Displaying items by tag: grade 4

    1. Which type of line is shown in the box below?
      1. curved line
      2. spiral lin
      3. zigzag line
      4. wavy line
    2. Which colour is missing in the chart below
      1. YELLOW
      2. ORANGE
      3. VIOLET
      4. RED 
    3. Which one is NOT needed to draw a still life composition?
      1. Sharpener
      2. Drawing paper
      3. Glue
      4. Pencil 
    4. Baby cots, hat and mats are made by a technique known as:-
      1. tanning
      2. carving
      3. weaving
      4. modelling 
    5. _______________________ is the quality of colour that creates a difference.
      1. variation
      2. smudging
      3. value
      4. saturation
    6. Which one of the following is NOT a type of leather?
      1. suede leather
      2. ordinary leather
      3. embossed leather
      4. canvas leather
    7. Grade four learners made a craft below:
      They used the following materials except:-
      1. Glue
      2. Crayon
      3. Paper
      4. Textas
    8. Which one is NOT a type of puppet?
      1. Doll puppet
      2. Marionette
      3. Glove puppet
      4. Rod puppet
    9. The following are elements of photography. Which one is NOT?
      1. form
      2. pattern
      3. vision
      4. texture
    10. Which one of the following is NOT found in a 2-dimensional piece of art?
      1. drawings
      2. paintings
      3. prints
      4. pastings
    1. We sing the ________________________ when raising the flag.
      1. national anthem
      2. lullaby song
      3. folk song
      4. sacred song
    2. Identify the musical note below.
      1. Crotchet
      2. Minim
      3. Quaver
      4. Semi breve
    3. Dancers wear _______________________ during a folk dance performance.
      1. attires
      2. adornments
      3. costumes
      4. ornaments
    4. Identify the musical instrument below;
      1. Orutu
      2. Entono
      3. Obokano
      4. Abu
    5. Which one is a french rhythm for a minim beat?
      1. Taa-aa
      2. Ta-te
      3. Tafa- tefe
      4. Taa-aa-aa
    6. Which bottle will produce the lowest pitch when air blow across its mouth?
    7. A song can also be called a:-
      1. poem
      2. dance
      3. recital
      4. vocal chord
    8. A descant recorder is played by:-
      1. hitting
      2. shaking
      3. bowing
      4. blowing
    9. A rhythm is a combination of:-
      1. beats 
      2. sounds
      3. songs 
      4. claps
    10. Complete the following;
      d, ______, m.
      1. d
      2. f
      3. s
      4. r


  1. What is the direction of the Bible College from the Cattle Dip?
    1. North West
    2. South East
    3. North East
    4. South West 
  2. People of Seje County are mainly:-
    1. Hindus
    2. Muslims
    3. Christians
    4. Traditionalists
  3. Which economic activity is NOT practised in Seje County?
    1. Farming
    2. Trading
    3. Cattle keeping
    4. Mining
  4. The settlement pattern in Seje County is called:-
    1. Linear
    2. Clustered
    3. Sparse
    4. Dense
  5. Seje County is administered by:-
    1. Commissioner
    2. Governor
    3. M.C.A
    4. President
  6. Which one is NOT a tradional artefact?
    1. Guard
    2. Spear
    3. Shield
    4. Bicycle
  7. __________________________ is the smallest county in Kenya.
    1. Mombasa
    2. Kiambu
    3. Nairobi city
    4. Nyamira
  8. The following are community leaders except:-
    1. Clan elder
    2. An Imam
    3. A bus driver
    4. A pastor
  9. The physical feature below is likely to be:-
    1. plain
    2. valley
    3. plateau
    4. mountain
  10. A good citizen should be:-
    1. Cruel
    2. handsome
    3. hardworking
    4. rich
  11. Which colour of National flag represents food crops?
    1. Red
    2. Green
    3. Black
    4. White 
  12. Farmers grow crops for sale. These crops are also called ________________________ crops
    1. food
    2. subsistence
    3. cash
    4. market 
  13. Which one is NOT a product of a dairy industry?
    1. peanut butter
    2. ghee
    3. butter
    4. milk
  14. The trade that involves the exchage of goods is called _____________________________ 
    1. Local trade
    2. Barter trade
    3. Currency trade
    4. Bata trade 
  15. The writings "HARDWORK PAYS" is written at the gate if Njiru Primary School.. It is called school
    1. Routine
    2. Motto
    3. Logo
    4. Administration
  16. This is a traditional Maasai house.
    It is built by:-
    1. women
    2. men
    3. morans
    4. clan elders
  17. A person who loves his or her country is called:-
    1. a patriot
    2. a citizen
    3. a leader
    4. a voter
  18. ________________________ helps the governor to head our county.
    1. president
    2. senator
    3. M.C.A
    4. Deputy Governor
  19. Mention one effect of child abuse;
    1. passing in exam.
    2. making new friends.
    3. being healthy and happy.
    4. running away from home.
  20. The money people pay to the government is called________________________________.
    1. fees
    2. license
    3. loans
    4. taxes


  1. Which attribute of God means that God has never sinned?
    1. Holy
    2. Sole creator
    3. Love
    4. Protector
  2. Old Testament has a total of ____________________ books.
    1. twenty seven
    2. thirty nine
    3. twenty nine
    4. sixty six
  3. _____________________________ is the last book in New Testament.
    1. Mathew
    2. Malachi
    3. Revelation
    4. Acts
  4. Samson was going to __________________________________  when he met and killed a lion. 
    1. Jerusalem
    2. Timnah
    3. Bethany
    4. Zarephath
  5. How old was Abraham whem God called him to go to the land of Canaan?
    1. 100 years
    2. 90 years
    3. 99 years
    4. 75 years
  6. Zachariah and Elizabeth were the parents of:-
    1. Jacob
    2. John the Baptist
    3. Samwel
    4. Samson 
  7. Jesus raised the son of a widow in _____________________________
    1. Nain
    2. Shilloh
    3. Zeraphath
    4. Bethany
  8. The parable of the mastered seed teaches christians about:-
    1. forgiveness
    2. kingdom of God
    3. repentance
    4. God's revege
  9. Who among the following people we cannot trust?
    1. Teachers
    2. Police officers
    3. Strangers
    4. Religious leaders
  10. The disciples were first called christians in:-
    1. Berhany
    2. Capernaum
    3. Bethlehem
    4. Antioch


  1. The surah that talks about the uncle of the prophet S.AW is:-
    1. Surah Al-Fatiha
    2. Surah Al-Kafirun
    3. Surah Al-Nasr
    4. Surah Al-Masad
  2. Al malik means:-
    1. The creator
    2. The judge
    3. The King
    4. The merciful
  3. Al-Rahman is an attribute of Allah S.W.T found in surah:-
    1. Surah An- naas
    2. Surah Al-Fatiha
    3. Surah Al- falaq
    4. Surah Al-kafirun
  4. The prophet S.A. W said "eat you together and mention the name of the Allah over it you will be blessed in it." This hadith teaches us to:-
    1. eat with our right hand.
    2. bless the food we eat.
    3. say Bismillah before we eat.
    4. avoid eating with other people.
  5. All the following are etiquette of eating except:-
    1. eating with the left hand.
    2. washing hands after eating. 
    3. eating with the right hand. 
    4. reciting dua after eating.
  6. Sharifa was given a bread by her mother. She started eating the bread without washing her hands. Which hadith of the prophet S.A. W would you remind Shariffa?
    1. hadith on washing hands.
    2. hadith on saying Bismillah.
    3. hadith on saying Alhamdulillah.
    4. hadith on etiquete of eating.
  7. A stick used in brushing the teeth is:-
    1. A brush
    2. Toothbrush
    3. Toothpaste
    4. Miswaak
  8. Which of the following pillars of Islam does not require physical fitness?
    1. swalah
    2. saum
    3. zakat
    4. hajj
  9. Asmaul Husna means
    1. Names of prophets.
    2. Names of Angels.
    3. The 99 beautiful names of Allah.
    4. A river in paradise.
  10. When do we recite the attributes of Allah S.W.T?
    1. when making dua.
    2. when we are sick.
    3. when sleeping.
    4. when reading a storybook.



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    1. The following vertebrates are amphibians. Which one is NOT?
      1. Frog
      2. Salamander
      3. Turtle
      4. Newt
    2. Kennedy wants to bite a piece of cake. Which tooth will he use?
    3. The following are examples of air pollutant except:-
      1. smoke
      2. dirty water
      3. bad smell
      4. emission from lorries
    4. Identify the protective gear below;
      1. Forceps
      2. Scissors
      3. Goggles
      4. Tongs
    5. Which digestive juice is produced in the stomach?
      1. Bile juice
      2. Gastric juice
      3. Intestinal juice
      4. Stomach juice
    6. Which one of the following is NOT a digital device
      1. Laptop
      2. Television
      3. Mobile phone
      4. Portfolio
    7. The digital device drawn below is part of a computer. Name the device:-
      1. Mouse
      2. C.P.U
      3. Keyboard
      4. Monitor
    8. There are three states of matter. Which one is NOT?
      1. Gas
      2. Liquid
      3. Light
      4. Solid
    9. Grade four learners put a piece of dry wood in a basin of water. The wood:-
      1. Sank
      2. Melted
      3. Floated
      4. Dissolved
    10. A big ship floats on water because of:- 
      1. Its size.
      2. Its shape.
      3. Its material.
      4. Its volume.
    11. Sound travels in _______________________ directions.
      1. one
      2. same
      3. all
      4. up
    12. Kelly dropped a book and a rubber at the same time. What happened?
      1. They hang on air.
      2. They broke into pieces.
      3. The book reached down first.
      4. They reached the ground at the same time.
    13. Which item is NOT transluscent?
      1. Bulb
      2. Skylight
      3. Tinted window
      4. Oiled paper
    14. Grade 4 learners carried out an experiment as shown below.
      The pins fell down one by one because of:-
      1. convection
      2. conduction
      3. radiation
      4. evaporation
    15. Harvesting is done during a _____________________ season.
      1. rainy
      2. windy
      3. sunny
      4. calm
    16. The removal of undigested food through the anus is called:-
      1. Egestion
      2. Digestion
      3. Excretion
      4. Gestation
    17. The best water for drinking should be:-
      1. cooked
      2. boiled
      3. decanted
      4. sieved
    18. Which animal is an odd one out?
      1. cat
      2. tick
      3. bee
      4. spider 
    19. Which one of the following is NOT a method of maintaining simple tools?
      1. store in a cool dry place.
      2. sharpen the cutting tools.
      3. avoid using them
      4. clean after use. 
    20. The loudness or softness of sound is called:-
      1. texture
      2. pitch
      3. noise
      4. volume
    1. Which soil feels rough through the fingers?
      1. sandy soil
      2. loam soil
      3. clay soil
      4. dusty soil
    2. Which type of irrigation requires the use of perforrated pipes to conserve water?
      1. flood irrigation
      2. Overhead mirrigation
      3. Drip irrigation
      4. Sprinkler irrigation
    3. Identify the wild animal below:-
      1. Squirrel
      2. Mole
      3. Monkey
      4. Mongoose
    4. Which one is NOT a seed dispersal agent?
      1. wind
      2. water
      3. explossive mechanisms
      4. sunlight
    5. A farmer removed excess seedlings from his nursery bed. This practice is called:-
      1. weeding
      2. pruning
      3. thinning
      4. hardening off
    6. The following are products of a certain farm animal.
      1. mutton
      2. fleece
      3. wool
        The farm animal is:-
        1. Goat
        2. Pig
        3. Sheep
        4. Chicken
    7. Which one is NOT a poultry bird?
      1. Ostrich
      2. Goose
      3. Tuckey
      4. Duck
    8. The following crops are legumes except:-
      1. Soya beans
      2. Lentils
      3. Sorghum
      4. Green grams
    9. Identify the farm tool below:-
      1. Pruning shear
      2. Garden trowel
      3. Garden hoe
      4. Shovel
    10. We can use water in the farm in all the following ways except:-
      1. mixing farm chemicals.
      2. irrigation.
      3. washing farm tools.
      4. swimming for leisure.
    1. The following are cleaning materials. Which one is NOT an abrassive?
      1. soap dish
      2. scouring powder
      3. steel wool
      4. scouring pads 
    2. Which playing items are drawn below?
      1. skipping ropes
      2. balls
      3. hoops
      4. marbles   
    3. Which type of shoes is cleaned and polished using a shoe polish?
      1. canvas shoes
      2. rubber shoes
      3. gumboots
      4. leather shoes  
    4. Which fuel is commonly used in the kitchen equipment below?
      1. paraffin
      2. charcoal
      3. firewood
      4. gas 
    5. Which one of the following is a common illness?
      1. Cancer
      2. Hypertension
      3. Coughs
      4. Corona virus disease
    6. What is another name for energy giving foods?
      1. carbohydrates
      2. proteins
      3. vitamins
      4. minerals
    7. Identify the kitchen equipment below;
      1. colander
      2. rolling pin
      3. tray
      4. cooking stick
    8. The following are methods of preserving milk except:-
      1. farmenting
      2. boiling
      3. refrigeration
      4. smoking
    9. Which one is NOT a source of vitamins?
      1. Strawberry
      2. Cherries
      3. French beans
      4. Spinanch
    10. The type of stitch below is likely to be:-
      1. Running stitch
      2. Stem stitch
      3. Chain stitch
      4. Tacking stitch
    1. Which one represents an athletic track?
    2. The skill of working together to achieve a goal is known as:-
      1. teamwork
      2. running
      3. warm up activity
      4. cooperation
    3. The best material to make an improvised ball is:-
      1. old newspapers
      2. old polythene papers
      3. thin wires
      4. saw dust
    4. The equipment below is a rounders item.
      Part X is likely to be:-
      1. a seam
      2. a  base
      3. a slot
      4. a top cover 
    5. Which type of bounce is the girl demonstrating?
      1. Single bounce
      2. Juggling bounce
      3. Double bounce
      4. Round bounce
    6. James wants to perform a three action sequence. Which skill is not needed?
      1. forward roll
      2. backward roll
      3. hand stand
      4. T-balance
    7. How many players make up a full team for football?
      1. nine
      2. eleven
      3. six
      4. seven
    8. Which type of skill in swimming propels a swimmer forward?
      1. front crawl
      2. diving
      3. flutter kick
      4. back stroke
    9. The following are zones of a certain pitch.
      1. Has three courts.
      2. One zone measures 18m by 37m which is smaller.
      3. Its central zone measures 64m by 37m.
        The pitch is used to play:-
        1. Rounders game
        2. Volleyball game.
        3. Football game
        4. Frisbee game
    10. ______________________________ pumps blood to all body parts during a warm up activity.
      1. lung
      2. skin
      3. chest
      4. heart



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Soma mazungumzo haya kisha ujibu maswali 1 hadi 5.


Halima: Hamjambo wanangu?
Wendy na Lucy: ___1___ mama u hali gani?
Halima: Wendy nenda utayarishe meza ili tuandae kiamsha ___2___.
Wendy: Aya mama.
Halima: Lucy peleka chungu ___3___ kwa moto.
Lucy: Mama chungu kizito, sikiwezi.
Halima: Najua wewe ni ___4___ basi nenda ukasaidie dada ___5___ kuandaa meza.
Lucy: Sawa mama.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   Sijambo   Hujambo   Hatujambo   Jambo 
 2.  Kimya  Kinywa   Kinyua   Kunywa 
 3.   hiki  hii    hili   huu 
 4.   msembe   mzebe   mzembe   mizembe 
 5.  lako  wako  zako  yako

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 6 hadi 9.

Kazungu ana tabia ya wizi. Siku moja alikata kauli kwenda katika sherehe za kuanzia mwaka. Aliandamana na watoto wenzake waliomcheka kwa sababu hakuwa na hata shilingi moja mfukoni ya matumizi madogo. Kazungu alikasirika sana. Alisukumana nao na kuwatisha wampe pesa walizo nazo.

Watoto hao waliogopa na kuanza kukimbia ovyo. Kazungu alifanikiwa kuiba pesa za sarafu pekee. Watoto hao walienda moja kwa moja hadi kituo cha polisi. Walimshtaki Kazungu. Uchunguzi ulipofanyika na ukweli wote kupatikana na Kazungu aliadhibiwa.

  1. Jina jingine la pesa ni:-
    1. hela
    2. karibu
    3. kituo cha polisi
    4. aibu
  2. Ni kweli kusema:-
    1. Kazungu ni mtoto mzuri.
    2. Kazungu alizembea.
    3. Kazungu alikuwa na hela zake.
    4. Kazungu aliiba pesa za watoto wenzake.
  3. Kazungu aliiba pesa gani?
    1. Pesa za sarafu.
    2. Pesa za nauli.
    3. Pesa za karo.
    4. Pesa za noti.
  4. Nani aliyeadhibu Kazungu?
    1. watoto wenzake
    2. kituo cha polisi
    3. afisa wa polisi
    4. mwalimu mkuu

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 10 - 13.

Ni muhimu sana mzazi kutunza mtoto wake. Malezi ya wazazi si kama ya mtu yeyote yule. Si haki kumnyima mtoto nafasi ya kupata malezi bora. Ni jukumu la mzazi kumpa mtoto chakula, makaazi, matibabu yaliyo bora na elimu.

Pia inapaswa mtoto apate mavazi safi. Inasikitisha kuona wazazi wengine wakiwatoa watoto wao shule. Pengine watoto hao huamriwa kufanya kazi kwa majumba au mashamba ya watu.

Tuwape watoto wetu mapenzi na tukatae malezi duni. Malezi duni hufanya watoto kwenda kuzurura mtaani. Tujitahidi kutunza watoto wetu inavyotakikana.

  1. Ni kazi gani ambazo hufanywa shambani? 
    1. kupalilia
    2. kusoma
    3. kushika nyoka
    4. kuwinda
  2. Tusipo watunza watoto, nini kitatokea?
    1. viakula
    2. machakula
    3. vyakula
    4. vyaakula
  3. Tusipo watunza watoto, nini kitatokea?
    1. watoto watakuwa werevu.
    2. watakuwa matajiri
    3. watalipwa pesa zao.
    4. watoto wataanza kuzurura mtaani.
  4. Gani si mambo muhimu mzazi anatakiwa ayatekeleza kwa mtoto wake?
    1. kuajiri mtoto
    2. kuelimisha mtoto
    3. kupatia mtoto chakula
    4. kununulia mtoto vazi.

Tumia maneno haya kwa kujaza mapengo 14 hadi 18.

Nyumba ni makazi ___14___ wanadamu. Vitu ___15___ hupatikana katika nyumba. Sebuleni kuna viti na ___16___ pia kuna rafu ya kuweka vitabu. Jiko huwa na mboga mbalimbali kama ___17___ nyanya, vitunguu, limau na ___18___.

   A   B   C   D 
 14.   cha   ya   la   mwa 
 15.  kingi   nyingi   kwingi   vingi 
 16.  sofa  randa   kitanda   jiko 
 17.  kile  lile   vile   mle 
 18.  viasi  vyazi   viazi   viaazi 


Kutoka swali 19 hadi 30, jibu kulingana na maagizo.

  1. Majina kama mayai, maembe, malori yako katika umbo gani?
    1. Pembe tatu
    2. Mraba
    3. Mstatili
    4. Duara
  2. Ni vazi lipi kati ya haya huvaliwa na mwanaume?
    1. kanchiri
    2. kaptura
    3. rinda
    4. kitambaa
  3. Tegua kitendawili hiki.
    Nifungue nikufunike, _____________________________________
    1. mwavuli
    2. nyumba
    3. viatu
    4. nguo
  4. Kamilisha sentensi.
    Kikombe ___________________________ kiko jikoni.
    1. cherefu
    2. virefu
    3. mrefu
    4. kirefu
  5. Kitambaa cha kusafisha sakafu kwa maji na sabuni huitwa _________________________________.
    1. nguo
    2. pazia
    3. dodoki
    4. hankachifu
  6. Chagua kitenzi ilichonyambuliwa katika kauli ya kutendwa.
    1. ruka
    2. uliwa
    3. oshwa
    4. mshororo
  7. Mstari moja katika shairi huitwa?
    1. beti
    2. tarbia
    3. sentensi
    4. mshororo
  8. Udogo wa neno “mtu" ni _________________________________
    1. kitu
    2. jijitu
    3. kijitu
    4. jitu
  9. Andika kwa wingi.
    Giza limetanda angani.
    1. Angani kuna giza mingi.
    2. kiko jikoni.
    3. Giza mingi zimetanda angani.
    4. Giza zimetanda angani.
  10. Tunasema nzito kama _________________________________
    1. vitabu
    2. meza
    3. nanga
    4. pamba
  11. Sehemu ya dira R ni:-
    1. Kusini
    2. Magharibi
    3. Mashariki 
    4. Kaskazini mashariki
  12. Vazi hii huitwaje?
    1. Suruali
    2. Rinda
    3. Kaptura
    4. Chupi


Andika insha murwa kuhusu.



  1. C
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  18. C
  19. D
  20. B
  21. D
  22. D
  23. C
  24. B
  25. B
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. D

Read the conversation below. Use the appropriate words to complete it.


June:    Hallo Carlos ...
Carlos: ___1___ June. How do you do?
June:     ___2___
June:    I beg your ___3___ Carlos; did you borrow a big yellow book from Lenox?
Carlos : ___4___, I forgot to return it. Here it is.
June:     ___5___ for returning it.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   How are you?   Hallo   Fine   Sorry 
 2.  How do you do?   Fine!  Thanks!   Hallo! 
 3.  Thanks  sorry   pardon   may I 
 4.  Sorry  Hae    Gosh   Please 
 5.  Pardon  Thank you    May I  Fine

Read the passage below and then answer questions 6 - 9.


Ray and Roy were alike as two peas. One could not tell from one the other. The twins were inseparable. To add insult to the injury, they were in the same club, scouting.

Their teachers always found it difficult to identify the boys. On several occassions they played tricks on us as well as our teachers. I remember this day very well when Ray had not completed his assignment. The saying better late than never had fallen on deaf ears for he had not attempted.

Soon the teacher came and we were all made to stand and books were read name by name and at last it was discovered that Ray's book was missing. The teacher glared menancingly at Ray and marched towards him. Panic striken, Ray pointed at Roy and said, "He is Ray."

The teacher stood confused while Roy sat silently on his seat pointing a finger to Ray. The class roared with laughter. It turned out to be an amusing lesson.

  1. In which club did Ray and Roy participate?
    1. First Aid
    2. Assignment
    3. Scouting
    4. Drama
  2. "Ray and Roy were inseparable." This means they:-
    1. were separate
    2. could be separated
    3. were always together
    4. were to be separated
  3. "The teacher glared menacingly"........... the word "glared" means:-
    1. at a glance
    2. look quickly
    3. look smartly
    4. look in an angry way
  4. The phrase "alike as two peas" is called ___________________________________
    1. proverb
    2. synonym
    3. simile
    4. proper noun

Read the passage below then answer questions 10 - 13.


Several thousands of bees live in one hive. They are of three kinds. First of all, there is a queen. There is only one queen bee in a hive. There are also a few hundreds of male bees called drones. The last group are the workers. In one hive the workers are in thousands.

Workers are females like the queen although they cannot lay eggs. They are the smallest bees in the hive.

All the eggs are laid by the queen. After about five days each egg hatches out into a little white larva. The larvae needs food and are fed with bee - milk. The bee - milk is food rich in protein.

  1. The three kinds of bees mentioned in the passage can be classified as:-
    1. mammals
    2. insects
    3. Queen
    4. arachnids
  2. Which kind of bee makes the bee - milk?
    1. worker bee
    2. drone
    3. queen
    4. larvae
  3. The eggs usually hatch after _________________________ days.
    1. seven
    2. three
    3. five
    4. four.
  4. Which of the following statement is NOT true?
    1. Drones are more than the worker bees in a hive.
    2. Queen feeds on bee - milk.
    3. Worker bees lay most of the eggs.
    4. Worker bees feed the larvae with the bee - milk.

Read the passage below and fill in the blank spaces in questions 14 - 18.

Due to lack of rains, a severe ___14___ occured. Women and children suffered most. Food was scarce and the children suffered from ___15___. The people needed a balanced ___16___ to get all ___17___.

The Red Cross movement took bags of maize, cooking oil and flour to the affected families. The medics insisted on proper

   A   B   C   D 
 14.   food   drought   floods   breeze 
 15.  kwashiokor   obesity   malaria   typhoid 
 16.  vitamins  diet   deit   food 
 17.  diet  carbohydrate   nutrients   food
 18.  nutrition  hygiene   health   skin 

For questions 19 to 30, answer the questions according to instructions.

  1. As the girl ________________________ writing Moses spilt ink on her book.
    1. was
    2. were
    3. are
    4. will be
  2. We should listen _________________________ our elders.
    1. for
    2. with
    3. to
    4. at
  3. Ray is the _________________________ of the twins.
    1. shortest
    2. short
    3. more short
    4. shorter
  4. Our cat has killed all the _________________________ in the store.
    1. mise
    2. mice
    3. mouses
    4. mices
  5. She has spent _________________________ hour in the hospital.
    1. few
    2. a
    3. an
    4. the
  6. I believe it is my sweater. It is _________________________
    1. myne
    2. yours
    3. me
    4. mine
  7. Pick the word which is correctly spelt.
    1. Hobby
    2. Habbitat
    3. Suprise
    4. Wenesday
  8. Atieno had _________________________ when the bell rang.
    1. spoken
    2. spoke
    3. speaking
    4. Speaken
  9. The cat is _________________________ the balls.
    1. infront of
    2. between
    3. in
    4. behind
  10. A dog is to kennel as a _________________________ is to hutch.
    1. horse
    2. pig
    3. rabbit
    4. cat
  11. The oldman died _________________________ cancer.
    1. with
    2. from
    3. for
    4. of
  12. Ochome was very tired _________________________ refused to take a rest.
    1. but
    2. although
    3. because
    4. and


Write an interesting narrative starting with the following words.

Once upon a time ......................................................................................................................................


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. A
  16. B
  17. C
  18. A
  19. A
  20. C
  21. D
  22. B
  23. C
  24. D
  25. A
  26. A
  27. B
  28. C
  29. D
  30. A


  1. What is twenty nine thousand, nine hundred and nineteen in symbols?
    1. 29991
    2. 29919
    3. 299019
    4. 29019
  2. A hen laid 45 eggs in a month. If 9 eggs were broken, how many eggs remained? 
    1. 34
    2. 36
    3. 44
    4. 54
  3. Write 40/7 to a mixed number.
    1. 54/7
    2. 74/5
    3. 55/7
    4. 52/7
  4. Which digit is in the hundredths place value? 84.726
    1. 4
    2. 7
    3. 6
    4. 2
  5. James added 627 to 8375. What was his correct answer?
    1. 8992
    2. 8991
    3. 9002
    4. 8352
  6. A matatu carries 18 passengers. How many passengers would 7 matatus carry?
    1. 25
    2. 116
    3. 126
    4. 136
  7. Work out:-
    − 1283   
    1. 4621
    2. 4519
    3. 4591
    4. 4589
  8. What is the distance around the figure below?
    1. 159cm
    2. 161cm
    3. 149cm
    4. 155cm
  9. A rope was 18m 28cm long. It was shared equally among 4 learners. What length did each learner get?
    1. 18m 24cm
    2. 73m 12cm
    3. 4m 6cm
    4. 4m 57cm
  10. What fraction is unshaded?
    1. 3/8 
    2. 5/8 
    3. 3/5 
    4. 5/3
  11. Susan has 30 - ten shilling coins, 80 one shilling coins and 50 - five shilling coins. How much does she have?
    1. sh. 380
    2. sh. 160
    3. sh. 250
    4. sh. 630
  12. What is the time in the clockface below?
    1. Ten minutes past one oclock
    2. Five minutes to two oclock
    3. Ten minutes past two oclock
    4. Five minutes past two oclock
  13. How many points of intersection are there in the figure below?
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 6
    4. 3
  14. Simplify the expression: 8x − 6x + 5y − y =
    1. 2x + 3y
    2. 2x + 4y
    3. 2x + 4y
    4. 14x + 4y
  15. The months of July and August both have _____________________ days.
    1. 64
    2. 60
    3. 62
    4. 50
  16. Find the perimeter of the rectangle below.
    1. 76cm
    2. 142cm
    3. 1395cm
    4. 152cm
  17. How many small cubes are there in the stack below?
    1. 18
    2. 36
    3. 27
    4. 24
  18. How many 1/2 litres are there in 20 litres?
    1. 40
    2. 22
    3. 10
    4. 201/2
  19. There are 600 pupils in Kayole 1 Primary school. If 386 are boys, how many pupils are girls?
    1. 214
    2. 224
    3. 386
    4. 986
  20. Grade 4 mathematics teacher drew the shape below.
    1. 32cm2 
    2. 64cm2
    3. 8cm2
    4. 24cm2
  21. Which of the following represents an obtuse angle?
  22. Work out: 10 x 0 x 9 = _____________________________
    1. 90
    2. 900
    3. 19
    4. 0
  23. What is the missing number? G4MathT3OS12023Q23 − 34 = 96
    1. 62
    2. 72
    3. 121
    4. 130
  24. Multiply:
       4 2
    × 1 4   
    1. 588
    2. 488
    3. 578
    4. 56
  25. Eight girls shared 165 apples equally. How many apples remained?
    1. 5
    2. 4
    3. 3
    4. 2
  26. Write 36/100 as a decimal.
    1. 0.63
    2. 0.36
    3. 0.036
    4. 36.00
  27. Which one is NOT a factor of 30?
    1. 15
    2. 6
    3. 5
    4. 8
  28. An even number added to an even number is equal to _________________ number.
    1. proper
    2. even
    3. odd
    4. prime
  29. Awilo has XIV books in her bag. How many books are they in numerals?
    1. 13
    2. 15
    3. 14
    4. 16
  30. The table below shows different vehicles which passed at the gate of Thawabu Primary School.
     Vehicle   Tally marks   Number 
     Pick-ups   llll  llll  
     Cars  llll  ll   
     Buses  llll  llll  llll  
     Lorries  lll  
    How many vehicles in total passed at the gate?
    1. 32
    2. 25
    3. 45
    4. 35


  1. B
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. C
  7. D
  8. D
  9. D
  10. B
  11. D
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. C
  16. D
  17. A
  18. A
  19. A
  20. B
  21. A
  22. D
  23. D
  24. A
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. D



  1. Grade 4 learners joined pieces of leather as shown below.

    What is the name of the strip of leather labelled X?
    1. Coil
    2. Thong
    3. Fibre
    4. Reeds
  2. Which of these items can be used to scratch waxy surface when creating pictures using crayon etching technique?
    1. Nail
    2. Eraser
    3. Paper
    4. Ruler
  3. Grade four learners of Kikuyu Township school modelled a pot using pinch technique. Which of the following is not a technique that the learners could have used to decorate the modelled pot?
    1. Stamping
    2. Scratching
    3. Kneading
    4. Incising
  4. The following materials are required when creating tonal variation on a cylindrical form. Which one is not?
    1. Pencil
    2. Sharpener
    3. Rubber
    4. Wax
  5. Learners modelled pots of varying sizes and shapes in class. How did they make the walls of the pinch pots to have even thickness?
    1. Using a stick to smoothen the pinch pot.
    2. Leaving the pot to dry slowly under a shade.
    3. Pressing against the walls using the thumb and fingers to widen the hole and shape the pot.
    4. Making a hole into the lump of clay using the thumb onlY
  6. Which of the following is a lower case letter?
    1. k
    2. t
    3. m
    4. g
  7. The following practices are usually carried by different communities when making baskets. Which one is not?
    1. Twining
    2. Plaiting
    3. Incising
    4. Sewing
  8. The following are natural materials that are used in basketry when weaving a circular mat. Which one is not?
    1. Nylon
    2. Banana fibre
    3. Reeds
    4. Wattle sticks
  9. Grade 4 learners created different pictorial composition using montage technique. Which locally available natural adhesive did they use to stick cut-out pictures and photographs?
    1. Glue sticks
    2. Office glue
    3. Cellotape
    4.  Blue gum
  10. The following items are usually made from leather after the tanning process. Which one is not?
    1. Belts
    2. Bags
    3. Shoes
    4. Cups
  11. Grade 4 learners of Rungiri primary school were told to name different types of props that can be used in a folk dance. Among the answers given below, which one is not one of them?
    1. Flywhisk
    2. Sticks
    3. Shields
    4. Floor
  12. The following are safety measures that should be observed when dancing except one. Which one is it?
    1. Do not dance on a wet floor.
    2. Do not dance while wearing loose clothes and sharp costumes.
    3. Dance while stepping on others.
    4. Do not crowd together while dancing.
  13. Learners were taught the importance of cleaning a descant recorder before and after use. Why is it important to clean the instrument?
    1. To avoid using the descant recorder.
    2. To sell the descant recorder after use.
    3. To use the descant recorder many times in a day.
    4. To prevent the spread of germs and diseases.
  14. Learners were taught about groups of percussion instruments by their teacher. One of the instrument learnt was a drum shown below. What type of instrument is it?
    1. Melodic percussion instrument.
    2. Non-melodic percussion instrument.
    3. Wind instrument.
    4. String instrument.
  15. Re-arrange the following procedure in the correct order from the first step to the last step on how to make a functional shaker shown below.
    1. Flatten the bottle tops.
    2. Remove the inside soft part of the bottle tops.
    3. Make a hole in the middle of each bottle top.
    4. Put the bottle tops in a string or wire.
    5. Perform a song as you play the shaker.
    6. Tie the string or wire with the bottle tops to a Y-shaped stick.
      1. (ii), (i), (iv), (iii), (vi), (v)
      2. (ii), (i), (vi), (iii), (iv), (v)
      3. (ii), (i), (iii), (iv), (vi), (v)
      4. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (vi), (v)
  16. The following are values that we learn from folk songs. Which one is not?
    1. Kindness
    2. Unity
    3. Disobedience
    4. Peace
  17. Natalie named elements of dance. Which one was not correct?
    1. Resting
    2. Space
    3. Energy
    4. Time
  18. How do we call songs that are sung by people of a particular area or community to mark an occasion?
    1. Folk songs
    2. Sacred songs
    3. Topical songs
    4. Patriotic songs
  19. Samson wants to tune a drum. He can tune it by
    1. hitting it hard.
    2. warming the membrane.
    3. Couring cold water on it.
    4. sitting on it.
  20. The following are activities we can engage in when singing action songs. Which one is not?
    1. Sweeping
    2. Washing hands
    3. Fighting.
    4. Weaving mats


Study the map of Momu area and answer questions 21-25.

  1. Grade four learners were asked to identify the direction of the school from Faida market in Momu area. Which answer was correct?
    1. South West
    2. North West
    3.  North East
    4. South East
  2. The church in Momu area shows that the people are
    1. Christians
    2. Muslims
    3. Pagans
    4. Hindus
  3.  Which one of the following physical features is not found in Momu area?
    1. Hill
    2. Lake
    3. River
    4. Ocean
  4. Which of these crops is not grown in Momu area?
    1. Coffee
    2. Maize
    3. Tea
    4. Beans
  5. People of Momu area buy and sell their goods at the
    1. School
    2. Market
    3. Church
    4. Lake
  6. Kenya is divided into how many counties?
    1. 47
    2. 10
    3. 2
    4. 8
  7. The following are qualities of a good leader. Which one is not?
    1. Honest
    2. Responsible
    3. Corrupt
    4. Hardworking
  8. The sun rises from the
    1. East
    2. West
    3. North
    4. South
  9. Grade four Social Studies teacher asked grade four learners to state uses of rivers in their county. Which answer was wrong?
    1. Provide water for irrigation.
    2. Some rivers are sources of fish.
    3. Provide us with water for home use.
    4. They are homes for domestic animals.
  10. We all depend on doctors for
    1. treatment
    2. food
    3. education
    4. transport
  11. The following is a historical built environment. It is known as a
    1. museum
    2. monument
    3. cultural center
    4. school
  12. Identify a way of not caring for the environment?
    1. Cutting trees
    2. Planting trees
    3. Building of gabions
    4. Fencing forests
  13. Which one of the following is not a form of child abuse?
    1. Forcing children to go to school.
    2. Beating children.
    3. Denying children food.
    4. Employing children.
  14. The buying and selling of goods and services is known as
    1. farming
    2. trade
    3. transport
    4. communication
  15. Arrows, shields, horns, beads, spears and clay pots kept in a museum are called
    1. culture
    2. traditional artefacts
    3. monuments
    4. furniture


  1. "You created every part of me, you put me together in my mother's womb. (Psalms 139:13). This verse teaches us that
    1. God created all parts of our bodies.
    2. God created animals and plants.
    3. God did not know us before we were born.
    4. God does not love us the way we are.
  2. Select the letter which contains good emotion.
    1. Fear
    2. Sadness
    3.  Anger
    4. Love
  3. In a Sunday School, grade four children told their teacher why they obey their parents as follows:
    Martha - They give me food.
    Titus    -  They do not curse me.
    Dorcas - They pay my school fees.
    Dan  - So that I can live long on earth.

    Who was correct according to Biblical teaching?
    1. Martha
    2. Titus
    3. Dorcas
    4. Dan
  4. Ann returned the extra money she was given at a shop to the shopkeeper. Which value does she show?
    1. Love
    2. Honesty
    3. Kindness
    4. Obedience
  5. From the story of Samson killing a lion,, we learn to
    1. fear lions.
    2. depend on God's power.
    3.  run away from danger.
    4. always walk in groups.
  6. We can protect ourselves from sexual abuse by
    1. walking alone in unsafe places.
    2. going into lonely rooms with people we do not know.
    3. not accepting gifts from strangers.
    4. meeting people of the opposite sex alone.
  7. God is pure and perfect. He cannot sin or make mistakes. This shows that God is
    1. Sole creator
    2. Holy
    3. Loving
    4. Kind
  8. Which group has Old Testament books of the Bible only?
    1.  Luke, Acts, Genesis
    2. Psalms, Matthew, Jeremiah
    3. Exodus, Numbers, Nehemiah
    4. Judges, Romans, Proverbs
    5. teaching?
  9. The lesson learners can share with their parents after learning about the story of Zaccheaus is that they should
    1. climb a tree to see Jesus.
    2. turn away from bad behaviour.
    3. always invite people to their homes.
    4. hate people who do bad things.
  10. The name Abraham means
    1. saviour
    2. laughter
    3. father of many nations
    4. rock
  11. Jesus was called the son of God because
    1. his mother was a virgin.
    2. he was born by the power of the Holy Spirit.
    3. he was the only child of Joseph and Mary.
    4. he was given the name by the angel of God.
  12. Out of the ten lepers Jesus healed, only one of them went back to thank Him. A lesson we learn from this miracle is that we should be
    1. honest
    2. thankful
    3. caring
    4. respectful
  13. "The kingdom of God starts in a small way and grows to become bigger." This teaching is found in the parable of the
    1. lost coin
    2. lost son
    3. mustard seed
    4. sower
  14. One day, Brian was pushed by his friend when playing in the field. As a good Christian, Brian should
    1. also push his friend.
    2. go home and pray for his friend.
    3. forgive his friend.
    4. report his friend to the teacher.
  15. Pamela, a grade four learner was given 100 shillings by her mother. She can use her money wisely by
    1. buying sweets
    2. sharing the money with friends.
    3. buying a pen and saving the rest of the money.
    4. using the money to travel to a very far place.


  1. Three of the following are other names of Surah Al-Fatiha. Which one is not?
    1. The opening chapter.
    2. The third of the Qur'an.
    3. The mother of the Qur'an.
    4. The seven repeated verses.
  2. Which surah must be recited in every swalat?
    1. Al-Falaq
    2. Al-Maum
    3. An-Naas
    4. Al-Fatiha
  3. While playing in the school playground, Hanan picked a rubber in the grass. What was the right thing for Hanan to do?
    1. Keep the rubber for himself.
    2. Leave the rubber where it was.
    3. Take it to the class teacher.
    4.  Report to the nearest police station.
  4.  Which of the following books was revealed to Nabii Ibrahim (A.S.)?
    1. Suhuf
    2. . Zabur
    3. Taurat
    4. Qur'an
  5. Which one of the following surahs encourages patience among the Muslims?
    1. Asr
    2. BMaun
    3. Fiil
    4. Fatiha
  6. The actions and practices of the prophet (S.A.W) are referred to as
    1. Hadith
    2. Wajib
    3. Sunnah
    4. Mustahab
  7. Grade four learners of Kwashee primary school were asked to research online on the duties of the angels. Which of the following is not a duty of the angels?
    1. Bringing revelation.
    2. Beating those who commit sins.
    3. Recording our deeds.
    4. Bringing rainfall.
  8. Which one of the following is not a pillar of Iman? Belief in
    1. prophets
    2. angels
    3. day of judgement
    4. zakat
  9. Hashim, a grade four learner heard his friend saying. "Maashallah." What do you think Hashim's friend had seen?
    1. Something good.
    2. Something bad.
    3. A dangerous animal.
    4. A very old woman.
  10. All prophets of Allah were 'Masumeen.' This means that they were
    1. patient
    2. obedient
    3. sinless
    4. trustworthy
  11. Mama Hawa was seen sprinkling water on her clothes. Which type of Najasaat is likely to have gone to her dress?
    1. Medium
    2. Light
    3. Thick
    4. Heavy
  12. The angels of Allah were created from
    1. water
    2. dust
    3. fire
    4. light
  13. Which direction do Muslims face while performing prayers?
    1. North
    2. East
    3. South
    4. West
  14. Who among the following was the first man to be created?
    1. Ibrahim
    2. Adam
    3. Muhammad
    4. Nuh
  15. Choose the prayer that is correctly matched with its time.
    1. Dhuhr - 5.30a.m.
    2. Asr   -  1 o'clock
    3. Subh - 5.30a.m.
    4. Isha -  6.30p.m.



  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. D


  1. D
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. A
  11. B
  12. A
  13. A
  14. B
  15. B


  1. A
  2. D
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. C
  9. B
  10. C
  11. B
  12. B
  13. C
  14. C
  15. C


  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C





  1. A bell was rung and pupils who were in different places in school compound responded by running back to class. Which of the following is the reason why they were able to hear the bell sound?
    1. Sound travels only in one direction.
    2. Sound travels in all directions.
    3. The pupils are used to the bell sound.
    4. The sound of the bell was loud.
  2. Grade four learners were discussing about the effects of force. Which among the following is not the effect of force in our day to day activities?
    1. Can change the shape of an object.
    2. Can make a stationary object to move.
    3. Can change the direction of a moving object.
    4. Can change mass of an object.
  3. Three of the following are ways through which one can make a floating object to sink in water. Which one of the following cannot?
    1. Changing shape of the object,
    2. Increasing its size.
    3. Adding sinkers to the floaters.
    4. Adding more loads to the floaters.
  4. The flow chart below was used by a grade four teacher in classifying animals.


    Which two animals were wrongly classified?
    1. Millipedes and frogs.
    2. Snakes and ticks.
    3. Giraffes and ticks.
    4. Snakes and mites.
  5. Three of the following are parts of the human digestive system. Which one is not?
    1. Mouth
    2. Trachea
    3. Rectum
    4. Stomach
  6. Grade four learners were asked to state different functions of different parts of the human digestive system. In which one of the following parts is water absorbed from undigested food materials?
    1. Oesophagus
    2. Rectum
    3. Large intestine
    4. Small intestine
  7. During a Science and Technology lesson, grade four learners were discussing about water pollutants. The teacher asked learners to state the pollutants. Who among the following learners gave a wrong response?
    1. Nadia  - Waste from industries.
    2. Loise   - Oxygen from plants.
    3. Edwin  - Animal waste.
    4. Geoffrey - Soil
  8. Learners from Makongeni primary school went for an educational trip to a neighbouring county. Which among the following digital devices is the most suitable for the learners to take pictures and also to record?
    1. Phones
    2. Desk top computers
    3. Radio
    4. Watches
  9. Grade four learners were provided with water and containers of different shapes to use in an experiment as the one shown below.
    If the containers can hold the same amount of water, what characteristic were the learners most likely to be investigating?
    1. Liquids have mass.
    2. Liquids have volume.
    3. Liquids occupy space.
    4. Liquids take shape of the containers.
  10. The diagram below represents a type of human tooth. What is the function of the tooth?
    1. Cutting and biting
    2. Holding food
    3. Biting and chewing
    4. Chewing and grinding
  11. When discussing about the characteristics of plants as living things, grade four learners were able to discover that plants take in nutrients. From this discovery it shows that plants
    1. breathe
    2. move
    3. feed
    4. reproduce
  12. The following are parts of a desktop computer. Which among the following parts is used to point items on the monitor when typing?
    1. Central Processing Unit
    2. Cables
    3. Keyboard
    4. Mouse
  13. The following are characteristics of a certain state of matter.
    1. Have definite mass.
    2. Have definite volume
    3.  Indefinite shape.
      Which among the following pairs have the characteristics above?
      1. Juice, water
      2. Ink, dust
      3. Rubber, stone
      4. Air, smoke
  14. Letters A to Z are represented by numbers 1 to 26. Which of the following will be used to represent the word FEED in coding?
    1. 1234
    2. 6554
    3. 6545
    4. 4556
  15. Grade four learners were to participate in clean up activities in their school compound which has a lot of stagnant water. Which among the following is the protective gear they all need to protect their hands?
    1. Apron
    2. Gloves
    3. Dust coat
    4. Face mask


  1. Thinning is a practice for care of fruit tree seedlings. Which among the following statements best explains what thinning is?
    1. Uprooting excess seedlings.
    2. Removing any unwanted plant.
    3. Applying dry plants on nursery bed.
    4. Making shade over nursery bed.Grade four learners were provided with water and containers of different shapes to use in an experiment as the one shown below.
      If the containers can hold the same amount of water, what characteristic were the learners most likely to be investigating?
      A. Liquids have mass.
      B. Liquids have volume.
      C. Liquids occupy space.
      D. Liquids take shape of the containers.
  2. Which among the following methods of irrigation best conserves water in the farm?
    1. Use of buckets.
    2. Use of sprinklers.
    3. Use of watering can.
    4. Use of drip irrigation.
  3. Grade four learners were discussing about different uses of different types of soil. Which among the following learners gave the correct use of clay soil?
    1. Ashley   -  Growing maize.
    2. Makena -  Growing rice.
    3. Mark      -  Growing groundnuts.
    4. Adam     -  Making container gardens.
  4. When discussing on how to make compost manure, grade four learners were discussing about the materials used. Which among the following cannot be used in making compost manure?
    1. Garden soil
    2. Animal waste
    3. Ash
    4. Polythene papers
  5. The following are procedures taken when transplanting fruit seedlings. Which among the procedures will come last?
    1. Watering the seedling.
    2. Pressing soil around the seedling.
    3. Placing the seedling in the middle of the hole.
    4. Mixing soil with compost manure.
  6. Small wild animals can cause a lot of damages in the farm. Which among the following small animals will cause damage to the farmer by eating the chicken eggs?
    1. Moles
    2. Mongoose
    3. Squirrels
    4. Monkeys
  7. Animals kept at home have different importance. Which among the following animals gives mutton as its product?
    1. Cattle
    2. Pig
    3. Camel
    4. Goat
  8. Grade four learners were doing an agriculture experiment. They were asked to carry to class different types of soil. According to the soil brought, which has the largest particles?
    1. Silt soil
    2. Clay soil
    3. Loam soil
    4. Sand soil
  9. After discussing about domestic animals, grade four learners were asked to state different functions of animals. Which among the following animals will help the farmers in transporting heavy loads to the market?
    1. Horse
    2. Donkey
    3. Sheep
    4. Dog
  10. Three of the following are uses of water in the farm. Which one is not the use of water in the farm?
    1. Watering animals
    2. Watering plants.
    3. Cleaning farm equipment.
    4. Cooking.

HOME SCIENCE     (10 marks)

  1. Grade 4 learners were discussing the importance of preparing a shopping list. They gave the answers below.  Which one was wrong?
    1. It reduces wastage
    2. It saves time.
    3. It wastes money.
    4. One is able to have the money needed.
  2. Choose the one that is not a fuel used at home.
    1. Charcoal
    2. Firewood
    3. Gas
    4. Diesel
  3. Natasha was cleaning her leather shoes one evening. Which one of the following is a safety measure that she was supposed to observe
    1. Leave the floor dry.
    2. Leave the polish open.
    3. Play while cleaning the shoes.
    4. Use a sharp stick.
  4. Which of the following cleaning materials is wrongly matched with its use?
    1. Cloth     -   Dusting
    2. Duster   -  Cleaning
    3. Dustbin  -  Collecting waste
    4. Mop       -  Sweeping
  5. Name the game that is played using the play item below.
    1. Football
    2. Tug of war
    3. Hide and seek
    4.  Volleyball
  6. Jane went to a supermarket to buy yoghurt. She found two tins of the same size displayed as shown.
    Jane bought yoghurt A. Which factor did she consider?
    1. Expiry date
    2. Cost
    3. Neatness
    4. Freshness
  7. Which one of the following is an energy giving food?
    1. Chicken
    2. Mangoes
    3. Maize
    4. Cabbage
  8. Which one is not a source of milk in our locality?
    1. Dairy
    2. Milk packets in shops
    3. Plants
    4. Milk vendors
  9. Job bought a mango from the market and ate it immediately without washing it. Job could suffer from all the following illnesses except?
    1. vomiting
    2. stomachache
    3. sore throat
    4. diarrhoea
  10. Name the fuel that is used in the equipment shown in the picture below.
    1. Gas
    2. Paraffin
    3. Charcoal
    4. Electricity


  1. The diagram below shows an athletics track. Which race is not done on the track?
  2. Three of the following are done at the command "on your marks" during standing start except one. Which one?
    1. Drive your arms and legs forward.
    2. Place one foot forward pointing directly ahead.
    3. Place your other foot backward.
    4. Look at the ground ahead.
  3. The following are steps followed when improvising a soccer ball.
    1. When you are okey with the size tie the ball with a strong string.
    2. Cover the ball with a piece of material.
    3. Keep adding and wrapping the material until you are okay with the size.
    4. Put the required materials together.
    5. Collect the required materials.
    6. Neatly tie the handles of the bag.
    7. Ensure the ball is as round as possible.
      What is the correct order of the steps?
      1. (iv), (v), (ii), (vi), (iii), (i), (vii)
      2. (iv), (v), (ii), (iii), (vi), (vii), (i)
      3. (v), (ii), (iv), (iii), (vi), (vii), (i)
      4. (v), (iv), (iii), (ii), (vi), (vii), (i)
  4. is moving the ball to a teammate, in order to keep it away from opponents and putting the ball into a position for a shot on goal.
    1. Passing
    2. Tapping
    3. Shooting
    4. Catching
  5. The following will lead to a batsman to be declared 'batsman out' except one. Which one?
    1. Overtaking another batsman.
    2. Obstructing the fielders.
    3. Running outside a post.
    4. The ball is caught when the batsman hits it.
  6. The position in which someone holds their body when standing or performing a skill is called
    1. stance
    2. technique
    3. drill
    4. posture
  7. Which one of the following lifestyle diseases can be prevented by skipping a rope?
    1. Malaria
    2. Diabetes
    3. Obesity
    4. T.B.
  8. Kylina a grade 4 pupil from Mawingu Academy was performing a certain gymnastic skill as shown below. Which skill was he performing?
    1. Headstand
    2. Backward roll
    3. Handstand
    4. Forward roll
  9. What shape is formed by the hands and the top of the head when performing a headstand balance?
    1. Triangle
    2. Rectangle
    3. Square
    4. Circle
  10. Kienjeku, a pupil from Mavumbini primary school performed a certain gymnastic skill that involved a combination of four different skills. What do we call it?
    1. Four action sequence.
    2. Three action sequence.
    3. Two action sequence.
    4. One action sequence.
  11. Identify the type of swimming stroke shown below.
    1. Backstroke
    2. Breaststroke
    3. Sidestroke
    4. Front crawl
  12. Mr. Kilinda from Makongeni primary school asked pupils to state safety rules when swimming. Which among them gave an incorrect answer?Daudi : Swimming in proper costume.
    Amina : Do not dive in the deep end of the pool.
    Kata: Do not swim. immediately after taking meals.
    Juma: Ensure there is a life saver on alert
    1. Kata
    2. Juma
    3. Daudi
    4. Amina
  13. Which game is played with the equipment drawn below?

    1. Rounders
    2. Frist.ee
    3. Softball
    4. Dodge ball
  14. The field of play in a frisbee game is divided into how many courts?
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 3
    4. 2
  15. Which item below is not found in a first aid box?
    1. Cotton wool
    2. Nail
    3. Scissors
    4. Bandage


  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. A
  14. B
  15. B


  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. D
  9. B
  10. D


  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
  6. B
  7. C
  8. C
  9. C
  10. A


  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. A
  10. A
  11. C
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. B





Soma mazungumzo yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali.    


Neema         : Salaam aleikum sahibu yangu.   

Juhudi          : (Kwa furaha) Aleikum salaam msena wangu. Wambaje ?

Neema         : Sina la kuamba.

Juhudi          : Mimi pia sina neno. Ninakuomba twende nyumbani kwetu kwa matembezi..

Neema         : Nashukuru kwa makaribisho. Ningetaka kwanza niwapigie wazazi wangu simu niombe ruhusa. (Anapiga simu)

Juhudi          : (Akimtazama kwa makini) Je, wamekupatia idhini?

Neema         : (Kwa tabasamu) Naam! Lakini baba ameniambia ikifika saa kumi na moja jioni niwe nimerudi nyumbani. 

                       (Wote wanatembea pamoja)

Juhudi          : (Akifungua mlango) Karibu nyumbani kwetu.

Neema         : Starehe! Sebule yenu inavutia sana.

Juhudi          : Namshukuru Mungu kwa kutubariki na fanicha kama vile: Makochi, meza, viti na kabati.

Neema         : Matendegu ya samani zenu ni ya kipekee.

 Juhudi         : Seremala aliyeyatengeneza ni hodari. Pia alitengeneza fremu ya mlango wetu.

Neema         : (Akiangalia huku na kule) Pia ninaona televisheni, mazulia, mapazia na vitu vingine vingi.

 Juhudi         : Kila siku mimi hupendezwa na vitu hivi vyote.

Neema         : Kusema kweli nyumba yenu inapendeza.Pia ninaona balbu zenu na picha zilizo ukutani ni za kupendeza.

 Juhudi         : Ninaomba Mungu awawezeshe kupata vitu kama hivi.

Neema         : Inshallah!
                      (mazungumzo yanakatika wazazi wa Juhudi wanapoingia)

  1. Mazungumzo kati ya Juhudi na Neema yalianza kwa
    1. kuagana
    2. kujuliana hali
    3. kuomba ruhusa
    4. matembezi
  2. Kulingana na mazungumzo haya neno sahibu ni sawa na:
    1. Laazizi
    2. Msena
    3. Ndugu
    4. Jirani
  3. Kulingana na mazungumzo uliyoyasoma ni fanicha gani haipatikani katika sebule ya akina Juhudi?
    1. Makochi
    2. Meza
    3. Rafu
    4. Kabati.
  4. Neema anawaheshimu wazazi wake kwa sababu?
    1. Ana rafiki mzuri.
    2. Alimtembelea Juhudi.
    3. Aliomba ruhusa kabla hajaenda kumtembelea Juhudi.
    4. Anamsalimia rafiki yake kwa heshima.
  5. Ni nini kilichofanya mazungumzo hayo kuisha?
    1. Wakati wa kurudi nyumbani ulipofika.
    2. Wazazi wa Juhudi kufika nyumbani.
    3. Giza kuingia.
    4. Walichoka kuongea.

Swali la 6 hadi la 9

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali.

Tedi na Njeru walisomea shule ya Baraka. Waliishi katika kijiji cha Mamboleo. Ilikuwa kawaida yao kukutana mara kwa mara ili kusoma pamoja. Jumamosi iliyopita walikutana nyumbani kwa kina Tedi. Walikuwa wamepewa kazi ya kuchora bendera ya Kenya kwenye chati. Pia walifaa kupaka bendera hiyo rangi zake.

Tedi alikuwa amefundishwa kuhusu bendera ya Kenya na kaka yake. Kaka yake anaitwa Rashid. Tedi alichukua chati nyeupe na penseli za kuchorea. Alimwelekeza Njeru jinsi ya kuchora bendera ya Kenya. Walichora bendera vizuri na kuipaka rangi. Rashid alifika akaiona bendera waliyochora. Alifurahi na kuwapongeza. 'Je, rangi za bendera yetu zinaonyesha nini ?" Njeru alimwuliza Rashid.

Rashid aliwaeleza maana ya kila rangi. Alisema kuwa rangi nyeusi inaonyesha rangi ya ngozi yetu. Nyeupe nayo inaonyesha amani na uaminifu. Tedi na Njeru waliendelea kusikiliza kwa makini. Rashid aliendelea kuwaeleza kuwa rangi nyekundu inasimamia damu iliyomwagika wakati wa vita vya kutafuta uhuru. Nayo rangi ya kijani inaonyesha ardhi. Tedi na Njeru walifurahi. Walimshukuru Rashid kwa kuwaelimisha.

  1. Tedi na Njeru waliishi wapi?
    1. Kijiji cha Mamboleo
    2. Shule ya Baraka
    3. Nyumbani kwao
    4. Shuleni
  2. Tedi anamjali Njeru. Toa sababu.
    1. Alimtembelea
    2. Walisoma pamoja
    3. Alikuwa rafiki yake
    4. Alimsaidia kuchora bendera ya Kenya
  3. Ni watu wangapi waliotajwa katika kifungu hiki?
    1. Wawili
    2. Watatu
    3. Wannne
    4. Mmoja
  4. Kukutana mara kwa mara inamaanisha nini
    1. Kukutana mara nyingi
    2. Kukutana baada ya muda mrefu
    3. Kukutana mara moja
    4. Kukutana bila kutarajia

Swali la 10 hadi la 12

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali.

Karibu wangu mwandani, twende sote ziarani,
Tutazunguka shambani, kuna matunda mitini,
Nina mimea bondeni, na miche kando mtoni,
Karibu kwangu shambani, twende sote ziarani.

Michungwa ni tele kwangu, tena yote imezaa,
Miembe ninayo kwangu, maembe yaning'inia,
Minanasi mingi kwangu, nanasi zimezagaa,
Karibu kwangu shambani, twende sote ziarani.

Minazi ni ile kule, ina nazi na madafu,
Mipera ni ile pale, inazaa maradufu,
Mianzi nayo ni ile, kimo chake ni kirefu,
Karibu kwangu shambani, twende sote ziarani.

Ziara tumemaliza, miche ninakupa shika,
Naomba kama waweza, panda kwako ukifika,
Maswali nayo uliza, upate kufaidika,
Karibu kwangu shambani, twende sote ziarani.

  1. Msimulizi anamwalika mwandani wake waende wapi?
    1. Safari ya shambani
    2. Sherehe ya shambani
    3. Kazi ya shambani
    4. likizo shambani
  2. Kwa nini miche ilipandwa kando ya mto?
    1. Ili isipate magugu
    2. Ili isiharibiwe na wadudu  
    3. Ili ipate maji
    4. Ili ipate kivuli
  3. Jina lingine la shambani ni gani?
    1. Mtoni
    2. Ziarani
    3. Kondeni
    4. Safarini

Swali la 13 hadi la 15.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali.
Shangazi Naomi hututembelea kwetu kila likizo. Likizo iliyopita, nasi tuliruhusiwa kwenda kumtembelea. Tulimpelekea sukari, unga na matunda. Shangazi alifurahi sana. Mimi na kakangu pia tulifurahi kumwona.

Shangazi alituandalia chakula kilichonukia kama ruhani. Alitukaribisha mezani. Kila mmoja aliketi umbali wa mita moja na nusu kutoka kwa mwenzake.Tulizingatia maagizo ya Wizara ya Afya. Kaka aliombea chakula kisha tukanawa mikono. Kila mmoja alijipakulia chakula kiasi cha kumtosha.

Shangazi alitupongeza kwa kuzingatia adabu mezani. Alitupongeza tulivyokula kwa heshima. Aidha, alisema tumelelewa vizuri. Hakuna aliyebakisha chakula kwenye sahani. Shangazi alitushukuru nasi tukamuahidi kumtembelea tena.

  1. Shangazi Naomi alipelekewa bidhaa zifuatazo isipokuwa
    1. Ugali
    2. Unga
    3. Sukari
    4. Matunda
  2. Katika kifungu hiki ni nini kinachoonyesha kuwa wahusika wanajali afya zao?
    1. Kuombea chakula
    2. Kuketi umbali wa mita moja na nusu kutoka kwa mwingine
    3. Kujipakulia chakula cha kutosha
    4. Kula chakula cha kutosha
  3. Shangazi aliwapongeza wapwa wake kwa sababu ya
    1. Kula chakula na kumaliza
    2. Kulelewa vizuri
    3. Kumtembelea
    4. Kuzingatia adabu mezani

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Kina nafasi 16 hadi 20. Umepewa majibu manne hapo. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

            Je, ___16___unajua mavazi mbalimbali? Kuna mavazi ya wanaume na ya___17__. Nguo___18___ jinsia ya kike pekee ni kama vile__19__na shimizi. Mavazi__20___ faida nyingi kwa watu.

 16  sisi  wewe   nyinyi   mimi 
 17  wanawake  wasichana  wavulana  wazee
 18  wa  la   za   ya 
 19  kaptura  mashati   suruali   marinda 
 20  zina  ina   yana   una 


Kutoka swali la 21 hadi la 30, chagua jibu sahihi.

  1. Ni neno gani limeambatanishwa vizuri na aina yake?
    1. Mrefu- Nomino
    2. Gilasi -Kitenzi
    3. Kimbia- Kielezi
    4. Vizuri- Kivumishi
  2. Jaza nafasi kwa jibu sahihi. Yai ____ meliwa na mtoto.
    1. li
    2. i
    3. u
    4. a
  3. Andika sentensi hii katika hali ya umoja. Wapishi wamepika vyakula.
    1. Mpishi amepika chakula
    2. Wapishi wamepika vyakula
    3. Wapishi wamepika chakula
    4. Wapishi amepika vyakula
  4. Ni kundi gani lina mpangilio mzuri wa maneno kama yatakavyofuatana katika kamusi?
    1. Kula, pakua, pika, nawa
    2. Salamu, salama, salimu, sala
    3. Kinu, kisu, mwiko, mchi
    4. Zulia,tumbuu, pazia, fremu
  5. Pita aliukata mti huo. Katika kukanusha tunasema, Pita_____
    1. hataukata mti huo
    2. hakuukata mti huo
    3. hajaukata mti huo
    4. hakati mti huo
  6. Jaza nafasi kwa jibu sahihi. Wachezaji watapewa zawadi
    1. sasa
    2. jana
    3. kila siku
    4. kesho
  7. Chagua kiunganishi katika sentensi ifuatayo: Nitaosha matunda ili nimpe mama;
    1. matunda
    2. ili
    3. mama
    4. nitaosha 
  8. Jaza pengo kwa jibu sahihi. Mimi nina mpira wangu. Yeye ana mpira
    1. yake
    2. wake
    3. lake
    4. chake
  9. Kisan ana mazoea ya kufanya mambo upesi. Mara nyingi anakosea. Je, Kisao anaweza kuambiwa methali gani ili awe makini?
    1. Haraka haraka haina baraka.
    2. Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo.
    3. Mtaka cha mvunguni sharti ainame.
    4. Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu. kipindi cha mwisho.
  10. Chagua jibu sahihi. Wanafunzi walifagia darasa ______ kipoindi cha mwisho. 
    1. kati ya
    2. baada ya
    3. ndani ya
    4. juu ya


Andika insha kuhusu mada ifuatayo:




Read the following dialogue and answer questions 1-5.

Shopkeeper:       : You are welcome. How can I help you?

Customer            : Thank you. I am looking for a flexible ruler and a sharpener. Do you have them?

Shopkeeper        : Yes. Here we have flexible rulers and sharpeners of many different colours. Feel free to choose your colour.

Customer            : My favourite colour is blue. But how much do they cost?

Shopkeeper        : They are not expensive. Seventy-five shillings only. But it's worth the money. They are of very good quality.

Customer            : Okey. Let me have them. Here is the money.

Shopkeeper        : Thank you for buying from us.

Customer            : You are most welcome. I enjoyed your services.

  1. The polite words used by the seller from the dialogue were
    1. how can I help you?
    2. feel free to choose your colour.
    3. you are welcome.
    4. thank you.
  2. What was the customer looking for in the shop?
    1. Books and pencils.
    2. A rubber and a ruler.
    3. A new school uniform.
    4. A ruler and a sharpener
  3. How much did the items bought by the customer cost?
    1. Seventy shillings
    2. Fifty shillings
    3. Seventy-five shillings
    4. Fifty-seven shillings
  4. Which colour did the customer decide to buy?
    1. Blue
    2. Yellow
    3. Red
    4. Green
  5. From the dialogue, we can tell that the customer was
    1. disappointed
    2. satisfied
    3. annoyed
    4. confused

Read the passage below and use it to answer questions 6 to 9.

That Saturday afternoon the sun was very hot. Mufasa and his friend Mboya decided to go down the valley to have a swim in river Tiribo. Mufasa was much more experienced swimmer than Mboya. He did not think twice but took off his clothes and dived into the cool water.

Mboya followed later when Mufasa insisted. "Don't be a coward, Mboya, the river is not deep and the water is super cool," Mufasa said while splashing in the water happily.

They were busy swimming when Mufasa noticed something that looked like a moving stone. The boys quickly realized that it was a crocodile. They hurriedly got out of the water and dressed up. They were lucky to have narrowly escaped the jaws of the dangerous animal.

  1. Mufasa and Mboya went down to river Tiribo because
    1. the river was shallow.
    2. the afternoon weather was hot
    3. the valley was near and safe.
    4. the two boys were very good swimmers.
  2. Why did Mufasa not think twice but took off his clothes and jumped into the water?
    1. He was braver then Mboya.
    2. He was feeling hotter than Mboya.
    3. He was an experienced swimmer.
    4. He was older than Mboya.
  3. According to Mufasa,
    1. river Tiribo was not shallow.
    2. his friend, Mboya was brave.
    3. the water was quite warm.
    4. Mboya did not have courage.
  4. How did the two boys escape death?
    1. They saw a moving stone and ran away.
    2. They realized a crocodile about to attack.
    3. They jumped out of the crocodile's jaws.
    4. They swam towards the moving stone.

Read the passage below and use it to answer questions 10 to 12.

Teeth are very important part of our body. They need to be taken care of well because they help us chew our food. Remember we cannot live without food. We must take good care of our teeth by avoiding eating too many sugary things such as sweets and biscuits. Very hard food such as nuts must be avoided because they can injure our teeth.

Brushing our teeth at least twice a day is very important too. Dentists advise brushing of our teeth in the morning and before going to bed. This helps a lot in preventing decay and bad breath. All we need is a good toothbrush and to rinse our mouth after eating anything. It is also good to visit the dentist at least once a year for a complete dental check-up.

  1. How are the teeth useful to us?
    1. They are part of our body.
    2. They help us chew our food.
    3. They help us to live.
    4. They help us crush hard food.
  2. To prevent teeth decay and bad breath, we are advised by dentists to
    1. brush our teeth before going to bed only.
    2. brush our teeth in the morning only.
    3. brush our teeth two or more times a day.
    4. avoid sugary things that can injure our teeth.
  3. What is not important part of taking care of your teeth?
    1. Going for dental check-up once a year.
    2. Rinsing our mouth after eating.
    3. Brushing our teeth using a good brush.
    4. Visiting the dentist once a month.

Read the passage below and use it to answer questions 13 to 15.


Long ago, animals and human beings had no difference. They did not only talk but also cultivated crops. The tortoise was known for his skills in growing the best tomatoes. His tomatoes were so many that he could feed both animals and human beings. This made him wealthy and much respected.

The squirrel, however, was lazy and cunning. He would visit tortoise's farm in the middle of the night and harvest some tomatoes. This disturbed the tortoise so much that he decided to lay a trap.

As usual, the squirrel sneaked into the tomatoes farm carrying a huge basket. Little did he know that his days were numbered. Snap! Squirrel stepped on the trap. His front legs were caught and he helplessly hanged the air. Early in the morning, the owner of the farm found the thief.
He was given a hard beating and forced to dig a whole acre to pay for his behaviour.


  1. Tortoise was able to grow many tomatoes because
    1. he was different from human beings.
    2. he was skilled in growing tomatoes.
    3. he was rich and much respected.
    4. he was known by both animals and human beings.
  2. Why do you think squirrel's days were numbered?
    1. He was lazy and cunning.
    2. He used to steal in the middle of the night.
    3. Tortoise had already set a trap to catch him.
    4. He was carrying a very huge basket.
  3. The punishment given to the squirrel did not include
    1. digging the tortoise's land.
    2. receiving a hard beating.
    3. getting caught by the trap until morning.
    4. filling his huge basket with tomatoes.

Read the passage below keenly. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. Fill in the spaces using the best alternative from the choices given.

                 A man who was selling __16___ decided to rest under a huge tree. He was so tired that he __17___ asleep immediately. On that tree, there were dozens of monkeys. They climbed down and __18___ all the items the man had. When he woke up, he got angry __19___ confused. He took off his cap and angrily threw it down. All the monkeys did the same. What a ___20___ man!

 16   hurts  hearts   hats   huts 
 17  fallen  felll   fall   felt 
 18  stole  stealing   stolen   steal 
 19  or  from   but   and 
 20  foolish  clever   funny   confused 


For questions 21 to 25, fill in the blank spaces with the correct alternative from the choices given.

  1. The compound will be swept by you and ______
    1. I
    2. myself
    3. mine
    4. me
  2. My grandmother is feeling _____ today than yesterday.
    1. well
    2. better
    3. good
    4. best
  3. How ______ sugar do you need?
    1. many
    2. little
    3. much
    4. few
  4. The carpenter made a _____ wooden stool.
    1. big, round
    2. bigger, rounder
    3. rounder, bigger
    4. round, big
  5. Let _____ go out to play.
    1. they
    2. them
    3. themselves
    4. their

For questions 26 to 30, complete each sentence correctly.

  1. She could not see _____ in the dark.
    1. clear
    2. clearer
    3. clearly
    4. clearest
  2. He ran the _____ and won the race.
    1. fastest
    2.  faster
    3. fast
    4. quick
  3. Our class prefect is _____ honest boy.
    1. the
    2. a
    3. an
    4. some
  4. Will you take coffee ____ tea for breakfast?
    1. and
    2. or
    3. than
    4. but
  5. Hellen _____ not hear. She is totally deaf.
    1. may
    2. must
    3. will
    4. can


Write an interesting composition about:  



  1. C
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. A
  19. D
  20. B
  21. D
  22. B
  23. C
  24. A
  25. B
  26. C
  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. D


  1. In a farm, a farmer has eight thousand six hundred and sixty goats. What is the number of the goats in symbols?
    1. 8606
    2. 8666
    3. 8660
    4. 80606
  2. A tank contains 46291 litres of water. What is the total value of digit 6 in the amount of water in the tank?
    1. 600
    2. 60
    3. 60000
    4. 6000
  3. In a social hall, there are 2086 tables and 8466 benches. How many tables and benches are there in the hall altogether?
    1. 10542
    2. 11552
    3. 10442
    4. 10552
  4. Arrange the numbers in the cards below from the smallest to the largest.
    1. 138, 183, 318, 803, 813, 831
    2. 138, 318, 803, 183, 813, 831
    3. 831, 138, 318, 803, 183, 813
    4. 831, 813, 803, 318, 183, 138
  5. Which are the multiples of 8 between 48 and 80?
    1. 52, 64, 72
    2. 54, 64, 72
    3. 56, 64, 72
    4. 56, 68, 72
  6. A piece of cake was cut into eight equal parts. Kiprop took one of the parts. Identify the denominator of the fraction taken by Kiprop?
    1. 8
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 4
  7. During a wedding ceremony, there were 961 adults. What was the number of children if the total number of people in the wedding was 1753
    1. 970
    2. 792
    3. 960
    4. 950
  8. The ages of some learners in a certain school are: 6 yrs, 8 yrs, 9 yrs, 11 yrs, 12 yrs, 7 yrs. Which ages are odd numbers?
    1. 9 yrs, 11 yrs, 7 yrs
    2. 9 yrs, 12 yrs, 7 yrs
    3. 6 yrs, 8 yrs, 12 yrs
    4. 8 yrs, 12 yrs, 7 yrs
  9. What is the place value of digit 5 in the number 896.53?
    1. Tens
    2. Tenths
    3. Hundreths
    4. Ones
  10. Work out:
    weeks                 days
       12                       5
    –  8                        6

    1. 4 weeks 6 days
    2. 3 weeks 9 days
    3. 4 weeks 9 days
    4. 3 weeks 6 days
  11. Arrange these numbers 2.8, 2.6,3.4, 4.2, 2.0 in ascending order.
    1. 2.0, 2.6, 2.8, 3.4, 4.2
    2. 2.6, 2.0, 3.4, 2.8, 4.2
    3. 4.2, 3.4, 2.8, 2.6, 2.0
    4. 2.0, 2.6, 3.4, 4.2, 2.8
  12. Convert 32/5 to an improper fraction
    1. 6/5
    2. 5/17
    3. 17/5
    4. 15/5
  13. Work out the following:
    Hours                    Minutes
      20                            45
    +13                            20

    1. 33hrs 65min
    2. 33hrs 5min
    3. 17hrs 25min
    4. 34hrs 5min
  14. Identify the missing numbers in the pattern below.
    57, 55, 53,____ ,____ 47
    1. 54, 56
    2. 51, 49
    3. 51, 48
    4. 56, 46
  15. In a political meeting there were 8701 people. If 5642 were males, how many females were there?
    1. 3059
    2. 15343
    3. 3159
    4. 3141
  16. What is the time, shown on the clock face below?
    1. 6 minutes past 8
    2. 30 minutes past 7
    3. 8 minutes to 6
    4.  Half past 8
  17. Joan has 3268 tomatoes. Emmanuel has 1596 tomatoes. How many tomatoes do they have altogether?
    1. 4874
    2. 4784
    3. 4864
    4. 4854
  18. How many days are there in the months of July, August and October?
    1. 92
    2. 93
    3. 90
    4. 91
  19. Malcom had seven notes of shs. 100 and two notes of shs. 50. How much money did he have in total?
    1. shs. 150
    2. shs. 700
    3. shs. 800
    4. shs. 750
  20. Alex has 8 textbooks. What is the number of textbooks in Roman Numerals?
    1. IX
    2. X
    3. IV
    4. VIII
  21. What is the fraction of the unshaded part in the figure below?

    1. 3/8
    2. 3/5
    3. 4/8
    4. 5/8
  22. Alice worked out the sum below. Which correct answer did she get?
                                       + 3815
    1. 8174
    2. 8074
    3. 8064
    4. 8704
  23. Work out:
       m                cm
      25                86
    – 4                 54
    1. 21m 32cm
    2. 30m 40cm
    3. 29m 32cm
    4. 32m 21cm
  24. How many small cubes have been used to make the stack below?

    1. 120
    2. 48
    3. 75
    4. 90
  25. Marcus had shs. 1000 note. He bought a book for shs. 745. How much money was he left with?
    1. shs. 1745
    2. shs. 265
    3. shs. 1255
    4. shs. 255
  26. 26. A container had 76 litres of water. Mutua took away 19 litres of water. How many litres remained?
    1. 57 litres
    2. 95 litres
    3. 63 litres
    4. 67 litres
  27. Edwin's mother had 36 oranges. She shared the oranges among his 4 children. How many oranges did each child get?
    1. 32
    2. 8
    3. 9
    4. 40
  28. What is 36 x 17?
    1. 621
    2. 612
    3. 602
    4. 622
  29. During Madaraka Day, Muthomi counted the number of vehicles which were parked in the stadium as follows:

    Types of vehicles         Number 
     Cars       30 
     Lorries       18 
     Pick-ups        6 
     Nissans       13

    How many vehicles were there altogether?
    1. 76
    2. 121
    3. 67
    4. 61
  30. What is the next shape in the pattern below?



  1. C
  2. D
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. A
  16. D
  17. C
  18. B
  19. C
  20. D
  21. D
  22. B
  23. A
  24. D
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. B
  29. C
  30. D
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