- This paper consists of six questions.
- Answer any five questions in the spaces provided at the end of question 6.
- Each question carries 20 marks.
- Candidates should answer the questions in English.

- Give seven reasons why Christians read the bible. (7 marks)
- Outline the teachings on the relationship between human being and the environment from Genesis stories of creation. (7marks)
- State six consequences of breaking taboos in traditional African communities. (6 marks)
- Describe how God prepared the Israelites for the making of the covenant at Mt. Sinai.(Exodus 19). (8 marks)
- State seven importance of God’s covenant with Abraham. (7marks)
- Give five lessons that Christians learn from the incident when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. (5marks)
- State seven ways why the Israelites demanded to be led a king. (7marks)
- Describe the incident in which King Ahab took Naboth’s vineyard. (1 Kings 21: 1-16) (8 marks)
- State five lessons Christians learn from the ministry of Prophet Elijah. (5marks)
- Explain four categories of prophets in Old Testament. (8marks)
- Outline the teaching of prophet Amos on the remnant and a restoration of the Israelites.(Amos 9: 8-15) (6marks)
- State six relevance of prophet Amos teaching on election of Israel to Christians in Kenya today (6marks)
- Give reasons why Jeremiah was not willing to accept the call of God to become a prophet,(6marks)
- Give seven reasons why Nehemiah introduced the policy of separation of Jews from foreigners. (7 marks)
- Identify seven ways in which the Government of Kenya supports church leaders in their work. (7marks)
- State seven African Communities practices that show their belief in life after Death. (7marks)
- Identify the requirements that one had fulfill to be made an elder in traditional African Communities. (6marks)
- Outline seven Factors that are undermining the role of elders in Kenya today. (7marks)

- Give seven reasons why Christians read the bible (7 marks)
- It provides Christians with moral values.
- The Bible strengthens ones faith in God.
- It is a source of spiritual growth.
- It gives Christians inspiration and hope.
- It helps Christians understand their relationship with God.
- It enables Christians to understand the will of God.
- It is God's word since the authors were inspired by God.
- It acts as a source of knowledge to Christians.
- It acts as a source of Christian beliefs and practice
First 7 x 1 = 7 marks
- Outline the teachings on the relationship between human being and the environment from Genesis stories of creation (7marks)
- Both human beings and the environment were created by God/ common origin
- Human beings are superior to all other creatures
- Human beings should take care of the environment/ preserve and conserve it
- Human beings have authority over the rest of creation subdue the earth
- Human beings should enjoy God’s creation/ the rest of creation was made for the human beings/ use for glory of God
- All creation is very good human beings should treat the rest of creation with reverence respect.
- Human beings and the environment are independent/ over their existence to each other.
- Human beings and the rest of God’s creation have a common destiny.
7 x 1 = 7 marks
- State six consequences of breaking taboos in traditional African communities (6 marks)
- Being cursed.
- Denial of privileges.
- Ridicule through songs and dances.
- Being cursed by elders.
- Denial of privileges i n the community.
- Payment of fines.
- Excommunication from the community.
- Death First 6 x 1 = 6 marks
- Give seven reasons why Christians read the bible (7 marks)
- Describe how God prepared the Israelites for the making of the covenant at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19). (8 marks)
- God told Moses to remind the people of Israel of how he had brought them out of Egypt.
- God told Moses that He wanted to make Israel a kingdom of priests.
- Moses called all the elders and told them what God had said.
- . God told Moses that he wanted the Israelites to obey him.
- The Israelites promised to do all that the Lord had said.
- God promised to come down and meet with people on the third day.
- People were instructed to consecrate themselves by washing their garments.
- People were to abstain from sexual relationships.
- On the t h i r d day, there was a thick cloud, a loud trumpet blast and an earthquake on the mountain.
- Moses brought people out of the camp to meet God. People stood at the foot of the mountain
First 8 x 1 = 8 marks
- State seven importance of God’s covenant with Abraham. (7marks)
- God established a personal relationship w i t h Abraham
- It showed that Abraham had faith and obedience in God.
- Through this covenant, God initiated a plan of salvation for mankind.
- Through the covenant, Abraham and his descendants were assured of God's protection.
- The covenant with Abraham marked the beginning of a lasting relationship between human beings and God.
- The covenant showed God's commitment to the fulfillment of the promises He made to him.
- It confirmed Abraham as God's choice through whom all nations shall receive salvation.
- Descendants of Abraham were promised the land of Canaan.
- It showed that God was i n control of Abraham's life.
- The covenant signifies God's readiness to die in the person of His son, Jesus, to fulfill the covenant.
First 7 x 1 = 7 marks
- Give five lessons that Christians learn from the incident when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac (5marks)
- Christians should obey God.
- Christians should have faith in God.
- They should be patient and wait upon God/should not give up.
- They should be prepared to face difficult situations
- They should be ready to give up everything for God/be totally committed to God.
- God blesses those who are ready to serve him.
- They should rely on God's guidance.
- They should involve family members in worship.
First 5 x 1 = 5 marks
- Describe how God prepared the Israelites for the making of the covenant at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19). (8 marks)
- State seven ways why the Israelites demanded to be led a king (7marks)
- Samuel had become old/ unable to rule/ feared he would dies
- Samuel appointed his sons as judges/ made the post hereditary
- The sons of Samuel were corrupt/ his sons had failed as judges
- The Israelites wanted to be like others nations
- They wanted a king who could lead them to war against their enemies
- They wanted a leader whom they could see/ rejected God as their king
- They wanted a political government with national authority/ organized system
First 7 x 1 = 7 marks
- Describe the incident in which King Ahab took Naboth’s vineyard. (1 Kings 21: 1-16) 8 marks
- Naboth’s had a vineyard in Jezreel, beside the palace of King Ahab.
- King Ahab asked Naboth to give him the vineyard/sell it to him for a vegetable garden.
- Naboth refused to sell it to King Ahab because it was an inheritance from his fore fathers.
- King Ahab went home dejected/sad/disappointed/refused to eat.
- His wife Jezebel asked why he was sad.
- When Ahab explained what Naboth had told him, Jezebel asked him whether he was the king or not/said she would give Ahab the vineyard of Naboth.
- Jezebel wrote letters to the elders of the city instructing them to accuse Naboth of blasphemy/treason.
- The elders organized for Naboth to be punished/killed.
- When Jezebel heard about the death of Naboth’s, she told King Ahab to go and take possession of the vineyard.
- King Ahab went to possess the vineyard
Any 8x 1 = 8 marks
- State five lessons Christians learn from the ministry of Prophet Elijah. (5marks)
- . Christians should worship the true God only.
- Christians should courageously condemn all forms of corruption/evil, in society.
- Christians should be loyal/obedient to God/faithful.
- Christians should be willing to carry out God’s work despite the challenges they may
- Face/endure persecutions.
- Christians should lead holy/righteous lives to avoid God’s punishment.
- Christians should be prayerful.
- Christians should fight for the poor/weak to avoid any form of oppression/promote justice in the society.
- Christians should trust/have faith in God
First 5 x 1 = 5 marks
- State seven ways why the Israelites demanded to be led a king (7marks)
- Explain four categories of prophets in old testament (8marks)
- True prophets ----acted on behalf of God and their messages were fulfilled
- False prophet------ claimed to speak on behalf God and their messages were never fulfilled
- Major prophets------ Prophets whose writings are elaborate and detailed
- Minor prophets--------- books are brief
- Canonical books--------- their oracles are recorded
- Non canonical--------oracles complied by others
- Cultic--------duties associated with places of worship
Any 4 x 2 = 8 marks
- Outline the teaching of prophet Amos on the remnant and a restoration of the Israelites (Amos 9: 8-15) (6marks)
- God would restore the dynasty of David after destruction
- God would bring the people back to their land
- The people would rebuild their cities so that the remnant of Edom can occupy them
- The land would be reproductive/grapes will be in abundance/wine would be in plenty
- The people would grow food and harvest it
- The people of Israel would peaceful/prosperous
- The Israelites would never be taken into exile again.
Any 6 x 1 = 6 marks
- State six relevance of prophet Amos teaching on election of Israel to Christians in Kenya today (6marks)
- Christians are Gods people
- It is God who chooses them to be Christians
- God chooses one to be a Christians
- The Christians have been chosen by God to proclaim the good news/service.
- God protects the His people from their enemies
- Christians should be faithful/obedient to god
- They will be punished by God if they do wrong.
- They should always repent their sins/ask for forgiveness
- The priests/bishops/church leaders are chosen by God First 6 x 1 = 6 marks
- Explain four categories of prophets in old testament (8marks)
- Give reasons why Jeremiah was not willing to accept the call of God to become a prophet, (6marks)
- He was not sure of what could be done to him by the people because of the message he was to deliver to them (response to the message).
- The task was too difficult / overwhelming for him.
- He lacked confidence
- He felt he was too young / inexperienced as prophet.
- He did not have the message to the people
- He did not know how to speak
- He was afraid of confronting the king
Any 6x 1 = 6 marks
- Give seven reasons why Nehemiah introduced the policy of separation of Jews from foreigners. (7 marks)
- Nehemiah wanted to keep the Jewish community pure.
- The Jews were an ethnic minority which needed to preserve their identity.
- Judah was a small and vulnerable nation in large Persian Empire which needed to remain united.
- There were conflicts between post exilic Jews and those who had remained behind over land ownership.
- The Jews returning from exile needed to be isolated and united because the Jews who had remained behind were defiled, through intermarriages.
- Intermarriages posed a threat through land inheritance.
- Intermarriages would lead the Jews into Idolatry due to foreign influence of foreign wives.
- Reforms could not be effectively carried out without separation from foreigners
- The desire to keep Jewish community pure after the exile through birth and religious loyalty.
First 7 x 1 = 7 marks
- Identify seven ways in which the Government of Kenya supports church leaders in their work (7marks)
- The government gives financial assistance for development.
- The government supports church-sponsored institutions.
- The government allows freedom of worship.
- By availing facilities to host church workshops, seminars and conferences
- By including CRE in the curriculum
- By employing some of them as chaplains i n education institutions and in the armed forces
- By organizing national prayer days
- By supporting leaders in conducting their charitable services
- The government has granted permission to the church to operate media station
- The government recognizes the church calendar
First 7 x 1 = 7 marks
- Give reasons why Jeremiah was not willing to accept the call of God to become a prophet, (6marks)
- State seven African Communities practices that show their belief in life after Death. (7mks)
- Naming children after the dead
- Invoking the names of the dead during problems /important occasions
- Burying the dead with some property
- Offering sacrifices to the dead
- Powering of libation to the living dead/ancestors/leaving some food for the
- living dead
- Taking care of the graveyards
- Fulfilling the wishes/will of the deed/carrying out the demands of the dead
- Talking of the dead as having gone for a walk
- Washing the dead body/oiling/decent burial
- Holding commemoration ceremonies
- Burying the dead in a particular position/direction/ancestral land.
First 7x1= 7mks
- Identify the requirements that one had fulfill to be made an elder in traditional African Communities. (6marks)
- Being initiated
- Must be married
- Being of good conduct/respected in society
- Should have children
- Having the right/specified age
- Ability to provide for others/wealth
- Should be knowledgeable in matters of the society/confidential/wise
- Having support from leaders of the society
- Be of sound mind/good health
- Be a bonafide member of the community
- By undergoing the rituals of being an elder.
Any 6 x 1= 6mks
- Outline seven Factors that are undermining the role of elders in Kenya today. (7marks)
- Modern education/technology
- Urbanization/migration
- Intermarriage
- Laws are made in Parliament/Constitution of Kenya is applied
- Western way of life tends to promote individualism
- Wealth has taken over ‘age’ as symbol of status
- Most judicial duties have been taken over by the courts
- Christianity has influenced the members who listen to their church leaders other than the elders
- Permissiveness/moral decadence.
First 7 x 1 = 7 marks
- State seven African Communities practices that show their belief in life after Death. (7mks)
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