Displaying items by tag: grade 4


  • Nutrition refers to the process of obtaining nutrients that are necessary for the proper functioning and growth of the body.
  • Hydration refers to the state of the body having enough water while dehydration is lack of the required amount in the body..
  • The human body is composed of about 75% water.

How to know when my body needs water.

  • The darker your urine, the more likely you are not drinking enough water to maintain health.

Apart from physical activities, the following could also lead to dehydration.

  • Hot weather causing you to sweat a lot.
  • Not drinking enough water.
  • Drinking too much sugary drinks.
  • Fevers and other illnesses.
  • Lack of access to safe drinking water.

Ways of Taking Clean Water.

  1. By boiling it.
  2. By adding water guard.
  3. By using simple water purifiers.

Hydration- making the body absorb water or other liquids.

Dehydration- harmful reduction of amount water in the body.

Healthy Eating Habits

  • A balanced diet is a meal that has all the nutrients necessary for proper growth of the body.

Benefits of Making Healthy Food Choices During Games and Sports

  1. Provide us with nutrients we need for good muscle development.
  2. It helps us fight diseases easily if we get sick.
  3. It helps our muscle recover quickly after an exercise activity.
  4. Give us energy to take part in the physical activities.

Nutrients - a substance or ingredient that promotes growth, provides energy and maintains life.

Balanced diet - a meal with all the required nutrients in proportions.

Food Intake During Physical Activity

  • When growing the body needs a lot of energy.
  • Children need a plate that is one-third ratio division. This means that one-third has proteins, the other carbohydrates and the last third vegetables and fruits.
  • One needs to eat a meal rich in complex or whole starch before an exercise.
  • Eating should be done at least 2hrs before you go for sports. This will allow the food to be digested and release energy the body needs.
  • The major food groups that make up a balanced diet include.
    1. carbohydrates - they are energy giving foods eg ugali, bread, chapati, rice.
    2. Proteins - they are body building foods which include: meat, grains , eggs, nuts
    3. Fats and oils: they provide protective shield around major organs like heart, kidney and liver. They include: oily fishes, nuts, avocado.
    4. Vitamins and mineral salts - they are protective elements and are needed in small quantity. They are found in vegetables and fruits.


Warm Up And Cool Down Activities

  • Warm up: activities that are done to prepare the muscles for vigorous activities.

Importance of Warm Ups

  1. They prepare the body for the game of the day
  2. Muscles become warm
  3. The blood begins to warm up.
  4. The joints become more flexible, they can move easily.
  5. Helps to prevent injuries.
  6. The brain becomes prepared for the activities.

Cool down activities are activities that are slow and easy.

Importance of Cool Down Activities

  1. The heart beat goes back to normal gradually.
  2. The muscles stretch easily without being injured.
  3. Helps to take blood back to the heart and the rest of the body gradually.

The Human Heart.

08 human heart

  • The human heart is located between the lungs.
  • It is protected by the ribs in the rib cage. It helps to pump blodd thoughout the body.
  • The heart pumps blood to the lungs to get oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.
  • This pumping gives the heartbeat. the normal heart beat of an adult is 60-100 beats per minute/

Functions of The Heart

  1. Pumping oxygenated blood to the other body parts.
  2. Pumping hormones and other vita substances to different parts of the body.
  3. Receiving deoxygenated blood and carrying metabolic waste products from the body and pumping it to the lungs for oxygenation.
  4. Maintaining blood pressure.

What happens to the body during exercise?

  • The heart beats faster.
  • The person sweats a lot
  • The person gets thirsty.
  • The body tempeerature increases.
  • The person breathes harder.
  • Blood flow inside the body increases to the brain and muscles.
  • The bones becomes stronger.
  • One gets tired and hence gets difficult to talk.

Cardiorespiratory Endurance.

  • The system is composed of the lungs, the heart, the blood and the blood vessels.
  • Cardiorespiratory endurance is the ability of the heart and lungs to work together when you are doing an exercise for an extended period of time. We can develop the endurance by:
    • Running
    • Brisk Walking
    • Jogging
    • Cycling
    • Swimming
    • Dancing.

Human Muscles

Muscular Strength

  • Muscular strength refers to the maximum force produced by a muscle or group of muscles in a single muscular contraction.
  • Muscular strength can be achieved by using weights.

We need strong muscles because:

  1. They reduce the chances of getting injuries while doing your daily activities.
  2. They reduce body fat and increase lean(containing little or no fat) muscles in the body.
  3. Helps to maintain correct posture.
  4. Helps in carrying out the day-to day activities.
  5. Helps in maintaining strong bones that have high bone density.

Muscular contraction: changes in the length of muscle

Muscle Endurance

  • Refers to the ability of a muscle group to perform a repeated action without getting tired.

Importance of muscular endurance.

  • Helps increase our stamina for performing daily chores for example cleaning the classroom and gardening.
  • Helps us in preventing injuries that would be caused by overuse of our active muscles throughout the day.
  • Increasing your muscular endurance will make everyday chores and tasks easier. Training muscular endurance will increase your stamina- you'll have more energy to go from your job to playing with your kids, for example.
  • You will find that performing repititive physical activity such as gardening, raking leaves and washing your car- will become less fatiguing too. Emphasizing the importance of endurance in your training will also limit injuries sustained from physical exertion and from the overuse of active muscles throughout the day.
  • Helps us improve our posture by strengthening our major muscles that are necessary for activities such as sitting in class for long hours.
  • Helps avoid lower back pain by strengthening the endurance of the abdominal and lower back muscles.

Muscular And Joint Flexibility.

  • Flexibility refers to the capacity of a joint or muscle to move through its full range of motion.

The benefits of taking part flexibility.

  • The body gets more freedom of movement.
  • Body posture is improved.
  • Tearing of muscles is reduced.
  • Helps to relieve muscle tension.
  • Increases our mental and physical relaxation 

Frisbee Game

06 frisbee disk

  • Freesbee game is played by throwing a disc.
  • Thrower- player who has disc and propels it to opponent.
  • Court- an enclosure or field marked out for playing games like Frisbee.

07 frisbee field

One Handed Rim Catch.

How to perform one- handed rim catch

  • Watch and time the oncoming disc carefully as it fliew towards you.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with kneew slightly bent.
  • Aim to catch the disc with one hand.
  • Catch the disc between your thumb and fingers.

Forehand Throw

  • It is also knwon as the flick. It is one of the two common ways to throw a frisbee.

Backhand Throw.

  • One of the easiest and most common throws. It is inspired by the backhand in lawn tennis and can be used in short, medium and long-range passing.

How To Perform Backhand Throw

  • Grip the disc with one hand.
  • Swing the throwing hadn backwards.
  • Stand sideways in the direction you want to throw, with knees slightly bent ans legs shoulder width apart.
  • Take the disc back around the body.
  • Bend your elbow slightly as shown below.
  • Bring arm around quickly.
  • At the same time, step on to your target and leg go of dic by flicking wrist with power.
  • Begin by thrwoing the disc using the wrist only. Don't use your arm yet.


Front crawl - a stroke where the arms are moved alternately overhead accompanied by a flutter kick to propel a swimmer orward.

Body Position While Swimming

  • Keep your body flat, lie facing down in the water with your body kept in line with the water surface.
  • Keeping the body straight makes swimming easier.

Arm Movement

  • Arm pull- Practice it with your palms facing down, pull in line with your body with a slightly bent elbow all the way to the side of your upper thigh.
  • Arm recovery -with your hand close to your upper thigh, lift the arm out of the water with bent elbow. Reach forward over the water with a bent elbow and enter the water with our fingerprints.

Leg Action

  • Involves straightening the legs with pointed toes.
  • Ankles remain relaxed and flexible.
  • Kick the legs up and down in a continuous motion.
  • Do not bend the legs.

Safety Tips.

  1. Swimming in proper costume.
  2. Leave your shoes in the changing room/
  3. Take a shower before entering the pool.
  4. Tuck long hair or hold it tightly.
  5. Visit the toilet before getting into the pool.
  6. No pushing each other into the water or play around the pool.
  7. Do not dive in the shallow end of the pool.
  8. Have an adult who knows how to swim with you when around the pool and during swimming.
  9. No eating or chewing gum during swimming lessons
  10. If you have an open wound or bruise, don't get in the pool.
  11. Do not swim immediately after taking meals.
  12. Ensure there is a life saver on alert.

Flutter kick: A basic skill in swimming used to stabilize and propel your body forward in the water with your legs.


Crouch Surface Dive.

How To Perform The Crouch Surface Dive.

  • Start from a crouch position.
  • Curl the toes of the front around the edge of the pool with the other foot slightly behind.
  • The arms and hands are pointed at the entry point with the head tucked in.
  • Push off from the feet and straighten at the knees to dive.

Safety tips

  1. Do not dive if not accompanied by swimming teacher/ instructor.
  2. Diving should be performed in pools with adequate water.
  3. Do not dive when there are swimmers in the diving area.
  4. Always observe safety rules when swimming.

Deck: a raised flat surface.

Standing Surface Dive.

  • Standing surface dive is a shallow dive performed from a standing position.

Practicing Standing Surface Dive.

  1. Stand with the feet together, toes curled over the edge of the pool.
  2. Place arms straight above the head toucvhing the ears wiht the arms.
  3. Bend the knees slightly
  4. Tuck chin, bend at the waist pointing fingers towards the water.
  5. Tilt towards push off from the feet, through the hips and dive into the water fingers first.
  6. As the leg follows, the upper body straightens and then out then out and the point toe out.


Forward Roll

  • Is performed by moving from standing position to a quite with the chin tucked in.
  • This starting position transforms into a roll and back to the feet in one motion without the support of the hands while standing.

How To Perform The Forward Roll

  • Squat (to posiiton yourself closer to the ground balancing on the front part of your feet with your legs bent under your body.) down and place the hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Tuck the chin and head towards the chest.
  • Roll forward, push over unto the upper back so that the body rolls forward and the hips are pushed over the head.
  • Straighten the legs and point the toes throughout the roll.
  • Stand without using your hands for support.

Safety Tips

  1. Warm up befire performing the forward roll.
  2. Perform the activity in an open flat and safe place.
  3. Have proper attire, loose fitting and comfortable clothing.
  4. Make contact with the floor using back of the head and shoulders and nebver the top of the head.

Backward Roll

  • Is similar to the forward roll but is performed in reverse(going backwards)

How To Perform The Backward Roll

  • Squat into a tuck position ( a body position where the knees and hips are bent and drawn into the chest.)
  • Place hands on your ears with open plams, facing upwards.
  • Bring the chin to the chest
  • Sit while tucked and push backwards to begin the roll.
  • Extend the arms and push wiht arms to complete the roll.
  • Land on your feet and extend the legs to stand.


Headstand Balance

  • Is an inverted balance. The performer balances his or her body with the forehead.

How to Perform

  • Kneel or squat on the mat or grass.
  • Place hands about shoulder width or slightly wider with fingers pointing forward.
  • Hands and the top of the head should form a triangle shape.
  • Tuck the chin downward and bring forehead down to the mat.
  • Lift up the knees to straighten out the legs.
  • Bring the knees to armpits and into the chest.
  • Raise the knees and extend the legs straight up out of the tuck.
  • Hold the headstand for a few minutes.
  • To release the headstand, bend at the knees and bring both legs down back to tucked position in frontof the chest.

Handstand Balance

  • Is the act of supporting the body in a stable, inverted position by balancing on the hands.

How To Perform The Headstand Balance

  • Start in an upright standing position. Hands stretched staright over the head.
  • Place one foot in front on the ground or mat. Place both hands in front on the ground or mat, shoulder width apart, with fingers spread out slightly and facing forward.
  • Using the momentum(force that keeps the body moving) from placing one foot in front of the other, kick one leg up then follow with the other leg.
  • Keep the arms straight and hold the balance.
  • To release the handstand, bring legs down one after the other and lunge to an upright position.


Two Action Sequence.

  • A sequence is a gymanstic activity where two or more skills are performed together, creating a different combination skill.
  • A tow action sequence involves the performance of the two action gymnastic skills which involve travelling, jumping , rolling and balance.
  • This is similar to playing ball games where different skills such as passing , catching, running and jumping are put together.
  • The purpose of a sequence is to connect movements into smooth and flowing sequence without hesitations or stops.

Three Action Sequence

  • Involves the performance of three action gymnastic skills which may involve travelling, jumping , rolling and balance.
  • Squat - to crouch or sit with one's knee bent and one's heels close to or touching one's behind.

Four Action Sequence

How To Perform The Four-Action Sequence.

  • A four- action sequence involves four gymnastic skills
  • The sequence has four skills such as handstand, T-balance, a handstand into a T-balance or single leg balance dorward roll. T- balance backward roll.

Athletics Track

001 Atheltics track

  • It is a ground or surface that is oval in shape.
  • It comprises of two parallel sides joined together by two semi-circular bends
  • An athletics track has a starting and finishing point for different races.

Safety tips:

  • As you participate in running 100m and 200m, you need to observe the following safety measures.
    1. Perform warm up activities before running
    2. Do not cross in front of each other while running
    3. Look out for objects like stones and remove them from the track.
      • The safety precautions assist to avoid injury of self and others while using the athletic track. You are therefore required to observe these rules for your own safety.

Standing Start

How to Perform a Good Standing Start

02 on your marks

On your marks:

  1. Place one foot forward pointing directly ahead
  2. Place your other foot back pointing directly ahead
  3. Your feet should be about shoulder-width apart
  4. Look at the ground ahead.
  5. Look at the ground in front of your feet.


  1. Drive your arms and legs forward.
  2. Step through with the back foot first
    • In every game, it is good practice for fair play. This means fair competition, equality and respect for rules and players.

Standing Long Jump

How to Perform the Standing Long Jump.

  1. You should place both feet at shoulder-width.
  2. Then stand up with arms raised and rise up on to the balls of the feet with hips extended.
    (Balls of the feet - portion of the sole between the toes and the arch)
  3. Then bring the arms back behind you and bend the knee and hips
  4. Drive as powerfully as possible off the ground while throwing the arms forward as forcefully as possible.
  5. Once you are airborne, extend the hips up and out and throw the feet forward.
  6. Land flat footed slightly forward.
  7. Avoid falling backward or forward.

Safety tips:

  1. before you jump, ensure you have done warm up activities
  2. Make sure the landing are is level, there are no stones, holes and it is not slippery.
  3. Use the correct technique while doing the standing jump.
    • While undertaking the standing jump, team work is most important for the success of the game. It means working together to achieve set goals.
Friday, 25 March 2022 09:56

Peace - Grade 4 CRE Revision Notes


  • Peace refers to the harmony between people.
  • Is a situation where there is no war or disagreement
  • When there is no peace people 
  •  It is important for people to live in ______________ with one another.
  • We should be at ______________with God, others and ______________
  • Jesus Christ came to make peace between ______________ and ______________
  • List sown six benefits of peace.

The Expression Of Peace In Traditional African Communities. {John 14:27}

  • Peace was highly appreciated in the African traditional society.
  • In the absence of peace people fight and quarrel.
  • Ways of expressing peace in traditional African societies :-
    1. Pouring libation
    2. Shaking hands
    3. Sharing a meal
    4. Offering sacrifices
    5. Naming schildren after ancestors.
    6. Using elders in solving quarrels.
    7. Holding meetings after a conflict.

Teachings of Jesus Christ On Peace {John 14:1-3, 20:19}

  • When we quarrel or fight we should make peace.
  • Jesus teaches us not to be worried, upset or afraid.
  • We should believe in God and in Jesus Christ.
  • Jesus is the source of peace.
  • He is the prince of peace.
  • The Holy Spirit gives us power to overcome fear.


    1. Jesus taught his disciple not to be
    2. Fear takes away
    3. In john 20:19 why were disciples behind locked doors?

Being At Peace With God {Psalms 29:11, Romans 5:1, Colossians 1:20, 2 Thessalonians 3:16}

  • We should desire to be at peace with God.
  • We experience peace in God when we believe in him.
  • We have peace with God through
  • God brought peace in the world through the death of
  • Psalms 29:1, God is the source of and people with
  • List down 6 ways of being at peace with God.

Being At Peace With Oneself {Luke 18:9-13}

  • We feel guilty when we wrong others
  • We are ot at peace when we wrong others.
  • We should promote peace within ourselves by:-
    1. Accepting we are sinners.
    2. Ask God for forgiveness.
    3. Being humble
    4. Believing in ourselves.
    5. Being prayerful.
  • We should not be boastful or proud.
  • In Luke 18:9-13 ______________ humbled himself before God and prayed for his sins to be forgiven
    6. ______________ was praising himself before God.

Being At Peace with Others.

Matthew 5:19, Romans 12:8, 2 Corinthians 13:11, Ephesians 2:14-15

  • We must be at peace wit others for us to live happily.
  • We should be at peace with our:-
    1. Classmates
    2. Neighbors
    3. Family members
    4. Teachers
    5.  Members of society
    6. Parents
  • In Romans 12:8 we should do everything possible to live at with everybody.
  • Matthew 5:9 peacemakers would be called of God.
  • 2 Corinthians 13:11, we should strive for perfection, agree and live at
  • The death of Jesus Christ unites people and brings peace.

Agencies That Work For Peace {Romans 12:18}

  • Peace is very important in the society.
  • Peace enables us to go on well with our normal duties.
  • Agencies of peace are organizations that help bring peace
  • They include:-
    1. The Kenya defense forces- KDF
    2. The police
    3. The church
    4. Parents and teachers.
    5. Elders
    6. The African union- AU
    7. The united nations – UN
  • In Romans 12:18, we are told to live in peace with
  • List down 5 people who helps us to live in pace in the community.

The Birth Of The Prince Of Peace

Peace at home {Ephesians 4:31-32}

  • Ways of expressing peace at home:-
    1. Worshiping together
    2. Obeying parents
    3. Showing respect to one another.
    4. Using polite words.
    5. Forgiving each other.
    6. Avoiding being angry.
  • Peace at home brings ______________, ______________, and ______________
  • List down 5 things that disrupt pace according to Ephesians 4:31-32
  • The bible encourages us to be:-

The Promise Of The Prince Of Peace

Isaiah 7:14, 9:6, Micah 5:2, Mathew 1:18-23, 2:1-11, john 14:27

  • God promised through prophet Isaiah and Micah messiah would be born
  • Isaiah promised that messiah would be born of a woman.
  • Prophet Isaiah promised that messiah would be called Immanuel
  • Immanuel means ______________
  • According to Isaiah 9:6 he would be
    • The wonderful counselor.
    • Mighty God
    • Prince of peace
  • Prophet ______________ promised messiah would be born in Bethlehem
  • According to Micah, messiah would also be ______________. Micah 5:2

    1. Messiah means ______________
    2. Prophet Micah said Jesus would be born in the town of ______________
    3. ______________ prophesied about the birth of prince of peace.
    4. ______________ announced about the birth of Jesus.

The Birth of The Prince Of Peace {Luke 2:1-14}

  • Jesus was born at the time of emperor ______________
  • Jesus was born In the town of ______________
  • Joseph and Mary had gone to be ______________ in Bethlehem.
  • Baby Jesus was laid in a ______________ because there was no room.
  • ______________ told shepherds the good news of the birth of Jesus.
  • A great army of ______________ appeared singing praise to God.
  • ______________ were the first people to visit baby Jesus.
  • ______________ was the home town of Jesus Christ.
  • Mary concaved a child through the power of the ______________.
  • ______________ was a relative of Mary and was six months pregnant.
Published in CBC Grade 4 CRE Notes

The Meaning Of Sharing Of Work

  • Work is any task that requires mental or physical efforts to do.
  • Sharing work means dividing task according to ability.
  • Work should be shared at home, school, church and in the community.
  • Sharing work is important because:-
    1. It makes work easy
    2. It makes work enjoyable
    3. It is less tiring.
    4. Work is done in a short time
    5. It promotes unity.
  • When sharing work we should consider factors like:-
    1. Experience
    2. Age
    3. Ability
    4. Interest
    5. Availability of time.
    6. Work rate.
  • Hannah and elkanah shared work by visiting Samuel.
  • Jesus shared work with his disciples.
  • We should desire to work with others.

    1. List three disadvantage of sharing work
    2. When sharing work we should consider factors like?

Sharing Work In The Traditional African Community

  • In traditional African community, work was done to provide the basic family needs.
  • In Tradition African Community everybody is expected.
  • Work in traditional African community was shared according to :-
    1. Age
    2. Talents
    3. Status of the family
    4. Gender
    5. Ability
  • Women shared domestic work like cooking, fetching water, firewood and looking after the young ones.
  • Men were hunting, looking after cattle and digging.
  • Children helped in grazing and looking after small ones.
  • Those who were lazy were mocked through songs and riddles.
  • The bible teaches us to carry one another’s burden

    1. Outline the work that was done by men in traditional African society.
    2. Women were supposed to
    3. Children helped looking afar __________ .

Benefits Of Sharing Work

  • Benefits of sharing work are
    • It creates the spirit of teamwork
    • It creates peace, love and unity among people.
    • It brings joy and happiness.
    • It brings understating among workers.
    • It makes work easier
    • Work is completed faster.
    • It brings unity Acts 4:32-37.

      1. List down 4 characteristics of early believers according to acts 4:32-37.

Serving Others {Deuteronomy 24:19-21, Luke 10:29-37}

  • Serving others means doing something for the good of others.
  • It also means helping others without expecting to be paid back.\
  • We serve others by :-
    1. Caring for the needy.
    2. Visiting homes for orphans
    3. Teaching others how to read and write.
    4. Cleaning the church.
    5. Helping in chores,
    6. Donating food and clothing for the needy.
    7. Praying for the needs of other people.

      1. The Jew in the good Samaritan parable was traveling from __________ to __________.
      2. Samaritans and Jews were __________
      3. Name two people who walked by and never helped the Jew
      4. Who is a good neighbor?

Exploitation Of Children Through Work

  • Exploitation is when children are treated unfairly.
  • Exploitation is also called child labour.
  • Exploiting children is against the children rights.
  • Children are exploited in the following ways
    • Carrying heavy loads.
    • Being employed at a young age.
    • Hawking
    • Being beach boys.
    • Employed to pick tealeaves and coffee.
    • Employed as house helps.
  • All children have right to :-
    • To be educated.
    • To be loved.
    • To be cared for.
    • To life
    • Good health care
    • Be protected from exploitation.

      1. List for problems of exploiting children
      2. We should take care of the helpless such as

Types Of Voluntary Services {Mathew 9:35-38, Acts 4:32-37}

  1. Voluntary service is work done freely and willingly.
  2. Voluntary services include
    1. Collecting litter in the estate.
    2. Tree planting.
    3. Visiting children’s home.
    4. Cleaning drainage systems.
    5. Picking litter in the school compound.
    6. Cooking for the elderly people.
    7. Helping at social functions such as weddings and funerals.
  3. Jesus Christ offered voluntary services such as
  4. The early Christians offered voluntary services such as
Published in CBC Grade 4 CRE Notes

Some Christians Communities in Kenya

What are Christian Communities?

  • A christian community is a group of people who belive that Jesus Christ is their Lord and savior
  • The first believers were called Christians at a place called Antioch
  • Christians worship in church

Examples of Christian communities in Kenya.

  1. The Roman Catholics
  2. Pentecostal Assemblies of God(PAG)
  3. The Seventh Day Adventist (SDDA)
  4. The Methodist church
  5. African inland church {AIC}
  6. Presbyterian church of east Africa{PCEA}
  7. The Pentecostal evangelistic fellowship of Africa {PEFA}
  8. Full gospels churches of Kenya {FGCK}
  9. The Lutheran church
  10. The Salvation Army.
  • Some of the Christian communities were started by the missionaries.
  • The church at Antioch had some leaders who were prophets and teachers.
  • Some of them were
    1. Barabbas
    2. Simon {called black}
    3. Lucias from Cyrene.
    4. Manach who was brought up with Herod Antipas.
    5. Saul
  • Paul guided by the holy spirit strengthened the Christian believers in
    1. Antioch
    2. Caesarea
    3. Galatia
    4. Phrygia.


      1. Name five Christian communities in Kenya
      2. He preached the gospel to Antioch and Galatia churches and converted many to Jesus. Who was he?
      3. The first Christian community was found at a place called?
      4. Who among the following was not a teacher or a prophet in the first Christian community?
        1. Manaen
        2. Lucias
        3. Barnabas
        4. Zaccheus

The Work Of The Christian Communities

  • Christian communities in Kenya are involved in many activities
  • They share the love of Jesus Christ by
    1. They build schools, churches, hospitals, homes for the aged and orphans and disabled.
    2. They visit and comfort the sick and those with HIV AIDS
    3. They preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    4. They visit prisoners.
  • Jesus taught his disciples that they should:-
    1. Feed the hungry
    2. Give a drink to the thirsty
    3. Clothe the naked.
    4. Welcome strangers.
    5. Visit the sick
  • Jesus taught that those who do good work will inherit the kingdom of God.


    1. Name for activities carried out by the Christian community
    2.  Jesus said “ I was _________ and you did not give me food”
    3. “ I was thirsty and you did not give me _________ ”

The Early Church

  • Jesus was taken up to heaven Mt. Olives IN Bethany.
  • He promised his disciples a helper who was the Holy Spirit.
  • The disciple received the holy spirit on the day of Pentecost.
  • Peter preached and 3000 people became Christians.
  • The early church began in Jerusalem after the disciple received the holy spirit.
  • The believers lived together as a family. They also :-
    1. Prayed and worshiped together.
    2. Read the word of God together.
    3. Shared meals together.
    4. Sold what they had and shared the money according to their needs.
  • The number of Christians increased every day
  • Prophet Agabus predicted about a serious famine that would affect the whole world
  • We should follow the example of Jesus Christ by sharing what we have.


    1.  Jesus was taken up to heaven on Mt. _________
    2. Name for activities that the early church did together.
    3. The disciple received the holy spirirt on the day of _________
    4.  Prophet _________ predicted about a serious famine that would affect the whole word.

The Christian Sacred Places.

  • A sacred place is a holy place
  • A church is a community of believers
  • There are different sacred places for different religious traditions for example :-
    • Christian – church
    • Muslim- mosque
    • Hindu – temple
    • Jews – synagogue /temple
  • Jesus was angry with the people who were selling and buying in the temple.
  • He was angry that the people did not respect the house of God.
  • He taught the people that the temple is a place of prayer for all nations.

The Church

  • A church is a community of believers.
  • Christians meet and worship in a church.
  • Worship can be led by a pastor or a priest
  • Christian use different names to describe a church
    • A chapel
    • Cathedral
    • School halls, cinema halls, open air and stadiums.
  • Christians sacred places should be approached I honor and respect.
  • In Traditional African Communities prayers were held at:-
    • Under trees
    •  In caves
    • Facing the son
    •  Facing the mountain.
  • We should respect the house of God.


    1. A _________ is a community of believers.
    2. Name three places that Christians worship God.
    3. In African traditional society, prayers were done in places like?
    4. A _________ is found in school and colleges
      a. Cave
      b. Church
      c. Chapel
      d. SDA
Published in CBC Grade 4 CRE Notes

Making our choices as Christians

  • As Christians we can choose to obey or disobey.
  • God made Adam and Eve and put them in the Garden of Eden.
  • He allowed them to eat from all trees apart from the one in the middle.
  • It was the tree of knowledge.
  • God gave them freedom to choose to obey or disobey.
  • They disobeyed when they listened to the serpent and ate the forbidden fruit.
  • They were punished by God.
  • Adam and Eve made a wrong choice.


    1. _________ and _________  were the first parents.
    2. They lived in the Garden of _________ .
    3. Satan appeared to Eve in form of a _________ 
    4. From punishment of Adam and Eve Christians learn to _________ 
      1. Hide when naked
      2. Obey Gods’ commands
      3. Avoid talking to strangers
      4. Avoid snakes.
    5. Adam and Eve had 3 sons namely:-
      _________ .

Choice made by Abraham

  • Abraham was the son of Terah.
  • Abraham was called by God when he was 75 yrs old.
  • Abraham wife was called Sarah.
  • Abraham got his son when he was 100yrs old and Sarah was 90 yrs.
  • Their son was called Isaac.
  • Isaac means laughter.
  • God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son on Mt. Moriah
  • As Abraham was about to sacrifice his son, God provided a ram.
  • Abraham made a choice to trust and obey God.
  • Isaac made a choice to obey his father.
  • They made a good choice.


    1. Sarah servant was called?
    2. The promised son of Abraham was
    3. Isaac means
    4. Abraham was to sacrifice his son on mt.
    5. Instead of Isaac God provided a for sacrifice
      1. Goat
      2. Bull
      3. Ram
      4. Sheep

Choice Made By Moses

  • Moses was the son of Amram and Jochebed.
  • He was a brother to Mirriam and Aaron.
  • Moses means “drawn from water”
  • His wife was Zipporah the daughter of Jethro.
  • Moses killed an Egyptina and run away to midian
  • He was called by God when he was looking after Jethro sheep near Mt. Sinai
  • God told Moses his name is I AM.
  • God sent Moses to Egypt to deliver the children of Israelites.
  • God told Moses to go with his brother Aaron.
  • Moses and Aaron obeyed God and made a good choice


    1. _________  and _________  were the parents of moses.
    2. Moses means _________ 
    3. Moses had two sons _________  and _________ .
    4. Moses run away and went to _________ 
    5. _________  saw a buring bush.
    6. The call of moes in the bible is recorded in the book of

Choice Made By Ruth

  • Naomi and her husband Elimelech lived in Bethlehem Judah
  • They had two sons mahlon and Chillion.
  • The family moved from Bethlehem to Moab because there was a famine.
  •  In moab, their sons married two Moabite women orpha and Ruth.
    1. Ruth was the wife of mahlon
    2. Orpha was the wife of chillion.
  • Later the son and father died
  • Naomi was left with her daughters in-law.
  • Naomi chose to go back to Bethlehem.
  • Orpha chose to go back to her people.
  • Ruth chose t follow Naomi.
  • Ruth made the correct choice.


    1. _________  and_________ were Naomi’s daughters in-law.
    2. _________ and _________  were the sons of Naomi.
    3. _________  was the wife of elimelech.
    4. This family was refugee in the land of _________ 
    5. Between Ruth and Orpha who was royal to Naomi?

Choices made by Solomon

  • Solomon was the son of David and Bathsheba.
  • He was the 3rd king of Israel.
  • God appeared to him in a dream while at Gibeon
  • Solomon asked God for wisdom to :-
    1. Rule God’s people with justice.
    2. To know the difference between good and bad.
  • He made a very good choice.
  • God gave him wisdom, understanding , wealth, honor and a long life.
  •  As Christians we should serve God by serving other people.


    1. _________  was the w\ise king.
    2. _________  and_________ were the parents odf Solomon
    3. _________  built a temple for God.
    4. After giving Solomon wisdom God also added him
      _________ , _________ and_________

Choices Made By Levi

  • Levi was a tax collector.
  • He was also called Matthew.
  • The tax-collectors were dishonest people.
  • Jesus asked Levi to follow him.
  • Levi left everything and followed Jesus.
  • Levi made a good choice by following Jesus.
  • He was one of the disciples of Jesus.


    1. Who among the disciples of Jesus was a tax collector?
    2.  Another name for Mathew is?
    3. _________  is the first book of the gospel.

Choices made by Ananias and Sapphira

  • The early church lived together nad shared what they had.
  • They would sell their properties and bring money to the apostles.
  • Ananias and sapphire sold a land that belonged to them.
  • They did not give the whole amount of money to peter.
  • They lied to the holy spirit.
  • They died the same day because of cheating the holy spirit.
  • They made a wrong choice.
  • Selfishness and greed cause people to make the wrong choices.


    1. _________  and _________   cheated the Holy spirit.
    2. The story of Ananias and sapphire is found in the book of _________ .
    3. Ananias and sapphire took the money to apostle _________ 
    4. _________  and _________ made a wrong choice.

Choices Made By Jesus during The Temptation

  • Jesus was baptized by John in RIVER Jordan
  • After baptism he was filled by the holy spirit and he went to pray.
  • Jesus prayed and fated for 40 days.
  • Satan tempted Jesus three times. He told Jesus to:-
    1. Turn stones into bread.
    2. Worship him.
    3. To throw himself down.
  • Jesus chose to reject the temptation of food, powere and fame.
  • The holy spirit gave him power to overcome the temptations.
  • We should also seek the help of the holy spirit and the word of God to be able to overcome the temptation.

Choosing To Belong To the Family Of Jesus Christ.

  • The first family was started by God.
  •  It had Adam and Eve and their sons Cain., Abel and Seth.
  • The church is the family of Jesus Christ.
  • The family of Jesus Christ consist of those who believe and are baptized.
  • Children should obey their parents.
  • Parents should teach their children good Christian behaviors.
  • Servant should respect and obey their master.


    • _________  tempted Jesus.
    • Jesus fasted for_________ days.
    • Which was the second temptation
    •  “children obey your parent” this is a commandment with a _________ 
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