Displaying items by tag: grade 4


  1. Marmanet village had a population of five hundred and seventy seven people, while Mukuru village had a population of four hundred and sixteen people. What was the total population in the two villages?
    1. 1093
    2. 983
    3. 883
    4. 993
  2. What is the place value of digit six in the number 46 531?
    1. Tens of thousands
    2. Thousands
    3. Hundreds
    4. Tens
  3. Villagers in Kabarnet village planted 579 seedlings across the village. What is this number rounded off to the nearest ten?
    1. 580
    2. 500
    3. 600
    4. 570
  4. Which of these numbers is the multiple of 9 after 54?
    1. 72
    2. 63
    3. 45
    4. 36
  5. In the fraction, the denominator is
    1.  5
    2. 12
    3. 2
    4. 7
  6. During a rally, an MCA gave out 97 T-shirts to 9 youth groups to share. If the T-shirts were equally shared among the groups, how many T-shirts remained? 
    1. 90
    2. 10
    3. 7
    4. 17
  7. What is the next number in the pattern: below? 1,3,9, 27, ................. 
    1. 30
    2. 21
    3. 51
    4. 81
  8. A farmer planted cabbages in rows and columns. Each row had 17 heads of cabbages while each column had 12. How many heads of cabbages were there altogether?
    1. 204
    2. 214
    3. 304
    4. 314
  9. In a sub-county hospital, 1 861 babies were born in the year 2021. In the year 2022, 1049 babies were born in the same facility. How many babies were born in the two years altogether?
    1. 2910
    2. 3910
    3. 3010
    4. 2900
  10. A meeting was to be attended by 4318 delegates. Upto 10 o'clock, only 1 210 had arrived. How many more delegates were expected?
    1. 3 118
    2. 3 098
    3. 3 108
    4. 3 198
  11. Use the map below to answer the following questions.
    11 dadad
    What is the distance from the market to the mosque through the school? 
    1. 262 m
    2. 166 m
    3. 173 m.
    4. 185 m
  12. Mahmud cycled from the mosque to school through the market then back to the mosque through the same route. What total distance did he cover? 
    1. 504 m
    2. 252 m
    3. 370 m
    4. 185 m
  13. Njuguna carried a 45 kg load while Njambi carried a 38 kg load. How many more kilograms did Njuguna carry than Njambi?
    1. 83 kg
    2. 7 kg
    3. 17 kg
    4. 38 kg
  14. Three children weigh as follows:
    Kimemia - 25 kg
    Tina - 28 kg
    Abdi - 23 kg
    If their teacher weighs equal to all of them, what is the mass of the teacher and the lightest child?
    1. 76 kg
    2. 99 kg
    3. 104 kg
    4. 152 kg
  15. Morova, a cook at Mwangaza school, mixed 48 kg of maize with 36 kg of beans to prepare githeri. What was the mass of the mixture?
    1. 74 kg 
    2. 83 kg 
    3. 84 kg 
    4. 73 kg
  16. A farmer harvested 106 kg of carrots. She sold 74 kg, left 11 kg for home consumption and stored the rest. How many kilograms were stored?
    1. 32 kg
    2. 191 kg
    3. 95 kg 
    4. 21 kg
  17. A big container holds 55 litres of water while a small one holds 5 litres less. How much water do they hold altogether?
    1. 60 litres
    2. 105 litres
    3. 115 litres
    4. 65 litres
  18. Mwamburi milked his goats and got 18 litres of milk. He sold the milk to eighteen hotels, each hotel buying one litre. How much milk was he left with?
    1. 0 litres
    2. 36 litres
    3. 8 litres
    4. 18 litres
  19. A sports meeting was to start 30 minutes after the time shown below and to end after 30 minutes.
    19 sdsfsf
    At what time was it to end?
    1. 6.00
    2. 7.00
    3. 7.30
    4. 6.30
  20. Which of the following is not a Kenyan coin?
    1. Sh. 1
    2. Sh. 40
    3. Sh. 50
    4. Sh. 5
  21. What is the next shape in the pattern below?
    21 adad
  22. Koome drew a circle on the ground and stood at the centre facing north. If he moved along a straight line ahead, which direction did he face?
    1. North
    2. East
    3. South
    4. West
  23. Which shape forms when two squares are joined at the sides?
    1. Circle
    2. Rectangle
    3. Oval
    4. Triangle
  24. Mwajuma bought 5 banans. On her way home, y of them fell in a sewage trench. Which of the following expressions shows the remaining bananas?
    1. y + 5
    2. 5 - y
    3. y x 5
    4. 5 + y
  25. Manywele had r cows. His wife bought 7 more and now they had 11. How many cows had Manywele before?
    1. 4
    2. 18
    3. 14
    4. 17
  26. A storybook had 36 pages. Msomi read I pages leaving only 5 pages. What is l? 
    1. 41
    2. 21
    3. 11
    4. 31
  27. The frequency table below shows the number of patients (and their ailments) who visited a health centre for checkups in a period of one week.
    27 sfsf
    How many patients visited the facility in the first three days?
    1. 39
    2. 17
    3. 27
    4. 37
  28. How many more malaria patients than diabetic patients visited the hospital that week?
    1. 18
    2. 9
    3. 27
    4. 45
  29. Which patients were the least?
    1. HIV/AIDS
    2. Malaria patients
    3. Diabetic
    4. Asthmatic
  30. How many mental case patients visited the hospital that week?
    1. 6
    2. 13
    3. 12
    4. 7


maths ms


Tagged under



  1. Which one of the following substances can pollute water?
    1.  Air
    2. Floods
    3. Smoke
    4. Fire
  2. Which of the animals below can bite when mishandled?
    1. Bee
    2. Hen
    3. Dog
    4. Goose
  3. When we breathe in polluted air, we are likely to suffer from
    1. skin rashes.
    2. breathing problems.
    3. abdominal pain.
    4. severe headache.
  4. Which one of the following types of teeth is used for cutting and biting?
    1. Incisors
    2. Molars
    3. Premolars
    4. Canines
  5. Below is a type of teeth.
    5 adadad
    The root is labelled
    1. O
    2. M
    3. P
    4. N
  6. Which of the following is a non- living thing?
    1. Plant
    2. Bird
    3. Stone
    4. Snake 
  7. Some Grade four learners were asked to list characteristics of animals:
    Nduta: All animals react to environmental changes.
    Murefu: All animals give birth to live young ones.
    Ndunge: All animals remove waste products.
    Kenge: All animals move from place to place.
    Who was wrong?
    1. Nduta
    2. Ndunge
    3. Kenge
    4. Murefu
  8. The chart below shows a part of classification of animals.
    8 aadfdada
    Which of the following can be used to
    1. Mouse
    2. Locust
    3. Man
    4. Snake
  9. Which of the following small animals the odd one out?
    1. Bee
    2. Housefly
    3. Chameleon
    4. Butterfly
  10. We can take good care of our plants by
    1. uprooting them.
    2. pulling them out.
    3. fencing them.
    4. putting name tags on them.
  11. All plants do not
    1. make their own food.
    2. grow
    3. reproduce.
    4. move about.
  12. The diagram below represents the human digestive system
    12 sffs
    The part called duodenum is labelled
    1. I
    2. K
    3. L
  13. What is the name of part L?
    1. Small intestines 
    2. Rectum 
    3. Large intestines 
    4. Anus
  14. Digestion ends in the part marked.
    1. M
    2. L
    3. K
    4. J
  15. Which one of the following is not a function of part I?
    1. Chewing food.
    2. Digestion of proteins.
    3. Mixing the food with saliva.
    4. Digestion of carbohydrates.


  1. A group of learners set up an experiment like the one below.
    16 sfsfsfsf
    Sandy soil was likely to be
    1. either P or Q
    2. P
    3. Q
    4. R
  2. Which soil type was the best for farming?
    1. P
    2. Q and R
    3. R
    4. Q
  3. Materials for making compost manure should
    1. be metallic.
    2. rot easily.
    3. be made of plastic.
    4. be polythene.
  4. The illustration below shows a compost heap.
    19 ssfsfs
    Which of the following materials should be put at M?
    1. Maize stalks
    2. Farmyard manure
    3.  Kitchen refuse
    4.  Dry grass
  5. Which of the following items can be used for watering calves?
    20 sfsfsfs
  6. Ripe fruits should be harvested carefully to avoid
    1.  them.
    2. breaking the plants.
    3. destruction.
    4. insects.
  7. Below is a method of caring for young fruit trees.
    22 sffsf
    The method shown above is called
    1. fencing.
    2. thinning.
    3. weeding.
    4. shading.
  8. Aswani practices drip irrigation in his farm. This way, Aswani conserves
    1. water.
    2. soil.
    3. plants..
    4. land.
  9. Kingi wants to construct a scarecrow. Which of the materials listed below does he least need?
    1. Strings
    2. Plasticine
    3. Sticks
    4. Old clothes
  10. Below is a picture of a small wild animal.
    25 ssfsfs
    The animal drawn above is called a
    1. Squirrel.
    2. Monkey.
    3. Baboon.
    4. Mongoose.


  1. Opiyo wants to improvise a soccer ball. Which of the following is a safe item for him to use?
    1.  Wires.
    2. Stones.
    3. Rubberbands.
    4. Metals.
  2. Which of the items below is safe to play with?
    27 sffsf
  3. After playing with her doll, Nyambura should
    1. keep it safe in the house.
    2. leave it outside for the next game.
    3. give it to her friend then buy another one.
    4. throw it away then get another one for the next game.
  4. Which one of the following is not a cleaning material found at home?
    29 sfsfsfsf
  5. We can use grass to make a
    1. dustpan.
    2. dustbin.
    3. mop.
    4. broom.
  6. Brush and polish are used to clean ....................................... shoes.
    1. canvas
    2. leather
    3. rubber
    4. plastic
  7. Gumboots are commonly made of
    1. wool.
    2. leather.
    3. rubber.
    4. wood.
  8. Long grass around the home area can be cut using a
    1. slasher.
    2. rake.
    3. wheelbarrow.
    4. forked jembe.
  9. Plastic shoes can be cleaned by
    1. soaking.
    2. polishing.
    3. painting.
    4. wiping.
  10. Below is a source of light used at home
    35 sfsfsfsfs
    The source of light above uses
    1. paraffin.
    2. firewood.
    3. sawdust.
    4. gas. 


  1. Which of the following is not a jump rope technique?
    1. Two feet bounce. 
    2. Single bounce.
    3. Double bounce.
    4. One foot bounce
  2. When improvising a jump rope, the materials to be used should be
    1.  expensive
    2. hard.
    3. easily available.
    4. new.
  3. Bowling and batting are sports activities related to
    1. ballgames.
    2. athletics.
    3. rounders.
    4. gymnastics.
  4. Below is a type of pass in ballgames
    39 sfsfsfsf
    The type of pass shown above is called
    1. chest pass.
    2.  bounce pass.
    3. overhead pass.
    4. instep pass.
  5. Mr. Fimbocheza wants to teach his learners hand juggling skills. Which play items does he need?
    1. Practice cones
    2. Nets
    3. Ropes
    4. Balls
  6. Below is an athletic track.
    41 sadada
    The part marked R is the
    1. lane.
    2. finish point.
    3. start point.
    4. centre.
  7. Which of the following gymnastics moves shows handstand?
    42 sffsfs
  8. Which one of the following is a type of rolls in gymnastics?
    1. Backward roll. 
    2. Side roll.
    3. Upward roll.
    4. Duck roll.
  9. Which of the following movements is a non-locomotor skill?
    1. Galloping
    2. Sliding
    3. Twisting 
    4. Dodging
  10. In H.E.L.P of water safety, P stands for
    1. Performance.
    2. Position.
    3. Plan.
    4. Posture.
  11. Punting can be practised in
    1. swimming.
    2. rounders.
    3. soccer.
    4. athletics.
  12. All the following animals live in water except a
    1. crocodile.
    2. whale.
    3. fish.
    4. chameleon.
  13. Which of the following parts of the body are used for crabstand balance?
    1. Head and shoulders.
    2. Legs and hands.
    3. Knees and thighs.
    4. Hands and shoulders.
  14. Which of the following water actions is not correctly matched with its other name?
    1. Gliding in water-floating on water.
    2. Kicking-leg action.
    3. Horizontal float-back float.
    4. Sculling water-standing position.
  15. When inhaling and exhaling in water, we use our
    1. heart.
    2. stomach.
    3. lungs.
    4. liver.


integrated ms



Soma mazungumzo yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 1-5.
(Wanafunzi kadhaa wanajadiliana kuhusu vyakula wavipendavyo na manufaa yavyo mwilini).

Lulu: Juzi sote tulielewana kuwa vyakula kama vile vibanzi au chipsi havina manufaa yoyote mwilini. Ingawa wengi hawakukubali, huo ndio ukweli wa mambo.

Pendo: Ni kweli Lulu. Sasa leo kila mmoja atataja chakula akipendacho na umuhimu wa chakula hicho mwilini.

Ali: Baada ya kuacha kula vibanzi kwa wingi, nimeamua kupenda mboga za majani kama vile mchicha. Mboga hizi hunikinga dhidi ya magonjwa mbalimbali. Vile vile karoti huyaimarisha meno yangu na kuyapa nguvu macho yangu.

Rama: (Akitikisa kichwa kukubaliana na Ali) Mimi kwa upande wangu nilipoacha kula chipsi kwa wingi, siku hizi mimi ni mpenzi wa vyakula vyenye asili ya mizizi kama vile mihogo na viazi. Vyakula hivi hunipa nguvu ya kucheza mchezo wangu niupendao. Si mnaujua?

Wote: Naam, kandanda.

Rama: Ndiyo. Tena vyakula hivi hunipa joto la kutosha mwilini(akirukaruka na kurusha miguu ovyoovyo) Na wewe Lulu? (wote wanamgeukia Lulu)

Lulu: Baada ya kupunguza ulaji wa vibanzi au chipsi, siku hizi napenda sana maziwa, hasa ya ngamia. Maziwa haya huvikuza viungo vya mwili wangu hivyo kunifanya kukua na kuwa mkubwa. Nayapenda mno maziwa ya ngamia.

Pendo: Kwa upande wangu, siku hizi mimi napenda sana kula dagaa hasa wakiandaliwa pamoja na ugali. Dagaa huukuza mwili wangu na kunifanya kuongezeka kimo.

Lulu: Licha ya hayo yote, tusisahau kufanya mazoezi ya kutosha na kunywa maji safi na salama.

Wote: Sawa Lulu.

  1. Kulingana na mazungumzo haya, watoto hawa walikuwa wakipenda chakula gani kitambo?
    1. Maziwa ya ngamia
    2. Chipsi.
    3. Mboga za majani.
    4. Vyakula vya mizizi.
  2. Ali alisema anapenda mchicha kwa sababu
    1. huyapa nguvu macho yake. 
    2. humpa joto na nguvu ya kucheza. 
    3. humkinga asipate magonjwa. 
    4. huufanya mwili wake kukua.
  3. Kati ya watoto hawa, ni yupi mchezaji hodari wa kandanda?
    1. Rama
    2. Pendo
    3. Lulu
    4. Ali
  4. Kulingana na mazungumzo haya, ni chakula gani hapa hutupa nguvu? 
    1. Dagaa
    2. Mboga za majani
    3. Maziwa ya ngamia 
    4. Viazi
  5. Mwishoni mwa mazungumzo haya, Lulu anawakumbusha wenzake
    1. kunywa maji na kufanya mazoezi. 
    2. kufanya mazoezi na kunywa maji safi na salama.
    3. kufanya mazoezi.
    4. kunywa maji yaliyo safi na salama. 

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 6 hadi 8.
Naikumbuka vizuri siku yangu ya kwanza katika Gredi ya nne. Ilikuwa Jumanne asubuhi. Baada ya kuchukua virago vyangu kutoka katika darasa tuliloliacha pamoja na wengine, tuliandamana hadi Gredi ya nne kusini. Kwa kuwa nilikuwa mfupi zaidi, niliamua kukaa mbele kabisa katika safu ya kati. Kipindi cha kwanza kilikuwa cha Kiswahili. Tofauti na Gredi ya tatu, hapa tungefunzwa na walimu tofauti. Mwalimu wa Kiswahili alikuwa mwanadada mwembamba. Alikuwa na tabasamu angavu usoni. Aliongea Kiswahili sanifu. Nilikifurahia kipindi chake. Baada ya somo hili, nilikuwa na hamu ya kutaka kuwajua walimu wale wengine pia.

  1. Nini ambacho mwandishi bado anakumbuka?
    1. Mwalimu wa Kiswahili wa Gredi ya nne.
    2. Siku yake ya kwanza shuleni
    3. Siku yake ya mwisho katika Gredi ya tatu.
    4. Siku yake ya kwanza katika Gredi ya nne.
  2. Mwandishi aliamua kukaa mbele zaidi kwani
    1. alikuwa mfupi wa kimo.
    2. alizoea kukaa katika nafasi kama hiyo. 
    3. mwalimu alimtaka kufanya hivyo. 
    4. nafasi za nyuma zilikuwa zimejaa.
  3. Tumeambiwa tofauti gani iliyo kati ya Gredi ya tatu na ya nne? 
    1. Mpangilio wa darasani. 
    2. Ratiba ya mafunzo. 
    3. Idadi ya walimu. 
    4. Idadi ya wanafunzi.
  4. Ni wazi kuwa mwalimu wa Kiswahili wa Gredi ya nne alikuwa
    1. mnene kama nguruwe.
    2. mcheshi.
    3. mwanamume mwembamba mwenye tabasamu.
    4. mzembe kupindukia. 

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 9 hadi 12.
Watoto wachanga wanafaa kukanywa dhidi ya kucheza na vitu kama vile sarafu na gololi. Hivi ni kwa sababu watoto wengine huvitia vitu hivi hatari masikioni au hata puani. Ajabu ni kuwa, wengine hata huweza kuvimeza vidude hivi. Mtoto anapofanya hivyo, si vyema kujaribu kukitoa hicho kilichoingizwa sikioni au puani. Huenda ikawa hatari hata zaidi. Muhimu ni kumpeleka mtoto katika kituo cha afya kilicho karibu haraka iwezekanavyo ili kuokoa hali.

  1. Taarifa inasema kuwa kuvitia vitu hatari masikioni na puani si vizuri kwa kuwa huweza
    1. kusababisha hatari.
    2. kusababisha mauti. 
    3. kuleta hasara.
    4. kuzua ugomvi.
  2. Mtoto akimeza sarafu, cha kwanza kufanya ni nini?
    1. Kujaribu kumtapisha. 
    2. Kumpeleka hospitalini.
    3. Kujaribu kuiondoa.
    4. Kumnywesha maji kwa wingi
  3. Ili ajali ya aina hii isitokee, watoto wachanga
    1. wasipewe safaru bali noti za kuchezea.
    2. wafumbwe midomo na pua wasitie vitu hatari.
    3. wasiruhusiwe kabisa kucheza.
    4. wakanywe dhidi ya kuchezea vifaa hatari.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 13 hadi 15.
Wanyama ambao huishi misituni huitwa wanyamapori. Wengi wao huwa wakali na hivyo hawawezi kuishi na wanadamu. Ndovu au tembo ndiye mnyama mkubwa zaidi. Mnyama aliye na mbio zaidi kupita wote ndiye duma. Mwenye shingo ndefu kupita wote huitwa twiga huku yule aliye mkali zaidi na ambaye huitwa mfalme wa nyika ni simba. Wanyama hawa pamoja na wengine huwavutia watalii ambao hujaajaa humu nchini ili kuwatazama. Wanapokuja, wao hulipa pesa za kigeni ambazo husaidia kuuinua uchumi wa nchi yetu.

  1. Binadamu hawawezi kuishi na wanyamapori kwa sababu ya
    1. ukubwa wao.
    2. ukali wa baadhi yao.
    3. mbio zao.
    4. upole walio nao.
  2. Tembo ndiye mnyama 
    1. mkali kuliko wote.
    2. mwenye mbio zaidi. 
    3. mwenye shingo ndefu ajabu. 
    4. mkubwa zaidi.
  3. Chagua sifa za simba kulingana na ufahamu huu.
    1. Mwenye mbio na shingo ndefu.
    2. Ukali na ufalme.
    3. Ukali na shingo ndefu. 
    4. Ukubwa na mbio.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.
Karimu ra nyanya yake wanaishi ..................16.................... mto Riva. Mto huo huwasaidia na ..................17.................... wakati wa ukame. Huu ni wakati ambapo hakuna ..................18.................... Kila siku ya ..................19.................... Karim huwa haendi shuleni. Yeye humsaidia nyanya yake shambani palipo na migomba. Shughuli za shambani huwa za kupalilia migomba hiyo. Nyanya wa Karim humpenda kwa sababu Karim ..................20.................... mvivu.

    1. ndani ya
    2. karibu na
    3. juu ya
    4. chini ya
    1. maji
    2. moto
    3. mchanga
    4. kuni
    1. jua
    2. joto
    3. kelele
    4. mvua
    1. Jumatatu
    2. Alhamisi
    3. Jumamosi
    4. Jumanne
    1. ni
    2. huwa
    3. si
    4. ndiye

Katika swali la 21-30. jibu swall kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Ni neno gani hapa ambalo si nomino?
    1. Darasa
    2. Chaki
    3. Chupa
    4. Ruka
  2. Chagua orodha ya vitenzi pekee.
    1. Mdogo, chota, watu.
    2. Mdudu, okoa, Ala!
    3. Ona, chukua, leta.
    4. Kalamu, andika, chini ya.
  3. Katika sentensi mbuzi wanono walipelekwa sokoni jana, kivumishi ni kipi?
    1. Wanono
    2. Jana
    3. Walipelekwa
    4. Sokoni
  4. Maneno ambayo hutumiwa badala ya nomino huitwa
    1. viwakilishi.
    2. vielezi.
    3. vihisishi.
    4. vihusishi.
  5. Ni maneno yapi ambayo yote ni vielezi? 
    1. Darasa, ubao, chati.
    2. Pika, uza, sema.
    3. Nje ya, kando ya, ndani ya.
    4. Ovyoovyo, polepole, haraka.
  6. Chagua kiunganishi bora kukamilishia sentensii hii:
    Maimuna hakuja shuleni - alikuwa mgonjwa.
    1. na
    2. lakini
    3. kwa sababu
    4. ingawa
  7. Chagua nomino za ngeli ya A- WA pekee.
    1. Kiongozi, kijana, kitana.
    2. Nyoka, njiwa, kiroboto.
    3. Motokaa, majani, tawi. 
    4. Meza, kalamu, karatasi.
  8. Tegua kitendawili hiki.
    Kamba yangu ndefu lakini haifungi kuni.
    1. Mkufu
    2. Maji ya mto
    3. Siafu
    4. Barabara
  9. Chagua mfano wa kihisishi.
    1. Nje ya
    2. Beba
    3. Lo!
    4. Kwa makini
  10. Chagua wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo: Kondoo mgonjwa atatibiwa. 
    1. Kondoo wagonjwa watatibiwa. 
    2. Makondoo wagonjwa watatibiwa. 
    3. Kondoo mgonjwa watatibiwa.
    4. Kondoo wagonjwa atatibiwa. 


kiswahili ms

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Read the following conversation and then answer questions 1 to 5.
Sam: Hello Pam. Where are you going? It is still break time.

Pam: Hello Sam. I am taking this book back to the library. I was just finishing the last page. It is one of the most interesting storybooks I have ever read.

Sam: What is the book all about?

Pam: It is about a boy, Kanusu, who was addicted to drugs and substance abuse. The boy dropped out of school and joined the bad boys in town.

Sam: Oh my! Why did poor Kanusu decide to do that?

Pam: It was because his new friends in town persuaded him to do so. They also threatened to chase him from their group if he refused to comply.

Sam: I also think that idleness contributes to indulgence in drugs and substance abuse. The boy must have been idle as well.

Pam: Exactly. But the good thing is that Kanusu was taken back to their village, Moroto, where he reformed and resumed school.

Sam: Wow! Thank God he did.

  1. Pam and Sam met 
    1. in the evening.
    2. at break time.
    3. in their classroom. 
    4. in the school library.
  2. Pam said that the book she finished reading
    1. was more interesting than any other book she had read before. 
    2. was as interesting as the others she had read before.
    3. was equally boring like the rest she had read before.
    4. was more boring than the ones she had read before.
  3. Who was the story about in the book Pam read last?
    1. Pam herself
    2. Sam
    3. Kanusu's friend 
    4. Kanusu
  4. According to this conversation, why do some young people abuse drugs and substance? Because they
    1. are idle
    2. want to be recognized. 
    3. don't like school.
    4. like being high.
  5. Finally, the good thing about Kanusu was that he
    1. finished school.
    2. reformed.
    3. joined some boys in town.
    4. started abusing drugs and substance. 

Read the passage and then answer questions 6 to 9.
It is normally said that water is life. There are a number of known sources of water to human beings and animals, both domestic and wild, some of which are rivers, wells, oceans and mainly rain. We often face a shortage of water especially during the summer season. This happens because of the following reason. When there is less rain, river water dries up. To save such a situation, we are advised to harvest and store rain water for later use. People can store water in big containers like drums and tanks. However, the collected rainwater may not be safe for some uses. For cooking and drinking, this water needs to be treated or boiled for it to be considered safe. Everyone of us has a duty to conserve water because whether we like it or not, water is a precious commodity.

  1. Why do you think it is said that water is life? Because it is
    1. very important to plants.
    2. used in factories.
    3. a precious commodity.
    4. mostly used for cooking our food.
  2. Which one of the following sources of water has been said to be the main? 
    1. Rivers.
    2. Rain.
    3. Oceans.
    4. Wells.
  3. Why do we suffer during water shortage according to the passage?
    1. Some people misuse water.
    2. There is no adequate rain during summer time.
    3. Plants and animals consume more water in the environment.
    4. Rivers dry up because of little rain.
  4. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
    1. All activities concerning water need boiled water.
    2. Water for washing our clothes needs to be treated.
    3. Harvesting rain water requires big containers.
    4. Plants have more uses of water than humans. 

Read the passage and then answer questions 10 to 12.
Technology refers to the use of tools, machines, materials, techniques and sources of power to make work easier and more productive. While science is more concerned with how and why things happen, technology deals with making things happen.

Technology has brought about efficiency and equality in the manufacturing sector. Technological advancement has reduced the risk involved in manufacturing enterprises. A lot of improvement has been seen in health facilities. Technology therefore should be there to stay.

  1. The passage says that technology has
    1. brought tools and machines.
    2. made work easier.
    3. killed manufacturing industries.
    4. increased death rates.
  2. The writer says that science is concerned with
    1. how and why things happen. 
    2. making things happen.
    3. making work easier.
    4. improving human life.
  3. According to the passage, a lot of improvement has been seen in 
    1. agriculture sector.
    2. production of goods.
    3. health facilities.
    4. some schools in the country. 

Read the passage and then answer questions 13 to 15.
Our city, Makutano, spent a harsh period of eight months without proper supply of water. During that period, everyone in the city had a hard time. Some even had to travel over very long distances to get a drop. Livestock was no better. Beautiful plantations along the highways had to die off. However, the residents never gave up. They prayed and prayed for another six months. There was no sign of rain. Many of them gave up and let the most high do His will. At the beginning of the seventh month, God listened to His people. There were dark clouds up there. Soon, the problem was over.

  1. For how long did Makutano operate with the water shortage?
    1. One year.
    2. Six months.
    3. One year and two months.
    4. Eight months.
  2. Why do you think the residents had to pray? They
    1. were tired of rain.
    2. loved their God.
    3. liked praying.
    4. wanted rain badly.
  3. The underlined part in the passage means
    1. God.
    2. rain.
    3. clouds.
    4. sky.

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. For each blank space, select the bes, alternative from the choices given.
Industrilisation means ..................16................... things for people to buy. These things are made or manufactured in large buildings called ...................17................. . Such industries are flour, cloth and soap industries. Here are three names you should ....................18................: raw materials, products and industries. A ................19.................... is used for making a thing. The thing which is made is called a product. Therefore, cloth is the product of the raw material called ................20....................

    1. making
    2. bringing
    3. using
    4. selling
    1. godowns
    2. factories
    3. stores
    4. museums
    1. forget
    2. write
    3. see
    4. remember
    1. material
    2. tool
    3. raw material
    4. machine
    1. cotton
    2. papers
    3. leaves
    4. polythene 

For questions 21 to 24, use the correct forms of the words in the brackets to complete the sentences.

  1. Mmpabe was praised for ............................ well. (play)
    1. plays
    2. playing
    3. played
    4. play
  2. When Mwanaidi...................................her poem, everyone was happy. (recite)
    1. recited
    2. reciting
    3. recites
    4. recite
  3. Kiki and his sister..............................their coffee every morning. (enjoy)
    1. enjoys
    2. enjoyment
    3. enjoying
    4. enjoy
  4. The celebration ...................................... better as time passed. (get)
    1. gets
    2. getting
    3. got
    4. get

In questions 25 to 27, use the correct words to complete the statements.

  1. There wasn't..................................time left.
    1. enough
    2. a lot of
    3. a lot
    4. more
  2. The player.............................. tired but she continued to play.
    1. is
    2. had
    3. has
    4. was
  3. Maua............................her storybook every day before she travelled.
    1. reading
    2. reads
    3. rad
    4. was reading

For questions 28 to 30, choose adjectives from the given sentences.

  1.  The watch Mr. Kobe bought was good.
    1. good
    2. was
    3. bought
    4. Mr. Kobe
  2. My ball is smaller than theirs.
    1. ball
    2. smaller
    3. their
    4. than
  3. Okello came to school with a new bicycle.
    1. bicycle
    2. Okello
    3. new
    4. with


eng ms

Tagged under



  1. Cutting and pasting are common techniques in
    1. modelling.
    2. woodwork.
    3. motif.
    4. montage.
  2. Which of the following choices shows overlapping of forms
    2 ssfsfs
  3. Which one of the following items may not be necessary for montage?
    1. Glue
    2. Thorns
    3. Scissors
    4. Manila paper
  4. Which of the following forms is cylindrical?
    4 ssffsfs
  5. Light and dark effects on a form can be shown using a
    1. source of light. 
    2. tonal variation strip. 
    3. cylindrical form. 
    4. ruler.
  6. Which of the following items can be used to apply paint on a surface?
    6 sfsfsf
  7. Which of the following choices contains materials needed for crayon etching? 
    1. Paraffin, needle, thread.
    2. Toothpick, cotton wool, beeswax. 
    3. Wax, thorn, black ink.
    4. Plasticine, wax, pin.
  8. Which one of the following forms executes smudge technique?
    8 sfsfsf
  9. Which one of the following techniques can be used to decorate a fabric?
    1. Applique'
    2. Incising
    3. Knotting
    4. Embedding
  10. Which of the following shows a still life drawing?
    10 sfsfs


  1. Kambua together with her classmates sang before a crowd of parents and teachers. This type of performance is called
    1. multitude performance.
    2. solo performance.
    3. choral performance.
    4. group performance.
  2. Traditional songs sung by different communities are called
    1. lullabies.
    2. topical songs.
    3. religious songs. 
    4. folk songs.
  3. What is the role of lullabies as a type of songs?
    1. Honouring God.
    2. Soothing babies.
    3. Showing honour to the country.
    4. Enlightening the community.
  4. Which of the following lines is found in the third verse of the National Anthem?
    1. Nasi tujitoe kwa nguvu.
    2. Kila siku tuwe na shukrani.
    3. Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi. 
    4. Tuwe tayari kuilinda.
  5. Which of the following statements is true when performing a folk song?
    1. Performers must either be boys or girls. 
    2. Folk songs must be performed by one person at a time.
    3. There should be space between performers for safety.
    4. Folk songs should not be performed by less than five performers.
  6. The following chart shows the classification of percussion instruments:
    16 sdsfsf
    Which of the following can best fit at X?
    1. Non melodic
    2. Rhythmic
    3. Non-rhythmic 
    4. Dynamic
  7. Below is a percussion instrument.
    17 adad
    Which of the following choices correctly shows the names of the labelled parts
                    W                   X                  Y
    1. Membarne        resonator         lace.
    2. Lace                  resonator        membrane.
    3. Membrane         lace                resonator.
    4. Resonator         membrane       lace.
  8. Which of the following musical instruments produces sound when blown?
    18 sfsfsf
  9. A drum cannot be tuned by
    1. adjusting the laces.
    2. hitting.
    3. exposing it to the sun
    4. heating.
  10. Percussion instruments can be played by
    1. pressing.
    2. bowing.
    3. blowing.
    4. shaking.


  1. Which of the following population patterns shows linear population?
    21 vsfsfsf
  2. The diagram below represents a certain season
    22 ssfsfs
    Which of the following activities can best be carried out during the season represented above?
    1. Winnowing.
    2. Planting.
    3. Harvesting.
    4. Weeding.
  3. Which of the following shows how a child can depend on her guardian?
    1. Completion of school assignments.
    2. Sitting examinations.
    3. Provision of basic needs.
    4. Punishment.
  4. Which of the following lists consists of built environments only?
    1. Rivers, valleys, seas.
    2. Bridges, museums, monuments.
    3. Plateaus, forts, valleys.
    4. Hills, conference centres, hills.
  5. Who among the following people depend on each other in trade?
    1. Teachers and pupils.
    2. Parents and children.
    3. Health workers and patients.
    4. Buyers and sellers.
  6. The following activities were seen taking place in Majimoto county:
    1. Farmers were weeding their crops. 
    2. Animal were grazing on plenty of pasture.
    3. Rivers had a lot of water.
      In which season were the activities above likely to have been seen?
      1. Windy season
      2. Rainy season
      3. Famine season
      4. Dry season
  7. The following are physical features in our county. Which among them can be a home of wild animals?
    27 adadad
  8. The diagram below shows compass directions.
    28 sfsfs
    South west direction is labelled
    1. Q
    2. O
    3. P
    4. R
  9. Which of the following messages can be used to protect plants?
    29 fsfs
  10. Which of the following places is unsafe in the community? 
    1. Police station
    2. School
    3. Bushy areas
    4. Home
  11. Which of the following is a harmful cultural practice?
    1. Male circumcision.
    2. Eating traditional foods.
    3. Learning through story telling.
    4. Female genital mutilation.
  12. A market place can be kept clean by
    1. sweeping.
    2. selling.
    3. buying.
    4. mopping.
  13. Which of the following can start fire easily at home?
    1. Water
    2. Soap
    3. Paraffin
    4. Detergents
  14. Muthoni wants to boil some yams. She has a jiko. Which of the following fuels can she use?
    1. Diesel
    2. Gas
    3. Kerosene
    4. Charcoal
  15. Which of the following road signs shows the presence of a round about?
    35 sfsfsf


  1. God created us in His own
    1. perspective.
    2. thoughts.
    3. mind.
    4. image.
  2. When your friend accidentally spills ink on your exercise book, you are likely to feel
    1. good.
    2. offended.
    3. jealous.
    4. amused.
  3. It is break time. Your classmates are playing in the field. The teacher asks you to arrange the books on his table. What is the best choice to make?
    1. Go and play then arrange the books later.
    2. Tell him to choose another pupil. 
    3. Arrange the books then go and play.
    4. Arrange the books then stay in class.
  4. Which of the following choices contains members of a nuclear family?
    1. Omondi, his uncle, his mother. 
    2. Omondi, his father, his cousin.
    3. Omondi, his father, his aunt.
    4. Omondi, his mother, his father.
  5. Which one of the following is not an attribute of God?
    1. Judging
    2. Loving
    3. Forgiving
    4. Caring
  6. How many books does the Bible contain?
    1. 27
    2. 39
    3. 66
    4. 45
  7. The three Hebrew men were rescued from fire because of their ........................... in God.
    1. faith
    2. trust
    3. work
    4. hope
  8. When Jesus walked on water, His disciples thought that He was
    1. an angel
    2. a demon
    3. a ghost
    4. a spirit
  9. Whose daughter did Jesus raise from the dead?
    1. Lazarus'
    2. Roman officer's
    3. The widow's
    4. Jairus'
  10. After the miracle of five loaves and two fish, how many baskets remained?
    1. 12
    2. 7
    3. 10
    4. 5
  11. The home town of Jesus Christ was called
    1. Bethlehem.
    2. Nazareth.
    3. Capernaum.
    4. Antioch.
  12. Who among the following people in the Bible was called a dreamer?
    1. Samuel
    2. Paul
    3. Joseph 
    4. John
  13. Samson killed a lion using
    1. a sling.
    2. his bare hands.
    3. a sword.
    4. a spear.
  14. The angel Balaam's donkey saw was carrying a
    1. shield. 
    2. Bible. 
    3. stone. 
    4. sword.
  15. Who among the following was converted from a tax collector to a follower of Jesus Christ?
    1. Bartimaeus
    2. Zacchaeus
    3. Simon Peter
    4. Judas Iscariot


  1. Surah Al-Falaq means
    1. men.
    2. dawn. 
    3. help. 
    4. unity.
  2. Surah Al-Lahab can also be called
    1. Al-Walid
    2. Al-Kariim
    3. Al-Masad
    4. Al-Nasr
  3. How many ayats are there in surah Al-Nasr?
    1. 3
    2. 5
    3. 4.
    4. 6
  4. We don't worship other gods. This lesson is found in surah 
    1. Al-Nasr 
    2. Al-Masad
    3. Al-Ikhlas
    4. Al-Kafirun
  5. The word twahara means
    1. oneness.
    2. purity.
    3. handwork.
    4. faith.
  6. How many pillars of Iman are there in Islam?
    1. 5
    2. 7
    3. 3
    4. 6
  7. An Islamic lady's dress should not be
    1. long.
    2. loose.
    3. transparent.
    4. black.
  8. Which one of the following is a good deed?
    1. Rudeness
    2. Kindness
    3. Selfishness
    4. Pride
  9. According to the teachings of Islam, begging is
    1. encouraged.
    2. allowed.
    3. necessary.
    4. not allowed.
  10. Taking wudhu means
    1. deliberately avoiding meals. 
    2. cleaning oneself before swalah.
    3. avoiding sinful acts.
    4. sharing what one has.
  11. A baby's urine is a..............najasaat.
    1. light
    2. medium
    3. thick
    4. smelly
  12. Which of the following is not a etiquette on eating as taught by prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
    1. Use the right hand for eating.
    2. Wash hands before, during and after eating.
    3. Eat what is in front of you.
    4. Do not drop the food.
  13. Which of the following attributes of Allah means The All Seeing?
    1. Al-Malik
    2. Al Salaam
    3. Al-Samiu
    4. Al-Basir
  14. Who among the following angels is responsible for record keeping?
    1. Israfil
    2. Mikail
    3. Atid
    4. Jibril
  15. How many prophets are mentioned in the Qur'an?
    1. 12
    2. 7
    3. 25 
    4. 100


creative and socials




  1. What is smudging technique?
    1. Spreading colour on a surface to make a picture.
    2. Picture making technique that involves painting.
    3. Using crayons to colour drawn pictures.
    4. Creating pictures using locally available materials.
  2. Why are some parts of the objects in the following picture not seen by all?
    2 dada
    1. They are not drawn
    2. They are overlapped
    3. They are not shaded
    4. They are in darkness
  3. What is crayon etching?
    1. Creating pictures on a crayon waxed surface with a sharp object
    2. Applying black Indian ink on a surface covered by crayons
    3.  Making crayons from locally sustainable materials
    4.  Using crayons to colour hand drawn pictures
  4.  It is important to use bright colours in crayon etching because,
    1. a large portion of the surface is covered with black ink
    2. they are readily available
    3. the colours are easier to use
    4. of being easy to apply on a surface
  5. The sharp object used in crayon etching is called
    1. A pencil
    2. A stencil
    3. A decorating tool
    4. An etching tool
  6. Tonal variation is.........................
    1. value steps going from light to dark 
    2. different colours used in a drawing
    3. varying thickness of lines used in a drawing
    4. using different types of paper for drawing
  7. How best should one add black to another colour when toning a colour?
    1. Adding colour black in small amounts
    2. Adding black to another colour at once 
    3. Mixing white to black first before toning 
    4. Allowing the colours to settle before mixing
  8. Which of the following is not a reason why proportion is important when drawing a human form?
    1. To achieve a realistic picture
    2. To create a balanced drawing
    3. To include all features of a human form
    4. To ensure some parts overlap on others
  9. Which one of the following is not a source of pictures for making montage composition? 
    1. Printed photographs
    2. Old newspapers
    3. Used magazines
    4. Digital pictures
  10. From which of the following plants in the locality can we obtain fibres for weaving?
    1. Sisal plants
    2. Banana plants
    3. Coconut leaves
    4. Maize plants
  11. The weaving technique shown in the following picture is called the,
    11 aadda
    1. twine technique
    2. basket technique
    3. mat technique
    4. criss crossing technique
  12. The following are items that can be made by weaving except
    1. floor mats
    2. baskets
    3. table mats
    4. brooms
  13. We obtain hides and skins from.
    1. cattle
    2. chicken
    3. insects
    4. trees
  14. The process of cutting long, thin straps of leather for binding is called.
    1. thonging
    2. stripping
    3. cutting
    4. shaping
  15. Which of the following materials is not required when making the following musical instrument?
    15 adada
    1. Large empty container 
    2. Leather pieces and straps 
    3. Knives or chisel blades
    4. Nails or pins


  1. How would you classify the instrument below!
    16 adada
    1. Self sounding instrument. 
    2. Wind instrument:
    3. String instrument.
    4. Percussion instrument
  2. Dance involves the movement of hands,..................................and.....................................
    1. Legs and waist.
    2. Nose and mouth.
    3. Shoulders and nose.
    4. Stomach and eyes.
  3. What is harmony?
    1. A combination of two or more notes sounded together.
    2. Tone color
    3. Quick or slow movement which may be lively or soothing.
    4. A single note played on an instrument.
  4. Which of the following is a good value to have in a song?
    1. Making the school unhappy, unhealthy and unsafe for children.
    2. Not respecting cultural similarities and differences.
    3. Showing respect to self and others.
    4. Not being responsible 
  5. What kind of mood do funeral songs portray?
    1. Cheerful
    2. Happy
    3. Sad
    4. Energetic
  6. How do you tune a drum to produce a desired sound?
    1. Hold the drum tightly when playing
    2. Warm the membrane during the process of making the instrument
    3. Clean the membrane during the process of making the instrument
    4. Hit the drum using a lot of force
  7. When is the National Anthem not played?
    1. During sporting meets when a country has won an event.
    2. Entertainment.
    3. During assemblies
    4. At state functions
  8. Which of the following is not a percussion instrument?
    1. Dongo
    2. Drum
    3. Horn
    4. Marimba
  9. Which one below is not a type of song?
    1. Lullaby
    2. Singing games
    3. Work songs
    4. Dancing songs
  10. How many parts make a descant recorder?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4


  1. Which of the following is not a cardinal point of a compass?
    1. North
    2. South
    3. South west
    4. West
  2. If East is to the right of North, West is to the ................................of North.
    1. Right
    2. Left
    3. Centre
    4. Upwards
  3. While walking to the market, the sun appeared on the right side of Muga. Which direction was the market?
    1. North
    2. South
    3. South west
    4. West
  4. What is the importance of a compass in our daily life?
    1. Misleading us.
    2. Showing us direction.
    3. Giving us hope.
    4. Protecting us.
  5. Which county is the capital city of Kenya?
    1. Kisumu
    2. Mombasa
    3. Nakuru
    4. Nairobi
  6. Guyo's home is located in Moyale town, near the Kenya-Ethiopian border. In which county is his home located in?
    1. Mombasa
    2. Marsabit
    3. Garissa
    4. Samburu
  7. Which is the smallest county in Kenya?
    1. Mombasa
    2. Nairobi
    3. Marsabit
    4. Vihiga
  8. Indian Ocean neighbours the following counties except.
    1. Lamu
    2. Kilifi
    3. Taita Taveta
    4. Mombasa
  9. What is the importance of the following physical feature?
    34 ssfsf
    1. Climbing and hiking
    2. Source of clay
    3. Source of fish
    4. Source of water
  10.  People should......................................trees to protect the environment.
    1. Cut
    2. Plant
    3. Prune
    4. Water
  11. Which season is shown in the picture below?
    36 ssfsfs
    1. Dry season
    2. Hot season
    3. Rainy season
    4. Cold season
  12.  We harvest crops during ......................................season.
    1. Dry season
    2. Hot season
    3. Rainy season
    4. Cold season
  13. We do not cross flooded....................................during heavy rains.
    1. Mountains
    2. Springs
    3. Rivers
    4. Lakes
  14. Gumboots, warm clothes and...................................are used during the rainy season.
    1. Umbrella
    2. Sport shoes
    3. Vests
    4. Window curtains
  15. Places where work of art, culture and other artefact's are kept for public viewing are known as ...........................
    1. Monuments
    2. Libraries
    3. Museums
    4. Cultural centres


  1. Who among the following people presides over a Christian marriage?
    1. Priest
    2. Teacher
    3. Judge
    4. Lawyer
  2. Which of the following is a division of the Bible?
    1. Genesis
    2. New Testament
    3. Matthew
    4. Luke
  3. In which Testament in the Bible is the book of Psalms found?
    1. New Testament
    2. First testament
    3. Old Testament
    4. Last Testament
  4. Which of the following cannot be found the Bible?
    1. Guiding us on what is right
    2. Advice on day to day life
    3. The prophecies of God
    4. A shopping list
  5. Which of the following children handled the Bible in the right way?
    1. Pere-Tearing the pages of his Bible
    2. Ramona-Writing in her Bible
    3. Wangui- Putting her Bible in a clean drawer
    4. Miriam- Leaves her Bible outside the house at night
  6. Which of the following people should not have authority over you?
    1. Stranger
    2. Class teacher
    3. Elder brother
    4. Parent
  7. Which of the following is a right way to spend money?
    1. Donating money to a children's home
    2. Using money for gambling
    3. Spending all your money on expensive clothes and shoes
    4. Buying expensive gifts for yourself
  8. Which of the following is not an attribute of God!
    1. God is jealous
    2. God is merciful
    3. God is holy
    4. God is powerful
  9. Which of the following is a good emotion?
    1. Bitterness
    2. Shame
    3. Happiness
    4. Guilty
  10. Which of the following books is found in the New Testament?
    1. Zachariah
    2. Joel
    3. Ruth
    4. John


  1. The first prophet of Allah was
    1. Adam
    2. Muharram
    3. Safar
    4. Rajab
  2. It is haram to sell
    1. Charcoal
    2. Clothes
    3. Pork
    4. Water
  3. The angel incharge of wahy is known as
    1. Mikail
    2. Izrafil
    3. Izrail
    4. Jibril
  4. How many prophets are mentioned in the holy Quran?
    1. 10
    2. 25
    3. 30
    4. 50
  5. In swalah a Muslim faces.
    1. West
    2. South
    3. East
    4. Qibla
  6. The prayers come to end by saying
    1. Al-tahiyatu
    2. Allah Akbar
    3. Alhamdulillah
    4. As-Salam-Aleikum
  7. ...............................is the mother of prophet Muhammad (SAW)
    1. Halima
    2. Amina
    3. Fatiha
    4. Khadija
  8. After Ramadhan we celebrate
    1. Idd
    2. Miraj
    3. Aqiqa
    4. Hijra
  9. Before eating I should say.
    1. Al-hamdulillah
    2. Astaghfirullah
    3. Ghufranakah
    4. Bismillah
  10. The last pillar of Islam is
    1. Shahada
    2. Hajj
    3. Zakat
    4. Saum


creative adada



Grade four learners from Nyamakima Academy were asked to draw the four types of teeth. Four learners drew the teeth as shown below. Use them to answer question 1-3.

  1. Who drew a tooth that is not part of the milk teeth?
    1 ffsfsf
    1. Willy
    2. Juma
    3. Amina
    4. Caro
  2. Who drew a tooth that is used for tearing flesh?
    1. Juma
    2. Willy
    3. Amina
    4. Caro
  3. One of the learners drew a tooth that is chisel shaped. Which one?
    1. Juma
    2. Amina
    3. Caro
    4. Willy
  4. A human being has ................. sets of teeth.
    1. 32
    2. 4
    3. 2
    4. 16
  5. Some grade four learners classified a housefly as an invertebrate. What could be their reason for that classification?
    1. It can fly
    2. It has a backbone
    3. It is small
    4. It does not have a backbone
  6. Mulwa carried his smartphone during a nature walk. Why do you think he did so?
    1. To listen to music on the way
    2. To watch videos on the phone 
    3. To take photos during the walk
    4. To chat with friends
  7. Kilimanjaro noticed that his father usually stays in a vest during hot weather. This shows that all animals;
    1. reproduce.
    2. move from place to place.
    3. respond to changes in the environment.
    4. remove waste.
  8. Digestion takes place at each of the following parts of the digestive system except:
    1. stomach
    2. mouth
    3. ileum
    4. pancreas
  9. Feces are temporarily stored in the ........................... before removal from the body
    1. rectum
    2. anus
    3. liver
    4. gullet
  10. When living things give rise to young ones of their kind, we say that they have.
    1. reproduced
    2. moved
    3. removed waste
    4. died
  11. The following are causes of water pollution. Which one is not!
    1. animal waste
    2. oil spills
    3. dust
    4. factory chemicals
  12. Identify one part of a desktop computer from the word puzzle below.
    12 sfsf
    1. Monitor
    2. Mouse
    3. Phone
    4. Code
  13. Poisonous or harmful substances found in the environment are known as
    1. pollution
    2. water pollution
    3. air pollutant
    4. pollutant

Use the diagram below to answer question 14 and 15.

14 fsfs

  1. What is the name given to the part marked Q?
    1. Chimney
    2. Ventilation pipe
    3. Exhaust pipe
    4. Latrine pipe
  2. Which of the following is a way of reducing air pollution by the pit latrine?
    1. Sprinkling water on the floor of the toilet.
    2. Building the toilet far away from the home.
    3. Ensuring that the door is always closed.
    4. Sprinkling ash in the pit of the latrine. 


  1. Grade 4 learners sieved soil particles of lesson. Which of the following statement is a different types of soil during an Agriculture true finding about clay soil?
    1. All the particles remained on the sieve.
    2. Very few particles remained on the sieve.
    3. Most particles remained on the sieve.
    4. A medium number of particles remained on the sieve.
  2. Grade 4 learners from Kingdom Academy carried out an investigation to observe the water holding capacity of different types of soil. Which of the following is not one of the requirements during the investigation?
    1. clock
    2. three containers
    3. a nail
    4. a sieve
  3. Which of the following types of soil holds the least amount of water?
    1. Clay soil
    2. Loam soil
    3. Sandy soil
    4. All the above
  4. In which type of soil does rice grow well?
    1. Clay soil
    2. Loam soil
    3. Sandy soil
    4. Loam and sandy soil
  5. The following are materials that can be used to make compost manure. Which one is not?
    1. kitchen refuse
    2. animal waste
    3. crop remains
    4. factory waste
  6. Why is it advisable to turn the materials for making compost manure frequently?
    1. to increase the rate of decomposition
    2. to make the materials well aerated 
    3. to make the materials well moisturized
    4. to increase the number of nutrients 
  7. What is the importance of adding compost manure on the farm?
    1. to increase moisture
    2. to add nutrients to crops
    3. to change the colour of the soil
    4. to change the size of soil particles
  8. Identify the farming practice shown below.
    23 sffsfs
    1. drip irrigation
    2. drop irrigation
    3. bottle irrigation
    4. plant irrigation
  9. The above practice can also be carried out using
    1. a watering can
    2. a small water container
    3. perforated pipes
    4. a sprinkler

Some grade 4 learners observed the structure below on their way to school. Use it to answer questions 25 and 26.

25 sfsfs

  1. What the learners saw is known as
    1. a puppet
    2. a scarecrow
    3. an image
    4. a shadow
  2. Which of the following animals cannot be controlled by what the learners saw?
    1. a squirrel
    2. a mongoose
    3. a monkey
    4. a mole
  3. Teacher Mwabili advised his grade 4 learners to gather the compost materials under a tree. Why do you think he did so?
    1. To increase the level of nutrients.
    2. To avoid direct sunlight.
    3. To avoid being rained on.
    4. To increase the rate of decomposition.
  4. Which one of the following small animals eats chicken?
    1. mole
    2. weaver bird
    3. squirrel
    4. mongoose
  5. Watering of plants is done.
    1. in the morning
    2. in the evening
    3. at noon
    4. in the mid-morning
  6. Which one of the following tools is required when making a compost manure?
    30 sfsf


  1. Identify the pass shown below.
    31 sfsfs
    1. overarm pass
    2. underarm pass
    3. overhead pass
    4. chest pass
  2. An athletics track is,...................in shape.
    1. oval
    2. circular
    3. rectangular
    4. square
  3. Why is it important to warm up before running?
    1. to be healthy
    2. to win the race
    3. to be stronger
    4. to avoid injury
  4. Fair competition, equality and respect for rules and players is knowns as,
    1. competition
    2. respect
    3. fair play
    4. obedience
  5. What should an athlete do when given the command 'Go'?
    1. kneel down
    2. stand up
    3. stop running
    4. start running
  6. Which of the following statements is not true about standing long jump?
    1. One take-off on both feet.
    2. Landing is done on the balls of the feet.
    3. Taking off is done on one foot
    4. The arms are swung for flight.
  7. During standing long jump, the landing area should be
    1. slippery 
    2. level
    3. stony
    4. sloppy
  8. Working together to achieve set goals is known as
    1. hard work
    2. team work
    3. focus
    4. resilience
  9. The following are some of the steps followed when improvising a ball. Which of the steps should be the last one?
    1. put together the required materials
    2. tie the materials with a strong rope
    3. ensure the materials are in a round shape
    4. fold the papers into a ball
  10. Identify the learner who is performing a bounce pass.
    40 fsfs


  1. Which of the following is NOT needed by a child to grow healthy?
    1. food
    2. play
    3. shelter
    4. sleeping a lot
  2. The following are ways of preventing diarrhoea. Which one is not?
    1. eating well cooked food 
    2. washing hands before eating
    3. washing fruits before eating
    4. washing hands before going to the toilet
  3. Grade four learners ware asked to carry personal items to school. Who carried the right item?
    1. Juma carried a handkerchief
    2. Musa carried soap
    3. Mulwa carried toothpaste
    4. Jane carried a spoon
  4. Play items should be
    1. expensive
    2. huge
    3. safe
    4. heavy
  5. Kinyanjui, a grade 4 learner, was left at home with his younger sister. Which game would you advise them not to play?
    1. swimming
    2. hide and seek
    3. swinging
    4. darts
  6. Which of the following is the best way of storing a ball?
    1. keep in a cool dry place
    2. keep in a dark place
    3. keep behind the house
    4. keep in a basin
  7. Awino was asked to identify an item that is not needed when cleaning an earthen floor. Which item do you think she mentioned?
    47 sssrsr
  8. Grade 4 learners from Mumias Academy cleaned their class one evening. Which of the following do you think was carried out last by the learners?
    1. dust the windows, chairs, tables and desks 
    2. sweep the class and dispose of waste in a dustbin
    3. clean and store the cleaning materials
    4. mop the class and allow it to dry 
  9. Which of the following diseases can be controlled by closing your mouth when coughing?
    1. vomiting
    2. stomach ache
    3. fever
    4. flue
  10. Which of the following should one avoid for proper health?
    1. sweets
    2. vegetables
    3. fruits
    4. plenty of safe water


int sci ada



  • Karatasi hii ina sehemu tano kuu.
  • Jibu maswali yote kulingana na maagizo.


Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuata.
Fanaka ni mwanafunzi katika shule ya msingi ya Elimubora. Yeye hupenda sana kuvaa nguo safi. Rinda lake huwa nadhifu na kupigwa pasi hadi likapendeza. Fanaka anajulikana katika shule yote kutokana na tabia zake nzuri. Anapokuwa shuleni, yeye huwa na marafiki wa karibu wawili. Marafiki hao ni Mwanzia na Kalondu. Yeye na marafiki zake husoma pamoja, kucheza na kula pamoja. Wao hupenda sana kucheza kibemasa. Wanapokuwa darasani, hawawezi kuenda haja bila kuomba idhini. Wanapotoka haja, wao huhakikisha kuwa wamenawa mikono kwa maji safi na sabuni.
Kule nyumbani, Fanaka hupenda sana kucheza na mnyama ampendaye ambaye ni paka. Paka wake ana rangi nyeusi na nyeupe. Fanaka humpa paka wake maziwa na nyama. Anapokuwa mgonjwa, paka huyo hupelekwa kwa daktari wa mifugo ili ampime na kumpa. matibabu Fanaka pia huwasaidia wazazi wake kufanya kazi za shambani na za nyumbani. Ndugu zake wawili hawajaanza kuenda shuleni kwa kuwa bado hawajafikisha umri wa kujiunga na shule.

  1. Fanaka na wenzake hunawa mikono kwa maji
    1. safi.
    2. moto.
    3. mengi.
    4. baridi.
  2. Ni kweli kuwa Fanaka ni
    1. mfupi.
    2. mvulana.
    3. msichana.
    4. mrefu.
  3. Nahau 'kuomba idhini' ina maana gani kulingana na ufahamu?
    1. enda msalani
    2. omba ruhusa
    3. toka nje
    4. chukua nafasi
  4. Fanaka na wenzake hunawa mikono;
    1.  kabla ya kuenda msalani.
    2.  baada ya kuenda msalani.
    3. ndipo watoke nje.
    4. wakiwa msalani.
  5. Paka wa Fanaka anapokuwa mgonjwa, yeye hufanyiwa nini?
    1. Hupewa dawa.
    2. Hudungwa sindano:
    3. Hupelekwa kwa daktari.
    4. Hukataa kula.
  6. Ni kweli kuwa tabia nzuri za Fanaka zimefanya;
    1. ajulikane na kila mwalimu.
    2. apite mtihani.
    3. ajulikane na kila mwanafunzi.
    4. apendwe na kila mwanafunzi.
  7. Ni kweli kuwa ndugu wa Fanaka;
    1. ni wakubwa kwa Fanaka.
    2. wamemaliza masomo.
    3. si wasichana.
    4. ni wadogo kwa Fanaka.
  8. Mnyama ambaye Fanaka humpenda sana ni yupi?
    1. paka
    2. mbwa
    3. mbuzi
    4. ngombe

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuata.
Runinga au televisheni ni kifaa muhimu sana katika maisha. Tofauti na hapo zamani siku hizi karibu kila familia huwa na runinga. Runinga huwafaa watu wengi mno katika familia. Watoto hupenda kutazama vibonzo kwenye runinga. Watu wengine nao hupenda kutazama nyimbo mbalimbali, vipindi na taarifa za habari. Kuna wale wanaopenda kutazama michezo kama vile kandanda, riadha na kadhalika.
Runinga yetu ni kubwa mno. Imewekwa sebuleni kwenye kabati lililo ukutani. Haturuhusiwi kutazama runinga kabla ya kumaliza kazi za ziada. Pia, ikiwa wazazi wanatazama kile wakitakacho, sisi husubiri kwanza wamalize ndipo tutazame vibonzo. Mimi hupenda kutazama PJ Mask na Sofia The First. Dada yangu naye hupenda kutazama Akili Kids. Mama naye hupenda kutazama kipindi cha 'Pete' kwenye Maisha Magic.

  1.  Jina lingine la runinga ni gani kulingana na ufahamu?
    1. tarakilishi
    2. kopyuta
    3. televisheni
    4. rununu
  2. Ni kweli kuwa hapo zamani;
    1. watu wote walikuwa na runinga. 
    2. watu wengi walikuwa na runinga.
    3. watu wachache walikuwa na runinga. 
    4. hakuna aliyekuwa na runinga.
  3.  Watoto hupenda kutazama nini kwenye runinga?
    1. vibonzo
    2. kandanda
    3. nyimbo
    4. taarifa
  4. Dada wa mwandishi anapenda kutazama nini kwenye runinga?
    1. PJ Mask
    2. Sofia The First
    3. Akili Kids
    4. Pete
  5. Mwandishi anasema kuwa runinga yao imewekwa wapi?
    1. msalani
    2. sebuleni
    3. jikoni
    4. katika chumba cha kulala
  6.  Mwandishi husema kuwa watoto hutazama runinga wakati gani?
    1. Badala ya kufanya kazi ya ziada. 
    2. Kabla ya kufanya lazi ya ziada.
    3. Baada ya kufanya kazi ya ya ziada.
    4. Wanapofanya kazi ya ziada.
  7. Ni nani anayependa kutazama kipindi cha Pete?
    1. baba
    2. mwandishi
    3. dada
    4. mama

Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa kwa kutumia jibu linalofaa zaidi.
Kitabu..............16..................nacho mkononi kilikuwa na hadithi kuhusu Sungura na rafiki ..............17...................Walikuwa marafiki ..............18.................. sana. Kila wakati, ungepata wakishirikiana katika kila jambo. Waliwashauri watoto wao na kuwaambia wafuate njia nzuri. Tabia za watoto ..............19.................. zilikuwa za kupendeza sana. Watoto wenyewe walijua kwamba ..............20..................

    1. niliokuwa
    2. nilizokuwa
    3. niliyokuwa
    4. nilichokuwa
    1. wake
    2. zake
    3. yake
    4. lake
    1. wakubwa
    2. makubwa
    3. mikubwa
    4. kubwa
    1. hao
    2. huyo
    3. hawo
    4. hizo
    1. haraka haraka haina baraka
    2. asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu
    3. akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki
    4. umoja ni nguvu utengano ni udhaifu

Jibu kila swali kulingana na maagizo.

  1. Jibu gani ambalo linaonyesha nomino?
    1. kitabu
    2. imba
    3. vizuri
    4. wengi
  2. Chagua jina la kifaa kinachotoa mwangaza katika nyumba.
    1. tumbuu
    2. balbu
    3. chandarua
    4. mchi
  3. Onyesha kivumishi kwenye sentensi ifuatayo.
    Wanafunzi wazuri wamepewa zawadi.
    1. wanafunzi
    2. wazuri
    3. wamepewa
    4. zawadi.
  4. Vazi gani ambalo huvaliwa na wavulana pekee?
    1. shati
    2. koti
    3. sweta
    4. chupi
  5. Tegua kitendawili.
    Popote niendapo ananifuata.
    1. upepo
    2. nzi
    3. viatu
    4. kivuli
  6. Chagua kiwakilishi kwenye sentensi ifuatayo.
    Huyu amemaliza chakula chake.
    1. chake
    2. chakula
    3. huyu
    4. amemaliza
  7. Jibu la 'alamsiki' ni gani?
    1. binuru
    2. marahaba
    3. sijambo
    4. vyema
  8. 'juu ya, chini ya, mbele ya na ndani ya' ni mifano ya
    1. vihisishi
    2. viunganishi
    3. vihusishi
    4. vielezi
  9. Jaza nafasi kwa jibu linalofaa.
    Mtoto alianguka............................hakulia.
    1. na
    2. kwa sababu
    3. lakini
    4. wala
  10. Chagua jibu ambalo ni kielezi.
    1. polepole
    2. nyumba
    3. lala
    4. huyo


Mwandikie rafiki yako barua ukimweleza mambo uliyofanya wakati wa likizo


swa dada



Read the conversation below and then answer questions 1 -5.
Father: Good morning, son!
Son: Good morning father, How are you?
Father: I am alright. Son, which occupations do you happen to know?
Son: Not all, but I know quite a number. Being a teacher, doctor, engineer, pilot, nurse name them.
Father: Why aren't you mentioning accountant like your father?
Son: Sorry I forgot. I should also have remembered mother's occupation, surgeon.
Father: What would you like to be when you grow up?
Son: I have always imagined myself as a nurse, working with children such as myself, listening to them and turning their frowns into smiles.
Father: Hmmmmmm... that is interesting...
Son: I would also like to be a lawyer; a very good lawyer. My teacher once told me that a good lawyer needs to have good communication skills, be able to work well with people and be creative.
Father: Go on, son.
Son: I shall probably be a celebrated athlete. I shall train and practise for long hours so that I can win all the races. However, my greatest joy will be to help people in my community with the money that I shall be paid. I have read that they earn a lot of money.
Father: That is very true.
Son: I shall become a police officer; yes a police officer... my work will be to help people and fight crime.
Father: Well, you cannot be all those things, son. The good news is, you have time to decide what you would like to be. I am sure that whatever you choose, you will do it well. Your mother and I shall support you as well.

  1. Which among the following did the son not mention among the occupations he knew? 
    1. Nursing
    2. Medicine
    3. Engineering 
    4. Aviation
  2. From the conversation we learn that the son mother was
    1. an accountant
    2. a surgeon
    3. a teacher
    4. a housewife
  3. The word frown has been used in the passage as the opposite of
    1. laugh
    2. whimper
    3. smile
    4. cry
  4. An excellent lawyer according to the conversation
    1. has good communication skills.
    2. represents clients well in court.
    3. convinces the judge to favour him.
    4. dresses well when going to court.
  5. From the conversation we learn that one 
    1. can become all manner of occupations.
    2. can only choose and become a particular occupation.
    3. does not need to work hard to get a given occupation.
    4. has to listen to his father to succeed.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 6 - 9.
Long ago in the village of Namusasi, people grew tea. They worked together as unity is strength. and helped one another on their farms. They were always as busy as a bee preparing the land, marking the rows, planting the tea trees, weeding and harvesting the tea. It was a lot of work but they always finished it. They woke up very early in the morning, as the early bird catches the worm and made sure that all the work was done by the end of the day. 
It is only a bad workman who quarrels with his tools. The people of Namusasi village always tried their best to get the work done right. Their hard work bore fruit. They always sold the best quality tea and got enough money for themselves. Even today, Namusasi people are famous for their excellent tea.

  1. Why did the people of Namusasi work hard?
    1. They knew that unity is strength.
    2. They knew that other communities would laugh at them.
    3. They were taught by their forefathers.
    4. It was their tradition.
  2. How did the people of Namusasi manage to finish the work even though it was a lot?
    1. They worked hard.
    2. They woke up early
    3. They woke up early and worked hard.
    4. they were rewarded for their hard work.
  3. Even today, Namusasi people are
    1. famous for their hard work.
    2. well known for their excellent tea.
    3. hated by their neighbours.
    4. loved by Kenyans.
  4. The best title for the passage above would be
    1. It is good to work.
    2. Namusasi people.
    3. Tea farming
    4. Hard work never goes unrewarded.

Read the poem below and then answer questions 10-12.
A tribute to Grandma
Saturday was the burial day,
Ready was the funeral programme,
Up with decorations and ribbons were tents and chairs,
They were packed with mourners,
Here, we were to celebrate the life of a soldier,
A soldier in the army of the Lord!

Grandma's wise words and deeds sank into my pierced heart,
As tears rolled down my cheeks when the ceremony started,
Grandma had always been there for me when I needed her.

She took care of me when mom was away,
She corrected my mistakes and taught me basic manners,
Like greeting visitors, giving up a seat, going to school, church early.

  1. What was inside the tents?
    1. People who had come to comfort those who lost their loved ones.
    2. Decorations and ribbons, chairs and tables.
    3. The body of the soldier of the Lord.
    4. Those who had lost grandma.
  2.  Which of the following was not among grandma's teachings?
    1.  Get to church on time.
    2. Allow an adult to sit on a chair as you stand.
    3. Always greet visitors who come to your place.
    4. Talk to people the way you want.
  3. A ceremony is an example of a
    1. a burial
    2. a wedding
    3. a public occasion
    4. a celebration of death

Read the passage below and then answer questions 13-15.
Wahome and his friend Musyoka were walking home from school one Friday evening. On the way, there was a shamba with mango trees. Many school boys and girls were tempted to steal the fruits. Wahome and Musyoka got tempted too. They climbed the tree and started picking the ripe mangoes. They did not see the owner of the shamba arrive at the foot of the tree.
When the owner, Mrs Kariuki, asked them to get down, the boys were very frightened. They started crying and Musyoka was shaking. He fell from the tree and broke his hand and injured the palm of the other hand, which he used to support himself as he landed on the ground. As Wahome was getting down, he stepped on a sharp twig that injured his foot.

  1. A farm full of fruit trees is known as
    1. an orchard
    2. a planation
    3. a farm
    4. a forest
  2. When Mrs Kariuki asked the boys to come down from the tree
    1. they started screaming loudly.
    2. they pleaded for forgiveness.
    3. they were very frightened and fell injuring themselves.
    4. they threw the fruits at her to get a chance to escape.
  3. What do you think happened to the boys in the end?
    1. they were forgiven.
    2. they were rushed to the hospital.
    3. they ran away leaving Mrs Kariuki there.
    4. they were taken to hospital, treated but finally punished.

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16-20.
For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the given four.
Children should not be ...................16...................... to do hard work when others are going to school. They should be ...................17......................to school to learn and succeed in life. Education is the key ...................18...................... life. Once you know how to ...................19...................... write, you live a better life. There is nothing that you cannot do because we ...................20...................... all abled differently.

    1. expected
    2. allowed
    3. given
    4. permitted
    1. taken
    2. taking
    3. takes
    4. take
    1. of
    2. for
    3. to
    4. in
    1. or
    2. but
    3. even
    4. and
    1.  are
    2. were
    3. could be
    4. should be

For questions 21-22, choose the alternative that contains the plural of the underlined word.

  1. The tomato was rotten.
    1. tomatos
    2. tomatoes
    3. tomatos'
    4. tomato
  2. The man in white is a doctor.
    1. men
    2. mans
    3. man's
    4. men's

For questions 23-28, choose the alternative that best completes the sentence given.

  1. People who show.....................respect are liked by others.
    1. a lot
    2. enough
    3. a lot of
    4. any
  2. ...................................... may I borrow your pen?
    1. Hello
    2. Please
    3. Some
    4. Hi
  3. This book belongs to me. It is.................
    1. mine
    2. yours
    3. theirs
    4. my
  4. The table is ....................... than the desk
    1. big
    2. biggest
    3. bigger
    4. more bigger
  5. Musembi looks..................today.
    1. happy
    2. much happy
    3. happiest
    4. happier
  6. Kasuku drew a.........................
    1. small, round ball.
    2. round, small, ball
    3. ball, small, round.
    4. ball, round, small

For questions 29 and 30, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined word(s).

  1. A condition of being fat in a way that is not healthy 
    1. plump
    2. slender
    3. obesity
    4. slim
  2. A disease which is caused by not eating enough proteins.
    1. marasmus
    2. kwashiorkor
    3. rickets
    4. anaemia


Write a composition about:


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  1. What is 697 in words?
    1. Sixty nine thousand and seven.
    2. Nine hundred and sixty seven.
    3. Six hundred and ninety seven.
    4. Six ninety seven.
  2. Grade four North was given 985 packets of pencils o share among themselves. What is this number rounded off to the nearest tens?
    1. 990
    2. 980
    3. 1000
    4. 995
  3. Find the place value of digit 8 in the number 8223
    1. Thousands
    2. Hundreds
    3. Ones
    4. 8000
  4. A county has got 176 vehicles. Find the total value of digit 6 in the number.
    1. Ones
    2. 6
    3. 6000
    4. Thousands
  5. A school has a new school bus. The school bus can carry 57 learners in one trip. How many learners does it carry if it makes 6 trips?
    1. 57
    2. 63
    3. 302
    4. 342
  6. After getting 100% in mathematics, Amina was given sh. 500 by her teacher. She bought exercise books worth sh. 191 and saved the rest. How much did Amina save?
    1. Sh. 309
    2. Sh. 500
    3. Sh. 191
    4. Sh. 691
  7. A vegetable garden is in the shape shown below.
    7 autygdaa
    What is the distance round the garden?
    1. 96m
    2. 108
    3. 45m
    4. 36m
  8. Musa, a Grade 4 learner turned six last year. How old is Musa?
    1. 9 years
    2. 11 years
    3. 6 years
    4. 10 years
  9. Work out: 1/7 of 28
    1. 4
    2. 35
    3. 196
    4. 7
  10. Write the number formed by: 5 thousands 9 hundreds 6 tens 2 ones =
    1. 596
    2. 2695
    3. 5962
    4. 562
  11. What do you get when you add an odd number to an odd number?
    1. Odd number
    2. Even number
    3. Odd even
    4. Prime number
  12. A teacher asked her learners to write all the divisors of 12. Which of the following was not written?
    1. 4
    2. 12
    3. 6
    4. 24
  13. How many triangles are in the figure below?
    13 auydgada
    1. 5
    2. 4
    3. 3
    4. 7
  14. Which of the following is a multiple of 8?
    1. 4
    2. 16
    3. 2
    4. 6
  15. During lunch time, learners are given fruits in groups. If a group of 16 learners was given 48 fruits to share equally, how many fruits will each learner get?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 64
    4. 4
  16. What is: 1/7 + 2/7
    1. 2/7
    2. 13/14
    3. 1/7
    4. 3/7
  17. What is the area of the figure below?
    17 siuda
    1. 6
    2. 3
    3. 18
    4. 14
  18. Learners used container A to fill container B.
    18 auhdgada
    How many containers did they use?
    1. 3
    2. 12
    3. 6
    4. 48
  19. Work out: 26 x 12
    1. 38
    2. 312
    3. 2612
    4. 52
  20. A farmer collected 798 eggs in one month. If he collected 991 more eggs in the following month, how many eggs did he collect that month?
    1. 1789
    2. 193
    3. 991
    4. 798
  21. Read the time shown on the clock-face
    21 auydada
    1. Five minutes past nine
    2. A quarter to one
    3. Forty five minutes to one
    4. A quarter to twelve
  22. In the fraction 3/8, the number 3 is known as ?
    1. Top number
    2. Tree
    3. Numerator
    4. Denominator
  23. Kena rides her bike for 3 hours everyday. How many minutes are these?
    1. 180 minutes
    2. 72 minutes
    3. 180 hours
    4. 60 minutes
  24. Which of the following fractions is bigger? 1/9, 1/2, 1/8, 1/6
    1. 1/8
    2. 1/9
    3. 1/2
    4. 1/6
  25. A learner was able to count upto 1000. Which number comes just after 1000?
    1. 1000
    2. 1001
    3. 999
    4. 998
  26. Work out:
    Week    Days
       3          5
    + 1          2
    1. 4 weeks 7 days
    2. 4 weeks 0 days
    3. 5 weeks 0 days
    4. 2 weeks 3 days
  27. Which one of the following is heavier? Ikg of cotton, lkg of hair or 1kg of stones
    1. None
    2. 1 kg of stones
    3. 1 kg of hair
    4. 1 kg of cotton
  28. Work out: .........  รท 9 = 4
    1. 9
    2. 13
    3. 27
    4. 36
  29. Harry bought 13 books at sh. 10 each. How much was paid altogether?
    1. Ksh. 35
    2. Ksh. 1301
    3. Ksh. 1330
    4. Ksh. 130
  30. James drew the following angle and wrote its name. What did James write?
    30 audada
    1. Right angle
    2. Obtuse angle
    3. Reflex angle
    4. Acute angle


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