Displaying items by tag: grade 4


1 sasd

  1. Name one cash crop grown in Azimo area.
    1. Maize 
    2. Tea
    3. Trees
    4. Wheat.
  2. Azimo area is an example of a
    1. country
    2. location.
    3. sub-county
    4. village.
  3. Which type of settlement is evident in Azimo area?
    1. Linear 
    2. Sparse
    3. Dense
    4. Clustered.
  4. The main means of transport in Azimo area is
    1. air
    2. road
    3. railway
    4. water.
  5. What is the direction of the market from the forest?
    1. South East
    2. North West
    3. South West
    4. North East.
  6. Grade five learners wrote down ways in which people depend on each other. Which group gave a wrong answer?
    1. Group 1 To get what we don't have.
    2. Group 2-To give out what we have in excess.
    3. Group 3-To get services from experts. 
    4. Group 4- To make us better than others.
  7. Mrs. Mwasimba invited Mzee Kimbo to talk to grade four learners about aspects of traditional culture in the county. Which one of the following aspects was not mentioned by Mzee Kimbo?
    1. Food
    2. Dressing
    3. Vegetation
    4. Sports.
  8. Grade four learners were asked to state the meaning of the word culture. Which among the responses is correct?
    1. It is people's way of life.
    2. It is what people find important.
    3. They are the instructions we are given by our elders.
    4. It is people's love of traditions.
  9. The picture below shows a certain activity.
    9 adada
    In which season does the activity shown above take place?
    1. Dry season
    2. Rainy season
    3. Hot season
    4. Cold season.
  10. Our country has many counties. Which is the smallest county in Kenya?
    1. Mombasa
    2. Nairobi
    3. Kisumu
    4. Marsabit.
  11. What is a school motto? It
    1. is a short statement of what a school believes in
    2. is an activity a school does to create wealth
    3. daily activities that take place in the school
    4. shows what the school owns.
  12. The number of people living in a particular area is referred to as
    1. village
    2. county
    3. estate
    4. population.
  13. Grade Four East has a chart like the one shown below in their class.
     Time  Activity
     8:00 am  Assembly
     8:20 am  Lesson 1
     8:55 am  Lesson 2
    9:30 am

    Short break

    The above is an example of school
    1. rules
    2. chart
    3. routine
    4. motto.
  14. A grade four pupil was asked to give the name the four main points of a compass. Which one is correct?
    1. Major points.
    2. Intercardinal points.
    3. Important points.
    4. Cardinal points.
  15. Michael listed the following materials. Which of the materials is an example of dry media?
    1. Mark pen
    2. Ball pen
    3. Fountain pen
    4. Chalk stick.
  16. During a group discussion, grade four learners listed the following steps of preparation of a pictorial composition using crayon etching.
    1. Apply a little soap on the work, then using a brush apply black ink over the Crayons. 
    2. Select the colours you want to use. 
    3. Plan on how to colour the Crayons. 
    4. Take the paper and draw the margins for the picture frame.
      Rearrange the steps to show the correct order.
      1. (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)
      2. (iv), (ii), (iii), (i)
      3. (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)
      4. (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)
  17. Grace was preparing to paint a board. She collected the following tools and materials. Which one of the following materials will shenot need to use?
    1. Sisal fibre
    2. Brush
    3. Paint
    4. Sponge
  18. During an Art lesson, the teacher displayed the art work below.
    18 adada
    Identify the position of the source of light in the set up.
    1. P
    2. Q
    3. K
    4. W
  19. During a group discussion learners were discussing on how to create a dark tone in art work. Which one of the responses is not cor- rect? By
    1. rubbing dry media with more pressure and for a longer time
    2. adding black to red paint while painting 
    3. adding white to blue while painting
    4. smearing charcoal on a surface. 
  20. Diana displayed the art work below.
    20 adada
    Which of the following materials were not likely to have been used to make the artwork above?
    1. Glue
    2. Paint
    3. Scissors
    4. Paper cut outs.
  21. Helen visited a basketry workshop over the mid-term break. Which of the following items was she likely to see?
    1. Sculptures
    2. Mats
    3. Pots
    4. Tables.
  22. During a group discussion learners were discussing on techniques used in basketry. Which one of the following techniques was not likely to be mentioned?
    1. Weaving
    2. Twining
    3. Coiling
    4. Pasting
  23. Which one of the following animals give us hides for use in leather work?
    1. Buffalo
    2. Calves
    3. Sheep
    4. Rabbit.
  24. Grade 4 learners were required to collect natural materials for a basketry practical lesson. Which one of the following materials were they not likely to have collected?
    1. Raffia
    2. Reeds
    3. Nylon rope
    4. Elephant grass.
  25. Grade four learners were asked by their teacher to mention what they know about folk songs. Four learners responded as follows;
    Lameck: They are songs about people's lives and activities.
    Maxine: They are sung to curse members of the community.
    Elsea: They make us enjoy ourselves.
    Karissa: They teach us moral values.
    Who among the learners gave a wrong answer?
    1. Lameck
    2. Maxine
    3. Elsea
    4. Karissa.
  26. Which of the following statements is true about movements while singing? The movements should
    1. be irregular
    2. be coordinated
    3. not be coordinated
    4. be fast.
  27. An artist drew a jug which was placed on the table. This process of drawing objects while looking at them is called drawing from
    1. seeing
    2. still life
    3. movable
    4. observation.
  28. Special clothes used by singers and dancers when performing on the stage are called
    1. garments 
    2. ornaments 
    3. extraordinary clothes
    4. costumes. 
  29. The diagram below shows a traditional instrument.
    29 adada
    Which one of the following statements is false about the instrument? It is
    1. a percussion instrument
    2. a melodic percussion instrument
    3. a non-melodic percussion instrument 
    4. played by hitting.
  30. Grade five learners presented a song to their parents. They had the formation shown below.
    30 aidhada
    Which one of the following statements is true about the learner's presentation? 
    1. It is called solo singing.
    2. It is a match singing.
    3. It is choral singing.
    4. Singers should not move uniformly during the song.
  31. Grade four learners were discussing about good behavior and safety when singing in a group. Which one of the following is false?
    1. Avoid crowding.
    2. Objects such as sticks should be used carefully. 
    3. Slippery floor makes movement easy and well co-ordinated.
    4. Avoid chewing while singing.
  32. Grade four learners were naming functions of different parts of a drum. Which one of the following statements is false?
    1. The skin - Hit to produce sound.
    2. Laces Used to decorate the drum. 
    3. Resonator Makes sound louder. 
    4. Laces Used for tuning.
  33. James, a grade four pupil positioned his descant recorder as shown below.
    33 adadada
    Which one of the following notes was he playing?
    1. B
    2. A
    3. G
    4. A and B.
  34. Grade four learners observed a participant singing alone on the stage during music festivals. This type of performance is called
    1. solo singing
    2. choral singing
    3. oral singing
    4. selfish singing.
  35. Which mood is shown when people sing funeral songs?
    1. Happiness
    2. Excitement
    3. Love
    4. Sadness.

PART 2: Choose a section you have prepared for. Each section is 15 marks


  1. In Genesis 1, we learn the following about creation. Which one is not true?
    1. God created human beings in his image and likeness.
    2. God created both male and female. 
    3. Human beings are special to God. 
    4. God created the universe in 7 days.
  2. God made each one of us unique because of 
    1. physical qualities
    2. our geographical location
    3. the time we were created
    4. the fact that God loved some people more than others.
  3. Grade four learners were told that it is important to keep their bodies clean. They can do this by
    1. bathing everyday
    2. wearing clean clothes after every two days 
    3. brushing teeth once a week
    4. going to the latrine without shoes.
  4. Kawira wrote down her schedule as shown below. Which one is not a good activity? 
    1. Go to the park and play with my friends.
    2. Watch television till midnight.
    3. Finish my homework before supper.
    4. Say a prayer before going to bed.
  5. Which of the following is a good feeling?
    1. happy
    2. sad
    3. weak
    4. angry.
  6. The strong feelings we get when something good or bad happens to us or other people are called
    1. feelings
    2. emotions
    3. thoughts
    4. anger.
  7. The following are teachings from the Bible about anger. Which one is not?
    1. We should always forgive those who wrong us. 
    2. We should ask for guidance from God when we are angry.
    3. Controlling our anger helps us avoid committing sin.
    4. We should take revenge on those who make us angry.
  8. Paul bought items from the shop and when he arrived home he realized he had been given excess change. What should he do as a Christian? He should
    1. use the money to buy sweets
    2. return the money to the shopkeeper
    3. keep the money and keep quiet
    4. buy a gift for his friend using the money.
  9. Throughout our lives we have to make choices. The following are guidelines that influence our choices. Which one is not? 
    1. We should ask ourselves if the choice will affect others.
    2. We should stop and think how the choice will benefit our lives.
    3. If we are unable to make choices ask for help from our elders.
    4. We should make choices that make us look better than others.
  10. Jane saw her friend Sarah stealing money from her mother's purse. What action should she take?
    1. Report her to her parents.
    2. Tell Sarah to give her half or she will tell on her. 
    3. Snatch the money from her hand and run away.
    4. Advise her to return the money to the purse. 
  11. A family that is made up of mother, father and children is called
    1. nuclear family
    2. extended family
    3. single family
    4. double family.
  12. Grade four learners were learning about ways in which a child can be sexually abused. which one of the following is not sexual abuse?
    1. Touching a child's private parts.
    2. Forcing a child to touch another person's private parts.
    3. Raping the child.
    4. Helping a child to put on clothes.
  13. Jessica was told that she must protect herself from sexual abuse. What is she supposed to do?
    1. Avoid accepting gifts from strangers.
    2. Walk home alone in the dark.
    3. Always go into the bedroom of people of the opposite sex.
    4. Scream if anyone touches her private parts. 
  14. Which book from the Bible tells us that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Hebrews
    2. Isiah
    3. Deuteronomy
    4. 1 kings
  15. The following are attributes of God. Which one is not? He
    1. is all holy
    2. is the sole creator
    3. loves all humans 
    4. is unforgiving.


  1. Saba'atul mathani is one of the names of suratul fatiha. What does it mean?
    1. Seven most recited verses.
    2. Mother of the book.
    3. Opening chapter.
    4. The cure.
  2. Grade four learners were discussing the surahs one should recite before going to bed. Name one surah they discussed about.
    1. Fatiha
    2. Maun
    3. Naas
    4. Nasr
  3. Hassan was heard saying a dua before eating.
    Which dua was he saying?
    1. Ghufraanaka
    2. Bismillah
    3. Alhamdulillah
    4. In Shaa Allah.
  4. According to the hadith of the prophet our swalah cannot be accepted without reciting the opening chapter of the book. The opening chapter refers to
    1. Naas
    2. nasr
    3. Fatiha
    4. ikhlas.
  5. Allah (saw) has 99 attributes. Which attribute is mentioned in suratul Fatiha? Allah is the
    1. forgiver 
    2. King
    3. knowledgeable 
    4. Source of peace. 
  6. Complete the verse below. "You alone do we and you alone do we ask for help".
    1. pray to
    2. sacrifice to
    3. sing
    4. worship
  7. Surah Masad mentions a woman whose husband is cursed by Allah. Who was that woman?
    1. Ummu hani
    2. Ummu jamil
    3. Ummu jamila 
    4. Ummu abu lahab. 
  8. Grade 4 learners were discussing the reason why one of the surahs was revealed. They said that the quraish wanted the prophet to worship the idols for one year and they in turn worship Allah for one year. Which surah were they discussing about?
    1. Fatiha
    2. Nasr
    3. Tawba
    4. Kafirun.
  9. The quraish used to give the prophet their money and property so that he keeps for them. Which is the quality of the prophet that made them do that?
    1. Arrahmaan
    2. AL amiin
    3. AL waduud
    4. Aswabr.
  10. Which of the following is aanner of eating according to the sunnah of the prophet? 
    1. Eat with your left hand.
    2. Eat what is far from you.
    3. Eat without saying Bismillah.
    4. Say dua after eating.
  11. Allah is Ar Rahiim. What is the meaning of the above attribute? All
    1. seerer
    2. knowing
    3. merciful
    4. forgiving.
  12. Angels of Allah have special duties. Bringing rain is entrusted to angel
    1. Malik
    2. Ridhwan
    3. Mikail
    4. Israfil.
  13. Why are some prophets known as ulul Azm? They
    1. lived long
    2. suffered but were patient
    3. were God fearing
    4. died for our sins.
  14. Who among the following are Ulul Azm prophets
    1. Musa and Yusuf
    2. Yusuf and Issa 
    3. Nuh and Issa
    4. Muhammad and Idris.
  15. Urine of a baby boy less than two years is known as light najis.This najis is removed by 
    1. washing seven times
    2. washing 3times
    3. just sprinkling water
    4. washing making sure there is no colour, smell or taste.


social ms



  1. Grade four learners were discussing about characteristics of plants. Which of the following is not a characteristic?
    1. They grow
    2. They reproduce
    3. They feed
    4. They walk.
  2. Which of the following is not a safety precaution to take when studying plants in the laboratory?
    1. Do not touch or smell any plant without the teachers' permission. 
    2. Do not go in the laboratory without the teachers' permission.
    3. Use your tongue to taste and tell what type the plants are.
    4. Work in a clean working area. 
  3. Which of the following shows how plants respond to changes in the environment? They
    1. increase in size
    2. fold their leaves when it is hot 
    3. remove waste by shedding leaves 
    4. produce seeds, stems or bulbs. 
  4. Which of the following animals is an invertebrate?
    4 aadad
  5. The large intestine is part of the digestive system. Its function is to
    1. absorb water and minerals
    2. receive bile from the gall bladder 
    3. produce hydrochloric acid used for digestion
    4. store undigested food materials for some time
  6. The diagram below shows parts of the human digestive system.
    6 adaddad
    The part marked X is called
    1. oesophagus 
    2. liver
    3. stomach
    4. small intestine
  7. The tooth shown below is called
    7 adadda
    1. Canine
    2. Pre-molar
    3. Incisor
    4. Molar
  8. Which of the following statements is not true about animals? They
    1. grow
    2. reproduce
    3. make their own food 
    4. die.
  9. Which of the following is a precaution when handling animals?
    1. Do not startle them because when scared they can harm.
    2. Always stay at their front side when dealing with them.
    3. Beat them up to ensure discipline. 
    4. Pour water over them to make them clean. 
  10. In the human digestive system, undigested food is removed out through the
    1. mouth
    2. gullet
    3. anus
    4. nose.
  11. Aisha had a toothache. She visited the dentist who advised her to observe the following tooth care measures except
    1. visiting the dentist regularly
    2. brushing teeth every day after meals 
    3. eating hard foods like sugarcane and carrots
    4. eating sugary foods frequently. 
  12. A teacher described a tooth as follows:
    1. Are found at the back of the mouth.
    2. Have wide and rough surface.
    3. Have three roots.
      Which tooth is being described?
      1. Pre-molar
      2. Incisor
      3. Canine
      4. Molar
  13. In the human digestive system, the tube which connects the mouth to the stomach is called
    1. oesophagus
    2. rectum
    3. windpipe
    4. pancrease.
  14. Grade 4 pupils were advised by their teacher not to share personal items. Which of the following items should not be shared?
    14 adadad
  15. The following are protective clothing to be worn when handling animals. Which one is not?
    1. Gloves.
    2. Helmet
    3. Guboots
    4. Jacket
  16. Grade 4 learners were asked by their teacher to collect some insects for observation. Which of the following is not a precaution to use when collecting the insects?
    1. Use forceps when collecting those that sting.
    2. Wear gumboots and gloves to avoid stings.
    3. Pick up the insects with bare hands. 
    4. Wash hands after handling the insect.
  17. Grade four learners did an experiment to determine water holding capacity of different soils. Which type of soil retains water the most?
    1. Sand
    2. Clay
    3. Loam
    4. Silt.
  18. Alice and her friends are planning to make compost manure. Which of the following materials did they not need?
    1. Glass
    2. Kitchen refuse
    3. Animal waste 
    4. Maize stalk.
  19. What type of irrigation is shown in the picture below?
    19 adada
    1. Drip irrigation.
    2. Sprinkler irrigation.
    3. Canal irrigation.
    4. Bottle irrigation.
  20. Which of the following wild animals eats roots of crops?
    1. Mongoose
    2. Mole
    3. Monkey
    4. Birds
  21. Which one of the follwoing is not use of water in the farm?
    1. Watering animals
    2. Irrigating crops.
    3. Washing farm tools. 
    4. Washing clothes.
  22. Mutuku found out that a lot of crops grow well in loam soil. Which of the following crops does not do well in loam soil?
    1. Spinach
    2. Maize
    3. Tomatoes
    4. Coconuts.
  23. Grade 4 pupils were feeling soil between their fingers to determine how smooth or rough the soil is. This property of soil is called
    1. soil texture
    2. capillarity 
    3. soil erosion 
    4. drainage.
  24. The picture below shows a small destructive animal. What does it feed on?
    24 adda
    1. Chicken
    2. Vegetables
    3. Roots of crops
    4. Barks of trees.
  25. We have learned that it is important to first sow seeds in nurseries before transferring them to where they are to be planted. What is the main reason for this? 
    1. It saves time.
    2. It is easy to manage them. 
    3. It helps plants grow faster.
    4. It makes the farm look appealing. 
  26. Which of the following farm animals is used for sports?
    1. Horse
    2. Donkey
    3. Goat
    4. Cow
  27. Grade 4 learners were discussing on the importance of trees. How do trees protect soil? By
    1. binding and holding the soil together
    2. increasing the nutrients in the soil
    3. reducing the amount of carbon in the air
    4. providing shade when it is hot.
  28. The picture below shows a type of soil which has large particles and rough texrure. This type of soil is called
    28 sfsfs
    1. loam soil
    2. volcanic soil
    3. clay soil
    4. sand soil
  29. Bole keeps chickens, geese and turkey in his farm. These are examples of
    1. poultry
    2. wildlife
    3. hens
    4. cattle.
  30. The following are management practices for tree nursery. Which one is not?
    1. Watering seeds
    2. Removing weeds
    3. Removing excess seedlings
    4. Transplanting the seedlings.
  31. Which part of the crop is being damaged in the picture below?
    31 adadda
    1. Root
    2. Stem
    3. Leaf
    4. Fruit
  32. While walking home form school, Emma saw the girl in the picture below. What is the girl likely to be suffering from?
    32 adadad
    1. Stomachache.
    2. Flu
    3. Diarrhoea
    4. Headache
  33. Wambui wants to play a game with her friends. Which of the following is the best game for them to play?
    1. Acrobatics
    2. Rope skipping
    3. Chess
    4. Baseball.
  34. The following are qualities of a good play item except that it should
    1. have smooth surface to avoid injury 
    2. made of heavy materials
    3. enable positive learning
    4. be made of materials that are easy to clean.
  35. Which of the following an importance of good hygiene? To
    1. prevent illness
    2. avoid interacting with others 
    3. breed germs and parasites
    4. prevent growth among children.
  36. The picture below shows a material used in cleaning. What is its name?
    36 adada
    1. Duster
    2. Mop
    3. Dust pan
    4. Broom 
  37. The following are causes of toothache except
    1. cracks in the teeth
    2. improper brushing of teeth
    3. eating acidic foods
    4. eating foods like raw carrots.
  38. When cleaning our feet, we scrub them using a 
    1. sponge 
    2. towel
    3. brush
    4. pumice stone.
  39. Leila found her friend Peter behind the classroom crying and vomiting. What is the best action for her to do?
    1. Tell the teacher on duty immediately.
    2. Give him her prescribed medicine. 
    3. Ask him to go to the classroom. 
    4. Tell him to go home.
  40. In order to remain healthy, we should practice the following healthy habits except
    1. brush our teeth regularly
    2. take a shower and wear clean clothes everyday
    3. use a clean handkerchief to clean our nose
    4. eat foods with lots of fat frequently..
  41. During sports day, the following events were done. Which one is a track event?
    1. 200m race
    2. Basketball
    3. Swimming
    4. Football.
  42. What type of start position is the boy in the picture doing?
    42 adadada
    1. Sprint start position.
    2. Standing start position.
    3. Bend start position.
    4. Walking start position.
  43. The following are steps in performing standing long jump. Which one is not?
    1. Place both feet-shoulder-width. 
    2. Stretch up with the arms and rise up onto the balls of feet with hips extended.
    3. Bring arms back behind and bend the kneesand hips.
    4. Bend your head backwards and raise your hands.
  44. Rukia and her friends wanted to improvise a football. Which of the following locally available materials was not used?
    1. Old clothes.
    2. Pieces of wire.
    3. Pieces of strings.
    4. Sisal sacks.
  45. The following are instructions for a throwing technique.
    1. Assume a full kneeling position. 
    2. Hold the ball above your head with both hands.
    3. Pass the ball above your head accurately to your partner.
      Which technique is described above?
      1. Kneeling overhead throw.
      2. Chest pass.
      3. Bounce pass.
      4. Overarm throw.
  46. Mr. Bakari wants to buy a soccer ball for his 12-year-old son. Which ball size should he choose?
    1. Size 5
    2. Size 3
    3. Size 4
    4. Size 2
  47. Grade 4 learners assembled in the field for a juggling activity. Which of the following can they use in playing the game?
    1. Small stones
    2. Spears
    3. Scarves
    4. Light papers.
  48. Ali had the following equipment for a rounders game:
    Rounder's bat 
    Rounder post
    Which other equipment was missing to play the game?
    1. Whistle
    2. Hurdle
    3. Pole slot
    4. Rounder's ball
  49. What is the main role of the fielder in a rounders game?
    1. Catching and picking up a ball after it has been hit.
    2. Striking the ball into play. 
    3. Batting the ball into play.
    4. Throwing the ball into play. 
  50. An ideal soccer ball shoud be .......................................... in shape.
    1. Oval
    2. Spherical
    3. Cubic
    4. Conical


sci ms



Bi. Wafula: Hamjambo wanafunzi?

Wanafunzi: Hatujambo Bi. Wafula, shikamoo.

Bi. Wafula: Marahaba wanafunzi. Natumai nyote mlikuwa na wikendi njema,

Wanafunzi: Naam Bi. Wafula, asante.

Bi. Wafula: (Huku akitabasamu) Leo katika kipindi chetu tutasoma kuhusu nyumbani. Je, nyumbani ni wapi?

Juma: Nyumbani ni mahali mtu anapoishi.

Bi. Wafula: Heko Juma! Maelezo hayo ni sahihi kabisa. Nyumbani kuna vyumba mbalimbali. Nipe mifano ya vyumba hivi?

Amani: (Kwa furaha) Nyumbani kuna vyumba kama vile sebule, chumba cha malazi, chumba cha kulia na pia mekoni.

Bi Wafula: Vizuri sana Amani. Hivyo basi leo tutaangazia sebule. Sebule ni chumba cha mapumziko. Sebuleni kuna vitu vingi sana kama vile?

Wanafunzi: (Kwa pamoja huku wakitazama picha vitabuni) Kuna makochi, meza, mtoto wa meza, runinga na pia pazia.

Bi. Wafula: Kweli kabisa, makochi na meza huundwa kwa mbao na kwa jina moja huitwa samani. Anayeunda vitu hivi kwa mbao huitwa seremala.


  1. Wanafunzi na Bi. Wafula walipatana darasani baada ya
    1. juma
    2. siku
    3. wikendi
    4. likizo.
  2. Kulingana na mazungumzo haya, jibu la 'shikamoo' ni
    1. hatujambo
    2. aheri
    3. njema
    4. marahaba.
  3. Kipi si chumba kinachopatikana nyumbani kulingana na mazungumzo haya?
    1. Sebule.
    2. Chumba cha kuchezea. 
    3. Mekoni.
    4. Chumba cha malazi.
  4. Vitu vinavyoundwa kwa mbao huitwa
    1. kochi
    2. meza
    3. runinga
    4. samani.
  5. Mtu anayeunda vitu kwa kutumia mbao huitwa
    1. seremala
    2. sonara
    3. mhunzi
    4. mwashi.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu swali la 6-10.

Kijiji cha Pambana kilivamiwa na wezi sugu. Wezi hao walikuwa wakivunja milango ya nyumba za watu usiku na mchana. Walikuwa pia wakiwashambulia watu na kutoroka na mifungo yao. Vitendo hivi vya wizi vilendelea kuenea na kuongezeka. Hivyo basi, wanakijiji hawakuwa na budi ila kupiga ripoti kwenye kituo cha polisi.

Baada ya kuripoti, wanakijiji walishauriwa kuunda milango na nyua thabiti. Vilevile waliunda vikundi vya kujilinda wenyewe. Waliamua kushirikiana pamoja na polisi kupunguza hali ya uhalifu.

Baada ya miezi miwili, visa vya wizi vilipungua. Wanakijiji waliweza kurejea kwa shughuli zao za kila siku bila woga.


  1. Taja jina la kijiji kulingana na kifungu.
    1. Pambazuko
    2. Kijiji
    3. Pambana
    4. Kituo.
  2. Kulingana na kifungu, nani aliyewashambulia wanakijiji na kutoroka na mifungo yao?
    1. Polisi
    2. Watu
    3. Wezi
    4. Wanakijiji wenzao.
  3. Visa vya wizi vilipoongezeka, wanakijiji walienda kupiga ripoti wapi?
    1. Shuleni
    2. Kortini
    3. Nyumbani
    4. Kituo cha polisi.
  4. Kulingana na kifungu hiki, wezi hawakuogopa kwani waliwashambulia wanakijiji wakati gani?
    1. Jumatatu na Ijumaa
    2. Asubuhi na jioni
    3. Wakati wa likizo
    4. Usiku na mchana.
  5. Visa vya wizi vilipungua baada ya miezi
    1. moja
    2. miwili
    3. sita
    4. mitatu.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kwa makini kisha ujibu swali la 11-15

Hapo zamani paliishi sungura na rafiki yake ndovu. Sungura alikuwa mnyama mdogo kuliko ndovu lakini mjanja sana. Ndovu naye, ambaye pia huitwa tembo, alikuwa mkubwa sana na karimu. Ndovu alijitokea sana kusaidia sungura na wanyamapori wengine pale msituni.

Ndovu na sungura walishirikiana kwa kila jambo. Zaidi ya hayo, waliwalea watoto wao pamoja na kwa upendo. Wanyama wengine walitamani sana urafiki ule wa ndovu na sungura. Walijaribu pia kuwatenganisha lakini walishindwa.

Watoto wao pia walikuwa wakiiga urafiki ule wa wazazi wao. Walicheza, kula na kulala pamoja. Kwa kweli, mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo.


  1. Sungura na ndovu walikuwa
    1. ndugu
    2. marafiki
    3. adui
    4. wanakijiji.
  2. Sungura na ndovu waiishi wapi?
    1. Nyumbani
    2. Mitini
    3. Milimani
    4. Msituni.
  3. Watoto wa sungura na ndovu walikuwa wakipendana kwa sababu ya
    1. urafiki wa wazazi wao
    2. hasira za wazazi wao
    3. kutojuana
    4. njaa.
  4. Ni nini kilichofanya wanyama wengine kuwa na tamaa?
    1. Uadui wa sungura na ndovu.
    2. Watoto wa sungura na ndovu.
    3. Kusaidiana kwa ndovu.
    4. Urafiki wa ndovu na sungura.
  5. Ndovu alikuwa na ukarimi kwa nini?
    1. Alimpiga sungura.
    2. Alisaidia sungura na wanyama wengine.
    3. Aliwafukuza wanyama wengine.
    4. Hakuwapenda watoto wake.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kwa makini kisha ujaze pengo kwa majibu sahihi (16-20).

Pendo alikuwa msichana wa shule yetu ..................16............... alikuwa mrembo sana. Wazazi wake walikuwa maskini sana.  ..................17............. kumpeleka kwa shangazi yao aliyekuwa tajiri ..................18...............

Pendo alihamia kwa shangazi yake aliyempenda kama mwana ..................19...............Pendo naye akaamua kusoma vitabu ..................20............... kwa bidii.

    1. Sisi
    2. Mimi
    3. Yeye
    4. Wao
    1. Tuliamua
    2. Waliamua
    3. Aliamua
    4. Mliamua
    1. sana
    2. mbali
    3. nyingi
    4. kidogo
    1. chake
    2. wake
    3. zake
    4. lake
    1. wake
    2. zake
    3. chao
    4. vyake

Kuanzia swali la 21 hdi 30, jibu kila Swali kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Bibi na pipi ni vitate. Vile vile, kitate cha papa ni
    1. bata
    2. paka
    3. kata
    4. baba
  2. Mama amenunua rinda..................................
    1. mwekundu
    2. jekundu
    3. lekundu
    4. nyekundu
  3. Chagua neno ambalo ni si kitenzi kati ya haya.
    1. Cheza
    2. Kula
    3. Lia
    4. Mwalimu
  4. Jibu la salamu 'alamsiki' ni .....................................
    1. binuru
    2. nawe pia
    3. aheri
    4. buriani
  5. Kabla ya kuvuka njia, Juma alisimama ....................... barabara.
    1. juu ya
    2. kando ya
    3. ndani ya
    4. katika ya
  6. Tambua kiunganishi katika sentensi hii.
    Mtoto aliadhibiwa kwa sababu ya utundu wake.
    1. mtoto
    2. aliadhibiwa
    3. kwa sababu
    4. utundu
  7. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho.
    Popote niendapo hunifuata.
    1. Macho
    2. Kivuli
    3. Mtoto
    4. Rafiki.
      Tumia kielezi sahihi kukamilisha sentensi hizi.
  8. Chui hukumbia..................................
    1. mbio
    2. polepole
    3. kabisa
    4. ovyo
  9. Kobe hutembea .................................
    1. ovyo
    2. haraka
    3. polepole
    4. sana.
  10. Andika wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo.
    Mwanafunzi anasoma kitabu.
    1. Mwanafunzi anasoma vitabu. 
    2. Wanafunzi wanasoma kitabu.
    3. Mwanafunzi wanasoma kitabu. 
    4. Wanafunzi wanasoma vitabu.
  11. Chagua alama ifaayo kuakifisha sentensi ifuatayo.
    Je...............................wewe utaenda kwao?
    1. !
    2. ?
    3. " "


Andika insha ya kusisimua kuhusu:






























































swa ms



Read the passage below and then answer questions 1 to 7.

Hare and Elephant met in the forest one day. Hane said to Elephant, "Come on, let me pull you into the river!" Elephant said, "Are you mad?" "No, I can do it. I am telling you!" the Hare replied. "You? Look at you, you are small and weak. Look at my strength!" Said the Elephant. "Just wait," said Hare, "I will show you tomorrow."

Hare went to the river and told Hippo the same thing. Of course, Hippo laughed at Hare and told him he was crazy. Then Hare went into the forest and found a long strong rope. Off he went to Elephant. "Ok, let's try now. I am going to pull you all the way into the river."

Elephant laughed. Hare tied the rope around Elephant's leg and around his own ankle. "When you feel the rope tighten around your leg, you must pull!" Hare told the Elephant. Hare ran down to the river and told Hippo the same story. "Remember to pull when you feel the rope tighten, Hippo," called Hare as he ran back into the forest. Here he pulled and untied his end of the rope from his own ankle.

Both Hippo and Elephant felt the rope tighten and they both started pulling. They were both strong and pulled each other along. After some heavy pulling, the two of them looked up and saw each other right in front of their noses! Of course, Hare laughed until his stomach ached and ran off into the forest.


  1. Why did Hippo and Elephant laugh? Because
    1. hare said something funny 
    2. they were both mad
    3. they thought hare was joking when he said he could pull them 
    4. they loved hearing each other laugh.
  2. Why was hare laughing so hard? Because he
    1. was going to trick them into pulling each other
    2. saw something funny in the forest 
    3. had managed to trick both big animals 
    4. had gotten a present.
  3. When did Elephant and Hippo start pulling each other? When
    1. they felt the rope tighten
    2. hare started laughing
    3. elephant called out and said start
    4. hare whistled.
  4. What happened when they had pulled the rope for a while?
    1. They each looked up and saw each other right in front of their noses.
    2. They each fell down from exhaustion.
    3. Elephant eventually won.
    4. Hippo decided to stop pulling.
  5. Just wait, I will show you tomorrow." Who sad these words?
    1. Hippo 
    2. Hare
    3. Elephant
    4. Tortoise

Read the passage and answer questions that follow.

Henry was so eager for the holidays. His mother, father and his little sister Regina would be eagerly waiting for him. She was now a big girl in boarding school. He couldn't wait to tell Regina about all the exciting things he experienced in his new school. He enjoyed talking to his sister.

When Henry got home, he ran into Regina who was at the door watching out for his arrival. He embraced her and lifted her high into the air and she giggled. His parents were also happy to see him. His mother had prepared his favorite food, chicken and chapatti.

While they ate, he told them about life in his new school. He said he enjoyed participating in the numerous activities especially debate and football. Henry said he loved everything about his new school except the food. His mother laughed and said, "you have to get used to it."

After they had finished eating, Regina asked Henry to show him his school books and she would show him hers. So, they went to his room where they compared their schools and school work. Then they played a card game together. The rest of the holiday was full of fun and laughter for the siblings.


  1. Why was Henry eager to go home? He
    1. wanted to see his parents and sister
    2. wanted to watch a lot of movies 
    3. wanted to eat home food
    4. was tired of school.
  2. Where was Regina when Henry arrived? She was
    1. in the kitchen cooking
    2. outside waiting for him 
    3. in her room
    4. at the garden weeding.
  3. What is Henry's favourite food? A. Ugali and beef stew. 
    1. Chapatti and potatoes.
    2. Chicken and chapatti.
    3. Rice and beans.
  4. Which activities does Henry engage in at school?
    1. Basketball and debate. 
    2. Football and journalism. 
    3. Scouts and volleyball.
    4. Debate and football.
  5. What did Regina want to do after they finished eating? She wanted to
    1. go shopping
    2. play
    3. see Henry's books 
    4. watch a movie.

Read the story and answer the questions below.

Fish live in lakes, rivers, seas, and oceans around the world. They live in all kinds of water, from warm springs to cold Arctic seas. Fish can even be found in the dark pools of underground caves. But fish cannot live in water that is extremely salty.

The many different kinds of fish have some things in common. They are all vertebrates, which means that they have a backbone. They are cold-blooded, which means that their body temperature changes along with the temperature of their surroundings. Fish generally breathe through organs called gills. They usually have pairs of fins in place of arms and legs. Most fish are covered with scales.

Fish also show great variety. Gobies, the smallest fish, can be less than half an inch (13 millimeters) long. The whale shark, the largest fish, can be 15 meters long. A typical fish is wider in the middle than at the ends. But a flounder is as flat as a dinner plate. A sea horse looks something like a horse standing on its tail. Eels look like snakes.


  1. According to the passage, the term cold-blooded means
    1. they have cold blood 
    2. they drink cold blood
    3. their body temperature changes according to surroundings
    4. their body temperature remains the same despite their surroundings.
  2. What do many different kinds of fish have in common? They
    1. are all big
    2. are all vertebrates
    3. all feed on water plants
    4. breathe through the nose.
  3. In which type of water do fish not live in?
    1. Cold arctic seas.
    2. Warm springs.
    3. Salt water lakes.
    4. Caves.
  4. According to the passage, a typical fish is
    1. less than half an inch long
    2. wider in the middle than its ends
    3. 15 metres long
    4. like a snake.
  5. Which fish is the largest?
    1. Gobies
    2. Whale shark
    3. Sea horse
    4. Eel

For questions 16-25, choose the correct word from the choices given to fill in the blanks.

Larry .............16.............. so excited because  .............17.............. is going to see his parents for the first time in a year. He has   .............18.............. studying abroad and he is   .............19.............. home for a short holiday.

Being .............20..............  from his .............21.............. has been hard. It took him a  .............22.............. time to   .............23.............. used  .............24.............. being away  .............25.............. home.

    1. be
    2. has
    3. is
    4. was
    1. him.
    2. he
    3. she
    4. you
    1. been
    2. be
    3. is
    4. being
    1. never
    2. now
    3. then
    4. not
    1. away
    2. aware
    3. out
    4. far
    1. family
    2. friends
    3. colleagues
    4. mates
    1. many
    2. long
    3. short
    4. brief
    1. get
    2. being
    3. getting
    4. was
    1. in
    2. to
    3. from
    4. for
    1. along
    2. for
    3. by
    4. from

For questions 26-35 choose the correct answers from the choices given.

  1. I arrived early but I did not find ............................
    1. everybody
    2. anybody
    3. nobody
    4. somebody
  2. The children are .....................................
    1. playing
    2. played
    3. play
    4. being played
  3. Jane ................................. walked out of the house.
    1. quickly
    2. fast
    3. hurried
    4. nice
  4. Melisa was excited to see............................Indian Ocean.
    1. an
    2. a
    3. the
    4. that
  5. She...............................arrived by the time he got there.
    1. has
    2. had
    3. have
    4. does


Write a short story about:


















































































































eng ms


  1. A school has 1780 pupils. What is the place value of digit 7 in the number of pupils?
    1. Thousand
    2. Hundreds
    3. Tens of thousands
    4. Ones
  2. The number of gazelles in a park is 8009. What is the number written in words?
    1. Eight hundred and nine 
    2. Eighty thousand and nine
    3. Eight thousand and nine
    4. Eight hundred thousand and nine.
  3. In a music lesson, pupils sang a song which had 15379 words. What is the total value of digit 1 in the number?
    1. 1000
    2. 10000
    3. 370
    4. 15000
  4. A school collected six thousand nine hundred and fifty six eggs. Write the number of eggs in symbols. 
    1. 60956
    2. 6956
    3. 69056
    4. 656
  5. In a game park, there were 236 gazelles, 402 zebras, 351 warthogs and 562 antelopes. Arrange the numbers from the largest to the smallest.
    1. 562, 402, 361, 236
    2. 236, 361, 402, 562
    3. 562, 361, 402, 236
    4. 402, 562, 361, 236
  6. A learner was given 6 exercise books by her teacher. How many exercise books were these in Roman numbers?
    1. VII
    2. IV
    3. V
    4. VI
  7. The number of vehicles that passed near a school in one day was 599. Round off the number of vehicles to the nearest tens.
    1. 600
    2. 500
    3. 590
    4. 690
  8. In a party, there were 5835 children and 9535 adults. How many people were in the party altogether?
    1. 14370
    2. 15360
    3. 15730
    4. 15370
  9. Which of the following is a reflex angle?
    9 fafaf
  10. What is the missing number in the pattern below?
    22, 24, 26, 28, 30,............34
    1. 31
    2. 32
    3. 33
    4. 40
  11. A farmer had 37 one day old chicks. She sold each chick at Sh. 25. Round off the number of chicks and the price per chick to the nearest tens and work out the sum.
    1. 12
    2. 55.
    3. 62
    4. 70
  12. In a market, onions were arranged in piles of 20. A seller sold 50 such piles. How many onions did she sell?
    1. 1000
    2. 70
    3. 100
    4. 30
  13. There were 84 fruits in a class. A teacher shared the fruits among the learners equally. If each learner got 3 fruits, how many learners were there?
    1. 28
    2. 81
    3. 87
    4. 80
  14. In a school, there are 11 teachers. 5 of these teachers are female while the rest are male. What fraction of the teachers are male?
    1. 11/12
    2. 5/11
    3. 6/11
    4. 11/16
  15. The length of a playground is 50m. What is its length in centimetres?
    1. 5 cm
    2. 500 cm
    3. 5000 cm
    4. 550 cm
  16. Wangui slept at the time shown on the clock face below. What time did she sleep?
    16 adada
    1. 6:45 am
    2. 6:50 pm
    3. 7:45 am
    4. 6:45 pm
  17. What is the perimeter of the figure below?
    17 adada
    1. 40 cm
    2. 60 cm
    3. 30 cm
    4. 50 cm
  18. 10 boys received a 15 cm long piece of sugarcane each. What was the total length of sugarcane received by the 10 boys?
    1. 150 cm
    2. 15 cm
    3. 105 cm
    4. 550 cm
  19. Juma is 2 m 10 cm tall. Linet is 1 m 90 cm tall. What is the total height of the two pupils?
    1. 100 cm
    2. 4 m
    3. 4 m 100 cm
    4. 3 m 100 cm
  20. A shopkeeper measured 50 Kg of rice and another 10 Kg of rice. How many kilograms of rice did he measure altogether?
    1. 60 Kg
    2. 500 Kg
    3. 40 Kg
    4. 40 Kg
  21. Work out:
    Hrs   Mins
    5      50
    +3    25
    1. 9 hrs 15 mins 
    2. 8 hrs 75 mins
    3. 2 hrs 35 mins
    4. 9 hrs 75 mins
  22. A shopkeeper had Sh. 1000 note. She changed the money in three - Sh. 200 notes, two- Sh. 100 notes and the rest in Sh. 50. How many Sh. 50 notes did she get?
    1. 10
    2. 6
    3. 4
    4. 5
  23. Opiyo had Sh. 2000. He bought 10 Kg of rice for Sh. 1000 and 1L of cooking oil for Sh. 560. How much money was he left with?
    1. Sh. 1440
    2. Sh. 1560
    3. Sh. 1000
    4. Sh. 440
  24. A tank had 3456 liters of water. During a tree planting day, 868 litres were used to water the seedlings. How much water remained?
    1. 2598 litres
    2. 4314 litres
    3. 2588 litres
    4. 4314 litres
  25. A grade 4 teacher wrote various multiples of 4 as below. Identify the list with the first five multiples of 4. 
    1. 4, 8, 12, 16, 20
    2. 0, 4, 12, 16, 20
    3. 8, 12, 16, 20, 24
    4. 4, 12, 16, 20, 24
  26. The ages of four men were recorded follows. Which age represents an odd number?
    1. 99 years
    2. 88 years
    3. 44 years
    4. 26 years
  27. Kibwana drew a table as shown below.
    27 gvagdad
    Which fraction is unshaded?
    1. 3/8
    2. 7/10
    3. 8/10
    4. 3/10
  28. Barbra got 48 marks out of 100 in a Mathematical test. Convert the marks 48/100 into a decimal.
    1. 4.8
    2. 0.48
    3. 0.0048
    4. 0.048
  29. Tiffany had 2 litres of water. She emptied the water into half litre bottles. How many half litre bottles of water did she get?
    1. 4
    2. 6
    3. 8
    4. 2
  30. A farmer harvested 699 bags of beans. Round off the number 699 to the nearest tens?
    1. 700 
    2. 600
    3. 799
    4. 690


maths ms


Tagged under



Observe the picture below keenly and use it to answer questions 1 and 2

1 dada

  1. How can one make strip 1 different from strip 6?
    1. By pressing the pencil more while shading strip 6 and using less pressure while shading strip 1 
    2. By pressing the pencil more while shading strip 1 and using less pressure while shading strip 6
    3. By adding black colour in strip 1
    4. By adding white colour in strip 6
  2. What is the type of gradation strip shown above?
    1. Blended gradation strip
    2. Coloured gradation strip
    3. Black gradation strip 
    4. Staggered gradation strip
  3. What picture making technique is shown on the picture below?
    3 adada
    1. Crayon etching 
    2. Smudge
    3. Montage
    4. Mosaic
  4. What material can one use instead of black ink while creating a crayon etched picture?
    1. Pencil graphite 
    2. Black paint
    3. Blue pen ink
    4. Wax crayon
  5. The picture below shows a tool that is used in painting. What is the tool used for in painting?
    5 dadada
    1. Used for holding the brushes in place while painting
    2. Used to scrap off the paint when a mistake is made
    3. Used for holding and mixing the paint while painting
    4. Used for applying paint on a surface
  6. The change of tone from either dark to light or from light to dark is known as
    1. smudging
    2. painting
    3. crayon etching
    4. gradation
  7. Which of the following is suitable for sticking cut pictures on a surface while creating a picture using the montage picture making technique? 
    1. Office glue
    2. Indian ink
    3. Cellotape
    4. Water
  8. What happens when you add colour white to colour red while painting? 
    1. You create a darker tone of red 
    2. You create a lighter tone of red 
    3. You smudge the colours together 
    4. You blend the colours together
  9. Which of the following is a technique for making baskets?
    1. Twinning
    2. Stamping
    3. Incising
    4. Carving
  10. Ann was drawing her best friend as she was playing. Her best friend was not close so Ann had to keenly remember how her friend looked like. What kind of drawing is this?
    1. Drawing from observation 
    2. Drawing from imagination 
    3. Drawing from memory
    4. Drawing landscape


  1. Which of the following terms means to pronounce words correctly when singing?
    1. Dynamics
    2. Tempo
    3. Rythm
    4. Diction
  2. A traditional song performed by a particular community is known as
    1. folk song
    2. lullaby song
    3. sacred song
    4. action song
  3. A type of song where we sing and do common actions are called.
    1. common songs
    2. duet songs
    3. narratives
    4. action songs
  4. Verse 1 of the Kenya national anthem ends with the words
    1. Natujenge taifa letu
    2. Raha tupate na ustawi
    3. Amkeni ndugu zetu
    4. Kila siku tuwe na shukrani
  5. Musical instruments that produce sound by hitting or shaking are called 
    1. percussion instruments
    2. flutes
    3. traditional instruments
    4. local instruments
  6. Which of the following words would fit an action song?
    1. Lord I lift your Name on high
    2. Kenya Tunaipenda, njooni tufurahie
    3. Lift your hands, shake your leg and turn around
    4. Once in a far, far away country home
  7. A grade 4 learner sung a higher note than the teacher wanted. The teacher indicated that he had sung the wrong
    1. volume
    2. pitch
    3. language
    4. lyrics
  8. Responding to music through body movements is usually called
    1. dancing
    2. volume
    3. dynamics
    4. costumes
  9. During singing games, participants carry items called ...................................... to use for acting on stage.
    1. rhythm
    2. melody
    3. audience
    4. props
  10. Which of the following instruments can best be used to accompany a Kenyan folk song?
    1. Drum
    2. Violin
    3. Guitar
    4. Piano

mona dadad

Study the map of Mona area and answer questions 21-25.

  1. What is the direction of the governor's office from the school?
    1. South West
    2. South East
    3. North East
    4. North West
  2. River Mona flows from a
    1. forest
    2. swamp
    3. lake
    4. dam
  3. Which food crop is grown in Mona area?
    1. Maize
    2. Rice
    3. Potatoes
    4. Tea
  4. There are two churches in Mona area. This shows that most people in Mona area are
    1. Christians
    2. Muslims
    3. Pagans
    4. Hindus
  5. The elected head of Mona area is a
    1. Chief
    2. Governor
    3. Senator
    4. President
  6. Which of these statements describes a plain?
    1. A depression between two areas
    2. A large lowland that is generally flat
    3. A raised land
    4. A large part of the earth that is higher than its surrounding
  7. Which one is a cardinal point of a compass?
    1. South West
    2. South East
    3. North West
    4. North
  8. A point where two or more rivers meet is called
    1. confluence
    2. mouth
    3. source
    4. tributaries
  9. Grade four learners were asked to state the total number of counties in Kenya. Who gave the correct answer?
    1. Evans - 47
    2. Joyce-48
    3. John-25
    4. Grace- 16
  10. Natural features found in our country are called
    1. physical features
    2. manmade features
    3. artificial features
    4. buildings
  11. Nephus a grade 4 learner in Dala primary school was asked by the teacher to name the importance of physical features. Which one of the following was not correct?
    1. Some features attract tourists to our country
    2. Rivers provide us with water
    3. Plains are good grazing grounds
    4. Swamps have snails that cause diseases
  12. Grace a grade four learner visited her grandmother during the rainy season. Which one of the following activities was the grandmother carrying out in her farm?
    1. Preparing the farm
    2. Harvesting of crops
    3. Planting crops
    4. Watering crops
  13. Teacher Peter a grade four Social Studies teacher asked learners to state the Historical built environment in their county. Who gave a wrong answer?
    1. Nyambura - Cultural centre
    2. Moraa - Monument
    3. Odhiambo School
    4. Hassan Museum
  14. How do we depend on a policeman? He or she provides us with
    1. education
    2. health
    3. money
    4. security
  15. When people are living far from each other in an area, it is said that the area is
    1. densely populated
    2. sparsely populated
    3. highly populated
    4. closely populated


  1. Human beings are unique because they were
    1. made from the soil
    2. created last
    3. created in the image of God
    4. given the garden of Eden
  2. Which of these books of the Bible is found in the New Testament?
    1. Psalms
    2. Genesis
    3. Matthew
    4. Exodus
  3. Good thoughts make us have good feelings. They make us do all the following except
    1. loving others
    2. hurting others luces
    3. sharing things with others
    4. helping the needy bee
  4. Ephesians 4:26 tells us that anger can make us
    1. commit sin
    2. become champions
    3. rise up
    4. be respected
  5. All the following are wrong choices except
    1. stealing
    2. lying
    3. telling the truth
    4. disobedience
  6. In a family tree, what do you call the son of your uncle?
    1. Niece
    2. Nephew
    3. Cousin
    4. Aunt
  7. C.R.E teacher asked grade four learners to read 2 Samuel 13:4-14. They read the story of Amnon and Tamar. The teacher asked the sexual sin committed by Amnon. The correct answer was
    1. rape
    2. adultery
    3. prostitution
    4. homosexual
  8. 1 Corithians 6:19 states that our bodies are the temple of the
    1. church
    2. Christians
    3. Holy spirit
    4. yourself
  9. From Genesis 1 and 2, we mainly learn that God is 
    1. the sole creator
    2. the father of Jesus
    3. selfish
    4. non living
  10. Where did Jesus change water into wine?
    1. Bethlehem
    2. Nazareth
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Cana
  11. Which lesson do Christians learn from the story of Zacchaeus the tax collector?
    1. They should climb sycamore trees when they have problems
    2. They should pray to God only when they are in problems
    3. They should repent their sins and follow the teachings of Jesus
    4. They should avoid some jobs like tax collecting
  12. Which commandment has a promise attached to it?
    1. Do not commit murder
    2. Do not steal
    3. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy
    4. Honour your father and mother
  13. Who among the following was blocked by the angel of God when he was going to curse the Israelites?
    1. Balak
    2. Balaam
    3. Jonah
    4. Zacchaeus
  14. When Abraham was called by God, he was living in the land of
    1. Canaan
    2. Haran
    3. Ur
    4. Midian
  15. Jeremy a grade four learner found twenty shillings in the school compound. What was the best action for him to take as a good Christian?
    1. Take the money and buy biscuits
    2. Take the money and give it to a street child
    3. Keep the money to give to the church as an offering
    4. Take the money to the teacher on duty


  1. How many verses are there in surah Al-Fatiha?
    1. Six
    2. Seven
    3. Five
    4. Four
  2. What is the meaning of Abu Lahab?
    1. The father of flames
    2. The father of Lahab
    3. The father of people
    4. The father of the fire
  3. "All praises be to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. "This is a verse from surah
    1. Maun
    2. Naas
    3. Kafirun
    4. Fatiha
  4. What should a Muslim say when he is sneezing?
    1. Alhamdulillah
    2. Mashaallah
    3. Yarhamkallah
    4. Subhanallah
  5. Ramadhan a grade four learner found his brother stealing from his grandfather's coat. What was the right thing for him to do?
    1. Report him to his grandfather
    2. Report him to the police
    3. Tell him why it is wrong to steal
    4. Ask him to share what he has stolen
  6. The sayings of the prophet (SAW) are referred to as
    1. Hadith
    2. Sunnah
    3. Wajib
    4. Sahih
  7. The attribute of Allah Al-Malik means
    1. The mighty
    2. The creator
    3. The forgiver
    4. The king of kings
  8. Who was the wife of Nabii Adam?
    1. Amina
    2. Sarah
    3. Hawa
    4. Khadija
  9. Which angel of Allah will blow the trumphet on the day of judgement?
    1. Jibril
    2. Israfil
    3. Izrail
    4. Mikail
  10. Which prophet of Allah was given the Qur'an?
    1. Muhammad
    2. Ibrahim
    3. Daud
    4. Musa
  11. How many daughters did prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) have?
    1. Six
    2. Seven
    3. Three
    4. Four
  12. Which of the following is the shortest Fardh Swalat?
    1. Dhuhr
    2. Subh
    3. Asr
    4. Maghrib
  13. Zakaria a grade four learner wanted to perform swalatul Asr. What would be the first thing for him to do?
    1. Ask for forgiveness
    2. Eat heavily
    3. Go to the toilet
    4. Perform wudhu
  14. What should a Muslim say when promising to do something?
    1. Maashallah
    2. Subhanallah
    3. Inshaallah
    4. Ya Allah
  15. Which city was prophet Muhammad (SAW) born?
    1. Makkah
    2. Madina
    3. Taif
    4. Yemen


creative arts and social studies




  1. During a science lesson, grade four pupils were provided with a list containing names of different animals. They were asked to give examples of vertebrates. Which among the following was wrongly named?
    1. Dove
    2. Snake
    3. Millipede
    4. Lizard
  2. During a nature walk around a school compound, learners were able to notice that some plants were drying up due to ongoing drought. Among the following, which characteristics of living things is shown by the plants?
    1. Plants die
    2. Plants reproduce
    3. Plants remove waste
    4. Plants dry

Use the diagram below to answer questions 3 to 5

3 adada

  1. The part labelled (ii) is
    1. Windpipe
    2. Oesophagus
    3. Trachea
    4. Pancreas
  2. Which part of the diagram above will absorb water?
    1. iii
    2. vi
    3. v
    4. iv
  3. Which part will store undigested food temporarily before removing?
    1. iii
    2. v
    3. vi
    4. iv
  4. The following are characteristics of a certain type of tooth
    1. Sharp and pointed
    2. Have one root
      What is the function of the tooth described above?
      1. Chewing
      2. Cutting and biting
      3. Grinding
      4. Tearing flesh
  5. Three of the following are air pollutants.
    Which one among them is not?
    1. Plants
    2. Dust
    3. Bad smell
    4. Smoke from vehicles
  6. In preparations for a science trip, the teacher asked learners to carry different devices that could be used in recording to school. The pupils carried the following. Which one among them could not help?
    8 dada
  7. During a clean up activity, learners were advised by their teacher to put on protective gears. Among the following, which one was not necessary to protect them from dust?
    1. Goggles
    2. Gloves
    3. Apron
    4. Vest
  8. The set up below was used to clean dirty water
    10 adada
    The part labelled (iii) is
    1. fine sand
    2. charcoal
    3. cotton wool
    4. pebbles
  9. While discussing about the effects of air pollution in our environment, Grade four learners listed the following. Which among them is not true?
    1. Improves immune system
    2. Causes eye irritation
    3. May cause accidents
    4. Reduces crop yields
  10. Name the digital device shown below
    12 dadad
    1. Laptop
    2. Television
    3. Tablet
    4. Computer
  11. Three of the following are safety measures for handling the vertebrates and invertebrates. Which among them is not advisable when handling animals?
    1. Do not go close to animals
    2. Playing with animals
    3. Putting on gloves when handling animals
    4. Wash hands after handling animals
  12. Mornah, a grade four teacher, was guiding learners in discussion about the vertebrates and invertebrates. She asked leamers to list only invertebrates in their locality. Who gave the correct answer?
    1. Priscah-Lions, pigs, birds
    2. Mary-Sheep, bees, flies
    3. Tom-Frogs, mosquitoes, lizards
    4. Lydia - Ticks, cockroaches, spiders
  13. Brian visited a dentist to advise him on different ways of taking care of his teeth. Among the following practices, which one is not a way of taking care of our teeth?
    1. Eating sugary foods
    2. Visiting dentist regularly
    3. Chewing hard food
    4. Brushing daily

AGRICULTURE (10 marks)

  1. Grade 4 learners were asked to state uses of clay soil by their agriculture teacher. The learners gave the following uses. Which is not correct?
    1. Making bricks
    2. Growing rice
    3. Making fish ponds
    4. Growing coconut
  2. Grade four learners brought materials for making compost manure. Which among the following materials was not necessary?
    1. Grass
    2. Ash
    3. Polythene bags
    4. Chicken dropping
  3. When John was heading home, he saw people constructing a house in his village. Which type of soil did they mix with cement during the construction?
    1. Loam soil
    2. Sandy soil
    3. Clay soil
    4. Silt
  4. Grade four learners were discussing about the uses of water in the farm. Which among the following uses is not correct?
    1. Mixing chemicals
    2. Washing harvested crops
    3. Washing tools
    4. Cooking
  5. The following are small wild animals and the damage they cause in the farm. Which animal is wrongly matched with its cause in the farm?
    1. Birds -Eat fruits from our crops
    2. Squirrels - Remove planted seeds from the holes
    3. Mongoose-Eats chicken
    4. Moles -Eat chicks
  6. Grade four learners wrote crops grown in clay soil on their board. Among the following crops, which one can not be grown in clay soil?
    1. Rice
    2. Cassava
    3. Cotton
    4. Arrow roots
  7. In an activity to determine how different types of soils hold water, the following materials are needed except 
    1. Cotton wool
    2. Tins
    3. Different types of soil
    4. Sieve
  8. Grade four learners were asked by their agriculture teacher to state the type of soil suitable for making flower vase. Among the following learners, who gave the correct answer?
    1. Mike - Sandy soil
    2. Gladys - Clay soil
    3. Peter-Loam soil
    4. Mwangi - Silt
  9. Three of the following are animals kept at home as domestic animals in our locality. Which among them is not?
    1. Pig
    2. Chicken
    3. Squirrels
    4. Goose
  10. During an agricultural tour to a nearby farm, grade four learners were able to learn about different methods of water conservation in the farm. Among the following, which one is not a method of water conservation in the farm?
    1. Mulching
    2. Using drip irrigation
    3. Shading
    4. Weeding

HOME SCIENCE (10 marks)

  1. Grade 4 learners wanted to choose their play items. Which is not a good quality or play item they should consider?
    1. Should be simple
    2. Should not be easy to break
    3. Should be suitable for their age
    4. Should have sharp edges
  2. Name the kitchen untensil below. It is used to preserve milk.
    27 adada
    1. Pot
    2. Bottle
    3. Gourd
    4. Kettle
  3. Name the material used to make the pair of shoes below
    28 adada
    1. Canvas
    2. Plastic
    3. Leather
    4. Rubber
  4. .................................helps us to buy only necessary things and save money. 
    1. Shopping list
    2. Budget
    3. Menu
    4. Recipe
  5. Whisk is a kitchen utensil used when
    1. cooking rice
    2. preparing pancakes
    3. cooking fish
    4. cooking chicken
  6. Vomiting is common illness in the community. Which one of the following is a possible cause? 
    1. Drinking a lot of water
    2. Eating fruits
    3. Eating contaminated food
    4. Too much sleep
  7. The following are leisure activities we engage in. Which one does not require a lot of energy?
    1. Playing football
    2. Dancing
    3. Skipping the rope
    4. Watching a match
  8. How do we call a list of steps to follow while preparing a particular food?
    1. Menu
    2. Recipe
    3. Ingredients
    4. Shopping list
  9. Which of the following is not a sign or symptom of COVID-19?
    1. Bleeding
    2. Coughing
    3. Sneezing
    4. Sore throat
  10. Peter used the item below to clean their compound.
    35 adada
    Name the item
    1. Mop
    2. Brush
    3. Dustpan
    4. Broom


  1. Name the swimming skill illustrated below.
    36 adadad
    1. Breaststroke
    2. Sidestroke
    3. Starfish float nision
    4. Front crawlay
  2. At the swimming pool, learners should observe the following instructions except
    1. wear a swimming costume
    2. take a bath before swimming
    3. swim at the deep end in the absence of the coach
    4. always enter the swimming pool when the coach is around
  3. What is the importance of performing a handstand?
    1. Enhances co-ordination
    2. Enhances speed
    3. Makes one become weak
    4. It makes one grow thin
  4. How many skills does a 2-action sequence involve?
    1. 4
    2. 1
    3. 6
    4. 2
  5. The following are gymnastic activities except
    1. rope skipping
    2. forward roll
    3. handstand
    4. v-balance
  6. Which one of the following is a benefit of rope skipping?
    1. One gains a lot of weight
    2. One develops a good poisture
    3. Weakens body muscles
    4. Makes one lose coordination
  7. The equipment below is used in the game of rounders. Name it.
    42 adad
    1. Rounders bat
    2. Rounders ball
    3. Rounders post
    4. Rounders stand
  8. What is the benefit of hand juggling as a physical exercise?
    1. Improves flexibility of the leg muscles
    2. Makes one lose energy
    3. Makes one lose confidence
    4. Improves eye hand co-ordination
  9. Which material can not be used when improvising a ball at home?
    1. Dry leaves
    2. Soil
    3. Old clothes
    4. Waste pape's
  10. The following parts of the body can be used to pass the ball in soccer except
    1. hand
    2. head
    3. knee
    4. foot
  11. One of the games below use a net as an equipment. Which one does not?
    1. Soccer
    2. Rounders
    3. Volleyball
    4. Hand ball
  12. How many players make a team in football?
    1. 7
    2. 6
    3. 11
    4. 22
  13. Which game among the following cannot be played using overarm pass?
    1. Handball
    2. Netball
    3. Basketball
    4. Soccer
  14. Which of the following is a requirement for a referee during a football match?
    1. Flag
    2. Jersey
    3. Whistle
    4. Gloves
  15. Which of the following is not a sporting activity?
    1. Running
    2. Fighting
    3. Swimming
    4. Football match


integrated sci ad




Kusikiliza na kuzungumza
Soma mazungumzo yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 1-5

(Runo ameketi kwenye kivuli pamoja na baba yake wakizungumziana)

Runo: (akimsogelea Baba) Shikamoo Baba?

Baba: (kwa tabasamu) Marahaba mwanangu! Habari za shule?

Runo:  Njema baba! (kimya) Baba, nikwambie tulichosoma leo?

Baba: Naam, nieleze mwanangu!

Runo:  Leo tulifunzwa kuhusu nidhamu mezani.

Baba:  Hilo ni somo zuri sana.

Runo:  Mwalimu alituelezea kidogo kisha akatuambia tujadiliane na wazazi wetu. Nidhamu mezani ni nini?

Baba:  Aha! Runo, nidhamu mezani ni tabia nzuri ya mtu kabla ya kula, anapokula na baada ya kula.

Runo:  Ooh! Nimeelewa.

Baba:  Mwanangu, kabla hujala unafaa kunawa mikono kwa maji safi na sabuni.

Runo:  Naam baba. Aidha ninafaa kumshukuru Mungu kwa chakula.

Baba:  Ndio Runo. Pia hufai kupakua chakula ambacho huwezi kumaliza. Kama utabakisha hufai kumwaga. Unafaa kukiweka ule baadaye.

Runo:  Kweli Baba! Ni vibaya sana kumwaga chakula. Kuna watoto kama mimi ambao hawana chakula.

Baba:  Umeongea ukweli. Je, ukimaliza kula unafaa kufanya nini?

Runo:  (Kwa ujasiri) Kumshukuru aliyenipatia chakula na kunawa mikono yangu.

Baba:  Vyema! Unastahili pia kuondoa vyombo ulivyotumia na kuvipeleka jikoni ili vioshwe.

Runo:  Asante baba! Hakika umenifunza mengi.

  1. Runo alipoulizwa na baba kuhusu habari za shule. Alimjibu vipi?
    1. Naam
    2. Njema
    3. Shikamoo
    4. Marahaba
  2. Maneno yafuatayo yametumiwa katika mazungumzo. Lipi linaonyesha kushukuru kwa wema uliofanyiwa?
    1. Karibu
    2. Naam
    3. Asante
    4. Kweli
  3. Ni jibu lipi linaloonyesha nidhamu ambayo Baba alimfunza Runo?
    1. Kunawa mikono, kupakua chakula utakachomaliza, kuondoa vyombo baada ya kula. 
    2. Kumwaga chakula, kupakua chakula utakachomaliza, kupeleka vyombo jikoni 
    3. kupakua chakula utakachomaliza, kuomba, kumshukuru aliyekupa chakula.
    4. Kuweka chakula kilichobaki, kunawa mikono, kuwa mlafi
  4. Baada ya mazungumzo: 
    1. Runo alimuaga baba yake.
    2. Runo alimshukuru baba yake.
    3. Baba alimuaga Runo
    4. Baba alimshukuru Runo.
  5. Neno nidhamu lina maana gani?
    1. Mienendo mibaya
    2. Tabia ya kula
    3. Tabia nzuri
    4. Kuwatii wakubwa wetu

Soma hadithi ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 6-9

Siku moja Sungura aliamka kabla ya jua kuchomoza. Alianza safari ya kwenda kumtembelea rafiki yake. Hakutaka kuchelewa kufika. Alipanda milima na kuvuka mabonde. Jua lilipochomoza, aligundua kuwa alikuwa amepotea njia. Alikuwa anaelekea Mashariki badala ya Magharibi.

Alisimama na kushindwa na la kufanya. Alimwona kobe aliyekuwa kichakani na kumwomba amsaidie. Kobe alimwuuliza upande aliokuwa akienda. Sungura alimwambia alikuwa akienda Mashariki alikoishi rafiki yake. Kobe alimwambia kuwa jua huchomoza upande wa Mashariki wa dira kila asubuhi.

Sungura aligundua kuwa mgongo wake ulifaa kuelekea upande jua lilikuwa likitokea nao uso upande ambao jua lilikuwa likielekea. Alimshukuru kobe sana kwa kumsaidia. Aliendelea na safari yake akiwa na furaha kubwa.

  1. Nyumbani kwa rafiki wa Sungura kulikuwa upande gani kutoka kwa Sungura?
    1. Mashariki 
    2. Magharibi
    3. Kaskazini
    4. Kusini
  2. Kwa nini Sungura aliamka mapema? ili 
    1. apande milima na kuvuka mabonde. 
    2. aone jua likichomoza.
    3. aulize kobe kwa rafiki yake
    4. asichelewe kufika kwa rafiki yake.
  3. Kwa nini kobe ni rafiki mzuri?
    1. Alimwonyesha Sungura njia.
    2. Alikutana na Sungura njiani.
    3. Anajua upande ambao jua huchomoza.
    4. Alikubali kuongea na Sungura.
  4. Kifungu ulichosoma kina aya ngapi?
    1. Nne
    2. Mbili
    3. Tatu
    4. Tano

Soma hadithi ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 10-12

Katika kipindi cha Kiswahili mwalimu wetu Bwana Ujuzi alitufundisha kuandika kwa kutumia tarakilishi.

Alituonyesha sehemu mbalimbali za kompyuta, majina yake pamoja na njia za kuzitumia.

Sehemu hizo ndizo hizi:

 9 uygaud

Alituambia kuwa kabla hatujaanza kutumia kompyuta, tuhakikishe ina umeme wa kutosha. Baada ya hayo tubonyeze kitufe cha kuwashia tarakilishi. Ikiwaka alituambia tuweke nenosiri kwa kupiga taipu neno hilo. Isitoshe alituambia kuwa baada ya kukamilisha kazi tuihifadhi. Mwishowe alituambia tuifunge kompyuta.

  1. Ni sehemu gani hutumiwa mtu anapopiga taipu?
    1. Kipanya
    2. Bodidota
    3. Kiwambo
    4. Kitengo kikuu cha uchakataji
  2. Mwalimu alipatiana hatua ngapi mtu anapotumia tarakilishi?
    1. Nne
    2. Sita
    3. Tano
    4. Tatu
  3. Kwa nini mtu huweka nenosiri katika tarakilishi yake?
    1. Ili isifunguliwe na mtu mwingine bila ruhusa
    2. Ili kompyuta isiibwe
    3. Ili mtu aweze kuitumia vizuri
    4. Ili tarakilishi isiharibike

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 13-15.

Jayda amezaliwa na kulelewa jijini Nairobi. Wazazi wake Bwana na Bi. Akili wamemlea vizuri sana. Huwa wanahakikisha amepata haki zake kama vile: lishe bora, Makao mazuri, mavazi ya kupendeza, huduma za afya na elimu katika shule nzuri.

Jayda pia hushauriwa na wazazi wake kuwa na nidhamu.

Hufundishwa kuwa na tabia nzuri na kutumia wakati wake kwa njia inayofaa. Zaidi ya hayo hufundishwa kuwa na heshima kwa wakubwa na wadogo. Isitoshe huwa wanamwelekeza kuwa na bidii katika shughuli zote za maisha. Kila akikosea huwa anarekebishwa na kupewa ushauri nasaha.

Ni kweli kusema kuwa wazazi wa Jayda wanaelewa umuhimu wa malezi bora. Wahenga walisema kuwa mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo

  1. Kulingana na kifungu ulichokisoma ni gani kati ya haki hizi haijatajwa?
    1. Haki ya kupata lishe bora
    2. Haki ya elimu
    3. Haki ya kucheza
    4. Haki ya kupewa mavazi mazuri
  2. Wazazi wa Jayda humfanyia nini anapokosea?
    1. Kumwadhibu
    2. Kumpeleka kwa mwalimu
    3. Kumchapa
    4. Kumrekebisha na kumpa ushauri nasaha.
  3. Ni Methali gani imetumiwa katika kifungu hiki?
    1. Ushauri nasaha
    2. Ni kweli kusema kuwa
    3. Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo
    4. Amezaliwa na kulelewa

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Kina nafasi 16 hadi 20. Umepewa majibu manne hapo. Chagua jibu lifaalo Zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Mwalimu .....................16................. wa Kiswahili hufundisha  .....................17................. sana. Ametufundisha vielezi kama vile polepole na .....................18.................  Yeye pia hutufundisha kutumia  .....................19................. ili tujue maana za maneno. Kila anapokamilisha kipindi hutuaga  .....................20................. nasi husema kwaheri ya kuonana.

    1. wangu
    2. yangu
    3. changu
    4. langu
    1. nzuri
    2. vizuri
    3. uzuri
    4. mizuri
    1. kwa sababu
    2. lo!
    3. chini ya
    4. haraka
    1. kamusi
    2. bibilia
    3. madaftari
    4. kalamu
    1. hamjambo
    2. shikamoo
    3. kwaheri
    4. buriani

Kutoka swali 21-30, chagua jibu sahihi. 

  1. Tazama picha hii kisha ujibu swali
    21 adada
    Chombo hiki huitwaje?
    1. Saa
    2. Dira
    3. Kipimajoto
    4. Televisheni
  2. Tumia Maneno ya adabu badala ya 'kuenda chooni'
    1. Kuenda msalani
    2. kukojoa
    3. kutapika
    4. kujifungua
  3. Hali ya mtu kuipenda nchi yake sana na kuwa tayari kuifia ni
    1. Ufisadi
    2. Uzalendo
    3. Umoja
    4. Uwiano
  4. Chagua wingi wa: Mwalimu wangu ananipenda sana.
    1. Mwalimu wako anatupenda sana.
    2. Walimu wangu wanatupenda sana.
    3. Mwalimu wetu anatupenda sana.
    4. Walimu wetu wanatupenda sana.
  5. Ni kundi gani lina mpangilio mzuri wa maneno kama yatakavyofuatana katika kamusi?
    1. Kula, pakua, pika, nawa
    2. Salamu, salama, salimu, sala
    3. Kinu, kisu, mchi mwiko
    4. Zulia, tumbuu, pazia, fremu
  6. Nomino hizi zote ziko katika ngeli ya A-WA isipokuwa
    1. kuku
    2. mtu
    3. mwizi
    4. mti
  7. Kitendawili! Tunamsikia lakini hatumuoni
    1. mbuzi
    2. Kioo
    3. Pikipiki
    4. Sauti
  8. Unapoandika insha ya barua mtu huanza na nini?
    1. Anwani
    2. Tamati
    3. Kimalizio
    4. Mwili
  9. Tumia kihusishi sahihi? Kikombe kimewekwa ............................ meza.
    29 adada
    1. mbele ya
    2. kando ya
    3. chini ya
    4. juu ya
  10. Tazama picha kisha ujibu swali. Vazi hili linaitwaje?
    30 adada
    1. Kaptura
    2. Sketi
    3. Rinda
    4. Chupi


Muda: Dakika 40

Mwandikie baba yako barua ukimwelezea vile unavyoendelea katika masomo yako.


swa add



Read the following dialogue and answer questions 1-5.

Jane : How are you mother?

Mother: I am fine, thank you. How was your day?

Jane : Fine. Today we had a very interesting Home Science lesson.

Mother :  What did you learn?

Jane :  Mr. Suntai, our Science teacher came to stand in for Tr. Janet. He taught us how to wash a white cotton blouse.

Mother: Did you do it practically?

Jane :   No mother, he said that we should take a white cotton blouse to school tomorrow. We shall practise tomorrow.

Mother:  What about soap? Will you carry that too?

Jane :   Yes, we are to carry some washing powder and some bleach.

Mother:  In that case you will have to rush to the shop and buy some bleach. We have run out of bleach. You will pack the school blouse you wore today for tomorrow's practice. Is that okay?

Jane :   Yes mother.

  1. What is the meaning of the phrase stand in for as used in the dialogue above?
    1. substitute
    2. assist
    3. teach
    4. wash
  2. Mention one of the lessons that Jane learnts
    1. washing a white cotton short
    2. washing white clothes
    3. washing a white cotton blouse
    4. washing a white nylon shirt
  3. What is the name of the teacher who
    1. Tr. Suntai
    2. Teacher Jane
    3. Tr. Janet
    4. Mr.Suntai
  4. What are the two words used to describe the blouse?
    1. White and wash
    2. Practise and wash
    3. White and blouse
    4. White and cotton.
  5. The words run out of means to
    1. move by running
    2. get something
    3. be used up
    4. fall down

Read the following passage and answer questions 6-8.

One day, a lucky dog found a piece of meat and was carrying it home in its mouth to eat it in peace. Now on its way home, the dog had to cross a plank of wood lying across a running river. As it crossed, it looked down and saw its own shadow reflected in the water beneath. Thinking it was another dog with another piece of meat, it made up its mind to have that also. So it made a snap at the shadow in the water, but as it opened its mouth, the piece of meat fell out, dropped into the water below and was quickly carried away by the fast flowing water. The dog was so sad because it had lost what it already had. That day it learnt not to envy what others have but value what one has

  1. Why was the dog lucky that day?
    1. It ate the meat
    2. It found a piece of meat
    3. It crossed the river
    4. It lost the piece of meat
  2. The best title for the passage above is ....................................
    1. The greedy dog.
    2. The lucky dog.
    3. The lost meat
    4. The piece of meat
  3. Which of the following proverbs would best fit in the story?
    1. One man's meat is another man's poison.
    2. Rivers never flow back
    3. Better late than never.
    4. Grasp all lose all.

Read the passage below and use it to answer questions 9 to 11.

One hot afternoon a wolf was feasting on an animal he had killed, when suddenly a small bone in the meat got stuck in his throat and he could not remove it. He soon felt terrible pain in his throat, and ran up and down groaning and looking for something to relieve the pain. He tried to plead with everyone he met to remove the bone. "I would give anything," he said, "if you would take it out." At last the Crane agreed to try, and told the Wolf to lie on his side and open his jaws as wide as he could. Then the Crane put its long neck down the Wolf's throat. and with its beak loosened the bone, until at last it got it out. "Will you kindly give me the reward you promised?" said the Crane. The Wolf grinned, showed his teeth, and said, "Be satisfied. You have put your head inside a Wolf's mouth and taken it out again safely, that ought to be reward enough for you. Gratitude and greed do not go together."

  1. The word relieve as used in the story means all the following except
    1. finish. 
    2. reduce.
    3. end.
    4. remove.
  2. How could you describe the animal that agreed to help the wolf?
    1.  A bird with a short neck
    2. A bird with a long neck
    3. A bird with wide jaws
    4. A greedy bird
  3. "Gratitude and greed do not go together". These words as used by the wolf meant that 
    1. The crane was a greedy animal
    2. The wolf was a grateful animal
    3. The wolf was not grateful
    4. Animals that are greedy are never grateful

Read the passage below and use it to answer questions 12 to 15.

In the olden days, when men were allowed to marry many wives, a middle-aged Man had two wives, one wife that was old and one that was young. The two wives loved him very much though differently, each desired to see him like herself. Now the Man's hair was turning grey, which the young wife did not like, as it made him look too old for her husband. So every night she used to comb his hair and pick out the white ones. On the other hand the elder wife loved her husband's grey hair with great pleasure. She did not like to be mistaken for his mother. So every morning she used to arrange his hair and pick out as many of the black ones as she could. The result was the man soon found himself entirely bald. He regretfully learnt that if you yield to all, you will soon have nothing to yield.

  1. What is the sign of old age according to the story?
    1. Many wives
    2. Bald head
    3. Grey hair
    4. Black hair
  2. Between the young and old wife who wanted the man to have only black hair?
    1. The younger wife
    2. Both
    3. None
    4. The older wife
  3. What lesson do we learn from the story?
    1. We can't please everybody.
    2. Bald head is a bad.
    3. It is good to have many wives
    4. It is not advisable to marry two wives.
  4. In the end the man was left as bald as
    1. an egg
    2. a stone
    3. a head
    4. a pot

Read the passage below keenly. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20.
Fill the spaces using the best alternative from the choices given.

An eagle was soaring ..............16..................  the air when suddenly it heard the  ..............17..................  of an arrow, and felt the arrow hit it from below. Slowly it fluttered  ..............18..................  to the earth, with its blood pouring out. Looking down at the arrow which had  ..............19..................  it found that the shaft of the arrow had been feathered with one of its own plumes. "Alas!" it cried, as it died, "We often give our enemies the means for our own  ..............20.................. 

    1. though
    2. through
    3. past
    4. on
    1. shot
    2. boom
    3. whizzing
    4. blast
    1. down
    2. up
    3. into
    4. for
    1. killed
    2. cut
    3. pierced
    4. shot
    1. destruction
    2. death
    3. success
    4. pain

Select the correct word from the choices to fill in the gaps for questions 21, 22 and 23.

  1. The lady lifted...................................................... bag.
    1. James'
    2. Jame's
    3. James's
    4. James
  2. ...................................... forced ...................................... way through the crowd.
    1. He, him
    2. His, he
    3. He, his
    4. He, he
  3. The boy played with ...................................ball all day.
    1. her
    2. its
    3. his
    4. we

Choose the correct order of adjectives in question 24.

  1. His house has a .............................. , .............................. , .............................. window. 
    1. green, big, circular 
    2. big, green , circular
    3. circular big green
    4. big, circular , green

Choose the odd one out in questions 25 to 27

    1. green
    2. bright
    3. scarlet
    4. big
    1. huge
    2. tiny
    3. oval
    4. small
    1. rectangular
    2. big
    3. shapeless
    4. straight

Choose the correct degree of adjective to fill the gaps for questions 28 to 30

  1. Kenya is the ........................................... country in East Africa.
    1. peaceful
    2. more peaceful
    3. most peaceful
    4. peace
  2. A tiger is  ...........................................  than a lion.
    1. stronger
    2. strong
    3. strongest
    4. more stronger
  3. I didn't know that you are so ........................................... 
    1. creative
    2. more creative
    3. most creative
    4. less creative


Write an interesting composition explaining how you celebrated the new year.


eng ada



  1. What is eight thousand eight hundred and eight in symbols?
    1. 8800
    2. 8808
    3. 8080
    4. 8880
  2. What is the place value of digit 4 in the number 64238?
    1. Tens
    2. Hundreds
    3. Tens of thousands
    4. Thousands
  3. Identify the missing numbers in the pattern below
    98. 94, 90, ............ , 82 , ..............
    1. 91, 83
    2. 81, 80
    3. 86, 78
    4. 80, 72
  4. In a meeting there were 1276 men and 3618 women. How many people were in the meeting altogether?
    1. 4894
    2. 4884
    3. 4814
    4. 4892
  5. Choose the even numbers between 21 and 31
    1. 21, 18, 24, 22, 28
    2. 22, 24, 26, 28, 30
    3. 23, 25, 27, 29, 31
    4. 24, 25, 27, 29, 30
  6. Which one of the following is the next multiple of 9 after 72?
    1. 64
    2. 91
    3. 81
    4. 63
  7. Round off 463 and 155 to the nearest ten and work out their sum
    1. 620
    2. 618
    3. 518
    4. 520
  8. A teacher wrote 13/7 on the black board. What is the fraction converted into a mixed fraction?
    1. 71/6
    2. 61/7
    3. 16/7
    4. 15/7
  9. What fraction is shaded in the figure below?
    9 adada
    1. 4/8
    2. 3/8
    3. 2/8
    4. 5/8
  10. A teacher had 96 mangoes. He shared the mangoes equally among 6 learners. How many mangoes did each learner get?
    1. 19
    2. 12
    3. 16
    4. 17
  11. Find the estimated product of 44 and 53 by rounding off each number to the nearest ten before working out.
    1. 2332
    2. 200
    3. 2400
    4. 2000
  12. Identify the first 4 multiples of 6
    1. 6, 12, 18, 24
    2. 6, 9, 12, 15
    3. 12, 18, 24, 30
    4. 6, 8, 10, 12
  13. Alex has nine rabbits at home. How many rabbits are these in Roman numerals?
    1. IV
    2. IX
    3. X
    4. VIII
  14. In a school there are 1784 cypress seedlings and 2405 eucalyptus seedlings. How many seedlings are there in total?
    1. 4089
    2. 4180
    3. 4009
    4. 4189
  15. Arrange these numbers from the largest to the smallest
    769, 967, 796, 679, 697 
    1. 679, 697, 769, 796, 967
    2. 967, 769, 796, 697, 679
    3. 697, 769, 796, 579,967
    4. 967, 796, 769, 697, 679
  16. What is the time?
    16 adad
    1. 2 minutes past 9
    2. 15 minutes past 9
    3. 15 minutes to 3
    4. 15 minutes to 2
  17. Which of these are odd numbers only?
    1. 53, 124, 36, 59
    2. 427, 93, 25, 131
    3. 165, 19, 87, 62
    4. 14, 222, 37, 28
  18. How many days are there in the months of October, November and December?
    1. 93
    2. 91
    3. 92
    4. 90
  19. Work out the following:
    1. 3100
    2. 3110
    3. 3106
    4. 3090 
  20. In a school hall there were 1005 tables and 7684 chairs. How many tables and chairs were there in the hall altogether?
    1. 6681
    2. 8688
    3. 8689
    4. 8699
  21. Divide
    8 √ 96
    1. 11 rem 7
    2. 13
    3. 12 rem 1
    4. 12
  22. In a class there were 42 learners. Each learner was given 12 books. How many books were they given altogether?
    1. 404
    2. 504
    3. 304
    4. 324
  23. Convert 11/6 into an improper fraction.
    1. 6/2
    2. 7/6
    3. 7/1
    4. 6/5
  24. Which of the following is a need?
    24 adada
  25. In a class there are 16 girls. If each girl was given 13 books, how many books were they given altogether?
    1. 280
    2. 288
    3. 200
    4. 208
  26. How many days are there in twelve weeks?
    1. 74 days
    2. 19 days
    3. 84 days
    4. 6 days
  27. Amani was given sh. 1055 by her father. Her mother gave he sh. 2620. How much money was she given altogether?
    1. shs. 3675
    2. shs. 3575
    3. shs. 3665
    4. shs. 3670
  28. Work out:
    Weeks   Days
       4            4
    +5             6
    1. 10 weeks
    2. 10 weeks 5 days
    3. 10 weeks 3 days
    4. 10 weeks 4 days
  29. How many 2kg packets of sugar can be used to fill a 100kg sack?
    1. 200
    2. 50
    3. 102
    4. 98
  30. What is the next shape in the following pattern?
    30 adada




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