 16 oranges to school. He shared them equally to his 8 friends. How many oranges did each friend get?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
  21. What is the time shown in the clock face below?_________________
  22. Complete the pattern below.
  23. A lesson takes 40 minutes. If it ends at 8.50 a.m,what time did it start?
    1. 9.30 a.m
    2. 8.10 a.m
    3. 8.40 p.m
    4. 9.30 p.m
  24. Write a multiplication sentence for the following.
       |||||    |||||    ||||| 
    ________ x _________ = _________
  25. Find the missing number in the box below.
    857 − 643 = G4MathT1Jes23001Q25
    1. 204
    2. 314
    3. 214
    4. 224
  26. In a certain shop, yoghurt was selling at 50 shillings and bread at 30 shillings. Aticno bought two yoghurt and one bread. How much money did she spend?
    1. 80 shillings
    2. 130 shillings
    3. 110 shillings
    4. 160 shillings
  27. Find the estimated answer by rounding off each number to the nearest 10.
    46 x 12 = ___________
    1. 400
    2. 552
    3. 500
    4. 450
  28. Find the missing number in the box below.
    35 + G4MathT1Jes23001Q25 = 40
    1. 5
    2. 10
    3. 15
    4. 20
  29. Write the following number in words.
    6 5 1
  30. Fill in the gaps correctly.
    6 7 8 = ________hundreds ________tens ________ ones 


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. 71, 73, 75, 77, 79
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B
  11. B
  12. 5273
  13. D
  14. C
  15. 579
  16. A
  17. B
  18. B
  19. D
  20. B
  21. 2 O'clock
  22. Correct pattern
  23. B
  24. 5 X 3 = 15
  25. C
  26. B
  27. C
  28. A
  29. Six hundred and fifty one
  30. hundred tens ones


  1. Grade 4 want to draw a table and a chair. Which one they don't need?
    1. drawing book
    2. pencil
    3. rubber
    4. crayon
  2. This item below is made from
    1. clay soil
    2. plastic
    3. glass
    4. metal
  3. Which one is NOT needed when doing leaf printing?
    1. ink
    2. white paper
    3.  fresh leaf
    4.  pencil
  4.                    is the application of 
    1.  painting
    2. Drawing 
    3.  Printing 
    4. Shading
  5. Which one is correctly matched with its colour? 
    1. Bread    -       Green 
    2. Charcoal  -     Brown
    3. Fresh leaf -      Green
    4. Water          -   Blue
  6. Which one is NOT needed to draw a human form?
    1. Gluc
    2. Crayon
    3. pencil
    4. Drawing book
  7. Which one is a curved line ?
  8. Grade 4 learners want to cut small pictures and paste them on the wall .which tool can the use ?
    1. panga 
    2. scissors
    3. glue
    4. crayon
  9. Which item can be used to apply pain on a wall
    1. Duster
    2. brush
    3. stick
    4. water
  10. Shoe we wear are made from 
    1. Leather 
    2. Plants 
    3. Metals
    4. Items


  1. The food crop grown in Sele County is:-
    1. Coffee
    2. Millet 
    3. Maize
    4. Rice
  2. People in sele county pray in
    1. Fiday 
    2. Surtaday 
    3. Sunday 
    4. Thursday
  3. Lake Ndori is found  to the                of  Sele County  
    1. North West
    2. South West 
    3. North East 
    4. South East 
  4. Who is the head of Sele County ?
    1. Cheif 
    2. Police 
    3. Governor
    4. County Officer
  5. Which one is missing in Sele County 
    1. School 
    2. Market 
    3. Stadium 
    4. Road
  6. Which road sign is ahown below?
    1. Bridge 
    2. Railway line 
    3. Pedestrian crossing 
    4. School ahead 
  7. Which one is NOT a source of water?
    1. Tap 
    2. River 
    3. Lake 
    4. Swamp 
  8. What  does "amber" mean in traffic lights ?
    1. Get ready 
    2. Run 
    3. Stop 
    4. Go
  9. Kendi's mother makes uniform and repairs clothes she is a ?
    1. Nurse 
    2. Tailor 
    3. Teacher 
    4. Carpenter 
  10.                   is an animal tha carries heavy goods 
    1. dog 
    2. bull
    3. donkey
    4. goat
  11. Which diresction is Q
    1. North East
    2. East Noth
    3. North Noth
    4. North west 
  12.                  is a person who you  dont know  
    1. Visitor 
    2. Tourist
    3. Stranger 
    4. Neighbour
  13. A group of people who leave in the same area make ?
    1. Villangers
    2. Community 
    3. Tribe 
    4. School
  14. Farmers grow their crops during 
    1. windy 
    2. Cloudy
    3. Sunny 
    4. Rainy 
  15. We should                  light that they are not  in use 
    1. Switch off 
    2. Switch on 
    3. Leave 
    4. destroy 
  16. Which colour is found at the bottom of our national flag ?
    1. White 
    2. Black 
    3. Green 
    4. Red
  17. We use                        to put fire out when there is fire out break.
    1. Water 
    2. soil
    3. First Aid 
    4.  Fire Extinguisher
  18. We light  our homes using electric 
    1. stove 
    2. heater 
    3. gas
    4. bulb 
  19. Wich  one is a poisonous plant
    1.  maize 
    2. pea 
    3. sodom apple 
    4. castor oil 
  20.  Which physical feature  is shown below ?
    1. Valley 
    2. Mountains
    3. Lake 
    4. River 


  1. Lullaby songs are mainly to ;-
    1. God 
    2. Our leaders 
    3. Make babies sleep
    4. celebrate harvest
  2.  The meatal part of the musical instrument below marked R are called ?
    1. Shakers 
    2. Wires 
    3. Bottle tops
    4. rattles
  3. A song performed by Grade 4 learners from a ;-
    1. duet 
    2. solo 
    3. choral 
    4. entertainment
  4. A descant recorder is played by ;-
    1. blowing 
    2. hitting 
    3. bowing 
    4. pluckings 
  5. Which musical not is this ?
    1. Quanver
    2. minim
    3. semibreve
    4. crotchet
  6. The softness or loudness of  sound is called ;-
    1. Noise
    2. Volume 
    3. pitch
    4. Tempo 
  7. Grade 4 learners sang songsto praise sam cultures of their community. These songs are              songs.
    1.  patriotic 
    2. sacred
    3.  folk
    4. lullaby
  8. Which one is an odd one out?
    1. Guitar
    2.  flute
    3. horn
    4. descant recorder
  9. The Kenya National Anthem has                Verses.
    1. two .
    2. three 
    3. four
    4. five
  10. The clothes dancers wear when forming are called 
    1. leso
    2. uniform 
    3. necklaces
    4. costumes


  1. God created                 our to help us see things.
    1.  Noses
    2. Ears
    3. Eyes
    4. Heads 
  2. God sent Adam and Eve out of the garden
    1. Eden .
    2. Fruits
    3. Juda
    4. Knowledge
  3. Which book is NOT found in the New Testament?
    1.  Luke 
    2. Acts
    3. Exodus
    4. Mark
  4. "God sent me to a town called "Nineveh."  Who was I?
    1. Daniel 
    2. Samson
    3. Elisha
    4. Jonah
  5. Who was NOT thrown into fire?
    1. Abednego 
    2. Daniel 
    3. Meshack
    4. Shadrack 
  6. How many people did jesus feed using 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish?
    1. 12
    2. 4000
    3. 500
    4. 5000
  7. Ananias and saphira were punished because  theey were 
    1. Honest 
    2. Greedy 
    3. Faithful
    4. Dishonest
  8. Prophet Elisha was going to                   When he saw boys who called him with bad names ?
    1. jericho 
    2. bethany 
    3. Capernaum
    4. jerusalem
  9. Which one is NOT  a fruit of the Holy spirit 
    1. Kindness 
    2. Joy
    3. Faith 
    4. Love 
  10. The mother if jacob was?
    1. Sarah 
    2. Elizabeth 
    3. Naomi 
    4. Rebecca


  1. Which one of the following is nit a surah in the Holly Quran ?
    1. Al-Fiyl
    2. Fatiha 
    3. Rajab 
    4. Dhuha
  2. Prophet muhammad was given the holy book of 
    1. Quran 
    2. Injeel 
    3. Taurat
    4. Zabour 
  3. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received his wahyi at ;-
    1. Cave Hira 
    2. Mt Sinai
    3. Mt Olive 
    4. Thabrib
  4. Which word is related to worship ?
    1. Juma's
    2. Dua
    3. Zakkat 
    4. Ibadah
  5. Which  one of the following is ampillar of islam?
    1. Zakkat 
    2. Hajj
    3. Shahada
    4. Salah
  6. Which one of the following surahs is also called "The opening chapter "?
    1. Al-Nasr 
    2. Al-Wahid
    3. Al-Kariim
    4. Al-Fatiha
  7. Which one of the following is an example of  medium najis?
    1. Vomit
    2. dog
    3. locust
    4. pig
  8. Which of the following is a virtue?
    1. Rudness
    2. Kindness
    3. Selfishness
    4. Pride
  9. Taking Wudhu before swalah is important because it makes us;-
    1. pray hard 
    2. look holy 
    3. be clean 
    4. be forgiven 
  10. Which of the following attributes of Allah (SW) means the king if kings
    1. Al-Samia
    2. Al-Basir
    3. Al-Aalim
    4. Al-Malik



  1. D
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. B
  10. A


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. A
  16. D
  17. D
  18. D
  19. C
  20. A


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. D
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
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