- This paper consists of six questions.
- Answer any five questions in the spaces provided at the end of question 6.
- Each question carries 20 marks.
- Candidates should answer the questions in English.

- Outline the events that took place on the night Jesus was born. (7marks)
- Outline the message given to Mary by Angel Gabriel concerning Jesus. (6marks)
- Outline seven ways through which Christians in Kenya express their joy for the birth of Jesus.
- State seven importance of transfiguration to Jesus and his disciples’ life. (7marks)
- Describe the incident when Jesus was rejected at Nazareth (Luke 4: 16-30) (7 marks)
- State six ways in which church leaders can respond to those who oppose them in their work. (5marks)
- Narrate the parable of the shrewd manager in Luke 16:1-10. (7marks)
- State seven teachings of Jesus on the kingdom of God. (7marks)
- State six ways on how Christians misuse their wealth. (6marks)
- State seven Saint Paul’s teaching on the proper use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the church. (7marks)
- Describe how the image of the body of Christ is used in relation to the unity of believers. (8marks)
- Outline five causes of conflict in the church today. (5marks)
- Explain four causes of unemployment in Kenya today. (8marks)
- State the role of professional ethics in a work place. (6marks)
- State six consequences of denying employees rest. (6marks)
- State ways through which unfair distribution of wealth can lead to social disorder in Kenya today. (8marks)
- Outline six teachings of Jesus on wealth. (6marks)
- Outline the importance of paying taxes as a Christian to the Government of Kenya. (6marks)

- Outline the events that took place on the night Jesus was born. (7mks)
- When Jesus was born his mother wrapped him in cloths
- She placed him in a manger
- There were shepherds watching over their flock
- An Angel appeared to the shepherds in the region to tell them of the birth of the Saviour
- A great company of heavenly hosts/angels/appeared singing praises to God
- The shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem /hurried off to Bethlehem
- The shepherds saw the baby
- They spread the news about the baby to other people
- The shepherds returned praising /glorifying god
- The angel gave a sign on how to identify the baby
(7 x1=7 marks)
- Outline the message given to Mary by Angel Gabriel concerning Jesus. (6mks)
- She was highly favored among women.
- She will bring forth a son/will be named Jesus.
- He will be called the son of the highest/son of God/will be great.
- He will be given the throne of his father David.
- He will reign over the house of Jacob forever.
- The kingdom will be everlasting.
- The Holy Spirit would come upon him.
- The child to be born would be holy.
- That Elizabeth her cousin had also conceived in her old age.
- With God, nothing will be impossible.
Any 6x1=6 marks
- Outline seven ways through which Christians in Kenya express their joy for the birth of Jesus. (7mks)
- They sing / listen to Christian songs /carols
- They attend Christmas worship/service/ mass
- They partake of the Holy Communion/ Eucharist
- They exchange gifts / cards / messages of goodwill
- They visit friends/ relatives.
- They decorate their homes/churches
- They buy/ wear new clothes
- They prepare special dishes /drinks
- They rest from normal duties
- They hold Christmas concerts/ drama
- They watch movies /films on the birth of Jesus
- They read Christmas stories /the bible
- They help the needy /acts of charity
- They repent /rededicate themselves to God. (8x1= 8 marks)
- Outline the events that took place on the night Jesus was born. (7mks)
- State seven importance of transfiguration to Jesus and his disciples life. (7mks)
- Moses and Elijah appeared to confirm of his coming suffering and death
- Moses and Elijah represented the law and the prophets respectively to show that Jesus had come to fulfill the Law and the prophets
- He was encouraged to carry on his mission by Moses and Elijah and by the voice of God.
- It confirmed to Jesus the kind of death he was going to go through
- It confirmed to the tree disciples that Jesus was divine in nature / God sent
- It strengthened the faith of his three disciples who witnessed it
- It confirmed to the disciples that he was the messiah
- The voice from heaven confirmed that Jesus was the son of God and the disciples were right in following him.
- It empowered Jesus to be confident to go to Jesus to face his suffering and death.
- It prepared the disciples of Jesus for his death and resurrection
- It taught his disciples that he was to be obeyed and trusted
- It revealed to the disciples that there is life after death
- The disciples had a glimpse of Jesus in his heavenly glory
- It prepared peter for the future leadership of the church
- It helped the disciples to understand that Jesus was sent by God to establish a new Kingdom on earth
First 7 x 1=7mks
- Describe the incident when Jesus was rejected at Nazareth (Luke 4: 16-30)
- Jesus came to Nazareth where he was brought up.
- He went to the synagogue as he usually did on the Sabbath day
- He was given book of prophet Isaiah when he stood up to read.
- He opened the book, found the place that was written about him and read it to the people.
- After reading he closed the book and gave it to the attendant and sat down
- Everybody in the synagogue looked at him
- He told them that the scripture he has read was fulfilled in their hearing
- All people were happy with what he had spoken
- People wondered aloud saying “is this not Joseph’s son
- Jesus told them that they would ask him to do in his own country things he had done in Capernaum/he told them that a prophet is not accepted in his own country things.
- He told them that there were many widows in Israel during the time of Elijah but God sent the prophet to a widow in Zarephath/God only healed Naaman the Syrian of leprosy during the time of Prophet Elisha.
- They were filled with anger/wanted to throw him head long the cliff
- Jesus passed through their midst and went away.
Any 7 x 1=7mks
- State six ways in which church leaders can respond to those who oppose them in their work
- Find out the causes/reasons for the opposition
- The church leader should pray for/with them
- Explain to them the Gospel truth in a humble manner/guide and counsel them
- Seek reconciliation through third party/another person
- Involve them in decision making/church activities
- Recognize their efforts in supporting the church maters
- Visit them in their homes/fellowship with them /preaching
- Assist them when in problem. (financial/materially)
- Send them message of encouragement
- Change your approach to issue/reform where necessary.
First 6 x 1=6mks
- State seven importance of transfiguration to Jesus and his disciples life. (7mks)
- Narrate the parable of the shrewd manager in Luke 16:1-10. (7mks)
- There was a rich man who had a steward.
- He received charges that the steward was wasting his goods.
- He told him what he was hearing about him.
- He told him to turn in the account of his stewardship for he could no longer be steward.
- The steward asked himself what he would do since his master was taking the stewardship away from him.
- He was not strong enough to dig and was ashamed to beg.
- He decided what to do so that people may receive him into their houses when he is out of the stewardship.
- The steward was to summon his master’s debtors one by one.
- He went to the first one and asked him how much he owed his master. The debtor said a hundred measures of oil, which he was told to write fifty.
- He asked another how much he owed his master. He said a hundred measures of wheat, which he was told to write eighty.
- The master commended the dishonest steward for his shrewdness for the sons of his world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation that the sons of light.
Any (7 x 1=7mks)
- State seven teachings of Jesus on the kingdom of God. (7mks)
- Repentance is required for one to enter God’s kingdom
- It’s God who establish his kingdom
- One needs to work hard and he productive to belong to God’s kingdom
- God’s kingdom is established through liberating people from the bondage of Satan
- God’s kingdom grows and spreads to all corners of the earth attracting many people
- God’s kingdom works in an unseen manner
- One has to strive to enter God’s kingdom
- God’s kingdom was manifested through healing
- The kingdom of for all people
- God’s kingdom is for those who accept God’s call to dine together
- God searches the lost and brings them back in the kingdom
- There is joy in the kingdom of God when one lost individual is brought back.
1st 7x1=7mk
- State six ways on how Christians misuse their wealth. (6mks)
- They indulge in drug hey indulge in drug abuse
- They engage in gambling
- They engage in sexual immorality
- They buy positions of power, status and even positions
- They use wealth to show off
- They give too much to their children
- They use it to lure others into social evils
- They accumulate and don’t share it
- They do luxurious living
- They support and promote dangerous projects
- They engage in drug abuse.
First 6 x 1=6mks
- Narrate the parable of the shrewd manager in Luke 16:1-10. (7mks)
- State seven saint Paul’s teaching on the proper use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the church. (7mks)
- The gifts of the Holy Spirit should be used for the common good of all.
- They should be used to edify/ strengthen/encourage/comfort members
- They should be used to bring unity/not to discriminate/divide members
- There is need to respect/ appreciate all the gifts
- The gifts of the holy spirit should be used in love
- The gift of speaking in tongues should be minimized in public worship
- There is need to have interpretation of tongues for them to be meaningful/helpful
- The gifts should be used in an orderly manner /should not be used to bring confusion in the church
- Prophecies should be carefully evaluated / their ways.
First (7x1=7 marks)
- Describe how the image of the Body of Christ is used in relation to the unity of believers. (8mks)
- St. Paul describes the believers as the body of Christ
- Christ is the head of the church
- The believers form parts of the body.
- The body has different organs. In the same way the Church has different members
- They all need to work together for the well-being of the church.
- Every part of the body is needed to make it whole /all parts are interdependent/ one part cannot be without the other.
- The different church members are given different spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit to carry out God’s work.
- Believers are united through baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Any (4x2= 8 marks)
- Outline five causes of conflict in the church today. (5mks)
- Competition for the leadership roles
- Greed among Christians
- Selfishness among Christians
- Misinterpretation of the word of God
- Corruption in the church
- Misuse of church funds and powers
- Lack of transparency and accountability in running church affairs
- Political interference from the state
- Discrimination among church members
- Denominational differences
- Lack of concern for the plight of others
- The emergency of charismatic movement and splinter groups
- Failure of the church to live according to the law of God.
First 5 x 1=5mks
- State seven saint Paul’s teaching on the proper use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the church. (7mks)
- Explain four causes of unemployment in Kenya today. (8mks)
- Bribery/corruption is a social evil that denies jobs to those qualified
- High population whereby there are too many people for the available job opportunities.
- Lack of money to start individual businesses/unavailability of finances.
- Some people lack skills, which make them not to be absorbed in the job market.
- Rural-urban migration: - many people are congested in towns where job opportunities are limited.
- Foreign aid: - dependence on foreign aid causes the donors to give conditions of employment that is lean service.
- Selfishness/greed: - some Kenyans have more than two jobs, while others lack.
- Education system: - many Kenyans prefer white collar jobs after school and because of stiff competition for available spaces, many remain unemployed.
- Negative attitude towards work: - some Kenyans lack the initiative to do or participate in economic activities/just idle around.
- Unequal distribution of wealth: Some regions have more resources that create employment than others.
- New technological advances that has led to retrenchment. (4 x 2= 8 marks)
- State the role of professional ethics in a work place. (6mks)
- They guide the workers on how to relate with one another
- They define how worker should handle/relate with their clients
- They help to create healthy interaction between the workers/employees and their supervisors/authority.
- They help in maintaining the standards of the service offered/goods produced in a work place
- They determine how one should perform his/her duties/keep up the date with the demands of the profession
- They help to maintain dignity of the profession/ integrity of the workers
- They help the public to respect the professional from undue pressures from other interested parties.
- They help to determine the entry requirement/qualifications needed in a given profession.
Any (6 x 1=6 marks)
- State six consequences of denying employees rest. (6mks)
- It may lead to poor working relations
- The organization may realize low output.
- The workers may resort to a strike action / go slow
- Some of the employees may lose their job through sacking/resignation,
- It can lead to poor health / death.
- It may lead to break up of families.
- It can lead to labour conflicts between the employer/ employee,
- Mistrust may arise leading to close supervision,
- Employees may develop negative attitudes towards work.
- Accidents are likely to occur.
- Vandalism
First (6x1= 6 marks)
- Explain four causes of unemployment in Kenya today. (8mks)
- State ways through which unfair distribution of wealth can lead to social disorder in Kenya today. (8mks)
- It causes anger/hatred
- Some people can steal/grab in order to be at par with those who have
- It widens the gap between the rich and the poor
- Regional /ethnic clashes can occur because of inequitable distribution of land.
- It can create discontent /dissolution /apathy among the people
- It forms a basis for oppression of the poor by the rich /those who have
- It makes those who have look down upon those who don’t have
- It can lead to violence /murder
- It can lead to sexual exploitation /immorality
- It leads to strikes /demonstration/ industrial action
- It can lead to a strained relationship between the government and people
Any (8x1= 8 marks)
- Outline six teachings of Jesus on wealth.(6mks)
- wealth should be acquired in the right manner
- wealth is a gift from God/god given
- Wealth should be used to serve God/expand God’s Kingdom
- Those who have wealth are only stewards
- Those who have wealth should share it with others/help the needy/poor
- Poverty is not a result of sin/the poor can only enjoy God’s blessing
- Wealth can be hindrance for one to enter in the Kingdom of God
- One cannot serve God and mammon/wealth
- Wealth cannot satisfy all human needs/cannot answer human quest for salvation.
- Those who have wealth should avoid extravagance/prodigality/luxury
- Earthly wealth/possession is temporary
- Those who have wealth should use it responsibly.
First (6x1= 6 marks)
- Outline the importance of paying taxes as a Christian to the Government of Kenya. (6mks)
- To emulate Jesus who paid tax to the Roman authorities
- To heed Jesus instructions to respect the civil authorities
- Christians pay taxes in order to receive service from the government
- To provide essential services
- Christians pay taxes as a sign of patriotism
- Christians pay taxes as a way of sharing their wealth/ resources with others
- It is their duty to pay taxes to the government
- To enable the government to meet its financial obligations
(6 x1= 6 marks)
- State ways through which unfair distribution of wealth can lead to social disorder in Kenya today. (8mks)
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