Displaying items by tag: grade 4



  1. What is the direction of the forest from lake?
    1. North West
    2. North East
    3. South West
    4. South East
  2. Grade four learners intended to take part in a tour around Kwanza area. Which one of the following means of transport were they likely to use?
    1. Railway
    2. Road
    3. Air
    4. Water
  3. River Soi flows from which direction?
    1. North East
    2. East
    3. North West
    4. South West.
  4. Michael was asked by his teacher to write down the settlement pattern shown in Kwanza area. Which one of the following is correct?
    1. Linear
    2. Nucleated
    3. Sparse
    4. Scattered
  5. Njuguna lives in the Northern part of the Kwanza area. Njuguna is likely to be a
    1. Christian
    2. Muslim
    3. Hindu
    4. Pagan.
  6. Grade four learners a visited a certain village. They realized that there were so many huts close together in the village. The village can be said to be populated.
    1. densely
    2. sparse
    3. nucleated
    4. uneven
  7. Waikiki visited her uncle during the holiday. She found her uncle in the garden harvesting Maize. The weather was likely to be
    1. rainy
    2. windy
    3. dry
    4. cold.
  8. The diagram below shows an example of historic built environment. The historical built environment is called
    1. museum
    2. creature
    3. human pillar
    4. monument.
  9. Grade 4 learners were asked to state the importance of interdependence. Four learners responded as follows;
    1. Jaye - Enables us get what we lack. 
    2. Sandra-Helps us create wealth.
    3. Mahamat-Makes life easier and enjoyable
    4. Asali - Makes development of our country difficult.
      Who among the learners gave the wrong answer?
      1. Jaye 
      2. Sandra
      3. Mahamat
      4. Asali
  10. Grade five learners were asked to write down as aspects of culture. Which one of the following factors did they write?
    1. Clothing
    2. Television
    3. Animals
    4. Vegetation.
  11. A short statement of what a school believes in is called
    1. core values
    2. school motto
    3. school belief
    4. teachers' remarks
  12. John was asked by his parents to write down words that can be used to describe core values they learnt in school. Which one of the following is not likely to be an example John gave?
    1. Discipline
    2. Hard work
    3. Misunderstanding
    4. Respect
  13. Grade four learners were asked to write examples of phrases that can be used as a motto by a newly established school. Which one of the following phrases is not likely to be used as a school motto? 
    1. Better your best.
    2. strive for excellence.
    3. Boys are better than girls.
    4. Education is the key.
  14. Efedha was asked to write down the meaning of a school routine. Which one of the following answers did he write? A list of
    1. activities the school does everyday
    2. activities learners enjoys doing only
    3. school requirements
    4. activities done by the teachers.
  15. Kenya is divided into ________________________ counties.
    1. 45
    2. 49
    3. 40
    4. 47
  16. Abby saw the following instruments in church; drum, piano, trumpet and guitar. Which of them is played by hitting?
    1. Drum
    2. Piano
    3. Trumpet
    4. Guitar.
  17. Job collected the following materials: Y-stick, bottle tops, a string. Which instrument was he likely to make?
    1. Drum
    2. Shaker
    3. Zeze
    4. Toy.
  18. Bonny was asked to play a drum. He cannot use to play it.
    1. hands
    2. stick
    3. bow
    4. pipe.
  19. Different children were singing songs for various occasions. Which of the following shows a sad song?
    1. Wedding
    2. Burial
    3. Birthday
    4. Baby shower.
  20. Peter was asked to identify the colour on the Kenyan National flag that represents Kenyans. What should he say?
    1. Brown
    2. White
    3. Red
    4. Black.
  21. Grade 4 learners sang the song below. This is a song________________________
    Head, shoulder, knees and toes........... 
    1. sacred
    2. action
    3. religious
    4. lullaby.
  22. A group of Grade 4 learners sang a certain song in turns. This type of song is called
    1. patriotic
    2. folk
    3. round
    4. choral.
  23. One Monday morning scouts sung this line of the National Anthem......Build this our Nation together. This is likely to be found in the ___________________ verse
    1. 2nd
    2. 1st
    3. 4th
    4. 3rd
  24. Tom played a guitar while singing his favourite song. Which type of instrument is this?
    1. Wind
    2. String
    3. Violin
    4. Percussion.
  25. These pupils sung the National Anthem while behaving differently. Who displayed good behaviour?
    1. Ben-Laughing loudly.
    2. Ken-Talking to a friend.
    3. Liam-Standing at ease.
    4. Jean-Standing at attention.
  26. Jaren was planning to create a photo montage on digital devices. Which one of the following materials was he not likely to use?
    1. News paper
    2. Crayon
    3. Adhesive
    4. Magazine
  27. Jackline was making a basket using plant materials. Which one of the following was likely to use?
    1. Bamboo
    2. Acrylic yarn
    3. Sisal fibre
    4. Carbon fibre

Peter displayed the artwork shown below. Use it to answer questions 28 to 31.


  1. Name the elements of art used.
    1. Shapes
    2. Colour
    3. Shading
    4. Lines
  2. Name the technique used to create the above artwork.
    1. Crayon etching
    2. Smudge technique
    3. Painting
    4. Gradation.
  3. Which of the following groups consists of materials used to create the above artwork?
    1. Crayons, painting, adhesive.
    2. Charcoal, black Indian ink, Crayons.
    3. Paper cut outs, adhesives, paint. 
    4. Crayons, soap, black Indian ink.
  4. Which one of the following explains why Peter dried the prepared surface under a shade?
    1. For the surface to dry slowly.
    2. For the surface to dry well.
    3. To prevent the wax from melting.
    4. To make the colour bright.
  5. Grace visited a local art workshop over the holiday break. Which of the following basketry item was she not likely to see at the artwork shop?
    1. Woven door mat.
    2. Earthen Pot.
    3. Woven scarfs.
    4. Fishing basket
  6. During a fun day at Halim academy, pupils participated in a painting competition. Which of the following tools and materials were they not likely to have used?
    1. Water colours
    2. Paint brush
    3. Crayons
    4. Pallette

Mutiso prepared the figure below. Use it to answer questions 34 to 36.


  1. Name the figure displayed above.
    1. Staggered variation strip.
    2. Gradation strip.
    3. Value.
    4. Blended variation strip.
  2. Which of the following is not a dry media that he could use to create the displayed figure?
    1. Paint
    2. Charcoal
    3. Graphite pencil
    4. Coloured Chalk.

(PART 2: Choose a section you have prepared for. Each section is 15 marks)


  1. Grade four learners were revising and came across this words "Human beings were created in the image and likeness of God". According to these words, who is the creator?
    1. Human beings
    2. God
    3. Jesus
    4. Father
  2. The following are feelings of bad thoughts and good thoughts. Which one amongst them is a bad thought? 
    1. Going to my neighbours house and play until late in the evening.
    2. Saying a prayer before going to bed.
    3. Finishing my homework before dinner
    4. Singing gospel songs.
  3. "May you always be joyful in your union with the Lord again I say rejoice"
    The above verse is found in which book of the Bible?
    1. Ephesians 6
    2. Philippians 4:4
    3. Genesis 3
    4. Exodus 2
  4. Getting emotional and angry sometimes is normal. According to Ephesians 4: 26, controlling your anger will help you stay away from
    1. happiness
    2. God
    3. friends
    4. sin.
  5. The following are unique abilities that makes one a unique creation of God. Which one is not?
    1. Honesty
    2. Politeness
    3. Irresponsible
    4. Kindness
  6. Peter was asked to name his family members. Who among the family members named below is not part of a nuclear family? 
    1. Father
    2. Children
    3. Grandfather
    4. Mother
  7. According to 2 Samuel 13:4-14 about the story of Amnon and Tamar, the Bible teaches us that we should not misuse our bodies because our bodies are the temple of
    1. Holy spirit
    2. Jesus
    3. parents
    4. blood.
  8. In the Old Testament books, we have the first five books which are known as the law books. Which of the following is not one of them?
    1. Mathew
    2. Exodus
    3. Genesis
    4. Numbers
  9. The following are the attributes of God according to the accounts of creation. Which one is not?
    1. God is loving.
    2. God is Holy.
    3. God is the sole creator.
    4. God is a sinner.
  10. Which group below contains books from the Old Testament only?
    1. Genesis, Numbers, Acts.
    2. Mathew, Luke, Mark, Leviticus.
    3. Exodus, Isaiah, Psalms.
    4. Genesis, Mark, Luke.
  11. Mr Jimnah taught grade four learners to be very careful when relating with others and they can trust all these people when in danger except
    1. teachers
    2. parents
    3. strangers
    4. guardians.
  12. In the Bible, there is a man who is referred to as the father of faith. Who was he?
    1. Abraham
    2. Jesus
    3. Moses
    4. Aaron
  13. Which miracle shows that Jesus was a universal saviour?
    1. Healing of the Roman officer's servant.
    2. Raising of Lazarus.
    3. Changing water into wine.
    4. Healing the blind man.
  14. Learners in grade 4 were asked to recite a memory verse from the book of Numbers 22:1-12 about the man who disobeyed God. Who was this man?
    1. Balaam
    2. Samson
    3. Saul
    4. Moses
  15. Who among the following were the first disciples to be called by Jesus?
    1. Philip and Thaddeus.
    2. John and Peter.
    3. Peter and Andrew.
    4. John and James.


  1. The mother of prophet Muhammad (SAW) was called
    1. Khadija
    2. Amina
    3. Zulekha
    4. Asiya
  2. Surah Fatiha has ______________ verses.
    1. 6
    2. 10
    3. 7
    4. 4
  3. The word Ikhlas means 
    1. purity
    2. good
    3. excellent
    4. bad
  4. ___________________________ is the book associated with the month of Ramadhan.
    1. Quran
    2. Taurat
    3. Injeel
    4. Zabur
  5. _______________________ is Haram for Muslims to eat.
    1. Camel
    2. Goat
    3. Pig
    4. Cow
  6. The angel in charge of paradise is called
    1. Malik
    2. Ridhwan
    3. Izrael.
    4. Mikael
  7.  Associating Allah with partnership is _______________________
    1. saum
    2. ibadaa
    3. salat
    4. shirk
  8. Qadar means
    1. provider
    2. opener
    3. powerful
    4. strong
  9. Eidul-hajj is also known as Eidul
    1. Mubarak
    2. Fitr
    3. Adhha
    4. Diwali
  10.  ________________ and ____________________ are sons of prophet Mohammad (SAW). 
    1. Ali and Abubakar
    2. Abdallah and Kassim 
    3. Umar and Athman
    4. Jibril and Mikael
  11. Prophet Mohammad (SAW) received the first wahy in cave
    1. Thaur
    2. Hira
    3. Uhud.
    4. Marwa.
  12. Bowing down for prayer is called
    1. Rukuu
    2. Wudhu
    3. Sujud.
    4. salam
  13. After fasting, Muslims break their fast using
    1. soda
    2. cigarettes
    3. honey
    4. dates and water.
  14. Which angel of Allah will blow the trumpet at the end of the world?
    1. Mikael
    2. Jibril
    3. Israfil
    4. Israel
  15. The first wife of the prophet Muhammad (saw) was
    1. Aisha
    2. Zainab
    3. Khadija
    4. Maria
  1. Njuguna lives near River Ogopa. He realized River Ogopa is polluted. Which one of the following is a pollutant that is likely pollute
    the river?
    1. Plants
    2. Animal wastes
    3. Small fish
    4. Rain
  2. Mrs. Ogutu asked grade four learners to describe clean water. Four learners wrote the following answers.
    1. Waringa - Tasteless.
    2. Oguda- Sweet.
    3. Nyipir- No smell.
    4. Nyangidi- Colorless.
      Who wrote the wrong answer?
      1. Waringa
      2. Nyangidi
      3. Nyipir
      4. Oguda
  3. Diseases caused by drinking polluted water are called
    1. Contaminated diseases
    2. Water-borne diseases
    3. Common disease
    4. Dangerous diseases
  4. Grade four learners filled one glass with water mixed with oil and another glass with clean water. They planted three bean seeds in each container. What did they observe?
    1. Seeds in the glass with oil germinated.
    2. Seeds in the glass with clean water germinated.
    3. Seeds germinated in both glasses.
    4. Seeds did not germinate in any glass.
  5. Which of the following types of teeth is correctly matched with its function?
     Type of teeth   Function 
     A. Incisors  Tearing food 
     B. Canines  Biting food
     C. Molars  Tearing
     D. Premolars  Chewing
  6. Grade four learners were discussingmexamples of air pollutants during Science and Technology lesson. Which one of the following did they not identify as an air pollutant?
    1. Smoke
    2. Dust
    3. Clouds
    4. Bad smell
  7. Plants make their food through a process called
    1. germination
    2. photosynthesis
    3. reproduction
    4. feeding.
  8. Valentine was doing research on characteristics of living things. Which one of the following is not a characteristic Valentine found out during her research?
    1. Growth
    2. Feeding
    3. Movement
    4. Smell
  9. The picture below shows a goat observed by grade four learners during a nature walk.
    Which characteristic of animals is shown in the picture above?
    1. Reproduction
    2. Feeding
    3. Growth
    4. Dying
  10. The table below shows functions of different parts of the digestive system. Which part of the digestive system is not correctly matched with its function?
     Part   Function 
     A. Mouth   Digestion of food 
     B. Stomach   Killing germs in the food 
     C. Small intestines   Absorption of water
     D. Large Intestines  Absorption of mineral salts 
  11. Grade four learners were asked to take photographs of plants around their school. Which digital device were they likely to use to the photographs?
    1. Radio
    2. Television
    3. Camera
    4. Computer
  12. Grade four learners wanted to make a homemade water filter. The teacher gave them a list of materials needed to make the water filter. Which one of the materials below was not in the list?
    1. Sand
    2. Charcoal
    3. Cotton wool
    4. Clay soil

The picture below shows smoke from a factory observed by grade four learners on their way home. Use it to answer questions 13-15.


  1. Smoke is an example of_____________________________ pollutant.
    1. air
    2. soil
    3. water
    4. animals
  2. Pollution shown in the picture can be controlled by
    1. use of tall Chimneys
    2. using dust bins
    3. burning charcoal
    4. sprinkling water.
  3. The smoke shown in the picture can affect all the following except one. Which one?
    1. Human beings
    2. Aeroplanes
    3. Plants
    4. Birds
  4. Leo saw the boy as shown in the picture while in the hospital. What is the boy suffering from?
    1. Headache
    2. Vomiting
    3. Stomachache
    4. Toothache.
  5. Maria was told her mother to open all windows and doors while cleaning the house. What is the purpose of doing so?
    1. To allow everyone to see what she was doing.
    2. To allow in fresh air.
    3. To prevent other people from getting in.
    4. To throw away rubbish through them. 
  6. It is recommended that children should play to be healthy. What games do we play in our locality?
    1. Baseball
    2. Hide and seek
    3. Truth or dare
    4. Chess.
  7. Children need the following in order to be healthy except
    1. food
    2. clothing
    3. play
    4. videogames.
  8. What is the name of the play item shown in the picture below?
    1. Ball
    2. Chess board
    3. Marbles
    4. Hoola hoop.
  9. Ashley was asked by her mother to sweep the compound. What tool did she require to complete the task?
    1. Broom
    2. Mop
    3. Brush
    4. Sponge
  10. The following are points about healthy habits. Which one is not a healthy habit?
    1. Brushing teeth twice a day.
    2. Bathing every day.
    3. Playing football.
    4. Eating lots of sweets.
  11. Regina has been sent by her mother to buy a toy for her little brother. Which of the following is not a factor she will consider before buying?
    1. Durability of the toy.
    2. The price of the toy.
    3. Popularity of the toy.
    4. Safe to play with.
  12. Which is the most commonly used fuel in the rural areas?
    1. Charcoal
    2. Firewood
    3. Electricity
    4. Gas.
  13. Amos is getting ready to go to school. What type of shoes are most appropriate for him to wear to school?
    1. Plastic shoes
    2. Leather shoes
    3. Rubber shoes
    4. Slippers.
  14. The picture below shows a cleaning material. What is it used for?
    1. Sweeping
    2. Putting rubbish
    3. Dusting
    4. Mopping.
  15. Wendy would like to take good care of her leather shoes for them to last long. Which material is most effective to do that?
    1. Scrubbing brush.
    2. Sponge and soapy water.
    3. Shoe polish.
    4. Oil.
  16. Leonard found his classmate behind the classroom clutching his stomach and vomiting. What should he do?
    1. Give him some medicine.
    2. Take him home.
    3. Tell the teacher on duty.
    4. Leave him alone.
  17. A dentist talked to learners about the dangers of eating too many sweets without brushing teeth. What are the consequences?
    1. Your teeth will get a cavity.
    2. Teeth will grow bigger.
    3. Nothing will happen.
    4. Teeth will become yellow.
  18. Elijah took an old jerry-can and cut it into half and then shaped it till it was flat. What cleaning material was he making?
    1. Dust bin
    2. Duster
    3. Mop bucket
    4. Dust pan.
  19. What safety precautions must you observe when running races?
    1. Take off your shoes in order to run faster.
    2. Push others out of the way to go ahead.
    3. Remove any sharp objects from the track.
    4. Cross in front of the others to win.
  20. You will be participating in athletics. What is the name of the place where the events take place?
    1. Field track.
    2. Athletics track.
    3. Athletics lines.
    4. Football pitch.
  21. What type of start is shown in the picture below?
    1. Jump start.
    2. Standing start.
    3. Sprint start.
    4. Elongated start.
  22. The following are materials that can be used to improvise a soccer ball. Which one is not?
    1. Waste paper.
    2. Sisal string.
    3. Pieces of old cloth.
    4. Sand.
  23. Your class has been selected to participate in a game of soccer. How many players do you need in the game?
    1. Eleven
    2. Five
    3. Ten
    4. Seven.
  24. Before participating in any sport, you must engage in warm up activities. Why is it important to do so? It
    1. helps reduce muscle soreness
    2. makes you look tough
    3. prevents you from getting tired
    4. helps you become strong.
  25. The equipment shown below is used in a particular sport. Which sport is it?
    1. Soccer.
    2. Rounders
    3. Hockey.
    4. Baseball.
  26. What name is given to the technique where you kneel and hold the ball with both hands above your head?
    1. Kneeling head throw.
    2. Kneeling double hand throw.
    3. Kneeling overhead throw.
    4. Overhead pass.
  27. There are different sizes of balls for children of different ages. What size of ball do six- and seven-year-olds use?
    1. Size five
    2. Size four
    3. Size three
    4. Size two.
  28. The following are types of passes used when playing ball. Which one is not used in football?
    1. Chest pass.
    2. Inside of the foot pass.
    3. Instep pass.
    4. Outside of the foot pass.
  29. Which soil holds the most water?
    1. Clay.
    2. Sand
    3. Loam.
    4. Silt
  30. Grade 4 learners were asked to collect materials they were to use to make a compost heap. Who among the following learners collected the wrong materials?
    1. Wageni - Cut grass
    2. Oloo - Kitchen refuse
    3. Rose - Polythene bag.
    4. Peter - Animal waste
  31. Juma established a nursery bed and planted tree tomato seeds. After sometime, he went and removed the excess seedlings. Which activity did he carry out?
    1. Weeding
    2. Pinning
    3. Gapping
    4. Thinning.

Identify the following feature used to scare away some small animals from the farm. Use it to answer questions 44-45.


  1. Which one of the following is not a material needed when constructing the feature above?
    1. Clothes
    2. Clay
    3. Sticks
    4. Grass
  2. Which one of the following small animals is not scared away by the above feature in the farm.
    1. Moles
    2. Weaverbird
    3. Mousebird
    4. Monkeys.
  3. Grade 4 learners were asked to state the uses of water in the farm. Which one of the following is not?
    1. Swimming.
    2. Washing farm tool
    3. Watering animals
    4. Mixing farm chemicals
  4. Identify the type of nursery bed shown below.
    1. Sunken nursery bed
    2. Container nursery bed
    3. Ground nursery bed
    4. Raised nursery bed.
  5. Grade 4 learners were asked to state ways of taking care of established fruit trees. Which one of the following is not?
    1. Fencing
    2. Watering
    3. Cutting them down
    4. Removing excess branches.
  6. During an Agriculture lesson, learners in grade 4 were asked to get information on small wild animals that destroy crops using digital devices. Which one of the following devices was not used?
    1. Manilla paper
    2. Tablet
    3. Laptop
    4. Smartphone.
  7. Which one of the following is not a way of preparing a fruit tree for planting?
    1. Extracting the seeds from fruits.
    2. Washing the seeds
    3. Drying the seeds.
    4. Cutting the seeds

Soma taarifa ifuatayo Kisha ujibu maswali 1 - 5

Mbu ni mnyama anyonyaye damu usiku tunapolala. Juzi, Maria alipokuwa amelala aliumwa na mbu. Aliamka ghafla na kuwasha taa. Mbu huyo aliruka na kutua kwenye ukuta. Alionekana amefura kwa damu aliyokuwa amefyonza.

Kwa upande mwingine wa ukuta kulikuwa na mbu mwengine. Mbu huyo hakuwa amenyonya damu. Alionekana mwembamba. Maria alipomwona mbu yule aliyekuwa ameshiba, alimpiga na kumwua. Mbu yule aliyekuwa na njaa aliruka na kujificha.

Maria alirudi kitandani na kulala tena. Mbu yule mwembamba alirudi kitandani na kumwuma Maria. Maria aliamka kwa mara ya pili na kuanza kumtafuta mbu huyu wa pili. Maria alikasirika sana kwa sababu usingizi wake uliharibika kwa mara ya pili. Kama Maria angemwua mbu aliyekuwa na njaa, asingeamka mara ya pili.


  1. Chakula kikuu cha mbu ni
    1. damu
    2. maziwa
    3. kunyonya
    4. maji.
  2. Maria alipoumwa na mbu
    1. alijifunika vizuri
    2. aliamka na kuomba
    3. aliamka na kuwasha taa
    4. aliamka, akawasha taa kisha akamfukuza mbu huyo.
  3. Mbu husababisha ugonjwa gani?
    1. Tauni
    2. Malale
    3. Malaria
    4. Upele
  4. Ni kosa gani alilolifanya Maria?
    1. Kumwua mbu aliyekuwa na njaa. 
    2. Kutomwua mbu mwenye njaa.
    3. Kutomwua mbu aliyeshiba.
    4. Kumwua mbu aliyeshiba.
  5. Ili kujikinga na mbu lazima tujifunike kwenye
    1. chandarua
    2. hewa
    3. blanketi
    4. leso

Soma kifungu kifuatacho Kisha ujibu maswali 6-11

Mwanamke mmoja alikuwa akisafiri katika gari la abiria wakati wa usiku. Kwa bahati mbaya hakuwa na pesa za kutosha za nauli. Kondakta alipofika kwa mwanamke huyo, alimwomba atoe nauli yake. Mwanamke yule akatoa pesa alizokuwa nazo, lakini kondakta akasema kuwa hazikutosha.

Mama yule alimwelezea bwana huyo kuwa hakuwa na pesa zaidi, akamwomba amsamehe. Bwana huyo alikataa kabisa na kusema kwamba mama huyo atoke katika gari. Wasafiri wengine waliona uchungu sana hata mmoja wao akajitolea kumlipia bibi yule nauli. Kondakta alisema kuwa hangekubali pesa za mtu mwingine yeyote kwani yule mama alikuwa na pesa, ila alitaka kufanya mzaha tu. Mama huyo alizidi kulia hata akatokwa na machozi. Mtu yule aliyejitolea kumlipia alisema hakuwa akifanya mzaha. Mama alitoka huku analia.

Aliposhuka gari tu akanaswa na kushambuliwa na simba. Kwa bahati, palitokea gari la polisi. Walilifukuza like gari la abiria mpaka wakalishika. Walipoulizwa kiini cha kisa hicho yule kondakta alitaka kukana, lakini abiria wote walisema kwamba mwanamke huyo alikuwa katika basi hilo. Hapo yule kondakta akashikwa na kupelekwa mahakamani. Akashtakiwa na kufungwa kwa miaka kumi pamoja na viboko ishirini.


  1. Mwanamke alikuwa akisafiri wakati wa
    1. mchana
    2. asubuhi
    3. usiku
    4. jioni.
  2. Neno nauli linamaanisha
    1. pesa za kusafiria
    2. chakula cha jioni
    3. nguo za safarini
    4. wasafiri.
  3. Watu wanaosafiri katika gari huitwa
    1. abiria
    2. kondakta
    3. watalii
    4. makanga.
  4. Mwanamke alitolewa nje ya gari wapi?
    1. Kituoni
    2. Nyumbani
    3. Mtoni
    4. Njiani
  5. Kondakta alishikwa na kupelekwa
    1. mahakamani
    2. jela
    3. stanini
    4. gerezani
  6. Neno 'mzaha' limepigwa mstari. Linamaanisha?
    1. Kumchezea mtu.
    2. Kumtembelea mtu.
    3. Kumwibia mtu.
    4. Kuliwa.

Soma habari hii kisha ujibu maswali 12-15

Katika kijiji cha Waso aliishi Mzee mmoja aliyeitwa Mtoro. Mzee huyo alikuwa mwenye tabia nzuri, tena mpole sana. Alipendwa na majirani zake wote. Walikuwa wakimwendea ili wapate mawaidha juu ya mambo na hasa wakiwa na matatizo ya kinyumbani.

Mzee Mtoro alikuwa na mke mmoja na mtoto mmoja tu. Mtoto huyo alikuwa msichana aliyeitwa Mrembo. Alikuwa mrembo sana. Watu wa kijiji chake walimpenda mtoto huyo kama vile walivyompenda baba yake.

Familia hii ilikuwa ikiishi maisha ya raha, furaha na amani. Kwa bahati mbaya, siku moja mama yake Mrembo alishikwa na maradhi ya kipindupindu na baada ya kuugua kwa siku chache alifariki. Jambo hili lilihuzunisha sana baba yake Mrembo na wanakijiji wote kwa jumla.


  1. Majirani walimwendea Mtoro ili
    1. wabarikiwe
    2. wamfurahishe
    3. wapewe mawaidha
    4. awapende.
  2. Mzee huyu alikuwa na wake wangapi?
    1. Mmoja
    2. Wawili
    3. Hakuwa ameoa
    4. Watatu.
  3. Bahati mbaya iliyoipata familia hii ni
    1. Mrembo kufa
    2. Mtoro kufa
    3. ajali ya barabarani
    4. mamaye Mrembo kufa
  4. Maana ya neno 'kufariki' ni
    1. kufa
    2. kuugua sana
    3. kulazwa
    4. kupata afueni.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu swali la 16-20, kwa kutumia jibu bora zaidi.

__16__ huu chifu alikuja kutuongoza __17__ sherehe ya kupanda miti. Mgeni huyo alipofika alikaribishwa na mwalimu mkuu na __18__ na wanafunzi. __19__ watoto __20__ nyimbo nzuri kisha mwalimu mkuu akamkaribisha mgeni kutoa hotuba fupi.

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   Wiki   Juma   Mwaka   Siku 
 17.  katika   kwa    na   mwa 
 18.  kupiga   kushangaliwa   kukemewa   kupendwa 
 19.  Baada ya   Baadae   Baadaye   Baadawe 
 20.   walimwibia   waliiba   waliimbiana   walimwimbia 

Kutoka swali la 21-30, chagua jibu sahihi kulingana na maagizo.

  1. Watu huagana vipi usiku?
    A. Tuonane
    B. Alamsiki
    C. Habari
    D.Ndoto mbaya
  2. Jina kondoo' liko katika ngeli gani?
    1. A-WA
    2. KI-VI
    3. I-ZI
    4. LI-YA
  3. Kamilisha sentensi ifuatayo.
    Ningekusaidia _________________________ sina uwezo.
    1. wala
    2. kwa sababu
    3. lakini
    4. na
  4. Samaki huishi majini kama vile ng'ombe huishi katika
    1. kizimba
    2. kombe
    3. zizi
    4. mzinga.
  5. Sehemu ya mwili inayosaidia kupumua huitwa
    1. masikio
    2. ini
    3. moyo
    4. pua
  6. Andika sentensi ifuatayo kwa wingi.
    Yeye hutumia kisu kikali.
    1. Nyinyi hutumia kisu kikali.
    2. Wewe hutumia visu vikali.
    3. Wao hutumia visu vikali.
    4. Sisi hutumia visu vikali.
  7. Kamilisha methali ifuatayo.
    Asiyesikia la mkuu
    1. huvunjika mkono
    2. huvunjika guu
    3. huvunjika mkono
    4. ni mbaya.
  8. Nguo ya ndani inayosetiri uchi wa sehemu ya siri ni
    1. shimizi
    2. kizibao
    3. chupi
    4. kanzu.
  9. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho.
    Fatuma mchafu
    1. Nzi
    2. Choo
    3. Mbwa
    4. Ufagio.
  10. Mtu asiyeweza kusikia huitwa
    1. bubu 
    2. kiziwi
    3. kipofu
    4. kiwete.


Andika insha kuhusu;

                                                                     USAFI WA MAZINGIRA.    
















Read the passage and answer the following questions.

In a certain town, there lived a judge who was married but had no children. One day he was standing lost in thought before his house, when an old man passed by.
"What is the matter sir?" he asked, "You look troubled?"
"Well I am successful in my profession and a person of importance, but I care nothing for it all as I have no children."
Then the old man said, "Here are twelve apples. If your wife eats them, she will have twelve sons." The judge thanked him joyfully as he took the apples and went to seek his write. "Eat these apples at once," he cried, "and you will have twelve sons."


  1. Where was the judge when the old man found him?
    1. Lost in a thick forest.
    2. In a remote village.
    3. At his home resting.
    4. In deep thought within his town.
  2. What was the cause of the judge's troubles?
    1. His wife was troublesome.
    2. He had no children.
    3. He had a problem at work.
    4. His son was troublesome.
  3. The old man can best be described as
    1. troublesome
    2. cunning
    3. caring
    4. careless
  4. "I care nothing for it all," as used in the passage means
    1. the old man was not selfish
    2. the judge was not happy
    3. the judge wanted to be poor
    4. his wealth was not enough for him.
  5. The twelve apples given to the judge were meant to
    1. help his wife to get twelve sons
    2. feed the hungry old man
    3. be sold for a big profit
    4. show the old man's kindness to the judge.

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.


When Mary was a little girl, she lived by the sea. In the morning, she would sit by the sea to watch the sunrise. In the afternoon, she used to bathe in the sea, play in the sand and collect sea shells on the beach. In the evening, she would sit under a coconut tree and listen to the waves beat on the shore. Now, Mary has moved with her family to the noisy town. The only thing she hears is the loud shouting of the conductors and the hooting of the vehicles along the congested roads. She really misses her village life.


  1. In the afternoon, Mary did the following except
    1. bathe in the sea
    2. play in the sea
    3. collect sea shells
    4. watch the sunrise.
  2. What is the past tense of the word 'beat'?
    1. Bate
    2. Beated
    3. Beat
    4. Beating.
  3. Where does Mary's family live today?
    1. In a quiet town.
    2. In the village.
    3. By the seaside.
    4. In a noisy town.
  4. We can say that _______________________
    1. there are many vehicles in town roads
    2. town life was enjoyable to Mary
    3. Mary has been living in town since she was young
    4. conductors in towns talk softly.
  5. Where did Mary sit in the evening?
    1. By the sea side.
    2. In their house.
    3. Under a coconut tree.
    4. On a chair.

Read the passage below and answer the questions

Mathew woke up feeling sad. He remembered the events of the previous week like they happened just seconds ago. Sasha had been missing for ten days now. Their mother was crying bitterly. Ever since they discovered that Sasha was gone, his mother had become so withdrawn that she barely talked less and refused to eat. His father on the other hand was barely home. He would go out very early in the morning and came home very late.

Sasha had been left home that day as Mathew went to his friend to study while their parents went out of town for an event. Mathew should have been of home by six in the evening but he got delayed while playing video games with his friend. He remembered how Sasha was scared of the dark. To date, he regrets not having gone back early to be with her.

The worst part of the whole experience was having to tell his parents that his sister was not home and he had no idea where she was. He had arrived at around half past seven in the evening and when he went into her room, he did not find her. At first, he had thought that she was hiding but after looking everywhere and failing to find her, he got really scared. He had gone to all the neighbours' houses but she wasn't there either. He had called all their friends but she had not been seen. His parents have advertised in the newspapers, the TV and even on social media. He just hopes that they will be able to find her safe and sound.


  1. Why did Mathew woke up feeling sad? Because
    1. his sister was missing
    2. he had a bad dream
    3. he was not given a present
    4. he fought with his sister
  2. Why was Sasha alone at home that day?
    1. She wanted to be alone.
    2. Mathew and their parents were going to the hospital.
    3. She had fought with Mathew and her parents.
    4. Their parents were out of town and Mathew was studying at a friend's home.
  3. Why was Mathew late to get home that day?
    1. He got delayed while playing video games with his friend.
    2. He got delayed by an accident on the road.
    3. He did not feel like going home early.
    4. He did not want to face Sasha.
  4. At what time did Mathew finally arrive home? 
    1. At six in the evening.
    2. At half past eight in the evening.
    3. At half past seven in the evening.
    4. At seven in the evening.

Choose the correct word from the choices given to fill in the gaps below.

Wool __15__ a textile fibre __16__ from sheep and __17__ mammals, especially goats, rabbits and camels. The term __18__ also refer __19__ inorganic __20__, such as mineral wool __21__ glass wool, __22__ have properties __23__ to animal wool.

As an animal fibre, wool consists of protein __24__ with a small percentage of lipids. This makes it chemically quite distinct from cotton and other plant fibres, which are mainly cellulose.

   A   B   C   D 
 15.   was   is   were   are 
 16.  got  obtain   obtained   gotten 
 17.  some   again   all   other 
 18.  may  will   can   would 
 19.  to   on   towards   on 
 20.  matter   material   item   thing 
 21.  around   and   with   but 
 22.  those  this  these  which
 23.  same  similar  look  seem
 24.  together   with  and  same


For questions 25-30, choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

  1. Anita bought __________________________ new dress.
    1. the
    2. a
    3. an
    4. he
  2. Mwende  cooked ____________________________ eggs.
    1. some
    2. few
    3. one
    4. a lot
  3. She saw a ______________________________ elephant
    1. few
    2. tiny
    3. little
    4. big
  4. I was excited to see _____________________________________Indian Ocean.
    1. the
    2. a
    3. an
    4. their
  5. Maria _______________________________ in a big house on top of the hill.
    1. lived
    2. lives
    3. leaves
    4. live
  6. We saw a ____________________________ of cattle grazing in the field.
    1. group
    2. flock
    3. herd
    4. crowd

Write a short story about:(20 Marks)

                                                            PARENT'S DAY IN OUR SCHOOL.

















  1. A farmer planted 10301 trees on his farm. Write the number of the trees he planted in words.
    1. One hundred and three thousand and one.
    2. Ten thousand, three hundred and one.
    3. Ten thousand and thirty one.
    4. One thousand, three hundred and one.
  2. Grade 4 learners were asked by their teacher what she can take away from ninety five to get thirty three. Who gave the correct answer?
    1. Tonia - Sixty three
    2. Tania - Sixty
    3. Ted - Sixty two
    4. Tonny - one hundred and twenty eight.
  3. A man had 1089 cows. 277 of them died. How many cows remained?
    1. 1366
    2. 812
    3. 712
    4. 789
  4. Grade 4 learners were asked to round off 951 to the nearest 100. What answer did they give?
    1. 900
    2. 950
    3. 1000
    4. 1050
  5. Mzee Sonko had 2649 goats. He bought 1134 more goats. How many goats did he have altogether?
    1. 3783
    2. 1515
    3. 3773
    4. 3883
  6. Which of the following months has 30 days?
    1. July
    2. January
    3. November
    4. March
  7. A boarding school buys 20 bags of beans monthly. How many bags does it buy in one year?
    1. 24
    2. 40
    3. 240
    4. 200
  8. Keziah wrote the first ten multiples of eight in order. What did she write before 64?
    1. 16
    2. 40
    3. 64
    4. 56
  9. There are 4324 text books in a store. If 2420 books are given to pupils, how many text books are left in the store?
    1. 2904
    2. 1904
    3. 6744
    4. 1900
  10. What is the total value of digit 3 in the number 26325?
    1. Thousands
    2. Three hundred
    3. Hundreds
    4. 3000
  11. Wangeci had forty six chairs. She hired each chair at sh. 10. How much did she get after hiring out the chairs?
    1. Sh. 460
    2. Sh. 146
    3. Sh. 54
    4. Sh. 4600
  12. The sum of two numbers is 2000. If one of the numbers is 1335, which is the other number?
    1. 335
    2. 765
    3. 665
    4. 565
  13. Kanini worked out the sum of all even numbers between 1 and 15. What answer did she get?
    1. 63
    2. 56
    3. 48
    4. 30.
  14. A carton can hold 15 cakes. How many cakes will 20 cartons hold?
    1. 55
    2. 25
    3. 300
    4. 600
  15. Wamuyu is 12 years old and her sister is 18 years older. How old is Wamuyu's sister?
    1. 28 years
    2. 16 years
    3. 30 years
    4. 6 years
  16. Munyi bought 12kg of sugar. He repacked the sugar into half-kg packets. How many packets did he get?
    1. 24
    2. 48
    3. 42
    4. 14
  17. Write 52/3 as an improper fraction.
    1. 10/37
    2. 7/10
    3. 2/3
    4. 17/3
  18. The number of learners in different schools were as follows 2022, 2003, 2202, 2220. Arrange the numbers in ascending order.
    1. 2220, 2202, 2022, 2002
    2. 2002, 2022, 2202,2220
    3. 2202, 2220, 2022, 2002
    4. 2220, 2202, 2002, 2022
  19. There were five hundred and seventy two animals at a market. One hundred and fifty six of them were camels. The rest are goats. How many goats were at the market?
    1. 728
    2. 614
    3. 416
    4. 728
  20. Wanjiru had 20 oranges. She shared them equally among 5 pupils. How many oranges did each pupil get?
    1. 25
    2. 5
    3. 20
    4. 4
  21. Amani counted the number of unshaded parts in the diagram below. What fraction is unshaded?
    1. 3/8 
    2. 5/8
    3. 8/5 
    4. 8/3
  22. Ahmed was asked by his Mathematics teacher to find the next number in the series: 4, 10, 16, 22, _________________
    What was the next number which he found?
    1. 23
    2. 24
    3. 34
    4. 28
  23. If the time now is 9 o'clock, what time will it be after 35 minutes?
    1. 9.15
    2. 9.35
    3. 8.25
    4. 8.35
  24. Fifteen point three seven can be written as ________________________
    1. 15.37
    2. 153.7
    3. 1.537
    4. 0.1537
  25. Tom walked around a square piece of land whose side measures 250cm. What distance did he cover altogether?
    1. 500cm
    2. 250cm
    3. 1000cm
    4. 750cm
  26. James is 12 months old. How old is he?
    1. 9 years old
    2. 1 year old
    3. 12 years old
    4. 6 years
  27. Work out: 5879 + 2431
    1. 8130
    2. 8310
    3. 8103
    4. 3810
  28. Which of the following numbers is divible by 5?
    1. 23
    2. 36
    3. 27
    4. 90
  29. The figure below was drawn by a Grade four pupil. What is the name of the figure?
    1. Rectangle
    2. Circle
    3. Square 
    4. Oval
  30. What is the place value of digit 3 in the number 88.93?
    1. Ones
    2. Tenths
    3. Hundredths
    4. Oneths


  1. Which one of the following statements correctly gives the meaning of still life drawing?
    1. Is the lightness and darkness of colour
    2. It involves rubbing a colour on a paper
    3. It involves drawing arrangement of non- moving objects
    4. It involves creating light and dark effect and colour
  2. The lightness and darkness of a colour is called 
    1. texture
    2. painting
    3. tone
    4. smudging
  3. Which one of the following materials cannot be used to shade a picture
    1. charcoal.
    2. pencil
    3. crayons
    4. stone
  4. Drawing objects while looking at them is called
    1. drawing from memory
    2. still life drawing
    3. drawing from imagination
    4. drawing from observation
  5. Which one of the following is not a product of a leather work?
    1. Wallet
    2. Manilla paper
    3. Drum
    4. Shoes
  6. The technique used in the picture below is called
    1. painting
    2. thonging
    3. basketry
    4. weaving
  7. Which one of the following materials can be used to stick a picture on a piece of paper?
    1. Glue
    2. Paint
    3. Brush
    4. Soi
  8. The technique used to draw the pot below is called
    1. smudge technique
    2. texture
    3. crayon etching
    4. still-life drawing
  9. Grass in the field is always ________________________________ in colour.
    1. blue
    2. green
    3. red
    4. white
  10. What happens when a white colour is added to another colour?
    1. Becomes lightened
    2. Becomes darker
    3. Becomes yellow
    4. Becomes colourless


  1. Songs that are sung to show love for our county are known as
    1. action songs
    2. patriotic songs
    3. religious songs
    4. topical songs
  2. We __________________ a descant recorder to produce sound.
    1. hit
    2. blow
    3. shake
    4. pluck
  3. "Tushangilie Kenya, Taifa letu tukufu... " is an example of ______________________ song.
    1. patriotic
    2. religious
    3. action
    4. topical
  4. Complete this line of the Kenya National Anthem. "Let one and all ____________________________________
    A. creation
    C. endever
    B. arise
    D. defend
  5. The diagram below shows a musical instrument it is played by
    1. plucking
    2. blowing
    3. beating
    4. stringing
  6. The person who leads a song during a performance is known as
    1. soloist
    2. dancer
    3. leader
    4. performer
  7. The part of drum used for making the sound louder is known as
    1. skin
    2. resonator
    3. laces
    4. foot
  8. When singing with expressions, the volume of a song is known as
    1. tempo
    2. dynamics
    3. articulation
    4. pitch
  9. Clothes worn when performing folk song is called
    1. props
    2. costumes
    3. gameskirts
    4. uniform
  10. When one person sings a song it is referred to as
    1. choral singing
    2. duet
    3. solo singing.
    4. trio singing


  1. The Nairobi National Museum is a historic monument. It is an example of a
    1. built environment
    2. physical environment
    3. natural environment
    4. relief environment
  2. Four Grade 4 learners wrote down examples of culture among their communities. Who wrote the wrong culture
    1. Fatuma -  Songs
    2. Ndoto - Dressing
    3. Ogawa - nHousing
    4. Cherop - Money
  3. People in our county carry out economic activities to create wealth. Which one of the following is not a benefit of these economic activities?
    1. Creation of income
    2. Government gets taxes
    3. People become famous 
    4. There is creation of jobs
  4. Below are diagrams showing population distribution. Which diagram shows dense population.
  5. At the door of the head teacher of Uzalendo School there is a board with descriptions of the school. Which one of the following is not likely to be found on the board?
    1. The year the school started"
    2. The name of the owner of the school 
    3. Results of national examinations
    4. Names of past and current head teachers
  6. Who among the following people is involved in illegal business?
    1. Magosi - transports vegetables
    2. Farida - has a bookshop 
    3. Kulet - makes dresses
    4. Matawi - sells changa'a
  7. The diagram below shows a farming activity
    The activity shown above is carried out when the weather is
    1. dry
    2. wet
    3. rainy
    4. stormy
  8. Kadzo was walking to school and the sun had just risen. Her shadow was pointing towards West. She was facing
    1. North
    2. South
    3. East
    4. West
  9. Some cultural practices are harmful to the society. Which one of the following is forbidden by the government?
    1. Singing traditional songs
    2. Eating homegrown foods
    3. Wearing traditional clothes
    4. Female circumcision
  10. Grade 4 learners of Kilele School visited a bread making industry near their school. Which raw material were they likely to find at the industry?
    1. Wheat
    2. Maize
    3. Sugarcane
    4. Cotton
  11. Large population is found in towns in our county due to
    1. availability of fertile soils
    2. availability of high rainfall
    3. availability of jobs
    4. presence of good roads
  12. Three of the following are ways in which people depend on one another. Which one is not?
    1. Buying goods from one another
    2. People fight one another
    3. People exchange cultural practices
    4. People intermarry
  13. Which one of the following statements CORRECTLY describes a plateau?
    1. Large flat land that is raised
    2. Large area of water
    3. Valley sorrounded by steep slopes
    4. Low area of land between mountains
  14. Which one of the following diagram shows a cultural artefact?
  15. Areas in our county that have sparse population are likely to have
    1. large towns
    2. many industries
    3. low rainfall
    4. flat land



  1. Four grade 4 learners wrote on cards some Christians values learnt in school. Who wrote the wrong value?
  2. When God first called Abraham he was living in
    1. Canaan
    2. Midian
    3. Moab
    4. Haran
  3. Which one of the following parables of Jesus teaches Christians to forgive one another?
    1. The mustard seed
    2. The widow and the judge
    3. The lost son
    4. The friend at midnight
  4. Amos a grade 4 learner was asked by his teacher to recite the first verse of the Lords prayer. The correct verse is
    1. "Our father who art in heaven"
    2. "Give us our daily bread"
    3. "Forgive us our sins"
    4. "Thy will be done on earth"
  5. Children are advised to obey their parents because
    1. their parents love them
    2. it is God's command
    3. their parents pay their school fees
    4. they set good examples
  6. When Jesus was born his parents had gone to register in
    1. Nazareth
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Bethlehem
    4. Jericho
  7. Which one of the following is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Wisdom
    2. Faith
    3. Preaching
    4. Patience
  8. Zaccheaus who invited Jesus to his house worked as a
    1. priests 
    2. tax collector
    3. shepherd
    4. fishermen
  9. The brothers of Joseph sold him as a slave because
    1. they hated him
    2. he was a strong man
    3. slaves were needed in Egypt
    4. they wanted to get money
  10. Who among the following learners demonstrates the value of responsibility?
    1. Samuel - goes to school late 
    2. Anna - sweeps the home compound 
    3. Miriam - steal other learners' pens
    4. Jacob -  does not share his textbook
  11. The man who was beaten by robbers was helped by
    1. a Levite
    2. an Ethiopian
    3. a Samaritan
    4. a priest
  12. From the miracle of the healing of the ten lepers Christians learn to be
    1. thankful
    2. kind
    3. obedient
    4. patient
  13. Samson was a great man in Israel God had blessed him with great
    1. education
    2. wisdom
    3. wealth
    4. strength
  14. When Nicodemus went to Jesus at night he was told to
    1. sell all his property
    2. help the poor
    3. be born again
    4. pray without getting tired
  15. The donkey that spoke belonged to
    1. Balaam
    2. Balak
    3. Abraham
    4. Jacob



  1. The Surah which is called the opening is?
    1. Nas
    2. Nasr
    3. Ikhlas
    4. Fatiha
  2. Which is the first verse of Surah Al-Fatiha
    1. Alhamdulillah rabbil Alamin
    2. Maalik Yaumid diin
    3. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
    4. Qui Audhubi Rabbin naas
  3. Which surah was revealed during the conquest of Makkah?
    1. Nas
    2. Nasr
    3. Kaafirun
    4. Maun
  4. We are protected from the evils of Jinns and mankind when we recite the Surah?
    1. Nas 
    2. Falaq
    3. Fatiha
    4. Ikhlas
  5. A person who never keeps their promises and lies is known as a ?
    1. Mumin
    2. Imam
    3. Manafiq
    4. Shariif
  6. Grade four learners discussed about the fardh acts of Wudhu, among the four learners who gave out the correct number of the compulsory acts?
    1. Aisha - 3
    2. Ali - 5
    3. Sumayyah - 6
    4. Khalid -4
  7. The attribute of "Allah Al-Basir" means?
    1. all hearing
    2. all seeing
    3. all knowing
    4. the one
  8. The food which we eat after fasting during the month of Ramadhan is called
    1. Iftar
    2. Suhur
    3. Walima
    4. Nikah
  9. Which is the first month in the Islam calender?
    1. Swafwar
    2. Muharram
    3. Ramadhan
    4. Dhul Hijjara
  10. The sayings of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) according to Islam are called?
    1. Hadith
    2. Sunnah
    3. Kalimah
    4. Halaal
  11. Which of the following acts nullifies Wudhu
    1. Eating
    2. Sleeping
    3. Playing
    4. Drinking
  12. The uncle of the prophet who was mentioned in Surah Masad was?
    1. Abu twalib
    2. Abu Lahab
    3. Abdul Lizza
    4. Abbas
  13. How many daughters did the prophet had?
    1. 4
    2. 7
    3. 6
    4. 5
  14. Which is the direction of Al-Kaabah in Kenya?
    1. South
    2. East
    3. North
    4. West
  15. We can show kindness of Allah creatures by
    1. Beating animals
    2. Watering animals
    3. Not treating them
    4. Being unkind to them



  1. C
  2. C
  3. D
  4. D
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. B
  8. B
  9. B
  10. C


  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. A
  14. C
  15. C


  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. A
  13. D
  14. C
  15. A


  1. D
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. B
  12. B
  13. A
  14. C
  15. B


  1. Which one of the following is not a living thing?
    1. Stone
    2. Flower
    3. Grass
    4. Cat
  2. All the following are characteristics of a sheep as a living thing except? It
    1. feeds
    2. reproduces
    3. sleeps
    4. moves
  3. Grade four learners went out for a nature walk to study about plants. Which one of the following is not a safety equipment they needed?
    1. Gloves
    2. Eye mask
    3. Googles
    4. Gumboots
  4. The following are ways through which we can care for our teeth. Which one is not?
    1. Visiting a dentist regularly
    2. Brushing our teeth atleast twice a day
    3. Using sharp objects to remove stuck food between our teeth
    4. Eating of hard food such as sugarcane to harden our teeth
  5. The diagram below represents a type of tooth
    The tooth drawn above is used for
    A. biting
    C. tearing
    B. cutting
    D. chewing
  6. The following are sources of water except
    1. rain
    2. dams
    3. jerricans
    4. rivers
  7. Which part of the plant we eat is correctly matched
      Plant    Part we eat  
     A.    Sugarcane   leaves 
     B.  Tomato  seeds 
     C.  Kales  flower
     D.  Yams  roots
  8. ________________________ water is safe for drinking
    1. Boiled
    2. Filtered
    3. Rain
    4. Clean
  9. Giving rise to a young one of the same kind is known as
    1. feeding
    2. responding to changes in the environment
    3. carrying
    4. reproduction
  10. Harmful or poisonous substances that cause pollution are called
    1. germs
    2. pollutants
    3. dust
    4. sand
  11. Which animal is the odd one out among the following?
    1. Cow
    2. Horse
    3. Sheep
    4. Bee

Use the diagram below to answer questions 12-13

  1. The part labelled D is used to
    1. pass out undigested food matter 
    2. digest proteins
    3. absorb water and mineral salts
    4. store food
  2. Water and minerai salts are absorbed in the part labelled
    1. C
    2. A
    3. E
    4. B
  3. Moving air is called
    1. wind
    2. clouds
    3. oxygen
    4. carbon dioxide
  4. The doctor who tends to our teeth is known as
    1. optician
    2. physician
    3. doctor
    4. dentist
  5. The natural place where a living thing lives or grow is called
    1. environment
    2. desert
    3. home
    4. habitat
  6. The diagram below indicates weather
    1. rainy 
    2. sunny
    3. windy
    4. calm
  7. We clean and wash our clothes when the weather is
    1. rainy
    2. wet
    3. sunny
    4. calm
  8. Which of the following devices is not a digital device?
    1. Camera
    2. Television
    3. Phone
    4. Dispenser
  9. The part of a computer drawn below is known as
    1. mouse
    2. monitor
    3. television
    4. C.P.U


  1. From the above illustrations which soil is likely to be Y
    1. loam
    2. clay
    3. sand
    4. silt
  2. The soil that is best for building and construction is labelled
    1. Z
    2. Y
    3. X
    4. none of the above
  3. Which one is not a use of water at the farm
    1. swimming
    2. irrigation
    3. cleaning farm tools
    4. watering animals
  4. When preparing a compost heap, ash is added in order to
    1. introduce bacteria
    2. act as additional food nutrients for bacteria
    3. increase decomposition
    4. act as food for bacteria
  5. Which of the following materials is not an organic material
    1. dry material
    2. decaying matter
    3. vegetable remains 
    4. polythene bag
  6. Which of the animals below is domestic?
    1. Duck
    2. Bat
    3. Hare
    4. Monkey
  7. The diagram below is a farm tool
    It is used when
    1. levelling the ground
    2. digging hard on the ground
    3. slashing
    4. pruning
  8. Which one of the following is a food crop?
    1. Sunflower
    2. Maize
    3. Sisal
    4. Cotton
  9. ________________ season is the best for planting crops
    1. Winter
    2. Summer
    3. Sunny
    4. Rainy
  10. Which animal is said to be harmful to both crops and human beings?
    1. Rodents
    2. Bee
    3. Dug
    4. Hare


  1. Why should the windows be opened after sweeping?
    1. To allow in fresh air into the house
    2. To bring more dust into the house
    3. They are source of beauty to the house
    4. To allow pests to come into the house
  2. Identify the below cleaning material and tool
    1. rags
    2. piece of cloth
    3. brush
    4. mop
  3. A girl has a bow-legged. She is likely to be suffering from
    1. headache
    2. rickets
    3. diarrhoea
    4. malaria
  4. The following are qualifiers of a good play item except
    1. easy to carry
    2. easy to make
    3. dangerous to use
    4. able to last longer
  5. Which of the following is not a benefit of a clean home?
    1. Is free from germs
    2. Promotes good health
    3. Keep pests away
    4. Is full of dangerous things causing accidents
  6. We should observe the following when storing shoes in the below shoe rack except
    1. store your shoes in a clean dry place
    2. place your shoe on the floor while dirty
    3. avoid storing shoes in wire rack
    4. sort shoes by materials they are made of
  7. The following are fuels used at home apart from?
    1. Charcoal
    2. Gas
    3. Firewood
    4. Steam
  8. The following are ways of conserving gas in the below diagram except
    1. regulating the gas when lighting
    2. putting off gas when not in use
    3. using natural light during the day
    4. connecting the gas with leaking pipes
  9. Which of the following is not a use of electricity at home
    1. cooking
    2. heating a room
    3. causing accidents
    4. lighting a room
  10. Shoes are normally made from the following materials except
    1. clay
    2. leather
    3. canvas
    4. plastic


  1.  A sport where players compete using a football is called
    1. soccer
    2. volleyball
    3. handball
    4. netball
  2. Which pass is shown in the below diagram
    A. chest pass
    B. underarm pass
    C. bounce pass
    D. overhead pass
  3. The following are safety measures taken when improvising a soccer ball except
    1. use sharp object carefully
    2. store sharp object in a box
    3. incase of injury tell the teacher immediately
    4. cut other using sharp objects.
  4. Which of the following parts of the foot is not used to play soccer game?
    1. Instep
    2. Knee
    3. Inside of the instep
    4. Outside of the instep
  5. The below equipments is used in which game
    1. soccer
    2. javelin
    3. discuss
    4. rounders
  6. Which is the of the following is not a field event?
    1. Discuss
    2. Javelin
    3. 100m race
    4. Long jump
  7. What is the name of the person who officiates the game shown below?
    1. Referee
    2. Teacher
    3. Driver
    4. Pupils
  8. The points earned when a battling team scores by running around the four post of rounders is called
    1. marks
    2. scores
    3. winnings
    4. rounders
  9. The following are locally available materials that can be used to improve a jump rope except
    1. polythene papers
    2. sisal fibre
    3. stones
    4. old pieces of cloth
  10. How many players play the game of soccer from one team?
    1. 30
    2. 11
    3. 15
    4. 22



  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. D
  12. A
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D
  16. D
  17. B
  18. C
  19. D
  20. B


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. B
  9. B
  10. A


  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. D
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A


  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B

Soma taarifa ifuatayo kisha ujibu swali 1-5

Furaha ni msichana wa gredi ya nne. Ana umri wa miaka tisa. Yeye anaishi na wazazi wake katika mtaa wa Kabiti. Nyumba yao ina sebule, jikoni, vyumba vitatu vya kulala, choo na bafu. Furaha anapenda kustarehe sebuleni. Kuna makochi manne na meza. Sakafuni kuna Zulia na ukutani kuna saa na mapambo tofauti. Ndani ya chumba cha furaha cha kulala mna kitanda chenye matendegu manne na meza ndogo ya kusomea pia kuna neti ambayo Furaha hutumia kujifunika ili asiumwe na mbu. Furaha na mama yake huandaa vyakula jikoni. Wao huandaa vyakula vitamu sana. Furaha anaipenda nyumba yao.

  1. Jina la mtaa anamoishi furaha ni
    1. Kibra
    2. Kabiti
    3. Bibabii
    4. Hatujafahamishwa
  2. Familia ya Furaha ina jumla ya watu wangapi?
    1. Wawili
    2. Watatu
    3. Wanne
    4. Watano
  3. Sakafuni huwekwa zulia, je dirishani huwekwa nini?
    1. Kochi
    2. Neti
    3. Pazia
    4. Blanketi
  4. Wageni hupokelewa wapi
    1. sebuleni
    2. jikoni
    3. bafuni
    4. dirishani
  5. Kwa nini Furaha hulala ndani ya neti?
    1. ili asiumwe na mbu
    2. ili kuwe na joto
    3. kwa sababu yenye ni mwoga
    4. nzi huwa wengi chumbani mwake

Soma taarifa ifuatayo kisha ujibu swali 6-10.
Somo ni mvulana mwenye bidii shuleni pia yeye anapenda kujifunza mengi mtandaoni. Wakati mwingine yeye hazingatii usalama akitumia matini ya kijitali.

Siku moja alipata ujumbe mtandaoni kwanza alidhani ni ujumbe kutoka kwa rafiki yake kumbe ujumbe huo ulitoka kwa mtu asiyejua. Mtu huyo alimwambia wakutane mahali pa faragha. Mtu huyo alimwambia somo kuwa alikuwa na zawadi yake. Kwamba alitamani sana kupata zawadi yake. Kwanza alitamani sana kupata zawadi lakini aliona kwanza awajulishe wazazi wake. Kumbe mtu huyo hakuwa mzuri.

  1. Bidii za Somo ziliangazia wapi hasa?
    1. Mtandaoni
    2. Shuleni
    3. Masomoni
    4. Rafikiye
  2. Ujumbe aliopata ulitoka kwa nani?
    1. Rafikiye
    2. Mamaye
    3. Mtu asiyemjua
    4. Mwalimu
  3. Ujumbe aliopata ulimwambia vipi?
    1. Wakutane faraghani
    2. Alikuwa amepita mtihani wake
    3. Azingatie usalama mtandaoni
    4. Asitumie mtandao
  4. Je, Somo alikutana na aliyetuma ujumbe?
    1. Hatujafamisha
    2. La
    3. Naam
    4. Hamna uhakika
  5. Ni kipi si kifaa cha kidijitari kati ya hivi?
    1. Kamera
    2. Simu
    3. Tarakilishi
    4. Redio

Soma kifungu hiki. Chagua jibu lifaalo kujaza nafasi zilizoachwa kutoka 11-15.

Elimu ya mazingira ni mada __11__ mkazo sana katika somo __12__Kiswahili. Wanafunzi wanahimizwa kusafisha mazingira __13__  ili wadumishe usafi.  Wanafunzi wakishirikiana watatimiza azma __14__ ya kudumisha usafi kwa kuwa __15__.

   A   B   C   D 
 11.   inayotilia   inayotiliwa   inayotia   inayotiwa 
 12.  ya  wa  cha  la
 13.  yao  zao  lao  zao
 14.   hizo  huyo  hilo  hiyo
 15. Ukijitahidi utafaidi  Mtaka cha mvunguni sharti aianame  Umoja ni nguvu utengano ni udhaifu  Mgagaa na upwa hali wali makavu 



Kuanzia swali 16-30 jibu kulingana na maagizo

  1. Chagua kundi lenye nomino pekee
    1. Amri, hisani, vizuri
    2. Chai, subira, nyeupe
    3. Hewa, amani, neno
    4. Haraka, baraka, pamoja
  2. Tegua kitendawili
    Bei yangu haishuki _____________________________________
    1. shamba
    2. dhahabu
    3. pesa 
    4. uhai
  3. Andika sentensi ifuatayo kwa wingi
    Mzazi alimtuma mwanawe shambani
    1. Mzazi aliwatuma wanawe mashambani
    2. Wazazi waliwatuma wanawe mashambani
    3. Wazazi aliwatuma wanawe shambani
    4. Wazazi waliwatuma wanawe shambani
  4. Chagua orodha yenye maneno yaliyo katika ngeli ya KI-VI pekee
    1. Kifagio, choo, vitabu
    2. Kipofu, kiko, sahani
    3. Choo, kiwavi, kioo
    4. Mbwa, mti, kiberiti
  5. Tumia amba ipasavyo
    Chombo ___________________________________ alitumia ni chake
    1. ambao
    2. ambayo
    3. ambacho
    4. ambavyo
  6. Kanusha
    Alitembea akiimba
    1. Hakutembea wata hakuimba
    2. Hakutembea wala kuimba
    3. Hayatembe na hajaimba
    4. Hatatembea wala kuimba
  7. Chagua nomino kwenye sentensi ifuatayo
    Mwimbaji aliimba kwa ustadi mno
    1. aliimba
    2. mno
    3. mstadi
    4. mwimbaji
  8. Shairi lenye mishororo minne huitwa
    1. Tarbia
    2. Takhmisa
    3. Tathnia
    4. Tathlitha
  9. Kamilisha methali ifuatayo
    Asiyesikia la mkuu
    1. huvunjika guu
    2. hufunzwa na ulimwengu
    3. hufaulu
    4. hupotea
  10. Jibu la salamu sabalkheri ni
    1. Binuru
    2. Alamsiki
    3. Aheri
    4. Chewa
  11. Wao _______________________________ walionaswa na polisi
    1. ndisi
    2. ndio
    3. ndiyo
    4. ndiwo
  12. Umbo lifuatalo huitwa
    1. duara
    2. duara dufu
    3. mstatili
    4. mraba
  13. Kinyume cha neno anika ni
    1. anikia
    2. anua
    3. anikika
    4. anika
  14. Bendera ya Kenya ina rangi ngapi?
    1. Nne
    2. Tatu
    3. Tano
    4. Sita
  15. Kisawe cha neno rafiki ni
    1. adui
    2. ndugu
    3. somo
    4. mzazi


Andika insha ya kusisimua kuhusu mada ifuatayo



  1. B
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D
  11. D
  12. D
  13. A
  14. D
  15. C
  16. C
  17. A
  18. B
  19. A
  20. C
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. A
  25. C
  26. B
  27. B
  28. B
  29. A
  30. C                                                                                                                         

Task 1: Read the conversation below then answer the questions 1-5

Joan:  May I use your camera to take a photograph of my sister on her birthday?
Juma: Yes, please. Take a picture of the cake as well
Joan:  Did you buy this camera in the month of June
Juma: Yes, I also bought a phone and a laptop
Joan:  Does it make you happy when you take photos?
Juma: Yes, during my leisure time, I upload the photos on my laptop and share them
Joan:  That sounds interesting. I will try it too.

  1. Who is asking for a camera to take photos
    1. Joan
    2. Joan's sister
    3. Juma
    4. Juma's sister
  2. Which month of the year did Juma buy the camera?
    1. January
    2. July
    3. June
    4. April
  3. Juma uploads the photos on his laptop and share them during
    1. his leisure time
    2. the weekend
    3. the holidays
    4. the school days
  4. Whose birthday was it?
    1. Juma's brother
    2. Juma's sister
    3. Joan's brother
    4. Joan's sister
  5. Name the feeling that Joan thinks Juma gets after taking photos
    1. sad
    2. angry
    3. annoyed
    4. interesting

Read the passage below then answer the questions that follow 6-9.

Our bodies regularly need exercises as this is the only way to remain strong and healthy. Physical education is a lesson that should be taken very seriously in schools. It helps the pupils to relax their muscles and aids in the muscle growth. Sporting activities in our country are highly respected. Some athletes have come out successfully thus earning money and time.

Winners in athletes are awarded prizes as their teams cheers in excitement. Would you like to win a gold medal? Then start practising simple athletics activities during your sport day.

  1. What makes our bodies strong and healthy?
    1. Eating a lot of sugarcane
    2. Playing football
    3. Exercises
    4. Passing exams
  2. In our country, sporting activities are
    1. respected
    2. ignpored
    3. hated
    4. not helpful
  3. People taking part in athletics may be called
    1. runners
    2. pupils
    3. athletes
    4. students
  4. What happens to those who win races?
    1. They are given prizes
    2. They are laughted at
    3. Nothing is done to them
    4. They are sent home

Read the passage below and then answer questions 10-12

Mary and Tom, her brother were spending Christmas at their grandmother's home. Grandmother lways reminded them to say prayers before they went to bed.

One evening a few days before Christmas, the children knelt down beside their beds and started praying. Tom prayed in a very loud voice. "I pray for a ball" Pray for Christmas clothes, I pray for a bicycle..."

"Shhh!," his sister Mary leaned over to him and whispered, "Why are you shouting your prayers, God is not deaf..."

"I know," Tom whispered back," "But grandfather is"

  1. How often did grandmother remind the children to pray
    1. sometimes
    2. often
    3. few times
    4. before going to bed
  2. Where were the children spending Christmas
    1. At their home
    2. At their neighbours
    3. At their grandmother's home
    4. At their friends home
  3. At what time of the day did the children kneel down to pray
    1. past dawn
    2. afternoon
    3. midday
    4. at night

Read the passage below and answer questions 13-15

My grandmother is as wise as an owl. I like spending my holidays with her since she teaches me a lot. Last holiday, I went to visit her for a week.

One evening, we heard a knock on the door. As calm as a deep river. I walked to the door and slowly opened it. Before me stood a tall man with a fully bearded chin. I smiled broadly and asked how I could help.

With a voice as sour as vinegar, man wanted to know who was looking after my grandmother's cattle that day. I sensed something was wrong, so I handled his question like a hot potato.

  1. According to the story grandmother was
    1. as wise as a grasshopper
    2. as busy as a bee
    3. as wise as an owl
    4. as brave as a lion
  2. When the door was slowly opened, who stood in front of the person telling the story?
    1. A tall bearded woman
    2. A short full bearded man
    3. A short bearded woman
    4. A tall fully bearded chin man
  3. How did the author handle the question asked by the man
    1. like a tomato
    2. like a hot potato
    3. like a hot sauce
    4. like a sour potato

For questions 16-17 Choose the correctly spelt word.

  1. Mercy visited the ___________________________________ for her teeth were hurting.
    1. dentist
    2. dentest
    3. detist
    4. denitist
  2. The chairman donated ___________________________________of bread the school.
    1. leaves
    2. lives
    3. loaves
    4. loafs

Choose the opposite of the underlined words.

  1. My sister's knife is blunt
    1. sharper
    2. sharp
    3. Foolish
    4. Clever
  2. Deep holes can be dangerous
    1. low
    2. high
    3. shallow
    4. dip

For question 20-21 choose the best adjective to fill in blank spaces.

  1. Kibet jumped ______________________________ than all the other pupils
    1. high
    2. higher
    3. highest
    4. more higher
  2. Wangari left home ___________________________ than Wanjiku
    1. earliest
    2. more earlier
    3. earlier
    4. more early

Complete the following with the correct sounds (s).

  1. A snake ______________________________________
    1. bleats
    2. slithers
    3. roars
    4. hisses
  2. We could hear the _________________________________ of monkeys from far.
    1. clicking
    2. jumping
    3. chattering
    4. roaring

For question 24 make a doing word

  1. Drop
    1. dropped
    2. droping
    3. drops
    4. dropping
  2. Write the plural of the word puppy
    1. Pappies
    2. Puppys
    3. Pupies
    4. Puppies

Broken passage

Fill in the blank space numbers 26-30 use the best answers.

Long time ago __26__ lived __27__ old man __28__ Pakuch.  He was very hard working. He always woke up __29__ before everyone else in the homestead. Pakuch owned a big__30__of cattle which earned him alot of money. Everyday he looked after them and in return they gave him milk, manure and meat.

   A   B   C   D 
 26.   they   their   there   thier 
 27.  a  an  the  this
 28.  known   called   name    cells 
 29.  late  evening   early   later 
 30.  had  hard   herd   head 



Write an interesting composition using the title below.

                                                                   OUR FARM













  1. A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  11. C
  12. D
  13. C
  14. D
  15. B
  16. A
  17. C
  18. B
  19. C
  20. B
  21. C
  22. D
  23. C
  24. A
  25. D
  26. C
  27. B
  28. B
  29. C
  30. C


  1. There are 68549 pupils in a certain sub-county. From this figure which digit is in tens of thousands place value?
    1. 8
    2. 5
    3. 6
    4. 4
  2. Mesora supermarket has 89754 items arranged in the shelves. What is the total value of digit 9?
    1. 90
    2. 9000
    3. 900
    4. 90000
  3. Write 9598 in words
    1. Ninety five ninety eight
    2. Nine five hundred and ninety eight
    3. Nine thousand five ninety eight
    4. Nine thousand five hundred and ninety eight
  4. Use digit 9, 8, 4 and 6 to form a four largest digit number.
    1. 9864
    2. 8964
    3. 6984
    4. 4689
  5. Arrange the set of numbers given below in ascending order.
    222, 202, 220, 221, 212
    1. 202, 212,220, 221,222
    2. 222, 221, 220, 212, 202
    3. 202, 222, 220, 212, 221
    4. 220, 202, 212, 221, 222
  6. Round off 359 to the nearest ten
    1. 355
    2. 360
    3. 370
    4. 350
  7. Which is the next multiple of 6 after 18
    1. 12
    2. 24
    3. 30
    4. 36
  8. Which set of numbers has only odd numbers 1
    1. 113, 118, 227, 325, 339
    2. 97, 1010, 111, 114, 123
    3. 119, 221, 333, 445, 507
    4. 23, 111, 215, 336, 339
  9. Complete this pattern written below
    216, 209, 202, 195, __________________________
    1. 187
    2. 190
    3. 185
    4. 188
  10. A bookseller sold 2481 exercise books and 98 textbooks. How many books did the book seller sell altogether?
    1. 2579
    2. 2580
    3. 2383
    4. 3461
  11. A library received a donation of 1732 books. The librarians arranged 922 books on the shelves. How many books remained?
    1. 2654
    2. 810
    3. 910
    4. 710
  12. Work out
       2 7
    × 8 0        
    1. 216
    2. 107
    3. 2160
    4. 2250
  13. What is the time on the clock face below?
    1. 12 O'Clock
    2. 3 O'clock
    3. 6 O'clock
    4. 9 O'clock
  14. Work out: 72 ÷ 9
    1. 4
    2. 71
    3. 72
    4. 8
  15. Identify the note below?
    1. 100 shillings
    2. 200 shillings
    3. 500 shillings
    4. 50 shillings
  16. Change 24/5 into an improper fraction
    1. 14/5
    2. 24/5 
    3. 5/14 
    4. 4/24 
  17. Write this 38/10 as decimal
    1. 0.38
    2. 3.8
    3. 3.08
    4. 0.038
  18. Which digit is in the tenths place value in 27.34 figure?
    1. 2
    2. 7
    3. 3
    4. 4
  19. How many days are in the month of January?
    1. 31
    2. 30
    3. 28
    4. 29
  20. Which fraction of a whole is shaded?
    1. 2/3 
    2. 3/5
    3. 1/3 
    4. 2/5 
  21. Which mone of the following is not a type of fraction?
    1. Proper
    2. Improper
    3. Super
    4. Mixed
  22. Identify and name the type of the figure drawn below
    1. A rhombus
    2. A rectangle
    3. A circle
    4. A square
  23. Round off each number to the nearest ten and then work out
    987 − 326
    1. 660
    2. 661
    3. 560
    4. 1321
  24. A train 28 coaches. Each coach carries 40 passages. How many passengers does the train carry when full?
    1. 68
    2. 1120.
    3. 112
    4. 1020
  25. Work out
      6 4 3 9
    −   3 1 8  
    1. 6021
    2. 6757
    3. 6121
    4. 5121
  26. Write seven tenths as a decimal
    1. 7/10
    2. 70
    3. 1.7
    4. 0.7
  27. Daniel bought goods worth Sh.720. If he paid with Sh.1000 note, what balance did he receive?
    1. Sh.180
    2. Sh. 1720
    3. Sh. 280
    4. Sh. 380
  28. Rono had Sh.500 note which he changed into Sh.50 notes. How many Sh.50 did he get?
    1. 10
    2. 50.
    3. 1
    4. 100
  29. Njeri bought 32 smart phones to sell. If she ¼ sold of the phones, how many phones did she sell?
    1. 40
    2. 8
    3. 24
    4. 36
  30. Andati was in grade 4 write Andati's grade in roman numbers
    1. VI
    2. IX
    3. IV
    4. VI


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  7. B
  8. C
  9. D
  10. A
  11. B
  12. C
  13. D
  14. D
  15. C
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. B
  21. C
  22. D
  23. A
  24. B
  25. C
  26. D
  27. C
  28. A
  29. B
  30. C
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