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Tuesday, 26 April 2022 12:53

English Homework Activities - CBC Grade 4


Taask one

Read the following passage and fill in the blank spaces with the correct answers

Neema is an .............1.............Her parent's ............2..............when she was very .............3.............She was very ............4..............after the ............5..............of her parents.
One day, a kind couple decided to ............6.............. her and ..............7............as if she were their............8..............
She now lives with her .............9............. in a big house. Her elder ............10.............. will get married soon to Amani. She will have a .............11.............Amani will call Neema's mother her ...........12............... Amani's children will call Neema their .............13............ Neema's father will be Amani's .............14............. They will be .................15......... happy big family!
(adopt, death, sister-in-law, treat, orphan, died, daughter, mother-in-(aw, brother, one, father-in-law, siblings, young, unhappy, aunt)

Task Two
Construct sentences using these words

  1. Twin ..............................................................................
  2. Love ..............................................................................
  3. Relative ..............................................................................
  4. Visitors ..............................................................................
  5. Siblings ..............................................................................

Task Three -Grammar
Articles a, an, and, the

  1. What ............................................ nice view!
  2. ............................................couple was sitting on ............................................bench.
  3. ............................................man was reading............................................book while ............................................ woman was knitting
  4. We went to............................................cinema and saw very funny movies. We really had............................................good time!
  5. You should take ............................................umbrella, it's going to rain.
  6. She is............................................tallest person in our class.
  7. We helped the old woman to cross............................................road

Task four
Arrange the following words alphabetically

  1. Doctor, uncle, mother, malaria, cousin, laboratory, relatives
  2. Sister, niece, nephew, adopt, parents, uncle
  3. Couple, siblings, orphans, love, father, window
  4. Share, care, step-sister, mother, family
  5. Grandparents, father-in-law, elder, sibling baby, cousin

Task five: Writing
Filing forms
Fill In the form below

Personal details

Date of Birth ........................................................................................
Residence ........................................................................................
Parents/Guardian's name........................................................................................
Gender:   Boy ............................................  Girl ............................................

School Details
Name of the School ........................................................................................
School address ........................................................................................
County ........................................................................................
Name of class teacher ............................................

Task One

  1. Look up the meaning of the following words in the dictionary and write them down
    1. Celebrate........................................................................................
    2. Ceremony ........................................................................................
    3. Feast........................................................................................
    4. Glamour........................................................................................
    5. Graduate........................................................................................
  2. Read the story and answer the questions that follow
    Our home was a bee-hive of activity. The parents and older siblings were busy cooking. Keith and Faith decorated the sitting room with balloons and crepe papers of an assortment or colours. it was colourful. Their mother sent them to the market many times but they did not complain.They ran as Fast as antelopes. They were excited about their brother's birthday party. The joy in them knew no bounds. Brian was turning seven. By now the invited guests had arrived. Everybody was eager to see their brother. Then the door to the sitting room opened. Keith and Faith wore an ear to ear smile as their brother walked in. Everybody started to sing a birthday song.
    1. What was the family celebrating?........................................................................................
    2. What things did Faith and Keith use to decorate the house?........................................................................................
    3. Who cooked the food that was to be eaten during the celebration?........................................................................................
    4. How did the children decide to help their mother?........................................................................................
    5. Which sentences tell us that Faith and Keith were happy?........................................................................................

Task three
With the help of your guardian/parent discuss various celebrations and write them down.










Task four; Grammar
Complete the table below with the plural of the words

  One  Many    One Many 
 1  Ceremony                                                 Potato                                           
 2  Tooth    Photo  
 3  Wolf    Branch  
 4  Party   9  Louse  
 5  Baby   10  Mouse  

Change the following plural sentences into singular

  1. Our teachers are heroes.
  2. The oxen were slaughtered for the feast.
  3. Yesterday we saw geese at the market.
  4. The boys bought avocados and mangoes
  5. The families are rich.

Task five
Complete the crossword
crossword ahgdad


  1. To make a special day like a birthday
  2. To move your body to music


  1. To make something look attractive



Etiquette - mainly involves practices of good behaviour
Good behaviour includes

  1. Polite language ...............................................................................
  2. Good manners ...............................................................................
  3. Courtesy and respect ...............................................................................
  4. Good relationship with other people. ...............................................................................
  5. Praying ...............................................................................

Task one
Write these polite words correctly

  1.  rorys ...............................................................................
  2. cowelme ...............................................................................
  3. eyb ...............................................................................
  4. orborw ...............................................................................
  5. sleape ...............................................................................
  6. uyo nktah ...............................................................................
  7. rponad ...............................................................................
  8. egb ...............................................................................

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer

  1. ...............................................................................may I pass?
  2. ...............................................................................I go out?
  3. ...............................................................................on your graduation.
  4. ..............................................................................for giving me a story book.
  5. I beg your ..............................................................................
  6. I am .............................................................................. I tore your book.
  7. May I .............................................................................. your rubber?

Construct one sentence using each polite word below

  1. Thank you ..............................................................................
  2.  Excuse me..............................................................................
  3. Sorry..............................................................................

Task Two; Grammar
Use of 'a lot' or 'a lot of' and 'enough' to complete the sentences below

  1. We have .............................................................................. clothes to wash.
  2. The pupils have learnt ..............................................................................on the table manners.
  3. She talks ..............................................................................faster than I do.
  4. You ought to use polite language ..............................................................................
  5. The patient is ..............................................................................better now.
  6. ..............................................................................people attended the party.
  7. Children depend on their parents ..............................................................................
  8. Thanks ..............................................................................for being a faithful friend
  9. There wasn't ..............................................................................sugar in the house but just for the visitors.
  10. Time for practice wasn't ..............................................................................but we thank our coach ..............................................................................for his effort.

Task one
Read and write down the words below

  1. bandage..............................................................................
  2. treatment..............................................................................
  3. dispensary..............................................................................
  4. plaster..............................................................................
  5. illness..............................................................................
  6. emergency..............................................................................
  7. poisonous..............................................................................
  8. choke..............................................................................

Use the vocabulary items learnt to complete the given sentences correctly

  1. If you swallow something by accident you will .............................................................................
    (shock, choke, sock)
  2. A .............................................................................treats sick people while a .............................................................................looks after the patients(nurse, mid-wife, doctor)
  3. A bee.............................................................................while the spider.............................................................................(bites, bait, bit, stings)
  4. To avoid.............................................................................we should not play carelessly. (injure, injury, injured)
  5. If we play with dangerous objects, we are likely to be .............................................................................(hat, heart, hurt)
  6. We tie a.............................................................................to stop wounds from bleeding. (plaster, bandage, blanket)
  7. The biggest health facility is.............................................................................(health centre, dispensary, hospital)

directions uygauyda
Write the symbols of compass direction below in full

  1. N  ......................................................................
  2. S  ......................................................................
  3. E  ......................................................................
  4. W  ......................................................................

With the help of your parent/guardian use Google maps to find

  1. Your home
  2. Your nearest shopping centre
  3. Your church

What is the direction of your home from your school?

Personal and Possessive Pronouns
Personal pronouns - words that refer to people, animals and things e.g. we, us 
Possessive Pronouns -show ownership or belonging e.g. my, mine, yours, hers

Complete the sentences below using the correct pronoun

  1. Let ......................................................................leave if they don't want to stay. (them, they)
  2. We hope to beat......................................................................in the match. (they , them)
  3. I saw......................................................................fetching water. (her, she)
  4. The teacher gave ...................................................................... a book. (I, me)
  5. Kindly go and sit next to ...................................................................... (he, him)
  6. My sister and ...................................................................... are going to town tomorrow. (me, I)
  7. The cat ran away when ...................................................................... heard the dog barking. (it, she)
  8. ......................................................................swept the whole compound. (We, Us)
  9. The kittens are ...................................................................... and I feed them personally. (yours, mine)
  10. We did all the work by ......................................................................(ourselves, themselves)
  11. The car......................................................................rolled severally. (himself, itself)
  12. ......................................................................closed the door before leavingh the house.(I, me)

Task One

  1. Name the three categories of food
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
    3. ......................................................................
  2. Write true of false
    1. Marasmus is caused by not eating enough food......................................................................
    2. Obesity is caused by a lack of proteins in the diet......................................................................
    3. Anaemia is caused by eating fatty and sugary foods......................................................................
    4. Kwashiorkor is caused by eating foods without proteins......................................................................

Regular and irregular adjective
Adjectives are words that tell us more about nouns-describing words e.g. tall, beautiful expensive.

Fill in the table below using the correct form of the adjective given.
            Positive           Comparative               Superlative

  1. small                     smaller                       smallest
  2. long                      longer                         longest
  3. dirty                      dirtier                          dirtiest
  4. slim                     slimmer                       slimmest
  5. careful               more careful               most careful
  6. clever      ...............................            ................................
  7. holy     ...............................            ................................
  8. big     ...............................            ................................
  9. thin     ...............................            ................................
  10. good     ...............................            ................................
  11. bad     ...............................            ................................
  12. polite     ...............................            ................................
  13. difficult     ...............................            ................................
  14. sincere     ...............................            ................................
  15. many     ...............................            ................................

Fill in the blanks with the adjective of size and shape in their correct order.

  1. A .....................................................................table (big,square)
  2. The children had .....................................................................(round, small) tennis ball.
  3. A .....................................................................bed (rectangular, large)


  1.  As happy as a lark
  2. As beautiful as the sunset
  3. As fat as a pig
  4. As alike as two peas
  5. As playful as a kitten

Complete the similes below

  1. Some people are as sly as a ...................................................................
  2. Teachers are supposed to be as sober as a ...................................................................
  3. After that tiring exercise, I was as hungry as a ...................................................................
  4. The class was as silent as a ................................................................... when the teacher entered.
  5. That drink is as cold as ...................................................................

Write three similes to describe yourself

  1. ......................................................................................................................................
  2. ......................................................................................................................................
  3. ......................................................................................................................................

Name the following
1nternet email iugdaud
Task one: Grammar

Use of quantifiers; Some, much, many and any

  1. There are some pictures on the screen.
  2. They are many symbols on the keyboard.
  3. Is there any Internet in the computer lab?
  4. How much does it cost to send an email?

Use many, much, some, on, any to complete the sentences below

  1. Nothing ...................................................was said about him.
  2. Do you know how ................................................... a laptop costs?
  3. We read very ................................................... books during the library lessons
  4. I do not have ................................................... book in my house.
  5. There are ................................................... computers in the lab.
  6. How ................................................... sugar is in the dish?
  7. How ................................................... time did you spend on the internet yesterday?
  8. I have saved ................................................... of my work before the lights went off.
  9. Put ................................................... oil in the pan.
  10. Our teacher was very busy replying to ................................................... emails he had inbox.

Look at the pictures below and name them
strand 8 uygauyd

Using the internet find out the meanings of the following proverb

  1. Hard work pays ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... 
  2. Patience pays .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... 
  3. Bad company ruins good morals .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... 
  4. Hurry hurry has no blessings .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... 
  5. Obedience is better than sacrifice .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... 

Fill in the blank spaces with the correct words

  1. We can use our.............................................time playing computer games.
  2. My cellphone is secured with a ............................................. only known to me.
  3. I did not.............................................video clips from my sister's laptop because it did not have .............................................
  4. We should not.............................................strangers.
  5. We are advised to always take .............................................while working with computers.
    (trust, password, download, data bundles, leisure, care)

Present tense                   Past tense                 Past continuous
go                                           went                          going
eat                                           ate                           eating

  1. take                  .....................................                 ..................................... 
  2. care                  .....................................                 .....................................
  3. browse             .....................................                 .....................................
  4. upload              .....................................                 .....................................
  5. come                .....................................                 .....................................
  6. write                 .....................................                 .....................................

Use the correct tense of the word given to complete the sentences below

  1. I found him ................................................... music from the internet. (download)
  2. My younger sister hate...................................................alone in a cyber café (be)
  3. We always ...................................................to the computer lab whenever we have computer lessons (go)
  4. Many photos ...................................................taken at the ceremony (is)
  5. I ...................................................onto Facebook (log)
  6. The teacher ...................................................us an email with our results. (send)
  7. I ...................................................my homework before watching a video on YouTube. (do)
  8. My eldest sister ................................................... me a message on whatsapp (write)

Task one
Read the passage below and answer questions that follow
Tools are expensive so we must use them well and take good care of them. Tools can cause ancients of safety rules are not followed. Tools should be maintained properly so that they last longer.
Some ways of taking care of them include sharpening tools like pangas, jembes and knives for easy use. Some tools require proper usage for what they are made for.
Those that are made of sharp edges require a file. A file is used for sharpening blunt edges. Some tools become worn out due to frequent movement of their parts. Others due to contact with water they rust. To prevent rusting paint is applied.

  1. To sharpen a panga one needs ................................................... 
  2. If safety rules are not followed tools can cause ................................................... 
  3. The opposite of the word expensive is ................................................... 
  4. What causes rusting of tools? ................................................... 
  5. Why do we maintain tools? ...................................................
  6. Name two tools that need to be sharpened. ................................................... 
  7. Why do we apply paint on tools? ................................................... 
  8. Some tools become worn out due to ................................................... 

Arrange the sentences below in order to make a meaningful and flowing story

  1. A cow is a wonderful animal to have on the farm.
  2. Farmer Bidii takes his three cows to graze on the farm
  3. He takes the milk to the dairy
  4. He milks his cows two times a day
  5. Farmer Bidii wakes up very early in the morning

Fill in the blank spaces with the correct verb form

  1. I ...................................................bananas for lunch yesterday (carry)
  2. The farmer ...................................................the farm (dig)
  3. The boys ...................................................very fast to the farm (run)
  4. Who ...................................................the music (stop)
  5. We all ...................................................our hands after the play (clap)

Contracted form
Contracted forms of words are the short form e.g.

  1. cannot          can't
  2. are not         aren't
  3. should not   shouldn't

Write in short forms

  1. did not       ...................................................
  2. will not       ...................................................
  3. is not         ...................................................
  4. shall not    ...................................................
  5. must not   ...................................................

Task one
Draw and colour






a) Razor blade  b) Toothbrush  c) Towel  d) Needle

Fill in the gaps in the sentences below using the correct words

  1. To help our bodies grow healthy, we should feed on the correct ...................................................
    (meal, diet, feed)
  2. Severe coughing can be a sign of a disease called ...................................................
    (marasmus, malaria, tuberculosis)
  3. Catching a cold, sneezing and ................................................... is common during the rainy season. (cough)
  4. We should not ................................................... toothbrushes.
  5. Pupils should use a sharpener instead of a ................................................... when sharpening pencils.
  6. We should always ...................................................our hair to keep it short and manageable.
  7. HIV and AIDs has no cure and can easily lead to ...................................................
  8. Tuberculosis is easily ...................................................through the air in poorly ventilated houses (passed, spread)
  9. We usually visit a barber for a ...................................................
  10. Not all of us are infected with HIV and AIDs but we are all ...................................................(infected, affected, effected)

Write the fumbled words below correctl and read them aloud

  1. guhoc ..................................................
  2. locero ..................................................
  3. reuc ..................................................
  4. thade ..................................................
  5. cnemeidi  .................................................. 

Adverbs of time


They answer rthe question "when"

Identify the adverbs of time and write them down

  1. HIV and AIDs orphans are quite many nowadays.
  2. The ambulance arrived early enough.
  3. The teacher told us to do the exercise again.
  4. Next year, I will visit patients suffering from. HIV and AIDs.

Adverbs of manner
They are adverbs that answer the question: How e.g. quickly, carefully, attentively

Give other 5 examples of adverbs of manner

  1. ....................................................................................................
  2. ....................................................................................................
  3. ....................................................................................................
  4. ....................................................................................................
  5. ....................................................................................................

Adverbs of place
Underline adverb of place

  1. The government has built a big hospital nearby.
  2. I searched for the tweezers everywhere but could not see it.
  3. The doctor told the patient to wait outside.
  4. They will come here.
  5. Soon he will be here.
  6. I will go to school tomorrow.

Use a question mark or comma where necessary and read the sentences aloud

  1. What is a tweeter
  2. We are advised not to share toothbrushes needles and razor blades
  3. Prevention is better than cure
  4. Tuberculosis, malaria and typhoid are disease.
  5. Why is he coughing

Use a dictionary to find the meaning of the words below

  1. Hygiene..............................................................................
  2. Sanitation..............................................................................
  3. Drainage..............................................................................
  4. Refuse..............................................................................
  5. Cleanliness..............................................................................
  6. Mop..............................................................................
  7. Wipe..............................................................................
    Write five ways to keep our environment clean
  8. ..............................................................................
  9. ..............................................................................
  10. ..............................................................................
  11. ..............................................................................
  12. ..............................................................................

Grammar conjunctions - and, but, vet, if or so and nor
Read the following sentences and circle the conjunctions

  1. She was sick but she still came to school
  2. Neither the classroom nor the toilets were clean
  3. When you are sick you can go to a hospital or a dispensary
  4. She went to work yet she was sick

Fill in the blank spaces using the conjunctions below
(and, but, or, yet, so, for)

  1. HIV and AIDs ..............................................................................Covid 19 are dangerous diseases
  2. Brian is very clean, ..............................................................................everybody likes him.
  3. I shall use a broom .............................................................................. a mop to clean the floor.
  4. It is good to keep our surrounding tidy ..............................................................................healthy living.
  5. Hawa came to school, ..............................................................................she was not feeling well.

With the guidance of your parent/guardian search and download pictures of people playing football, swimming, racing, stick them in your book.

Read and write the ollowin words

  1. Referee..............................................................................
  2. Cheer..............................................................................
  3. Fans..............................................................................
  4. Captain..............................................................................
  5. Team..............................................................................
  6. Whistle..............................................................................
  7. Netball..............................................................................
  8. Award..............................................................................
  9. Competition..............................................................................
  10. Steeplechase..............................................................................

Questioning words - what, where, who, when, how and whose word
Complete the sentences below with the correct wh----- word

  1. ..............................................................................books are those?
  2. ..............................................................................do you play football?
  3. ..............................................................................did you arrive home?
  4. ..............................................................................won the race?
  5. ..............................................................................is the training taking place?
    Construct questions using the words below
  6. When..............................................................................
  7. Where..............................................................................
  8. Whose..............................................................................
  9. What..............................................................................

Write the following words correctly

  1. beuatiful..............................................................................
  2. freind..............................................................................
  3. runizig..............................................................................
  4. obidient..............................................................................
  5. suprise...............................................................................
  6. grammer..............................................................................
  7. fourty..............................................................................
  8. conducter..............................................................................
  9. teem..............................................................................
  10. dinning..............................................................................

Construct sentences using the following words

  1. sweep..............................................................................
  2. compound..............................................................................
  3. dustbin..............................................................................
  4. clean..............................................................................
  5. bush..............................................................................

Read the following words

 br sw  cl  gr  pr 

Give more examples of words starting with the following sounds
br    ...............................................   ...............................................   ...............................................
sw  ...............................................   ...............................................   ...............................................
cl    ...............................................   ...............................................   ...............................................
gr   ...............................................   ...............................................   ...............................................
pr   ...............................................   ...............................................   ...............................................

Present perfect tense
Complete the sentences below with has or have

  1. The children ...............................................cleaned the toilets.
  2. They ...............................................picked rubbish from the compound.
  3. He ............................................... washed the utensils.
  4. Faith ...............................................swept the dirty compound.
  5. Mustafa ...............................................slashed the long grass.

Use the present, perfect tense of the words given to complete the sentences below

  1. They ............................................... trees before the rainy season begins (plant)
  2. ...............................................the dustbin near the rubbish bin (see)
  3. I ...............................................the water from the trench (drain)
  4. She ...............................................to the clean-up event (go)
  5. Tony ............................................... the rubbish in the bin (throw)

Writing a diary entry about how you spent your Saturday at home

Grammar. Prepositions

Fill in the blank spaces using the prepositions below

  1. Jessy jumped...............................................the fence.
  2. The tea is...............................................the jug.
  3. He dived...............................................the pool.
  4. My deskinate was treated...............................................the doctor.
  5. The thieves came in...............................................the window.
  6. We wrote notes...............................................ink.
  7. Look ...............................................this book.
  8. They are afraid ............................................... us.
  9. We went home ...............................................foot.
  10. Cheptoo is suffering ...............................................Covid 19.

(through, in, of, over, from, into, by, at)

Arrange the jumbled letters correctly to form words with double consonants

  1. Ppnsohig...............................................
  2. Cifoef...............................................
  3. Albl...............................................
  4. Ryurh...............................................
  5. Payhp...............................................

Find from the internet three words with the following double consonant sounds and write them down.

  1. Tt  ...............................................   ...............................................   ...............................................
  2. dd  ...............................................   ...............................................   ...............................................
  3. II  ...............................................   ...............................................   ...............................................

Circle words with double consonants
Honest                             Occur                            Fine
Tax                                   Bank                           Lesson
Fax                                 Credit                           Business
Fax                                  Mess                            
Soccer                            Access

Friendly Letter
Your friend Natasha fell off a tree and she is admitted at Wema hospital. Write a letter wishing her a quick recovery.


Task one 

  1. orphan
  2. died 
  3. Young
  4. unhappy
  5. death
  6. adopt
  7. treat her
  8. daughter
  9. siblings 
  10. brother 
  11. sister-in-law 
  12. mother-in-law 
  13. aunt 
  14. father-in-law 
  15. one

Task Two

  1. These twin girls are so beautiful
  2. I love my parents
  3. I have many relatives in the city
  4. We had visitors on Saturday
  5. My siblings are very supportive

Task three

  1. a
  2. The, a
  3. the, a , the
  4. the, a
  5. an
  6. the
  7. the

Task four

  1. cousin, doctor, laboratory, malaria, mother, relative, uncle
  2. adopt, nephew, niece, parent, sister, uncle
  3. couple, father, love, orphans, siblings, window 
  4. Care, family, mother, father, cousin, elder. father-in-law, grandparents, sibling

Task one

  1. to mark event an event /occasion
  2. A formal religious / public, occasion/ event
  3.  A large meal, typically a celebratory one
  4. an intructive or exciting quality that makes certain people 
  5. To receive an academic degree or diploma

Task two

  1. Brian's birthday 
  2. baloons and crepe papers
  3. Parents and older  siblings
  4. They went to the market
  5. They were excited about their brother's birthday 

Task Three

  • wedding
  • graduation
  • homecoming
  • farewell
  • dowry
  • celebrations
  • anniversaries
  • birthday
  • ordination
  • celebrations

Task four

  1. Ceremonies
  2. Teeth
  3. Wolves
  4. Parties
  5. Babies
  6. Potatoes
  7. Photos
  8. Branches
  9. Lice 
  10. Nice
  11. My teacher is a hero
  12. The ox was slaughtered fo r the feast
  13. Yesterday i saw a goose at he market
  14. The boy bought an avacado and a mango
  15. The family is rich

Task Five

  1. Celebrate
  2. Dance
  3. Decorate

Task one

  1. Sorry 
  2. Welcome
  3. Bye 
  4. Borrow 
  5. Please 
  6. Thank you
  7. Pardon
  8. Beg
  9. Excuse me 
  10. Excuse me may 
  11. Congratulations
  12. Thank 
  13. Pardon 
  14. Sorry 
  15. Borrow 
  16. Thank you for your kindness 
  17. Excuse me, may I go out?
  18. I'm sorry, I broke your pencil

Task two

  1. a lot of
  2. a lot
  3. a lot
  4. a lot
  5. a lot 
  6. a lot of
  7. a lot 
  8. a lot 
  9. a lot, enough 
  10. enough, a lot 

Task one

  1. bandage
  2. treatment
  3. dispensary 
  4. plaster 
  5. illness 
  6. emergency
  7. poisonous
  8. choke
  9. choke 
  10. doctor, nurse
  11. stings, bites 
  12. injury 
  13. hurt 
  14. bandnge 
  15. hospital


  1. North 
  2. South
  3. East 
  4. West


  1. them
  2. them 
  3. her 
  4. me
  5. him 
  6. i
  7. it
  8. we 
  9. mine 
  10. ourselves 
  11. itself
  12. i


    1. vitamins
    2. Proteins
    3. Carbohydrates
    1. true
    2. false
    3. false
    4. true


  1. Cleverer, cleverest 
  2. Holier, holiest
  3. Bigger, biggest 
  4. Thinner, thinners 
  5. Better, best 
  6. Worse, worst
  7. More polite, most polite 
  8. More difficult, most difficult 
  9. More sincere, most sincere 
  10. Mere, mnost 
  11. Big square 
  12. Small round 
  13. Large rectangular


  1. Fox 
  2. Judge 
  3. Woolf hunter
  4. Grave


  1. im as beautiful as sunset
  2. I'm as tall as a giraffe 
  3. I'm as hardworking as a bee

internet E-mail

  1. Radio 
  2. Phone 
  3. Television 
  4. Telephone 
  5. Desktop computer 
  6. Tablet

Task one; Grammar 

  1. much
  2. much
  3. many
  4. any
  5. many
  6. much
  7. much
  8. much
  9. some
  10. some


  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. WhatsApp
  4. Instagram
  5. Great effort earns sucess
  6. If wait patiently in many things you will succeed
  7. Don't let any lead you astray
  8. If you do things in a hurry we may not do it thoroughly
  9. There are more blessing when you obey than when you give a sacrifice 
  10. Leisure 
  11. Password 
  12. Download, data bundles 
  13. Trust
  14. Care

Grammar: Tenses

  1. took, taking
  2. cared, curing
  3. browsed, browsing
  4. unloaded, unloading
  5. cane, coming
  6. wrote, writing
  7. downloading 
  8. being 
  9. go 
  10. were
  11. logged 
  12. sent 
  13. did 
  14. wrote

Task one

  1. file
  2. accident
  3. cheap
  4. contact with water
  5. so that they can last longer
  6. pangas, jembes,knives 
  7. prevent rusting
  8. frequent movement of their parts
  9. carried 
  10. dug
  11. ran 
  12. stopped 
  13. clapped 
  14. didn't 
  15. wont 
  16. isn't 
  17. shan't 
  18. mustn't


  1. Diet 
  2. Tuberculosis 
  3. Coughing
  4. Share
  5. Razor blade
  6. Share 
  7. Death 
  8. Passed
  9. Hair cut 
  10. Aflected
  11. cough
  12. cooler 
  13. cruel 
  14. hated 
  15. medicine


  1. Gently 
  2. Carelessly 
  3. Slowly 
  4. Joyfully 
  5. Excitedly 
  6. Tearfully
  7. Swiftly
  8. Dangerously 
  9. Any Correct answer


  1. Nearby 
  2. Everywhere 
  3. Outside
  4. Here
  5. There 
  6. Tomorrow


  1. Keeping yourself and your living and working areas clean
  2. The equipment and systems that keep places clean especially by removing human waste
  3. The process by which water or liquid waste is drained from an area
  4. Waste material that has been thrown away
  5. State of being clean/keeping things clean
  6. A tool for washing floors and has long hands
  7. Rub something against a surface in order to remove dirt
    Any correct answer
  8. Collecting litter
  9. Trimming hedges
  10. Wedding the flowers
  11. Sweeping the compound
  12. Providing dustbins
    Any correct answer

Grammar conjunction

  1. but
  2. neither, nor
  3. or
  4. yet
  5. and
  6. so
  7. or
  8. for
  9. but

Favorite game
Reading and re-writing

  1. Whose 
  2. When 
  3. When
  4. Who 
  5. When 
  6. When are you coming back? 
  7. Where are my books? 
  8. Whose child is this? 
  9. What is your name?
    Any correct answer


  1. beautiful 
  2. friend 
  3. running 
  4. obedient 
  5. surprise 
  6. grammar 
  7. forty 
  8. conductor 
  9. team 
  10. dinning

Clean environment

  1. The pupils were sweeping the compound
  2. We were advised to keep our compound clean 
  3. Put those banana peels in the dustbin
  4. Clean the walls today
  5. There is a bush nearby
    Any correct answer 


  • Br Brother, brown, bread
  • Sw-swear, sway, switch
  • Cl-close, cloth, cloud
  • Gr-grand, granary, grass
  • Pr.press, prophet, problem

Present perfect tenses

  1. have 
  2. have 
  3. has 
  4. has 
  5. has 
  6. have planted 
  7. I have seen 
  8. Have drained 
  9. Has gone 
  10. Has thrown


  1. over 
  2. in 
  3. into 
  4. by 
  5. through 
  6. in 
  7. at 
  8. of 
  9. on 
  10. from 
  11. shopping 
  12. office 
  13. ball 
  14. hurry
  15. happy 
  16. battle, attractive, attain
  17. address, middle, meddle
  18. collect, scroll, refill occur, lessor, business, mess, sweet, access
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Tuesday, 26 April 2022 12:52

Mathematics Homework Activities - CBC Grade 4


Exercise 1

a).Whole numbers

  1. Use an abacus to represent the place value of the digits in the following numbers
    1. 2346
    2. 7049
  2. A tank contains 29648 litres of water. How many litres of water are represented by digit 6?
  3. Write the numbers below in word
    1. 999
    2. 985
  4. Write the largest number formed by the digit 2, 9 and 7 in words
  5. George used the symbol 6, 8 and 5 to form 3 digit numbers. Write the smallest number that he formed in words.
  6. Arrange the following numbers from the largest to the smallest 618, 186, 816, 168, 861
  7. Round off 599 to the nearest ten.
  8. List all the factors of 48
  9. Write the next 3 multiples of 7 after 28.
  10. How many odd members are there between 13 and 29?
  11. Work out 9 minus 2 and give your answer in Roman numerals.
  12. Write the missing numbers to complete the pattern
    5, 9, 13, ........... , ......... ,25, 29

Exercise 2
Addition and subtraction of whole numbers

  1. Work out
    1. 2786 + 235 = 
    2. 8476 + 651 =
  2. Subtract
    1. 3901 - 846 =
    2. 8275 - 999 =
  3. The schools were supplied with text books. School Y received 5305 books while school Z received 2007 books. How many text books altogether did the two schools receive?
  4. A farmer harvested 642 bags of maize and 1526 bags of beans. How many bags altogether did the farmer harvest?
  5. In a certain primary school, there were 1080 learners. If 609 are girls, how many boys are in that school?
  6. A Meeting was attended by 852 men and 1436 women. Work out the sum of the people who attended the meeting by rounding off each number to the nearest 10
  7. Find the missing numbers
    1. 800 + ................. = 1800
    2. 1100 + ................ = 9500

Exercise 3
Multiplication and division of whole numbers

  1. There are 36 match sticks in a match box. How many match sticks are there in ten such match boxes?
  2. There are 48 learners in each class in a certain school. How many learners are there in 8 classes altogether?
  3. A matatu carries 38 passengers in one trip. How many passengers are carried in 64 such trips?
  4. Work out
    1.   98
    2. 84 Ã· 7 =
  5. Mohamed had 73 mangoes. He put them in baskets each holding 6 mangoes
    1. How many baskets did he fill?
    2. How many mangoes remained?
  6. 92 sweets were shared among 7 children.
    1. How many sweets did each child get?
    2. How many sweets remained?
  7. Kim brought 24 boxes of tiles each containing 36 tiles. How many tiles altogether did he buy?

Exercise 4

  1. What fractions of the figure is shaded?
    1. 1a ygauyda
    2. 1b auygduyad
  2. What fraction of the group is unshaped?
    1. 2a uygauygyada
  3. Write the denominator in the following fractions
    1. 2/9
    2. 4/9
  4. In a birthday party, Mutunga divided the cake into 6 equal parts. He ate two of the parts.
    What fraction of the cake did Mutunga eat?
  5. Convert 35/6 into improper fractions
  6. Change 17/4 into a mixed fraction
  7. Shade 7/10 in the diagram below
    7 ahagdyagda
  8. The list given shows some fractions
    3/5, 12/7, 43/8, 8/11, 18/13, 23/17
    1. The proper fractions are?
    2. Theimproper fractions are?
    3. Mixed fractions are?

Exercise 5

  1. Write the shaded part as a decimal
    1 auygdyuada
  2. Shade 0.6 in the diagram
    2 auydguyagda
  3. Write the following fractions as decimals
    1. 0.05
    2. 0.5
    3. 0.43
  4. Write the following decimals as fractions
  5. What is the place value of digit 8 in the number 5.38?
  6. Write seven hundredths as a decimal
  7. Arrange the decimals from the smallest to the largest
    1. 1.3, 3.1,0.9, 0.3, 2.4
    2. 0.54, 0.31, 0.72, 1.2
  8. Which is the bigger number in each of the pairs below?
    1. 0.8, 0.79
    2. 4.37, 4.73

Exercise 6

  1. Which units would you use to measure?
    1. Length of your classroom ..............................
    2. Length of your Math's Exercise book ...............................
    3. Length of your Chalk box .........................
    4. Length of your knife ...............................
  2. Convert the following into metres
    1. 400cm
    2. 250cm
  3. Convert 375cm into metres and centimetres
  4. Convert 7m 45cm into centimetres
  5. Work out
    1.   m   cm
       18   70
      + 6   30
    2.    m   cm
         41  85
      + 35  30
    3.   m   cm
        25  55
      +12  45
  6. Subtract
    1.   m  cm
        12  40
      +11  68
    2.   m  cm
        32 10
      +20 99
  7. A rope has a length of 8cm 20cm. If it was cut into two pieces. If one piece is 5m 35cm, what was the length of the other piece?
  8. Multiply
    1. 4m 24 cm by 7 =
    2. 8m 32cm by 4 =
  9. A metallic rod 32m 2cm long was cut into 5 equal pieces. How long was each piece?
  10. Divide 44m 16cm by 3 = 

Exercise 7

  1. Work out the perimeter of each shape below?
    1. a uygauygdad
    2. b agdaguygdada
    3. c ayugduyada
    4. d aygdyuada
  2. An athlete ran around the field below two times. What distance did he cover?
    2e ahdguyagda
  3. Calculate the perimeter in metres
    3e auygdyuada
  4. Calculate the area in square units
    1. area a aydguada
    2. area b aiugdhiuad
    3. area c agdyuad
  5. Calculate the area of the figures below
    1. 5a uygauygdada
    2. 5b aiuhdiauhda
    3. 5c auygduyada
  6. The area of a rectangle is 90cm2. If its length is 15cm, what is its width?

Exercise 8

  1. When 1 kg of meat is divided into 2 equal masses, each piece of meat has a mass of.....................kg
  2. How many half kg masses are there in 4kg?
  3. How many quarter kg packets can be packed from 6kg?
  4. Complete the statements below
    1. 1kg = .............................. half kg
            =  ............................. quarter kg
    2. 1/2 kg = ............................ quarter kg
  5. A shopkeeper had 12 half kg packets of sugar. How many kg of sugar did he have?
  6. How many kg packets can be mad efrom 16 quarter kg packets?
  7. A wedding cake whose mass was 2kg, was cut into four equal parts. What was the mass of each piece of cake?

Exercise 9
Addition and subtractions

  1. Work out
    1. 132kg + 84kg = 
    2. 536kg + 729kg = 
    3.     87kg
      + 45kg
  2. Gitonga bought 5413kg of maize in January. In February, he bought 899kg of maize. How many kg of maize altogether did he buy?
  3. Joshua bought 527kg of beans. Mutua bought 408kg of beans. How many kilograms of beans did they buy altogether?
  4. Subtract 328kg from 1903kg
  5. Work out
  6. A butcher bought 557kg of meat. He sold 198kg to his customers. How many kilograms of meat remained?
  7. A teacher had 224 sweets. He gave out 170kg to his learners. How many sweets remained?

Exercise 10
Volume and Capacity

  1. Name the figures drawn below
    1. volume 1
    2. volume 2 auygdad
  2. volume 3 aydhgyuad
    1. How many layers are in the stack shown?
    2. How many unit cubes are in each layer?
  3. Work out the volume of the cuboids represented below
    1. volume 4 ayugdad
    2. volume 5 aiuhduiada
  4. How many half litre cups can fill the 5 litre jug?
    volume 6 iuahdiua
  5. Two quarter litres are equal to .......................... litres
  6. One litre has ................ 1/4 litres
  7. 3 litres = ................. quarter litres
  8. A drum has 247 litres. Another drum has 169 litres of water. How many litres of water are in the two drums altogether?
  9. A tank had 2084 litres. A familyu used 1253 litres. How many litres remained?
  10. Work out
    1. 603 litres
      -58 litres
    2.   1924 litres
      +4094 litres
  11. Complete the statement
    volume 11 aiuhduiahda


  1. The clock face below shows time in the morning
    volume 12 agdyada
    What is the time in am/pm?
  2. What time in am/pm is it?
    1. 4 hours after midnight
    2. 2 hrs 20 minutes after midday
    3. 30 minutes after-midnight
  3. Draw a clock face and show






     a) 6.25  b) 5 minutes to 3 o'clock
  4. Kariuki arrived home at the time shown in the evening
    time 2 actual agdiuada
    What time in am/pm did he arrive home?
  5. At what time of the day is the shadow shortest?
  6. Convert 3hr 15 minutes into minutes
  7. Covert 135 minutes into hours and minutes
  8. How many hours are there in 480 minutes
  9. A football match took 115 minutes. How long did the match take in hours and minutes?
  10. Convert 14 days into hours
  11. How many days are there in 144 hours?
  12. Convert 42 days into wevIcs and days
  13. A house wAs cons tructed into 84 dayss. How long was this period in weeks?
  14. Work out
    1.   Hrs min
        6    45
      +4    15
    2.   Hrs min
         9     18
      -  8     30
    3. weeks days
          5        6
      +  2        4
  15. Kipchoge took 2hrs 25 minutes to finish a race. Jelimo took 2 hours 48 minutes to finish the same race. How much longer did Jelimo take to finish the race?'


  1. Convert sh.9 into cents
  2. convert 685 cents into and cents
  3. Jane bought a rriatch or 4.50 shillings. How many cents did the match box cost?
  4. How many 5 shillings coins are in Sh.80?
  5. A shopkeeper had the following coins in his cash box
    • 3 coins of sh. 10 each
    • 2 coins of sh. 5 each
    • 5 coins of sh. 20 each
      How much money altogether did he have in his cash box?
  6. Leah bought a packet of Unga at Sh.120, 2 loaves of bread each, costing Sh.50 and a match box for Sh.5.
    1. How much money did she spend?
    2. How much balance did she get if she gave the shopkeeper Sh.500?
  7. Mary bought 2kg meat for sh. 835. How much balance did she get from sh. 1000?
    1.   sh  cents
        85    20
      +17    80
    2.  sh  cents
      123  10
      -74   95
  9. John had Sh.146.90 cents while Onyango had Sh.308.70 cents. How much more money did Onyango have than John?


  1. Complete by writing clockwise or anticlockwise
    1. Turning the key to close a door .......................................
    2. Opening a tap .......................................
    3. Closing a lid of a bottle .......................................
    4. Movement of the hand of a clock face .......................................
  2. How many half turns can be made to make a full turn?
  3. Complete the statement
    1. An angle less than a right angle is called .......................................
    2. An angle more than a right angle but less than two right angles is called .......................................
  4. Name the angle shown below
    zzzzzzzzzz 4 aygduyada
  5. Which angle is commonly found at the corners of a door or a text book? .......................................
  6. A rectangle has .......................................lines of symmetry
  7. A square has......................................lines of symmetry
  8. A triangle has......................................angles
  9. Complete the pattern
    9 last aguygyad

Data handling

  1. The following are marks scored by 20 grade 4 learners in a Mathematics quiz.
    78, 74, 86, 88, 78, 84, 74, 78, 88, 86, 74, 88, 86, 78, 74, 84, 74, 88, 86, 88
    Record the data in the table below
    Marks Tally marks  Number of pupils 
  2. The table shows the number of vehicles observed by learners from masomo primary school during a school tour
    Copy and complete the table
     Vehicles Tally marks  Quantity 
     Taxis   IIII    IIII   III      
     Lorries    34
     Saloon car  IIII    IIII  IIII  I   
     Min buses    27
     buses  IIII   IIII   IIII   IIII  I     


  1. A farmer has 8 goats, Y sheep and Z hens. How many animals altogether does he have?
  2. There are 3g girls and 2g boys in a cinema hall. How many people altogether are in the cinema hall?
  3. A farmer collected 12C eggs then sold 7C egg remained?
  4. A book seller has 5d books. He sold 3r books. How many books remained?
  5. In a class there are 8x pupils.Each pupil was given 3 sweets. How many sweets altogether were given out?
  6. Maria bought 3 shirts from the supermarket. If each shirt was sold at 6p shillings, how much did she pay for the shirts, altogether?
  7. Simplify the expressions below
    1. 2w + 5w + 4w = 
    2. 7x - 3x - x =
    3. 8q + .4q + 2q =
  8. George had 10 b story books, 12 y exercise books and 8 x maths text books. How many books in total did he have?
  9. Karim had Sh.15d. He spent Sh.9d to buy toys. How many shillings did he remain with?
  10. In a basket there are 6t lemons, 8x mangoes and 4y oranges. How many fruits altogether are in the basket?


Exercise 1

    1. maths 1 iyauyad
    2. maths 2 auygda
  2. Hundreds
    1. Nine Hundred and ninety nine
    2. Nine Hundred and eighty five
  4. 972
  5. 562
  6. 861, 816, 618, 186, 166
  7. 600
  8. 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24
  9. 28,35,42,49
  10. 13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27 
  11. Vii
  12. 17, 21

Exercise 2 

    1. 3021
    2. 9127
    1. 3055
    2. 7276
  3. 7312
  4. 2168
  5. 471
  6. 2290
    1. 1000
    2. 8400

Exercise 3

  1. 360
  2. 384
  3. 2432
    1. 4606
    2. 12
    3. 17 Rem 1
    1. 12
    2. 1 Mango
    1. 13
    2. 1sweet
  7. 864

Exercise 4

    1. 5/8
    2. 4/5 or
  2. 2/5 
    1. 9
    2. 9
  4. 2/6 or 1/3
  5. 23/6
  6. 41/4
  7. Shading 7 boxes
    1. 3/5, 8/11
    2. 12/7, 18/13
    3. 43/8 23/17

Exercise 5

  1. 0.375
  2. Shading
    1. 0.9
    2. 0.07.
    3. 0.59
    1. 5/100
    2. 5/10
    3. 43/100
  5. Hundredth
  6. 0.07 
    1. 0.3, 0.9, 1.3, 3.1, 24
    2. 0.31, 0.54, 0.72, 1.2 8.
    1. 0.8 
    2. 4.73

Exercise 6

    1. metres
    2. Centimetres
    3. Centimetres
    4. Centimetres
    1. 4 metres
    2. 2.5m
    1. 3 metres 75 cm
  4. 745cm 
    1. 25m 00cm
    2. 77m 15cm
    3. 38m 00cm 
    1. 24m 08cm
    2. 53m 09 cm
  7. 2.85
    1. 29.68
    2. 33.22
  9. 6.44
  10. 14.72

Exercise 7

    1. 46cm
    2. 140cm
    3. 106cm
    4. 143cm
  2. 586cm
  3. 2 metres
    1. 4 units
    2. 48 units
    3. 64 units
    1. 216cm2
    2. 250 cm2
    3. 1125cm2
  6. 6cm

Exercise 8

  1. 0.5 
  2. 8
  3. 24
    1. 2, 4
    2. 2 5.
  5. 6.
  6. 4
  7. 1/2 kg

Exercise 9

    1. 216
    2. 1265
    3. 132
  2. 6312kg
  3. 935kg
  4. 1575
  5. 1949
  6. 359
  7. 54

Exercise 10

    1. Cube
    2. Cuboid
    1. 4
    2. 24
    1. 108 cubes
    2. 96 cubes
  4. 10
  5. 1/2
  6. 4
  7. 12
  8. 416 litres 
  9. 831
    1. 545
    2. 6018
  11. 1 Litre


  1. 10.37am 
    1. am 
    2. pm 
    3. am
  3. maths 3 atydadga

    maths 4 auygdyad
  4. 6.20pm
  5. Noon
  6. 195 mins
  7. 2 hrs 15 min
  8. 8 hours
  9. 1 hour 55 min 
  10. 336 hrs 
  11. 6 days 
  12. 6 weeks 
  13. 12 weeks
    1. 11 hrs 00min
    2. 48 min
    3. 8Wks 3days
  15. 23 min


  1. 900 cents
  2. 6 sh. 25 cts
  3. 450 cts
  4. 16
  5. 140 Shs
    1. 225
    2. 275
  7. 165 Shs 
    1. 103Shs 00cts
    2. 48Shs 15 cts
  9. 161.80 cts


    1. Anti-clockwise
    2. Clockwise 
    3. Clockwise
    4. Clockwise
  2. 2
    1. acute
    2. Obtuse 
    1. Obtuse
    2. Acute
    3. Right angle
    4. Reflect angle
  5. Right angle
  6. 2
  7. 4
  8. 3

Data Handling

Marks Tally marks  Number of pupils 
 74  IIII  5
 78  IIII  4
 84  II  2
 86  IIII  4
 88  IIII  5


 Vehicles Tally marks  Quantity 
 Taxis   IIII    IIII   III      13
 Lorries  IIII  IIII   IIII   IIII   IIII   IIII  IIII    34
 Saloon car  IIII    IIII  IIII  I   16
 Min buses  IIII  IIII  IIII  IIII  IIII II  27
 buses  IIII   IIII   IIII   IIII  I     22


  1. A farmer has 8 goats, Y sheep and Z hens. How many animals altogether does he have? 8 + Y + Z = 8YZ
  2. There are 3g girls and 2g boys in a cinema hall. How many people altogether are in the cinema hall?  3g + 2g = 5g
  3. A farmer collected 12C eggs then sold 7C egg remained?   12c - 7c = 5c
  4. A book seller has 5d books. He sold 3r books. How many books remained?  5d - 3r
  5. In a class there are 8x pupils.Each pupil was given 3 sweets. How many sweets altogether were given out?  24x
  6. Maria bought 3 shirts from the supermarket. If each shirt was sold at 6p shillings, how much did she pay for the shirts, altogether?  18p
  7. Simplify the expressions below
    1. 2w + 5w + 4w =  11u
    2. 7x - 3x - x = 3x
    3. 8q + .4q + 2q = 14q
  8. George had 10 b story books, 12 y exercise books and 8 x maths text books. How many books in total did he have?  10b + 12y + 8x
  9. Karim had Sh.15d. He spent Sh.9d to buy toys. How many shillings did he remain with?    6d
  10. In a basket there are 6t lemons, 8x mangoes and 4y oranges. How many fruits altogether are in the basket?  6t + 8x + 4y
Tagged under



  1. Name three living things
    1. .......................................................
    2. .......................................................
    3. .......................................................
  2. List three characteristics of living things
    1. .......................................................
    2. .......................................................
    3. .......................................................
  3. Animals with backbone are called
  4. Name four types of teeth
    1. .......................................................
    2. .......................................................
    3. .......................................................
    4. .......................................................
  5. Write living things or non living in the pictures (4mks)
    1. cat h
    2. bird iuhda
    3. stones aiygda
    4. house ajygda
  6. Name two food crops you know
    1. .......................................................
    2. .......................................................
  7. Name three ways on how to care for animals
    1. .......................................................
    2. .......................................................
    3. .......................................................
  8. We use ....................................................... and ....................................................... to clean our teeth


  1. The best soil for cultivation is ....................................................... soil
  2. The compost manure is prepared using
    1. .......................................................
    2. .......................................................
    3. .......................................................
  3. Name three uses of water at home?
    1. .......................................................
    2. .......................................................
    3. .......................................................
  4. What is weeding?.......................................................
  5. Name three types of soil
    1. .......................................................
    2. .......................................................
    3. .......................................................
  6. 6 iasuhdiuadfa
    The boy is ....................................................... the crops.
  7. Write three small animals rised to destroy crops
    1. .......................................................
    2. .......................................................
    3. .......................................................
  8. Draw the fruits we eat
    1. rectangle yuguyda
    2. rectangle yuguyda
    3. rectangle yuguyda
  9. Name two animals that gives us milk
    1. ......................................................
    2. ......................................................



    1. cow
    2. man
    3. hen
    1. They feed
    2. They move
    3. They reproduce 
    1. vertebrates
    1. incisors
    2. canines
    3. molars
    4. premolars
    1. living thing
    2. living thing
    3. non-living
    4. non-living
    1. maize any other)
    2. beans
    1. watering them
    2. feeding them
    3. treating them 
    1. water, toothpaste


  1. loam 
    1. kitchen refuse
    2. dry grass any other)
    3. ashes
    1. washing
    2. cooking
    3. drinking 
  4. Removal of unwanted plant
    1. clay
    2. loam
    3. sand
  6. watering
    1. birds
    2. monkeys
    3. mongoose
  8. any fruit
    1. cow
    2. goat


  1. Soma kwa sauti (alama 10)
    Mazingira safi ni muhimu kwa afya ya kila kiumbe. Maradhi mengi hutokana na uchafu katika mazingira tunamoishi. Ugonjwa wa Malaria husababishwa na uchafu katika mazingira. Mbu wanaoambukiza malaria huishi kwenye mikebe yenye maji iliyotupwa ovyoovyo.
    Tunapaswa kuyalinda ili yawe safi. Na pia tulale ndani ya chandarua kilichotibiwa.
    Tamka maneno yenye silabi tatanishi   (alama 5)
  3. Soma hadithi kisha ujibu maswali yafuatayo
    Mwalimu wetu alituambia kwamba ni vyema mtoto awe na nidhamu.
    Alisema huwa si vyema mtoto. kuwa, mkatili, mlafi na mchokozi. Mtoto mwenye tabia hizi mbaya huchukiwa na watu wote kijijini. Siku moja jirani yetu alitutembelea nyumbani kwetu. Jina lake aliitwa Furaha. Furaha alipenda kucheza sana na kubeba vitu chumbani badala ya kuomba mama yake ruhusa kabla ya kubeba.
    Ilipofika jioni Furaha aliambia mama kuwa anahisi njaa na angetaka ale chakula au anywe uji.. Mama yake alimwambia asubiri ampikie uji. Baada ya muda mfupi Furaha hakusubiri awekewe uji kwa kikombe. Alisimama na akajiwekea uji moto. Alijaribu kuunywa akashindwa. Kwa bahati mbaya uji moto ulimumwagikia nguoni. Alikimbia mbio huku akilia kwa uchungu mwingi.
    1. Taja mambo matatu ambayo mtoto hapaswi kuwa nayo ...............................................
    2. Mwalimu aliwafunza wanafunzi ni vyema kuwa na?  ...............................................
    3. Nani aliyempikia furaha uji?  ...............................................
    4. Mtoto mwenye tabia mbaya  ............................................... na watu wote.
    5. Nani aliyependa kucheza?  ...............................................
    6. Nani hakuomba ruhusa?  ...............................................
  4. Jaza pengo
    1. Rafiki yako darasani anaitwaje?
    2. Mwalimu mkuu wa shule anaitwaje?


  1. Andika majina ya picha hizi (alama 5)
    1. shorts aygdad
    2. eye igauyda
    3. thigh auydayud
    4. cut grass yugauyda
  2. Andika majina ya mavazi ya wanaume pekee
    1. ...............................................
    2. ...............................................
    3. ...............................................
    4. ...............................................
  3. Pigia mstari vitenzi kwenye mti (alama 5)
    tree sygdysad
  4. Andika majina ya maumbo
    1. circle aygdad
    2. triangle aygdyad

Andika Insha Kuhusu

  • Saule huitwaje?
  • Mwalimu mkuu anaitwaje?
  • Imejengwa na nini?
  • Madarasa ni mangapi?
  • Inwaldau wangapi?


      1. mkatili
      2. mlafi 
      3. mchokozi
    2. nidhamu
    3. mamake 
    4. huchukiwa 
    5. furaha 
    6. furaha 
    1. kaptura
    2. jicho
    3. nyama
    4. kifyekeo
    1. koti
    2. kaptura
    3. vesti 
    4. shati
  7. andika, simama, cheka, anguka, soma 
    1. duara
    2. pembe tatu


  1. Name the food we eat to make our body healthy (3mks)
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
    3. ........................................................
    4. ........................................................
  2. Draw and name three personal items (3mks)
    1. rectangle ahuda
    2. rectangle ahuda
    3. rectangle ahuda
  3. Name three basic needs (3mks)
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
    3. ........................................................
  4. Name the items used to clean the house (3mks)
    1. kifagio
    2. bin ayda
    3. kerchief auygdad
    4. omo aghda
  5. Name the play items (2mks)
    draft ahdad


  1. Draw an athletic track showing the starting point of 100m and 200m race (5mks)
    rectangle ahuda
  2. Name the play items (4mks)
    1. ball aujhgda
    2. weird ball aiudhya
  3. Name two commands in athletic? (2mks)
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
  4. List four materials used to improve a ball (4mks)
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
    3. ........................................................
    4. ........................................................
  5. Write down two safety measures when improvising a ball
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
  6. Name three games played in your locality
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
  7. Name the parts used to pass a ball
    leg ball aidga
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
  8. We throw the ball using the ........................................................


  1. Complete the following patterns
    1. aaaa ugda........................................................
    2. bbb yuafuda........................................................
    3. hhhh ayigdad........................................................


    1. meat
    2. fruits 
    3. eggs (any other)
    4. chapati
    1. foods
    2. shelter
    3. clothes
    1. broom
    2. dust bin 
    3. rag 
    4. soap
    5. draft


    1. ball
    2. marble
    1. on your marks
    2. go
    1. old pieces of clothes
    2. plastic bags
    3. rubber bands (any other)
    4. strings
    1. avoid sharp objects
    2. do not use hard objects of stones 
    1. football
    2. handball 
  7. outside step, inside step
  8. hands


jumbo areea iuhada

Study the map and answer the questions

  1. What is the direction of the school from the church?.........................................
  2. The students learn in a school called? .........................................
  3. The people in Jumbo area worship in a .........................................
  4. Name two economic activities carried out in Jumbo area
    1. .........................................
    2. .........................................
  5. What is a compass direction? .........................................
  6. Draw a compass and name it (4mks)
    draw rectangle
  7. Name the physical features
    7 huyhfuyshfs
  8. We plant crops during ......................................... season
  9. Name three animals kept at home
    1. .........................................
    2. .........................................
    3. .........................................
  10. Name the weather symbols
    10 sihdihad
    .........................................      .........................................
  11. Our country has : ......................................... counties

C.R. E

  1. Name two activities that you like doing
    1. .........................................
    2. .........................................
  2. .........................................created everything in six days.
  3. "You created every part of me.
    You put me together in my mother's womb." This verse. is from the book of .........................................
  4. Write three bad thought and feelings.
    1.  .........................................
    2. .........................................
    3. .........................................
  5. Draw God's creation
    draw rectangle
  6. Write three good choices
    1. .........................................
    2. .........................................
    3. .........................................
  7. Jesus had .........................................disciples.
  8. The wife of Abraham was called? .........................................
  9. Name two members of nuclear family 
    1. .........................................
    2. .........................................


  1. Who created everything on earth .........................................
  2. Allah is malik, this mean Allah will be ......................................... on the day of judgement.
  3. We ask for our help from .........................................
  4. Surah Al-fatiha has ......................................... verses.
  5. The meaning of the word Al fatiha is .........................................
  6. When is surah Al-fatiha recited .........................................
  7. We seek refuge with the ......................................... mankind. (2mks)
  8. Draw Allah's creation
    1. draw rectangle
    2. draw rectangle
    3. draw rectangle



    1. church
    2. Sunday
    3. Baraka Primary 
    4. SW
    5. farming, fishing
  2. North
  3. President
  4. Governor
    1. Fibres
    2. mud 
    1. hill
    2. valley
    3. river
  7. East, West
  8. calm
    1. cow (any)
    2. dog
    1. rainy
    2. windy 
  11. sun


    1. love
    2. responsibility
    3. generous
  3. Easter
  4. Eden
    1. Nuclear
    2. Extended
  6. 12
  7. Goliath
  8. 2
  9. God
    1. washing utensils
    2. looking after young children
    1. fighting
    2. stealing
    3. killing 
  13. Moses 
  14. Jesus


TASK 1: Read aloud  (10mks)
There are small animals which live on or within the bodics of other animals for food. Such animals are called parasites. The animals on or in which they live in are called host. Some parasites are not good because they make host sick, lice, bedbugs, ticks and mites are called external parasites. tapeworms and thread worms are internal parasites.

2. Listening and speaking (5mks)
school assembly auygda

  1. The school is called .................................................................
  2. The three boys are ................................................................. the flag
  3. The children are standing at .................................................................
  4. Name the two colours on the flag
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................

3. Read the story and answer the questions (10mks)
Mr. Cheki has a big farm in Perusi county. His farm has any animals like cows, donkeys, camel, is and cogs. He also keeps poultry like duck, hen Frigeon and geese.
Mr. Cheki is known in the nearby market because of his milk and eggs. Mr. Checki also grows many different crops that give him a good harvest. Everybody in the village is happy for his hard work.

  1. In which county is Cheki .................................................................
  2. Name four poultry that Mr. Cheki keeps
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
    3. .................................................................
    4. .................................................................
  3. Why is Mr. Cheki known in the nearby market
  4. Name two animals kept by Mr. Cheki
    1. .................................................................
    2. .................................................................
  5.  Mr. Cheki is a .................................................................
  6. Which animal do you think Mr. Cheki uses for transport .................................................................

4. Name the pictures

  1. bike auygduyad
  2. door auygdad
  3. pot jgdad
  4. basket auygdyuad

5. Write the opposite ofthe words

  1. wife .................................................................
  2. good .................................................................
  3. nephew .................................................................
  4. deep .................................................................
  5. brother .................................................................

6. Write the plural

  1. This is a baby
  2. This is a sheep
  3. The girl is wonderful
  4. The book is new

7. Use 'an'or'a'

  1. .................................................................orphan
  2. .................................................................good teacher

TASK 4  10mks
Write a composition about

  • What is the name of a friend 
  • He learn in which school 
  • How old is your friend 
  • Where do they live
  • Why do you love your friend


    1. Amani Academy
    2. Marching 
    3. Attention
      1. red (any other)
      2. black
    1. Perusi county
      1. duck
      2. pigeon
      3. geese 
    3. hen because of his milk and meat 
      1. dog
      2. cow
    5. farmer
    6. donkey/camel
    1. bicycle
    2. door 
    3. pot
    4. basket
    1. husband
    2. bad
    3. niece
    4. shallow
    5. sister 
    1. These are babies
    2. These are sheep 
    3. The girls is wonderful
    4. These books are new
    1. an
    2. a


  1. What is the place value of the underlined figure (5mks)
    1. 66...................................................................
    2. 7405 ...................................................................
    3. 8726 ...................................................................
  2. Arrange the numbers from the largest to the smallest
    1. 90, 190, 290, 394
    2. 313, 303, 103, 113
    3. 19,18, 29, 38, 49
  3. Work out:
    1. 304
    2. 928
      + 12           
    3. 297
    4. 968
  4. Round off the figure to the nearest 10
    1. 67 ...................................................................
    2. 92 ...................................................................
    3. 25 ...................................................................
  5. Name the shapes below
    1. 5 ayigdad
    2. 5b auuhduada
    3. 5c aygdad
    4. 5d augdyauda
  6.  What is the next number in the series
    1. 90, 100, 110,......,130
    2. 13,15,...........,19,21
    3. 25,20, 15,.........,5
  7. What is the fraction of shaded parts
    1. 7a aughduyad
    2. 7b aiugduiad
    3. 7c ayugyudada
  8. Represent the numbers on the abacus
    8a aiugdad
    8b aiuyhdad
  9. Mr. Kamau had 799 marbles. He bought other 29 marbles. How many marbles did he have altogether?
  10. Work out:
    1. 897
      - 29     
    2. 963
      - 17    
  11.  A year has ................... months
    1. 12 a aiiytdya
    2. 12b aiuhduiad
  13. What is 1/2 of 24 = ...................................................................
  14. Complete the pattern
    14 aiuhuiahdda


    1. ones
    2. hundred
    3. tens
    1. 394, 290, 190,90
    2. 313, 303, 113, 103
    3. 49,38, 29, 19, 18 3. 
    1. 734
    2. 947
    3. 394
    4. 1013
  4. 70, 90, 30
    1. star
    2. square
    3. triangle 
    4. circle
    1. 120
    2. 17 
    3. 10
    1. 3/8
    2. 1/4
    3. 4/13
    1. 8a aygdyad
    2. 8b iyugduyad
  9. 828
    1. 868
    2. 946
  11. 12
    1. 250
    2. 600
  13. 12 
Tagged under


Dealing with Emotions.

  • They are also called feelings. they include joy, pain, sadness, love and anger.
  • Sporting requires a state of wellness: which is a state of complete physical, mental, emotion and social well.
  • The immediate effects of negative emotions like anxiety are:
    • Lightheadedness.
    • Muscle tension.
    • Elevated heart and breathing rates.
    • Increased blood flow to the brain and away from other organs
    • Nausea
    • Frequent urination and diarrhea
  • Positive emotions, on the other hand, can have opposite effect. Laughter , for example, can:
    • Relieve tension throughout the body and within organs
    • Relieve the subsequent side effects of depression and anxiety.
    • Lower blood pressure.
  • The longer- term physiological effects of emotions include;
    • Insomnia
    • Damage to kidneys
    • Digestive and gastro-intestinal problems
    • Chronic respiratory disorder
    • damage to cardiovascular system.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Sports Performance

  • Drug abuse: is the use of drugs for a purpose it was not intended for.

Athletes And Drug Abuse.

  • Athletes should be clean from abuse of alcohol and drugs
  • Doping is illegal and athletes have been disqualified because of the same.
  • Athletes should therefore abstain from abuse of drugs because it could lead to:
    • Addiction
    • Organ failure
    • Severe mood swings
    • Inability to perform properly in the sporting activity.
    • An increased risk of suffering from a heart attack or stroke.

How to tell someone is abusing drugs

  1. Loss of interest in school
  2. Changing friends.
  3. Becoming moody, negative , cranky or worried all the time.
  4. Ask to be left alone a lot.
  5. Having trouble concentrating.
  6. Sleeping a lot
  7. Getting into fights.
  8. Having red, puffy eyes.
  9. Loss or gain of weight.
  10. Coughing a lot.
  11. Having a running nose all of the time.

Effects of Drug Abuse in Athletes

  • It has many negative effects such as:

    1. Suspensions and Bans - Many professional athletic organizations have strict rules against using performance- enhancing and recreational drugs. Athletes who violate these rules may face serious consequences, such as suspensions or bans. In some cases, prior titles, medals or prizes may be revoked. professional athletes such as Lance Armstrong, Steve Howe and Brett Favre have suffered these consequences.

    2. Job loss and early retirement - Drug abuse can impair an athlete's ability to focus and otherwise negatively affect an athlete's performance. Certain drugs will give rise to a number of side effects and may be associated with performance -hindering withdrawal symptoms. Some athletes may be forces into early retirement because of the negative effects of their drug use.

    3. Health problems-  Taking anabolic steroids can result in liver and kidney damage, hypertension, and heart problems. Mental effects can include depression, anger and violence. Men may also experience impotence , infertility, and development of certain female sexual characteristics( e.g enlargement of breast tissue), while women may experience menstrual changes and development of masculine features.
       - Andro use can lead to side effects such as decreased sperm production, shrinking of the testicles , and increased breast side in men. In women, it can lead to the development of certain masculine qualities, such as deeper voice and male-pattern hair loss. For both men and women, taking the drug may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
       - Human growth hormone use is associated with joint pain, fluid retention, muscle weakness and vision problems. It can also lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, high cholesterol, hypertension, enlarged heart, and diabetes.
      - Excessive diuretic use can cause dehydration, muscle cramps, dizziness, rash, gout, potassium deficiency, poor balance and coordination, low blood pressure , and even death.
      -The risk of using erythropoietin include heart attack, stroke, and pulmonary embolism.
      - Alcohol use may impair problem-solving ability, memory, learning, and coordination and can lead to liver and neurological damage.
      - Marijuana can negatively affect short-term memory, learning, balance , coordination, and ability to focus.
      - short- term effects of amphetamine use include headaches, convulsions, hallucinations and paranoia. Long -term effects may include permanent nerve damage and death.
      - Cocaine can cause damage to the heart and respiratory, nervous, and digestive systems.

    4. Opioids such as heroin and prescription painkillers have a high risk of overdose. When these drugs are injected, the user's risk for contracting infectious diseases increases significantly.

    5. Addiction - The abuse of certain drugs, such as opioids and stimulants, can lead to addiction. Addiction is a brain disease that involves compulsive drug use despite negative consequences. Athletes who are addicted to drugs or alcohol may have a difficult time quitting without professional treatment.

    6. Death - Amphetamine use may lead to fatal hemorrhagic stroke or heart attack. Abusing opioids like heroin or prescription drugs also carries a high risk of lethall overdose. College basketball player Len Bias and professional hockey player Derek Boogaard both died of fatal drug overdose.

Stereotypes And Drug Abuse.

  • A stereotype is an untrue belief of a particular type of person or thing. Some of the common stereotypes associated with drugs include;
    • An athlete will become a better performer.
    • A learner will become better in academics
    • They make a person become popular.


Active and Passive Leisure Activities.

  • Leisure activities are performed for fun.
  • There are mainly two types of leisure.
    1. Passive leisure activities - are activities that someone is not participating in the activity.
    2. Active leisure activities - are those that someone is fully participant
  • Leisure activities give us the opportunities to be ourselves and get creative.

Disadvantages of Passive Activities.

  • They lead to development of lifestyle problems and diseases. 
  • It reduces our creativity and lead to health problems due to long hours spent in sedentary positions

Leisure and Time management

  • Time management - is the ability to organize activities one has perform in a given amount of time to leisure time is the free time.
  • It is good to take time off from studies and from watching television to engage in a leisure activity individually or with friends.
  • Leisure activities include:
    • Reading a story book.
    • Taking nature walks.
    • Volunteering at the local children's home.
    • Taking part in artistic activities such as painting.
    • Listening to music.
    • Attending as sporting activity as a spectator.

Care of Community Recreation Facilities.

  • These are sometimes referred to as public facilities and are services offered by the state to its citizens.
  • There are various ways of taking care of these facilities.
    • By avoiding littering these areas.
    • Planting trees in these areas.
    • Finding an alternative source of fuel.
    • Drawing graffiti (unauthorized writing or drawing on a public surface) on the walls of these areas should be discouraged to preserve their beauty.
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