Instructions to candidates.
- This paper consists of six questions.
- Each question is 20 marks.
- Answer any five questions in the booklet provided.
- Outline the message of Prophet Nathan about the Messiah(1 Sam 7:3-17) (6mks)
- Describe Mary’s visit to Elizabeth in Luke 1:39 – 56. (8 mks)
- Give six ways in which the church has tried to improve the life of women in Kenya. (6marks)
- Describe the commissioning of the seventy two disciples (6mks)
- Outline eight methods used by Jesus to spread the Gospel. (8mks)
- Give six difficulties experienced by evangelist in their missionary work today (6mks)
- Give six reasons why Jesus cleansed the temple of Jerusalem (Luke 22:8-13) (6mks)
- Outline the preparations that Jesus made for the last supper. (7mks)
- Give reasons why peter denied Jesus (7Marks)
- Relate Peters’ message on the day of Pentecost in (Acts 2:1-40). (7mks)
- State ways in which the Holy Spirit was manifested on the day of Pentecost (6mks)
- Give seven ways in which the fruit of Holy Spirit is misused in church today (7mks)
- Explain the teaching of Jesus about the vine and the branches in John 15:1-10. (7mks)
- State seven factors which brought disunity in the church at Corinth (7mks)
- State six ways in which churches discipline those who cause disunity in the church today (6marks)
- Identify seven problems related to family life today. (7mks)
- Give the reasons why the church in Kenya is opposed to same sex marriage. (7mks)
- Explain six reasons that discourage victims of rape from reporting rape cases. (6mks)

- Message of Prophet Nathan about the messiah 2 Sam 7:3-17
- His Kingdom will last forever.
- He will come from the lineage of David.
- He would save Israelites from their enemies.
- His Kingdom would be strong.
- Israel would live in peace.
- God would make David’s name great and bless his descendants forever.
- God would support the king.
( 6x1 = 6mks)
- Describe Mary’s visit to Elizabeth in Luke 1:39-56
- Mary rose and went to visit Elizabeth.
- She entered Zachariah’s house
- Mary greeted Elizabeth
- When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greetings the baby leaped
- Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit
- Elizabeth exclaimed with loud cry
- She blessed Mary and child inside her womb
- Elizabeth wondered why Mary the mother of her lord would visit her
- Elizabeth informed Mary that the baby inside her womb had leaped for joy when she greeted her
- Mary responded by praising God/she composed the magnificat song
- Mary stayed with her for three months and then she went back (8x1=8mks)
- Six ways in which the church has tried to improve the life of women in Kenya.
- Providing them with education
- The church sensitizing women on their rights.
- Training / encouraging them to take leadership roles.
- Ordaining women as pastors, elders / reverends
- Giving them the work of guidance and counseling.
- Condemning all discriminations against women/ diminishing of women.
- Praying and preaching for their rights
- Building schools / institutions for girls and women to get education
- Establishing projects to improve them from economic hardships
- Printing literature on the plight of women in Kenya
- The church urges the government to improve the welfare of women.
- Rehabilitating those with life problems like prostitution or drugs addiction (6x1=6mks)
- Message of Prophet Nathan about the messiah 2 Sam 7:3-17
- Describe the commissioning of the seventy two disciples
- Jesus sent out seventy two disciples
- They were sent out two by two
- They were to go to all the places where Jesus would visit
- He instructed them not to take any purse, bag or sandals
- The disciples were not to greet anyone on their way.
- They were to stay in the homes where they were received
- In towns where they were welcome, they were to heal the sick and proclaim the kingdom of God is near
- They were to disassociate themselves from hostile towns by shaking off dust and proclaim the news of God’s Kingdom.
- The 72 returned with joy as their mission was successfuL
- Methods used by Jesus to spread the gospel.
- Preaching in the temple and synagogues.
- Healing the sick.
- Through giving sermons.
- Teaching using parables.
- Through raising the dead.
- Through questions and answers.
- He gave assignments and answers.
- Use of wise sayings.
- Through demonstrations.
- Making visits to homes - He visited Martha and Mary.
- Using his personal life experiences.
- Quoting the Old Testament texts.
(8 x 1 = 8 mks)
- Give difficulties experienced by evangelist in their missionary work today
- Modern missionaries experience shortage of funds
- Poor transport system
- Language barrier
- Cultural diversity
- Rejection
- Insecurity
- Social evils such as corruption
- Adverse climate conditions
- Negative influence of mass media
- Lack of housing or accommodation
( 6x 1 = 6mks
- Describe the commissioning of the seventy two disciples
- Reasons why Jesus cleansed the temple of Jerusalem.
- It was a place of worship and people had defiled it.
- It was supposed to be a house of prayer
- The money changers were dishonest and acted as robbers.
- The people dishonored and disrespected Him in the temple.
- Its holy place and it had been wrongly used.
- The money changers were hindering the gentile worshippers from using the temple.
- Jesus was exercising His messianic authority.
Any 6 points (6x1=6marks)
- Preparations that Jesus made for the last supper(Luke 22:8-13)
- Jesus sent Peter and John to prepare for the last supper/Passover
- He instructed two disciples to go into the city/Jerusalem
- He told them that they would meet a man in the city carrying a jug
- Jesus told him that they should follow the man into the house he was to enter
- Once in the house, the disciples were to ask the owner/householder to show them the guest room
- Jesus told the disciples that the householder/owner would show them a furnished upper roo
- He instructed the disciples to prepare the room
- The disciples prepared the meal
- Jesus together with his disciple sat down in the prepared room
- Reasons why peter denied Jesus
- He was afraid of being arrested
- He was overcome by the devil
- His denial was predicted by Jesus
- Peter was confused by the turn of events
- He was disappointed by the fact that Jesus didn’t fight back
- He lacked faith in Jesus
- He had no support of other disciples
- He was very sure of his loyalty to Jesus
- His reaction was due to human weakness i.e he lacked the moral courage to stand by Jesus during His suffering
- The gospel portrays him as very spontaneous/impulsive / acting in the spur of the moment
- Reasons why Jesus cleansed the temple of Jerusalem.
- Peters’ message on the day of Pentecost in (Acts 2:1-40).
- He told people that the disciples were not drunk
- They were filled by holy spirit as fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy
- That Jesus was the son of God
- Jesus was indeed messiah. This was seen in the miracles signs and wonders performed by Jesus
- The suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus was according to Gods plan. Jesus had been killed by the Jews because of their wickedness
- God raised Jesus back to life
- Jesus was a descendant of David
- Jesus ascended to heaven and is sits at right hand side of God
- Jesus has been highly exalted
- Jesus has been made both lord and Christ and judge
- The holy spirit was fulfillment of the promise that Jesus Christ made to his disciples before ascension
- He called people to repent their sins so as to be forgiven
Any 7 points (7x1=7marks)
- Ways in which the Holy Spirit was manifested on the day of Pentecost
- Through a sound from heaven
- Like mighty rushing wind
- As tongues of fire resting on each disciple’ head
- By disciples being able to speak in different languages
- By peter becoming courageous to preach
- By many people being convicted of their sins
- By many people repenting their sins and being baptized
Any 6 points (6x1=6marks)
- Ways in which the fruit of holy spirit is misused in church today
- People demand favors/payments for performing miracles
- People claim to be under the influence of the holy spirit when they are not
- There is too much of speaking in tongues at the expense of other gifts
- Those who have the gifts of the holy spirit are proud
- People misinterpret the bible while claiming to be under the influence of the holy spirit
- Individuals cause division in church claiming that holy spirit has inspired them to start new churches
- Sometimes the gifts of the holy spirit are expressed in disorderly manner
- People use the gifts for self glorification
- People use the gifts to instill fear or intimidate others
- People speak in tongues without interpreter hence causing confusion
- Peters’ message on the day of Pentecost in (Acts 2:1-40).
- The teaching of Jesus about the vine and the branches in John 15:1-10. (7marks)
- God is the vine dresser/Jesus is the true vine.
- The followers of Jesus/Christians are the branches.
- Christians are related/united to God through Jesus.
- The unfaithful Christian’s are the unfruitful/branches which are cut away/destroyed.
- Christians can only bear fruits/do good things if they remain united to Christ.
- Through Christ all Christians are joined to one other.
- Christians should rely on God for providence.
- Christians observe/keep God’s commandment.
- Causes of disunity in the early church
- Dispute in the church leadership
- There was a belief by some Christians that the gift of speaking in tongues was the greatest.
- There was misuse of the Lord’s Supper where people assembled according to social status and the poor were left out.
- Some did not believe in the resurrection of the body
- Some Christians ate food offered to the Idols thus misleading the weak in faith.
- Sexual immorality such as incest was rampant
- Dispute over marriage and divorce
- Settling disputes in court before the Pagan authorities.
(7 x 1 =7mks)
- Ways in which churches discipline those who cause disunity in the church today.
- They are denied leadership position.
- They are denied some church services e.g. burial rites.
- They are given a warning.
- They are reprimanded and asked to apologize.
- Sometimes suspended from undertaking church duties /rituals
- Leaders are asked to resign.
- They are rebuked publicly
- Sending them away/ex-communicated/banished from church
- The teaching of Jesus about the vine and the branches in John 15:1-10. (7marks)
- 8 problems related to family life today.
- Poverty.
- Affluence which encourage luxurious & carefree living.
- Widespread unemployment.
- Retrenchment.
- Separation of family members due to work, further education oe bereavement.
- Divorce.
- Domestic violence.
- Mismanagement of family funds/resources.
- Generation gap causing conflict between youth and their parents.
- Lack of communication.
- Mixed marriage that creates cultural and religious conflicts.
- Alcoholism and drug abuse.
- Science and technology
(8 x 1 = 8 mks )
- Reasons why the church in Kenya is opposed to same sex marriage
- it may lead to contracting STI and HIV/AIDS
- It is against the law of the Land
- It is against the African culture
- it is a sign of lack of commitment and responsibility
- It is immoral/evil/abnormal
- marriage is for procreation which same sex marriage cannot fulfill/serve
- it goes against God’s commands/law
- it degrades human dignity/brings shame.
- It undermine the institution of marriage which is a gift from God which is heterosexual
- The bible forbids same sex marriage as a sin/abomination
- It can lead to psychological problems due to guilt.
- It can lead to death.
- It leads to rejection/being outcast
- Reasons that discourage victims of rape from reporting rape cases
- They feel ashamed/shy to reveal it to other people
- They fear the stigma associated with rape
- Some fear to be abandoned by their partner especially married women
- Authorities e.g peoples status might be feared
- Some are ignorant of their rights/they might not know whom/how to report the cases
- Laxity in punishing sexual offenders e.g rape cases take long
- Rape is agonizing/traumatizing therefore the victims feel depressed/withdrawn and they will not want to talk about it
- Families may discourage it especially if a relative is involved
- 8 problems related to family life today.
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