Tuesday, 15 November 2022 08:03

Social Studies Activities - Grade 5 Schemes of Work Term 2 2023

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Strand/The me

Sub strand

Specific learning outcomes

Key inquiry Questions

Learning experiences

Learning Resources

Assessment methods

Ref l




Importance on interdependence of language groups in Kenya

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Develop communication messages on the benefits of interdependence of language groups in Kenya
  2. explain the benefits of interdependence of language groups in Kenya
  3. desire to live peacefully with others

How do different language groups interact?

Develop in groups, communication messages on the benefits of interdependence of language groups in Kenya and post them in strategic places in school

  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs,
  • Pictures and paintings
  • Flash cards and posters
  • TV/video/films/s lides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts

a) Oral Questions
b) Teacher made tests
c) Observation
d)  Project Work
e) Anecdotal Records
g) Portfolio.





Population Distribution In Kenya

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. describe population distribution in Kenya
  2. locate areas of high and low population density in Kenya
  3. appreciate population distribution in Kenya

How is the settlement of people across Kenya?

Learners are guided to:

  • Brainstorm in groups, areas of high and low population density in Kenya
  • Identify areas of high and low population density in Kenya using appropriate media

Local and extended environment

  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures and paintings
  • Flash cards and posters
  • TV/video/films/slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests Observation





Population Distribution In Kenya

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. describe population distribution in Kenya
  2. locate areas of high and low population density in Kenya
  3. appreciate population distribution in Kenya

How is the settlement of people across Kenya?

  • Shade in pairs , areas of low and high population density using a  sketch map of Kenya
  • Summarize in groups, population distribution in Kenya and share in class.
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures and paintings
  • Flash cards and posters
  • TV/video/films/s lides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts 
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests Observation






Population Distribution In Kenya

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. describe population distribution in Kenya
  2. locate areas of high and low population density in Kenya
  3. appreciate population distribution in Kenya
How is the settlement of people across Kenya?  
  • Draw a map of Kenya and show areas of high and low population density and display in class
  • Play computer games on population distribution in Kenya.
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures and paintings
  • Flash cards and posters
  • TV/video/films/s lides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts 
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests Observation



By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. identify resources in Kenya
  2. collect samples of resources found in Kenya
  3. care for resources within the school environment
How do we use resources in our country?

Learners are guided to:

  • Identify resources found in Kenya such as land, minerals, water and forests and using appropriate media
  • Take a nature walk around the school locality to identify resources and share their findings in class.
  • Local and extended environment
  • Photographs, pictures and paintings
  • Flash cards and posters
  • TV/video/films/s lides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts 
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Resources in Kenya

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. identify resources in Kenya
  2. collect samples of resources found in Kenya
  3. care for resources within the school environment
How do we use resources in our country?
  • Brainstorm in groups to identify resources found in Kenya
  • Find out how resources are cared for within the  locality
  • Care for trees and soil within the school environment
  • Collect samples of resources found within the environment and display them in class
  • Write a poem on the resources found in Kenya
  • Local and extended environment
  • Photographs, pictures and paintings
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Agriculture: Farming Methods

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  1. Differentiate between subsistence and small scale farming in Kenya
  2. describe the characteristics of subsistence and small scale farming in Kenya
  3. desire to practice farming as an economic activity
Why do people practice farming?

Learners are guided to :

  • Brainstorm in pairs on the difference between subsistence and small scale farming
  • Find out from relevant sources the characteristics of subsistence farming
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures and paintings
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Agriculture: Farming Methods

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  1. Differentiate between subsistence and small scale farming in Kenya
  2. describe the characteristics of subsistence and small scale farming in Kenya
  3. desire to practice farming as an economic activity
Why do people practice farming?

Learners are guided to :

  • Brainstorm in pairs on the difference between subsistence and small scale farming
  • Find out from relevant sources the characteristics of subsistence farming
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures and paintings
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Importance of farming

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  1. Differentiate between subsistence and small scale farming in Kenya
  2. describe the characteristics of subsistence and small scale farming in Kenya
  3. desire to practice farming as an economic activity
Why do people practice farming?

Learners are guided to :

  • Brainstorm in pairs on the difference between subsistence and small scale farming
  • Find out from relevant sources the characteristics of subsistence farming
  • Develop in groups, a sack garden at school
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures and paintings
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Dairy Farming in Kenya

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  1. identify factors that favour dairy farming in Kenya
  2. locate areas where dairy farming is practiced in Kenya
  3. appreciate the importance of dairy farming in our country
Why do people keep dairy cattle?

Learners are guided to:

  • Use appropriate media to identify the dairy farming areas in Kenya
  • Draw a map of Kenya and indicate areas where dairy farming is practiced
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures and paintings
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Benefits of Dairy Farming in Kenya

By the end of the sub strand

the learner should be able to;

  1. state the benefits of dairy farming in our country
  2. locate areas where dairy farming is practiced in Kenya
  3. appreciate the importance of dairy farming in our country
Why do people keep dairy cattle?
  • Brainstorm in pairs, on the benefits of dairy farming in Kenya
  • Find out from relevant sources the benefits of dairy farming and write short notes
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures and paintings
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Challenges facing dairy farming in Kenya

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  1. explain challenges facing dairy farming in Kenya
  2. make posters on dairy animals
  3. appreciate the importance of dairy farming in our country
Why do people keep dairy cattle?
  • Undertake an imaginary visit to a dairy farm and do a write up on challenges facing dairy farming in Kenya
  • Develop a poster on dairy animals
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures and paintings
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio



Horticulture in Kenya

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  1. Identify the crops grown under horticulture in Kenya
  2. locate areas where horticulture is practiced in Kenya
  3. develop desire to grow horticulture crops
How is horticulture farming important to us in Kenya?

Learners are guided to

  • Brainstorm in pairs to identify the crops grown under horticulture in Kenya and share in class
  • Share experiences on horticultural crops 
  • Locate areas where horticulture is practiced in Kenya using appropriate media
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures and paintings
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Horticulture in Kenya

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  1. Identify the crops grown under horticulture in Kenya
  2. locate areas where horticulture is practiced in Kenya
  3. develop desire to grow horticulture crops
How is horticulture farming important to us in Kenya?

Learners are guided to

  • Brainstorm in pairs to identify the crops grown under horticulture in Kenya and share in class
  • Share experiences on horticultural crops 
  • Locate areas where horticulture is practiced in Kenya using appropriate media
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures and paintings
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Contribution of Horticulture farming in Kenya

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  1. Identify the crops grown under horticulture in Kenya
  2. locate areas where horticulture is practiced in Kenya
  3. develop desire to grow horticulture crops
  • Discuss in groups the contribution of horticulture to the economy of Kenya
  • Develop communication messages on importance of horticultural crops
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures and paintings
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Fishing in Kenya

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to 

  1. identify the main inland fishing grounds in Kenya
  2. describe methods of inland fishing in Kenya
  3. appreciate fish as source of food and income
Why is fishing important in our country?

Learners are guided to:

  • Identify the main inland fishing grounds in Kenya using digital resources/print media
  • Draw a map of Kenya showing the main inland fishing grounds
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Project Work
  2   Fishing in Kenya

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to 

  1. identify the main inland fishing grounds in Kenya
  2. describe methods of inland fishing in Kenya
  3. appreciate fish as source of food and income
Why is fishing important in our country?

Learners are guided to:

  • Discuss in groups methods of inland fishing in Kenya and report in class
  • Illustrate in groups fishing methods used in Kenya, display in class and do gallery walk to appreciate each other’s work
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Project Work


  Contribution of fishing to the economy of Kenya

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to 

  1. identify the main inland fishing grounds in Kenya
  2. describe methods of inland fishing in Kenya
  3. appreciate fish as source of food and income
Why is fishing important in our country?
  • Find out from relevant sources in groups the contribution of fishing to the economy of Kenya and write a summary
  • Engage with a resource person on the methods of inland fishing in Kenya
  • Develop posters, in pairs, on the importance of fishing in Kenya and share with members of the community
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Project Work


  Contribution of fishing to the economy of Kenya

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to 

  1. identify the main inland fishing grounds in Kenya
  2. describe methods of inland fishing in Kenya
  3. appreciate fish as source of food and income
Why is fishing important in our country?
  • Find out from relevant sources in groups the contribution of fishing to the economy of Kenya and write a summary
  • Engage with a resource person on the methods of inland fishing in Kenya
  • Develop posters, in pairs, on the importance of fishing in Kenya and share with members of the community
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Project Work


  Transport in Kenya: Forms of Transport

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to

  1. Identify modern forms of transport in Kenya
  2. observe safety when using roads
  3. appreciate role of modern forms of transport in development
How can we use our roads safely?

Learners are guided to:

  • Brainstorm in pairs to identify modern forms of transport in Kenya
  • Identify modern forms of transport in Kenya using appropriate media
  • Write down modern forms of transport identified and share in class
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Project Work


  Transport in Kenya: Forms of Transport

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to

  1. Identify modern forms of transport in Kenya
  2. observe safety when using roads
  3. appreciate role of modern forms of transport in development
How can we use our roads safely?

Learners are guided to:

  • Brainstorm in pairs to identify modern forms of transport in Kenya
  • Identify modern forms of transport in Kenya using appropriate media
  • Write down modern forms of transport identified and share in class
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Project Work


  Transport in Kenya: causes of road accidents

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to

  1. Identify modern forms of transport in Kenya
  2. observe safety when using roads
  3. appreciate role of modern forms of transport in development
How can we use our roads safely?

Learners are guided to:

  • Brainstorm in pairs to identify modern forms of transport in Kenya
  • Identify modern forms of transport in Kenya using appropriate media
  • Write down modern forms of transport identified and share in class
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Project Work


  Transport in Kenya: causes of road accidents

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to

  1. Identify modern forms of transport in Kenya
  2. observe safety when using roads
  3. appreciate role of modern forms of transport in development
How can we use our roads safely?  

Learners are guided to:

  • Brainstorm in pairs to identify modern forms of transport in Kenya
  • Identify modern forms of transport in Kenya using appropriate media
  • Write down modern forms of transport identified and share in class
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Project Work


  Transport in Kenya: causes of road accidents

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to

  1. Identify modern forms of transport in Kenya
  2. observe safety when using roads
  3. appreciate role of modern forms of transport in development
How can we use our roads safely?
  • Find out ways of observing road safety in Kenya using digital resources/appropriate media and write a report.
  • Visit a nearby children’s traffic park to learn more about road safety
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Project Work


  Communication: modern means of communication

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. identify modern means of communication in Kenya
  2. describe modern means of communication in Kenya
  3. appreciate the modern means of communication in Kenya
How do we communicate to other people?

Learners to be guided to:

  • Identify, in groups modern means of communication such as mobile phones, internet, television, radio and newspapers using appropriate media.
  • Describe in groups modern means of communication in Kenya using digital resources/ print media
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Communication: modern means of communication

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. identify modern means of communication in Kenya
  2. describe modern means of communication in Kenya
  3. appreciate the modern means of communication in Kenya
How do we communicate to other people?

Learners to be guided to:

  • Identify, in groups modern means of communication such as mobile phones, internet, television, radio and newspapers using appropriate media.
  • Describe in groups modern means of communication in Kenya using digital resources/ print media
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Communication: modern means of communication

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. identify modern means of communication in Kenya
  2. describe modern means of communication in Kenya
  3. appreciate the modern means of communication in Kenya
How do we communicate to other people?

Learners to be guided to:

  • Identify, in groups modern means of communication such as mobile phones, internet, television, radio and newspapers using appropriate media.
  • Describe in groups modern means of communication in Kenya using digital resources/ print media
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Wildlife and Tourism in Kenya

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  1. differentiate between a game reserve and a national park
  2. draw and locate game reserves and national parks on a map of Kenya
  3. desire to conserve our country’s wildlife
Why do tourists come to our country?

Learners are guided to:

  1. Brain storm in groups on the difference between a game reserve and a national park
  2. Draw a map of Kenya, locate and label game reserves and national parks and display in class
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Wildlife and Tourism in Kenya: Importance of wildlife

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  1. differentiate between a game reserve and a national park
  2. draw and locate game reserves and national parks on a map of Kenya
  3. desire to conserve our country’s wildlife
Why do tourists come to our country?

Discuss in groups the importance of wildlife in Kenya and do a presentation in class

  • Think, pair and share on who is a tourist.
  • Identify tourist attractions in Kenya using appropriate media
  • Brainstorm and list down the contribution of tourism to the economy of Kenya
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Wildlife and Tourism in Kenya: Importance of wildlife

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  1. differentiate between a game reserve and a national park
  2. draw and locate game reserves and national parks on a map of Kenya
  3. desire to conserve our country’s wildlife
Why do tourists come to our country?

Discuss in groups the importance of wildlife in Kenya and do a presentation in class

  • Think, pair and share on who is a tourist.
  • Identify tourist attractions in Kenya using appropriate media
  • Brainstorm and list down the contribution of tourism to the economy of Kenya
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Wildlife and Tourism in Kenya: Contribution of Tourism

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  1. explain contributions of tourism to the economy of our country
  2. outline ways of promoting tourism in the country
  3. desire to conserve our country’s wildlife
Why do tourists come to our country? 
  • Debate on the contribution of tourism to the economy of Kenya
  • Find out from parents/guardians and elders ways of promoting tourism in Kenya
  • Visit a nearby tourist attraction site and write a report
  • Write an essay on the importance of Museum as a cultural tourist attraction in Kenya
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Wildlife and Tourism in Kenya: Contribution of Tourism

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  1. explain contributions of tourism to the economy of our country
  2. outline ways of promoting tourism in the country
  3. desire to conserve our country’s wildlife
Why do tourists come to our country?
  • Debate on the contribution of tourism to the economy of Kenya
  • Find out from parents/guardians and elders ways of promoting tourism in Kenya
  • Visit a nearby tourist attraction site and write a report
  • Write an essay on the importance of Museum as a cultural tourist attraction in Kenya
  • Local and extended environment
  • Maps
  • Photographs, pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Internet sources
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
  4. Project Work
  5. Checklist
  6. Portfolio


  Mining in Kenya

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify major minerals found in the Country
  2. draw a map of Kenya and locate major minerals
  3. appreciate the importance of minerals found in our country
How do we benefit from the minerals found in our country?

Learners are guided to:

  • Brainstorm in pairs and  list the minerals found in Kenya (Soda ash, Diatomite , limestone, Salt, petroleum)
  • Identify in groups, minerals found in Kenya using appropriate media
  • Draw a map of Kenya and locate major minerals.
  • Maps
  • Photographs and pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Vetted digital resources, educational computer games
  1. Oral Questions
  2. Teacher made tests
  3. Observation
Read 644 times Last modified on Wednesday, 16 November 2022 07:00

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