Displaying items by tag: grade 4


Study the map of Kira Area and answer questions 1 to 5 


  1. The direction of lake Kira from the hospital is
    1. West
    2. East
    3. South
    4. North.
  2. River Kira drains its water into the
    1. Forest
    2. cattle dip
    3. Swamp
    4. Lake.
  3. Learners from Kira school named the physical features found in the area. Which one is not part of them?
    1. Swamp
    2. Lake
    3. Ocean
    4. River.
  4. The cattle dip is used for
    1. planting crops
    2. watering animals
    3. killing pests
    4. treating animals.
  5. Which of the following crops is grown for sale in Kira area?
    1. Coffee
    2. Tea
    3. Sisal
    4. Cotton.
  6. John drew a compass in his book. What name is given to the point between North and West?
    1. North East
    2. South West
    3. South East
    4. North West.
  7. Jophiel's uncle is a governor. He heads a
    1. county
    2. country
    3. sub-county
    4. town.
  8. Jerrica wore a heavy cloth while going to school. Which season was the area experiencing?
    1. Dry season
    2. Warm season
    3. Rainy season
    4. Hot season.
  9. Grade four learners were asked by their teacher to name physical features found around their school. Which one of the following did the learners not mention?
    1. Roads
    2. Mountains
    3. Hills
    4. Rivers.
  10. Below is a physical feature in an area. The feature shown is a
    1. Mountain
    2. ocean
    3. lake
    4. river.

The picture below shows an aspect of traditional culture. Use it to answer questions 11-15.


  1. The aspect of culture shown is called
    1. Enyumba
    2. Manyatta
    3. Moran house
    4. Boma.
  2. The aspect of culture shown belongs to which community?
    1. Luo
    2. Maasai
    3. Turkana
    4. Rendile.
  3. The structure above is mostly built by
    1. children
    2. men
    3. adults
    4. women
  4. Three of the following are sources of water. Which one is not?
    1. Lakes
    2. Rivers
    3. Hills
    4. Oceans.
  5. Which one of the following is a resource found in the county?
    1. Clouds
    2. Land
    3. Cars
    4. House


  1. Which of the following musical instruments is played the same way as the one shown below?
    1. Marimba
    2. Kayamba
    3. Flute
    4. Drums.
  2. During a Music lesson, a teacher sang a certain song. Learners listened and sang along as they touched different parts of their bodies. The song is likely to be ______________________ song.
    1. a happy
    2. a topical
    3. an action
    4. a patriotic.
  3. Teacher Mercy asked Grade 4 learners to present folk songs. Kyle presented a song which he accompanied with a slasher. Which occasion
    is the song sung?
    1. Birthday
    2. Wedding
    3. Funeral.
    4. Work.
  4. Maggy has been assigned the part of singing Soprano while Ben will sing bass. If they will sing together the same song, we shall say they are singing in
    1. harmony
    2. collaboration
    3. unison
    4. turns.
  5. If all the children at school present a song together, such performance is called
    1. multiple
    2. solo
    3. choral
    4. group.
  6. Belinda was asked to identify on the Kenyan flag the colour that represents vegetation. Which colour should she choose?
    1. White
    2. Black
    3. Red
    4. Green.
  7. Who among the following pupils did not misbehave when the Kenyan National Anthem was being sang?
    1. Pat- Stood at ease.
    2. Carol-Sang loudly on top of her voice.
    3. Zack-Sang faster than the rest.
    4. Kim-Stood at attention.
  8. When a certain song was being sung, learners were responding in different ways. Which of the following was a negative response?
    1. Nodding.
    2. Shouting
    3. Clapping.
    4. Stamping
  9. Learners improvised some musical instruments to use during devotion. Which one of the following produced the loudest sound?
    1. Plastic bottles.
    2. Wooden materials.
    3. Rubber shoes.
    4. Metalic tins.
  10. While singing the Kenya National Anthem, Musa kept silent when he reached the second line of the second verse. What should he sing?
    1. Tufanye sote bidii.
    2. Natukae na undugu, amani na uhuru.
    3. Ee ndio wajibu wetu.
    4. Ilete baraka kwetu


Tony made the artwork below. Use it to answer questions 26 to 29.


  1. Which of the following is not an embellishment that can be used on the above artwork?
    1. Beads
    2. Sand
    3. Broken glass
    4. Piece of cloth
  2. The artwork above was likely to have been  created using the
    1. coiling technique
    2. kneading technique
    3. pinching technique
    4. cutting technique.
  3. The above artwork can be used for the following purposes except
    1.  cooking
    2. displaying flowers
    3. putting keys
    4. putting stationery.
  4. Which of the following decoration techniques has been used in the above artwork?
    1. Applique
    2. Embedding
    3. Incising
    4. Scratching.
  5. Which of the following is a natural material that can be used to make the above artwork?
    1. Plasticine
    2. Clay
    3. Rubber
    4. Leather.

Keli displayed the fabric below. Use it to answer questions 31 to 33.


  1. Which of the following techniques was used to decorate the fabric above?
    1. Montage
    2. Collage
    3. Applique
    4. Sewing.
  2. The outline of the decoration above can be described as
    1. Wavy line
    2. Zigzag line
    3. Broken line
    4. Spiral line.
  3. Angela listed the following tools and materials. Which of them cannot be used to decorate the above fabric?
    1. Thimble
    2. Needle
    3. Adhesives
    4. Pen.
  4. A grade 4 learner listed the following tools. Which of the following tools cannot be used in drawing?
    1. Sharp tools
    2. Pencil
    3. Charcoal
    4. Pastel.

The figure below was drawn by a grade 4 pupil.


  1. The picture above is called a
    1. decoration
    2. colour wheel
    3. pyramid
    4. triangle.

PART 2: Choose a section you have prepared for. Each section is 15 marks.


  1. Naaman, a man who was healed by prophet Elisha was suffering from
    1. blindness
    2. leprosy
    3. possession
    4. diabetes.
  2. Which of the kings of Israel ordered the people to bow down and worship idols?
    1. King Nebuchadnezar
    2. King Ahab
    3. King Saul
    4. King David.
  3. Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego are the Hebrews who refused to worship idols. What happened to them? They were
    1. thrown into a burning furnace
    2. sent away from the city
    3. beheaded
    4. forgiven.
  4. Which town was Elisha in when he cursed boys who made fun of him?
    1. Jericho
    2. Bethel
    3. Nineveh
    4. Nazareth.
  5. Who was the king of Israel when Jesus was born?
    1. King David
    2. King Herod
    3. King Ahab
    4. King Saul.
  6. The three wise men who came to visit the new born Jesus came from which direction? 
    1. East
    2. West
    3. South
    4. North.
  7. Why were the parents of Jesus in Bethlehem. when he was born?
    1. They had gone there to be counted.
    2. They had gone to buy items there.
    3. They were visiting family members. 
    4. They lived there.
  8. The stories that Jesus used to teach people are called
    1. narratives
    2. parables
    3. fables
    4. legends.
  9. From the story of the good Samaritan, what lesson do we learn?
    1. We should ignore those who are not from our tribe.
    2. We should help everyone regardless of who they are.
    3. Jews were selfish.
    4. Priests are not supposed to touch sinners.
  10. How many people did Jesus feed with five loaves and two fish?
    1. 5000
    2. 2000
    3. 12
    4. 700
  11. What is the name of the man whose daughter was healed by Jesus?
    1. Andrew
    2. James
    3. Naaman
    4. Jairus.
  12. Why did Ananias and Saphira die after they sold their land? Because they
    1. cheated God
    2. were sick
    3. killed Jesus
    4. were poisoned.
  13. Which of the following is true?
    1. Jesus cursed the forty two boys.
    2. Moses walked on water.
    3. Jonah was swallowed by a big fish.
    4. Elisha fed five thousand people
  14. Which one of the following is not a way of thanking God?
    1. Singing
    2. Offering sacrifices
    3. Drinking alcohol
    4. Praying,
  15. What is the parable which Jesus used to teach about forgiveness? The parable of the'
    1. unforgiving servant.
    2. good Samaritan
    3. talents
    4. sower.


  1. The Aya below means;
    1. in the name of Allah, the most Gracious the Most Merciful
    2. master of the day of judgement
    3. the most Gracious, the Most Merciful
    4. you alone do we vrship and you alone do we ask for help.
  2. The animal below is slaughtered on which occasion?
    1. Eidul fitr
    2. Eidul adh-ha
    3. Miladul nabii
    4. Christmas.
  3. How many verses are found in Suratul Kaafirun?
    1. 5
    2. 4
    3. 6
    4. 7
  4. The symbol below is metnioned in Surah
    1. Maun
    2. Lahab
    3. Fatiha
    4. Asr.
  5. Which pillar of islam is performed around the house below?
    1. Saum
    2. Hajj
    3. Shahada
    4. Zakah.
  6. The man who leads prayers in the house above is known as
    1. Priest
    2. Sheikh
    3. Imam
    4. Maalim.
  7. Which Prophet of Allah was given the book below?
    1. Ibrahim
    2. Musa
    3. Muhammad
    4. Issa
  8. The uncle of the prophet who took care of him is known as
    1. Abi Twalib
    2. Abdul Mutwalib
    3. Ali
    4. Abu Lahab.
  9. Which one of the following is a good character?
    1. Shouting at young kids.
    2. Greeting the elderly.
    3. Throwing dirt on the road..
    4. Laughing at the disabled.
  10. The food given to the poor before Eidul Fitr prayers is known as
    1. Zakatul maal
    2. Sadaqa
    3. Zakatul fitr
    4. Iftaar.
  11. On which day do we say this dua,
    "Taqaballahu minnaa wa minkum"
    1. Eid day
    2. Friday
    3. Aqiqa day
    4. Burial day.
  12. How many children did the prophet saw have?
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 8
    4. 7
  13. A good Muslim prays at least _____________________________________________________rakaa in a day.
    1. 5
    2. 7
    3. 17
    4. 50
  14. It is sunnah to say. _______________________________ before eating.
    1. Bismillah
    2. Alhamdulillah
    3. Subhanallah
    4. Inshaallah.
  15. Grade four learners were performing swalah in their school mosque. Their swalah ended with
    1. Bismillah
    2. Salaam
    3. Tashahud
    4. Takbir.



  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  11. B
  12. B
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B
  16. B
  17. C
  18. D
  19. A
  20. C
  21. D
  22. D
  23. B
  24. D
  25. A
  26. D
  27. C
  28. A
  29. B
  30. B
  31. C
  32. B
  33. D
  34. A
  35. B


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. B
  9. B
  10. A
  11. D
  12. A
  13. C
  14. C
  15. A


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B


  1. Mrs. Karimu taught grade 4 learners on the importance of matter. What is matter?
    1. The definite volume of a substance.
    2. Anything that has mass and occupies space.
    3. All solids with an exception of metals. 
    4. Filled containers.
  2. Living things are organisms or things that have life. All the following are living things except
    1. Mammals
    2. Mattress
    3. Animals
    4. Reptiles.
  3. What is the term given to animals with a backbone?
    1. Vertebrates
    2. Invertebrates.
    3. Backboned animals.
    4. Mammals.
  4. The following is a picture of a parasite that sucks cow's blood. Which statement is true about the animal?
    1. It has two body parts.
    2. It has two pairs of legs.
    3. It has wings.
    4. It lives inside the animals' body.
  5. Kahindi drew the digestive system on a chart. He labelled the parts as follows
    Which part is not matched with its correct name?
    1. A-Liver
    2. F-Rectum
    3. D-Stomach
    4. B-Colon
  6. Maurice stated that food is chewed in the mouth and formed into boluses. What is a bolus?
    1. The dental part of the mouth.
    2. The passage of food from the mouth.
    3. Small balls formed after chewing.
    4. The saliva in the mouth.
  7. Hannah is happy that her six month old brother is developing teeth. Which name is given for the first set of teeth?
    1. Milk teeth
    2. Tea teeth
    3. Canines
    4. Molars.
  8. The oesophagus passes food from the mouth to the stomach. An oesophagus is also known as
    1. lungs
    2. trachea
    3. gullet
    4. ileum.
  9. The dentist at Kamano Island taught grade four learners to take care of their teeth. Which one of the following is not a way of caring for teeth?
    1. Brushing twice a day.
    2. Eating hard foods like cassava:
    3. Using a dental floss to remove stuck particles.
    4. Eating sugary foods daily.
  10. The Science and Technology club noted the problem of air pollution in the Miyale community. Which of the following factors is not a cause of air pollution?
    1. Vehicle fumes.
    2. Proper ventilation.
    3. Burning plastics.
    4. Smelly drainages.
  11. Kate has a computer at home and uses it for research. Which one of the following is a part of a computer?
    1. Router
    2. Keyboard
    3. Modem
    4. Wi-Fi
  12. Plants are living things that have various characteristics. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of plants? They B
    1. move
    2. die
    3. reproduce
    4. have a backbone.
  13. Miano tasted wood ash and found out that it is bitter. What sensory organ did he use to taste?
    1. Eyes
    2. Tongue
    3. Skin
    4. Nose.
  14. Atieno ate cassava during break time. What part of the cassava did she eat?
    1. Seed
    2. Fruit
    3. Leaves
    4. Root.
  15. Every living thing lives in a certain surrounding. What is the term given to the surrounding of living things?
    1. Habitat
    2. Environment
    3. Area
    4. Ecology.


  1. What type of start is shown in the picture below?
    1. Standing start
    2. Sprint start
    3. Elongated start
    4. Jump start.
  2. The following is the procedure for performing standing long jump. Which of the steps comes first?
    1. Bring the arms back behind you and bend the hips and knees.
    2. Place both feet shoulder-width apart.
    3. Stretch up with the arms and rise up onto the balls of the feet with hips extended.
    4. Once airborne, extend the hips up and out and throw the feet forward.
  3. Grade four learners were discussing the importance of teamwork. Which of the following is one of the points they discussed?
    1. Helps to maintain good relationship between players.
    2. Help the team to score goals.
    3. Make the team competitive with each other.
    4. Makes the team win.
  4. Football players of Urithi Primary School were seen engaging in warm up activities. Why is it important? It
    1. helps reduce muscle soreness
    2. makes them look tough
    3. helps them win
    4. helps them become strong.
  5. The picture below shows an activity performed by a learner. What is the name of the activity?
    1. Long jump
    2. Javelin
    3. High jump
    4. Netball.
  6. The following are materials that can be used to improvise a soccer ball. Which one is not among them?
    1. Waste paper.
    2. Sisal string.
    3. Pieces of old cloth.
    4. Sand.
  7. Your class has been selected to participate in a game of soccer. How many players do you need in the game?
    1. Eleven
    2. Five
    3. Ten
    4. Seven..
  8. The equipment shown below is used in a particular sport. Which sport is it?
    1. Soccer
    2. Rounders
    3. Volleyball
    4. Swimming.
  9. The following are benefits of skipping rope every day except
    1. it helps in weight loss
    2. it improves the heart rate
    3. it helps cure diseases
    4. it improves blood circulation
  10. During a game, Wachira knelt and held the ball with both hands above his head. Which technique did he use?
    1. Overhead pass.
    2. Kneeling double hand throw.
    3. Kneeling overhead throw.
    4. Underarm pass.
  11. There are various types of passes used when playing ball. Which one is not used in football?
    1. Instep pass.
    2. Inside of the foot pass.
    3. Outside the foot pass.
    4. Chest pass.
  12. Robert uses a technique in rounders where he strikes the ball with a bat. This technique is called
    1. fielding
    2. rounding
    3. striking
    4. batting.
  13. Learners were told that using the right technique in rope skipping is very important. Why is that? It
    1. makes you popular
    2. helps you to win the game
    3. minimizes chances of injury 
    4. helps you not to get tired.
  14. Betty read the steps for a two-handed catching of the ball while playing as shown below. Which one comes first?
    1. Move towards the ball.
    2. Keep your eyes on the ball.
    3. Control the ball with fingers and thumb.
    4. Stretch arms with fingers spread to meet and snatch the ball.
  15. Hand juggling is an interesting game for children. Which items are dangerous to use for juggling?
    1. Scarves
    2. Small balls
    3. Nails
    4. Handkerchiefs.


  1. Grade four leaners discussed and wrote down a list of common illnesses in our community. Which one is not true?
    1. Stomachache
    2. Flu
    3. Malaria
    4. Leprosy.
  2. Valeria found her classmate behind the classroom vomiting and clutching his tummy while crying. What must she do?
    1. Take him home.
    2. Give him medicine.
    3. Leave him there.
    4. Tell the class teacher.
  3. The doctor told Zack to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. What role do they play in the body? They
    1. protect us from diseases
    2. give us energy
    3. increase our weight
    4. help us grow taller.
  4. The list below shows nutrients. Which one is a body building nutrient?
    1. Proteins
    2. Carbohydrates
    3. Vitamins
    4. Minerals.
  5. The following are statements which describe good table manners. Which one is not?
    1. Always eat with your mouth closed.
    2. Wash your hands before eating.
    3. Take the biggest portion of everything on the table.
    4. Maintain an upright posture at the table.
  6. Villagers at Ulemo village have a problem with jigger infestation. The following are precautions they should take except
    1. keep the surroundings clean
    2. relocate to the city
    3. always wear shoes
    4. wash feet regularly with soap and water.
  7. We have learned that parasites are organisms that live and depend on animals and humans. Which of the following is an internal parasite?
    1. Lice
    2. Bedbugs
    3. Worms
    4. Jiggers.
  8. The following points show the importance of a shopping list except that it helps
    1. save money by buying only what one needs 
    2. to save time as one knows exactly what to buy
    3. one to know the amount of money you need to buy items
    4. one to change the prices of items.
  9. Kameno village members always fetch water for use from the river. How can they make it safe for drinking?
    1. Putting disinfectant in it.
    2. Adding salt.
    3. Sieving.
    4. Boiling.
  10. The list below shows types of medicine. Which one is not taken orally?
    1. Tablets
    2. Capsules
    3. Ointment
    4. Syrup.


  1. During a visit to a maize plantation, learners were asked to name small animals that can destroy the maize. Which answer was correct?
    1. Lions
    2. Ants
    3. Squirrel
    4. Tigers.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 42 and 43.


  1. State the name of the type of irrigation shown above?
    1. Drip irrigation
    2. Sprinkler irrigation
    3. Furrow irrigation
    4. Flood irrigation.
  2. The above type of irrigation can be used to irrigate crops in which of the following areas?
    1. Forest
    2. Seed bed
    3. Under water
    4.  Swamps.
  3. Making compost manure requires all of the following except
    1. plastics
    2. soil
    3. water
    4. animal waste.
  4. A farmer prepared the following structure in his farm. What is the use of the structure to the crops?
    1. Covering 
    2. Shading
    3. Mulching
    4. Protection.
  5. When preparing compost manure grade 4 learners were asked to state materials they needed. Which one of these materials not required?
    1. Ashes
    2. Kitchen waste
    3. Cut grass
    4. Sand.
  6. A certain soil type has the smallest particles and retains the highest amount of water. Which type of soil is it?
    1. Loam
    2. Clay
    3. Sand
    4. Ash.
  7. Grade four learners were asked to give the importance of compost manure. Which one is true among the following?
    1. Provides water to plants
    2. It gives the environment fresh air.
    3. It's a source of nutrients to plants.
    4. Provides food to animals.
  8. A farmer saw the following animal in her compound. Which of the following crops can be damaged by the animal?
    1. Maize
    2. Cabbage
    3. Tomatoes
    4. Bananas.
  9. Grade 4 learners visited a clay work farm in Kiambu. Which of the following items are products that can be made in the company?
    1. Spoons
    2. Cooking stick
    3. Pots
    4. Buckets.


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B
  16. A
  17. B
  18. A
  19. A
  20. B
  21. D
  22. A
  23. B
  24. C
  25. C
  26. D
  27. D
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C
  31. D
  32. D
  33. A
  34. A
  35. C
  36. B
  37. C
  38. D
  39. D
  40. C
  41. C
  42. A
  43. B
  44. A
  45. B
  46. D
  47. B
  48. C
  49. A
  50. C

Soma taarifa hii kisha ujibu maswali 1 hadi 5.


Nyumba ni makao ya mwanadamu. Kuna aina nyingi za nyumba. Kuna nyumba zinazojengwa kuelekea juu, vibanda, msonge, mapango, hema, tembe, za mawe, za udongo, za zege na kadhalika. Sehemu za nyumba ni sakafu, kuta, milango, vizingiti, madirisha, dari na paa.

Katika nyumba kuna makabati, makochi na viti. Mekoni kuna majiko, majokofu, karo, chanja, susu, sahani, vijiko, mabakuli na vinginevyo. Anayejenga nyumba za kawaida huitwa mjenzi na anaye jenga nyumba aushi za mawe ni mwashi.

Mwanadamu hutumia nyumba kama pahali pa kuishi, kulala, kupumzika, kujificha, kula na kupikia. Wasomi hutumia nyumba kwa masomo. Watu wengine pia hutumia nyumba kwa biashara.


  1. Makao ya wanadamu ni
    1. makochi
    2. sakafu
    3. nyumba
    4. msitu
  2. Nyumba zinazojengwa nyingine zikiwa juu ya nyingine huitwa
    1. vibanda
    2. ghorofa
    3. vizingiti
    4. hema 
  3. Ni aina ngapi za nyumba zilizotajwa kwenye kifungu?
    1. Tisa
    2. Saba
    3. Nane
    4. Sita.
  4. Sakafu iliyo juu ya nyumba huitwaje?
    1. Paa
    2. Dari.
    3. Kuta
    4. Gorofa.
  5. Anayejenga nyumba za mawe ni
    1. mjenzi
    2. mwokaji
    3. mjengaji
    4. mwashi.

Soma kisa kifuatacho kisha ujibu swali la 6 hadi 10.

Je, kwa nini mbuni ana shingo ndefu? Wajua kwa nini shingo hiyo haina manyoya? Zamani Mbuni na mamba waliishi pamoja. Walikuwa marafiki wakubwa. Waliishi kama ndugu lakini sidhani kama walipendana kwa dhati. Siku moja Mamba alihisi njaa. Alitafuta mizoga ya kula akakosa. Mbuni alikula mizizi ya miti na matunda ya porini. Yeye hakuwa na shida ya njaa,

Mamba alifikiri kitu ambacho angekula, akaona kuwa nyama ya karibu naye ni Mbuni. Akajifanya mgonjwa na kumwita Mbuni. Alimwambia kuwa jino lake lilikuwa linauma. Alimwomba aingize kichwa chake kwenye mdomo wake aone shida ya jino hilo.

Mbuni kwa kumhurumia Mamba akakubali. Alipoingiza kichwa mdomoni, Mamba alifunga kinywa ghafla. Mbuni alijivuta kwa nguvu sana hadi akatoka mdomoni mle. Ubaya ni kuwa, manyoya ya shingo yake yalibaki mdomoni mwa Mamba. Pia, shingo yake ilirefuka zaidi


  1. Zamani, Mbuni na Mamba waliishi ______________________________
    1. majini
    2. pamoja
    3. kwa furaha
    4. nyumbani.
  2. Kwa kawaida chakula cha Mamba kilikuwa
    1. mbuni
    2. ndege
    3. mizizi
    4. mizoga.
  3. Mamba alipowaza sana alifanya nini?
    1. Alimla Mbuni.
    2. Aliingia majini.
    3. Alitamani kumla Mbuni.
    4. Alimkamata Mbuni.
  4. Kwa nini Mamba alijifanya kuumwa na jino? Alitaka
    1. kuling'oa jino
    2. kumnyoa Mbuni 
    3. kumla Mbuni
    4. kuumwa na jino.
  5. Mbuni alikubali kufanya nini?
    1. Kumtibu Mamba.
    2. kumla Mamba
    3. Kung'oa jino.
    4. Kukiingiza kichwa kinywani mwa Mamb

Soma hadithi hii kisha ujibu maswali 11-15.

Kila asubuhi wakulima huenda kwenye makonde yao kulima. Baada ya siku nyingi wao hupanda mbegu. Mbegu zikiota hutokea miche. Miche hugeuka na kuwa mimea. Mimea hustawi kisha ikapaliliwa. Baada ya hayo, magugu yote hung'olewa. Mimea inazaa mazao. Mazao ya mimea yakikomaa huvunwa. Mavuno ya mimea hutumiwa kama chakula sana. Wengine huuza ili kupata pesa za kutumia nyumbani. Kazi ya ukulima ni nyingi na huchosha lakini ina faida sana! Kila kitu huanza mbali na hutengenezwa ili kiwe kizuri baadaye.


  1. Wakulima huenda kulima kwenye ________________________________.
    1. ngumi
    2. mashamba
    3. mabonde
    4. makundi 
  2. Baada ya kulima shamba mkulima hufanya nini?
    1. Huvuna
    2. Hupalilia.
    3. Hupanda mbegu.
    4. Huuza. 
  3. Katika kupalilia, mkulima hutoa shambani magugu au ___________________________________.
    1. miche
    2. mbegu
    3. kwekwe
    4. mimea
  4. Wakulima hupalilia nini?
    1. Mazao
    2. Mimea
    3. Magugu.
    4. Mauzo.
  5. Wakati wa mavuno, wakulima huvuna
    1. mimea
    2. miche
    3. chakula
    4. mazao.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujaze pengo 16 - 20 kwa jibu lifaalo zaidi.

Unga ___16___ ngano hutengeneza vyakula ___17___ kama vile ,chapati na ___18___. Jana nilikula andazi moja ___19___ chai kikombe __20__

   A   B   C   D 
 16.    ya   za   la   wa 
 17.  tamu   mamo   vitamu   matamu 
 18.  maandazi   wali   vibanzi   mtama 
 19.  na  kwa   ya   pamoja 
 20.  moja  mbili   mmoja   kimoja 

Jibu maswali kulingana na maagizo.

  1. Tegua kitendawili hiki.
    Ajenga ingawa hana mikono. 
    1. Kobe
    2. Ndege
    3. Konokono
    4. Kilema. 
  2. Kinyume cha kumeza ni _________________________
    1. kutapika
    2. kutoa
    3. kula
    4. kutema.
  3. Bainisha neno lililopigiwa mstari. Nilienda ila sikumpata.
    1. kihusishi
    2. kiunganishi
    3. kihisishi
    4. kitenzi.
  4. Ipi ni nomino katika ngeli ya A-WA?
    1. Kiti
    2. Kitabu
    3. Kidole
    4. Kipepeo.
  5. Chagua wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo.
    Mwaka umeanza.
    1. Miaka zimeanza
    2. Mamiaka imeanza
    3. Miaka imeanza
    4. Mamiaka yameanza.
  6. Jaza pengo kwa neno la adabu linalofaa.
    ____________________________ Vicky, naomba kupita.
    1. Simile
    2. Samahani
    3. Tafadhali
    4. Songea.
  7. Sehemu ya kompyuta inayoonyesha picha au maandishi huitwa
    1. kitufe
    2. kipanya
    3. kiwambo
    4. mashine.
  8. Tambua kivumishi katika sentensi hii.
    Watoto wadogo walipata zawadi nyingi. 
    1. nyingi
    2. watoto
    3. zawadi
    4. pata
  9. Jaza pengo kwa usahihi.
    Nzi ___ meruka
    1. i
    2. u
    3. ki
    4. a
  10. Barua ya kindugu huwa na anwani moja ya
    1. rafiki
    2. mwandishi
    3. mwandikiwa
    4. msomi.


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako.

Andika insha ya maelezo kuhusu;

                                                                                     UMUHIMU WA MAJI.   


















  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. C
  10. D
  11. B
  12. C
  13. C
  14. B
  15. D
  16. D
  17. C
  18. A
  19. B
  20. D
  21. B
  22. A
  23. B
  24. D
  25. C
  26. A
  27. C
  28. A
  29. D
  30. C

Read the following passage and answer questions 1-5.


A school assembly is a gathering done on the assembly grounds to get information from teachers and the management. There are prayers and songs held at the beginning of assemblies.

There is a certain order to follow during assembly speeches. It starts with the school prefects and ends with the principals. An assembly takes 10 to 25 minutes.

Assemblies are important because they help pass information. They also enable teachers to inspect the hygiene of the learners. It helps to develop unity. It is also an avenue for good performance recognition by giving awards. The awards can be: mathematical sets, trophies or school shoes.


  1. What is a school assembly?
    1. A gathering that helps a preacher deliver his sermons.
    2. It is a school competition gathering.
    3. A gathering done to get information from teachers and the school management.
    4. A ceremonial wedding gathering.
  2. What is done at the beginning of a school- assembly?
    1. Screaming
    2. Prayers
    3. Competition
    4. Laughing.
  3. How long does an assembly take?
    1. 10 to 25 minutes.
    2. 10 to 48 minutes.
    3. 25 to 38 minutes.
    4. 30 minutes.
  4. The following are awards received during assemblies except
    1. mathematical sets
    2. trophies
    3. twigs
    4. school shoes.
  5. A school assembly speech follows a certain order. Which one is it?
    1. It starts with school prefects and ends with the principal.
    2. Starts with teachers and ends with the school prefects.
    3. Starts with the principal and ends with the teachers.
    4. The principal talks all through.

Read the dialogue below and answer questions 6 -10.

Hare: Good morning Hippo.
Hippo: Good morning Hare.
Hare: Why have you not gone to the farm?
Hippo: I have not gone to the farm due to the high rains that occurred yesterday. Hare: But Hippo, this is the right time to plant.
Hippo: I know, only that I don't feel like leaving this pool. I just want to swim Hare: That's laziness.


  1. How many animals are in the dialogue above?
    1. 6
    2. 7
    3. 3
    4. 2
  2. Why does hippo want to stay in the pool?
    1. He wants to swim.
    2. He wants to plant.
    3. He wants to watch animals.
    4. He is waiting for hare.
  3. When hare tells hippo that 'this is the right time to plant', what is Hippo's reply?
    1. 'Good morning hare'
    2. 'No, I don't know'
    3. 'This is the right time to plant'
    4. 'I just want to swim'
  4. When did the rains occur?
    1. Morning
    2. Last week.
    3. Supper time
    4. Yesterday.
  5. According to the dialogue, Hippo is described as
    1. lazy
    2. hardworking
    3. heavy
    4. joyful.

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

Mwaura is a ten-year old boy. He comes from Kiambu county. He loves eating chips and chicken. Mwaura is 1.3 metres tall.

He has two best friends. They are Njeri and Otieno. They love playing games together. They play football, basketball and netball together. They also go to the same school. Their school is known as Mirema Integrated School.

Last week, the three friends visited the Boma children's home. They gifted the children with food stuffs, balls and school shoes. The children at Bomą children's home appreciated their kindness.


  1. How old is Mwaura?
    1. 5 years old
    2. 6 years old
    3. 8 years old
    4. 10 years old
  2. How tall is Mwaura?
    1. 1.5m
    2. 1.3m
    3. 1.4m
    4. 1.6m
  3. How many best friends does Mwaura have?
    1. 4
    2. 6
    3. 2
    4. 1
  4. Which children's home did the friends visit last week?
    1. Gateru
    2. Boma
    3. Hola
    4. Mirema.
  5. What school do the friends go to?
    1. Boma children's home.
    2. International school
    3. Mirema Integrated school.
    4. Boma junior school.

Read the cloze test below and use the answers provided to fill the blanks.

My brother's name is Allan. He is ___16___ handsome boy. ___17___ are best friends. He likes ___18___ meat. His favourite pet is a ___19___.  His pet loves meat.

He owns a ___20___ which he rides everyday. He loves going to the library. I love my brother very ___21___.

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   a   an   it   very 
 17.  I  We   It   He 
 18.  eats   ate   eated   eating 
 19.  cat  ket   kettle   lion 
 20.  palace   bicycle   car   lorry 
 21.  more  much   few   a lot 


Choose the adverb in the following sentences.

  1. She walked quickly.
    1. she
    2. walked
    3. quickly
    4. walk 
  2. He sang the song beautifully.
    1. beautifully
    2. sang
    3. the
    4. he
  3. He ate his food hurriedly.
    1. his
    2. ate
    3. hurriedly
    4. food 

Give the plural of the sentences below.

  1. She gave me a pen.
    1. She gave us pens.
    2. They gave us pens.
    3. She gaves pens.
    4. We gave them pens.
  2. The tree has a fruit.
    1. The trees have fruits.
    2. The trees has fruits.
    3. The tree has a fruits.
    4. The trees has fruits.

Choose the correct sound of each animal.

  1. A donkey _________________________.
    1. brays
    2. sings
    3. chips
    4. trumpets.
  2. A bird __________________________.
    1. brays
    2. hisses
    3. trumpets
    4. chirps.
  3. An elephant __________________________________.
    1. hisses 
    2. clucks
    3. trumpets
    4. chirps.

Use the correct conjunction to fill in the blank space.

  1. Mary _________________________Atieno came home.
    1. for
    2. and
    3. In
    4. but


You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

Write a composition about;
                                                                                        A ROAD ACCIDENT
















  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. D
  9. D
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. B
  15. C
  16. A
  17. B
  18. D
  19. A
  20. B
  21. B
  22. C
  23. A
  24. C
  25. B
  26. A
  27. A
  28. D
  29. C
  30. B


  1. A farmer harvested 20314 apples in a certain village. What was the number of apples he harvested in words?
    1. Two thousand three hundred and fourteen.
    2. Twenty thousand three hundred and fourteen.
    3. Twenty thousand three hundred and  forty.
    4. Two thousand three hundred and forty.
  2. The number of people who attended a new year crossover service were 19026. What is the place value of digit 9 in the number?
    1. Ten thousands
    2. Hundred thousands
    3. Hundreds
    4. Thousands
  3. Mandela added 4869 to 9432 and rounded off the answer to the nearest 100. What answer did he get?
    1. 14301
    2. 14300
    3. 14400
    4. 14330
  4. The difference between two numbers is 2335. If the smaller number is 909, find the bigger number.
    1. 1426
    2. 3244
    3. 2234
    4. 14365.
  5. In a class of 30 pupils, 17 are boys. What fraction of pupils are boys?
    1. 30/17 
    2. 17/30 
    3. 13/30 
    4. 30/13 
  6. One kilogram of sugar costs sh. 47. Find the cost of 7 kgs of sugar,
    1. Sh. 289
    2. Sh. 54
    3. Sh.40
    4. Sh.329
  7. A glass of water is 3/5 full. If I drink 1/5 of it, what fraction will remain?
    1. 2/5 
    2. 4/5 
    3. 3/5 
    4. 5/2 
  8. Pelister distributed 44 sweets equally among 8 children. How many sweets did Peach child get and how many sweets remained?
    1. 6 remainder 4
    2. 10 remainder 4 
    3. 9 remainder 4
    4. 5 remainder 4
  9. Which of the following is an odd number?
    1. 184
    2. 144
    3. 169
    4. 156
  10. The classroom door is 235 cm long. What is the length in metres and centimetres?
    1. 2m 35cm
    2. 23m 5 cm
    3. 2m 350cm
    4. 23m 50cm
  11. Olwenga changed 92/5  into an improper fraction. What was his answer?
    1. 5/47 
    2. 45/2 
    3. 47/5 
    4. 43/5 
  12. 90 is a multiple of 18. What is the next multiple of 18 after 90?
    1. 72
    2. 108
    3. 54
    4. 126
  13. A shopkeeper packed 36kg of sugar into 1/4 kg packets. How many packets did he get?
    1. 9 packets
    2. 144 packets
    3. 36 packets
    4. 72 packets
  14. Mwelusi walked around the figure below once. What distance did he cover?
    1. 21m
    2. 24m
    3. 26m
    4. 30m
  15. A farmer harvested eight hundred and nine bags of wheat in 2007 and one thousand and three bags in 2008. How many more bags did he harvest in 2008 than 2007?
    1. 204
    2. 194
    3. 184
    4. 294
  16. 8 pencils cost sh. 72. What is the cost of one pencil?
    1. Sh. 9
    2. Sh. 18
    3. Sh. 27
    4. Sh. 64
  17. The perimeter of a square is 32cm. Find its length?
    1. 128 cm
    2. 64 cm
    3. 16 cm
    4. 8 cm
  18. In the figure below, what fraction is unshaded?
    1. 1/9 
    2. 9/1 
    3. 8/9 
    4. 7/8 
  19. A table has 24 plates. Each plate has 6 sweets. How many sweets are on the table altogether?
    1. 4
    2. 104
    3. 144
    4. 30
  20. Five children bought the following litres of juice from a shop; 2.5 litres, 2.25 litres, 4.5 litres, 2 litres and 3. 15 litres. Arrange the litres of juice from highest to the lowest.
    1. 3.15, 2.25, 4.5, 2.5, 2
    2. 4.5, 3.15, 2.5, 2.25, 2
    3. 2, 2.5, 4.5, 2.25, 3.15
    4. 2, 2.25, 2.5, 3.15, 4.5
  21. Mr. Kariuki had a string of 20 m 20 om. He divided it into 4 equal parts. What is the length of each part?
    1. 5m  5 cm
    2. 4m 4 cm
    3. 5 m 4 cm
    4. 4 m 4 cm
  22. Omino has seventy-eight thousand and ninety six cows. What is the number of cows Otieno has in symbols?
    1. 7896
    2. 17896
    3. 780096
    4. 78096
  23. A mason constructed a wall using stone blocks. The wall had 6 layers, 8 columns and 10 rows of blocks. How many cubes does the wall have?
    1. 24
    2. 240
    3. 120
    4. 480
  24. There are 2022 pupils in a school. 1019 are boys. How many girls are there?
    1. 1017
    2. 1003
    3. 3041
    4. 1000
  25. James is 90 cm tall and Irene is 89cm tall. Who is taller?
    1. James
    2. Irene
    3. James and irene
    4. None
  26. The table below shows the number of sweets eaten by two girls in three days
       Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday 
     Venessa    2  1  3
     Vera  4  4  2
    How many sweets did they eat on Monday and Wednesday altogether?
    1. 11
    2. 6
    3. 10
    4. 12
  27. Grade 4 learners changed 7/10  into decimal. What was their answer?
    1. 0.007
    2. 0.77
    3. 7.7
    4. 0.7
  28. 1, 2, 3 and 5 are factors of a particular number. Which number is it?
    1. 30
    2. 11
    3. 25
    4. 15
  29. How many days are there in the months of July, August and September?
    1. 90 days
    2. 63 days
    3. 93 days
    4. 92 days
  30. One week has 7 days. 56 days have ____________________ weeks?
    1. 63 
    2. 8
    3. 392
    4. 9


  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B
  16. A
  17. D
  18. A
  19. C
  20. B
  21. A
  22. D
  23. D
  24. B
  25. A
  26. A
  27. D
  28. A
  29. D
  30. B


  1. Which one of the following is not an element of art?
    1. Colour
    2. Texture
    3. Value
    4. Form
  2. Evelyn decorated her pencil drawn picture on a manila paper by smearing and rubbing. Which picture making technique did she use? 
    1. Crayon etching
    2. Smudging
    3. Colouring
    4. Painting
  3. In a still life drawing, why are some parts of an object not seen at all?
    1. They are in the direction of the source of light
    2. They are overlapped by other objects in the composition
    3. They are too small to be seen
    4. They are black in colour
  4. Why is proportion important when drawing human forms?
    1. To achieve a realistic picture
    2. To create a balanced drawing
    3. To include all features of a human form
    4. To ensure some parts overlap on others
  5. Crayon etching is _____________________________
    1. using crayons to colour hand drawn pictures
    2. making crayons using locally sustainable materials
    3. applying black Indian ink on a surface covered by wax crayons
    4. creating pictures on a crayon waxed surface using a sharp object
  6. The image below was created by shading it while putting different pressures on the medium, such as a pencil or charcoal, against the drawing surface. It is called a ______________________________
    1. colour strip 
    2. gradation strip
    3. painted strip
    4. shaded strip
  7. The picture shows a montage. Which of the following materials cannot be used as a mounting surface when creating it
    1. Stiff paper
    2. Light paper
    3. Cardboard
    4. Carton box
  8. The glue used to paste or mount artworks on a surface can locally be obtained from all of the following except ________________
    1. jacaranda tree
    2. eucalyptus tree
    3. wattle tree
    4. euphorbia tree
  9. Small animals such as buffalos, cattle and camels give us ____________________ for making leather items.
    1. skins
    2. hides
    3. fur
    4. horns
  10. We can obtain weaving materials from the following plants in the locality except _______________________
    1. Sisal plants
    2. Banana plants
    3. Coconut leaves
    4. Wattle trees
  11. The parts labeled A and B are ___________________ and ___________________ respectively 
    1. warps and wefts
    2. twines and strings
    3. strings and fibres
    4. wefts and warps
  12. The following are examples of items that can be made by weaving except ______________
    1. table mats
    2. storage baskets
    3. carrier bags
    4. baby's clothes
  13. What is the name of the process of cutting long, thin straps of leather for binding leather?
    1. Thonging
    2. Stripping
    3. Cutting
    4. Shaping
  14. What is the meaning of the pinch technique of modeling in pottery?
    1. Using slabs to make a pottery item
    2. Using the thumb and fingers to model clay items
    3. Using coils to make a clay item
    4. Making items using clay pebbles
  15. Pots made using the pinch technique can be decorated in the following ways except by ___________________.
    1. stamping
    2. scratching
    3. incising
    4. beading


  1. Which one of the following is a short sound?
    1. taa
    2. ta-te
    3. umbrella
    4. how
  2. Which syllable is higher than fa?
    1. re
    2. mi
    3. so
    4. do
  3. What is pitch?
    1. highness or lowness of sound 
    2. the sequence of notes in music
    3. the fastness or slowness of music
    4. the highness or softness of music
  4. Which one of the following is not a prop?
    1. Drum
    2. Fly whisk
    3. Stick
    4. Shield
  5. The first three sol-fa notes are?
    1. m, f, s
    2. d, r, m
    3. r,m,f
    4. d, r, f
  6. Which one is not an element of dance?
    1. Space
    2. Time
    3. Movements
    4. Energy
  7. Which one below is not an element of music performance?
    1. Dynamics
    2. Articulation
    3. Pitch
    4. Dance
  8. Which sol-fa syllable is represented by the following hand sign?
    1.  re
    2. mi
    3. fa
    4. do
  9. Melodic instruments are types of instruments that
    1. Produce different types of pitch
    2. Can be cleaned
    3. Do not produce different types of pitch
    4. Can be shared
  10. A person who plays a musical instrument is called _______________________
    1. Audience
    2. Instrumentalist
    3. A vocalist
    4. A soloist


  1. North, East, West and South are the main points of a _________________________
    1. Compass
    2. Direction
    3. County
    4. School
  2. Study the map below and answer the questions that follow.
    Mwema Area is to the _______________________ of Pendo Area while Amani is to the ____________________ of pendo Area.
    1. North, South
    2. West, South
    3. South, West
    4. East, North
  3. An area in a country that has its own government is known as _________________ while an administrative unit within a county is called ____________________
    1. Kenya, county
    2. Country, county
    3. County, sub-county
    4. School, children's government
  4. Tom and Jerry were excited to be going to the village to visit their grandparents. They saw the following beautiful things in the county. Which one of them is not a physical feature?
  5. The following wheel shows months during which different seasons are experienced in Manu's county. Study the wheel and answer the questions that follow.
    During which months does Manu's county have the rainy season?
    1. June, July and February
    2. May, June, August and January
    3. November, March, December and April 
    4. September and October
  6. The _____________________ shown below is found in ___________________City County. It reminds us of the famous person in our country.
    1. Cultural centre, Nakuru
    2. Monument, Nairobi
    3. Museum, Mombasa
    4. Monument, Kisumu
  7. Why are the people shown below working together?
    1. To take care of the environment.
    2. To provide security.
    3. To raise money to educate children.
    4. To provide knowledge to the learners.
  8. Which of the following areas is densely populated?
  9. The dots are not arranged in any order. The pattern of population where houses seem to be built without following any order is called______________________.
    1. Linear pattern
    2. Scattered pattern
    3. Clustered pattern
    4. Nucleated pattern
  10. The way of life of different communities is known as culture. Our culture can be seen through the following except.
    1. Food, festivities
    2. Dress, games and sports
    3. Houses, artefacts
    4. Water, bee hives
  11. Bidii Primary School wrote the following short statement about its aims and beliefs.
    Hard work pays
    It has the following importance to the learners except?
    1. Guides the behaviour of learners.
    2. Reminds learners to be good examples to others.
    3. Does not remind learners what to do to perform well.
    4. It encourages positives values such as discipline.
  12. Toliani was given assignment to find out the ways of protecting resources and using them well. He found out the following ways. Which one is not correct?
    1. We should keep our water sources clean.
    2. No planting of new trees when we cut old ones.
    3. We should add manure and plant cover crops.
    4. We should keep wild animals from poachers.
  13. Owiro is a fisherman who lives near Lake Victoria. He sells his fish on wholesale and pays tax to the county government. Which of the following is not importance of such economic activities in the county?
    1. It is a source of food.
    2. Money from tax is used to provide street lighting.
    3. People pollute water.
    4. They provide employment to people in the county.
  14. Which type of trade is carried out in the picture shown below?
    1. Currency trade
    2. Modern trade
    3. Barter trade
    4. Business
  15. After research, Lukayo found out the following right ways of doing trade. Which of them is not true?
    1. Trade is carried with the set laws.
    2. Traders should be honest when trading.
    3. Goods and services of high quality should be provided.
    4. Traders should ask for too much money.


  1. The following statements are true about what the Bible says on respecting our parents. Which one is not?
    1. It is the right thing to do
    2. It is the first commandment that has a promise
    3. Those that do so will live ling in the land D. It comes as a burden
  2. Which of the following statements best describes a family?
    1. A group of people related by blood and marriage
    2. People that live in the same house
    3. Members of a community that help each other
    4. A group of people that share items
  3. Select from the following books one that is found in the New Testament.
    1. Psalms
    2. Ruth
    3. Esther
    4. Romans
  4. How many books are in the Bible?
    1. 366
    2. 66
    3. 39
    4. 27
  5. Which of the following is not an importance of reading the Bible?
    1. Helps us do what is right
    2. Guides us on how to love God and others
    3. Teaches us how to revenge
    4. Teaches us on how to relate with others
  6. How many times did Balaam beat his donkey before it spoke?
    1. 3
    2. 6
    3. 1
    4. 2
  7. Which angel announced the birth of Jesus Christ?
    1. Micah
    2. Michael
    3. Raphael
    4. Gabriel
  8. God created everything on earth. This shows that God is _____________________
    1. God is good
    2. God is faithful
    3. God is the creator
    4. God is the provider
  9. Karen does not take care of her books. She even forgets some of her books and other personal items at school when she is going home.Which quality does Karen lack?
    1. Trust
    2. Responsibility
    3. Respect
    4. Love
  10. The sister to your mother is your ______________________
    1. Niece
    2. Sister-in-law
    3. Aunt
    4. Sister


  1. ______________________ was the king of Yemen who wanted to destroy the Kaabah.
    1. Fir-aun
    2. Qaarun
    3. Abraha
    4. Nimrud
  2. Complete the hadith: A muslim is a __________________ to another muslim.
    1. friend
    2. brother
    3. family
    4. enemy
  3. Which one of the following act does not indicate kindness?
    1. Beating a black cat
    2. Talking politely
    3. Assisting the needy
    4. Avoid playing loud music
  4. ______________________ is the pillar of Islam.
    1. Zakat
    2. Hajj
    3. Ramadhan
    4. Swalah
  5. Musa cheated in examination by copying from a textbook.Which hadith can be used to teach him on importance of the truth?
    1. Allah loves kindness in everything one does
    2. Allah is gentle and He loves kindness
    3. Tell the truth even if it is bitter
    4. Cursed is he who urinates or pass stool on a pathway
  6. Heavy najis can be removed by ____________________
    1. sprinkling water
    2. washing the affected part to remove smell and colour
    3. washing with warm water and soap
    4. washing seven times, enough to remove the najis
  7. Which of the following is not an example of hadathal akbar?
    1. stool
    2. heidh
    3. nifaas
    4. manii
  8. ______________________ means cleanliness.
    1. Taqwa
    2. Ihsan
    3. Iman
    4. Twahara
  9. Three of the following are reasons for Tayammum except one. Which one is it?
    1. Water is unavailable
    2. Water is harmful to the body
    3. Water is very cold
    4. Water is expensive
  10. It is true to say that
    1. things which spoil wudhu spoil tayammum
    2. Sleeping does not nullify wudhu
    3. Wudhu is washing the whole body
    4. Fainting does not spoil wudhu



  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. D
  5. D
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. A
  10. D
  11. D
  12. D
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C
  11. C
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D


  1. D
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. C


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A


  1. Musa wanted to improvise a mask. What is he likely to use?
    1. a piece of cloth, thread
    2. thread, a polythene bag
    3. an old mask, a rubber band
    4. a rubber band, a piece of paper
  2. Which of the following animals moves by gliding? 
  3. On a desktop computer, cables are used for;
    1. processing data.
    2. transmitting data and electric current.
    3. storage of data and electricity.
    4. displaying data and information.
  4. The following are effects of air pollution. Which one is not?
    1. It may cause irritation of eyes. 
    2. It may cause water borne diseases.
    3. It may cause breathing problems.
    4. It may cause poor visibility
  5. Which of the following is not needed when making a water filter?
    1. small stones
    2. coarse sand
    3. cotton wool
    4. some clay
  6. Which of the following is the odd one out?
    1. stone
    2. cup
    3. table
    4. water
  7. A set of instructions that can be followed by a computer is referred to as ________________________.
    1. digital device
    2. a code
    3. coding
    4. technology
  8. Matter is anything that;
    1. has shape and size.
    2. has mass and occupies space.
    3. has mass and shape.
    4. occupies space and has size.
  9. There are ___________________________ states of matter.
    1. 2
    2. 4
    3. 3
    4. 5

Use the diagram below to an¡wer question 10 and 11.


  1. What is digested at the point marked X?
    1. starch
    2. protein
    3. vitamins
    4. fats
  2. Which of the following is not true about the point marked M?
    1. It is the longest part of the digestive system.
    2. It is where absorption of digested food takes place.
    3. It is where digestion ends.
    4. It produces bile which helps in digestion of food.
  3. Which of the following letters represents a part where digestion does not take place?
    1. X
    2. L
    3. Y
    4. M
  4. Kamwana wanted to use his laptop but he did not have a mouse. What would you advise him to do?
    1. Use the keyboard instead.
    2. Use the touchpad.
    3. Use arrow keys.
    4. Use the laptop some other day.
  5. Which of the following cannot cause air pollution?
    1. Fire
    2. Pit latrines
    3. Wind
    4. Floods
  6. Milk teeth are usually ___________________________in number.
    1. 32
    2. 12
    3. 20
    4. 2


Grade 4 learners from Hekima Academy sieved some soil samples as shown in the diagram below. Use the diagram to answer question 16-18.


  1. Which soil sample refers to clay soil?
    1. H
    2. Q
    3. G
    4. all
  2. Which soil sample is able to retain the least amount of water?
    1. Q
    2. H
    3. G
    4. none
  3. Juma was asked to identify the soil sample that is best for farming. Which answer is Juma likely to have given?
    1. Q
    2. G
    3. G and Q
    4. H
  4. Which of the following statements is true about compost manure?
    1. We can use materials that cannot decompose.
    2. The compost manure is ready for use after three months.
    3. It must be constructed near the farm.
    4. We should sprinkle salt on it to quicken decomposition
  5. Zawadi applied compost manure on farm A and left farm B without compost manure. It true that;
    1. crops on farm A became better than crops on farm B immediately.
    2. crops on farm B became better than crops on farm A after sometime.
    3. crops on farm B became better than crops on farm A immediately.
    4. crops on farm A became better than crops on farm B after sometime.
  6. Which of the following uses of water on the farm only takes place during the dry season? 
    1. Mixing farming chemicals.
    2. Washing farm tools.
    3. Watering crops.
    4. Watering animals.
  7. Water conservation is;
    1. using a lot of water in farming.
    2. not using any water in farming.
    3. ensuring that we don't misuse soil in farming.
    4. using small amount of water in farming.
  8. When you trap a squirrel on your farm, you should;
    1. release it into the environment.
    2. kill it for food.
    3. give it your dogs as food.
    4. keep it as your pet.
  9. The following small animals feeds on young chicks. Which one does not?
    1. eagle
    2. hawk
    3. weaverbird
    4. kite

Use the diagram below to answer question 25 and 26.


  1. The diagram shows
    1. drop irrigation
    2. pipe irrigation
    3. sprinkler irrigation
    4. drip irrigation
  2. Which of the following statements is true about the diagram?
    1. Is uses a lot of water.
    2. It can only work in the evening.
    3. Is uses minimum amount of water.
    4. It increases soil fertility.
  3. Planting sweet potatoes and cassava on the mould instead of the ridges helps to control_____________________
    1. moles
    2. mongoose
    3. monkeys
    4. squirrel
  4. The following are materials used to make a scarecrow except;
    1. old clothes.
    2. sticks.
    3. old gumboots.
    4. dry grass.
  5. When preparing seeds for planting we should,
    1. extract the seeds from young fruits.
    2. dry the seeds in a dark place.
    3. throw away bad seeds.
    4. not wash or clean the seeds.
  6. Grade four learners from Mwakazi Primary School wanted to plant some seeds in a container nursery bed. What advice would you give them?
    1. To plant the seedlings in rows.
    2. Plant few seeds in each container. 
    3. Cover the seeds with a lot of soil.
    4. Do not apply mulch on the nursery bed.


  1. Identify the part of the track shown below where 100 m race starts.
    1. Q
    2. Z
    3. Y
    4. X
  2. Which of the following statements is true about a track?
    1. It is circular in shape.
    2. It comprises of two parallel sides and three semicircular bends.
    3. It is oval in shape.
    4. It comprises of one parallel side and two semicircular bends.
  3. Which of the following is a track event?
    1. Rounders
    2. Soft ball
    3. Soccer
    4. 300m race
  4. Identify the illustration that shows a standing start.
  5. During standing long jump, one should;
    1. take off on one foot.
    2. land on the balls of the foot.
    3. fall backward as he or she lands. 
    4. fall forward as you land.
  6. A team is made strong by;
    1. each member knowing the rules.
    2. each member knowing the importance of unity
    3. each member working in unity with the others.
    4. each member working hard.
  7. In rounders, __________________________ is catching or picking up the ball after it has been hit.
    1. fielding
    2. batting
    3. shielding
    4. attacking
  8. In rounders, the bowling square is found between _______________________________
    1. the first post and third post.
    2. the batting square and the second post. 
    3. the third post and the fourth post. 
    4. the batting square and the first post.
  9. The following are materials that can be used to improvise a skipping rope. Which is one is not?
    1. sisal fibre
    2. pieces of old cloth
    3. an old ball
    4. recycled plastic bags
  10. A person who is against another person in a game is known as
    1. an enemy
    2. an opponent
    3. a team mate
    4. a coach


  1. A play item should always be;
    1. big
    2. small
    3. safe
    4. bought
  2. Which of the following consists of a balanced diet?
    1. Boiled bananas, beans stew, mango
    2. Ripe bananas, meat stew, sukumawiki 
    3. Chapatti, meats stew, mashed potatoes 
    4. Chips, chicken, soda
  3. It is advisable that we always wash our hands;
    1. before going to the toilet.
    2. before shaking someone's hand.
    3. before playing.
    4. before handling food.
  4. The following practices may cause common illnesses, except;
    1. drinking filtered water
    2. inserting sharp objects in our ears
    3. eating unwashed fruits
    4. sleeping under a treated mosquito net
  5. Identify the type of fuel that can be used to cook and provide heat only.
    1. gas
    2. charcoal
    3. electricity
    4. paraffin
  6. Mwakazi was sent by his mother to buy items required for cleaning their earthen floor. What would you advise him not to buy? 
    1. broom
    2. soap
    3. dust pans
    4. dust bins
  7. How should basins and buckets be stored?
    1. They should be stored under a shade.
    2. They should be stored facing down.
    3. They should be hung by their handles.
    4. They should be stored on the shelf.
  8. The following are steps of cleaning shoes. Which of the steps is the last one?
    1. Brush the shoes in a dry airy place.
    2. Wipe the shoes using a piece of cloth to remove any dust.
    3. Stuff the shoes with newspapers.
    4. Cover the surface with old newspapers. 
  9. Why are shoe brushes stored with the bristles facing up?
    1. To be more effective when cleaning. 
    2. For the brush to last longer.
    3. So that the shoes don't get dirty. 
    4. So that the bristles remain straight.
  10. You have been asked to teach your friends how to clean their shoes. Write one safety measure you will tell them to observe when cleaning their shoes.
    1. Use a sharp object to remove mud.
    2. Use hot water when cleaning.
    3. Store cleaning materials in a locked place.
    4. Clean the shoes under a tree.


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. B
  5. D
  6. D
  7. B
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. C
  16. A
  17. C
  18. A
  19. B
  20. D
  21. C
  22. D
  23. A
  24. C
  25. D
  26. C
  27. A
  28. C
  29. C
  30. B
  31. A
  32. C
  33. D
  34. A
  35. B
  36. C
  37. A
  38. A
  39. C
  40. B
  41. C
  42. A
  43. D
  44. D
  45. B
  46. B
  47. A
  48. C
  49. D
  50. C

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuata.


Mzee Juma ni mkulima anayejulikana kote katika kijiji cha Jomvu. Hii ni kutokana na shughuli zake za kilimo. Amefuga wanyama kama vile mbuzi, ng'ombe, kondoo, nguruwe na punda. Vilevile, amefuga kuku, bata, batamzinga na njiwa. Mzee Juma pia ana shamba kubwa lililo karibu na Mto Kijitonyama. Yeye hutumia maji ya mto huo msimu wa kiangazi ili kuinyunyizia mimea yake maji. Hali hiyo ya kunyunyizia mimea yake maji husaidia ili isinyauke wala kukauka. Kujulikana kwake kulitokana na hali ya kuwauzia wanakijiji mazao ya shambani au maziwa na mayai yaliyotokana na ufugaji wake.

Vilevile, Mzee Juma aliwafunza watoto wake shughuli hizo. Alielewa kuwa mtoto hufuata mwelekeo anaopewa na mzazi wake. Wakati wa likizo, wikendi na sikukuu, watoto hao walishirikiana na wazazi wao kufanya shughuli za shambani au ufugaji. Ungepata wakisaidia katika kupalilia mimea, kuvuna mazao au kubeba mazao yaliyovunwa. Pale nyumbani, ungewaona wakishughulika katika kuokota mayai yaliyotagwa, kuwakama ng'ombe au kuwalisha mifugo hao.

  1. Ni kweli kuwa Mzee Juma ni;
    1. mwalimu
    2. mkulima
    3. daktari
    4. dereva
  2. Kwa nini Mzee Juma anajulikana katika kijiji chote?
    1. Ana watoto wenye nidhamu.
    2. Ana mashamba makubwa.
    3. Kutokana na shughuli zake za kilimo.
    4. Ana mifugo wengi.
  3. Maneno 'mtoto hufuata mwelekeo anaopewa na mzazi wake' yanaweza yakaelezwa kwa methali gani?
    1. Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo.
    2. Polepole ndio mwendo.
    3. Siku za mwizi ni arubaini.
    4. Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu.
  4. Ni nini ambacho Mzee Juma hakuwauzia wanakijiji?
    1. maziwa
    2. mazao ya shambani
    3. wanyama
    4. mayai
  5. Ni kweli kuwa Mto Kijitonyama humpa Mzee Juma maji ya;
    1. kunywesha mifugo.
    2. kuoga.
    3. kufua nguo.
    4. kunyunyizia mimea.
  6. Kwa nini watoto wa Mzee Juma walisaidia wazazi wao wakati wa likizo, wikendi na sikukuu pekee?
    1. Walienda shuleni wakati huo mwingine.
    2. Walikuwa wakicheza wakati huo mwingine.
    3. Wakati huo mwingine walienda kanisani.
    4. Wakati huo mwingine walienda kumtembelea nyanya yao.
  7. Pale nyumbani, watoto wangefanya yafuatayo isipokuwa;
    1. kuokota mayai yaliyotagwa
    2. kuwakama ng'ombe
    3. kuwalisha mifugo
    4. kupalilia mimea

Soma makala yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuata.


Kompyuta au tarakilishi ni kifaa cha kidijitali chenye umuhimu mkubwa. Kifaa hicho hupatikana katika afisi za kazini, shuleni, hospitalini au nyumbani. Kompyuta ina sehemu kama vile bodidota, kiwambo, kitengo kikuu cha uchakataji, kipanya na kebo. Unapotaka kupiga chapa kwenye tarakilishi, tumia bodidota kuandika. Yale unayoyaandika huonekana kwenye kiwambo. Kipanya nacho huelekeza shughuli mbalimbali, kwenye kiwambo. Kitengo kikuu cha uchakataji hufanya shughuli zote za kompyuta kama vile kupokea ujumbe, kuuchanganua, kuhifadhi na kutuma ujumbe huo. Kazi ya kebo ni kupitisha umeme au data ya kidijitali.

Katika matumizi ya tarakilishi na vifaa vingine vya kidijitali, ni vyema kuomba ruhusa kutoka kwa mzazi, mlezi au mwalimu wako. Kabla ya kutumia kifaa cha kidijitali, unafaa kuhakikisha kuwa kifaa hicho kimeunganishwa na umeme. Kompyuta hutumika kupiga chapa, kusikiliza muziki, kucheza michezo ya tarakilishi, kutafuta maarifa kwenye mtandao, kujionea picha mtandaoni na kadhalika. Jambo muhimu ni kuwa si vyema kutumia vifaa vya kidijitali kwa muda mrefu. Ukiangalia mwangaza unaotoka kwenye vifaa hivyo kwa muda mrefu, unaweza ukapata matatizo ya macho.

  1. Kulingana na kifungu, jina jingine la kompyuta ni ____________________________.
    1. runinga
    2. rununu
    3. tarakilishi
    4. televisheni
  2. Maneno 'kuomba ruhusa' ni mfano wa nini?
    1. nahau
    2. methali
    3. tashbihi
    4. kitendawili
  3. Ni nani ambaye mwanafunzi hawezi kuomba ruhusa kutoka kwake kabla ya kutumia kifaa cha kidijitali?
    1. mwalimu
    2. mwanafunzi
    3. mzazi
    4. mlezi
  4. Mwanafunzi akiwa shuleni, anashauriwa kutumia tarakilishi kufanya nini?
    1. kusikiliza muziki
    2. kucheza michezo ya tarakilishi
    3. kutafuta maarifa kwenye mtandao
    4. kujionea picha mtandaoni
  5. Jambo muhimu ni kuwa si vyema;
    1. kutumia vifaa vya kidijitali.
    2. kubeba vifaa vya kidijitali.
    3. kuweka vifaa vya kidijitali kwa muda mrefu..
    4. kutumia vifaa vya kidijitali kwa muda mrefu.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuata.

Bendera ya taifa la Kenya ina rangi nne muhimu. Rangi nyeupe huonyesha amani. Amani ni hali ya utulivu ambao hudumu katika taifa lolote. Rangi nyeusi nayo huonyesha rangi ya wakenya. Wakenya hujulikana kwa rangi ya mwafrika ambayo ni nyeusi. Ni vyema kukubali na kufurahia jinsi ambavyo tumeumbwa. Maumbile ya mtu ni uamuzi ambao ulifanywa na Mungu. Rangi ya kijani kibichi, huonyesha mimea inayopatikana kwenye ardhi yetu. Miti, nyasi na mimea mingine ni muhimu sana kwa kila mkenya. Hatimaye, rangi nyekundu hutukumbusha kuwa kuna watu waliopigania uhuru wetu. Katika hali hiyo ya kupigania uhuru, kuna damu iliyomwagika. Kuipenda bendera yetu ni ishara ya uzalendo.

  1. Rangi gani ambayo hutukumbusha uhuru wetu ulivyopatikana?
    1. nyekundu
    2. nyeupe
    3. nyeusi
    4. kijani
  2. Ni nini tunachofaa kufanya ili kuonyesha kuwa miti, nyasi na mimea mingine ni muhimu?
    1. kupanda miti na nyasi zaidi.
    2. kukata miti iliyo mingi.
    3. kuchoma takataka kila mahali.
    4. kuwa na michoro ya nyasi, miti na mimea.
  3. Chagua maana ya neno 'uzalendo' jinsi lilivyotumika katika kifungu.
    1. kujua rangi za bendera
    2. kupenda mazingira
    3. kuipenda nchi
    4. kuipenda bendera

Chagua jibu lifaalo ili kujazia nafasi zilizoachwa.

Paka ni mnyama __16__ anapendwa sana katika nyumba __17__. Paka wengi hupenda kutulia nyumbani bila tatizo lolote. Chakula __18__ na paka sana ni panya. Paka __19__ panya wanaoharibu vitu katika nyumba. Unapofuga paka, ni vigumu sana kwa __20__ kuharibiwa sebuleni na panya.

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   ambayo   ambalo   ambao   ambaye 
 17.  mengi  mingi   nyingi   zingi 
 18.  inayopendwa   kinaopendwa   kinachopendwa   inachopendwa 
 19.  huwala  huwakula   hukulwa   hukuliwa 
 20.  kitanda  kinu   kochi   mbuzi 


Jibu kila swali kulingana na maagizo.

  1. Jua huchomoza upande gani wa dira?
    1. Kaskazini
    2. Mashariki
    3. Magharibi
    4. Kusini
  2. Chagua jibu ambalo linaonyesha kitenzi.
    1. ruka
    2. kitabu
    3. mzuri
    4. huyu
  3. Tambua kiwakilishi kwenye sentensi ifuatayo.
    Huyu amekula chakula kitamu.
    1. kitamu
    2. amekula
    3. chakula
    4. huyu
  4. Tegua kitendawili;
    Chalia, chatembea na chala chakula cha mkono.
    1. kengele
    2. saa
    3. mtoto
    4. mbuzi
  5. Tambua aina za maneno yaliyopigiwa mistari.
    Mwanafunzi mzuri anasoma polepole.
    1. kivumishi, kitenzi
    2. kiwakilishi, kielezi
    3. kielezi, nomino
    4. kivumishi, kielezi
  6. Nomino gani ambayo haipatikani katika Ngeli ya A - WA?
    1. kipepeo
    2. mbuzi
    3. mti
    4. chawa
  7. Chagua wingi wa;
    Mkeka wa mtume umewekwa.
    1. Mikeka ya mitume imewekwa. 
    2. Mikeka ya mitume yamewekwa.
    3. Mikeka ya watume imewekwa.
    4. Mikeka ya watume yamewekwa.
  8. Nomino gani inayopatikana katika ngeli ya LI-LI?
    1. jiwe
    2. darasa
    3. giza
    4. jicho
  9. Jibu la 'chewa' ni _____________________
    1. ewaa
    2. chewa
    3. njema
    4. marahaba
  10. Ni vizuri _______________________ ndipo uingie ndani ya nyumba.
    1. upige makofi 
    2. upige pasi
    3. upige mbio
    4. upige hodi


Andika insha ya wasifu kuhusu,

                                                                          NYUMBANI KWETU.

















  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. A
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. C
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C
  21. B
  22. A
  23. D
  24. B
  25. D
  26. C
  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. D

Read the conversation below and then answer questions 1- 5.


Kamau : Good afternoon, Cheruto? How are you?
Cheruto: Good afternoon, Kamau.__1__
Kamau : Where are your storybooks and the pens?
Cheruto: They are both in my bag. Why ask?
Kamau : Because we agreed that there will be no __2__.
Cheruto: That is nice of you to show concern.
Kamau : And where is your lunch?
Cheruto: I did not carry much. Only a soda, banana and orange will do.
Kamau : Are you serious? Will you survive with that till evening? Cheruto My mother advised that I should not eat much in order to                       stay alert and grasp concepts very fast.
Kamau : Does she not know that you cannot work on an empty stomach? Cheruto: But it shall not be completely empty; I have                             something to bite.
Kamau : That is a snack, Cheruto.
Cheruto: I am okay with that.
Kamau : I can see the reason why you keep fit. Anyway, for me, I have chapati, beef stew, water, some soda and of course an apple                     and a banana.
Cheruto: Good for you. You need energy to jump around. You are a boy remember.
Kamau : Does it mean that girls do not need energy?
Cheruto: Everybody does but...

  1. What do you think was the response that Cheruto gave to Kamau as in question 1?
    1. I am fine, thank you.
    2. Can't you see I am doing well.
    3. I am doing well.
    4. I am not feeling fine.
  2. What would be the correct word to complete the sentence in question 2?
    1. asking
    2. sharing
    3. giving
    4. borrowing
  3. What is the problem with Cheruto's food? 
    1. It is made up of fruits and soda only.
    2. It would not make her full.
    3. It is not a balanced diet.
    4. Kamau did not like it at all.
  4. Which one of the following was not a reason given by Cheruto's mother for not eating much?
    1. You stay alert.
    2. You maintain good health and stay alert.
    3. You understand concepts very fast.
    4. You understand things quickly.
  5. From what Kamau carried for lunch, we learn that ___________________________
    1. he was loved by the mother a lot.
    2. he ate too much.
    3. he was an active energetic boy.
    4. he was going to spend a day and night out.

Read the passage below and then question 6 – 9.


Our parents had always warned us against going to Makunga forest. The forest was full of dangerous animals and it was said that those who went deep enough were never seen again. Parents would tell their children scary stories about those who entered the forest and came out hurt to keep them in check. As a result, the children were disciplined and obedient at all times

One day, when we had closed school for the August holidays, the topic of the forest came up. We were all happy about closing for the holidays and we were discussing how we would spend our time away from school.

"We can go to the field and organise great soccer matches," I said excitedly as we made our way home.

"No way!" answered John, "we are used to such. We need something much more interesting. Something like going to Makunga forest."

  1. Why did the parents warn their children against going to Makunga forest?
    1. They knew children can sometimes be naughty.
    2. The forest was full of dangerous animals.
    3. There were evil people who killed others in the forest.
    4. The forest was very big.
  2. What brought about obedience and discipline among the children?
    1. The scary stories they were told by their parents.
    2. They wanted to please their parents.
    3. The teachings that the teachers had taught them in school.
    4. They were among the few survivors who went to the forest and returned.
  3. According to the passage, what were the children used to doing during the holidays? 
    1. Playing various games.
    2. Helping their parents with household chores.
    3. Playing football.
    4. We are not told.
  4. From what John said, we can say that he is
    1. disobedient
    2. disciplined. 
    3. wicked
    4. daring.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 10 – 12.


"Today we are going to learn how we can show respect to the people that we live with in our community," said Mrs Omollo, the Grade 4 teacher for English.

"First of all, when a visitor arrives at our home, what is the first thing that we tell him or her?" she asked. "Welcome," Paula answered. "Correct, Paula," said the teacher." The word 'Welcome' should be said with a smile in order to show politeness," she said.

"When we serve the visitor with something to eat or to drink, we should also remember to tell them "Welcome".
This will make them feel comfortable to eat or drink," said Mrs Omollo.

"Teacher," asked Peter, "if you make a mistake when serving the visitor, what do you say?" "That is a very good question, Peter," replied the teacher. "If you make a mistake, you must be polite enough to say, I beg your pardon. You can also say I am sorry, when you do something wrong to your friend."

"If you want to borrow something from your friend, you must use the word please. This should be followed by the words may I," said the teacher.
"Paula asked me this morning. Please may I borrow your pen?" said Peter.
"That was very good," said the teacher. "You should also remember if somebody achieves something like winning in a race, you tell them congratulations," added the teacher.

  1. What were the learners going to learn about?
    1. How to show respect to others in the community.
    2. Being polite at all times.
    3. Phrases that are important but are never used.
    4. What teacher Omollo had prepared to teach.
  2. Which word makes a guest at your place feel at home?
    1. I beg your pardon.
    2. Excuse me
    3. Welcome
    4. Thank you for coming.
  3. Winning a race has been given as _____________________
    1. the only moment when to tell someone congratulations.
    2. a way of showing how polite and disciplined you are.
    3. a big occasion to celebrate.
    4. an example of an occasion when one is told congratulations.

Read the poem below and then answer questions 13-15.


The snake Bite
Accident! Accident! Accident.
Hospital! Hospital! Hospital.
Ride me to hospital.

Accident! Accident! Accident.
Bleed! Bleed! bleed.
Bandage my leg.

Accident! Accident! Accident.
Pain! Pain! Pain.
Given me a painkiller.

  1. How many stanzas make up the poem?
    1. Four
    2. Three
    3. Two
    4. Five
  2. When somebody is bitten by an animal, he or  she ___________________
    1. bleeds profusely.
    2. is only bandaged.
    3. takes painkillers and sleeps.
    4. screams at the top of his or her voice.
  3. Whenever one falls sick, the person ____________________.
    1. takes painkillers and rests at home. 
    2. goes to see a doctor in the hospital.
    3. buys medicine over the counter at the chemist.
    4. gets bandaged all over the place.

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16-20. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the given four.

At long last, the master of __16__ better late than __18__.The people announced that it was time to eat. It was __17__ dark, but __19__ directed to the place to wash their hands as cleanliness is next to godliness. The food was __20__ little that we asked for more.

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   occasions   ceremonies   ceremony   the people 
 17.  becomming   geting   getting   approaching 
 18.  never  usual  always   ever
 19.  who  are   whom    were 
 20.  very  quite   so   too 


For questions 21-25, choose the best alternative to complete the given sentence.

  1. Kasuku drew a ________________________ ball. 
    1. small, round, beautiful
    2. beautiful, small, round
    3. beautiful, round, small
    4. small, beautiful, round
  2. Musembi looks _________________________ today.
    1. happier
    2. happy
    3. more happier
    4. happiest
  3. They played ______________________ the sand yesterday evening.
    1. in
    2. on
    3. with
    4. by
  4. Mary has _____________________________crayons to colour her picture.
    1. a lot
    2. lots
    3. enough
    4. plenty
  5. This pen belongs to me. It is ___________________
    1. my
    2. yours
    3. our's
    4. mine

For questions 26 and 27, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined word(s)

  1. This is something that is hard to stop because you do it often.
    1. Traditional
    2. concern
    3. habit
    4. behaviour
  2. One of the three: breakfast, lunch and supper.
    1. food
    2. meal
    3. portion
    4. share

For questions 28 and 29, choose the alternative that is the plural form of the underlined word.

  1. The knife we used has got lost.
    1. knifes
    2. knives
    3. knife
    4. knivess
  2. The ox pulled the plough on the farm.
    1. oxen
    2. oxes
    3. ox
    4. oxes'

For question 30, choose the correctly punctuated sentence.

    1. The hen laid many eggs?
    2. Why are you crying now.
    3. Mother bought oranges, bananas, apples and paw paws.
    4. It was such a boring day!


Write a composition about:

                                                                                A VISIT TO A MARKET


















  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. A
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. A
  15. B
  16. B
  17. C
  18. A
  19. D
  20. C
  21. B
  22. A
  23. A
  24. C
  25. D
  26. C
  27. B
  28. B
  29. A
  30. C


  1. Write 1096 in words
    1. One thousand and six
    2. Ten thousand and ninety six
    3. One thousand and ninety six
    4. One thousand and and ninety
  2. Mr. Roy bought 3456kg of sugar on Monday. He added 56kg of sugar on Tuesday. What is the place value of 5 after adding the amount of sugar he bought on the two days?
    1. Hundreds
    2. Tens
    3. Thousands
    4. Ones 
  3. What is 6589 rounded off to the nearest ten?
    1. 65890
    2. 6590
    3. 6600
    4. 6589
  4. Convert 81/3 into improper fraction.
    1. 3/25 
    2. 8/3 
    3. 25/3 
    4. 8/1 
  5. What is the value of 37 x 80?
    1. 2960
    2. 3780
    3. 117
    4. 296
  6. What is the area of the square below?
    1. 9 unit squares
    2. 3 unit squares
    3. 6 unit squares
    4. 4 unit squares
  7. What is the next 3 numbers in the pattern? 7, 14, 21, 28,__________________________
    1. 30
    2. 42
    3. 29
    4. 35
  8. Mary had 145 grapes. She put them in groups of 5. How many groups did she obtain?
    1. 140
    2. 29
    3. 209
    4. 150
  9. The distance from Kisumu to Nairobi is 415km. Musa travelled on a bus for 249km and used a van on the remaining distance. What distance did he travel by van?
    1. 664km
    2. 166km
    3. 249km
    4. 103335km
  10. What is the name of the angle q below?
    1. Reflex
    2. Obtuse
    3. Acute
    4. Right angled
  11. What fraction of the square is shaded?
    1. 1/4 
    2. 4/4 
    3. 3/4 
    4. 1/2 
  12. Write nine twelfths as a fraction.
    1. 12/9 
    2. 9/12 
    3. 91/12 
    4. 9 and 12
  13. Change 21/5 into mixed fraction.
    1. 5/21 
    2. 51/2 
    3. 41/5 
    4. 51/4 
  14. What is the perimeter of the figure below?
    1. 34cm
    2. 34m
    3. 950cm
    4. 950m
  15. Find the next number.
    1,3,5,7,9,11,. ________________________________
    1. 15
    2. 13
    3. 14
    4. 12
  16. Represent the shaded part as a decimal in the diagram below.
    1. 4.0
    2. 1.0
    3. 0.4
    4. 0.6
  17. What is the place value of 8 in 645.87?
    1. Tens
    2. Ones
    3. Tenths
    4. Hundredths
  18. Four litres of milk costs shs. 96. What is the cost of one litre of milk?
    1. sh. 26
    2. sh. 24
    3. sh. 384
    4. sh. 90
  19. In a class, there are 45 boys and 54 girls. How many learners are there in the class?
    1. 2430
    2. 99
    3. 9
    4. impossible to tell

Study the map below and answer


  1. Otieno was going to school from home. Which turn does he make at the clinic?
    1. Quarter clockwise turn
    2. Half clockwise turn
    3. Quarter anticlockwise turn
    4. Half anticlockwise turn
  2. How many cubes are there in the stack below?
    1. 20
    2. 16
    3. 56
    4. 80
  3. What is 1/4kg + 1/4kg
    1. 4kg
    2. 1kg
    3. 7/4 kg
    4. 4/2kg
  4. Patel bought chips, water, watch, a toy car and radio. Which of the items was a need?
    1. Toy car
    2. Watch
    3. Water
    4. Radio
  5. Work out 7283 + 29
    1. 7302
    2. 7312
    3. 728329
    4. 721
  6. Add:
    Hours   Minutes
       2           45 
    + 3           55  
    1.  5 h 100min
    2. 6h 10min
    3. 6 h 40min
    4. 5h 60min
  7. The name of the shape drawn below is.
    1. Square
    2. Oval
    3. Triangle
    4. Rectangle
  8. What is the perimeter of a square of sides 12m?
    1. 12m
    2. 24m
    3. 36m
    4. 48m
  9. What are the most appropriate units to measure the length of an exercise book?
    1. Metres
    2. Centimetres
    3. Millilitres
    4. Kilometres
  10. Books are stored in shelves such that each shelve holds 28 textbooks. How many books are stored in 12 shelves?
    1. 40
    2. 336
    3. 16
    4. 306
  11. What is the fraction of the shaded part?
    1. 1/3
    2. 3/8
    3. 5/8
    4. 8/3 


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. B
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. C
  14. B
  15. B
  16. C
  17. C
  18. B
  19. B
  20. A
  21. D
  22. B
  23. C
  24. B
  25. A
  26. D
  27. D
  28. B
  29. B
  30. B
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