- This paper contains three sections
- Answer all question in section A and B
- In section C answer any two questions
- Candidates must answer all the questions in English

- Other than sleeping give two other uses of the sleeping yard of a rabbit hutch. [1 mark]
- State four characteristics of roughage. [2 marks]
- State four categories of livestock diseases. [2 marks]
- State four conditions that may reduce the quality of eggs for hatching. [2 marks]
- Explain two maintenance practices carried out on a cross cut saw. [2 marks]
- State four limitations of using solar power on the farm. [2 marks]
- Name four dairy breeds of cattle. [2 marks]
- . State the origin of each of the following dual purpose cattle breeds. [1 mark]
- Sahiwa
- Red poll
- State four symptoms of rinder pest disease in cattle. [2 marks]
- State four reasons for castrating piglets. [2 marks]
- .Name two practices carried out in a crush. [1 mark]
- .Give two effects of internal parasites that are harmful to livestock. [1 mark]
- Give four reasons why farmers steam up dairy cattle. [2 marks]
- Outline four ways of maintaining good health in livestock. [2 marks]
- Name four methods of dehorning. [2 marks]
- Distinguish between cropping and harvesting in fish. [2 marks]
- Give four importances of keeping livestock healthy. [2 marks]
- The diagram below illustrates the digestive system of a farm animal.
- Name the farm animal with this digestive system. [1 mark]
- Name the part labeled.
L:…………………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]
M:………………………………………………………………………………………….. [1 mark] - State two functions of the part labeled N. [2 marks]
- The illustration below shows a farm practice used in the control of external parasites.
- Name the method of parasite control shown in the illustration. [1 mark]
- Name two ectoparasites that can be controlled using this method. [1 mark]
- ...........................................................................................................................................
- ...........................................................................................................................................
- Name the equipment being used to carry out the practice illustrated above. [1 mark]
- State two factors that will lead to maximum effectiveness when using the practice above to control ectoparasites. [2 marks]
- Below is a diagram of a tool used in livestock rearing.
- Identify the tool. [1 mark]
- State two uses of the tool. [2 marks]
- Give two reasons why farmers prefer using the tool. [2 marks]
- The illustration below shows a practice carried out in sheep
.- Identify the practice. [1 mark]
- State two reasons for carrying out the practice. [2 marks]
- At what age should the practice named in (a) above carried out? [1 mark]
- Give one reason why a hot iron is recommended when carrying out the practice. 1 mark
- Explain seven structural requirements for a grain store. [7 marks]
- State the factors considered when selecting livestock for breeding. [8 marks]
- Outline the procedure of handling a heifer when administering a liquid
deworming drug to control internal parasites. [5 marks]
- Describe ten characteristics of a poor layer. [10 marks]
- Describe short term tractor servicing. [5 marks]
- Explain five maintenance practices of a wheel barrow. [5 marks]
- Describe how a farmer will ensure clean milk production in a dairy farm. [10 marks]
- Outline four observations on behaviour of chicks that indicate that temperature
in a brooder is too high. [4 marks] - Explain six advantages of kenya top bar hive ( K.T.B.H ) in bee keeping. [6 marks]

marking scheme
- Uses of sleeping yard of a hutch 1 mark
- Provide shelter against sun/rain
- Mating
- Kindling
2 x ½ = 1 mk
- Characteristics of roughages 2 marks
- Bulky
- High crud fibre content
- Low in energy and protein/nutrients
- Low digestibility
- Mainly of plant origin
4 x ½ = 2 mks
- Categories of diseses. 2 marks
- Bacteria
- Viral
- Protozoan
- Nutritional -
4 x ½ = 2 mks
- Conditions that reduce quality of hatching eggs 2 marks
- Small size
- Candling qualities (doule yolk, blood spots etc
- Not fertilized
- Cracked shell
- Dirty eggs
- Age (more than 10 days old)
- Rough shell
4 x ½ = 2 mks
- Maintenance practices of a cross cut saw 2 marks
- Clean to remove dirt
- Sharpen teeth for efficient cutting
- Apply engine oil on blade for long storage to prevent rusting
- Teeth setting for efficiency in cutting.
- Repair/ replace broken handles to reduce injury
1 x 2 = 2 mks
- Limitations of solar power 2 marks.
- Solar panels/trapping devices are expensive
- Solar trapping fluctuates depending on weather
- Solar trapping is limited to day light
- Require skilled labour to install
4 x ½ = 2 mks
- . Breeds of dairy cattle 2 marks
- Friesian
- Ayrshire
- Jersey
- Guernsey
4 x ½ = 2 mks
- Origin of Sahiwal and red poll 1 mark
- Pakistan
- England
2 x ½ = 1 mk
- Symptoms of rinderpest disease. 2 marks
- Fever
- Staring coat
- Discharge from the mouth and nose
- Watery eyes/lachrimation
- Diarrhoea & dysentry
- Red mucous membranes with ulcers
- Teeth grinding
- Emaciation
- Tiredness / inactivity.
- Dullness
- Loss of appetite
4 x ½ = 2 mks
- Reasons for castrating piglets 2 marks
- Make boars docile
- Control inbreeding
- Improve quality of pork/bacon
- Hasten fastening/weight gain/growth rate
- Control breeding
- Control breeding diseases
4 x ½ = 2 mks
- Name two practices carried out in a crush. [1 mark]
- Milking
- Dehorning
- Vaccination
- praying
- Taking blood samples
- Treatment of animals
- Examination for disease symptoms
- Identification
- Hoof trimming
- AI administration
- Drenching
- Give two effects of internal parasites that are harmful to livestock. [1 mark]
- Damage internal organs
- Pot belly
- Indigestion
- Emaciation
- Block internal organs
- Anaemia
- Rob host its food
- Give four reasons why farmers steam up dairy cattle. [2 marks]
- Ensure birth of a healthy calf
- Build-up energy for parturition
- Increase and maintain high milk yield after birth
- Stimulate growth of alveoli cells
- Promote good health of cow/ mother
- Provide nutrients for maximum growth of foetus
- Outline four ways of maintaining good health in livestock. [2 marks]
- Proper selection and breeding
- Proper sanitation/proper disposal of carcass
- Regular vaccination
- Imposing quarantine
- Proper feeding/nutrition
- Control of internal parasites/drenching/deworming
- Timely treatment of sick animals
- Control of vectors/external parasites/dipping acc specific methods of external parasite control
- Proper housing
- Use of prophy lactic drugs e.g coccidiostats
- Name four methods of dehorning. [2 marks]
- Use of dehorning wire/saw
- Use of rubber band & elastrator
- Use of dehorning collodion
- Use of caustic potash
- Use of disbudding iron
- Distinguish between cropping and harvesting in fish. [2 marks]
- Cropping is selective removal of fish of marketable size from the pond; while harvesting is removal of all fish from a pond
Mark as a whole
- Cropping is selective removal of fish of marketable size from the pond; while harvesting is removal of all fish from a pond
- Give four importances of keeping livestock healthy. 2 marks
- They grow fast and mature early
- Are high yielding
- Produce high quality produce
- Have long productive life
- Are economical to keep
- Do not spread diseases to others and man
- Minimise losses through death due to disease
- Name the farm animal with this digestive system. [1 mark]
poultry acc. specific poultries e.g chicken 1 x 1 = 1mk - Name the part labeled.
L – Crop 1 x 1=1 mk
M- Gizzard 1 x 1 = 1 mk - State two functions of the part labeled N. [2 marks]
- Harbour micro-organisms that aid in digestion of cellulose
- Absorption of water and products of microbial digestion.
- Name the farm animal with this digestive system. [1 mark]
- The illustration below shows a farm practice used in the control of external parasites.
- Name the method of parasite control shown in the illustration. [1 mark]
Hand/ manual spraying rej. Spraying alone. 1 x 1 = 1 mk - Name two ectoparasites that can be controlled using this method. [1 mark
Ticks/keds/fleas /mites/lice 1 x 1 = 1 mk -
- Name the equipment being used to carry out the practice illustrated above.[1 mark]
Knap sack sprayer 1 x 1 = 1 mk - State two factors that will lead to maximum effectiveness when using the practice above to control ectoparasites. [2 marks
- Use correct chemical concentration
- complete wetting of the animal
- Restrain animal properly
- sprayer to be in good working condition
- Name the equipment being used to carry out the practice illustrated above.[1 mark]
- Name the method of parasite control shown in the illustration. [1 mark]
- Below is a diagram of a tool used in livestock rearing.
- Identify the tool. [1 mark]
Burdizzo - State two uses of the tool. [2 marks]
- Closed castration of males of livestock
- Docking
- Give two reasons why farmers prefer using the tool. [2 marks]
- Bloodless
- Less skill in its use
- Less stressful to male animal
- Less painful to male animal
- Identify the tool. [1 mark]
- The illustration below shows a practice carried out in sheep.
- Identify the practice. [1 mark]
Docking /tailing/ detailing - State two reasons for carrying out the practice. [2 marks]
- Allow proper contact during mating
- Allow even distribution of fat/marbling
- Promote hygiene of animal
- Minimise incidents of blow fly infestation
- At what age should the practice named in (a) above carried out? [1 mark]
- 1 – 2 wks old
- Give one reason why a hot iron is recommended when carrying out the practice. 1 mark
Cauterize wound/stop bleeding/prevent infection/sterilizer wound 1 x 1 = 1mk
- Identify the practice. [1 mark]
- Explain seven structural requirements for a grain store. [7 marks]
- Vermin proof ½ mk to keep rats away ½ mk
- Well aerated ½mk to avoid dampness on store/allow air circulation ½ mk
- Leak proof ½ mk to prevent dampness in the store ½ mk Free from cracks and crevices ½ mk to prevent pests ½ mk
- Raised above the ground ½ mk to prevent dampness ½ mk
- Secure ½ to prevent theft ½ mk
- Suitable entrance ½ mk for easy loading/off loading ½ mk
- Spacious; to hold more produce. 7 x 1 = mks
- State the factors considered when selecting livestock for breeding. [8 marks]
- Fertile
- High Production potential/yield capacity
- High offspring performance
- Fast Growth rate
- High Quality of produce
- Good Body conformation
- High Prolificacy
- Adaptability to local conditions/hardiness
- Good Temperament/behaviour/ docile
- Free from Deformities
- Good Mothering ability
- Healthy
- Young animals/ long life span.
- Able to resist Disease.
8 x 1 = 8 mks
- Outline the procedure of handling a heifer when administering a liquid deworming drug to control internal parasites. [5 marks
- Restrain heifer in a crush
- Hold it by the nostrils and lift its head up
- Open its mouth
- Place drenching gun/bottle on the tongue
- Release the dewormer into the mouth as far back as possible
- Release heifer
5 x 1 = 5 mks (marking is stepwise i.e if a step is omitted marking stops).
- Explain seven structural requirements for a grain store. [7 marks]
- Describe ten characteristics of a poor layer. [10 marks]
- Combs and wattles are small/shrunken/dry scaly and pale/shriveled
- Eyes dull and pale yellow
- Beak yellowish in colour
- Abdomen/breast hard and full
- Vent round, dry and less active
- Space between keel and pelvic bone small and fits only one to two fingers are
- Plummage preened and glossy/smooth
- Moulting early
- Shanks yellowish in colour
- Broodiness common
- Space between pelvic bones small and fits only one finger
- Temperament lazy and dull
10 x 1 = 10 mks
- Describe short term tractor servicing. [5 marks
- Check engine oil daily using a dip stick and maintain oil level;
- Check fuel level at start of every days work and add if necessary;
- Check water level in radiator and top up if low;
- Check electrolyte level daily and if low top up;
- Tighten loose nuts and bolts daily and replace lost ones;
- Large sediments from sediments bowl should be removed;
- Check tyre pressure daily and adjust accordingly;
- Check fan belt tension to ensure it deflects between 1.9 cm – 2.5 cm when pushed;
- Grease brake shaft bearing and maintain brake fluid level;
- Explain five maintenance practices of a wheel barrow. [5 marks]
- Grease wheel axle to reduce friction.
- Paint metallic parts to avoid rusting
- Repair/replace broken/worn out parts respectively for efficient working
- Clean after use to remove dirt
- Proper storage to avoid rusting
- Describe ten characteristics of a poor layer. [10 marks]
- Describe how a farmer will ensure clean milk production in a dairy farm. [10 marks]
- Milking equipment to be clean
- Clean milking parlour/shed
- Cows with mastitis to be milked last and milk disposed off.
- Clean udder before milking
- Milk to be filtered/sieved/strained
- Milk to be stored in a cool dry place
- Cows to be healthy/check cows regularly for milk borne diseases
- Cover milk after milking
- Avoid feeds that taint milk/avoid equipment that taint milk
- Milk to be cooled immediately after milking to reduce bacterial multiplication
- Clip hair around udder/flanks.
- Healthy and clean milk man.
10 x 1 = 10 mks
- Outline four observations on behaviour of chicks that indicate that temperature in a brooder is too high. [4 marks]
- Chicks move away from heat source
- Panting/opening of beaks
- Spreading of wings
- Making abnormal noise
- Drinking water excessively
- Chicks may lie flat on their bellies
4 x 1 = 4 mks (1st four)
- Explain six advantages of kenya top bar hive ( K.T.B.H ) in bee keeping. [6 marks]
- Easy to harvest honey
- High quality honey produced
- Easy to inspect combs
- Brood not damaged during harvesting because of queen excluder
- Has a higher capacity/ can hold a big bee colony
- Easy to construct and repair.
- Relatively secure against pests
- More wax is harvested as combs are not returned to the hive.
- The hive is cheap to build and does not require expensive equipment.
- Describe how a farmer will ensure clean milk production in a dairy farm. [10 marks]
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