Displaying items by tag: grade 4

Read the following conversation and then answer questions 1 to 5.

Father:   Mueni, did I tell you the other day that animals can be grouped into two major groups?
Mueni:   Yes you did, daddy. But you did not tell us the animals in each of the two groups.
Maingi:   I remember in our yesterday's Social Studies lesson, Madam Machoine told us that some animals live with human beings at home and                         others  live in the forests.
Father:   Absolutely. The ones living with humans at home are called domestic animals while the other group is made up of wild animals. Most wild                      animals live in game parks and game reserves.
Mueni:    I like domestic animals because they help us. Cows give us milk and meat, same to goats and camels, pigs gives us pork and sheep give us                 wool and meat called mutton,
Maingi:  Yes, and again, some domestic animals are kept for services. A dog is a good guard. It alerts the family whenever there is danger. Donkeys                   help us carry luggage on carts. Cats help us control destructive rats and mice.
Father:   On the other hand, wild animals attract tourists who come to visit our country. As they see them, we earn foreign exchange which our                             country  uses for various development projects. All animals, therefore, are important to us.

  1. According to this conversation, animals can be divided into
    1. living and non living.
    2. wild and domestic.
    3. four.
    4. local and foreign.
  2. The animals that do not live with people at home
    1. are found in parks and reserves.
    2. can help farmers to pull the carts.
    3. are useful for their food products.
    4. are said to be domestic. 
  3. Which of the domestic animals below give human beings similar products?
    1. Sheep, pigs and goats.
    2. Camels, goats and cats.
    3. Goats, camels and cows.
    4. Cats, dogs and donkeys.
  4. According to father, the main importance of wild animals is that they
    1. attract tourists.
    2. provide food products.
    3. guard our homested.
    4. enable our country get foreign exchange.
  5. As the tourists come to our country and see the animals, they 
    1. get paid some money.
    2. pay foreign exchange.
    3. go with them away.
    4. they bring theirs as well.

Read the passage and then answer questions 6 to 9.   

A long time ago, all animals lived together in the forest. They worked together to get food for all of them. The food was then shared among themselves. Daily, they woke up very early to go to the farm. Dog, Hyena and Lion went to hunt birds. They brought the birds they got and shared them with other animals.

Cat was very lazy and did not want to work. He spent the whole day cleaning his feet and did not want to get dirty. Then he came home to eat.

Other animals were very angry at him. They decided to hide the food and did not give him anything. However, the Cat entered the store quietly and ate all the food. The animals decided to catch the lazy Cat. They left Dog at the door of the store. When the Cat came, the Dog barked very loudly. The other animals woke up. They chased the Cat away. The Cat went to ask for help from man. He promised to help him catch rats. They became great friends.

  1. The animals got food by
    1. stealing from others.
    2. hunting small animals.
    3. living together.
    4. working together.
  2. The other animals were angry at the Cat because he 
    1. ate all the food.
    2. stole some food.
    3. did not work.
    4. disturbed other animals.
  3. What did the Dog do when the Cat came to the store? He
    1. barked loudly.
    2. called other animals.
    3. caught the cat.
    4. chased the cat away.
  4. What did the Cat promise Man? To A
    1. be his great friend.
    2. catch the birds.
    3. work in the farm.
    4. catch the rats.

Read the passage and then answer questions 10 to 12.   

Industrialisation means making things for people to buy. Those things are made or manufactured in large buildings called factories. Such factories are flour factory, cloth and the soap factory. Here are other names you should remember: raw materials, products and labourers. Raw materials are used for making other things. Clothes are products of the raw materials called cotton.

The word labourer means the people who work in those factories. A lot of money is needed to start a factory. If you build a factory, you must be sure that the raw materials can be obtained easily. You must also be sure that a lot of people would want to buy your products.

  1. According to this passage, products are made in
    1. factories.
    2. godowns.
    3. stores.
    4. farms.
  2. What is the use of a raw material according to the writer?
    1. Paying workers.
    2. Exchanging for money.
    3. Making things.
    4. Building factories.
  3. The writer says that when you want to start a factory, you must have
    1. enough products.
    2. some few customers.
    3. many friends.
    4. enough money.

Read the passage and then answer questions 13 to 15.

I got up late that morning. I knew my friends, Jon and Ken were waiting for me at the bus stop. We always competed for the front seat in our school bus. Many days I was the first on stage. Whoever got the seat was to get a piece of cake during tea break from any of us who came late. I washed my face quickly and wore my school uniform. I made my bed, cleaned my room and then went to the sitting room. I started eating my breakfast very fast.

  1. What did the writer know about John and Ken? That they
    1. were in their school bus.
    2. were waiting for her.
    3. would be the first to board the bus.
    4. were already in school.
  2. What did the writer and her friends compete for?
    1. Reaching school early. 
    2. Eating pieces of cake.
    3. Boarding the school bus.
    4. Getting the front seat.
  3. Before the writer sat down for her breakfast, she did not 
    1. get the front seat.
    2. clean her room.
    3. make her bed.
    4. wash her face.

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.

It was a bright Tuesday morning during the planting ___16___. The children had closed school a week earlier. The ___17___ had already prepared their farms and it was now time to ___18___. James and his younger sister___19___ grazing the cattle a short distance from their compound. James____20____a gourd of porridge while his sister carried food.

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   weather   season   lesson   times 
 17.  children  learners   pupils   villagers 
 18.  plant  rain   harvest   irrigate 
 19.  is  are  were  was
 20.  hard  had    heard   herd 


For questions 21 to 23. use the correct word to fill in the blank spaces.

  1. We spoke loudly __________________ they did not hear us.
    1. then
    2. because
    3. but
    4. and
  2. My brother, ___________________I have new toys.
    1. an
    2. at
    3. but
    4. and
  3. Mother came early. __________________ I did not see her.
    1. because
    2. but
    3. and
    4. as

In questions 24 to 27, choose the best alternative to complete the sentences.

  1. My bicycle wheel is ______________________ in shape.
    1. small
    2. circular
    3. black
    4. big
  2. Most ripe bananas are yellow in
    1. shape
    2. taste
    3. size
    4. colour
  3. My younger sister's shoes are ______________________ in size.
    1. small
    2. good
    3. black
    4. oval
  4. The _____________________ of an egg is oval.
    1. colour
    2. taste
    3. size
    4. shape

For questions 28 to 30, choose the correct indefinite pronoun to complete the sentences.

  1. _____________________ is coming, I can hear footsteps
    1. Anybody
    2. Nobody
    3. Everybody
    4. Somebody
  2. I cannot see my ruler, ____________________must have picked it.
    1. nobody
    2. somebody
    3. anybody 
    4. everybody.
  3. _____________________ is allowed to come to school early. 
    1. Nobody 
    2. Somebody
    3. Anybody
    4. No one


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. A
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. D
  15. A
  16. B
  17. D
  18. A
  19. C
  20. B
  21. C
  22. D
  23. B
  24. B
  25. D
  26. A
  27. D
  28. D
  29. B
  30. C


  1. A farmer in Malimali county had 917 goats in his farm. What is this number in word:?
    1. Nine hundred and seventy.
    2. Nine hundred and seventeen.
    3. Nine hundred and seven.
    4. Nine thousand and seventeen.
  2. In Bongochonjo market, there were eight hundred and sixteen traders. How many traders were there in symbols? 
    1. 8 116
    2. 860
    3. 80 016
    4. 816
  3. In a certain game reserve, there were 28 546 animals. What is the total value of the underlined digit?
    1. Hundreds
    2. Thousands
    3. 8000
    4. 500
  4. What is the place value of digit 9 in the number 49 236?
    1. Hundreds
    2. Tens
    3. Thousands
    4. Ones
  5. A county store had 679 bags of wheat. What is this number rounded off to the nearest ten?
    1. 670
    2. 600
    3. 680
    4. 690
  6. Which one of the following numbers in not a factor of 24?
    1. 5
    2. 3
    3. 8
    4. 6
  7. What is the next number in the pattern below?
    2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, _______________
    1. 12
    2. 13
    3. 14
    4. 15
  8. Some learners were asked to bring beads for an Art and Craft lesson:
    Kadogo - 7 beads
    Mbulu -  6 beads
    Samido - 10 beads
    How many beads did they bring altogether?
    1. 23
    2. 32
    3. 22
    4. 24
  9. A meeting was attended by 106 men, 99 women and 57 children. How many adults attended the meeting altogether?
    1. 262
    2. 205
    3. 252
    4. 305
  10. Which of the following represents 1/8 of a whole?
  11. A cup can hold 2 litres of milk. How many litres can 3 such cups hold?
    1. 12 litres
    2. 5 litres
    3. 1 litre
    4. 6 litres
  12. There were 18 litres of paint in a bucket. A painter used 9 litres to paint a museum wall. How much paint was left?
    1. 27 litres
    2. 2 litres
    3. 10 litres
    4. 9 litres
  13. Three children weigh 62 kg. If two of them weigh 51 kg, what is the mass of the third child?
    1. 113 kg
    2. 29 kg
    3. 11 kg
    4. 18 kg
  14. Abdi harvested 115 kg of carrots from his farm. He sold 15 kg to Salma and 20 kg to Omari. What is the mass of the remaining carrots?
    1. 70 kg
    2. 80 kg
    3. 35 kg
    4. 145 kg
  15. One morning a meeting started at the time shown on the digital clock below. 
    If the meeting was to end at 11.00, how many minutes did it take?
    1. 50
    2. 30
    3. 40
    4. 20
  16. Work out:
    Hours     Minutes
      13             18
     + 4             29 
    1. 16 hours   57 minutes
    2. 17 hours   57 minutes
    3. 16 hours   47 minutes
    4. 17 hours   47 minutes
  17. The distance from the shop to Ashura's home is 45 m. One day Ashura was sent to buy salt in the shop. If she walked from her home to the shop, what distance did she cover before going back home?
    1. 90 m
    2. 45 m
    3. 180 
    4. 23 m
  18. Take away 48 m from 93 m.
    1. 141 m
    2. 45 m
    3. 114 m
    4. 55 m
  19. What is the time according to the clockface below? 
    1. Twenty minutes to eleven o'clock 
    2. Eight minutes to eleven o'clock
    3. Eleven minutes to eight o'clock
    4. Forty minutes to twelve o'clock
  20. Which one of the following cannot be used to tell time?
    1. Birds
    2. Animals
    3. Calendar
    4. Charts
  21. In a shop there were 10 bottles. The shopkeeper put 2 bottles in each crate. If he used r crates, what is the value of r?
    1. 10
    2. 20
    3. 5
    4. 2
  22. As Chomba was washing dishes, he accidentally broke m plates and was left with 2. If there were 3 plates before, how many plates were broken?
    1. 5
    2. 1
    3. 3
    4. 4
  23. Which of the following shapes is an oval?
  24. A tourist was facing north. Which direction will she face if she moves ahead along a straight line?
    1. East
    2. North
    3. West
    4. South
  25. Which of the following, shows a curved line?
  26. What is the next shape in the pattern shown below

The table below shows a farmer's harvest Use it to answer questions 27 to 30.

 Produce   Sacks  
 Maize  25
 Beans  14
 Groundnuts   13
 Wheat  11
 Sorghum  9


  1. How many sacks of beans and wheat were harvested altogether?
    1. 24
    2. 25
    3. 26
    4. 23
  2. Which of the following gave the farmer a total of 27 sacks? 
    1. Groundnuts and beans 
    2. Wheat and sorghum
    3. Groundnuts and maize 
    4. Maize and beans
  3. Which farm produce produced the most number of sacks?
    1. Sorghum
    2. Maize
    3. Beans
    4. Wheat
  4. Which farm produce gave the farmer nine sacks only?
    1. Beans
    2. Groundnuts
    3. Maize
    4. Sorghum


  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. C
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. D
  12. D
  13. C
  14. B
  15. A
  16. D
  17. B
  18. B
  19. A
  20. D
  21. C
  22. B
  23. C
  24. B
  25. D
  26. A
  27. B
  28. A
  29. B
  30. D


  1. Which of the following is wet media used while smudging?
    1. Crayon
    2. Pencil graphite
    3. Ink
    4. Charcoal
  2. Why is overlapping important while arranging still life?
    1. Overlapping helps to create depth in drawings making the drawings look 3-Dimensional
    2. Overlapping helps the artist to create texture in drawing
    3. Overlapping helps the artist to create tone
    4. Overlapping helps to create balance in the drawing
  3. The following are the steps that a grade 4 followed while making a crayon etched drawing
    1. Scratching the ink using a sharp tool
    2. Applying wax crayon on a surface 
    3. Let the ink dry
    4. Applying ink on the wax surface
      Arrange the steps from the first to the last
      1. i,iv,iii,ii
      2. ii,i,iv,iii
      3. ii,iii,iv,i
      4. ii,iv,iii,i
  4. Dan was drawing some fruits while looking at them and drawing. What type of drawing is this?
    1. Drawing from memory
    2. Drawing from observation
    3. Drawing from imagination
    4. Drawing still life
  5. Look at the picture below keenly. Where is the light coming from?
    1. L
    2. K
    3. N
    4. M
  6. A grade 4 learner was painting a pot using a brown colour. He wanted to create a light tone on some parts of the pot. How could he create a light tone while painting?
    1. By adding black paint to the brown colour
    2. By using more brown colour
    3. By adding white paint to the brown colour
    4. By using less brown colour
  7. Making pictures using lines and shades is known as
    1. modelling
    2. drawing
    3. painting
    4. smearing
  8. The following are materials needed when creating value gradation strip. Which one is not?
    1. Clay
    2. Pencil
    3. Drawing paper
    4. Ruler
  9. What is tone?
    1. Tone is the feeling of a surface
    2. Tone is the gradual change from dark to light
    3. Tone is the lightness or darkness of a surface
    4. Tone is applying colour on a surface
  10. The following are materials and tools used in crayon etching. Which one is not?
    1. Toothpick
    2. Paint brush
    3. Black Indian Ink
    4. Pencil graphite


  1. Which type of song would a mother sing to make a baby sleep?
    1. Sacred song
    2. Lullaby
    3. Story song
    4. Folk song
  2. We describe the ______________________  of a song when we use words like loud or soft
    1. pitch
    2. height
    3. tempo
    4. dynamic
  3. Which verse of the Kenya nationa! anthem ends with the word shukrani?
    1. Four
    2. Two
    3. One
    4. Three
  4. In which group of musical instruments do we classify the instrument below?
    1. Wooden
    2. Percussion
    3. Stringed
    4. Wind
  5. Items like chairs and baskets that are used in a singing game are called
    1. gifts
    2. props
    3. toys
    4. costumes
  6. We can tell the difference between two notes on a piano because they have different _____________________
    1. pitch
    2. rhythm
    3. style 
    4. fun
  7. "Tushangilie Kenya taifa letu tukufu "is a common Kenyan __________________ song.
    1. action
    2. sacred
    3. patriotic
    4. story song
  8. Moving our bodies in rhythm when responding to music is called ______________________
    1. choir
    2. dancing
    3. sound
    4. rythm
  9. The melody of a song can simply be called the ______________________ of the song.
    1. words
    2. tune
    3. dynamics
    4. tempo
  10. The following are costumes that we can wear when performing folk songs. Which one is not?
    1. Sisal skirts
    2. Necklaces
    3. Jingles
    4. Guitar

SOCIAL STUDIES    (15 marks)  


Study the map of Kina area and answer questions 21-25.

  1. On which side of the map is the forest found?
    1. North West
    2. North East
    3. South West
    4. South East
  2. Which cash crop is grown in Kina area?
    1. Maize
    2. Coffee
    3. Tea
    4. Sisal
  3. The elected head of Kina area is likely to be a
    1. Governor
    2. Senator
    3. Chief
    4. Assistant chief
  4. The presence of the church in the area shows that people in Kina area are
    1. Christians
    2. Muslims
    3. Pagans
    4. Hindus
  5. The main means of transport in Kina area is
    1. railway
    2. road
    3. air
    4. water
  6. Grade four learners made a tour to a nearby slum area. They found many people living together. This type of population distribution is said to be
    1. sparsely populated
    2. densely populated
    3. scattered
    4. linear
  7. Which one of the following is not a physical feature?
    1. Mountains
    2. Rivers
    3. Valleys
    4. Winds
  8. Traditional items preserved in museums are called
    1. artefacts
    2. products
    3. models
    4. monuments
  9. During the rainy season, farmers engage in
    1. ploughing
    2. planting
    3. winnowing
    4. harvesting
  10. The four main points of a compass are known as
    1. cardinal points 
    2. relief feature
    3. paths
    4. regions
  11. Interdependence is important in the following ways except
    1.  people live in unity and harmony
    2. people are able to get what they want
    3. people learn from each other
    4. people steal from each other
  12. Grade 4 Social Studies teacher asked learners to identify historic built environment. Who gave a wrong answer?
    1. Risper - Cultural centres
    2. John - Huts
    3. Peter - Museums
    4. Ann Monuments
  13. Kenya is divided into how many counties?
    1. 10
    2. 47
    3. 12
    4. 18
  14. Law and order in our county is maintained by
    1. teachers
    2. the governor
    3. police
    4. judges
  15. A good leader should have all the following qualities except
    1. hardworking
    2. honesty
    3. arrogance
    4. humility

C.R.E (15 marks)

  1. Creation stories are recorded in the book of
    1. Genesis
    2. Exodus
    3. Numbers
    4. Acts of Apostles
  2. Who among the following is known as the "Father of faith"?
    1. Noah
    2. David
    3. Abraham
    4. Moses
  3. "You created every part of me; You put me together in my mother's womb. "This verse is found in the book of
    1. Proverbs
    2. Psalms
    3. Genesis
    4. Exodus
  4. Why are human beings special in God's creation? They
    1. were created in God's image
    2. were created from the soil
    3. were created last
    4. were created male and female
  5. Grade four CRE teacher asked learners to identify ways of coping with emotions. Which one is not?
    1. Praying and relying on God
    2. Playing with friends
    3. Speaking to someone we trust about our feelings
    4. Staying alone to think deeper
  6. Who among the following made a wrong choice?
    1. Annania and Saphira
    2. Naomi
    3. Noah
    4. Abraham
  7. Who among the following raped his half sister Tamar?
    1. Amnon
    2. Jonadab
    3. Solomon
    4. Absolom
  8. According to 1 Corithians 6:19, our bodies are the temples of the
    1. blood
    2. flesh
    3. Holy spirit
    4. Lord
  9. Three of the following are attributes of God. Which one is not?
    1. Creator
    2. Loving
    3. Protector
    4. Sinner
  10. Which one of the following books of the Bible is not found in the New Testament?
    1. Luke
    2. Matthew
    3. Ruth
    4. Jude
  11. The tax collector who climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus was called
    1. Zacchaeus
    2. Simon
    3. Levi
    4. John
  12. The name Jesus means
    1. Emmanuel
    2. Saviour
    3. Teacher
    4. Light
  13. While playing in the field, a grade four learner hit his friend with a stick. As a Christian, what should the pupil who hit the other one do?
    1. Run away
    2. Apologise and say sorry
    3. Report to the teacher 
    4. Keep quiet
  14. Who among the following was prevented by an angel from going to curse the Israelites?
    1. Balak
    2. Balaam
    3. Jonnah
    4. Darius
  15. From the story where Samson killed a lion, we learn that we should
    1. kill wild animals
    2. ask God to enable us beat people
    3. trust in God
    4. stay away from danger

I.R.E   (15 marks)

  1. Allah is one and he has no family. This is a teaching of surah
    1. Ikhlas
    2. Fatiha
    3. Falaq
    4. Maun
  2. Who among the following persons was cursed in surah Al-Masad?
    1. Abraha
    2. Abu Talib
    3. Abu Lahab
    4. Hamza
  3. Which two surahs are referred to as Muadhatain?
    1. Naas and Ikhlas
    2. Naas and Falaq
    3. Falaq and Ikhlas
    4. Fatiha and Naas
  4. Maryam a grade four learner lacks patience in all that she does. Which surah would you advise her to read?
    1. Humaza
    2. Ikhlas
    3. Maun
    4. Asr
  5. Who was the first man to be created by Allah (S.W.T)?
    1. Yaqub
    2. Adam
    3. Luqman
    4. Issa
  6. Muslims should respect the religion of other people. This teaching is found in surah
    1. Kafirun
    2. Kauthar
    3. Maun
    4. Masad
  7. According to the hadith of the prophet (SAW) we should always say the truth even though it is
    1. good
    2. bitter
    3. strong
    4. sweet
  8. Which one of the following is not a manner of eating in Islam?
    1. Saying Bismillahi before eating 
    2. Saying Alhamdulillahi after eating
    3. Washing hands after eating
    4. Using a spoon
  9. Which of the following attributes of Allah means the creator?
    1. Al-Malik
    2. Al-Qudus
    3. Al-Azeez
    4. Al-Khaaliq
  10. Who among the following prophets of Allah was given the Injil?
    1. Daud
    2. Ibrahim
    3. Iss
    4. Musa
  11. How many children did prophet Muhammad (SAW) have?
    1. Seven
    2. Six
    3. Four
    4. Three
  12. How many rakaat are performed in the fardh prayer done after sunset?
    1. Four
    2. Three
    3. Two
    4. One
  13. While fasting in the month of Ramadhan, Jamal a grade 4 learner did the following things. Which of them nullified his fast?
    1. Talking
    2. Laughing
    3. Eating intentionally
    4. Sleeping
  14. Muslims greet one another by saying
    1. Asalaam aleykum
    2. Hello
    3. Good morning
    4. Shikamoo
  15. Which one of the following terms signals the end of swalat?
    1. Jalsa
    2. Tashahud
    3. It'dal
    4. Taslim



  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D


  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. B
  10. D


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. B
  14. B
  15. C


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D


  1. A part from growth, three of the following are other characteristics of animals. Which one is not?
    1. They die
    2. They make their own food
    3. They reproduce
    4. They feed
  2. When handling plants we are required to use some equipment. Which one of the equipment below protects our hands from harmful plants?
    1. Goggles
    2. Overcoat
    3. Gloves
    4. Forceps
  3. Grade four learners were asked to list vertebrates that they know. They gave the following animals. Which among them is wrong?
    1. Locust
    2. Shark
    3. Tilapia
    4. Frog
  4. During a dry season, pupils from Igoji primary school were able to note that most of the plants around their school had dried up. What does that show?
    1. Plants feed
    2. Plants remove waste
    3. Plants dry
    4. Plants die
  5. The diagram below shows a human tooth. What is the function of the tooth below?
    1. Cuts and bites food
    2. Pierces and tears food
    3. Bites and tears food
    4. Grinds and chews food

Use the diagram below to answer questions 6 and 7   


  1. What is the name of the part labelled (ii)
    1. Wind pipe
    2. Trachea
    3. Large intestine
    4. Oesophagus
  2. In which part of the digestive system is the undigested food stored temporarily before removal?
    1. v
    2. ii
    3. iv
    4. iii
  3. The following are ways of polluting environment except
    1. burning charcoal
    2. vehicles fumes
    3. planting more trees
    4. burning wastes
  4. Grade four learners were learning about effects of air pollution. Which of the following learners did not give the correct answer?
    1. Luke - Air pollution causes breathing problems
    2. Amani - Air pollution causes eye irritation
    3. Kimani - Air pollution causes poor visibility
    4. Ruth - Air pollution causes proper growth of plants
  5. Four learners were asked to mention safety precautions to take when working in a water polluted environment. Who gave the wrong precaution?
    1. Wearing gumboots
    2. Uprooting dead rotten plants with bare hands
    3. Putting on water proof coat
    4. Wearing gloves
  6. Grade 3 teacher drew the type of tooth shown below and asked learners to name it. Who among them gave the correct name?
    1. Andrew - Premolar
    2. Jemima - Incisor
    3. Maureen - Canine
    4. Oscar - Molar
  7. Grade 4 learners were learning about ways of keeping our teeth healthy. Among the following ways, which one is not correct?
    1. Visiting a dentist regularly
    2. Eating food like sweets and chocolates
    3. Chewing hard food like carrots
    4. Brushing teeth after every meal.
  8. Dennis and his classmates were playing a game at the school field. After a few minutes, they heard the lunch bell ringing. They stopped playing and went to the dining hall. They could smell the sweet aroma of the food being served. Which parts of the body did Dennis use to hear and smell respectively?
    1. Ears and nose
    2. Nose and ears
    3. Eyes and Nose
    4. Tongue and ears
  9. Grade 4 learners were asked to state how they can help to reduce air pollution. They gave the following answers. Which one was not a correct answer?
    1. Sprinkling ash in pit latrines
    2. Sprinkling water on dusty grounds.
    3. Proper disposal of dirty water
    4. Disposing waste properly
  10. Grade 4 learners were asked by their Science teacher to name examples of living things. Among the following things listed, which one is a living thing?
    1. Trees
    2. Chair
    3. Phone
    4. Rocks

AGRICULTURE  (10 marks)  

  1. The following are different types of soils. Which type of soil is good for farming?
    1. Sandy soil
    2. Clay soil
    3. Loam soil
    4. Sandy clay soil
  2. The following materials can be used to make compost manure. Which one is not?
    1. Chicken dropping
    2. Cow dung
    3. Dry leaves
    4. Polythene bags
  3. A grade four boy was transplanting seedlings. Which tool was he using to remove seedlings from the soil?
    1. Trowel
    2. Jembe
    3. Panga
    4. Spade
  4. Mary planted carrots in a container garden. Three of the following are activities she is supposed to carry out to care for the carrots. Which one was not necessary?
    1. Mulching
    2. Cutting
    3. Watering
    4. Weeding
  5. A grade four teacher asked grade four learners to state importance of soil to plants and animals. Four pupils gave the following responses.
    John - Soil provides plants with mineral salts and nutrients
    Asha - Soil stores air used by plants and animals
    Jane - Soil stores water used by plants and animals
    Mike - Soil is used for construction
    Who gave a wrong answer?
    1. Asha
    2. Jane
    3. John
    4. Mike
  6. Atieno visited her grand parents during rainy season. She noticed that her grand parents had planted rice on their farm. Which type of soil was the farm likely to have?
    1. Loam soil
    2. Clay soil
    3. Silt
    4. Sandy soil
  7. Grade four learners in Upendo school wanted to make a compost manure. Among the following tools that they brought to school, which one was not useful in making the compost manure?
    1. Jembe
    2. Spade
    3. Garden fork
    4. Dustpan
  8. When discusing about physical properties of soil, learners listed different properties. Among the following properties, which makes clay to hold water for long?
    1. Has large particles
    2. Good for growing crops
    3. Has small particles
    4. Sticky when wet
  9. Below are reasons why farmers are encouraged to use compost manure on their farms. Which one is not? Compost manures
    1. contain nutrients
    2. improve the soil structure
    3. do not pollute the soil
    4. are expensive to make
  10. Jane planted a mango seedling in a container and kept it behind their house. Which one of the following would be the best method of irrigating the seedling?
    1. Flood irrigation
    2. Drip irrigation
    3. Sprinkler irrigation
    4. Furrow irrigation

HOMESCIENCE  (10 marks)

  1. Which one does not cause diarrhoea?
    1. Eating contaminated food
    2. Eating fruits before washing them
    3. Washing vegetables before cooking
    4. Poor sanitation
  2. We eat different types of food at home and school. Why do we eat fruits and vegetables?
    1. To grow
    2. To get energy
    3. To be strong
    4. To prevent diseases
  3. The following are different types of shoes. Which one is suitable during rainy muddy season?
    1. Gumboots
    2. Rubber shoes
    3. Saddle shoes
    4. Canvas shoes
  4. The following are things a child needs to grow healthy. Which one is not?
    1. Playing
    2. Eating a balanced diet
    3. Maintaining hygiene
    4. Drinking alcohol
  5. Which quality should you look for when choosing a play item?
    1. It should be sharp
    2. It should be heavy
    3. It should be clean and safe
    4. It should be expensive
  6. The following are locally available materials used to make a play item: dry leaves, dry grass, old pieces of cloth, string and waste paper. The materials are suitable for making a
    1. ball
    2. rope
    3. shakers
    4. hola hoops
  7. Which type of common illnesses has the following signs in a person?
    1. watery mucus
    2. sneezing and fever
      1. Earache
      2. Cold
      3. Malaria
      4. Diarrhoea
  8. The following are heathy measures that prevent common illnesses except
    1. wash hands before you eat
    2. wash hands after visiting the toilet
    3. wash fruits before you eat
    4. eating cold foods
  9. The following are common illnesses. Which one causes passage of loose or watery stool?
    1. Sore throat
    2. Coughs
    3. Stomachache
    4. Vomiting
  10. The following are causes of common illnesses. Which one can cause a severe cough?
    1. Drinking contaminated water
    2. Eating a lot of food
    3. Playing near the road
    4. Inhaling a lot of smoke


  1. Which one of the following materials is suitable for making a skipping rope?
    1. Bottle tops
    2. Old wires
    3. Sisal fibre
    4. Thread
  2. The diagram below represents a place where certain sports take place. Name it.
    1.  Athletics track
    2. Softball pitch
    3. Handball court
    4. Football pitch
  3. The following are benefits of teamwork in games and sports except
    1. it enhances cooperation among players
    2. leads to failure of the team
    3. enhances unity among themselves
    4. players comfort each other whenever they lose a match.
  4. The following materials can be used to improvise a soccer ball. Which one is should not be used?
    1. Leaves
    2. Old clothing
    3. Papers
    4. Soil
  5. Players are advised to have commitment to a team during games and sports so that
    1. they are dedicated during competition
    2. they are demoralised easily
    3. they compete unfairly
    4. they win the match
  6. The following are reasons why we should practise rope skipping in our daily lives except
    1.  it helps reduce body weight
    2. it brings fun and enjoyment among children
    3. it makes one tired and sick
    4. enables us to be physically fit
  7. A grade four Physical and Health Education teacher advised learners to choose the correct length of skipping ropes depending on their body sizes. Why is it necessary to consider the length of the rope?
    1. To have fun during the activity
    2. To prevent accidents
    3. To reduce tiredness
    4. Enables one to skip the rope for a long time.
  8. The following are events that take place in an athletics track except
    1. 100m race
    2. long jump
    3. 200m race
    4. 400m race
  9. Which one of the following is a safety measure to observe while performing bounce pass?
    1. Play in a flat field free from foreign objects
    2. Play on a slippery ground
    3. Does not require warm up before performing
    4. Do not wear sports attire
  10. Which material cannot be used for hand juggling?
    1. Sharp stones
    2. Scarves
    3. Handkerchiefs
    4. Balls
  11. The following equipment are used in the game of rounders except
    1. rounders ball
    2. rounders bat
    3. helmet
    4. net
  12. When performing headstand, one should observe the following except
    1. ensure the field is flat
    2. avoid slippery ground
    3. perform on a sloping ground to enjoy more
    4. collect all sharp objects from the field
  13. Which one of the following is a safety precaution to observe when batting in the game of rounders?
    1. Move closer to your friend
    2. Share the bat when batting
    3. Remove the helmet to see clearly
    4. Keep distance
  14. The following are benefits of cool down activities. Which one is not?
    1. Helps to cool our bodies
    2. Helps to regain lost energy
    3. Makes us feel sleepy
    4. Makes us feel relaxed
  15. The exercise done after a game is called
    1. warm-up activity
    2. cool down activity
    3. jogging
    4. racing



  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. D
  12. B
  13. A
  14. C
  15. A


  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B


  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  10. D


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B

Kusikiliza na kuzungumza

Soma mazungumzo yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 1-5


Chichi:   (akibisha mlango) Hodi!
Jabari:   (kwa furaha) karibu! Ni nani tafadhali?
Chichi:   Rafiki yako Chichi.
Jabari:   Karibu sana sahibu. Nimekungojea sana ufike ili tushinde pamoja leo.
Chichi:   Asante kwa makaribisho. Sebule yenu inafurahisha sana.
Jabari:   Namshukuru Mungu kwa kuwasaidia wazazi wangu kununua meza ya kisasa, makochi, televisheni, mazulia na mapazia mazuri.
Chichi:   (Akiangalia juu) Balbu zenu za stima zinapendeza sana.
Jabari:   (akiwasha umeme) Tazama, zina rangi tofautitofauti.
Chichi:   (akiikagua meza) Matendegu haya ya meza yametengenezwa kwa ufundi sana.
Jabari:   Seremala aliyeyatengeneza ni hodari. Pia alitengeneza fremu ya mlango wetu. Angalia vile inavutia.
Chichi:   Kusema kweli nyumba yenu inapendeza. Kabla sijarudi kwetu leo nitakusaidia kuipiga deki.
Jabari:    Asante Chichi. Usafi ni kitu muhimu.
(wote wanaketi na kupanga shughuli za siku hiyo)

  1. Ni jambo gani la heshima ambalo Chichi alifanya alipofika kwa rafiki yake?
    1. Kubisha hodi
    2. Kufurahi
    3. Kukaribishwa
    4. Kungojewa
  2. Kulingana na mazungumzo haya neno rafiki ni sawa na:
    1. Chichi
    2. Jabari
    3. Sahibu
    4. Karibu
  3. Sebule ya akina Jabari ina vitu hivi vyote isipokuwa?
    1. Makochi
    2. Balbu
    3. Meza
    4. Picha
  4. Gani kati ya vitu hivi huwa na matendeguu?
    1. Zulia
    2. Pazia
    3. Meza
    4. Balbu
  5. Ni shughuli gani ambayo Jabari na Chichi watafanya ili kutunza usafi?
    1. Kupiga deki
    2. Kuketi
    3. Kupanga shughuli za siku
    4. Kula pamoja

Soma hadithi ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 6-9    


Chui na punda walikuwa marafiki wa chanda na pete. Walikuwa wakiishi msituni. Wakati mwingine walikuwa wakitofautiana kuhusu mambo fulani.

Siku moja Punda alimwambia Chui kuwa nyasi ni za rangi ya samawati. Chui alimpinga na kusema kuwa nyasi ni za rangi ya kijani. Walizozana sana kuhusu rangi ya nyasi mpaka

Ili kupata suluhisho walienda kwa Simba ambaye alikuwa mfalme wa wanyama. Punda alikimbia mbele ya Chui na kumwambia Simba, "Nyasi ni za rangi ya kijani, kweli ama si kweli?" Simba akasema ni kweli. Chui naye akaja na kusema, "Nyasi ni za rangi ya kijani." Simba akamuuliza, "Ni nani hajui hivyo?"

Chui aliposikia hivyo alifurahi sana na kumwomba Simba amwadhibu Punda. Simba alimwadhibu Chui licha ya kuwa alisema ukweli. Aliadhibiwa kwa sababu ya kuzozana na punda ambaye alichukuliwa kuwa mnyama mjinga kuliko Chui.

  1. Punda na Chui walitofautiana kuhusu nini?
    1. Mfalme na wanyama
    2. Rangi ya nyasi
    3. Msituni
    4. Chakula
  2. Kulingana na kifungu mfalme wa wanyama alikuwa nani?
    1. Simba
    2. Chui
    3. Punda
    4. Nyasi
  3. Ni wanyama wangapi waliotajwa katika kifungu hiki?
    1. Mmoja
    2. Wawili
    3. Wanne
    4. Watatu
  4. Kulingana na kifungu hiki tunajifunza nini?
    1. Hatufai kuzozana na Punda kwani tunaweza kuadhibiwa na Simba.
    2. Mtu akiwa mwerevu kuliko mwingine anaweza kuadhibiwa.
    3. Simba, Chui na Punda ni wanyama wa msituni.
    4. Hatufai kuzozana na watu wasioelewa mambo kwani tunaweza kuingia hatarini.

Soma hadithi ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 10-12   

Siku moja Jawabu aliambiwa na wazazi wake aeleze kuhusu nidhamu ya mezani. Pia aliambiwa aeleze faida zake. Aliwaomba kwa heshima wamruhusu aandike kwenye karatasi.

 Tabia yenye nidhamu   Faida zake 
 Kumshukuru Mungu  Huonyesha heshima kwa Mungu  
 Kunawa mikono kabla ya kula   Kuepuka magonjwa
 Kula kwa utaratibu  Huwezi ukatapika
 Kula bila kuongea  Hutachafua chakula cha wengine 
 Kunawa mikono baada ya kula   Kutunza usafi wa mtu binafsi

Wazazi wake waliposoma walifurahi sana kwa sababu mtoto wao anaelewa nidhamu mezani na umuhimu wake.

  1. Jawabu aliambiwa na wazazi wake aeleze kuhusu nini?
    1. Nidhamu
    2. Nidhamu mezani
    3. Nidhamu ya mezani na faida zake.
    4. Mezani
  2. Mtu akikosa kunawa mikono kabla ya kula atapata hasara gani?
    1. Atatapika
    2. Atachafua nguo zake
    3. Hatashiba
    4. Anaweza kunata maad
  3. Ni tabia gani nyingine ambayo Jawabu angeongeza kwenye orodha yake?
    1. Kutazama runinga ukila chakula.
    2. Kutumia simu wakati wa kula.
    3. Kula ukiwa umeketi vizuri na kutulia.
    4. Kula ukisoma kitabu cha hadithi.

Soma kifungu kifuataccho kisha ujibu maswali 13 - 15.  


Wekeza ni mfanyabiashara hodari katika Jiji la Mtaji. Ana duka kubwa sana la mavazi. Watu wote; wazee kwa vijana, matajiri kwa maskini, wanawake kwa wanaume hununua mavazi katika duka hilo.

Mavazi hayo yamepangwa ya kiume kando na ya kike kando. Sehemu ya mavazi ya kiume ina suruali, kaptura, mashati, tai, suti, soksi, chupi na mavazi mengineyo. Upande wa mavazi ya kike kuna; marinda, blauzi, chupi, suti, sketi, sidiria, mitandio na mengineyo.

Duka hilo pia lina mavazi ya wakati wa baridi kama vile makoti na sweta. Aidha kuna mavazi ya wakati wa kazi kama vile ovaroli. Isitoshe kuna sehemu ya viatu, mishipi, kofia, soksi na sare za wanafunzi.

Wanunuzi wengi huenda katika duka hilo kwani bidhaa huuzwa kwa bei nafuu.

  1. Duka lililoelezewa liko katika jiji gani?
    1. Hodari
    2. Mfanyabiashara
    3. Wekeza
    4. Mtaji
  2. Kulingana na kifungu ni mavazi gani yameambatanishwa vizuri na wanaoyavaa? 
    1. Blauzi-wanaume
    2. Shati- wanawake
    3. Sare- wazee
    4. Ovaroli-wafanyakazi
  3. Kwa nini wanunuzi wengi huenda katika duka la Wekeza?
    1. Lina bidhaa nyingi.
    2. Bidhaa huuzwa kwa bei nafuu.
    3. Duka liko jijini.
    4. Duka hilo lina mavazi yote.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Kina nafasi 16 hadi 20. Umepewa majibu manne hapo. Chagua jibu lifaalo Zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Nyumba ___16___ ni ___17___. Jikoni kuna mawe ___18___ ya kupikia yanayoitwa ___19___. Sisi huitunza nyumba yetu ___20___.

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   wetu   yetu   chetu   letu 
 17.  nzuri  mzuri   zuri   mizuri 
 18.  watatu   mitatu   tatu  matatu 
 19.  mchi  mvungu   mafiga   makochi 
 20.  nzuri  vizuri   mzuri   wazuri 


Kutoka swali 21-30, chagua jibu sahihi. 

  1. Ni maamkuzi gani ambayo hayajajibiwa vizuri?
    1. U mzima?- ni mzima
    2. Alamsiki-binuru
    3. Makiwa- tunayo au yamepita
    4. U hali gani?- nawe pia
  2. Ni kundi gani la maneno yaliyoambatanishwa sawasawa na aina yake? 
    1. Zuri, -baya-,refu, -fupi- vivumishi
    2. Soma, andika, keti, simama- nomino
    3. Mvungu, tumbuu, kizingiti, globu- viwakilishi
    4. Mimi, wewe, yeye, wao- vitenzi
  3. Ni sentensi gani haina kielezi?
    1. Nilikula wali jana.
    2. Mwalimu mzuri anafundisha.
    3. Wanafunzi wanacheza uwanjani.
    4. Mtoto alikula polepole.
  4. Ni kifaa gani cha nyumbani kimeambatanishwa sawasawa na jina lake?
  5. Ni kundi gani lina mpangilio mzuri wa maneno kama yanavyofuatana katika kamusi?
    1. Kinu, kisu,mwiko,mchi
    2. Zulia,tumbuu,pazia,fremu
    3. Kula,nawa,pakua,pika
    4. Salamu, salama, salimu,sala
  6. Badilisha sentensi hii katika umoja: vyakula vyao vimepikwa.
    1. Chakula chake kimepikwa.
    2. Vyakula vyake vimepikwa.
    3. Chakula chao kimepikwa.
    4. Chakula changu kimepikwa.
  7. Ni sentensi gani si kitanzandimi?
    1. Baba alivua papa.
    2. Mama alitoa doa.
    3. Kuku alikula gugu.
    4. Jana aliandika jina.
  8. Unapoandika insha unafaa kuzingatia haya yote isipokuwa
    1. Anwani
    2. Mpangilio mzuri wa mawazo
    3. Hati safi
    4. Michoro mizuri
  9. Ni sentensi gani yenye kiulizi?
    1. Wewe una nidhamu mezani? C
    2. Seremala alitengeneza mtoto wa meza.
    3. Wacha kula ovyoovyo!
    4. Alifagia, akapiga deki na kupanga nyumba.
  10. Tazama picha kisha ujibu swali
    Chombo hiki kinaitwaje?
    1. Tarakilishi
    2. Televisheni
    3. Redio
    4. Simu


Kuandika (Alama 10)

Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako. Andika insha juu ya:

                                                                       RAFIKI YANGU























  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C
  11. D
  12. C
  13. D
  14. D
  15. B
  16. B
  17. A
  18. D
  19. C
  20. B
  21. B
  22. A
  23. B
  24. C
  25. C
  26. C
  27. D
  28. D
  29. A
  30. A

Read the following dialogue and answer questions 1-5.   

Allan:      How are you Otieno?
Otieno:    I am fine thank you.
Allan:      What could be wrong? You look sad.
Otieno:    I left my bicycle outside the supermarket but when I came back it was
Allan:      Had you locked the bicycle?
Otieno:    Yes I had.
Allan:      The guard at the entrance must have seen the bicycle.
Otieno:    I had not thought of that. Surely a problem shared is half solved.
Allan:      Let's go back there and ask the guard if he saw who took your bicycle.
Otieno:    Ok, let us go.

  1. Why was Otieno sad?
    1. He had lost his bicycle 
    2. He was lonely
    3. He had a problem.
    4. He wanted to go to the supermarket
  2. Allan offered to accompany Otieno to the supermarket. This shows that Allan is ______________________
    1. hardworking
    2. idle
    3. caring
    4. selfless
  3. The opposite of entrance as used in the passage is ________________________
    1. gate
    2. counter
    3. exit
    4. door
  4. Another name for supermarket is ______________________
    1. a shop
    2. a kiosk
    3. wholesater
    4. self-service store.
  5. Why did Otieno say "a problem shared is half solved"?
    1. Allan had offered a possible solution.
    2. They found the bicycle
    3. The guard at the entrance had taken the bicycle. 
    4. Allan was a caring friend.

Read the following passage and answer questions 6-8.   


Child responsibility involves him or her making decisions, being trusted and learning to take credit or blame for action done. Taking responsibility is not just about how the choices the child makes affect her, but also how his or her choices and actions affect other people. Being responsible can help your child feel important. It makes him or her feel that he or she is contributing to both the family and the community.

One of the best ways to teach your child about responsibility is to be a role model for his or her own benefits and others. Look out for friends and neighbours, volunteer in your community and be dependable. Arrive to gatherings on time, admit when they are wrong and apologize for mistakes. If your child sees adults doing these things, he or she is much more likely to do the same.

  1. Which of the following does not amount to responsibility?
    1. Making decisions
    2. Making mistakes
    3. Taking blame
    4. Being trustworthy
  2. The best way to teach a child responsibility is _____________________
    1. being a role model.
    2. taking them to school
    3. admitting when they are wrong.
    4. being dependable
  3. A responsible child will do all the following except
    1. volunteer in community work. 
    2. admit when they are wrong.
    3. arrive in gathering on time.
    4. deny when caught in the wrong.

Read the passage below and use it to answer questions 9 to 11.   


Once upon a time there lived a man by the name Mkweli. He was very wise and never lied. All the people in the land even from far away knew about him. They loved him very much. The king heard about Mkweli and sent his guards to bring him to his palace. He looked at the wise man and asked:
"Mkweli, is it true that you have never told a lie all your life?"
"Yes. It's true my king."
"And you are sure that you will never lie in your life?"
"I'm sure in that my king."
"Okay, always tell the truth, but be careful!"

Several days passed and the king called Mkweli. The king wanted to trick Mkweli into lying. The king held his horse. He ordered Mkweli, "Go to my palace and tell the queen that I have gone hunting but I will be with her for lunch. Tell her to prepare a big feast. You must have lunch with me there."
Mkweli bowed and went to the queen. When he had left, the king laughed and said, "We won't go hunting and now Mkweli will lie to the queen. Tomorrow we will laugh at him."

  1. The wise man was known for
    1. being old
    2. obeying the king.
    3. obeying the guards.
    4. never telling a lie.
  2. How many times did the king send for Mkweli?
    1. Once
    2. Twice
    3. Thrice
    4. Four times
  3. To whom was Mkweli sent?
    1. The king
    2. The wise man
    3. The guards
    4. The queen

Read the passage below and use it to answer questions 12 to 15.  


Long time ago the sun and water were great friends. They both lived on the earth together. The sun used to visit the water, but the water never visited the sun. At last the sun asked the water why he had never gone to see him in his home. The water replied that the sun's house was not big enough for his people.

He then said, "If you wish me to visit you, you must build a very large compound; but I warn you that it will have to be a tremendous place, as my people are very many and take up a lot of room."

The sun promised to build a very big compound, and soon afterwards he returned home to his wife, the moon, who greeted him with a broad smile when he opened the door. The sun told the moon what he had promised the water, and the next day, building a huge compound in which to entertain the sun started.

  1. The sun and the water lived__________________________
    1. in the sky
    2. in water
    3. on earth
    4. in a forest
  2. Why did the water not visit the sun?
    1. He had many people
    2. The sun's house was small
    3. Building had not started
    4. The moon had refused
  3. The wife of the sun was the __________________________
    1. Moon
    2. Wind
    3. Water
    4. Earth
  4. The promise in the story was between ____________________________
    1. sun and moon
    2. moon and water
    3. water and sun
    4. sun and earth

Read the passage below keenly. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. Fill the spaces using the best alternative from the choices given.

Now the queen once travelled through the town, and she was with her little ___16___daughter. This little daughter was a ___17___. Many people thronged the town streets and Rosemary was there too. The little princess stood in her fine white dress in a window and she let ___18___ to be stared at. She had neither a train nor a golden crown, but splendid red leather shoes. They were certainly prettier than those that the town shoemaker had ever made for ___19___ the town. Nothing in the world ___20___ be compared with red shoes.

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   beautiful   beauty   beautifull   beatiful 
 17.  prince  king  queen   princess  
 18.  herself  hers   themselves   him 
 19.  it  she   anyone   all 
 20.  can  could  would   will 


Select the correct word from the choices to fill the gaps for questions 21, 22 and 23.   

  1. The ____________________ that leads to the city has been re-built.
    1. load
    2. road
    3. path
    4. ways
  2. Forcing children to carry too heavy ______________________ is child labour.
    1. road
    2. think
    3. load
    4. homes
  3. The child played with her ________________________ all day.
    1. joy
    2. happy
    3. toys
    4. full

Choose the odd one out from the choices given in question 24, 25, and 26.  

    1. bought
    2.  taught
    3. thought
    4. walked
    1. jumped
    2. killed
    3. put
    4. boiled
    1. lead
    2. put 
    3. bet
    4. hit

Choose the correct tense for the verb that can best fill the gaps for questions 27 to 30 .

  1. The policemen have _________________________ the suspect to the police station.
    1. took 
    2. taken
    3. take
    4. takes
  2. The old man sat in the shade and, ________________________ water from the small bottle.
    1. drink
    2. drunk
    3. drinks
    4. drank
  3. Who can ______________________ acrosss the river?
    1. swim 
    2. swimming
    3. swam
    4. swum
  4. Who had ______________________ this bag behind the class?
    1. hidden 
    2. hide
    3. hiding
    4. hid.



Write an interesting composition about

                                                                   MY PET























  1. A
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. D
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. A
  17. D
  18. A
  19. C
  20. B
  21. B
  22. C
  23. C
  24. D
  25. C
  26. A
  27. B
  28. D
  29. A
  30. A


  1. What is 7009 written in words?
    1. Seven hundred and nine
    2. Seventy thousand and nine
    3. Seven thousand and nine
    4. Seven hundred thousand and nine
  2. What is the place value of 7 in the number 3780?
    1. Tens
    2. Hundreds
    3. Thousands
    4. Ones
  3. Add:
    1809 + 8 =
    1. 9809
    2. 1807
    3. 1889
    4. 1817
  4. During an Agriculture lesson, learners planted 9123 tree seedlings. What is the total value of digit 9 in the number of planted trees seedlings?
    1. 9000
    2. 20
    3. 9100
    4. 3120
  5. The number of cows among four brothers are 261, 162, 216, 126. Arrange the number of cows from the largest to the smallest?
    1. 126, 162, 216, 261
    2. 261, 126, 162, 216
    3. 216, 261, 162, 126
    4. 261, 216, 162, 126
  6. A learner was given 9 coloured pencils by his teacher. How many coloured pencils were these in Roman numerals?
    1. viii
    2. ix
    3. iv
    4. xi
  7. In a certain town there are 4273 men and 2397 children. How many people are there altogether?
    1. 6670
    2. 6570
    3. 6569
    4. 6870
  8. There are 7 days in a week. How many days are there in 9 weeks altogether?
    1. 63
    2. 56
    3. 36
    4. 16
  9. Which one of the following is an acute angle?
  10. Tony had 42 exercise books. He shared the books equally among his 6 friends. How may books did each get?
    1. 9
    2. 7
    3. 36
    4. 8
  11. What is the time?
    1. Seven minutes to 11
    2. Eleven minutes to seven
    3. Twenty minutes to eleven
    4. Thirty five minutes past 10
  12. Koech had 72 mangoes. He shared the mangoes equally among 9 children. How many mangoes did each get?
    1. 8
    2. 7
    3. 9
    4. 3
  13. Mwanza had sh. 1650. He bought 1kg of cooking oil for sh. 560. How much money was he left with?
    1. 1010
    2. 1600
    3. 1090
    4. 1190
  14. The mass of a bag of maize is 299kg. What is the mass of the bag of maize to the nearest tens?
    1. 290
    2. 300
    3. 298
    4. 200
  15. What is the multiple of 5 and 9?
    1. 14
    2. 59
    3. 54
    4. 45
  16. Arrange these fractions from the largest to the smallest
    1/8, ½, 1/6, ¼
    1. ½, ¼, 1/61/8
    2. ¼, 1/61/8, ½
    3. ½, 1/81/6, ¼
    4. 1/8, 1/6, ¼, ½
  17. Work out:
      H             Min
      9              45
    +3              30
    1. 12h 75 min
    2. 12h 15 min
    3. 13h 15 min
    4. 12h 75 min
  18. Work out:
      M        cm
      36        6
    −24        9  
    1. 12m 03cm
    2. 12m 15cm
    3. 10m 15cm
    4. 11m 97cm
  19. Which multiple of 8 comes before 72?
    1. 56
    2. 64
    3. 80
    4. 63
  20. Which one of the following list consists of odd numbers only?
    1. 13, 27, 105, 89
    2. 38, 79, 203, 65
    3. 12, 64, 58, 76
    4. 14, 22, 87, 101
  21. Work out the perimeter of the figure below
    1. 30cm
    2. 48cm
    3. 60cm
    4. 36cm
  22. How many sh. 20 coins are there in sh. 500?
    1. 100
    2. 5
    3. 10
    4. 25
  23. Convert 650 cents to shillings and cents
    1. sh. 6.65 cents
    2. sh. 6.50 cents
    3. sh. 50.65 cents
    4. sh. 5.60 cents
  24. Work out:
    1784 litres + 349 litres =
    1. 2133 litres
    2. 2033 litres
    3. 1039 litres
    4. 1133 litres
  25. A fruit vender had 99 oranges. She sold the oranges in groups of 6. How many oranges remained?
    1. 16
    2. 93
    3. 63
    4. 3
  26. Which fraction is shaded?
    1. 4/10
    2. 6/10
    3. 5/10
    4. 2/10
  27. Which of the following is an even number?
    1. 99
    2. 37
    3. 108
    4. 85
  28. Jane bought 6 oranges on Monday, 8 oranges on Tuesday, 10 oranges on Wednesday, 12 oranges on Thursday. How many oranges did she buy on Friday?
    1. 14 oranges
    2. 13 oranges
    3. 16 oranges
    4. 18 oranges
  29. Round off 642 to the nearest tens
    1. 600
    2. 640
    3. 620
    4. 643
  30. List the first 4 multiples of 6
    1. 6, 8, 10, 12
    2. 0, 12, 16, 18
    3. 12, 18, 24, 30
    4. 6, 12, 18, 24


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. B
  11. C
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. D
  23. B
  24. A
  25. D
  26. B
  27. C
  28. A
  29. B
  30. D


  1. Amos observed the pictures below using a digital mdevice. Which one is of a human form?
  2. What is texture ?
    1. The lightness and darkness of a surface.
    2. A mark made on a surface.
    3. The physical feeling of a surface.
    4. The arrangement of objects.
  3. Why do we clean our hands after holding clay while making a pot? 
    1. To wash away germs that are in the soil.
    2. To make our hands soft
    3. To look fashionable.
    4. To please the teacher.
  4. The smearing of colour on a surface is known as
    1. drawing
    2. rubbing
    3. smudging
    4. gradation strip
  5. Joan had a serrated card loom. What do you think he was to use it for?
    1. Modelling pots
    2. Making paper boat
    3. Decorating a 3-D item
    4. Weaving a mat
  6. Give one material that can be used to make a painting brush.
    1. Polythene paper
    2. Sponge
    3. Sand
    4. Plastic particles
  7. The items below can be used to make a bracelet. They are known as
    1. beads
    2. fabric
    3. strings
    4. cut-outs
  8. Identify one type of gradation strips
    1. Smudging
    2. Coloured
    3. Staggered
    4. Tonal
  9. Grade three learners were making paper toys during a paper craft lesson. Which of these items did they use to cut the papers?
  10. Jared wants to make a kite. He needs all the following materials except
    1. strings
    2. paper
    3. stone
    4. glue


  1. Which of these digital devices cannot be used to record and play music?
    1. Laptop
    2. Tablet
    3. Clock
    4. Smartphone
  2. Edward made an improvised shaker. Which of these materials did he not use?
    1. Metallic bottle tops 
    2. Y-shaped stick
    3. Wire
    4. Papers
  3. The instrument shown below is commonly played by a technique called
    1. plucking
    2. bowing
    3. hitting
    4. blowing
  4. The Kenya national anthem has how many verses?
    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 2
    4. 1
  5. Which of the following is a good behaviour that we learn from music?
    1. Stealing
    2. Honesty
    3. Disrespect
    4. Laziness
  6. Songs sung to make a baby sleep are known as
    1. action songs
    2. singing games
    3. lullabies
    4. patriotic songs
  7. Which of the following is a string instrument?
    1. Guitar
    2. Kayamba
    3. Drum 
    4. Piano
  8. In which of these events are people sad when singing?
    1. Wedding
    2. Funeral
    3. Birthday
    4. Initiation ceremony
  9. Solo singing is when
    1. two people are singing 
    2. very many people are singing
    3. only one person is singing
    4. three groups are singing
  10. What is the name given to people who are listening to a song being performed?
    1. Choir
    2. Audience
    3. Soloists
    4. Melodies


                                                   KONA AREA


Study the map of Kona area and answer questions 21-25.

  1. People of Kona area are
    A. Muslims
    B. Christians
    C. Pagans
    D. Hindus
  2. The main means of transport in Kona area is
    1. air
    2. water
    3. road
    4. railway
  3. How many bridges are in Kona area?
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Four
  4. The market in Kona area is used for
    1. trading
    2. fishing
    3. mining
    4. farming
  5. The elected head of Kona area is a
    1. chief
    2. governor
    3. police
    4. senator

Use the diagram below to answer questions 26-27


  1. Identify the direction marked X
    1. East
    2. West
    3. South
    4. North
  2. The instrument above is used to
    1. measure distance
    2. show direction
    3. provide security
    4. provide shelter
  3. How many counties are there in Kenya?
    1. 48
    2. 47
    3. 24
    4. 18
  4. Grade four learners went for a trip within their county to see physical  features. Which one of the following is not one of the physical features they saw?
    1. Mountains
    2. Hills
    3. Rivers
    4. Museum
  5. How can learners take part in making the school clean?
    1. Throwing rubbish in the compound
    2. Not mopping their classrooms
    3. Sweeping the compound
    4. Leaving grass to grow tall
  6. Alice saw the road sign below
    It shows
    1. bumps ahead
    2. pedestrians crossing
    3. danger ahead
    4. corner ahead
  7. The people's way of life is known as
    1. culture
    2. resources
    3. wealth
    4. behaviour
  8. In your county people depend on each other. How do people depend on farmers? They
    1. provide health services
    2. grow and sell food crops to the people
    3. give education to children
    4. repair vehicles
  9. The fastest means of transport is
    1. water
    2. railway
    3. air
    4. road
  10. Grade 4 learners visited a museum and saw beads, gourds, arrows, baskets. spears, shields and other traditional items. These items are called
    1. basic needs
    2. traditional artefacts
    3. monuments
    4. historical buildings


  1. According to the stories of creation in Genesis Chapter 1, God created everything in the universe in
    1. 1 day.
    2. 4 days
    3. 6 days
    4. 7 days
  2. Adam and Eve sinned against God when they
    1. named animals
    2. ate the forbidden fruit
    3. walked naked
    4. hid from God
  3. During the time of Noah, God punished people using
    1. drought
    2. thunder
    3. fire
    4. floods
  4. Which one of the following is not an attribute of God?
    1. Lazy
    2. Loving
    3. Holy
    4. Creator
  5. I wrestled with an angel and my name was changed to Israel. Whom am I?
    1. Solomon
    2. jacob
    3. Joseph
    4. Samuel
  6. Who among the following led the Israelites from slavery in Egypt?
    1. Abraham
    2. Moses
    3. Isaac
    4. Aaron
  7. Which one of the following was not a gift brought to Jesus by the wisemen?
    1. Diamond
    2. Myrrh
    3. Gold
    4. Frankincense
  8. When Jesus was baptised by John the baptist in River Jordan, the Holy spirit came down in the form of
    1. fire
    2. wind
    3. a dove
    4. an angel
  9. How old was Jesus when he was taken to the temple to attend the passover feast?
    1. 8 days
    2. 12 years
    3. 1 year
    4. 30 years
  10. The parents of Jesus took Him to Egypt secretly because
    1. Herod wanted to kill him
    2. they wanted to see Pharaoh
    3. they wanted to tour the place
    4. they were running away from an
  11. Who among the following people killed a lion with his bare hands?
    1. Samuel
    2. David
    3. Samson
    4. Joseph
  12. Which one of the following is not a quality of a good leader?
    1. Hardworking
    2. Respectful
    3. Kind
    4. Arrogant
  13. Which community is not correctly matched with their traditional name of God?
    1. Kikuyu - Ngai
    2. Maasai - Enkai
    3. Luhya - Were
    4. Abagusi - Mulungu
  14. The people who died long time ago before our time are called
    1. unborn
    2. ancestors
    3. babies
    4. the living
  15. Who was the mother of Samuel?
    1. Peninah
    2. Hannah
    3. Elizabeth
    4. Martha


  1. Which one of the following surahs talks about the oneness of Allah?
    1. Ikhlas
    2. Naas
    3. Falaq
    4. Humaza
  2. How many verses are there in surah Al-Masad?
    1. Four
    2. Five
    3. Six
    4. Three
  3. "You alone we worship and seek for help. "This is a quotation from surah
    1. Fill
    2. Humaza
    3. Fatiha
    4. Ikhlas
  4. What should a Muslim say when he or she finishes eating?
    1. Subhanallahi
    2. Maashallah
    3. Bismillahi
    4. Alhamdulillah
  5. Rajab a grade five learner found his friends fighting. What was the right course of action for him to take?
    1. Help the weak one
    2. Leave them alone
    3. Call for help
    4. Separate them
  6. The actions and practices of the prophet (S.A.W) are known as
    1. Ihsaan
    2. Iman
    3. Sunnah
    4. Hadith
  7. The attributes of Allah that means the most gracious is
    1. Ar-Raheem
    2. Ar-Rahman
    3. Al-Khaliq
    4. Al-Ghaffur
  8. How many days did Allah (S.W.T) take to create the world and the universe?
    1. Six
    2. Seven
    3. Eight
    4. Five
  9. The angels of Allah(S.W.T) were created from
    1. clay
    2. light
    3. water
    4. air
  10. Which one of the following is not an attribute of angels?
    1. They are made from light
    2. They are neither male nor female
    3. They eat and drink
    4. They obey the commands of Allah
  11. Grade four learners were asked to name the angel who is incharge of revelation. Who among them was right?
    1. Hoyoo: Jibril
    2. Ismail: Mikail
    3. Hussein: Ridhwan
    4. Maria : Izrail
  12. Who among the following was the first man to be created?
    1. Issa
    2. Mohammad
    3. Ibrahim
    4. Adam
  13. Which surah of the Qur'an must be recited in all the prayers?
    1. Naas
    2. Fatiha
    3. Masaad
    4. Ikhlas
  14. Munira a grade four learner was performing swalatul subh. How many rakaat was she suppossed to perform?
    1. Three
    2. Four
    3. Two
    4. One
  15. Which one of the following terms means cleanliness?
    1. Najasaat
    2. Istinjai
    3. Hadath
    4. Twahara



  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C


  1. C
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. B
  8. B
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. A
  13. B
  14. C
  15. B


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. D
  13. D
  14. B
  15. B


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. D


  1. Which group consists of living things only?
    1. Pawpaw, brick, stones
    2. Mango, snail, cactus plant
    3. Soil, water, air
    4. Coat, building, soil
  2. Three of the following are characteristics of animals. Which one is not?
    1. All move by flying
    2. They die
    3. They reproduce
    4. They grow
  3. Grade four leaners were asked by their science teacher to visit a nearby forest to collect some plants for an experiment. They were asked to come with protective gears. Which among the following was not necessary?
    1. Gumboots
    2. Apron
    3. Vest
    4. Goggles
  4. The following are ways of making drinking water safe. Which one is the best way?
    1. Boiling
    2. Filtering
    3. Sieving
    4. Use of chemicals

The chart below shows the days of the week and weather condition during the day. Use it to answer question 5 and 6  

 Day   Morning   Afternoon 
 Monday    windy   sunny 
 Tuesday    rainy   windy 
 Wednesday    rainy   cloudy 
 Thursday   windy   rainy 


  1. Which day was the most favourable for washing clothes?
    1. Tuesday
    2. Wednesday
    3. Monday
    4. Thursday
  2. Which of the following symbols represents the weather condition on Wednesday afternoon?
  3. Animals are grouped into two groups. Among the following animals, which one is an invertebrate?
    1. Frog
    2. Snail
    3. Cow
    4. Cat
  4. The following are digital devices that are used to take pictures of animals. Which one can not be used?
    1. Camera
    2. Phones
    3. Radio
    4. Tablets
  5. During a clean up exercise, grade 3 learners were sweeping their dusty classroom. Which among the following protective gears would protect them from inhaling dust?
    1. Face mask
    2. Goggles
    3. Gloves
    4. Head gears
  6. Which of the following animals moves by slithering?
    1. Monkey
    2. Snail
    3. Hen
    4. Snake
  7. How many types of teeth does an adult human being have?
    1. 32
    2. 24
    3. 4
    4. 28
  8. When handling plants with thorns, which protective gear should one wear or hands so as to protect himself or herself when handling the plants?
    1. Gloves
    2. Gumboots
    3. Tongs
    4. Handkerchiefs
  9. The following are all domestic animals kept at our homes. Which among them is kept for the security?
    1. Cat
    2. Cow
    3. Dog
    4. Donkey
  10. All living things go through different changes in different stages. What is the last stage of every animal as a living thing?
    1. Reproduction
    2. Death
    3. Breathing
    4. Feeding
  11. Which one is not true about plants?
    1. They grow
    2. They reproduce
    3. They breathe
    4. They move from one place to another

AGRICULTURE (10 marks)

  1. Which one of the following type of soil is best for growing maize crops?
    A. Clay
    B. Sand
    C. Loam
    D. Mud
  2. Which soil has got large particles and allows more water to pass through?
    1. Sand sail
    2. Clay soil
    3. Rock
    4. Loam soil
  3. Three of the following are domestic animals. Which one is not?
    1. Goat
    2. Pig
    3. Gazelle
    4. Rabbit
  4. Three of the following are materials that can be used to improve soil fertility. Which among them is not?
    1. Manure
    2. Kitchen waste
    3. Animal waste
    4. Stones
  5. Which type of soil feels smooth when touched?
    1. Clay
    2. Sand
    3. Loam
    4. Silt
  6. Which of the following domestic animals is best used for transporting heavy loads in the farm?
    1. Pig
    2. Bull
    3. Donkey
    4. Horse
  7. The tool below is used to
    1. harvest crops
    2. water plants
    3. store food
    4. fetch water
  8. While preparing compost manure, Mr. Ouma requires three of the following materials. Which among the following materials is not required?
    1. Stones
    2. Maize stalk
    3. Kitchen waste
    4. Dry grass
  9. Among the following types of soils, which soil can be used in modelling?
    1. Silt soil
    2. Sand soil
    3. Loam soil
    4. Clay soil
  10. Three of the following are vegetables grown in the kitchen gardens. Which one is not?
    1. Kales
    2. Onions
    3. Maize
    4. Spinach

HOMESCIENCE (10 marks)

  1. Grade four pupils were asked by their Home science teacher to mention personal items used at home. Among the items identified below, one is not a personal item. Which one is it?
    1. Toothbrush
    2. Socks
    3. Textbook
    4. Handkerchief
  2. The following are benefits of regular physical exercises. Which one is not?
    1. Help reduce body weight
    2. Weaken the body
    3. Reduce the risk of lifestyle diseases
    4. One develops strong bones
  3. Choose a box that contains body building foods only.
  4. Food packets and containers have different information. Which information is the most important?
    1. Manufacturing date
    2. Weight of the item
    3. Nutrient composition
    4. Expiry date.
  5. The following are kitchen utensils. Which one can break easily?
    1. Sufuria
    2. Pot
    3. Plastic plate
    4. Metallic kettle
  6. Calvin was asked to state reasons for bed making. Which reason was not correct?
    1. To keep off dust
    2. To feel comfortable
    3. To make the room fresh
    4. To attract parasites
  7. The following are cleaning items. Which one is correctly matched with its name?
  8. We eat different meals at different times. At what time do we eat breakfast?
    1. Evening
    2. Midday
    3. Morning
    4. Night
  9. The following are causes of common accidents in school. Which one is not?
    1. Clean environment
    2. Rough surfaces
    3. Slippery floor
    4. Uneven pavements
  10. Three of the following are examples of internal parasites. Which one is not?
    1. Louse
    2. Tapeworm
    3. Threadworm
    4. Roundworm


  1. The diagram below shows a field used in a certain game.
    It is known as
    1. football pitch
    2. athletic track
    3. volleyball pitch
    4. jumping field
  2. Which one of the following is an example of locomotor skill?
    1. Twisting
    2. Sleeping
    3. Skipping
    4. Punting
  3. In the game of a football, a person who catches the ball at the goal is called
    1. goal keeper
    2. a defender
    3. a player
    4. a scorer
  4. Which of the following is an example of a ball game?
    1. Tug of war
    2. Skipping rope
    3. Netball
    4. Bouncing castles
  5. Hopping is a physical exercise for young children. Which one of the following parts of the body is used during hopping?
    1. Back
    2. Legs
    3. Stomach
    4. Waist
  6. When we practise jumping skills daily we develop
    1. strength
    2. friendship
    3. weak bones
    4. headaches
  7. When playing soccer, which part of the body is used to kick the ball?
    1. Head
    2. Hand
    3. Leg
    4. Knee
  8. Practising wheelbarrow balance makes one
    1. lazy
    2. happy
    3. weak
    4. strong
  9. What should you use if you are having trouble staying above the water during swimming?
    1. Goggles
    2. Swimming costume
    3. Boat
    4. A floater
  10. The following are health benefits a person can get from rope skipping. Which one is not?
    1. Helps reduce body weight
    2. You develop strong bones
    3. One becomes weak
    4. One develops a good body posture
  11. When performing forward roll the back should be 
    1. curved
    2. streamlined
    3. straight
    4. none of the above
  12. Which of the following is a non-locomotive activity?
    1. Hopping
    2. Leaping
    3. Turning
    4. Running
  13. The following objects can float on water except
    1. balloon
    2. flutter boards
    3. floating rings
    4. stone
  14. The following rules should be observed while at the swimming pool except
    1. bathing before entering the pool
    2. eating while in the pool
    3. putting on the costume
    4. ensure there is a life saver at the pool
  15. What is the size of a soccer ball suitable for age 6 and 7 years?
    1. Size 4
    2. Size 5
    3. Size 3
    4. Size 2



  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  11. C
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. D


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. A
  10. A


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C

Soma mazungumzo yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 1-5


Amani: (Kwa furaha) Hujambo Johari!
Johari: (Akitabasamu) Sijambo Amani. Umeamkaje? Amani: Vyema labda wewe.
Johari: Ningetaka tujadiliane vile tutakavyoyatunza mazingira ya shule yetu muhula huu.
Amani: Aha! Naona unayajali mazingira yetu.
Johari: Naam! Baada ya likizo ndefu takataka zimeenea kila mahali, nyasi ni ndefu na madarasa yamejaa vumbi.
Amani: Ni jukumu letu kama wanafunzi kuhakikisha tumeifanya shule yetu kuwa safi.
Johari: Tunafaa kutafuta fyekeo, reki na fagio ili kutekeleza shughuli yetu.
Amani: Mwalimu wetu wa darasa atatusaidia kupata vifaa hivyo katika stoo ya shule.
Johari: Tunafaa tuongee na wanafunzi wenzetu ili tujipange  vizuri kutekeleza shughuli hii.
Amani: Tutajigawa katika vikundi mbalimbali ili kila mahali shuleni pawe safi.
Johari: Haya basi twende tukaongee na wenzetu.

  1. Mazungumzo uliyoyasoma yalifanyika wakati gani?
    1. Jioni
    2. Adhuhuri
    3. Asubuhi
    4. Usiku
  2. Amani na Johari wanazungumza kuhusu nini?
    1. Usafi wa mazingira ya shule
    2. Usafi wa nyumbani kwao
    3. Usafi wa darasa lao
    4. Usafi wa uwanja wa shule
  3. Wanafunzi watatumia kifaa gani kufyeka nyasi ndefu?
    1. Ufagio
    2. Reki
    3. Jembe
    4. Fyekeo
  4. Ili kila mwanafunzi apate kazi yake wanafaa kufanya nini? 
    1. Kujigawa katika makundi. 
    2. Kuzungumza
    3. Kumwomba mwalimu awapatie vifaa
    4. Kuosha darasa kwanza
  5. Ni gani kati ya hizi si shughuli ya kutunza usafi wa mazingira
    1. Kufagia
    2. Kufyeka
    3. Kuoga
    4. Kuokota takataka

Soma hadithi ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 6-9   


Bwana Bakari alikuwa mfugaji hodari wa kuku. Alikuwa na majogoo watano na kuku arubaini na watano wa kutaga mayai. Kuku hawa huitwa koo.

Koo walikuwa wameanza kutaga na kwa hivyo baada ya siku kadhaa wangeyalalia mayai na kuangua vifaranga.

Bwana Bakari aliwatunza kuku wake vizuri. Aliwapatia chakula na maji ya kutosha. Pia aliwachanja kila mara ili wasipate magonjwa.

Wanafunzi hupenda kumtembelea Bwana Bakari ili kujifunza ufugaji wa kuku.

  1. Bwana Bakari hufanya kazi gani?
    1. Kulima
    2. Kuuza mayai
    3. Kufuga kuku
    4. Kuangua vifaranga
  2. Kuku anayetaga mayai huitwaje?
    1. Koo
    2. Jogoo
    3. Kifaranga
    4. Pora
  3. Bwana Bakari hakuwatunza kuku wake kwa _________________________
    1. kuwapa chakula
    2. kuwapa maji
    3. kuwachanja
    4. kuwaosha
  4. Kwa nini Bwana Bakari aliwachanja kuku wake?
    1. Ili wasipate magonjwa
    2. Ili wapate vifaranga
    3. Ili watage mayai mengi
    4. Ili waongezeke

Soma hadithi ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 10-12

Mwema alitumwa dukani na mama yake kununua bidhaa. Alipewa noti ya shilingi mia mbili. Alimpata mwuzaji na kuagiza bidhaa zifuatazo:

  1. Sukari nusu kilo - shilingi sabini na tano.
  2. Mkate - shillingi sabini
  3. Maziwa pakiti moja - shilingi hamsini

Baada ya kupewa bidhaa hizo alipatiana pesa, akapewa risiti na baki ya pesa.

  1. Tunaweza tukamwita Mwema nani?
    1. Mnunuzi 
    2. Muuzaji
    3. Mchuuzi
    4. Dalali
  2. Ni bidhaa gani ghali kuliko zote?
    1. Mkate
    2. Sukari
    3. Maziwa
    4. Zote
  3. Mwema alipewa baki ya shillingi ngapi?
    1. Kumi
    2. Kumi na tano
    3. Tano
    4. Hatujaambiwa

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 13-15.

Mcheshi alisafiri na kwenda marekani. Aliishi katika nchi hiyo kwa miaka mitano. Hata hivyo hakuwahi kuisahau nchi yake ya Kenya. Kila wakati alipoikumbuka nchi yake alitamani siku ya kurudi ifike haraka.

Mcheshi alikuwa na sababu nyingi za kuipenda Kenya. Nchi ya Kenya ina wananchi wanaopenda amani. Kuna milima na mabonde ya kupendeza. Kuna mito, maziwa na bahari. Isitoshe Kenya ina wanyamapori wengi kama vile: Simba, ndovu, chui, kifaru na twiga.

Siku ya kurudi ilipofika, Mcheshi alipanga mizigo yake, akaenda katika uwanja wa ndege, akaiabiri na kurudi Kenya. Alipofika aliwapata baba na mama yake wamemsubiri. Walikumbatiana kwa furaha kisha wakaenda nyumbani.

  1. Mcheshi alisafiri kwenda nchi gani?
    1. Kenya
    2. Marekani
    3. Uingereza
    4. Ethiopia
  2. Kulingana na kifungu gani kati ya hizi si sababu ya Mcheshi kuipenda Kenya?
    1. Wananchi wenye amani
    2. Milima na mabonde
    3. Wanyamapori
    4. Kilimo
  3. Katika uwanja wa ndege, Mcheshi alikuwa amesubiriwa na _______________________
    1. wazalendo
    2. wazazi wake
    3. ndugu zake
    4. marafiki

Jaza pengo kwa kutumia majibu yafaayo

Bendera ___16___ Kenya ina rangi ___17___. Rangi iliyo juu kabisa ni ___18___ katikati ya bendera yetu kuna mikuki ___19___ na ngao. Shuleni huwa tunaipandisha bendera ili kuonyesha ___20___ wetu.

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   wa   ya   cha   la
 17.  nne   minne   wanne   minne 
 18.  nyeupe   nyeusi   nyekundu   kijani 
 19.  mbili  wawili   mbili   miwili 
 20.  uzalendo   urafiki   uadui   uhodari 
  1. Tazama picha hizi kisha ujibu swali
    Vifaa hivi hutumika wapi?
    1. Shuleni
    2. Sokoni
    3. Shambani
    4. Dukani
  2. Musa amemsindikiza rafiki yake hadi kituo cha mabasi. Wanapoagana Musa atamwambiaje?
    1. Kwaheri
    2. shikamoo
    3. Usiku mwema
    4. majaliwa
  3. Ni sentensi gani si sahihi?
    1. Mimi ninacheza. 
    2. Wewe unasoma
    3. Yeye anaandika
    4. Wewe anacheka
  4. Tazama picha hii kisha utumie kihusishi mwafaka.
    Maua yako __________________ meza.
    1. juu ya
    2. kando ya
    3. chini ya
    4. mbele ya
  5. Kanusha sentensi ifuatayo: Uliwasimulia wanafunzi hadithi.
    1. Hutawasimulia wanafunzi hadithi.
    2. Hatawasimulia wanafunzi hadithi.
    3. Hukuwasimulia wanafunzi hadithi. 
    4. Huwasimulii wanafunzi hadithi.
  6. Badilisha sentensi hii katika wingi: Kitabu chake kimepotea.
    1. Vitabu vyao vimepotea.
    2. Vitabu vyake vimepotea.
    3. Kitabu chao kimepotea.
    4. Vitabu vyetu vimepotea.
  7. Ni kitendo gani hakijaambatanishwa na kinyume chake?
    1. Cheka - lia
    2. Enda-rudi
    3. Kubali-kataa
    4. Andika - soma
  8. Jaza mapengo kwa jibu sahihi:
    Farasi alikimbia _________________________ naye kobe alitembea ______________________________.
    1. polepole, haraka
    2. haraka, polepole
    3. polepole, polepole
    4. haraka, haraka
  9. "Ni sentensi gani yenye kikomo?
    1. Unataka nini hapa?
    2. Kesho nitatuzwa zawadi:
    3. Kumbe unanidanganya.
    4. Nilikula wali, chapati, ugali.....
  10. Tazama picha kisha ujibu swali.
    Ndege huyu and twa nani? 
    1. Tausi
    2. Mbuni
    3. Bata
    4. Njiwa


Kuandika(Alama 10)

Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako. Andika insha juu ya 

                                                 MWALIMU WANGU WA DARASA























  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. A
  10. A
  11. B
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B
  16. B
  17. A
  18. B
  19. D
  20. A
  21. C
  22. A
  23. D
  24. A
  25. C
  26. A
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. B
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